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ID : 2023873644


General Purpose : To Inform

Specific purpose : To inform my audience about the importance of body language in
Central Idea : The power of body language in communication is an interesting and
fascinating topic because it may have a significant impact on how
messages are interpreted, and relationships are formed between parties.

Hook : In the flow of speech, body language becomes a silent but powerful
force as unspoken signs frequently interact with spoken ones. Our bodies
take on the role of canvases on which we paint the vibrant hues of our
ideas, feelings, and intentions, from a delicate raise of an eyebrow to the
assured posture of a speaker. How many of you agree with this
statement? According to some surveys, it influences how a message is
interpreted. It refers to the non-verbal signs and indications that people
use to express information, emotions, and intentions. Body language is
an effective means of communication that may improve from the meaning
of a message. Being aware and good at reading and interpreting body
language can help people communicate more clearly, create better
connections, and successfully navigate social encounters.

Credibility : My name is Nur Hanani binti Adnan and today, I will enlighten my
audiences about how to get into communication with some body
language. This topic is prevalent and concerning. So, buckle up as we will
embark on this fascinating journey into the power of body language in
communication. It is a powerful component of communication that can
enhance or detract from the effectiveness of a message.

Thesis : Maintaining good eye contact, gesture movements and voice tone are
the example of how important body languages are in communication

Body 1
Topic Sentence : Keeping eye contact is essential to effective communication. It's like a
silent symphony that conveys honesty, trust, and involvement. In this
exploration of non-verbal communication, we turn our gaze towards the
significance of eye contact.
Main Idea 1 : Unspoken intentions and feelings are carried through the eyes, creating
a direct line of communication between people. By meeting someone's
gaze may let them know that we are paying attention to them and establish
a connection.
Main Idea 2 : It serves where it allows us to read and interpret the other person's
thoughts and feelings. In professional settings, a confident and steady gaze
instills a sense of competence and credibility.
Example : Imagine this, a person looks at you and maintains a steady, unwavering
gaze while you are talking. You experience a connection at that precise
moment—a mutual understanding that goes beyond language. This
gesture, which is universal, shows sincere attention, sincerity, and a desire
to connect.
Concluding Remarks : This simple act can profoundly impact the dynamics of our interactions
and enhance the quality of our relationship.


Body 2
Topic Sentence : Ladies and gentlemen, let us embark for the next point of the power of
body language, gesture movement. Gesture movements playing a crucial
role in shaping the melody of our interactions.
Main Idea 1 : Gesture movements are incredibly powerful tools for emphasizing the
main points of our spoken words, expressing emotions, and making
thoughts clear.
Main Idea 2 : Gesture movements are not confined to the hands; they extend to the
entire body, from the tilt of the head to the sway of the hips.
Example : Try to imagine a scenario where with the hands moving, a speaker can
convey their opinions or thoughts with passion while giving their words. We
discover an effective tool in this dance of gesture movements that cuts
over the barriers to speech and connects with listeners.
Concluding Remarks : These movements, synchronized with the spoken message, not only
enhance the clarity of the communication but also leave an indelible
impression on the audience.


Body 3
Topic Sentence : Next, I stand before you today to unravel the often-underestimated
power of voice tone.
Main Idea 1 : The power of voice tone as a component of body language is
undeniable, transcending the boundaries of language itself.
Main Idea 2 : In this exploration of body language, we will unravel the art of voice
modulation, understanding how the rise and fall of pitch, the speed of
speech, and the intonation patterns contribute to the rich tapestry of
Example : Picture a teacher using an animated and encouraging tone while
explaining a challenging concept to a classroom. The melody in their voice
not only communicates passion but also captures the attention and interest
of the students.
Concluding Remarks : To emphasize key points, voice tone becomes a powerful instrument that
resonates far beyond the confines of verbal language.


Summary : To end my speech today, I would like to conclude with key points. The
power of body language in communication is a captivating symphony that
harmonizes with spoken words, revealing the depth of human expression.
Through gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, voice tone, and various
non-verbal cues, we unlock a realm of communication that transcends
linguistic boundaries.
Rephrase Central Idea: Because body language may have a big influence on how people
interpret messages and build relationships, the power of body language in
communication is an interesting and fascinating subject.

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