Secretary 1046 24

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Code No. : 1046/2924 Question Booklet Alpha Code Total No. of Questions 55 Time : 2 Hours Each question Carries hat my, I 1 W 10. 11 12. k Choose the correct artery for the lowing Theyfouns— A) the ©A8is in the des ene c) a Weather is. AA NCe today 8) An og A) knew 8) know ©) had known Father is not at home, he (go) out A) has gone 8) had gone c) went Ws time we (return) home. “ A) retyin B) returns ©) retumed He sald that he (post) tne fetter, ‘ A)__ has posted 8) had posted ©) posted ‘She said that she (help) her friend, A) she would 8) wilhelp/ ©) helped Please ting me up as soon as he (come) A) come B) comes C) came {Fit (rain), we shall not go out A) rain B) tamed C) rans, She (be) a leacher since 2004 A) is being B) has peen Cc) was When he came, it(be) all over A) was 8) were o | (have) my dinner an hour ago. nee 8) have C) nad 3 Marks : 80 (160 = %) 9) D) 0) 0) D) 5) 0) o> 0) 0) 0) 2 of these None of nese known 90 returning post helps went 's raining will be was having 1046/2024 & UL 13. 14, 15. 16. 47. 18. vi 19. 20. Choo: Se the correct preposition for he following « ——_. , she is clever, she atten makes mistakes A) AN though B) Since C) Despite 7 he fireman managed to put he fire A yo B) down Cc) cut 2 Choose the correct synonym for the folowing : Baffle Ay Confuse 8) Sure ©) Chersh 2 Hypocrisy A) Accuracy B) Correctness ©) Fa'seness_ Choose the carect meaning of the pase forthe Fotownd Pacity A) Appease 2) Restrict cy Indiet Quarantine 5) Accompani cy Seclusion ~ A) Inclusion ) ipaniment Mv artonym forte fllowng Choose the Dainty 5) clumsy cy Deleate A pol amateut a) Thifler ic) bane essiont! a fio o) ) oD) Dy od) D) 1p) inspite D) on Smile Happiness: Intunate Rejection Ditty Etficieny 1946/2024 ai. 22. 23. 24, 25, 26. 27. 28, 29, 30, SS vio ise PPESder oa. lan A soz eno yore Obert a Ree vet Masatsugu Asakawa’ kal Lamy NRI Day iS Observe gy whi D) Pas! the top, A) January 9 evn dategp ¢) March 9 oy rebwary9 / Db) February 14 Correcting e170°8 in a comp A) Clearing "et orams ealeg €) Reconciliation 8) Rectification b) Debusaipa Which ofthe following is the fa istest s; A) RAM lem memory? 8) ROM ©) Cache memory D) Both (A) and (8) Who is the top goal scorer in Footbal history? A) Pele // B) Lionel Messi C) Romario D) Christiano Ronaldo Who among the following has wen a Calendar Vest Golden Stan? A) Bob Byan / B) SteffiGGrat ©) Serena Williams 0) Andre Agasi Which was the first classical language declared in India? A) Kannada g 8) Telugu ©) Tamit D) Sanskrit _, What was the first name of All India Rado? A) Akashvani 8) / Indian State Broadcasting Corporation C) Indian Broadcasting Foundation D) Indian State Broadcasting Service in 2022? Who was honoured with “Kerala Jyotn” in20 & T. Madhava Menon A) M-T. Vasudevan Nair 7 lava Menon 7 Mam ©) Omeheny cae ze 2023? Who won the International Booker Prize ®) Geetanjali Shree A) Shehan Karuna Thilake : Georgi Gospodinov C) kiran Desal L "248129, 31 32. 33. 34. 35, 36. 37. 38. 39, 40. Name the Chota King who bult Gangakonda Cholapuram A) Rajaraja Chota | 8) Rajendra Chola t ©) Rajaghiraja Chola Wy 9) Kutothunga Chola it Which British Govemor General made "Sat practice” ilegal and punishable? A) Lord Mountbatten B) Warren Hastings C) Lord Wellesley D) Lord William Bentincyy Which among the following is the oldest veda? A) Yajurveda B) C) Rigveda D Samaveda Atharvaveda _ River Indus empties into which water body? A) Atlantic Ocean” 8) _ Indian Ocean C) Bayot Bengal D) Arabian Sea What is the first month of the Islamic Calendar? A) Ramadan 8) Rajab C) Muharram D) Safar Which planet in the solar system has the slowest rotation? A) Venus B) Uranus D) Mercury C) Neptune ) y. The year when St. Thomas landed in Incia, A) ada? By AD53 Cc) aDs2 D) AD 62 How many districts were there in kerala in January 1958? 8) 6 A) » 7 5 c) 8 d) ission? sent Chairman of the Central Vigilance Commission a Wii Das 8) Kushvinder Vora an pb) PK Srivastava Cc) KN. Vyas_7 » ted as the 25" Chief Election Commissioner of India? B) Sunil Arora _- bd) GC. Murmu Who is appcin' A) Sushil Chandra ¢) Rajiv Kumar i) ( 50, | ws = { \s + t a . S| 2 saa He Mis house, hep tuned right and ie er ou WING right covered 20-4 How far Kuy/'s frONT i ! 2 . 40km East hess G10 km West 0 Manotaran drove 45 | - m East and WAKE 26 jn fe (ho West trot direction? inally Aj 40m North 8) Ina certain code, GREEN is wrt A) RKP 4998 ITEGP, then how will KING bo writen in the same code 8) tum ©) MKPI b) PKMI fn - cH What will be the next v A a in REx number inthe saniesy ee oO, 1. 4,27, 18.125, 96, 9 ay as ) ) 25 Sad. Db) 72 Sy c) faa ) In the following question Arrange t) der and solect correct crdor from the options 9 the given words in a meaningful and ascending order yee 1. Fruit ¢ BQ yo 7 2 Pollen 2 ye) c = 3. Corolla ord < 4 Stamen s Ay B/ 2341 cy 24,34 2) 1,3,.4,2 Arun and Preetha celebrated their first wedding anniversary on Sunday, the 5” of December 1993. What would be the day of their wedding anniversary in 19977 A) Wednesday B) — Saturtay C) Thursday D) Friday Ramu walked 8 kms west and fumed nght and walked 3 kms. Then again he tumed right and walked 12. kms, How far is he from the starting point? ‘ A) Skm By) 7km Cc) akm O) ¢ 4am) & There are 222 oranges ina basket, Aboy kes OG oranges from it and eoplaces then by 12 appves. Hoy continues to do so tt athe oranges ae ea! BY Aprles. Determine the numberof apples put m yoae basket a A) 384 B) 528 Cc) 676 i Dp) ft 4 oO z Av of 4 I+ means «,—means x, + means ¢ and means =, then YO LAG <¢ 63. 24484 442-357 a : z A) 106 B) St oh ter °) 4a ‘ 2 Sineckig What is the norma interest earned by Aiwten e vested Rs 8420 @ 10% interedf for 3 years? C) ase . A) 2625 By 2026 8 oy bés2 Find out the wrong term in the given seres 49. 48, 45, 42, 33,24, 13 A) a g = B 56, fod 91. 92. Amember of co-operative sociaty shall be expelled from the soc: ty ifthe member Became a detaulter of tie society m Bcl adversely to the interest of he society 5) S2tving the same business as is BEND CaMied on by the society °) a has been surcharged uls 68 of the KCS Act 1909, uo of A eiseute arise between a co-operative S0sicty and a member of that society regarding tne 155 identty card to that monoce during election period. Who seitle this dispute? fi Registrar B) State co-operative election commissiol ©) Returning officer D) Electoral officer n, Control angannall appoint state co-operative election commission fer the superintendence, directio Control and conduct of election of managing committee of a co-operative society A) State Election commission 8) State Government Co-operative Minister D) Governor ‘The powers of Director of co-operative audit appointed under section 63 of the KCS Act 1959 shall be conferred to A) Subordnates of Director of co-operative audit B) Subordinates of Registrar 6) Subordinates of Director of co-operative audit and subordinates of Registrar D) . Any person 4 revitalization proposal under Section 71(3} shall not apply A) If the number of members of the society falls below 28 B) Ifthe society fails to commence its business within six months from the date of registration C) Number of actual workers falls below the prescribed limit D)_- Allofthe above An appeal filed before the government against the surcharge order issued by the Registrar shalt b disposed by the authority within ——_ "ror the date of appeal. i A) 2 months~ B) 3 months C) 6 months D) one year The audit fee payable by a primary coir Vyavasaya Co-operative Society is A) 10,000 8) 25.000 C) — %of the audit fee calculated D) Noaudit fee ~ Which of the following authority have no fight to conduct an inspection under Section gg of KCS Act 1969? he A) Registrar on his own motion * B) Apex society of financing bany> C) — Federal co-operative society D) Circle co-operate union, . A society shall not issue a loan to any person or society olher than @ member But this "tition 1 a be applicable to not A) Urban Co-operative Bank ~ ik B) Kerala Ban! . tive Rural Banks D Kora State Co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Bank « A co-operati invest thal e? ive society which accept deposits and loans in excess of the limb fixed in the ya ay CE a i Ne eDaVMErt of he amount * " ing bank ti ‘nt of the amt A)” the tea oprertal activities of the bank/society B) the working capital of the society o both (B) and (Ch 12 1046)>,. inRato ANAS, Be, 101. A) NelProfit ete, rene Sthesay ¢) $al95 and Toy, Aces” Sag, 8) 402, Debt Servicing capany, fag ») A) Interest Coverage Rais is *85E5504 by c) Liquidity Ratig 8) 103, The Ratio indicates the spo ° A) GOSS Profit Margin ©) Inventory Tumover 5) D) 104. The ratio of the investment Made on, A) Return on Investment Sales and Investments Net Profit after Taxes and Total Assets Quick Ratio ! Ratio Debt to Capital Rat > With vn ettons eceivable is being collected Debtors Turnover Liquidity Ratio “Feet and constant annual cash fow is termed as ck Period Cc) Acsounting Rate of Retum 8) Pay Back Perio D) Cost of Capital 105. The appraisal techn NIQUE does not use Ne oncept of the required rate of return A) Net Present Vai ©) Paya : 8) Profitability index x ‘Ay Back Periog x. 0) Internal Rate of Retuyn 108. The ato between Contribution and sates is called A) Break-even Point 8) Marginal Cost ©) PVRatio D) Prime Cost - 107. The balance Of the fund flow statements he increase or decrease of A) Cash from Operation 5) Cash — . Cy Working Capital D) Current Aséets 108. Fund from peration is considered as 3 Sour f 1d %) Application of Fund wares of Fun c) D) Loss of Fund Expenses 109. Fi rowing choices 'd out from the following ©. the “urrent assets 8B) Plant ang Machinery ¢ pital D) Sundry Creditors, Sundry Debtors“ 110, 1 Meease in stock results 8) Source of Fund Application of Fund 2) Loss % Fiettious assets fe 13, 1046/2024 111. 112. 113. 114 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 20. wp ike any other The Capital account woutd be witten " BY~ Persenal Aecount ) Nominal Account D) i ©) Fictitious Account —— ¢ control 2m Accounting which is concerned with the preparation of various statements for Planning. Decision making A) Financial Accounting ©) Managerial Accounting _ B) Cost Accounting D) Revaluation Accounting The first step in the installation of a management accounting system a B) Setting up Budgetary Control Syste! A) Training Employees its D) Classification and Codification ‘of Account C) Preparation of Organizational Manual. The difference between the debit total and credit total in any account is called A) Surplus ° 8) Balence_~ C) Closing Account D) Account Reserve A written acknowledgment of debt, given by a person to another, where the sum due and the time of payment as well as the date and placement being set down A) Promissory Note-~ B) MOA C) Bill of Exchange 1) Bill Receivable At the end of each financial period the Drawings account is closed by transfer to A) Trading Account B) PandLAccount C) Capital Account, D) Cash Account An allowance made by wholesalers to retailers off the catalogue price A) Cash Discount 8) Quantty Discount Cc) Reba D) Trae Discount The balance amount after written off in P & | Account, will appear on the Asset Side o¢ Balan, °¢ Sheer, under the heading, A) Deferred Revenue Expenditure B) Reserves and Surplus c) Equity Dp) Loans and Advances “The analysis of financial statements percentage. wise is KNOWN aS ysis ~ B) Common Size Statement A) Trend Aral ) Internal Analysis, C) — Comparative Analysis ler closing down Of a department includes only The cost incurred afl A) Variable Cost B) SemiVarabe Cost Cast D) Depreciation C) Fixed Cos . 1 424 422. 123, 124, 125. 126. 127, 128. 129. 130, Account all recurting dey anti ments. ii POSits 22 large volume of recePts 34 Po" oe Ter sit 3 curent ae saving a D) sno approach of Business Datker is a business to customer #” MAME rather than Business '0 retail banking _- corporate banking A) °) wholesale banking B) by prt banking ‘An ATM does not have any b; . fy) Biometric ATM Yank logo's cates 1 ATM c) White Label ATM 8) FO eerari py. Orange Label ——— atts as an umbreli a orga a nt system in India a) NeCl ia rah eat x5 cy) NCOC 8 NACH United Payment Interface (UP) is an instant real payment system launched by NPCI the year A) 2014 20t co) 2016 py) 2015 Marking of Cheque is done by the banker on the request of A) drawee By holder Cc} payee ~ D) drawer There are —————— parnies of a cheque. A) 2 B37 c) 4 Dp 5 When a guarantee is given for an existing debt, itis known guarantee. A) Retrospective 8) Prospective D) Conti » C) Specific ) Continuing ~ When a banker accepts valuable ates IKP gad, ornaments for safe custody, nere the banker becomes A) bailor 8) lessee C) bailee ~ 0) lessor subsequent ! the date of issue is called 3) Post cated chegue / A cheque which bears a dale A) Stale cheque C) Ante-dated 15 4046/2024 D) Invalid cheque r 131 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139. 140. following Act, The detintion of Mortgage spectied in the ° i AY Indian Contract Act” Transter of Property Act 0} " ©) Indian Tst Act ) Reaistaton Act The Depositor Education and Awareness Fund, a scheme launched by Ret in A) 2014 » 8) 2s C2016 0) 2017 Factoring Service was introduced by RBI on the recommendation of ———___ committee. A) Narasimgham 8) ~ Kalyanasundaram C) Gadgit DO) Nariman RBI was nationalised in the year Ay 1934 B) 1935 ©) 1989-7 D) 1837 Section 40 of tne RBI Act imposes statutory obligation of RBI to A) Monopoly note issue B) Actas financial advisor to gout C) To deal toreign exchange D) Aging as banker's bank Select the wrong one of the following 8) Hypothecaton is tess safe than mertgage a) Pledges saler than lien C) Bridge Ioan is tong term nature aaa D) Pay order is elso called a bankers equ “Money at call is also known as A) overnight money_~ B) medium term money ©) hot currency D) overdratt The main aim of payments bank is to widen the spread of payment and financial services tp A) industrialist B) big business concerns C) foreign trade 1D) lowincome household UCO Bank belongs 6 ———— eategory of yanking sector A) pvt sector B) public sector /” €) foreign bank D) small finance bank Development bank is also known as A) Industral bank, B) EXIM bank ©) Housing bank Payments bane 48 442. 14 144. B 145, 146. 147, 149, Aull of subsidiary MStitution ditor as per “io of ke Keg pera ion of cooperative au ~ 637 Shey NE Society ig a statutory 00193! c) 26) B) 64 pystol COOPETALVE is deFnes DB) 65 ay Abingla Rural Cregy 5. committee gy Allndia Rural Crete Ney Co ences B) Maclagan Commitee mites f the above D) None of Depreciation of goodwi Will be cay eUateg A) Diminishing balance ma athe by . ¢) Annuity methog 8) Straightline meth D) None of these (no Certifeaion of bad debts bythe g dior is A) $182 Telered in c) sn63 B) R62 D) R63 ‘Ault fees of PCARDBS is calculate en A) working capital 8) loans and advances C) aggregate of loans issued and that recovered during the year under audit - D) none of the above ALPM stands for A) Automatic Ledger Postrg Machines“ B) Automated Ledger Passing Modal ©) Automated Ledger Posting Medium 0) None of the above Revaluation of immovable propertes is recognised by A) Rar 8) RCS _—- c} pea D) None of the above "——— is a wasting asset. | is also termed as Acid test oy) Current ratio Q Equty ratio A) Motor yehicioe 8) Plant and Machinery ©) Quay D) None of the above y 0 " Classification norms af NPA of cooperative barkS!S SSUed by 5) Regeres 8) Goverment ° REINABARD D) None of the above 8) Quick ratio / None of the above reciation for goodwill) 1046/2024 it is to The major objective of company aud A) todisclose the gross proft 8) C) _ toconwince the annual general body ) st 182 Members economic welfare iS ascertained in A) company audit 8) C) cooperative audit, D) 153. is the special feature of cooperative aus A) Ratio analysis 8) ©) Administrative check D) 154, The auditor of a cooperative is not permitted to becor ty which he IS 18 udting to ensure me a Member ct be cooperate SOmeTY WS a) Tansearene [/ B) ficiency Cy Accuracy D) Independence ef auditor 455. Goodwill is a——_____—- asset. A) Fixed asset 8) Curentasset C) Tangible asset D) Intargble asset_- 158. Profit appropriation is the obligation of A) Board of directors 8) Regstar C) Chief Executive D) Generaitoay_ 187. is primarly responsible for safeguarding ine assets of the cooperative society as per law A) Secretary_“ B) General body C) Manager D} Beard ot directors 158. Sub section 5(A) of Section 63 of KCS Act deals with 7 eid A) Registration of coop. society B) Uguidaton 4 cat sf 1p) Rewsion of audit manual jit 158. is not disclosed by Trial Balance A) Compensating error C) Errors of commission * g) Errors of omission 1p) None of the above 160. Code of ethics and auditing standards are prescribed RBI A) INTOSAI by RCS Cc) NABARD

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