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Phonetics, from the Greek word fōnḗ, is the branch of linguistics that deals

with the physical production and reception of sound. We call these distinct
sounds phones. Phonetics is not concerned with the meaning of sounds but
instead focuses on the production, transmission, and reception of sound. It
is a universal study and is not specific to any particular language.

An example of two phonetic sounds is the two “th” sounds in English: there
is the voiceless fricative /θ/ and the voiced fricative /ð/. One is used to
transcribe words like think [θɪŋk] and path [pæθ], and the other is used for
words like them [ðɛm] and brother [ˈbrʌðər].

Phonetics and linguistics

Phonetics studies speech sounds from different viewpoints and is broken
down into three categories that are studied in linguistics:

 Articulatory phonetics: the production of speech sounds

 Acoustic phonetics: the physical way speech sounds travel
 Auditory phonetics: the way people perceive speech sounds

Phonetics and phonics are often used interchangeably, but they are not quite
the same. Phonics is a teaching method that helps students associate sounds
with letters and is an essential part of teaching reading skills.

Articulatory phonetics
Articulatory phonetics is:

The study of how humans use their speech organs to produce specific sounds.
Articulatory phonetics is concerned with the way sounds are created and aims
to explain how we move our speech organs (articulators) to produce certain
sounds. Generally speaking, articulatory phonetics looks at how aerodynamic
energy (airflow through the vocal tract) is transformed into acoustic energy
Humans can produce sound simply by expelling air from the lungs; however,
we can produce (and pronounce) a large number of different sounds by
moving and manipulating our speech organs (articulators).

Our speech organs are:

 Lips
 Teeth
 Tongue
 Palate
 Uvula (the teardrop-shaped soft tissue that hangs at the back of your
 Nasal and oral cavities
 Vocal cords

Pronunciation in phonetics
Usually, two speech organs make contact with each other to affect the airflow
and create a sound. The point where the two speech organs make the most
contact is named the place of articulation. The way in which the contact
forms and then releases is named the manner of articulation.

Let's look at the [p] sound as an example.

To produce the [p] sound, we join our lips together tightly (place of
articulation). This causes a slight build-up of air, which is then released when
the lips part (manner of articulation), creating a burst of sound associated
with the letter P in English.
In English, there are two main sounds we create: consonants and vowels.

Consonants are speech sounds created by the partial or total closure of

the vocal tract. In contrast, vowels are speech sounds produced
without stricture in the vocal tract (meaning the vocal tract is open and the
air can escape without generating a fricative or plosive sound).
Let's take a closer look at the production of consonant and vowel sounds.

“A consonant is a speech sound which is pronounced by stopping the air
from flowing easily through the mouth, especially by closing the lips or
touching the teeth with the tongue”.

(Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary)

The study of the production of consonant sounds can be divided into three
areas: voice, place of articulation, and manner of articulation.

In articulatory phonetics, voice refers to the presence or absence of vibration
of the vocal cords.

There are two types of sound:

 Voiceless sounds - These are made when the air passes through the
vocal folds, with no vibration during the production of sounds, like [s]
as in sip.
 Voiced sounds - These are made when the air passes through the vocal
folds, with vibration during the production of sounds like [z] as in zip.

Practice! - Put your hand on your throat and make the [s] and [z] sounds in
succession. Which one produces the vibration?

Place of Articulation
The place of articulation refers to the point where the construction of airflow
takes place.

There are seven different types of sounds based on the place of articulation:

 Bilabial - Sounds produced with both lips, such as [p], [b], [m].
 Labiodentals - Sounds produced with the upper teeth and the lower lip,
such as [f] and [v].
 Interdental - Sounds produced with the tongue in between the upper
and lower teeth, such as [θ] (the 'th' sound in think).
 Alveolar - Sounds produced with the tongue at or near the ridge right
behind upper front teeth, such as [t], [d], [s].
 Palatal - Sounds produced at the hard palate or the roof of the mouth,
such as [j], [ʒ] (measure), [ʃ] (should).
 Velars - Sounds produced at the velum or soft palate, such as [k] and
 Glottals - Sounds produced at the glottis or the space between the
vocal folds, such as [h] or the glottal stop sound [ʔ] (as in uh-oh).

Manner of Articulation
Manner of articulation examines the arrangement and interaction between the
articulators (speech organs) during the production of speech sounds..

In phonetics, speech sounds can be divided into five different types based on
the manner of articulation.

 Plosive (aka stops) - sounds made by the obstruction and release of the
air stream from the lungs. Plosive sounds are harsh sounds, such as [p,
t, k, b, d, g].
 Fricative - sounds formed when two articulators come close but don't
touch, forming a small gap in the vocal tract. Since the airflow is
obstructed, this small gap generates audible friction, such as [f, v, z, ʃ,
 Affricate sounds - these sounds are the result of plosive and fricative
sounds happening in rapid succession. For example, the affricate [tʃ]
represents [t] plus [ʃ], just as the affricate [dʒ] results from [d] plus [ʒ].
The first of these is unvoiced and the second is voiced.

 Nasal sounds - produced when the air passes through the nasal
cavity instead of out through the mouth, such as [m, n, ŋ].
 Approximant - sounds made with partial obstruction of the airflow
from the mouth. This means some sounds are coming out of the nose
and some from the mouth, such as [l, ɹ, w, j].

“A vowel is a speech sound produced when the breath flows out through
the mouth without being blocked by the teeth, tongue, or lips”.

(Cambridge Learner’s Dictionary)

Linguists describe vowel sounds according to three criteria: Height,
Backness and Roundness.

Height refers to how high or low the tongue is in the mouth when producing a
vowel. For example, consider the vowel sounds, [ɪ] (as in sit) and [a] (as
in cat). If you say both of these vowels in succession, you should feel
your tongue going up and down.

In terms of height, vowels are either considered: high vowels,

mid vowels, or low vowels.

 [ɪ] as in bit is an example of a high vowel.

 [ɛ] as in bed is an example of a mid vowel.
 [ɑ] as in hot is an example of a low vowel.

Backness focuses on the horizontal movement of the tongue. Consider the
two vowels [ɪ] (as in sit) and [u] (as in umbrella) and pronounce them one
after the other. Your tongue should be moving forward and backwards.

In terms of backness,vowels are either considered: front vowels, central

vowels, or back vowels.

 [i:] as in feel, is an example of a front vowel.

 [ə] as in again, is an example of a central vowel.
 [u:] as in boot, is an example of a back vowel.

Roundedness refers to whether or not the lips
are rounded or unrounded when producing the vowel sound. When we
pronounce rounded vowels, our lips are open and extended to some degree.
An example of a rounded vowel is [ʊ] as in put.

When we pronounce unrounded vowels, our lips are spread and the corners
of the mouth are pulled back to some degree. An example of an unrounded
vowel is [ɪ] as in bit.

Acoustic phonetics
Acoustic phonetics is:

The study of how speech sounds travel, from the moment they are produced
by the speaker until they reach the listener's ear.
Acoustic phonetics looks at the physical properties of sound, including
the frequency, intensity, and duration, and analyses how sound is

When sound is produced, it creates a sound wave that travels through the
acoustic medium (this is usually the air, but it could also be water, wood,
metal etc., as sound can travel through anything except a vacuum!). When the
sound wave reaches our eardrums, it causes them to vibrate; our auditory
system then converts these vibrations into neural impulses. We experience
these neural impulses as sound.
Sound wave - A pressure wave that causes particles in the surrounding
acoustic medium to vibrate.
Linguists examine the movement of sound by studying the sound waves that
are created during speech. There are four different properties of sound
waves: wavelength, period, amplitude, and frequency.
Fig. 1 - A sound wave includes the different properties of amplitude, distance
and wavelength.

Auditory phonetics
Auditory phonetics is:

The study of how people hear speech sounds. It is concerned with speech
This branch of phonetics studies the reception and response to speech sounds,
mediated by the ears, the auditory nerves, and the brain. While the
properties of acoustic phonetics are objectively measurable, the auditory
sensations examined in auditory phonetics are more subjective and are
typically studied by asking listeners to report on their perceptions. Thus,
auditory phonetics studies the relationship between speech and the listener's

Let's look at the basics of how our auditory and hearing system works.

As sound waves travel through the acoustic medium, they cause the
molecules around them to vibrate. When these vibrating molecules reach
your ear, they cause the eardrum to vibrate too. This vibration travels from
the eardrum to three small bones within the middle ear: the mallet, the
incus, and the stirrup.

Fig. 2 - The three small bones in the middle ear are collectively called the

The vibration is carried to the inner ear and into the cochlea via the stirrup.
The cochlea is a small snail shell-shaped chamber within the inner ear, which
contains the sensory organ of hearing.
The cochlea converts the vibrations into neural signals which are then
transmitted to the brain. It is in the brain where the vibrations are identified as
actual sound.

Auditory phonetics can be particularly useful in the medical field as not

everyone can easily decipher different sounds. For instance, some people
suffer from Auditory Processing Disorder (APD), which is a disconnect
between hearing and processing sounds. For example, if you asked a person
who suffers from Auditory Processing Disorder, “Can you close the door?”,
they may hear something like “Can you doze the poor?” instead, as the
disorder makes it more difficult to decipher sounds.

Phonetic sounds and symbols

To transcribe phonetic sounds into symbols, we use the International
Phonetic Alphabet.

The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is a system for representing

phonetic sounds (phones) with symbols. It helps us transcribe and analyse
speech sounds.
The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) was developed by the language
teacher Paul Passy in 1888 and is a system of phonetic symbols based
primarily on Latin script. The chart was initially developed as a way of
accurately representing speech sounds.

The IPA aims to represent all qualities of speech and sounds present in
language, including phones, phonemes, intonation, gaps between sounds, and
syllables. The IPA symbols consist of letter-like symbols, diacritics, or both.

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