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25 March 2024

Levels Roles Permissions Rewards

@everyone @everyone  View Channel  A warm welcome :)
 Create Invite
 Change Nickname
 Send Messages
 Send Messages in Threads
 Create Public Threads
 Embed Links
 Attach Files
 Add Reactions
 Use External Emojis
 Read Message History
 Use Application Commands
 Send Voice Messages
 Connect
 Speak
 Video
 Use Activities
 Use Soundboard
 Use External Sound
 Use Voice Activity
Level 0 ô- Recruit  @everyone  Access to our server!

Level 1 ô- Officer  Send Text-to-speech Messages  -

Level 2 ô- Defender  Create Private Threads  -
Level 3 ô- Private  Set Voice Channel Status  -
Level 4 ô- Elite  Request to speak in stage  Add custom sound to soundboard
Level 5 Lvl 5 Elite  none  Add custom emoji
Level 10 Lvl 10 Elite  none  Add custom sticker
Level 15 Lvl 15 Elite  none  Custom Text Channel
Level 20 Lvl 20 Elite  none  Custom Voice Chat Channel

Donator Donator  @everyone  Access To V.I.P. Channels

 +Elite rewards until Level 10
Charity Org. Charity Org.  @everyone  Custom Role with Emoji + color
 +All Elite Rewards
Partners Partners  @everyone  Access to self advertisement
Partners Level 5 Partner Lvl 5  @everyone  Usage of ‘#, ##, ###’
Partners Level 10 Partners Level 10  @everyone  Half time per advert, from 2
hours , to 1 hour
 Custom Emoji of Their Server in
their Username

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