11 - PERSPECTIVE For Markaz Printing (01 June - 15 June 2019)

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Striving for the Law of Allah, on the Land of Allah

The official online newsletter of Tanzeem-e-Islami
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‘PERSPECTIVE’ is a trend-setting newsletter issued by

Tanzeem-e-Islami that focuses on a candid commentary on
the current national and international issues, in the light of
the Qur’an and the Sunnah.
A blend that gives Muslims an insight into the events of
the past, those happenings at present and the Signs of
things to come...

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Volume 05, Issue 11
TANZEEM-E-ISLAMI 01 June – 15 June 2019

Striving for the Law of Allah, on the Land of Allah

PERSPECTIVE The official online Newsletter of Tanzeem-e-Islami


Editorial 1-2
All praise is due to Allah (SWT), and peace & blessing on his noble
Press Releases issued by Messengers (AS), in particular, on the last of them all the blessed
Tanzeem-e-Islami 3
Prophet Muhammad (SAAW).
Patron: Hafiz Aakif Saeed
Chief Editor: Dr. Absar Ahmad
The so-called “Baloch Liberation Army” issued a video ultimatum to
Editor: Raza ul Haq
China around two weeks ago to discontinue its CPEC development
projects in Pakistan’s Baluchistan or face a renewed wave of terrorist
From the Qur’an: attacks against its interests there. This ‘message’ unambiguously
proves that BLA is far from the “national liberation movement”, which
“Indeed, We sent the it purports to be but is really just a bunch of regional feudal terrorists
Qur'an down during the that are doing the Hybrid War bidding of foreign powers.
Night of Decree (Night of
Power).” The much-discussed “Pivot to Asia” policy of the US was naively
assumed by many to mostly concern East and Southeast Asia as
“And what can make you America finagled to “contain” China there, but the reality is that South
know what is the Night of Asia seems to be taking the central focus in this new strategic
Decree (Night of paradigm. The US alliance with India is a geopolitical game-changer
Power)?” in Eastern Hemispheric affairs because it positions the South Asian
“The Night of Decree state as the key component of the “Chinese Containment Coalition”
(Night of Power) is better that’s gradually being assembled against the People’s Republic,
than a thousand which in turn marries the interests of USA and India, making the US a
months.” stakeholder in India’s regional security. Accordingly, the overlap of
interests that both of these allies have in stopping China’s Belt &
“The angels and the
Road Initiative (BRI) has taken the form of the Hybrid War on CPEC
Spirit descend therein by
against that global vision’s flagship project, ultimately manifesting
permission of their Lord
itself in the upsurge of terrorist attacks committed over the past year
for every matter.”
by the so-called “Baloch Liberation Army” (BLA).
“Peace it is until the
emergence of dawn.” The BLA’s strategy of Hybrid Warfare on the behest of foreign powers
is enough to pair their directly stated objectives with the tactical ones
(Surah Al-Qadr, of the US and India to realize the goal of destabilizing both Pakistan
Verses 1-5)
and China. The recent terrorist attack in a Gwadar hotel, which the
BLA has proudly claimed credit for, is just one example of the
Selected Hadith:
belligerent policy. There should be no doubt among objective
“Every action a son of observers that the BLA is an anti-Pakistan and an anti-Chinese
Adam does shall be terrorist organization tasked with being the tip of the “Pivot to Asia”
multiplied—a good action strategy of US, speared by waging the Hybrid War on CPEC and
by ten times its value, up to destabilizing BRI as part of one of the most important proxy conflicts
700 times. Allah says: With in the New Cold War, with the US and India also doing all they can to
the exception of fasting,
publicize the group’s goals and generate sympathy for them among
which belongs to Me, and I
reward it accordingly. For,
the international audience.
one abandons his desire
That second-mentioned point is actually much more difficult to do
and food for My sake.
than it may seem because the BLA doesn’t even make a pretense of
There are two occasions of supporting anything “noble”, instead openly saying that it’ll continue
joy for a fasting person: carrying out terrorist attacks against civilians in order to forcibly drive
one when he breaks his
out foreign investment from this historically underdeveloped province
fast, and the other when he
so as to safeguard the feudal structure that has survived there for
meets his Lord, and the
(bad) breath (of a fasting centuries. That has begun to change in recent years, however, as
person) is better in the billions of dollars of Chinese investment flooded into the region and
sight of Allah than the consequently saw the construction of modern-day transportation,
fragrance of musk.” health, educational, and social infrastructure through CPEC. China
(Sahih Al-Bukhari) knows that Pakistan (Continued on Page 2)

Editorial (Continued from Page 1)

is the global pivot state because of its irreplaceable role at the crossroads of Eurasia’s many
countries and civilizations, with its province of Baluchistan being the fulcrum of this entire vision
because it hosts the CPEC terminal port of Gwadar, hence why it’s investing so heavily in its
potential all across the board.
The US and India are well aware of this state of regional affairs and are attempting to exploit it to
the utmost, taking advantage of the fact that this terrorist campaign is actually decades-old but is
being revived in response to CPEC and resultantly receiving a bunch of global news coverage
because of it unlike before.
To be clear, the Pakistani state is meeting the needs of the local population and addressing their
various grievances, so those who are engaging in the BLA’s terrorism are not “freedom fighters”
but anarchists who are treasonously cooperating with foreign powers in order to suppress their
own people. Even so, that angle of their campaign is conspicuously left out of the Mainstream
Media’s coverage and only the anti-Chinese one is emphasized for reasons of “political
convenience” since there’s a clear contradiction between the “democratic” principles that the US
and India allege to support and the anti-democratic goals being advanced by the BLA.
It is therefore important for Pakistan and China to draw international attention to the feudalist
goals that foreign-backed Baloch terrorism is trying to achieve, as well as to highlight their own
joint actions in bettering the lives of the local people there. The most effective “Democratic
Security” (anti-Hybrid War) measure that could be implemented in the province is to promote
patriotic organizations such as Dr. Jummah Khan’s Pakistani Baloch Unity (PBU, formerly
Overseas Pakistani Baloch Unity) and establish a workflow where Chinese humanitarian aid is
distributed, equitably, to the locals.
The creation of this interconnected structure linking together Chinese aid, local patriotic
organizations, and reliable veteran conduits between the two would go a long way towards
stabilizing the region.
In a nutshell, far from being the “national liberation movement” that BLA purports to be, they are
nothing more than terrorists and anarchists who are doing the bidding of foreign powers, but the
combination of kinetic and non-kinetic “Democratic Security” measures by the Pakistani state, its
Chinese partners, and local patriotic organizations can eliminate this Hybrid War threat once and
for all.
Having said that, we believe that the long-term stability of Pakistan as a leading nation in the
world rests in our willingness and ability to implement the Islamic System of Social Welfare in our
country. May Allah (SWT) provide us the courage to do so and Make us successful in this world
and in the Hereafter.
Signing Off… Dr. Absar Ahmad (Chief Editor)
Follow us: @tanzeemorg https://www.facebook.com/Tanzeem.org


Press Releases issued by Tanzeem-e-Islami

Date: 24 May 2019
Lahore (PR): “The newly elected Prime Minister of India can well ignite the flames of war
in the region.”
This was said by the Ameer of Tanzeem-e-Islami, Hafiz Aakif Saeed, in a statement. The Ameer
noted that the way in which International powers, extremist Hindus and a war-mongering society
had contributed to the massive win of the extremist Hindu party BJP in the recent Indian
elections clearly and manifestly indicated that the enmity against Pakistan and Muslims would be
on the top of the agenda of the incoming government in the future. The fact is that the ‘axis of
evil’ created by the strategic and ideological partnership among USA, India and Israel was
making such sinister plans against the Muslims of the World that had no precedence in the
history of evildoers, he added.
While commenting on the recent statements given by Donald Trump and Hassan Rouhani, the
Presidents of USA and Iran respectively, in which both had said that they did not want a war with
the other, the Ameer commented that it was very strange that even after these statements of the
two presidents, the US was finding excuses to increase its presence in the Middle East and the
Persian Gulf region by deploying additional military personnel and naval forces. The Ameer
remarked that it appeared as clear as daylight with every passing day that the US intended to
use the pretense of an “Iranian Threat’ in order to prepare for attacking China and Pakistan, both
economically and militarily. He observed that this could well lead to the genesis of the Third
World War and Pakistan, too, ought to make itself fully prepared, militarily. However, the Ameer
said, more importantly for Pakistan, we ought to seek the forgiveness of Allah (SWT) for our sins
during the Holy Month of Ramadan, repent for betraying Allah (SWT) in the past by not fulfilling
our promise and not making Pakistan a genuine Islamic Welfare State, and start making robust,
unpretentious and sincere efforts to mould Pakistan into a genuine Islamic Welfare State. He
concluded by remarking that as a consequence our enemies would suffer a catastrophic and
embarrassing defeat, InshaAllah!
Date: 17 May 2019
Lahore (PR): “The criminal silence of the entire world on the state terrorism being
perpetrated by India in the Occupied Kashmir is disgraceful and appalling.”
This was said by the Ameer of Tanzeem-e-Islami, Hafiz Aakif Saeed, in a statement. The Ameer
lamented that the Indian Occupation Forces had martyred 8 Muslims and injured dozens more in
only a single day of murder and slaughter in Occupied Kashmir. Moreover, extremist Hindu cow-
vigilantes had lynched and martyred a Kashmiri Muslim in the name of ‘Mother Cow’ once again.
The Ameer said that it was reprehensible that the ‘torchbearers’ of human rights in the world did
not bother to offer even token condemnation and protest on such incidents of brutality and
oppression. He remarked that, in fact, the collective conscience of the globe, especially the
Muslim World, needed to be shaken up from its slumber.
While commenting on the tensions between USA and Iran, the Ameer said that it appeared as if
the US has decided to make the Middle East a theater of war once again. The recent statements
given by high-ranking officials of the Trump administration clearly show that the US wants to use
the pretense of the ‘Iranian Threat’ in order to station almost 120,000 troops in the Persian Gulf.
The Ameer noted that the US had already deployed 2 naval warships, B-52 bombers and Patriot
missile batteries in the region. He advised that the Muslim World, particularly the Arab states,
must understand and fully grasp the sensitive and grave nature of the threat posed by certain
world powers and unite against the enemies of Islam by putting all differences aside.
While commenting on the economic bailout debt package negotiated with the IMF, the Ameer
said that the first ominous sign of the conditions of the package negotiated with IMF had
materialized in the form of the record slump of the Pakistani Rupee (PKR) against the US Dollar
(USD), during the last 48 hours. It is feared that the conditions of the IMF would prove to be
extremely dangerous for the economy of Pakistan and it would give a free hand to those who
‘worship’ capital and seek monetary benefits by the hook or by the crook. The Ameer concluded
by stating that, in fact, all this devastation was a logical consequence of our betrayal of Allah
(SWT) and His Messenger (SAAW), along with our failure to practically implement the Ideology of

Markaz of Tanzeem-e-Islami, 23 KM Multan Road, (Near Chung) Lahore.

Tel: +92 42 35473375-79 Email: markaz@tanzeem.org URL: www.tanzeem.org

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