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Seiad Change and 22 eee Perspective on Social change — Me Ona y Cond Leck cyelceal ang Fanctiorel precesse of hae t i Industri aliraleor , wastemizalow Medernizalca Gjobal salar Syeiah change mo erehade ca nakwes eacead bela curt on Saciond St can _ change atbitwdes, laws, welekions.- to b eit eae polectn and Sratthebert reflect pelts of inclusion, aired , diverttty Bund oppecten tly, {ti} Jems to gq change Soeiety 4 iB oe fuck Batal enstitudsonm, Atal a uke Owe aibened over Ihe tame. re ewltural, AtAnthunal | Any alferafior a e ee : pepulakirn /or Saleen ee of L ed Aocial charge, a Aeocial peter oe re 5 “Social e 8h -a term wad te desersbe variatinns in, ox modtsfienkions Hf , arpech cE Racial process, Pd potters, Boal infenackiors OF Apich aes —— M- E+ Tene — | PEPECHGE So ea, Social SENSE 1 Evo woAary ace oF Soeiar Cyan ge: ~ hia tee eased or Whe | ee et rag fo ae +a move Sof forms Ne Conte , H+ Spender, | wa cathanof * theary 2 & an came Velraved thed hua weno Beal werhie ‘a hasilinga aE Aatordins to te aS Fme Gown , Seeial change anennt prey Towards Bonding better. base q i. awvehuk A eweery proces dren plied thak Anei tees field nsmaciptahity weak ren Ge highs Jewe| sf eivekrabion, “There evebpioner wen sf Ateial change wor hight anfineneed Ohaus Darwin's — therry YD Organic evel Ror - eee Heveletepwinty “tncorists > gant fae OY r= ~ Bovial_ ewellhcon = parbaniBm ar? _tevle ration Hrcoral- Pi or eee pas. isa agg Gempesed of Social weer paere Of We fellacing prirciplr— change “arden, danectiony proquers & pecfectebeliby Fa peseiph OF change Atodio: Hel We = present ystems sh Me evdeame of rae oe tee | Cen ard prcatnal Atel. ‘Bee Becket ahite ade fr [ ah Cone Licey, THESRY * Cond lack a ee te gees Aaa Sha a7) @ Fliet theprcs veer tips Maze nd TE 19) ern eg vbigutans all Srcial proanizalian o) rons table Ard ae unt ax & ,, dio +o eerci ew : Keel Mace end Englen are ne dams expereb a conflict theory A Barcial change: Accabing fo Rol Max, “The history of all pather OF ak Aoi, 1H ke hiatorg of @ low clas Arevgge.” 9 Slae- mailer and lark, : vie and pear, al ofthe have Akood and dork an Constack eas Mave believes that actual ” elacle: — ial hance 5 elasd ~~, Bees ge Mann, economie Gockot es — aleoe axe _acexpinskible “for ef 0. ot. comet Of cowrae , % member x} Social thio and Considered We _lheony’ oh Kewl Marx qackeniaal’ glerir% oh cnktwee thak {he men are thn baosd of Anal change: The sbaace. Sone oF o& thet evtenre| ard a change, 3. CyanecAL THEORY :— ee the ei tnearye civil alisw pans thevagh shaqe T° ae Tied, Bai dita gan , ahs teges ce Thies eek eran ler Vind BUS ae, a @]| civikrakers a =. cycle of bivth, atlas me eat ® eyehici al theory of re ial change ‘i ara hab tive lerakiors Pars threngty Shaye The = 44b stage a _ manned by Lgegponse +? efallerse?, Whe 2nd HH fire ey Aardthe third 4 chacackeri nd pea aay acl - Ui ? q . 0 Tee, a Aa Toywhee Prepowmied cove bn ab ennilisat von fat “ho 8 gor Sage namely, — (Ke adeational, the » ealistic ard WE, Aensabe Aecoking +0 heow, cnlivee oSerilabes lane he perdadieny of gq cleer bofnern Puro prints, trad 5B ideationsl gd Ike Atrsake Ricorgy Bits ori nol poser, tral te ke sdealstic. sdeatronnt Crlinie, erphakis is Spicttualishe Brieek and indefermindl. Qn WE ade akeatie Tyre @ reality and valor are wT 5A a Andary a -wellar Aaoper Sensory he Joe a of the he charackeréid by peRieveatic — arehertalli she owtloon Ary Aocke — onde wal tem charg? by terse ER mR UIE RES, BS patch —_ we C NAL THEORY | mars ‘aoe _ Them theory {yeas Rane pak Soe sm (sme a balanced hamen body with 5 } Galle Paste t chan pleat a rb an mainfiaining paesliertonr— “Thins, city operas an a “ ee _ (Nine Acqeokive Be Fant 2. A pivathony ae ras, “prrenhaton Aypem ete) wet’ each poet Mork ing ga cebentow: Like — orqpans on (he human body, tach _ Boeiel oanstitRn, — Berve Apeei fis Fanctiew tp 4p maintain — aciatal toolbnes. 94 Bas ruepliont pene, @xbernally Or irkecnally, nse Snet stations adjnat to restore Mtabilily Thos, these theorists oo believe thal Pei ried. chaneye ak aredval are adept, wolbor shew ab wnpt er) radical, sy: : Se, Ay per thie thearg Mme Feeiely a dist staelb to external anges Dae hers Tr) ony D) Scetnbal sbrvthnas ar? Fiamations _evelve fin weapense) te fnerense fe desrenre fe Pn feprlaleow. 6) Tanevattert, whelhor thelg be » anyrentions or Ai deoveries , play a pivebal woke tn snatiqatling ee ‘ Urédves ee thet the w { 18 to wecerd sreveltionnny wapid changin. 4 -) : vy Proonsced OF CHANGE eves Me peediuoas af industaiakiaabon, Weaterniraban , Bansknitiralon, mahernisabs ang qlobalceatin BVe O surpertant tool, iy 4 We preeesses of change sin Indio Aneieky, T Industniaksaben —: Ee lscn tow) 46 defined a & sft aétre ‘Binkra aie — inane Bewree of — Pier Indstrialieata. of fackorées And se of. aa the ERR onmehintey fa Ine prodnckan ae ee oe derek paemrre tn Engia> les a tees ih a.nd fe lognbet tak period © referred to a — Ported OF Inductncal wevoltcon. Industrialislion (09 4 Follawrng changes Sn We Racial sek vg: 4) Oeempational Akifess— Ocempational Patterns anode a Shidt From aqnieuleuc bo tndustey, bocante Ike laber foe ; aneilable — fer aaenbwal Ascter became | Smalfer in preportcor- | Hane, rb) Aseriptive to achievement - based i yen died iw oR ahaue — AD Der to bdmttia- | wUAion Ate Rian oP laine War made fy tke bans of S45) pnd ebfvcceney, & thal 1% mm We bbasid of nuhievenent. Family on Communal basis tf divider of labore yp veplaedd . of Aeval ono bility ee 6 Froces 4H e accelerated» Chana an Fein posetcow (Porer, peesti ee ard privilege) according fo (nb individual qokievemenk — occurred, 4 | ’ ieee Qiten Phcntows nS longer H 4 es Jominard Aue of peor _ an westead ondustsy Ard tarde emerged ap new Bowe ot peer. e-. Nea ef conf lick =~ Trade union rl exsstenee ard came ES ovgounseed workers tt Pegtt Sn heir veghts. industrial f. Education a an aqenk of Souad cola lead Change Gets & bettt ay vt to Cea Aral development Changing Family atnuchere>- Indus tril seDn Fanily and + led to waqnived mobile te oh muelear Family. py. Grant. fred _sdeoos- Industnt baton be to Ihe & of mew sens Qiks Morxi tw ite Madand of lho: Incdst riod: &olias (2A to anoce jebs ard prosperity Qo Ika ancome A godinally srereaned . ee faciletios eer SAadard of living, Communicakon o b moprova _ ard producti Process became ner ehtieiart —<———=— 3 sg | middle elaas eoncrged a9 Condiuaite emand For amore qos ard ARexvicso : rd butines creation betmed 48 fad ao Os Es TERNIZATION. - Westernisabion 3% Ihe come pt dnc vefers toc the chenae, ir 40 ch nakogey const dens , edeclegy ans vali af @ new Wihlern Prrcaly a a weduly of Crktvral, certack = WEE Ke Western Sncicly For 4 Leng fer. The teeknoling gee chan qe gptablishmer? of educational eg yERE of nokconeliSm And 6 nRwi police? eulenre nev lhe Inhian Aecidiy » as ee - produ ch Ea Hestewniration. eeia vue Srinivas. describes wesherntradion Gr Ike by-product of ke Bacto awk of 200 Ye on ae The petal a Westernigalcon ace x ee Nee ee joakes With an acty- Te epee Baie golden 1 ES eemomic 2 Sometimes physteal farce prerere 4 5& vised +o vB ener ect taking Ihe aevstoms ard wituals of Be pigher cartes. CAncter Factor thaf hinder . Westerniralton preven’ a _Cebietae ince ry of Sams knit rele .— Be enctive— Dt sm welreved trak Bama Keb rad 50% te erlenvral arritalen of Te costes by the leder cab, , Pe re motsve foree — oehind Aershnttrafinn ae wot of evlewel Smnitaler per ke bul an -exprettion of challenge Ond mew ole ageinet Ike Mvei0- eeemomie cfeprivahan . na Frelte pee eo ae ah eae Process.” 1 BE DERTEN TONE = x 5 ceca Ieee pre modern werent fee ostcsee age antrodcced oA Whe Reet chy ew the” peepee eg aehiovrg ay wale G8 ER mer’ Kedcadackeny lef —tby Alatas— © pedernifatt pen plies “ ce tp tranaqormaless of change Leadion 7 ‘ ah (cts { T get ly anto an abusers gesnemically pee tp ero? oe pene vel pelitically Stable pores? — Py Moore —— medecnitabion oa (he — precens eh change fonards — there types of Meiak , ‘i politieat dryptoms thet pave fevelepdd on besten Europe and Arte Amore Grom KE (7th cerbory fo gh (1 an have to olin Europea Auk and So tre lath and 20th terduyh do We — Remmthe Ammerécor , AStan and wi aswrkvies”! —— b&& Esaerstad —— fo, dome feholons apn kidered moderniakior Piece ehaldy of Wertersizakons Charaahaniskics ot Podernirakior — ise Pies. 2. Reasen bared and wae hie, 2. Hegh athtevertrt and aspivalion) errentehor A. 4 qunvh - sriented 2e 5 A machet ology eared eemeny, be Lonphasis an nak ee ; tim, Cece, weliqien, yon ac “lhe thn. Kit, greeted prheres® roy zh onobile presone lt, pobovtes OF rose onenke ede end fie fian -— Tp Belence base g Derr ot ve BS for 0erarte prenetples Sellows « Tacbiee, , fraternity, dabraBn Ard ‘ iene . na Mackinn anftucnes KS shorted FB uvin ge, G : wag Of thinking, arvana — of Leamepocation 4 Carteret hea and (Ke process production onion prion Makontaledtte obtttadetg 5a Ihe . " emoderni Ratton - igen he Gente ot abitnde Pramtbs modernizabion. 3, Serene Relional thinking ie onportark here mmoderneketion: Betawe of gua makes me” Gnd Vora ty make Watt eferce ane emg Wien an pa Satie +h the tae day lever 1os Teepe a new idea afler ena King ontient jvAlgpenent and any anody sis aga recent eondition Foe moverni salen : je Soeral ansleility i ie RR Soetal and political ene eee 2 ’ : t needed tp make * Soeicks onoder nied: \3. Removal of Buperttitians . Became Buper - station pull, ane paeHward And hinders pape | teampli 4 modernt selec ) ue Green Reveldéon — ¢) Uninerarad od ult b) he evadieolio. of par Frranchae. spine of medecnivahion ir patente Gnd bealmnclonaene 2. Rapid Industnialtsakon eisent Seah wii eee es etree fh fered aR make Suited and eaple hy Emergence ee mast maker te a AnfPormation, + he i Ike world. 3 & a “sdear abot Mirplicat mlenttt. . Rine on etonemi ee . es dave +o HOT se ey Beas acres berdort making [he rt te Wh Axe"ey peep ays wee 2 etd Loge thor ven | jeokntlegy i ; : | Bam tn Ubemey, and elivnindle Altitemey | oC providing’ Gebvole ard Collage: | qe demeeratinn in | modernt Ayala | Batis 22 a ‘= ge rectal mobility a Pecmote wationsl wi derclepmert- s a facticipatio. oF peat gee Retire Re a jeoloasy- beky eat makin | P galional Ce nterhere with pelerad | NOES of amg Fecreared i paced ne || ivtcluad. ite A a enequabty, Because >$ qeces Ine Facilztier 5, and Seientific = a a a YZ Conehcion: — Meoderntinlinn te: ms |e © nei ad beings Propront, The Secent dic Kee technelogi i WB borongte otek ae Gn Query kphore of We Koide. 954 a ates oe Roch to A Boo i watt rina a @ Retentifec . aklak am deal weth, the mal of Kock Restetien 1 ae thie Con ad a ee] . Ro & é

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