Research Paper Example On Asthma

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Writing a thesis can be an arduous task, especially when you're delving into complex topics like
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Asthma affects 300 million people worldwide with increasing prevalence among children. Adobe
Express Go from Adobe Express creation to Issuu publication. Molecular characterization
methodology was adopted in the study to examine HRVs in asthma cases. The Pixar Way: 37
Quotes on Developing and Maintaining a Creative Company (fr. Asthma stops people from being as
active as they want to. In New South Wales, a significant increase from 16.6 percent to 19.3 percent
of new cases was reported in 2006, with higher percentage noted among males than females
(Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2007). Also, long-acting beta-agonist inhalers will help
prevent asthma symptoms as well. Epithelial and inflammatory cells also have the potential to block
airways. Signs can include wheezing when inhaling and exhaling, tachycardia, a dry cough, pale
skin, or hypoxic seizures. He has already had several hospital admissions due to his asthma. Global
climate is changing and the factors causing this are of both natural and human origin. In a resting
asthmatic airway the smooth muscle is relaxed and during an asthma attack the smooth muscle is
tightened and there is an excess amount of air trapped within the alveoli. This paper tells that the
reason iPhone is successful in the American market can be traced back to the first time the Apple
Company announced its venture into the iPhone. As a result, orders may take an extra 10-14 days
for fulfilment. Bateman, E.D., Hurd, S.S., Barnes, P.J., Bousquet, J., Drazen, J.M., FitzGerald, M., et
al. (2008). Global strategy for asthma management and prevention: GINA executive summary.
Patients with mild asthma may have the following episodes even after a simple physical activity
(Morris, 2012). Furthermore, the study outlines a projection of the future needs in the healthcare
sphere and develops a strategic plan to fulfill it. The most common signs and symptoms of asthma
include coughing, wheezing, tightness of the chest, and shortness of breathing (National Heart Lung
and Blood Institute, 2011). Hence, these drugs must be prescribed as short-term reliever therapy for
all patients with symptomatic bronchial asthma. There are several advantages and disadvantages
noted in pharmacological asthma management (Newman, 2005). Death rates for asthma have
declined over the recent decade. In my opinion, these websites provides knowledge of asthma in
different levels of technicality. But, the clinical presentation can occur at any age. Asthma ranks
among the top ten reasons for visiting a doctor. Bronchoconstriction and edema are directly affected
by airway capillary dilation and leakage. Finally, the was in between the
Wikipedia and NHLBI articles as it provided a longer explanation and a wide scope of the topic.
Canadian Medical Association Journals, 181(9): E181-190. What are the causes in asthma all people
with asthma have the same underlying problem an immune system that overprotects the lungs.
Patient education is crucial to the management of asthma because patients must be aware of how to
optimize their environmental controls. SOC 313 Quiz 5.2 An important consideration regarding
assistive devices is that Precise definitions of managed (Ash).
Nayak, A. (2004) A review of montelukast in the treatment of asthma and allergic rhinitis. The
inhaler is usually utilized with a holding chamber called a spacer. Social Posts Create on-brand social
posts and Articles in minutes. Asthma shows up before the age of 18 for about half of the people
who develop the condition. Hamilos, D.L. (1995) Gastroesophageal reflux and sinusitis in asthma.
Decrease in lung function compared to previous values is suggestive of broncho-constriction at the
time of testing or decrease in lung function over long term. Older people with respiratory symptoms
may not realise they have asthma and may simply assume that their symptoms are related to ageing
and adapt to minimise the impact on their lives. Another definition of asthma could be an episodic
disease clinically manifested by dyspnoea, wheezing and cough. In addition, most asthma patients
usually complain that the chest feels tight during asthmatic attacks (flare-ups or exacerbations).
Depending on the severity of the condition, the treatment can be as basic as medication to altering
completely the lifestyle and environment to accommodate the said disease. Which medications are
administered depend on the severity of the patient’s symptoms and their clinical appearance.
Adcock, I. and Lane, S., 2003. Mechanism of Steroid Action and Resistance in Inflammation. Nair,
P., Pizzichini, M.M., Kjarsgaard, M., et al. (2009) Mepolizumab for prednisone-dependent asthma
with sputum eosinophilia. Severe dyspnea results from airway inflammation and obstruction. Finally,
the was in between the Wikipedia and NHLBI articles as it provided a longer
explanation and a wide scope of the topic. Fluticasone Propionate is classified as an anti-
inflammatory steroid with extremely potent vasoconstrictive and anti-inflammatory
activity.Fluticasone Propionate is used as a maintenance treatment for asthma in children aged 4-11
and the recommended dose is 50-100 mcg inhaled PO BID (Spratto, 2009, 67). Family members and
visitors who smoke carry smoke esidue in and on their clothes and hair this can trigger asthma
symptoms. Persons with asthma should also avoid air pollution, industrial dusts, and other irritating
fumes, as much as possible. An asthma attack can be caused by edema, excessive mucus, and
epithelial and muscle damage. GIFs Highlight your latest work via email or social media with
custom GIFs. When someone has asthma, their lungs are inflamed most of the time, which makes
them more tactful to their environment and which most likely triggers the asthma. The clinical
severity of asthma is correlated with the degree of hyperresponsiveness of the airways (Morris,
2012). Research has shown that there is an overlap between chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
and asthma. This occurs as an irreversible process that involves significant sequelae production,
eventually developing into COPD. The Australian Aerobiology Working Group comprised of experts
in botany, palynology, biogeography, climate change science, plant genetics, biostatistics, ecology,
pollen allergy, public and environmental health, and medicine, was established to systematically
source, collate and analyse atmospheric pollen concentration data from 11 Australian and six New
Zealand sites. Patients in this category can progress rapidly to near-fatal. The research suggests that
living with asthma needs the sharing of a series of responsibilities amid. Treatment depends on the
staging of asthma which again depends on the frequency and severity of symptoms. The main drugs
for treatment are bronchodilators and steroids. The parents must be aware of the environmental
causes of Bronchial Asthma, and I made a mental note as to advise the parents that he needs
assistance in adjusting to new experiences and demands of school and should be able to share
experiences with family. Although asthma cannot be cured, with proper management, asthmatic
children can still lead happy and healthy lives like any other children. The diagnosis is mainly based
on clinical presentation (NAEPP, 2007).
During this time, they discuss asthma management issues and provide patient education. Step-1: This
step is employed in mild intermittent asthma. The mechanism is unclear, but may involve reduced
airway size, caliber, and increased susceptibility to viral infections. Asthma ranges in severity from
intermittent mild symptoms to a severe, incapacitating, and life-threatening disorder. Eliminating
tobacco smoke from the home is the single most important thing a family can do to help a child with
asthma. In earlier intervention studies conducted, results showed that patient education provided by
asthma nurses resulted in better control of childhood asthma. Although vigorous activity can cause
attacks in many people with asthma, there are things that a person can do to make exercising more
comfortable. This assisted scientists in discovering the serious effect indoor and outdoor agents had
on an asthmatics ability to breathe. Structural changes in the epithelium and other parts of the airway
are often seen in patients with asthma. Erythrocytes collect oxygen from the lungs when inhaling
and carry it to the necessary parts of the body. In their studies, they included factors such as health
behaviors, lack of access to healthcare, lack of health insurance, environment and housing. SOC 313
Quiz 4. 2 Mrs. P. had worked as a legal secretary until she developed carpal tunnel syndrome (Ash).
Staying with asthma have need of the implementation of a variety of responsibilities as well as
keeping an eye on signs, supervising medicine, looking for medical help and working mutually with
health care personnel. Nowadays asthma affects one in five households in the United Kingdom, and
it is increasingly common. The precise cause of asthma is unknown; however, researchers believe that
there is an interaction of some genetic and environmental factors, which bring about asthma.
Mothers who smoke whilst pregnant do not have sufficient knowledge to make healthy choices.
There are two types of medication to treat asthma. Adcock, I. and Lane, S., 2003. Mechanism of
Steroid Action and Resistance in Inflammation. The severity of this feature depends on how
inflamed the airways are. Strong downdrafts and dry, cold outflows distinguish thunderstorm rain
from frontal rain. Also, problems with co-ordination may make using puffers and other asthma
medication delivery devices difficult, and problems with eyesight may affect ability to read labels.
This book is the first to offer the asthmatic patient specialised medical advice, and to explain the
causes and specialised. Other drugs like leukotriene receptor antagonists, theophyllines, slow-release
beta-2 agonists may also be used (SIGN, 2009). Their inhale them, and they quickly work to open up
their airways. In chronic inflammation, both central and peripheral airways tend to be irritated or
inflamed. Most agencies helping to spread the awareness about asthma are non-profit. Aspirin
hypersensitivity is a non-direct immunological mediated allergic reaction. Asthma is more common
among Indigenous Australians, particularly adults, than among other Australians. Such medicines
include as inhaled corticosteroids such as Azmacort, Vanceril, AeroBid, and Flovent prevent
In order to understand the pathophysiology of asthma, one must first understand the normal
physiological process of a normal airway, particularly air exchange in the lungs. With the proper use
of articles that are highly reliable and factual, anyone with health concern as asthma could be shared
with advantageous information that could be very beneficial to the person’s health. Upon activation,
eosinophils release leukotrienes and granulate proteins, further injuring the tissue of the airway. This
inflammation is a beneficial, nonspecific response of tissues to injury and leads to repair and
restoration of the typical structure and function. Cells that defend the body stay gathered in the
airways and produce mucus, a moist substance that keeps the airways free of dust. It is imperative to
understand the health implications brought by numerous industrial effluents which are released in the
environment without proper disposal management. Employment in certain fields and exposure to
certain agents can induce asthma. In 1992, the age standardised death rate for asthma was 5.0 per
100,000 persons compared with 2.0 per 100,000 persons in 2002. Aboriginal Torres Strait Islanders
are usually associated with having a low socio-economic status, their limitations to medical services
and medications puts them at higher risks of dying from asthma attacks because they are unlikely to
seek medical attention. Evidence of high respirable allergen loadings in the air associated with
specific meteorologic events combined with an analysis of pollen physiology suggests that rupture of
airborne pollen can occur. In most of the patients with asthma, symptom-based monitoring is
adequate and those who achieve control of symptoms with adequate treatment are at decreased risk
of exacerbations. Treatment options for asthma include anti-inflammatory drugs such as
glucocorticoids, a class of corticosteroids which bind to the glucocorticoid receptor present in almost
every vertebrate animal cell to decrease chronic inflammation. Loud inspiratory and expiratory
wheeze heard upon auscultation are brought by chronic inflammation. These cells include
eosinophils, T-cells, mast cells, epithelial cells, fibroblasts, macrophages, and bronchial smooth
muscle cells. Mothers who smoke whilst pregnant do not have sufficient knowledge to make healthy
choices. Our experts will write for you an essay on any topic, with any deadline and requirements
from scratch. The lungs and airways overreact to certain triggers, in which the lining of the airways
become swollen and inflamed, tightness of the chest, and increased of mucus in the lungs. Bateman,
E.D., Hurd, S.S., Barnes, P.J., Bousquet, J., Drazen, J.M., FitzGerald, M., et al. (2008). Global
strategy for asthma management and prevention: GINA executive summary. African American
children are more likely to be diagnosed with asthma than Hispanic or white children. The respiratory
system is tightly integrated and extends from the nostril to the diaphragm. However, they have
nothing to do with the muscle building hormone that many people think of when they hear the term
steroids. The result is that less air is able to flow in and out of the lungs. It provided more in-depth
and medically relevant facts compared with the two other sources. In patients with intermediate
probability of asthma, simultaneous investigation and trial of treatment must be executed.
Continuous narrowed airways brought by asthma exacerbation eventually affect oxygen supply to
the vital organs of the body especially the brain. Pulse oximetry Determines adequacy of oxygen
therapy and need for ABG. A human adult breathes around twelve to sixteen times per minute, an
infant around forty times per minute. Mucus clearance can be lessened by the presence of plasma in
the lumen. Things that trigger asthma could include cold weather, dust, chemicals and smoke. Viral
infections of the upper respiratory tract, for example, colds, some medications (nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs and nonselective beta-blockers), and sulfites present in foodstuffs and beverages
also trigger asthma attacks (What Is Asthma? - NHLBI, NIH).
Nayak, A. (2004) A review of montelukast in the treatment of asthma and allergic rhinitis. These
reasons include narrow airways, an increase in the airway resistance, and decreased inspiratory effort.
SOC 313 DQ The Health Care Systemis frequently criticized as being expensive and lacking
coverage of the tota (Ash). It is responsible for acetylsalicylic acid exacerbated airway disease (
AERD ) and can do asthma, rhinosinusituis, rhinal polyps, urtications. In 1992, the age standardised
death rate for asthma was 5.0 per 100,000 persons compared with 2.0 per 100,000 persons in 2002.
However, after teenage years, asthma is more common in women than in men. During 1997, asthma
was the principal diagnosis in 60,280 hospital separations with an average stay of 3.5 days. Asthma
is more commonly reported among Indigenous than among non-Indigenous people across all age
groups. With the proper use of articles that are highly reliable and factual, anyone with health
concern as asthma could be shared with advantageous information that could be very beneficial to
the person’s health. Case Study Regarding Asthma and a Pathophysiological Template. The
symptoms get worse or do not improve with treatment. Newman, S. 2005. Inhaler Treatment Options
in COPD. In a resting asthmatic airway, the smooth muscle is relaxed and during an asthma attack
the smooth muscle is tightened and there is an excess amount of air trapped within the alveoli. We
use cookies to create the best experience for you. The PEF is less than 33% of the best predicted
value, saturations in room air are less than 92 percent. Adcock, I. and Lane, S., 2003. Mechanism of
Steroid Action and Resistance in Inflammation. Moderate asthma exacerbation is when the
symptoms are increasing and the PEF is more than 50% of best predicted. Filtering material can be
placed over the heating outlets to trap animal dander. SOC 313 Week 1 DQ 1 Psychoscocial Issues
in Huntington’s Disease. The pathway of the airways starts from the nasal cavities towards the
alveoli where the exchange of gases is taking place (Ritchison, 2010). The signs and symptoms of an
acute exacerbation can include shortness of breath, tachypnea, increased work of breathing,
tachycardia, accessory muscle use, diminished or absent breath sounds, hypoxia, wheezing,
decreased level of alertness, and anxiety (Ortiz-Alvarez and Mikrogianakis, 2012).
Immunomodulators and immunosuppressors modulates the imbalance of Th1 and Th2 as asthma is
known to be cause by Th-2 polarized immunity. With the increased workload starting in late
December of last year, my asthma became unmanageable. The conditions occurring at the onset of a
thunderstorm might expose susceptible people to a rapid increase in concentrations of pollen
allergens in the air that can readily deposit in the lower airways and initiate asthmatic reactions.
Asthma may also cause a decrease in enzymes which regularly break down inflammatory
intermediaries. Connective tissue can also have scar tissue in it, which may likewise be repaired.
Aspirin hypersensitivity is a non-direct immunological mediated allergic reaction. Effective control of
asthma averts chronic and bothersome signs such as coughing and shortness of breath, which prevent
serious asthma attacks that can lead to hospitalization. In the Research Paper cover the following
content specifications. Removing carpets from bedrooms and vaccuuming regularly is also helpful.
This Working Group described i) a biogeographically dependen.
Anti-inflammatory agents involves corticosteroids, mast cell stabilisers and autocoid inhibitors.
Barbie - Brand Strategy Presentation Barbie - Brand Strategy Presentation Good Stuff Happens in
1:1 Meetings: Why you need them and how to do them well Good Stuff Happens in 1:1 Meetings:
Why you need them and how to do them well Introduction to C Programming Language
Introduction to C Programming Language The Pixar Way: 37 Quotes on Developing and
Maintaining a Creative Company (fr. Subbarao, P., Mandhane, P., and Sears, M., 2009. Asthma:
Epidemiology, Etiology, and Risk Factors. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. In a
national survey conducted in 2001, it was estimated that 7.3% of Australian men and 10.7% of
Australian women aged over 55 years had been diagnosed with asthma that remained a current
problem. There are three keys to taking control of the asthma: faithfully using your prescribed
medication, periodically checking your breathing at home, and avoiding the things that set off the
symptoms. With these keys, there can prevent attacks rather than just treating them. Otherwise,
tissue damage often results from the accumulation of inflammatory cells and tissue at the site of
damage in the bronchus (Szeftel, 2012). If the asthmatic patient knows which factors play a decisive
role in. The clinical manifestations of asthma vary and ranges from mild, to severe episodes of
asthma and are discussed by below. Asthma shows up before the age of 18 for about half of the
people who develop the condition. There are multiple health disparities that go into and trigger the
chronic disease which are mostly found in low-income African American children families and
households. In the case of one having cardiac asthma, pulmonary congestion is associated with
bronchospasm that is normally precipitated by the action of oedema fluid in the walls of bronchi to
the external receptors. All returned items must be in new and unused condition, with all original tags
and labels attached. Kaplan, A., Balter, M., Bell, A., Kim, H., and McIvor, A., 2009. Diagnosis of
Asthma. SOC 313 DQ Support Program Hunt Find one innovative and,or experimental client
education or support program (Ash). Please note the instructions listed below: Review the target
audience, learning objectives and all disclosures. Respiratory factors Numerous respiratory infections
are responsible for inducing asthma. Since 1974, he has been the Chief Resident of the Department
of Internal Medicine in the City Hospital in Bad-Reichenhall which has a special clinic for. Decrease
in lung function compared to previous values is suggestive of broncho-constriction at the time of
testing or decrease in lung function over long term. For instance Suplatast, possess high level of
effectiveness. By understanding the conditions increase the possibility of developing health
outcomes. Locations with poorly ventilated homes or carpets facilitate the occurrence of asthma, as
dust mites and dander from domestic pets tend to adhere more easily to carpeted surfaces.
Corticosteroids, such as prednisone or methylprednisolone given by mouth or into a vein Most
people with asthma have wheezing attacks separated by symptom free periods. By continuing we’ll
assume you’re on board with our. Education of the patients is very important in the management of
asthma (Expert Panel Report 3, 2007). Detergents and cleaning materials in the home should be
unscented. This definition was refined in the 19th century by Henry Hyde Salter, who was also
asthmatic. Oxygen is then pulled through the larynx, a hollow muscular organ which forms an air
passage to the lungs and holds the vocal cords, also known as the voice box. Spirometry quantifies
the amount of air inhaled and exhaled and the speed at which the air moves out of the lungs. Aspirin
hypersensitivity is a non-direct immunological mediated allergic reaction.

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