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Engine room resource management is a model course of STCW 2010, section A-III-1 and section A-III-2
for operational & mangement level.

Purpose of ERM:

The purpose of ERM is to reduce the risk of accidents at sea. It is a method of using all available
resources to conduct the engineering operation & run a vessel safely. The resources involve are both
equipment & people. It takes both traditional skills to operate the equipment safely as well as
managerial skills to use the personnel resources to their potential.

Contents of ERM:


i) In order to achieve a sound and effective engine watch, defined procedures as well as c/e’s standing
order are essential.

ii) Effective procedure will minimize the risk of accidents.

iii) No one should be assigned more than they can handle and no duties should be reassigned without
notifying the engineer on watch.

iv) The engineer on watch should be vigilant in assigning duties during important situation such as arrival
or departure.

v) Checklist should be used; it is a good feed in memory aid used to accomplish a series of tasks.

2) Team building:

Successful teams have member that support each other and enhance one others skill. A good engine
room team requires positive attitude & partnership. They all must desire to contribute for the safe &
efficient operation of engine room.

3) situation awareness:

It includes:

i) Knowing your ship, machineries & spaces.

ii) The normal operating parameters.
iii) All safety hazards.
iv) The system/plant status.
v) The on duty crew’s condition including fatigue & illness.
vi) Engine crew knowledge & familiarity with the ship.
4) Error trapping:

Three types of error normally occurred onboard ship. They are:

i) Incorrect planning.
ii) Incorrect sending & receiving of information. (i.e. poor communication)
iii) Incorrect action.

Accident s are rarely caused by a single event, it is usually a sequence of chain of events that caused an
accident. Breaking a narrow chain or error trapping is essential to prevent accidents.

5) Communication:

It is defined as the exchange of information, thoughts & feelings. Effective communication is the
exchange of information in a clear & understood manner.

It includes the sender, the message, the receiver & the feedback.

It is very important for the success of the organization and in achieving goal.

6) Stress:

Exhausting workload can cause stress. Too much stress diminishes situational awareness and cause

Good engine room team members will recognize and accommodate stress of other team members.
During assigning tasks to anyone must keep in mind the capability & experience of the personnel to
avoid high individual workload.

7) Fatigue:

Fatigue is defined as tiredness and exhaustion due to

i) Excessive workload
ii) Over duty
iii) Inadequate sound sleep
iv) Cumulative effects of poor sleeps over several days.

Fatigue causes:

i) Slows visual perception.

ii) Slows decision making.
iii) Slows memory tasks.
iv) Slows mental calculations.
v) Slows task performance.
vi) Decrease morale & motivation.
vii) Poor communication.
viii) Sleepy on duty.
8 hrs sleeps normally required in a 24 hrs period to avoid creating sleep debt. Develop and practice a
good sleep routine. A dark, quiet & comfortable temperature room is important. Regular exercise will
also improve quality of sleep. Strategic napping & good sleep habits are also part of the preventive
strategy to fatigue.

The following will also increase the alertness on watch:

i) Physical action/ movement.

ii) Conversation on professional topics.
iii) Strategic caffeine consumption.
iv) Balance nutrition.
v) Staying well hydrated.

8) Leadership:

The strength of the engine room team is determined by the strength of their leader. The following are
some criteria of a good leader:

i) Remain calm & consistent even during crisis situation without being panic.
ii) Share information, knowledge & experience.
iii) Communicate openly.
iv) Encourage participation.
v) Respects others.
vi) Ability to share workload.
vii) Maintaining a positive attitude.
viii) Honesty
ix) Realistic decision making.
x) Maintaining a good working environment.

9) Group decision making:

ERM is based upon synergy. The total of the individual decision in cooperation is greater than the sum of
the individual decision taken by them. Good team members share the responsibility for solving
problems by contributing valuable information timely to the team leader.

10) Cultural diversity:

Effective ERM requires the understanding and respect for different cultures within our society. It is
important that ERM is the common goal. Open communication limits conflict and some individualism
can exist with the team

Key to effective ERM:

1) Ensure proper arrangement of personnel.

2) Understanding the rules & regulation.
3) Understanding the function & operation of equipment.
4) Effective communication.
5) Sharing information & skills with the junior.
6) Good situation awareness.
7) Emergency preparedness.
8) Defined organization & procedures.
9) Leadership.
10) Group decision making
11) Teamwork
12) Realistic decision making considering workload.

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