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KIỂM TRA ĐG GIỮA KỲ II Chữ ký Số thứ Mật

Năm học 2021-2022 Giám thị tự mã
Lớp: ..…./..…. SBD:..........
Phòng: ............ Thời gian: 60 phút
Trường THCS Chu Văn An, Quận 11 (Không kể thời gian phát đề )

Chữ ký G.khảo Số thứ Mật

tự mã
(Ghi bằng chữ và số)

I. Choose the one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other
words. (0.5pt)
1. A. bag B. plastic C. trash D. station
2. A. picks B. protects C. visits D. reuses
II. Choose the one word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others. (0.5pt)
3. A. police B. fiction C. charity D. wildlife
4. A. exciting B. movie C. terrible D. travel
III. Choose the one word or phrase ( A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence. (2.5pts)
5. Tom thinks action movie is _______.
A. tall B. exciting C. fried D. lucky
6. Please tell me _______ to protect the Earth.
A. what should we do B. what do should we C. what we do should D. what we should do
7. Do you want to see a movie _______ August 5?
A. on B. in C. with D. for
8. Act Green Vietnam plans _______ somewhere in Vietnam.
A. to cleaning B. cleaned C. to clean D. cleans
9. Don’t _______ away the trash!
A. throwing B. throws C. throw D. is throwing
10. _______ can I help Trash Hero World? – You can start a cleanup.
A. Where B. What time C. How D. How often
11. Were his classmates sad? - _______.
A. Yes, he was. B. Yes, they weren’t C. Yes, he did. D. No, they weren’t
12. Daisy: What does the World Wide Fund for Nature do?
Mark: _______________________.
A. They protect wildlife. B. They work in many countries.
C. Yes, it does. D. They started in 1961.
13. The bus station is _______ the subway and the library.
A. next B. between C. on D. at
14. I always pick up trash on the beach _______ I see it.
A. when B. so C. how D. and

IV. Look at the sign/picture. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for each sign/picture. (0.5 pt)
15. Where are the people?

A. At the library.
B. At the police station.
C. At the hospital.
D. At the post office.
16. What does the sign say?
A. Don’t run around.
B. Don’t run in circles.
C. We can recycle this thing.
D. We can reuse this thing.

V. Read the following passage. Decide if the statements 17 and 18 are True or False and choose the
correct answer (A, B, C or D) for the questions 19 and 20. (1 pt)
3Rs Club
If you follow the ten tips below, you will become ‘greener’.
1. Talk to teachers at school about putting recycling bins in every classroom.
2. Reuse your plastic bags.
3. Use refillable pens and pencils.
4. Use reusable water bottles instead of plastic ones.
5. Give last year’s clothes to charity instead of throwing them away.
6. Swap your clothes with your friends or cousins.
7. Grow your own vegetables.
8. Turn the tap off when you brush your teeth or wash the dishes.
9. Walk more.
10. Find creative ways to reuse old items before throwing them away.
17. You should buy pens or pencils that you can use many times. __________
18. Don’t turn the tap on when brushing teeth or washing the dishes. __________
19. According to the one tip, people _____.
A. should throw away old clothes B. should reuse old items
C. shouldn’t go on foot D. should buy new items they like
20. What is the passage mainly about? -_____
A. People should become ‘greener’.
B. 3Rs Club is a charity that helps people protect the environment.
C. There are many ways for people to become ‘greener’.
D. People like to become ‘greener’.

VI. Choose the one word/phrase given in the box that best fits each blank space in the following
passage. The words/phrases are given more than needed. (1.5 pts)

there – and – job – cook – at – eat – service – in – sunbathing

In front of the main entrance to the castle there’s a rose garden and a pretty fountain which is lit up
(21)_______________ night. In the back garden there’s a heated swimming pool with a wonderful
terrace for (22)_______________.
There’s room in the castle for 20 people to sleep. There are 10 bedrooms on the first and second floor,
all of which have a television, and (23)_______________ are six bathrooms. There’s a large formal
dining room on the ground floor, where eight people can (24)_______________, and there’s a dining
area outside where all 20 guests can have dinner together.
For relaxing in the evening, there’s a large living room with sofas and armchairs. Downstairs there’s
also a study (25)_______________ a very spacious kitchen with doors to the garden.
The house is cleaned twice a week and there is a babysitting (26)_______________.
VII. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. (1 pt)
27. Do you know any _______________ charities? – Yes. There’s one near here. (environment)
28. _______________ is very important to people because it can give us food and medicine. (Wild)
29. I _______________ using an air conditioner because it can make me feel sick. (like)
30. Don’t see that film. It is _______________ boring. (awful)
VIII. Rearrange the (groups of) words in a correct order to make complete sentences. (0.5 pt)
31. There was no / this movie / action / adventure in / or /.

32. What / for / Quang Trung King / was / famous / ?

IX. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means (almost) the same as the
sentence printed before it. (2 pts.)
33. To the right of the post office is a supermarket and to the left is a coffee house.
The post office is________________________________________________________________
34. I think watching a horror film at 0:00 is awful.
I think it is_____________________________________________________________________
35. The shopping mall was very comfortable.
It was_________________________________________________________________________
36. Don’t use too many plastic bags.
You __________________________________________________________________________

------------- THE END -----------

Họ tên:................................................. KIỂM TRA ĐG GIỮA KỲ II Chữ ký Số thứ Mật
Năm học 2022-2023 Giám thị tự mã
Lớp: ..…./..…. SBD:..........
Phòng: ............ Thời gian: 60 phút
Trường THCS Chu Văn An, Quận 11 (Không kể thời gian phát đề )

Chữ ký G.khảo Số thứ Mật

tự mã
(Ghi bằng chữ và số)

I. Choose the underlined part pronounced differently from the other three. (0.5 pt)
1. A. stop B. castle C. station D. stamp
2. A. single B. plastic C. simple D. bottle
II. Choose the word with the main stress put on the different position to that of the other three. (0.5 pt)
3. A. comic B. between C. soldier D. movie
4. A. character B. mystery C. wonderful D. amazing
III. Choose the one word or phrase ( A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence. (1.5pts)
21. Do you want to go to the movie ______ Saturday morning? – Sure.
A. in B. on C. for D. about
22. Joe Biden ______ born on November 20th, 1942.
A. is B. does C. was D. do
23. We got these schoolbags for ______. We
didn’t have to pay any money for them.
A. fun B. free C. dollar D. movie
24. I want to send a letter. Let’s go to the ______ over there.
A. stadium B. library C. hospital D. post office
25. ______ was the movie “Remember you” on? – At 7 p.m.
A. How B. What time C. Where D. When
26. Was the children’s teacher sad? - _______
A. Yes, he wasn’t. B. Yes, they did. C. Yes, they were. D. No, he wasn’t.
IV. Read the following passage. Decide if the statements 11 to 14 are True or False. (1 pt)
What can we do to protect the environment? It is very easy. We just do some simple actions at home,
in our neighborhood, at school and we can save our environment to enjoy a healthy life. At home, we
can clean the floor every day, empty the garbage, plant more trees and remember to reuse plastic bags,
bottles, glass jars. In the neighborhood, we can start a cleanup program every week so that everyone
can clean the alleys, streets on Sundays, we can plant many young trees along the sidewalks and draw
pictures or posters on the walls about saving the environment. At school, we should sweep the floor of
our class every day, water the trees, pick up trash in the school yard and remember to throw trash into
the garbage bins. I think everybody can do these simple things to protect our earth.
11. Protecting the environment isn’t easy. __________
12. At home, we can reuse plastic bags, bottles and glass jars. __________



13. In the neighborhood, we can empty the garbage. __________

14. At school, we can throw trash into the garbage bins. __________
V. Choose the one word/phrase given in the box that best fits each blank space in the following
passage. The words/phrases are given more than needed. (1.5 pts)

and – has – feelings – it – them – have – Comedy – but – bad

I think every kind of movie has its good sides and (15)______________ sides. Action movies are
exciting to watch (16)______________ they are sometimes so violent or adventurous. Science fiction
movies help us to become superheroes who we can’t find in real life. (17)_______________ movies
make us laugh and relax but sometimes there are some silly jokes. Drama movies are good for people
who (18)______________ a lot of time. If you are busy, don't watch dramas. Animated movies are
nice for children and some adults also like (19)______________. Finally horror movies are very
scary. However, you can find strong (20)______________ by watching this kind of movies. How
about you? What kind of movies will you choose?
VI. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. (1 pt)
21. They should use __________________ paper for those boxes to save money. (recycle)
22. To help the WWF, you can ___________________ money or old clothes. (donation)
23. The cartoon “Tom and Jerry” is very __________________. (fun)
24. Quang Trung won many battles against ___________________ and became king. (invade)
VII/ Give the correct form/tense of the verb given in each sentence. (0.5pt)
25. George Washington _______________ the first president of the United States of America. (be)
26. You can help Trees for the Future by _______________ trees. (plant)
VIII/ Match the sentences in column A with the ones in column B correctly. (1.5pts)
27. I think recycling is important. A. It’s next to the police station.
28. Where is the train station? B. Houses and schools.
29. Why should we plant trees? C. We agree with you.
30. Is there a hospital near here? D. Yes, I do.
31. Do you like animated movies? E. Because they change lives.
32. What can we build with trees? F. Yes, there is.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
IX. Rearrange the (groups of) words in a correct order to make complete sentences. (0.5 pt)
33. How / Act Green Vietnam / can / help / I / ?



34. He / on the back of / a great battle / won / an elephant /.

X. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means (almost) the same as the
sentence printed before it. (1.5 pts.)
35. Why don’t we donate our old books to children in the countryside?
How about_____________________________________________________________________
36. Don’t put all kinds of trash in a trash can.
You shouldn’t___________________________________________________________________
37. My house is between a sea and a mountain.
My house is to the left of__________________________________________________________

------------- THE END -----------

Họ tên:................................................. KIỂM TRA ĐG GIỮA KỲ II Chữ ký Số thứ Mật
Năm học 2022-2023 Giám thị tự mã
Lớp: ..…./..…. SBD:..........
Phòng: ............ Thời gian: 60 phút
Trường THCS Chu Văn An, Quận 11 (Không kể thời gian phát đề )

Chữ ký G.khảo Số thứ Mật

tự mã
(Ghi bằng chữ và số)

I. Choose the underlined part pronounced differently from the other three. (0.5 pt)
1. A. street B. listen C. plastic D. first
2. A. recycle B. glass C. castle D. should
II. Choose the word with the main stress put on the different position to that of the other three. (0.5 pt)
3. A. newspaper B. fantastic C. charity D. comedy
4. A. awful B. drama C. horror D. become
III. Choose the one word or phrase ( A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence. (1.5pts)
27. The movie is on ______ April 1st, right? – Sure.
A. in B. on C. for D. about
28. He ______ at home last night.
A. isn't B. didn’t C. wasn’t D. weren’t
29. We felt sad, so we sang some songs for
A. free B. fun C. dollar D. movie
30. I want to borrow some books. Where’s the school ______? – On the first floor
A. stadium B. post office C. hospital D. library
31. ______ was the movie “Remember you”? – I think it was great.
A. What time B. How C. Where D. When
32. Was the children’s mom sad? - _______
A. Yes, he was. B. Yes, they were. C. No, they weren’t. D. No, she wasn’t.
IV. Read the following passage. Decide if the statements 11 to 14 are True or False. (1 pt)
What can we do to protect the environment? It is very easy. We just do some simple actions at home,
in our neighborhood, at school and we can save our environment to enjoy a healthy life. At home, we
can clean the floor every day, empty the garbage, plant more trees and remember to reuse plastic bags,
bottles, glass jars. In the neighborhood, we can start a cleanup program every week so that everyone
can clean the alleys, streets on Sundays, we can plant many young trees along the sidewalks and draw
pictures or posters on the walls about saving the environment. At school, we should sweep the floor of
our class every day, water the trees, pick up trash in the school yard and remember to throw trash into
the garbage bins. I think everybody can do these simple things to protect our earth.
15. It’s difficult to protect the environment. __________
16. At home, we can plant more trees. __________



17. In the neighborhood, we can clean the sidewalks. __________

18. The writer thinks everybody can protect the environment. __________
V. Choose the one word/phrase given in the box that best fits each blank space in the following
passage. The words/phrases are given more than needed. (1.5 pts)

and – has – feelings – it – them – have – comedy – but – bad

I think every kind of movie has both good and (15)______________ sides. It is exciting to watch
action movies, (16)______________ sometimes they are so violent or adventurous. Science fiction
movies help us to become superheroes who we can’t find in real life. When we see
(17)_______________ movies, we can laugh and relax but sometimes there are some silly jokes. For
people who (18)______________ a lot of time, they can enjoy drama movies. If you are busy, don't
watch dramas. Most children like animated movies and some adults also love to watch
(19)______________. Finally horror movies are very scary. However, they can give you strong
(20)______________ when you watch this kind of movies. How about you? What kind of movies
will you choose?
VI. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. (1 pt)
21. There should be __________________ bins in schools. (recycle)
38. Your ___________________ of any kind is always highly appreciated. (donate)
39. You can donate any __________________ things to the charities. (use)
40. You can save money by ___________________ old things if possible. (use)
VII/ Give the correct form/tense of the verb given in each sentence. (0.5pt)
41. You can’t do this exercise because you _______________ in class yesterday. (not, be)
42. You can help Meals for the Poor with _______________ in their soup kitchen. (work)
VIII/ Match the sentences in column A with the ones in column B correctly. (1.5pts)
43. We should reuse things. A. August 1 , 1783.
44. When was he born? B. I saw a sad drama and now I miss it.
45. How can we help? C. I agree so we can save money.
46. Was the movie exciting? D. Cartoons.
47. What’s your favorite kind of movie? E. You can donate money or work for them.
48. Why are you crying? F. Yes, it was.
27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.
IX. Rearrange the (groups of) words in a correct order to make complete sentences. (0.5 pt)
49. I don’t / horror films / because they / like / are so scary / .



50. Do you / in your school’s / take part / often / charity programs / ?

X. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means (almost) the same as the
sentence printed before it. (1.5 pts.)
51. Why don’t we clean the neighborhood every weekend?
How about_____________________________________________________________________
52. Don’t leave trash after a meeting.
You shouldn’t___________________________________________________________________
53. My school is between a park and a sports center.
My school is to the left of_________________________________________________________

------------- THE END -----------

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