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Issue 4 Page 5

Across the Pond

by the Hummingbird
Joe Parker, seriously...
DESPITE HIS YEARS as a stand-up comedian and musician, Joe Parker is reticent
I AM AN AMERICAN! I should be proud when asked about Joe, the man, his aspirations and life goals.
to write that sentence and I am proud to live However, his ready smile and warmth makes him easy to talk to and he did
in a country where opportunity is everywhere, answer one or two questions! Apart from being a funny man in his own right Joe
freedom to be who I am is allowed, and the has been a driving force in the South African scene by getting more talent into
ability to speak freely about my feelings is the business. He maintains that those alredy established in the business
accepted. Since I have become older and
hopefully wiser I can see the bad as well as should be nurturing the next gereration of comics.
the good. I am aware that every country has Those readers remembering queueing from Brickhill Road up West Street
its own prejudices and problems. into the Lonsdale Hotel’s Pool Bar to see Joe will find him mature but just as
I am too young to remember the gathering funny when they visit Krakatoa, Sibiya Casino & Entertainment Centre on the
of the Japanese-Americans after Pearl Harbor, North Coast where he appears most Friday evenings at 8pm.
but I have read about the hate-crimes that took
place against these innocent people simply Q What event has excited you the most in
because of their ethnic background. With war the past twelve months all the details.
comes hatred, but we do have to use our minds A That’s easy - I saw the Eagles live in
when we target our feelings against people. Q What are your
Since then I have seen for myself during the Dublin
thoughts on
civil rights/Martin Luther King era the hatred Q You’ve been at the top of the tree for South Africa
that can be slapped against a group of people hosting the 2010
many years - is your career moving in a
simply because of who they are. As a young
teen I remember watching and wondering why particular direction World Cup
all the violence of the 60’s was taking place, A No. Its an expansion of what I was doing A I think we’ll do a
and now I see hatred taking place against before - creating work, managing good job
another culture. Arab-Americans are in the comedians and organising events.We
spotlight and since 911 hundreds of hate- Q Is there a movie
also import UK comedians for the local
crimes are taking place against guiltless you’ve seen more
circuit every month
people. than once that
We have now decided that racial profiling Q How are you involved in the Old Mutual you’d sit through
at airports is a good thing and perhaps it will International Pairs Golf Tournament. again?
deter another attack. However, I don’t see A Well we have the licence for South Africa
where police harassing people on the street A Body Heat
because of their race or religion should be and I have just returned from the IP
allowed or accepted. My son has an Arab World Final which was held at Celtic Q What is your
friend and believe it or not, parents have Manor in Cardiff. It’s the largest golf favourite form of
already taught their kids to call him a “rag event of its kind in the world and open relaxation
head”, it sickens me to think we have such to all club golfers with an offical A Doing nothing A No contest. The Sharks and Man
ignorant parents. handicap from an affiliated golf club.No Q Serously what does the real Joe Parker United!
Hating people because of their religious invitation is required and the clubs
beliefs has been going on since the beginning think is important in life Q So what’s your answer to all the conflict
and will always continue. It is not our God, or simply provide qualifying pair/pairs from A Peace is very important in my life and both international and local
their God that is killing people, but only power their club. And having Old Mutual as the expansion of that peace in A I say if you can’t do anyhting about a
hungry people killing in the name of God that sponsors has made the entrance fee everything I say and do situation do somethng good. A random
is our problem. What ever happened to loving very affordable to all aspiring golfers. act of kindness does more and has more
in the name of God, and turning the other Take a look at the website Q Sport? impact on both the doer and the done to!

De Lille wants Eastern Cape JATT back

ID PRESIDENT PATRICIA DE LILLE wants the ‘As the poorest province in the country, the East-
Joint Anti-corruption Task Team (JATT) in the ern Cape can ill afford to let people get away with
Eastern Cape to be ‘reassembled immediately to this. And it is those departments which need the
stop the plundering of taxpayers’ money.’ money most that have been defrauded – the Educa-
De Lille says stealing in the Eastern Cape has turned tion and Health departments,’ De Lille says.
into ‘full scale looting and the looters are getting ‘The estimated 3 000 employees responsible for
away with it. social grant fraud must be locked up, tried and sen-
‘The fact that JATT was disbanded for ques- tenced.’
tionable reasons earlier this year makes one wonder ‘Instead of the SIU getting these criminals to
just how far up the corruption goes. JATT must be agree to repay the money they stole, they should
brought back to sort out the rampant corruption be forcing them. As for those that have promised
for once and for all and imprison those that have ‘to repay small amounts over long periods’, they
stolen from the people.’ must come under the full might of the law,’ says De
Ms De Lille says the fact that the Special Inves- Lille.
tigations Unit had taken half a year to recover just ‘It appears as if the authorities don’t seem to
R500 000 of the R38m that was ‘stolen from the know the difference between stealing and loaning,’
people, ‘is pathetic. she says.

• The petrol in your tank may be worth

YOU ARE PROUDLY more than your car
• More people vote in a local reality TV Two Comedy Legends in one unique show!
SOUTH AFRICAN WHEN.. show than in a local election
• You prodauce a R100 note instead of
Plus Plus Plus
• People have the most wonderful names:
your drivear’s licence when stopped by Christmas, Goodwill, Pretty, Wednesday, Legend Under Construction as M.C. !
a traffic officer Blessing, Brilliant, Gift, Precious,
• You have to hire a security guard Innocence and Given Live music by
whenever you park your car • “Now now” can mean anything from a
• You can count the national soccer minute to a month Slap-Up four course meal !
team’s scores with no fingers • You continue to wait after a traffic light Wine & Champagne on table !
• To get free electricity you have to pay a has turned to green to make way for
connection fee of R750 taxis travelling in the opposite direction Good idea to reward top clients, staff and suppliers? - We think so !
• Hijacking cars is a profession • Travelling at 120 km/h you’re the slowest
• You can pay your tuition fees by holding
All this for only R9 500-00 for a table of ten !
vehicle on the highway
up a sign at a traffic light • You’re genuinely and pleasantly ! Emperor’s Palace Phone your Department on
surprised whenever you find your car
! 20 November 2006 011 803 6963 / Carrie 083 251 7759
parked where you left it
• A bullet train is being introduced, but ! 7 for 7.30pm or Ann 074 102 4272
we can’t fix potholes
• The last time you visited the coast you
We do the work - and you have the fun !
paid more in speeding fines and toll fees
than you did for the entire holiday
• You have to prove that you don’t need a
loan to get one
• Prisoners go on strike
• You consider it a good month if you only
Snail Mail 09/06 ERH

get mugged once

• Rwandan refugees start leaving the
country because the crime rate is too

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