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Structure o f Atom

Sub Atomic Particles
• I so tones have differe nt mass numo o t. 4 1 ::is ~ eTI
• Some important feature s of the three fundam ental19particl es bur hBr ~ sa::r m:i-e r =-~
differe nt atomic number (Z )
(i) The charge on an electro n is -l.602 x 10- Cand its
mass was found to be 9.11 x 1o- s g .
• Isodia phers have same isotop ic mr::nbe:r.
(ii) The specif ic charge (e/m ratio) of an electro n is
8 • Relatio nship between velocity (: ). w.a, cl;:::::¢ 1_
l.76 x 10 C/g wave numbe r
freque ncy (v) and (Y}..
(iii) Mass of 1 mole of electro n is nearly 0.55 mg. (a) c =v ).
C or IF.
(i\·) C harge on one mole of electro n is i::::: 9650024 I
(b) v =-
(v) Mass of a proton is found to be l.675x I0- g. A
( vi) C harge on a proton is+ L602x 10- C (c) v = v l c
where. c is the velocity in ms · • \ is the- ~-u~-:-
( \'ii) The specif ic charge (elm) ratio of proton
is !:l 5-

9.58 x 10-4 C / g . and 11. is wavele ngth in m.

• Relatio nship between ener£:' (E'l Ireq'JO..."""} • , xx
t \'iii) Neutro n is slightly heavie r than proton . Its mass is
found to be 1.6 7 5 x 10-4 Cl g. wavele ngth (A).

( ix ) Specific charge of a neutro n is zero .

.. Positro ns are positiv e counte r part of the electro ns. w- ~Js.
where. his planck 's constant. h == nc-,2 x
Ne utrino s and antine utrinos are the particl es of small mass
• Energy of electron in unidec troo 3torm.:- ~~~.
nnd zero charge . pi meson s and ~l meson s are the particles
hav ing a mass intem1ediate be~"'.'een that o: the electron E ,. - 13 1:Z.:- kJ mol 1

and proton . Meson s may be pos1t1vely. negattv ely charged n

or neut ra l. - 2.17, JO -I S Z~
to £ ,, = ., J art"'m
• Rad ius of nucleus is of the order of I. 5x 10- ' cm or

6 . 5x l(f l l c.:m. 3 Or
£ ,. = - ,- z·' e\ .llt:IJm
(i) Vo lume of the nucleu s is about 10- JQcm . (volum e o f n·
the nucleu s b) lo · times that of an ato m. 14 3 • The numbe r of ~l)C~tra l Jin~ m th~ ~--n-.2...,u " ' ~ me
(ii) o~nsity of the: nucleus is of the order of I 0 g cm ·

c.- lecrron comes fmm nth k , el w chi' ~"'unJ 1~, d
n(n - J\
Different Types of Atom k species ., - .
=- -
• l sotope s have same atomic numbe r (Z ) but di fferent mass u,~ m cn:-,a~ m
• The inte-ns.i tle$ of ~tra l Imes d ~ e
number (A ). mtens1 ~ ,,f ~ t L\17l=.."l ~
the value of n for examp k. t11e
• l sotopc.·s have same mass numbe r (A) but differe nt atomic (2 ➔ I ) is gre-arer th:111 S('..'f."\Dd hne (3 -+ l \
numbe r ( Z ) .
20 I Chapterw,se & Top1cw1se Engineering Entrance s Solved Paper s

I '. ~ , I ·
• I:nergy of quantum emi tted when electron drops from Valut ol / (1

L\£ "" u 122 2

[~ - ~] kJ rnoi- '
Shupe uf
I f I'
Sphericri l Durnbbel
'1 , /

II / I !t
( ompk <I t 1111,rle ..
11 2 orh,tnl I Jumhbdl

L ' l l

2 1
• h equcncy. 1·= R'l [ - - - 2 2 Magnetic Quantum Number (111)
n1 n2
• It represents the orientation of orb ital-, in lhc ex ll' mul nmg,nt' lll
15 1
where, R =- 3.289x J0 s fi eld. In other words, it represenrs th e rnm1h,·r ol orh11ula " ' "
• Wave number, particular type. It can hnvc nny va lue from - 1 1,1 t I rnd11d1 ng

1• = R'Z ~[~-~i
11 , "2

zero, for each va lue of/.
The number of orbitals belonging from nn orh11 111 cqu11 I Ln lhl·
orbit number.
where, R'= 109678cm· 1 • Each orbital of an orbit in si ngle elec tron sys tem hnw ex n~rl y
• Radiu s of nth orbit, equal energy, i.e. ns = np = nd = 11( ""· ..
n x 0.529 x 10- 10 m • Each orbital of an orbit in a multi electron i.ystem hn vc- nt:nrl y
1;, = - - - -- -- eq ual but slightly different energy . The ir t' nergy 1ncrco:)t':'I w11 h
the increase in / va lue. i.e.
• V cloc1ty of nth orbit,
ns < np < ml <. 11/ <. ..
2. I 88 x I0 6 x Z
v11 = - - - - - ms • The orbital angular momentum of electron l:'1 given by
• Number of revolutions in nth orbit = ~ 2n
Spin Quantum Number (s)
Quantum Numbers • It was proposed by Go ldschmidt and U hlenbeck . It rcprcse nh
According to de-Broglie, all the moving material the rotation of electron about its own UZ\ t s dunn g 11 s
objects possess wave like characteristics. revo lution round the nucleus. it con have the vnlues i- 1/ :! ur
h ~ · . - I/ 2. which normally represents clockwise and t\1ll \l' h 1d. w 111 e
1. =- where, h = 6.626 x 10 Js, m = mass (m kg) spin, respectivel y.
velo~ity (mis).
v -= • For one electron system: the energy of Mb1tnl Jepcnlls ,rnly l\11
• Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. It is impossible 18 the number of nodes, 1. e . on nnd not o n fo 1 11 , . 11 Int' tll1 '\ 11 1
determine momentum and position of a sub-atomic -atoms or ion energy levels of orbitals 1n n shdt are snme
particle precisely and simultaneously tu •!lp ~ .!!__ • Magnetic moment, (spin only) p = Jnt~, 1- ~) BM
4n the number of unpaired dc~tmn s, . LI t."It I ) t' 11 11\ ~l\l· II,
where, n .is BM
where, Ax = uncertainry in position, !lp = uncertainty in moment 1s .
2 • !he electron~ in a P?ly electronic pla('~U l ) lll' hv 11111.
t\hHn Hr~
• The wave function \JI represents an orbital where as '11 . lp \' )
~1gnifics the probability of finding electron in that
111 order of mcreasmg energy
. · leve l (nut'"ut
· ,, I ()nth.' 1 11 \l'
subsheti w11h lower values of, ,, i- / ) , , . ,
region for '11 = 0 the probability for finding electron is level ( f ( / ) j' , \ p, lssesl'!{i!!'\ i,) \~ ,·11~1 ~'
l' I
. . "+ or two lH'h11 nls is s11me, lht' (\ fl t' \\ tlh 111\1,- 1•1
values possesses lowrr enl.!rgy k w l tmJ sh,)uld he tdlc-d fl"'
Principal Quantum Number (n) S1>in Multipllclty
It represents the orbit from whi ch the electron is S = 2s+ I (s nrngmtuck of su ·
belonging. It can have the integer values I, 2, 3, .... . of elec rron prt'Sll lll) . • m ,) I 1111111 spm qu 11 n111111 1111111l w1 "

With the help of n, we may determine the di ~tance of • The plane und poi11t !\I ,1 ·I
electron from nucleus, speed of electron . its energy, etc, (\I' ~ _ O) · k '" \ll 1 1 N l ) l' kl' li ,1n d t 11 ... 11 v i- , t~h
- ,s ' llown us nndul plf111c M lh Hl11l th11n t
Azimuthal or Subsidiary or Angular Momentum • An orhi tal with qunnt b
nodes I . ~ lllll n11m er " tt nd / pnssc~sc:-. o11 g11h11
-= " / -
Quantum Number (/) unc, rndial nod~s _ I.
1t represents the type of orbital fro~ which electron is ·
where , " ~ pnnc1pnl qunn1um numbbr
beJonging and the shape of the orbi tal. It can have any
, ti to (n _ I) for each value of 11 . I ~ azimuthal quantum nurnber
V ue rom , 1, 2 , ...
aI O
Thus, total number of node . ·.
s tn an urb1t11 l ..:. (,, I)
Topic 1
Sub-Atomic Particles
l. The tnad of the nude1 that is isotonic.. is [Maoipt"tl] t 1. ~-trich of the railowr:--ig e2u~ .x JC. 1scmcc ~ ·
(a) t- C' 4. - NI". 9F1q {b ) 1:, C1a. - ~ 1; . ., F1- ~CH:
(c) - C'1" . -~ 1,!. ,..., f 11 ( d ) b c i : • _J\; I.! . q F I i, ..... - -.J.
- l{! , _ 1-l ~ .:u l.- ~
.. rn ) 32Ge. }J As . : G:-~ i .-c..._ . .l -' - • :fl "'

2. Wbich o f the follo\\'ing are [OJEEJ

( C) ~~ C ~:Tb. ~Pl ! .: ; C -:C. -:-...-
(a) Ll and Be - (b) W and He -
(c} He and H (d) Be - and H
3. An elements (OJEE I 12. The m.rrnber oi cle-..'lTCt:S :n::.c. =-~~ c ~ ::u: .=ia:::e:r ..s : i .n:c
20. respccti-..'t!i: . bs c:cr:::J::ier rs, r;t,-.a ..fur..
(a) is one type of atom
(b } is t\J.-O or more types of atom 1a) 2 1b 1 t- c ; - ..: .:,-~
(c) has constant bo1 hng pomr 13. one of me tilll.oi;..iE:g n..Ics IS mt r:ic-cteec.:ri:m: ".
(d ) has constant melting point 02-? [~ llffii::a, T'ifw:n:::a

2010 (a ) Ti - ♦ Cl s-;__
4. Which has the highest e, m ratio -~ [Manipal}
(a) He 2- {b) H . (c ) He· (d >o· 14. \ \ 1rich one of the rblk1i.;..i:1g .s!IS o.:.· CC'I2 ~ J ! : 1
collectio n of isOl:!lectro:c.:c ~ : i : UEt::EI
2009 3 > BJ:- . Sr> - ~ . . s>
(a) K- . Cl -. Ca:- . Sc - fh
5. Increasing order (lo,.., l!St first) for the values of em for
electron (t>). proton ( p ). neurron t n ) and o.-pa.mcles ~ <c > 1'.; - . o> . r- . s-=- ,c.1 Lr - _x.-i - • ~~ > . t:.'.i. -=-
[In~prutha CE'T, C G P ET]
15. Ca : • i..s LSOekctroni..: v....7±. 9'«':aJ"IT']?'L~
t a) e. p . 11 , a (b )n.a. p . e ,u 1Kl--
(a) Na - (b ) Ar
l Cl 11 , p . <'!. a (d )n. p . a.e
16. The lighrest pamcle is

2008 . (a) a-p:irtick

6. 111~ dectronic configuration of a d1pos im e 10 0 Jf · - is_ (c ) procon
J 8 l -+ and its mass number 1.s 56. The number o t 17. Ho"' man::, neutrons a._~ pres..~ rr: t1::lCTil r:ccl~ :
-, • . [Ma.nipal]
neutrons present 1s · (a ) 2 lb ) .3 (l(B.IEE}
( a) 32 (b) 42 t c) 30 (d ) 34
( c )t {d)O
7. An isobar of '.'. OCa -lil 1s [MB'T CETI 18. \Vhich one of the fo{Io-wmg ~ ~ fX.~e ~ .:e:::i.: r e
-10 mass'? fWB .nlEl
la) Ar
(a) Electron tb } ~ecm..""'C!.
(c ) ~ ca-'
(c) Proton ( d) Ncr:e o :· ~
8. The nucleus o f an atom contains
19. ~udear meoD- atom -•~
pur rorwa...t ~ r~
lal proton and ekctron (a) Rutherford l c ) .'-\_--me
(b) neutron and electron (C) ~eils Boor t d1 J J Th~c:soc
\ c) proton and neutron
(d ) proton. neurron and electron 20. \\lrich parode oontams 2 neu::rucs :me. r ['.:X'L'l'!XlO .,.
the follO\l.'lllg is \a) 1 H: (M .:.H~.i [G.Q CJrn
9. lsoelectronic pair among
[UPSEEl t c) 1 T -' ld l D.:
(b) Ar and Ca: ~
ta) C'a and K
(c) K and Ca > (d) Ar and K 2005 . [.
21. ~umber of neutron m C · rs
2007 ( a) 6 (b ) 7 t c) S
10. Mg > lS isoelectronic wi th (KCETJ
22. An isomoe of ~ Geis fOCE}
( a) C u ·
~; Ge (b) ; As ,d :~
(ci1'.a ·

Topic 2
Atomic Models
2014 2012
8. The kineti c energy of an electro n in the c;econd Bohr orbtt
1. Which of the following relation is incorrect regarding of a hydrogen atom is [a O is Bohr rad ms] (TIT JEE}
Bohr's theory? [BITSAT] h2
(b) - - -
(a) Velocity of electron oc ~
(a) ', 2 l t:.- 2 ,
4n Lma 0 w~ ma~
2 h2
(b) Frequency of revolution oc _I_ (c) h ,, (d ) 1 .,
II 2
32n 2 ma 0 64iC ma,,
(c) Radius of orbit oc ,, z
9. If the radius of H is 0.54 A, then what w ill be the radrus of
( d) Force on electron oc. _l_ Li 2 ... ? [BITSATI
n~ 3
(a) 0.17 A (b) 0 .36 A (c) 0 .5 3 A (d) 1. 59-; 3..
2. The emission spectrum of hydrogen discovered first and
the region of the electromag netic spectrum in which it 2011
belongs, respectivel y are [WB JEE]
10. The work function (<j>)of some metals arc listed below. The
(a) Lyman, ultraviolet (b) Lyman. visible
number of metals which will sho,, photoelecm c effea
(c) Balmer, utra violet (d) Balmer. visible
when light of 300 nm wavelengt h falls on the metal 15
3. The Balmer series in atomic hydrogen is observed in the
following spectral region ~ [AMU] Metal I Li Na K \lg Cu Ag Fe Pi \\

(a) infrared (b) ultraviolet q,(eV) 2.4 2.3 2.2 3.7 ➔.8 ➔.3 ➔. - 6 3 -+ -=
(c) visible (d) far IR
4. Energy of an electron is given [IlTJEE1
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d ) 8
£=-2.17 9x 10- ISJ(z:J
11. A gas absorbs photon of 355 run and ~mn:s · ,,, -. \o. •,i --
"- L \,.. a.&.

~avelength s. Ifone of the emission is 31 680 nm. ch..,,. _ Offic'c.

Wavelengt h of light required to excite an electron in an IS at
hydrogen atom from level n = I to n = 2 will be (a) 1035 nm
8 1
(b) 325 run
( h = 6.62 x 10- Js and c = 3.0 x 10 ms - ) [JEE Mains] (c) 743 nm t d) 5 18 bm
7 1
(a) l. 2 14 x I0 - m (b)2.816 x 10- m .
12. The frequency of li ght emitted fo r the rnmsiti on n -- -' LC
7 n - ? of H + ·
(c)6.5:)0 x l0
m (d)8.500 x 10- m - - . e ts equal to the transition rn H a:...x:-
correspond ing to w hich of the fo llowino') [AIEEE ;
(a)n = 3 to n =l (b ) " .::, ·
2013 (c)n=J to n = :2 (d)n = - to n == l
5. The transition of electron in H atom that will emit . 11 =-4 to n = ,
maximum energy is [Manipal] 13. Which transition in the hvdroo»n .. - ,~ •
ha , th . .::,'- u1on.u~ ~ ...,......
. '- --_ u UU1 1.\ L-..
\ e e same wa,·elenot h as the tr-an.s.mon..
(a) n 3 ➔ n 2 (b)n 4 ➔ n 3 ... .::, i
He spectrum ? n == -\' tv ., == _: . _- . :·
(c) " s ➔ 11 4 (d) " 4 ➔ " s
6. Which of the following is not true in Rutherford 's nuclear
(a) 11 = 4 [O" =, [KeraLa
lb) n =- ..:- tu n = :.
(c)n = 4to n= ~
model of atom fMHT CET]
(e) n = 2 to 11 = I ld)" = 3 to 1; = !
(a) Protons and neutrons are present inside the nucleus
(b) Volume of nucleus is very small as co mpared to the ;n of""
14. The cne~--:· ., ,,..,.,.... .
.... " 1c ,.. .. '-)n m fi . B.:i
- I~•6 e\ . The p0s.sible ., ,. f'5t "hr orbu c•f H-..?..t0c:-. ':-
vol ume of an atom -- ncf":;!, \".l(U.>. ' '
(c) The number of protons and neutrons are always eq ual
''" ' 'It" d •
" ·' " " !>tute of
, ,
Li -- i:.,; - • " 1..'! ~-~ tn.'n :..."! ~
(d) The numberof electrons and protons are always equal (a) - 122.-l e\ · fVt'"B JE.E1
k ) - 30.6 c\ ' lb\ 30 t:> ~\
7. When the electrons of hydrogen atom return to Lshcll from
shells of higher energy. we gd a series of lines in the 1~. The e k-c trl)mc tnur hn U c- 1."\
. s1t1om th.) _,
spectrum. This series is called [KCE1'l ~h1.m t st ,, a, den~th m n - - c._, n =:: 1,,. ill r n.x!:.-.-.."
st.111?) - in \\\here ._ ·
(a) Balmer series (b) Lyman sern:s , • It - Pflll\:'q.-i..d <.) :....tttm:
(c) Brackett series (d ) Pasc hen sl'rtt·s
p ) L1·· lb\lh_~ · f\t-SJElrJ
1'-· ) H
Strut't ur'E> ll)f Atom I 23
16. The ~ncrgy required t~) br~ak one 1\1ok ,,f Cl ('I llt)l\<l~ in l~. An t'IC\~t1\, nh· 1rnn~111t,n m hh\r,.,~ ~1vcn ~tlh m 1bt-
C l 2 s 2~2 kJ ~101 . 1 he longcs1 wavckngt,h nf light fonn:t\1<1n ,,f !\ ~ \mt" M h\,hn~~ m L ,m~n ~e-3... '11:tt>
capable ot· brcakmg a single Cl - C l hond is enc:l)l,ltS :t,s,~1"1ex1 \\ 1th the- t'\t~rn'° m ;_~...-h ,,f ;.¾e- ,°Vt'm
invnl\,c'i.1 ll\ tht tr:m~1tMn lln \-\~at m.,1 ) An"
(a) 594 ntl\ (b) MO t\ll\
(c) 700 nm (d) 494 nm llUTSA T. AM\'. &..\.\ICET)
(:l) 3 IJ .<\ - ) 4.~4 (fl) ->D ti. - -s -4
17. Ionisation energy of He is !(:) . 6 x 10 1~ J Mom 1 • The
(,' ) - 78.4 , - ) 4.X4 (J\ - -~ -L -l '-lt,
energy of the first stationary state (n _ l) of U 21 ,s
(a) 4 ·. 41 x 10 1() J atom 1
16, fxtla:..ncm lx1d, M' cl i,·,, f).'lmd t::- oo hmm~ Ihm k'-tl i'f
lAlEE~l £,l)ld :-hows 1h:11 TM.a.n.i;pal]
(h) - 4 . 41 x 10 17 J atom - 1
(c) - 2 . 2x I0 - 15 ,
(:,) nucku:- is he.ri,,
(h) noc.lcus is !\m:,ll
(d) 8 . 82 x 10- 17 .I atom 1
(c) Both (:1) :lnd (h)
18. The radius of the first Rohr orbit of hydrogen atom i:- (d) lccm)ns croatt~ hindt"'.'e m th" t1)(Wt'1n.:-111 ,,f
0 .529 A. The radius of the third orbit of H + will be (t• f':Utj e.lcs

(a) 8.46 A (b) 0 .705 A lManlpal) 27.Timc pcriud of :1 ,,'!\,,' 1~ :--, 10 ~. \'\fill,., ~
(c) l.59 A (d) 4.76 A frequency ·~ fl-:P'SEIU
(:\) S x 10- ., s 1 (h ) ~' l()~ ~ -
19. The wave number of the spectral line in the emission
( C) 23 >-. I 03 s - l (d) S, H\: s- -
spectnun of hydrogen will be equal to ~ times the Rydberg's
9 28. An dcctmn fmm ()fie l3l)hr st:m,,n~ ,~n ~~m~
constant, if the electron jumps from LKCET)
hi.ghcr -orhit fl~
(a) n = 3 to n = 1 (b) n = I Oto n = 1 (3) by emission l)f dccl!\una_gnetic ram!.non
(h) by :1hsorption o f n.n~ dtX"m:m:i!\g~---ot DIDM'l,-m
(c) n = 9 to n = 1 =
( d) n 2 to n 1 = (c) by 3b~uqwim1 uf c'h"x'trc1.m~gneti, ~nro .:-i
20. The ratio of the difference in energy between the first a.nd pa.11.icula.r frcqu,~t'-'Y
the second Bohr orbit to that between the second and the (d) witlhml crnissi1Jn or :\hs,,ri,th'D N. d .x' t r ~ ~n..-
third Bohr orbit is CRPETl mdi:ltfon
l l 4 27 29. Splittit\g of spectrum hnc"' in m:).~en.::- ficlJ is f l . ~
(a) -
(b) -
(c) -9 (d) 5
(a) St~rk cftbct
21 The wave number of the first line in the Lyman series
. hydrogen spectrum 1s ·
in (h) Raman efflxt
CET] ( c) Zeeman cffa;' t
1 1 (d) Rutherford effect
(a) 72755 .5 cm - (b) 109678 c1n _
(c) 82258 _5 cm - t 1 30. The scientist wh<) prop1:'SN the :ltt'1,1.l( mt~.icl ~ i "\u ~
(d) 65473 .6 cm
quantisation of cncrgy 1~,r Ull' first tin~ rs l.l&K C'E'f1
2009 (a) M,:1..x Planck (b) N l~!' Bcl'-.r
22 The number of photons emitted per second by a 60 ~ (c) de-Broglie (d) H~1~~1x~rs
. f nochromatic light of wavelength 663 nm is 3 t. What is the lowest ene~ ~)f th<.• ~-xtr!\l b111,\' tm: ~ ~\
source o mo0 _34 J ) [Kerala CEEl the hydt\)gcn :lt:t\m m Ult tyn1:;m si.~~
(h = 6. 63 X I s 20
- 20 (b) 1.54 X 10
(a) 4 x 10_20 (d) >< 10 20
( ) 3 x IO 2
C 20
(e) l x io- .
. b. f BeJ + is equal to that of (h) 4-h~R
21 Bohr's radius of 211 <l or it o th CET CGPET]
~· [lndrapra• a • -~
(b) 2 nd orbit of He ➔•
(a) 4th orbit of hydro
21 gen (d) l ' • orbit of hydrogen
(c) 3 orbit ofLi

2008 . . th· I of hydrogen atom is

24 The ionisation en a PY . d to excite the
. 1. 312 x l 06 J mol - i • The energy re(l_:1~ . [AlEEEl
electron in the atom from n1 =l to n 2 - - ~-; . 1· I
5 mol - 1 (b) 6.56x 10 J mo ,
(a)8 .S}x 10 / - 1 (d)9 .84 x l0 5Jmol
(c) 7.56 x 10· J mol .
Pl£! • i! ;

24 f Chc)p1erw,r,e & Top,c.<111s~ Eng,neenng Entrance s Solved Papers

42. The number (Jf waves m an orb1l arc lBIT8A TJ
33. WhJch d1ag.ra:rn be-it tcpr~ts the appearance of the hne
. ') 2 (b) n
,pectrom of atoom;. hydrogen in the v1s1hle region •

(a)n (d)n - 2
IKeral• CEEl (c) n - 1
43. Bohr model can explain ()fanjpt1.ll
ll'ICTeaslflg wave length

(~) -,
- -r-r I I I I I (a) the so lar spectru m
the s ectrum of hydrog en molecu l~ .
(c) spectrum of any atom or ion contam mg on e electron
,_ I p

I ! ~
<b) only
11 ( d) the spectrum of hydroge n atom only
(C J
J 1-r-- I i 44. Zeeman effect refers to the [Ma~a J I
(a) splitting up of the lines in an emiss~on spectru m in the
I I ! I
presenc e of an externa l electros tatr~ field .
(b) random scatteri ng of light by col! 01 31 particles .
7n . I I ; 1111
(c) splitting up of the lines in an em1ss 1on spectru m m a
magnetic field ._
(d) emiss ion of electron s from metals when hgbt fa lls
34. 1be w mMtlon energy of hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV. What
upon them
w11J be the ionisation energy of He ? [WB JEE]

45. The energy of hydrogen atom in its ground state is

(a) 13 .6 eV (bJ 54.4 eV - I 3.6eV. The energy of the lev~I corresp onding to the
<c.J 122.4 eV (d) Zero
quantum number n = 5 is [MDT CETl
35. The wavelength of the radiation emitted, when in a
hydrogen atom electron fa lls from infinjty to stationary
(a) - 5.4 eV (b) - 0. 54 eV
(c) -2 . 72eV (d)-0. 85eV
state l , would be (Rydberg cons1aTI1 = I. 097 x 10 7 m- 1 )
46. If the energy differen ce between the ground state of an
(a) 91 nm (b) 192 om [UPSEEl atom and its excited state is 4.4 x 10-4 J, the wavele ngth of
<c J 4!>6 nm (d) 9. I Y Jo- 8 nm photon required to produce the transitio n fUPSE EJ
36. The energy of second Bohr orbit of the hydrogen atom is (a) 2. 26x 10- 12 m (b) l. l3 x 10- 12 m
- 328 kJ mol - 1; hence the energy of fourth Bohr orbit
(c) 4 . 52 x 10- 16 m (d) 4 . 52 x 10- 12 m
would be CUPSEE]
(a) - 41 kJ mo1- 1 (bJ-131 2 kJ mol - 1 47. The energy of a photon is 3 x 10- 12 ergs. What is its
(c) - 164 kJ mot -• (dJ - 82 kJ mot- 1 wav elength in nm ?

37. The wavelength of a spectral lme emitted by hy drogen (h = 6. 62 x 10- 21 ergs, c =3 x 1010 cm/s )
IS - 16 Cffi Wb at IS
alOm ID , I.. - •
we l,vm~n senes • . U,LK- Va IUe 0 f (a) 662 (b) I "'? 4
l 5R (c) 66.2
(d) /
n 2 ? ( R =Rydberg constant ) fEA.lWCET] 48. What is the energy ( in eV) req .red
fr .
la ) 2 (bJ3 (c) 4 (d) I ll1
om n .= I_to n = 2 state in hydroge to excite the J tr
n atom ? e ec on
38. Th,e ;,aJue of Rydberg constant i.s (n = pnnc1pal quantum number
[J&K CET] ) ·
( ti. ) 109678c m 1 1 (a) 13.6 (b ) 3 4 (J&K CET)
(b) I 09876cm -
· (c) 17.0 (d ) lO
((..) l08769c m- 1 (d} 108976c m- 1 49. Energy of photon o f . 'bl . .2
~ V JSI e light is
3,9. Toe wavelen gth o f a spectralline in Lyman series, when (a) l eV (b) I Me\' ( (DCEJ
electron JUD1P5 back from 2nd orbrt. is 50. For a Bohr atom an lar c ) l eV (d
{J&K CETJ ) l ke V
<a )l 162A (bJ1 216A (cJ1362 A ( n = 0, I, ~ .... ) gu ffiO£tK."fltu:m M of the el(!(:tron is
(d) l l76A
4.fJ. The energy rau o of a photon of wavelength 3-0()') A and , lJ lllllia M.ilJi•Ae&.m.
(a) -nh • , J •-J 1a• J
6000 A IS (b ) n· h ~
(BCE.cEJ 4n: -4 (c) YTth .:: nh
(a)J : l (b) 2 :1 {c,1 - 2 (d) 1· 4 n - 4 (d) -
2005 n 21t
2006 51 . The '-eloc·
41 . AL::Wrdmg to Bohr 's theory. the angular momentum of an 1ty of el
compared to th ectron
d e:ctron in 5th orbit is LAIEEE J e '-eloc1ty f m.
first orbit of H·-atom

fa) ..}_ th o tight is {BITSAT)

h h '1 (d , , Ji
( a J 25 - (b) 1.0: (CJ ! 0- >- ) ~
10 I
l'1 " 1! {CJ _ l th (b) - th
( d) s.a.r11e£J!1 sy t Si

Structure o.f Atom f 25

52. Strut effect refers th t.hf:
( a) 1.>.pJitting up of ths lmt.:'> man tffll\-Wm ~~.m-, n: •tl";
l.MP ~(1 57 · ''I~~ ',f kI:.etf(, ~.e;-'7,. to• .a-, orbrt i.i i>nual to
=>J ""'t

l t11 cz.n rA t;.e pM'er.-:;a, ~.erg,J [BC'EC"E1

_presence r,f an tle,:_'1.r,,t;,t.atu... f~
(b} rand<m-i sr~ini vf h gh1 7/ v,thA&-.J p-:~~
1~,, ·,. K-e ,if tl-~ P,.tl!r,:ia, er.erg:1
1(. 1 '
(cJ sphttm~ tJp <,f O'ie hoe-, m ~ ~ i1.~J/Jn ~~✓-1:P..:r-n m ~ f,.,.;;-f1 of trie ~.ergy
rn.a_g,net1c field. ' dJ ,;,;;.e vf tf~ a;y;,;,e .,

(d J ='>Jon of el.e{.t-t.m"> frr,m met.ah t;,r~ b~ iwh 44/r,; 58, 11-.e . H ~»:#<t+n:n [DCEJ
( ~)
, f'.- r-~se:r,,)e;-g
< ' s. u;-~--a..;r-; pn-:-.ctpt-e;

53. ~ relatio~up ~·neen ~ ~ g j' £ ; Gf 1",e r~..Jl'fl, •;,-t.t, ~ {i,J dtf:·ra:..u.o-:-.

H.:r.relengfu '4XXJ A and tl-ie ~r;t;'l'{;f E'-' r.,f tht r~~;r. "1,-d, a f c.. J p(k:nt::u.,r.,
wa:'lelength l ~Yf.J A 1t ~ e,--m f d 1 o-~,.:,.e
., r,~ CI'Y
,,, ~.trsed er~~ -v
._,.~ tevei
faJ £ ! =6£ 2 <bJ £ =2£- !IJ·. v:,-.r.-x.h ui fr.e ~ta~e.nents does not form a pa."'t
<c., £ , -.:z 4E L «l) £ _ =1. UL ,/, 8--J t:-'s. r r ~ o-f hyc!rf)ger. a:corn ? [])CE]
(eJE. = £ 2 f aJ &·y oi tt.e electrons rn tl:e orb1t is quantised
54. Ruiherf<:,rd>s t'l.peDrf,.em (,rJ me t.t..:al1~ ,A (J,~ x b fb) The dectroo rr. the <.>rt>:~ r\earest the nudeus has the
l>f.HYWed for ff';ae fim W'ne d-~ li-Jt" ~ f l b;,~ [l;~ 1'n ,~ er.erg;,
fo J E;.ectrOf'iS re-r, o~ e r.. different orb1ts around the
(aJ electror.\ <bJ pr<JtJ:JJlb fr.:J nr.u..!e,n (d1 r.J;U1r,.Jm ~nd~
55. The enc,--rgy (Jf the e-lecuoo m fir!t W;r•~ r.J!b-!1 tt; -13 ',:;'i.' Trie O"J!-fllif.. a:-lci -,e!oci:v of the electrons in the
The ener-6 1 <Jf ~ ~ 'm m rt~ fn~ f'J!'.'.ci-...ed ~x 1-.i urlm ·ca::..:-~ot he der..errm:ned ~mm1taneously
<a ) - 3A eV <bJ- 2'7. %~V IOJEEJ fAJ. Energ:v ofH ~ b the gr..ound state is - 13. 6 e'-~hence
eriergy mtie ex&..ed st.ate is
<dJ- 1'J. 2c'V
[J'llJDia ,Millia lai:amial
S6. P,n.gu1ar <A ;a; d.f;>(.V(1"J m u-e n trl ,__m:,.: ,,f
ffi{JITt'::lJr,.UUJ fa J - 6. ~eV fb) -3AeV
hydrog.en atorn ~ gh'en b:· fBYITJ (cJ - 1 5leV (d) - 4 . 53 eV
<a):: lbJ
<<J ~
ldJ ..::__ nh nh 2nh

Topic 3
Modern Structure of Atom
2014 2012,
l . A.s pe-; 1,t;--B.rr.1~ ~ ;rK':f:...'.l:. ~,;,tl. ~.x.~ of rr~ 4. V.1rich of the f~lO"-limg does not represent the
: <IJ g A-"~ r"u ,.:12 a ·, elt.F~, : ..J ~(I, cr..:. ,.-;:; h:ar,e ~ r r ~ e1',¥-es5l{)n :or the Heisenberg uncertainty
..,_;.,.~ ,.,,,.,
.,....-.,-. [WBJEEJ
;.a'>den-tf11l •.,f f11':B,JUJ
faJ ~ - tip~h (4r.J (b) 6.x - ~1;2'..h (4 -rtm)
ra I 6 (,,., ! .<J ~: ~.,-:,
' "> J {-> ( / 1(J-~' ~n: l CJ b.E · M ~ h (41!:.J (d} M - iix2'..h ( 4~)
( <. I f;, (} / ! (J ,;, f,;'{f,
·c, 6 r, ., l•J ·- '.:.-;:. 2-011
... -J· ~M... #-'
. ,., . . . ~ •:r . ,_... , ....... ~,, u::c.1Fr, .. ,::::;'.:(.;": ;;•,;-;, r:~ Y. H 5. Cakclare the velocity of an electron ha'<.-ing wavelenszm
• 1- 3' ;'Jo::. i
• 'l
.,,- -; ~ J Ft- • • v w..- ,....,,_# i:;.;t" ...
J' " .., -

(.a ,t»: :4f tilt "t':ei:tJr,1!.'."r, , .~,d.e-:1p.r, cf. of O ! 5 ffi11 Mass o,: an eiectron is 9. l 09 x 1O - g.
( h =6. 626 / H,:- ~g-sJ. [ Guj CETJ
•~g;r: t:ru ~..:.'l p;~•.r; -::~;~ ~ t ,~,m f:,r.-r,_rot:112'J X
,::.. , ~~'J~ / :rJ ,;, t,n ' .
-: , ;. . / ' . ..... "' ,~ A - - J ,,, .,, ....... . fa ) 2 t.;.S2"" 10-R cm ·s -,
fC) .1 84 / Hr cm-~- i
fb) 2JJ62-< 10-: 5 cm ·s ;
(d) 2.062" !0-9 cm -s- ·

,. ,. • r " 1 t_, .... ~ :: "",

": J ' ; ".,;.,e (, f tr"~
, .
f,.... • ,

3 , :,e 7 - ( , ,,y: ,,~ ~ .. , ';,:.ot,.<t:c. ·.,f ~r,;{J;.a:~r.. ~/-,ov:. ff:~'.-tt.Cf 2010

. - ;,,-\'~ !:L ,. ~, , ,
~ {J'AK C'E11
6. H hefa..'ID a:c,rr; and hyd:-lf~ molecule are moving with
• ~ r , r.,'j ~: - ~• :-:~h,
rr.e !2.~ ~ eiocirJ. 6er. waYelengrh ratio will be
', 1 : %9 '5 i r.J «~✓, t z. 1 .1. - l IOJ I : 2 lMP PETJ
(f_ i '.. % '! i.-.1 r{'LJ tq 2 l fd> ! : 4
•,~' , -, ~. ~; it.1-:~ ,~-
.. ;

Ned papers
£n•rances SO
26 I Chapt.enM5e & ToptCMse Eng1 rtee1tfl9 1, f
kg 15 movmg with a veloci ty of
1~ A cn ckct baJI o I . rrlh assoc iated wrth it5 motion,.,
-· JOO [Il,) The wave C05u• 34
7. A particle ha•,mi a mas1 of I O n1tt hac, a 'doctt: of 3600 (b) 6.6 x IO m (GuJ CETI
km'h Calculalc dx w a, ekngth of lhe rart 1cle (a ) 0.01 cmo- ~~ m (d) 6.6:,<' JO 2j! m
lh 6626,,.IO •- ag~J (G UJ CETl (c) l. 32 x l I gth of a tcnms ball of mass 60 g
6 626 ,<10 ✓
(b l 6 626,.. I 0 ---0 cm d B g he wave en . 1
( a) cm 16- Tbe . e- ro Iocity of JO mis is approximate)'
,q 6 626.1 10 :Ji cm (di 6.626x 10 ;, cm moving with a ve - 34 {MP PET}
h - 6 63 x IO Js)
(Planck 's oon5 tant , · - · -1 1
(a)JO .. m
_l, (b) l O
(d) J0- 2.s m
fl. In .an atom. an electc()f} is mo, mg v,nh a spe,erl of 600 m s
(c ) 10- 16 m
wilh an accurac)' o f 0 .005°-o Certatrul)' V.'ltn which :11.J
ncKIUon o f the clectron can be located is ( h = 6. 6 x 10 ·
1~ - • .
kg m" s- , ma.s.-s of electron. e. = 9 Ix
10-11 1. )
· J\,g
of mass IO mg is mo ving wi th a veloc1~ of
laJ l 52"' 10-4 m (b) 5 !Ox !0-, m LAIEEEJ 17. AlOObod~1 The wavelength of de-Broglie wave associated
ms · -34 ) [KCETJ
<cJ I 92:Y 10 :; m (d) 3.84 x 10 ; m with it would be ('7 = 6 . 63 x I O Js
- 34
9. Calculate the wa.,elength (in nanometer) a.'50Cialed wnh a (a) 6.63 X 1o - 3.5 m (b) 6.63 X l 0 - 37 rn
( c) 6.63 x 10- 31
proton ~ : . ~ at LO x 10:!- ms -l-~ (!\1ass of proton m (d ) 6 .63 x IO m
=1.67.>< 10- - kgandh =6. 63 x 10- > .Is) [AIEEEJ
fa )0 03.2 nm (b) 0.40 run 2006
1c, .2.5 nm (d) 14.0 run 18. Uncertainty m the position of an electron
I 0. A body of mass x kg is m:J\-iDg wrth a vcloc-1~. of I 00 ms - • (mass= 9. I X I 0- 3 1 kg) 1~1oving with a velociz4300 ms - I ,
Jts de:Broglie wan•lengm is 6. 62 x 10-' 5 m Hence, x is accurateupon0. OOl % w1llbe(h = 6 . 63 x 10 Js )
l h = 6.6V IO-~ ls) fManipaJJ (a) 19.2 x 10- 2 m (b) 5.76x 10 - 2 m [AIEEEJ
(aJO . l kg (bJ0.25kg (c )O.1 5kg (d ) O.]kg (c ) J.93 x 10- 2 m (d ) 3.84 x 10- 2 m
IL \\. 1uch o f me IS the c.orrttt form ofSchrodin.ger
19. The probability of finding the electron in the orbital is
'-" a\ e equauon ? IGuj CETJ
c2 y c=v - -c=v - -8;r:m .
(a} 100°/o (b) 90-95 % [BITSATJ
(aJ - - - , - (£ -1 }1:1 = 0 (c) 70-80°0 (d) 50-60%
C~ X c y c -z
2 Ji -
2 2 20. What is , ~e frequency of photon whose momentum is
(b , -cex=v -cc:r=v c=v 8.r:m (E I") - O I.I x 10--, kg ms - 2 ?
- - -czl ---
- v- (a) 5 x 1010 Hz (MP PET]
cv: iJ,,J 1 cv = 8rt 2 m
(C)-- - - - - - - - - - ( £-1 )v = 0
, (b) 5 x 1017 H z
(c) 0. S x 10 18 Hz
i:zz 0 ·= c=-: h: .
(d) 5 x 1018 H z
i 2V f:V c1 v 8~: m: .
(d ) - _ - - _ - - , - - - , - (£-1 h.1 = 0 21. Waye nature of electrons was den
a- 0- c-=· h- (a) Schrodinger 1onstrated by fWB JEEJ
12. A parude mo,IDg \l,ith a velociry I 0 6 m s " iU ha, e (b ) de-Broglie
de-Brogile \l,av elength nearly. (c) Da,; sson and Garme
1,ghen. m =6 . 62 >' 10- ~- kg.. h = 6 . 62 .,,. I 0- 1 .: J-s l (d) Heisenberg r
{lndraprastha CETJ 21. The uncenru ~ •
nne..-: in the veJoc· ·. ,
(aJ IO_,,, m <bJ 10- n m le) 10 M m (di I A ure 0.05 and 0.02 ms , ines o.f two P3.rticlcs 4 an t B

2008 ..h_: 1 ,\. '-:-

re~X"Cl!vc-ly Th
nmes to th!H of ,w A . \Vhat . , th ·
. \
c mass of 8 ,~ 1-,,e
c moo f
13. 1be •elocnies o f rwo parm l~ A and B ar-e o o:; and in their P<"S1ttons •) l) unecrtutntK~
0.02 IJl'S - • rb7)CCO\ ely The mas:. of B 1s fi , e !lITk''!> the
mass of A 1be rauo of the-tr de-Brughe ':. \\a, ekngth ts (EA.McETJ
fB ITSAT , AMU. EA.M Ct:r] (h) 0.25
(a ) 2 : I (bJl - 4 lcJl I ld H I
lJ · An c'lecrr\)O , ( d) I
l:,; tt)l)\ 111"
\\ .1, de:ngth ' e. in Bohr's f
14. Which of the following e~1on:, gth-~ th<: &-Bn..~glie orhn l t:,; "- \\.1131 is th1.• ~i ~'ll rtl~ orh1t It.,-; de-Broglie
relauonsh1p : f'\"B JF..RJ , n::uni f"ef'l"ncc <'f the fourth
h h h
(a)p = -
(b )). = -
(c}A = -
td li.Jt1 = \ (3\ -
,, I t,,:AMCETJ
p (h) 2),

t .:I) 4
Structure of Atom I 27
) ro il '
N. Wli11I 1J{ ~t lc 1a1 111v. p< ,1~; 111,;il !I: llti~l t:il In 1 ! !Ce ,1n 26. Th.e . uncertaint · the I oomentum of an electron is
dt.a. l1Hn ht-, 111 1 w ,11 1lo" 11 \:·1·1cu 1vc WhVdtngth of (UJ'i(J A'!
. ~ Y m
· l <JyJO · k -1
4 i;V (1.. .,, 2 · g ms • The ur<certainty in its position will be
(il)IX f, ,1 1() n) 1 "'f, ,,-l(J · tV IGuJ CE'Fl
(b) l.05x 10 -26 m [DCEJ
fr!J 2.kf,,,. 10 1 t V (a ) l.50Y 10-28 m
(<) L X<,,,- l(J eV 3
(c) 5 27 Y 10 'J m (d ) 5.2S x 10 - 28 m
2~. W li1 d1 of tl 1t fo ll< ,wir 1ro. 1, 1 f f,..:1.,,,j.,'Tl 1..n t;rg unc~rtamty
27. U~rtainty in position of a particle of 25 gin space
pt IIH:i pl c ·;
l O m. Hence, uncertainty in velocity (ms _,) is
h h
(Planck ' s constant h = 6.6 Y 10- Js)
( ll)J\A · /\.J1 .,. 34
(t,) Ax. · l\p
4 rt 41t
I, [Jam ia MiJli.g Islarnia)
(q At l\p · (dJ!i. x•t\p ,.,, h (a) 2.1/., 10 -2is (b) 2. 1X 10-~4
4n 4n 34
(c) 0.5 Y I 0 - (d) 5.0 x 10- !4

Topic 4
Quantum Numbers
I . I n an c1 to1n, the lotc1 I 11U111hcr of (; lcctn,n., havin
g (JU<1n tum 201 3
11u11 1hcnr n 4, \m1 I bmd m, I / 2ii, (,JEE Adva nced]
7. For a /-orb ital the values of mare [KCE T]

(iJ) 1 (h) 2 ( c) (> (d) 9 (a) - 1., 0, + I

ce (b)O, + l,+ 2,+ 3
2. T l1 c corre ct "ct of fc,ur 4uantum number f'c,r the valen <c) - 2.- 1, 0.+ 1,+ 2
e lec trons of nih1di11m atom ( % 17 J1'> JJEE M.aiD.HJ
( d J - 3, - 2. - I. 0. .;.. I. + 2. .... 3
I (h ) 5, !, () 1 by
(a J ), 0, 0, 1 ' 2 8. The magne,, ~-c .. am•J111 nw11bcr ford- orb: al is given
I (a) 2 (b) 0, ± I. ± _ lOJEEJ
I (d) S, O, l t-
(c) \ l, l, 1 (c) 0, 1.2 (d)5
2 2
er-, co uld
3. Whi<.:h of th e fo ll owin g ..,cl'l of quan tum numb 2012
plete the electron
re prese nt the last elec tron added to com 9. Which of the following sets of quant um numb er is
conli guru tion for a groun d <;late iJlOrn of
Br ( Z = 35)
restricted? [MPP ETJ
according to th e /\ulb au principle n : /; m 1 ; m,
(a) n =3, I = 1., m = + 2 (b) n = 3, I = 1, m = 0
(a)4 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1/2 (bJ4 ; 1; 1; - l / 2 (d) m = 3, I= 1, m = -1
= 3, I = 1, m = + 1
(c) n
(c) 3 ; I ; I ; - I/2 (d)4 ; 1; 2 ; r- 1/ 2
J 0. Impossible orbital among the following is [KCE T)
not corre c t 11, [KCETJ
4. ·1h e statem ent th at 1~
(a) 3f (b) 2p (c) 4d (d) 2s
(a) An gul ar 4uantum number -;igni fies
the shape of th e
bility of
11. Which of the following orbitals has zero proba
orbit a l finding the electron in the xy-pla ne? [AMUJ
a~o~ is
(h) t,ncrg ic~ of ~tati onary ~talcs in hydro gen like (d) d x2 _ y2
rt ional to the squar e of the pnnc1 pal (a) Px (b) P z (c) d yz
in vcn,cl y propo
quan tu m numb er . .
(<.:) I owl numb er of node <; for 3\--orbital 1s
three 2011
(d) fh e radiu , of th e first orbit of He · i,;; half that of the 12. The maximum numb er of electrons that can have princi
um numb er,
fi n,t orbit hydro i;...; n atom quant um numb er, n = 3 and spin quant

S. [nan atom the order of increa!>ing energy of electr

ons with m
=_I2 , is [IITJEEJ

quan tum number, (a)3 (bJ 5 (c) 7 (d) 9

I . 11 4, / I II n - 4 , ! == 0
IV. n = 1, / - I •~ [WB JEEl 13. Whjch one of the following sets of quantum
Ill n 1, / - 2 an<l
JI ,,..- IV -< I < IIf
(b) represents the highest energy level in an atom? [KCE
ia J III ··· I < IV ,.,, I!
(c) I ·~ llf <' II •- IV (d) JV < IJ < Jlf / 1 (a) n =4 , I= 0, m = 0, s =+ ll 2
princi pal (b) n = 3, I = 1, m = 1, s =+ 1/ 2
6. Thi; total number o l orh1tals a~sociatcd with the ( c) n = 3, I = 2, m = - 2, s = + II 2
tE.A.\ fCET J
quan tum numb er n - 3 1-; (d) n = 3, I= 0, m = 0, s ~ + 11 2
( a )tJ th)X (c)5 (dJ7
14. V\.'h,clJ of the followmg Th crJIT"b<.:t for :r.:.u-..iJer :,i ~~
number of orbitili, ar-.&d ~,-If ..-,f r.r.~ ~· ~ c
n-{)T1)lt s!
(aJ 4 . 4 and ;,; ro14. ">~ H,
(q 32 l fJ and 4 f dJ 4. :s d 32
} 5. The set of <f.lam.!..!ro m..'n··0 01, for 1:?-e l.J'~ ...'.X.M ~".:LJ:"J ~
wpper m r.s grr~ ~ .<.. IXCET!
/~ ) 4. l. l. - -
{ '- I 4. (1 (J.. - -
16. if ihe qu:ar.w.llD i.,r" 5::-, ~ t-:rx.: c :<::r.Yx..
a1oms ~e 2. L ~. - ; :.. ~Jfri ;or :.-.e ~ - ~~ -'·ew- td • rem ·.i oJld be [RPETJ

l a1 l , 1 (t. - ..: n . fu of d o:troc.s .k--..."Om!IlOd:ltoo m a.n Qrt!lt \\ uh

2 pr.-~ ~~ r.l.:?'i'ber :. IS (J"-.K CETl
( C) 10
?&. Wrxt. of the fofa:>'-"n:.g L'i not possible" {BCECE !
2009 = :. . = I. '== 0
..:i i r; 1b) 11 = 2. l =0. r: = - I
(c r.=j . = 0. ~ = 0 1d l n= J. / = l.r1 =- l
?9. nJe orb~ momenrum of an dcxtron m ,1
b; r. = : . :::. : ;,,,-; =- - ~ ' = - . :. .1-orlma~ tS fDC EI
- , n = :t ' = <J -... =- - = - . ..,I,. : ta 1..,, 6 -
- ,.
C 11=. .! ,:: ::_ ,r; ::: -:.._ "° .:..1:
18.. T~ TJ<.,ci~ ~~-' ..:i 3;,-,r~ ~ ! ::Wee::rper, JO. ofth~ foUm..iniz setS ofq~•... - nrm nurn._-
.. x.t.!:' s;-am~ '.t:t!- ;.1...::-z .,._ ~ . t.; t.a-,.c.a. for an efo:truL m ➔ t"--orb,UI
....... , ucrs 1s ~urrect
1: J . ft ,_~----~:.- :. ., " ¢ ;...l--- ~
I~ -,', ".:.ti:. ~ ~:::c:·v- . _:,;..c..r· •· •..3=1 :.:e ; ?...Le ~f ::__ [Janua Millia Wanua.l
fa ) /' = .!. , • = l M = - --1 . ~ = - ~
rKCl!'Tl .,
. ,
:At A·.:..'.li' 1~ -~,,::r·:r:r. ".l..1".-:.1-:r.r ·J . c--:-•_r. s =. a:: n.:.c. &.a:
~· tt 'O i l!= ~ . = .J. . r.i=- 4. s=-

';le ~ "l t ~ i:.,.,..-:•......--q :·. · •..··..ter1 i: = .:! r.:: = - !

' Cra,CETi

.!I ~1-.ww. ·.i:e ...: ::.c x.1..r:.,. -:::.g :3 :::.e i~.: --..f ~::acnm:
"1.1"..t:ie-t ._.J ~ -·,:::-::-~. ,: ::. ;:- :.r-."l!l. ~ C-E'I1 2006
• ,. f ..,
:: ... ,IH = .-i.:: - . _ JL ~bcheornb
"~ . ~nons of qt?anturn
- ·: electron tn an arorn . . 0 urnbers 11. l . m and ~ fur
so1un:on of the ~-ave equao~ not pro..,1.<le a permi~bl~
,a 1 ~ L l .., n. fMa:rupaJJ
C l J 3 L - ;- 2 (b ) 3. I. L - 1 2
J'L The ortrrra? ,,._ ~ f d )J. 2.. - 2. I .2
'"-'•glllar morn
a P-orbtt!! 1s enturn of an ekctron re-.. oh in~ m
'a zero ro , J..• {KeraJa CEEJ
~ (c ) - 1d ) l: !!..
" ....1: .!.-r 1.rc

~~t, u(;tttt·p of /\ltllll I 29

33. Wht\.'. h OH~ i.' f the fu lli.)win~ :set of quantum numbers i:-
( a) l\ V) mid (V ) (h) 1111 ) tl llU 11\' )
not ~X)SS\bk for t·lcctron 111 the ground ~lute of n11 1non1
\\.'l (Il l and (Ill ) id l (I) n11J (ll l
with att,111ir numher 19 : lKernJo CEEJ
37. Wlm:h \lf the h,ll\l\v111 ~ '< lntc·111i:111 ~ i11 ,l'lutltlll 1,i II W lt ~dn 1/,!11ll
l (l) I/ ;: 2.. I O. 111 =- 0 \ b) II 2. I - I. Ill z 0 ntom 1:-- t:lllTt'C t · 1 I A01lll1l~I
( c ) 11 - \ / • I. m '"'- I ( d) 11 - 3. I =- 2. 111 = + 2
\ t ) II 4. / Q. 111 () (n) >s. \p 011d J.l-~1rb 1lals all hn"l' the ~11 ,ur ~ill'1µv
(b) \s nnd '/M1rh1t al~ nrc 11 1 lowl'i c,,c,i-µ y th t11"1 Id \It hll fl l
34. fhl' munbcr of 2{'-d cctrons having spin quantum
nurnba ., - - \i:2 an: (c ) .lf' •Orl111al 11< h1wcr 111 c 11 c 1gy 1hn11 \tf -\11 h1llil
(u) 3s-urbitul is lower III energy tl11111 \11 1,11i1t~il
tu)6 (b)O (( ) 2 (d) 3
38. A11 clcdron with vulm's ..i. 1. 2 ntid , 1/,1 liH the ~t' I 111 fi 1lit
J5. Non-dircl'. ttonul orbital is
IBCECEI quantum nun1bcn~ " · I. 111 1 and 111 ,. rrspcl'tiv cly. hrh,111:1 1l 111
(11 )411 (b)4d (<l) 4 / (d) .h· (ti) 4s l1rbitn l (b) •I/' Prhitnl 11\.Mtl l
2005 (c) 4d orbita l (d) 4 / 11rl1i tul
36. ln u multi-d ectron utum. which of the following urbituls .\9. The tutnl number nf ,wbitnls pusslblc ti.w p, lill'il'IH I qu n11t 11111
dcscnbcd by thl' three qu.uitum numbers wi ll lmvc the n11111hcr II i1< ltl&H • !lQ'l;l
snrm: cnerµy in the absence or mugnclt c und ck'\.'. tric (a) II (h) II ' \ d) h 1
tidds '? 40. Which of tllll lu llow111 g ll< llilll•pc1'111lt-l11 iblc 'l I l)()IIJI
I. ;, I, I o. Ill {) II. II 2. I - 0. 111 .a 0 (U)/1 4. / 3, 111 0 (h)r, -, 4, / l.. 111
ll\. 11 2, / l,m ... 1 IV. 11 ' · I • ~. ,,, I (c) 11 - 4. f 4, 111 I (dJr, - 4. / - 0, 111 - 0
V. 11 .\, I - 2. Ill 0 IAIEEEJ

Topi c 5
Filling of Orbitals in Atom

IWU,H£EJ ~- Which l) f the followlnij 1-1pcdcs ho ve the m1111c 11llli1bc1 ,11

clcct1011 s in Its outcr111u1,l ns wcll 1111 pcnulflt11uLo l'l holl
(n) (' I (b) O J IMtHllp"JI
(c) Nu (d) M g ;,

'1. Whid1 one nl' the following hu!I ti lllugnotlc 11101110111 ol

1.75 BM '/ ltHJl 1J;l'I
2013 (11) yl I
(b)l'I'' '

2. l low mm1y l'ki.:1rt111~ in ,., K hll \'l'. 11 .\ I 0 (c )Fc ' ' (d) Tl I I

( ll ) I (h) l IMunlp,,11
7. Wl11ch or lhc fhllowln g luw" will 1cprc11c11t lh1• pnit111 tt ul
(d) \ clcct,1111 in 11 1mh11holl 11Hci- cl1d 1 mh1lhl l,~ (Hied wit h 1,ll l'
clcl'lru11 '! IO,J 1~1111
20\2 (11) P11ull' ii exclusio n pd11c1pl c
,:\ , Tlw d cl'irons id;.:lltilicd hy quanl\1111 nun 1hcrs II and / (h) I hmd 'i- r1tli..J
l I) II ,I_ / I ( ~) II 0
., • / (c) I lc11-1 cnbcr~· Nwh.;ert11i111y p, 111 \ 1plc
\\ \,, \,/ 1 ( ·1)11 1, / I (d) II Cl'N lnw
l·,111 ht· phir\'d 111 11rtk r ut' llll'fcnsin g energy ns lAlEttF; J
( ., ) l ' ) • ( 4 ) . t 2) • ( 1) ( h) (~I) • ( 2 \ ~ ( \) . ( I )
( i' H 1 ) · ( 4 ) · ( \ ) , ( \) (d )(I\ (' ) •. ( 2) , (4) ff. 'I he 1·cp11,'NClllUIIOII oftJlc µrm111d 11tutc clcl'II 11,ii,· r1111'1 1(w,,111,t1
4 , 1-t, 1 th\' ""k,wv '-·k ctro11 111 rop1wr. thl' four qunn111rn
"rt le hy t, n,c d1u~1111t1 u 11 \ 1 j \ 1•~ ww11g hoc,1111.ic 11 vl11 IL11t-,.
rn 11 11h t' h UI \' IMau,Jpa l)
1wu .11m1
(n) ll c1sc11hoq1.· 1- 11n1crtu111! y p1111n plc
((1) rr 4, I o. ,u \\. ' I ! .'
\Ii) ,, 4. / 0 , Il l I 2, \ · I I ~
( Ii) Boh r' s q11 u111t1,ot lo11 lhCOI)' or
u11g 11 l(ll' filllil! M hl
t \' ) fJuuh cx1·lu11 l1111 pt111i; 1plt
(l \ If .1, I I. ,,, I J, \' I'}
(d ) II u I. ,,1 O.s I· :
(d) ll t11Hf' N 1'11l 0
-- ---
,, ·- 'L f'~
'L 'L
::; _..,
J ~. "N::..w 1~t ";.;:t!" :::.e:·.:A· :.r...::'1 :,-,;,:;z:nr:o.: _ ,_

~ -1
.; r .r
'- t
( ~J fo f)'J.:l:'.l &". ~ r_,,; :'b:r.:::.c
~.,,,, i;.7....!.,'T,!i;. 1,~ ~ -,i ~.r.::. :e
' t. J r.i.::.;r,.~:: 1,".at~ ---~ :c;-.r..
- £- - A t,.;...,".. .b~
i::.-r....-... ,.,:_.
- ~ rJ-: >...J.Jw.
.. ., -......,.._
,.. ·iJ
:.. : }. :+ .:.c
.- ~.:. 2[

~ ,: ...
- _;_ - {i ~ f ..
( ..a ~ 31. - ':,p ~d ~-
....; .t-/
tb, h.:. ~ :.. Lp' ~ 3p '- 3d t 1 ~ m ::c:cre r : f ~ ~ m::. Cc. ~ :S ..:.CC -,.:
. .- {- {
,.. 2;.-. 1p !,;,-
'!. ' ~- ;.? ;,.d

~c::~ -=t: ~ ~ et7""'._r::n: ;::T~g: r'..£0: :

<:::Ja: . :.:,.:. 2p{ 3.:.:. 3p{ 3.2 .: ,L;. : . ~ ' c - - - ~ [Janoa .lfiilia I'iiauu:ai
..::.=- .:..:=- : :,:: '~.:. ~ _

12.. Tb!:: ~~....;;~~ l " ' ~C- ?: .::i~__r:: :::i::c::i:e::: -,; J:O: -
1 11 = 3:J = L ll. "1=5:. . = 'J l ~,_:.~;,=t.: 1: ~
~..;- -= : ~ ::...: ,
\" n =-". • = ';
r_..-cCJ ~ pla:.._~1 ~ "J;-~ ::i -.r:i:..i~J:..€ ~ . 1?i
~- ~
ID , , ., :\- . . . ;; 1- ::J ..,, =- . -
r a. J ; ...... ~/ .,,
(,;. , ", -- J .. ill .,,.. ~ .. J ~·
-4- /

\· - : - = . . . =-~. -
<t.J ·: .. J .- I •· ..- JlJ .- JJ
l 3. T~ d ~..."!:-..1:.ill. :..:T...;5:gwJOr.J.:::i r...i ~ :."n:e 1x. ~ ::::o.:;_: =i:sr.
~r:-11h:c tr~ ::.'.lt'. ,t;J>;;:;:...,..,.!.Dl !..-:6~ r~:.c :.-: :::e iCP9fi :::~
b ~ t:rri~ O !! DIP.PEI-:
HI •11':•~~._,.,.:j
14> ~ nlli:ll 11> ~~ al,!~t .a:.GI~ :.,j -::c:; !l'Jt:::::eot •·.:::. M :- x.z:.
rA.l'..C ·.:---.
, ~ ~ ~- ,
:,.,. ~r~c..,,.1....,,_
_..,,,.,_ I
CKCF t '
fla \ O~ e),_;'...'.~,1.:u:.

t '1 J L.:. ~:,, :~ i .

JS. ·li'l!!.il,,·'~ ,.,; :;d; :·,1·Dw ~ ~ :.::.e :.:::zr::-:r ~~ :::n:::c:e:r- :.\
d' '!:7~".:'.,1 .;Il. · ,

1 i:. I ] •
!){P P'E'J;
(1.,1 (... :.

V,'~ lb W.t' t:k:t<.,-t.J'.J's!(.., :.;_r_:=:p-&. o:- ·/. t,.~ - -

( ;i ,! f',,f J ~:(
<,;1.AJ , ':xi ' 4 •'
. r, ;• ~.: :'!,3,! t. · ·


i - -..__ :...:._ a !' ~ ~..-,L ~ t ; : r .:: ~-=~~ !_ ~ . . : ~ ~

Structure of Ato m I 31
20 ()6.
1.:1.,11-ec-t order uf energy
!N.. A\.'\\. Ntt\~ I\) Antb,m prmdpk, thl·
X, Y and Z are 19, 21
rJ&K CF.T l 32. The a10111k numbers of clements
\){ _;,,; . ·b- ,Ul\1 4 p -,)ttHtals ls electrons present in
and 25 respectively. The number of
~ ~\) -i I' , .'\I , ➔s ( b) ·h · , 4 p , Jd
the M-shell of these clements fo llow
the orde r
,,•)-h , ,\ /, .t p ld) ~i ,.4s , 4p
(a) Z > X > Y (b) X > Y > Z (EA MCE TJ
lQ , rhr stnh iltt~ 1.,f fom('
i1.\11 is d11r to
IBCECEJ (e)Z > Y> X (d) Y >Z > X
, ;;) h!\l f fillt'<.\ (-or bita ls terium atom is
33. Elec tronic configuration of deu
lM h,llf filk\.l d-t)rbitnls 1 (J& K CETJ
(b) 2\·2
\s) ~\lm pkt dy tilk d /-1.,rbitnls (a) 1.\·
ld) 1.' ~11n pki dy tilh.'1.\ d ~orh itals (c) 2" (d) Lr 2
mmodate upto
2005 34. A µ-orbita l in a given shell can acco
ies have the s·ame number (a) four elec tron s
30. \\' h11..·h imKmg th~ folll.'Wi ng spec (b) two electrons with para llel spin
penultimate shell ?
1.,f de<'tn,ns in its ,,utcnnost as well as (c) six elec trons
l n) Mg ~.. (b) 0 2 - (d) two electrons with opposite spin
(d) Ca
2 -+
,1..·)F ·
35. Electrons will first enter into the
set of quantum numbers
figuration of Cr 2 + ion is • n = 5, I = 0 or n = 3, I = 2
31. fh~ vu.le nee slid l d~t ron ic con
(b) 4s 2 3d 2 [OJEEJ
(a) n = 5, I = O (b) both possi ble
ln) 4.l }d
(d) 3p 6 4s 2
(c) n = 3, I = 2 (d) data insufficient
ld -ts: 3</ u

TIK1 Sub-Atom ic Particle s
1. (b ) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (b) · 6. (c) 7. (a) 8. (c) 9. (b) 10. (c)
11 . (e) 12. (d) 13. (a) 14. (a) 15. (b) 16. (b) 17. (a) 18. (c) 19. (a) 20. (c)
21 . {a) 22. (b)
Ml Ato mic Mo del s
1. (C} 2. (d) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (b) 6. (c) 7. (a) 8. (c) 9. (a) 10. (b)
12. (bl 13. (e) 14. (c) 15. (a) 16. (d) 17. (b) 18. (d) 19. (a) 20. (d)
11 . lC)
21 . (C ) 22. (d) 23. (d) 24. (d) 25. (b) 26. (c) 27. (b) 28. (c) 29. (c) 30. (b)
32. (c) 33. (c) 34. (b) 35. (a) 36. (d) 37. (c) 38. (a) 39. (b) 40. (b)
31 . lC)
42. (b ) 43. (c) 44. (c) 45. (b) 46. (d) 47. (a) 48. (d) 49. (a) 50. (d)
41 . (d )
52. (a) 53. (b) 54. (c) 55. (a) 56. (a) 57. (a) 58. (d) 59. (d) 60. (c)
51 . (b )
meu. Mod ern St ructure of Ato m
4. (d) 5. (c) 6. (b) 7. (b) 8. (c) 9. (b) 10. (a)
1. lC) 2. (a) 3. (a)
13. (a) 14. (b) 15. (c) 16. (a) 17. (c) 18. (c) 19. (b) 20. {d)
11 . (b ) 12. (b)
23. (c) 24. (a) 25. (a) 26. (c) 27. (a)
21 . lb) 22. (a)

lllf U Qua nt um Num bers (d) 8. (b) (a) 10. (a)

3. (b) 4. {d) 5. (d) 6. {d) 7. 9.
1. (a) 2. (a)
(c) 14. (c) 15. (c) 16. {d) 17. (a) 18. (a) 19. (b) 20. (d)
11 . (b) 12. (d) 13.
24. (b) 25. (b) 26. (d) 27. (d) 28. {b) 29. (a) 30. (c)
21 . (d) 22. (a) 23. (a)
34. (d) 35. (d) . 36. (a) 37. {a) 38. (d) 39. (b) 40. (G)
31 . (c) 32. (b) 33. (d)
!ft ]_ Filli ng of Orb ital s in Ato m
(a) 6. (d) 7. (b) 8. {c) 9. (c) 10. (d)
1. (b} 2. (b ) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5.
16. (c) 17. (c) 18. (c) 19. (b) 20. (a)
12. (b) 13. (c) 14. (b) 15. (b)
11 . (c) 27. (c) 28. (C) 29. (b) 30. (d)
22. (d) 23. (d) 24. (b) 25. (b) 26. (c)
21 . lb)
32. (C) 33. {a) 34. (c) 35. {c)
31 . {a)

l ~~ •~ I .,_ ----..
r opic 1 Sub- Atom ic Part icles
. u 2•
I. 1.sotonic species have same number of ncutronc; 6 . Numbe r of electrons in -
So, number of neutrons in : . Number of electron s in M ;, 26

= \4 - 6 = 8 1·.e. atomic number {Z ) = 26
7N = 14 - 7 = 7 Mass number (A) = 56
= 19 - 9 = 10
• N umber of neutrons = A - Z = 56 - 26 - 30
·· h
15 7. Isobars ave sam e a tomi' c mass but differen
t .atfl'l'.JJC numter '::.~1
7N = 1S - 7 = 8 40 · .«)
the isobar of wCa is 1p, Ar •
9F = 17 - 9 = 8
8. Nucleus of an atom is s mall in size but carrie<i the entire r:.2 "~
6C = 12 - 6 = 6 i.e. contains all the neutron s and protons.
I,ence, c14 N1 5 F1 1 . .
6 , 7 , 9 arc 1sotom c 9. Ar and Ca 2+ are isoelectr onic spec-ies M they have ~ e rn.trl1~ ',"
2. The species containin g the same number of electrons are ca ll ed electrons , i.e. 18.
isoelectr onic species 10. lsoelectr onic species have same number of electron . Mg2 • and
:"ia •
(a) Number of e- in Li = 3 both have 10 electrons hence , they are is.oele<.-tronic ~~-
Number of e- in Be ' = 4 - I = 3
(b ) Number of e- in ff = I+ I = 2
11. tc, ~0, ~5N = isotonic triad

lsotone = same number o f neut ron.

Number of e- in He+ = 2 - I = I
All species contain 8 neutrons .
(c) N umber of e- in He = 2 12. The mass number = atomi c number + number of neutron
N umber of e- in H = 1 Atomic number = number of proton number of electron =
(d) N umber of e- . in Be• = 4 - I = 3 (for an atom) So, mass number = 18 + 20 = 38
Number of e- in H = I 2
13. 80 - has IO electrons. 22 ·n-.. has 21 electr ons.
Hence, Li and Be+ are isoelectro nic.
14. fsoelectr onic means hav ing same num ber of electron.,:
3. An element is a pure chemical substance di stingui shed by its K+ , Cl- , Ca 2+ , sc3+ (all are having 18 e lectrons ).
atomic number, which is the number of protons in its atomic 2
nucleus. 15. Ca + (2, 8, 8) and Ar (2, 8, 8) contain equal number ( 18}
electrons, hence they are isoelectr onic. 0
4. elm ratio for He2+ = 2 1 4
16. Positron is as heavy as an electron Hen . .
elm ratio for H + = 1/ l .. . · ce, positron 1s lightest pantcle
17. Tntium 1s the isotope of hydrogen Its .. .
elm ratio for He.,. = 1I 4 ·
I electron , I proton and 2 neutrons .
composn 1on 1s as follo ws
elm ratio for o+ = 1/ 2 18. The proton has un it positive charge ( + 1.602 x l 0- 19
Hence , the elm is highest for hydrogen ion . is 1.007 u (l.677 x IO- 27 kg). C) and ns ~
e 1.6 X 10- 19
5. - fo r electron (e) = _28 19. Ruthei:ford showed the exi stence o f nu
m 9. 1 X 10 u-part1cles scatterin g experime nt H cleus in an atom b} h..:,
= 1.758 X \Q~ has a small central part whic h ha . ~ postul.ate d that every atom
mass f
) .6 X 10- l 9
o atom ('I.e . nuc leus cons ists
s pos1t1ve c harge d I
f an a most a ll th~
20 · T ntmm
·· 0
!!.. for proton ( p) contains 2 ne I protons and
neutrons )
m 1.672 X JO- l4 u ro ns and I proton
21. N umber of neutron = atom · . ·
= 9.56 )( 104 For c 12 Numbe r of ncutro~c:::;~ a<2ss - ato mic number.
. - 6=6
...:. for neutron (11) = 1_675 0Y 10 24
-0 22. The isotones arc a spec .
N , ies whi ch h·
2xL 6 ><10 ~
19 ~i
. umber of neu tro ns is C.e - 77 :~~ ~ ual number of neuuon.,,
e,. a -pan icle = - - - - -
-m ,or 24 =0 .5 x lO Number of neutron~ . 7 , - 45
4 x l 6 Y 10 . in 11 A 'l :a: 77
e Number of neutrons 77 . - 33 ::: 44
, .r• the increasing orde r of - ,s as N
nence, m 14 Se _., 77 3
urnber of nt:utrons 7f, - 4 .::: 43
n < rx < p < e Num bt:r of n 1,,Sc :a: 76 3
eutrons in 76 , - 6 ::: 40
I lcncc, n A . i2C,c c 76 - 32 - 44
H ., ,, l'lotonc of 7"<. -
J2 , e.
;:,u UUUI ~ UI /-\LUI I I # ,

Topic 2 Atomic Models

1. Radius of orbit is directly proportiunnl to rntio of square of /11 lw
principal quantum number and atomic number 10. Energy of photon J "" eV
). e>.
. . . fl l 4
1. e.. Radms of orbit cc - a0 (r'o =0.529A: A = IO 8 cm) 6 62.5 -; IO > .3 / I 011
z .::
~00 Y IO
- tJ . - 1'1
, _ 1.601 x I 0
1i2x Q.529x JQ- R
For H -atom r = - - - - -- - cm oa 4. l4 eV
'" z
For photoelectric effect t.o occur. energy of incident photons mu ,
2. ln 1885, Balmer for the first time showed that the wave numbers be greater than work functions of metal Hence. only L,. Na. ~
of spectral lines present in the visible region in hydrogen and Mg have work functions les!I than 4. 14 V.
spectrum are given by
-( _,)
,. cm = 109677 - -- ( I n2I) 11. Energy va lues arc always additive
£ tolal = £1 + ½
(2)2 he
-=- +-i.2
he he
I 1,
Here, n = 3. 4. 5...
Thus, Balmer spectrum of hydrogen was discovered first and it
/1. ,.,
- =-
I £ --½-
lies in the visible region. ,. 1• I i..2
3. Balmer series in atomic hydrogen is observed in visible region. I I I I
-=- + - t
Note Lyman series lies in UV region and Paschen series lies in IR 355 680 i. 2
region and bracket and others lies in far lR region. ).. 2 = 742 . 77 nm == 743 nm
4. M= 2.179 x 10-
C2 -;2) = h: ·
12. llE = hv = 2rt
2 2
mZ e4k
2 -2
I I]
_ 18 ( 1 1) 6.62 x l0- x3.0xl0
34 8 h2 n, ni
2.179xl0 - - - = - -- - - - - - ·: electron falls from 112 -level to n 1-level
12 22 A,
:. In He+ for the n2 = 4 to n1 = 2 transirion
:. )1. ::::1.214 x10- 7 m
5. The difference between the energies of adjacent energy levels
decreases on moving from the nucleus.
u(He+ ) = coru.-iant (4) L' 2 -
\] [·: zHe. = 21

6. The sum of protons and neutrons give the mass number. =constant x 4 [~]=!
16 4
Toe number of neutrons and protons are not equal.
7. The lines in the spectrum are called Balmer series. u (H) = constant (1 )2 [~11, -~] '½
8. According to Bohr's model,
mvr= -
= constant x[~ -~)
n, "i
2h 2

(mv ) = ~
41t r (a) For n2 = 3 and n1 = L u (H) = ..:onstam _ 1 - Q~ r I

I 2 n 2h 2
.. .(i) 8 J
KE = - mv =
__ 2 _2_
81t rm
= - constnn
'$. -
x constant
. 2
Also Bohr' s radius for H-atom is r = n ao
On substitut ing the va lue of' r ' in Eq. (i), we get
(b) For " 1 = 2 11nd 111 == L ut H) :::i consta.ot "l I 1-
KE = _ . ,,,- when, n ::a 2 - -3 X ('\)llSt iln l "' \J ( He" )
81t n·aom ➔

KE = -- -1- -
= - --i-,
32rc a,j111
.. 4 ..
9. The radius of hydrogen atom "' 0.53 A . 16 4
3Li2+ ion also hai. only one: cleclron but has 3 proton_s 111
for H. ~ l
' l I l
j •4

~~~!:~:• I hence its e lec tron feel!, three times more attroc11 0~ trom_
in comparison to hy Jrngen atom . 'I hus, lhe rud1us o t
,. 12 RH

l lem·e, for h) drog~·n 11 -

1 10
n .., , I

Li·, .. will be -
= 0 ··11 A.
34 I Cllapterwise & Toplcwlse Engineering entrances Solved Papers
I '\. (, .(I I
14. /.',, ' 1) 10 /1 i:V

(for tht cxc 11t•d s1111c, 11 2 11 11d tor I ,~, 10 11 , /, 1) From Eqs. (i) 11nd (ii)
t'i_ - !i~ J ,< ~ ... 27
f.'2 F:1 4 -< 5 5

21. Apply Rydberg formula, v* { ~ R,, [ ~)cm-' 1

~ -

)._<1 I For the first line in Lyman Rerics, n, = I and ni :. 2.

I, l I l ] I0967R x 3 1
So v == 10967k - - - =--- - - ::: 82258.5cm
I lcrn.:c for shoncst A./. 111us1 he mtlxi inum, which ls for Li 2' . ' [ ,2 i2 4
16. hncrgy rc4uircd to break for one Cl7 molec ul e
242 >< I OJ
- - J ~ E nhc
22. l:.nergy, · == -
,~· -
or A - -
ltc '
Js X 3 X wxm
n X 6.63
X J0 -
60 x 1Js ;;;--------::-9 ----
A £ 663 x ,0- m
6, 626 X IO X 3 )( I OK X 6. 02 X I 021
242 X 1() 1
·: Power = cn~rgy I
time J
= 494 Y IO ') m 494 run 60 x I x 663 x , o-9
17. IE =- - , . . 1 n= - - = 2 x l0 20
6.63 x 10- 34 x 3 x I ou
£, for He ' - - l<J. 6 x 10 ,x J atom 1
2 23. Bohr radius for nth orbit = 0.53 A x !.!._
(H,)jh: 1 _ (i~lle' ) - l9. 6 x l0 IX 4 z
(H, >ii i• (1/.~ I;, )2 - (/:,', 0 =- 9 where, Z = atomic number
• . 2, - l 9. 6 x 9 x l0 1x .'. Bohr radius of 2nd orbit of BeJ+ = 0.53 x (2)
or/:- 1 ( L , )= - - = - 4.4l x 10 17
Jatom 1
0.53 A
18. Accordin g to Bohr model, nidius of hydrogen atom (d) Bohr radius off st orbit of H0.53 x (1) 2
= 0.53 A -
(r.) = 0.529 x ~A 1
II z Hence, Bohr's radius of2nd orbit ofBe 3• .
orbit of hydrogen . 18 equal lo that of first
(where, w= number of' orbit, l = atomic number)
2 24. Ionisa tion enthalpy of h d
05 9 Y rogen atom is J 312
'i · lx (1) :- 4.76 1Ao:: 4.76A suggests that the cnergru of
1 . ".·
di 1
x l v .J mo! - • It
I • >J
1s - 1.3 12 x Id' J mo1 - 1.
e ectron in the g d
roun state (firs t orbit )
19. Wa ve number of'spcctral line in emi ssion spectrum of hydrogen,

V == /(II (
~2 - ',
J ... (i) M? • £, - £ , • ( I .3 12~ x I if)-( - 1.3 I : x I if)
-11 8 = 9.R4 x f05 Jmol ,
<,,vcn ..;; R11
25. Energy of an I
0 11 putting the va lue of v in Eq. (1), we get . e ectron in nth orb1't E 21t2k 2
, n =
8 1 1 On substituting the va lues fk n2h2 -
() ( n2 - 11 2 => 9S == 2(I) - - J ni o • m , e and h we

2 En ::: - ~ X IO 18 z2 ' get
8 -1 I n2 - Jato m ,
9 or ::: _ 13 I 1.8z 2
:. 3 11:z ~ ~ - kJ ll"K) j - 1
Hence, electron j umps from n2 = 3 tu n, or ~ _ ~ 13.5 2 2 2

20. £, - £ 2 ::. 13 12/.Z 2 12 - l ' 2l I2 For 11-atorn , z ::: I -;;i kcal 0101 - 1 (
·.- I kcal = 4.1 84 JcJ J

E, - E2 :::. 13 12 x z- l .;3 J . ,r .. ( j)
For Lym "
i10 series
, n, '>: J

Energy of elect ron i ' '½ ::: 2

£ _
{:l ;:. ] J J 2 X z2 l'ii' - l Ji j n ,.,, Orh,t -: ~~ .52 )( (1) 2
~ kcalmol

·· 1 13.52 kcal mol 1

~ - 3 I 3.6 kcal mo/ 1

~tn1ctun.> 1Jt ,\t(' lll I J~

f.. nergy of electron m n: orbn = _ : • ~ 52 ~ m;: kcal m::)1-1

=- ~ I$ , I tl ' , l 1•

<2r 4. ,.
=- - - kcal m:)1-•
=- "'8.38 kcal mo1- 1
26. Den_ection hack shov. s that the nucleus is bean· but of ooh. a tew .lf : .t\4J - ' l t\ l ~ J lt\'~11
particles sho\\ s that nucleus is small. , . \' = - = - - - -
J: ()(<5, 10 \J J~
27 . Fr~uency <n, = _ _ _l _ __
Time period (T)
Here, 33. Line spectrum uf atunltc h~ dru~n 111 the , 1s1H~ ~~\\'11

1 . = 0.2 xl0~' =2 xl0-1 -- ••
5 X 10-; :,
34. IoniS3tion en~ of He~ = 13.(>, Z; e\ '
28. Accord mg to Bohr' s atomk model. if energy is supplied ro an = I _t.6 , (~ ): ~\
electron it may jump from a lower enernv JeyeJ to hil!her eneni:v
level. Energy is absorbed in the form ofquanta (or photon). = = 13 .6 ,4 e\ '= 544 e\
DE= hv
\\·here, \. is the frequenc y.
According to above postulate an electron from one Bohr
stationary orbit can go to next higher orbit by the absorption of
electromagnetic radiation of panicular frequency .
29. Stark effect The sphnmg of spectral lines under the influence >-.. = _ m =9. 11 , 10"°" m
1.09-, 10
of electric fi eld is called Stark effect.
ltiman effect \'Vhen light of frequency \ "o is scattered by = 91.l x 10--i m = 91.l run \ l mn = 10 " tn)
molecules of a substance which ha,·e a ,·ibrational frequency of ~ 91 nm
\', . the scanered hght \\.·hen analysed spectroscopically has lines 36. The energy of second Bdlr vrbit uf ~-dl~gro ~R'q_l\ \E: ) lS
of frequency v where ,, = \"o ::: ro - 3~8 kJ trol - 1 oec.mse
Zeeman effect The splining of spectral lines under the l.H.: I
influence of magnetic field is called Zeeman effect. E~ =- ---:-r kJ nMI
Rutherford effect According to Rutherford on the \] l.: Id l\};\l 1
bombardment of the atoms by high speed a particles. the centre E, = - - .-
11 ·
of the atom scaners the a. -panicles.
30. Niels Bohr utilised the concepts of quantisation of ~nergy If " = -1-
(proposed by Max planck) ~lrst time ~o gin: a ne,v model ot atom. ~ = - -u l.: " l\ll.'-l
,- '·J' 1= - ~ ..
, , 'I\ j \\X\\ I

1 1
3 1. We know that..}._£= he R ~ - ~ I Il \ - l5 R ,J l
~"1 n: - 37. For L,-n,ai1 series..
• l..
= R; , -
LI. '1;, . . =- -1-ti = R''. l.

For lowest ener~. of the spectral line in Lym3.n series.
n 1 = l. n~ = 2 .
1s.~ =Ir "~=--,- d
- - =:-
I l l \ ()1~ I !st~
Hence. .}._£ = he R -:;- - -=- •
• ..,

~ 1- 2· 15,,ti = lM: - t ~
3/rcR :.} :::. I~ _..., "~ : 4

~£ = --
➔ 1
I• -1 38.. The , ~lu-e \,f R~,1~ 1.-unst,mt 1~ h\~ -~ ·,'m
32. Ioni~tion energy of H = '.:. 18 " 10- J atom
Ei I Fnerg~ or 1st orbit of H-at0m) 39, l = Rt1[j_: - -\·J·
= _ :- l S x lo · ! ~ J atom -l A "1 n1

~ l "' xlo·• ~ F\,r Lyn13n seric$, 11 1 :,, I. •: = ~

E. 'C: ~-" -

.. - - J atom
I l """ - -~, l
Z = l f\~r H-arom
.\ - l•"'' '
. ln·' (;.:, 4

\E = E~ - £ , \ ~ I 11<'1 ;\..
- 2.J ~x lO 1' - 2.! S xlO"
=-~ --- l:
16 1 C t1?.pterw1se & Top1cw1se Eng,nf'enng E. ntJance-; $olv"'d P n~r~

..a. , moo A. ,"' <1'lOO A ~I. y,.1 ,x II( ,,f t!t1 ti l~• 1,, ,11 11 H, 1 •;1~,,, ,;f ~I ••• 11H J•
hl h, / l~-'1 / , 11l
,. •· 11;1)
} I I

f ,
h, h,· Hen, c it i11 I 11;
u, 1.. !!ilffii,t"!,1I 1!• 1!;e· ..,~J:.-; 11 :1 !if 1Ji!11
I,l 6000
411 2 \ pl,11ir,~ uf ,,,.. , '"'' Ii ~ 1md~, H;.e; wtf,~,'9-:' ,.,, ,,,, • '11t, ·,;J., J
Ju clcc '""urtii_ l1tM .- 1,Pllcd ~Bt1< ! ff~ .t
r ; ~ .- lie .., 1,000 2
f h< }()O(J It{ 53. /; h ,u.,J , for ~w,111 4, 1,t~• lfl!, ~' ' ''"'.: .,,

oOOO flJ pjl.J

I I } I
1, /' - j /,
F , F1 • 2 I
4.J. Angular momentum ot'an du.iron
S4 Uutherfotd ' , eo.tieru,,c c•pem,icm fu, ;tu; f)t•t
I '
"''""' 1J11.,.; ,J.,,w!~J ,,,~
111 H In " 11f'b1t munhcr, prc'+'·w, 11 1 f1t~•h.,cly c; h1ur,t d 111K.l~ 11• ,,11hr ~ r ,'11!> ,,( ~tmo
'~>, , , . f 111 IJt'\I C,V ,,,d OIAJt: ,,
tn Sth vroll ,. Sh
21t /l
42 . ll1t' number ol 1A. 1t1.e,; an -10 l~rb11 "
,.,.,)lt ,t J nlrltY 111 t1, i;t l~;Jn '• o,1;,!J
4 3,Bohr s theo,y 1s uppl,t"ble to umdntroo •t•ml CH 100 uni:,,
44. Z,«,man efleu ,, . . phttin.: loll' o t tt.e lu\C, ut'illl\ c1111 ..,o·n tJ)C'drum I ' ·' !, HI tY
m 11 maincll<. held
I , r, ~ AH 0 1dt11J 111 (t,,t,, .,, d !'.'4 111,.,, 4. 1:111 ,,,.,-. ,; ,mly ,11 1tl'M ,.r11tit:a HJ
4i,, l n~IKY oft' 10 the: nth o,b,1 o f atom • eV ..u,m I,
If -tmh ,i. a,1ru1.., ,,-,,,rr-,:1,1m11 n • ••mv k 111.11lt11,1,., ,,t ,i !liv•I
- /~
(JI\C-11 . fl ~
,, I \ ,,
"" ('.,,t,crr
'. I' LI• '> 1/1 0 MIi lt1IICll,!..,J
IJ ~.-le\' .atom
(~I .'.'~ ·"
.«>. t.J. ~ hi ....
~7 K tr><'ht: cMr,;) 111 a11 ••hi! ,.., ,

h1 f1 0~" lfl .. • \ ~ rn• Potcfffl•I a.ury ill.,, '"'i"I 41' f r
( I) )

\[ 4 1 • 10
<m ' '"opllin4 J::,4, td ,,,14 ~.,, "'' v,1
4 <.:o " 11) · ,n
YI "' I JJf
47. /; - ' "10 n e1g'< 1-.
!O • Cf Ji
U . H ydtr,ven ~pr:dtmn II w1ow • !lot
,t ;m C1frl" l.l/f1 t.y'...,.. 11 :JI.'/
" t1 t, ~ •
pr qu..muaS cmrs/ k~c;;, ,, t,yd,,~,, ;,,t1)f'1i
'<'tiC~ ol
59 Au.:ord,ihi ,,,_, koi11 ·, ,,_,dcl t1f J 1 ,J,,~, -"ifll, !}~ tr111rJJ1. / •;1
',. I0 UlD /.'\ tn d.e ,..,,If t\ (flJ.its.tJ-.,j , rt-t t. ,~-<,,µ, 111 iJ,... i,.t,n ,., • a~r
ti 6 2 , It .1 : • , '() u, nuc k:tt\ tu_, k,,,,c ~ e,,eriy :.1.4 t t ,;4 11111, ,r ,,;h~ w ,j,Jf• ,,.,,.
l • I \l
11,h1!~ lilfl1'.-1.d ri.c tJJ<. ·,;,:>~ 'I. J.;;.,v .. :.,.,,,111'1m1., !I, Hs.,,M1,i~Jf. ~

c, h:.? •. IiJ \ • f /J 111(.C'rt"mt y pr1r;(.. 1plc ~,.,1tHtf, :.r,d ,~lt,.,n,

1,f tJ~ 4 ~,;1;•1•1-' • 11, t1.,i
I.• rntnt c .r.t"tCJI t~ 1ctl." irr: r.e.d '!.lftt1Jf 1,;,1~ r.1:d 7
' , I {I
. ) r, e·•
6 t,2 ~ I fJ ' ~m f,J .! ~ 1(1 cm blJ. f .
ot,: ,, l 1) •• (IJ . 6-0~ l'IITI f <>r IM:(;l>f)(I ~1.c r:1tf:.(J 4Utie " • s
n t, I ~I
I, ,, ~~I

• ~ - ", f " t \ t, /
fl I
! ' h , ti I ,1 -, l

I ·, Top1c :j Modern Strueture of Atom

I 1 1, l - ! ' ~, ,( JO 2 c \l
·l • 4 h
~u•dn.~ u-, ,k- f1.,,~ .,. 1r•·, ,:"-1,,-y;!- 1
M ,
,., >. t,,, "'"i•.•f-: 111,1hl ,,. ,r, t h e, r1» •l" o t 41)11 ) lo" ~ " ,,,..,,
t u ~e-r, m f<lf,;, ~ , t {,'j 4-m ~

•M ,. -I, '• , 1!1 ►• 1 • ., • ~, ,, , 1'1 r ~M ·•

t ~...... 11 ,~ w 1h~ '•"it"' .,f t r::1..,-u,.u .,,,It 1« v,
,,h rm ffJ ;i~lf"L..- ••t..f , ~ • --. e. ~...-.
~f A n ~a \.-r n ·~.,,11wut u1t i u l ~\,.c,(' h ♦ ,n• a ~ • .-, ,~ I , ~ ~-ti'
; ,, , , I r ,,, l.f'J ,l~
"'>,, I '.#
lw •I ' - h / ltl -
. u . /\ -
' mv
(d,26 x IO x 3 x Iox
\ ,I (,.62 / IO b<!
A , ~o -=- 6.0 l x ! O<' m IJ J r t
., 11 x I 0 6.<,2 / J() y / J()(J

3. ·: l nergy of I photo n, L' _ l, v JJ. Schrod inger wave t;,q!J.aH<)lJ J::,

rl\1/ [,✓ \JI r/y ~1/ m
Fm~r~y 111' I mtile of photon , E' - NA hv , 7 , "'·;, ➔ ,. } , , 7 u~
4 14 ,;x oy · </t n
- 6.022 X JO; ) X 6.62() X 10 .1 X 5 X 10
1 1 h h
· IQ9.50 8 x 10 J mol -.:: 199 .5 1 kJ mo l
J2. de-Bro ghewa veiength, 1, . -
/J rn ~
4. Frnm I kist:nhcrg uncertainty pri nciple 6.62Y J() ~ J - !,

ll x · t,. P ~ h_ ')1.=
⇒ - JI) 'J I
.. .(iJ 17
;, J<f kg QJ
4 rr 6.62x JO !,

~~ · mllv ~ -
[·:t-.p = m!lv] 13. Given, velocity of p;m.,d e A - () <,~ 1;~
4n Veloci ty of particle /J - 0.02 .m,
h . . .(i i)
L\x · 6. v ~ - - Let the ma!>s ofpa,tfole A == x
time :. The mass of part1cJe /J 5.-1
This pri nciple ts al so applicable fo r pairs like energy h
(6.£ · 6.t ) and angula r mome nt-ang le (llw · !lO) along with de-BrogJie 's equatw n J!, ?. mv
positio n-mom entum (6.x • M) .
. I , h
h ... (i ii ) For part1c e A , A ,1 -=- -
T hus, M ·6 t ~ - X / ().()5
21 . l . , h J
h 6.626 x 10- For part1c e B, 1. 11 ::;:
⇒ v= 28 7 5xY0' °2
ml\. 9. 109 x l0- x 0.J5 x l0-
From Eqi,. (i) and (ii),
= 4.84 x lOMcm s- 'i.A 5x / 0.02 t'.d 2
or 2 . J
6. According to de-Broglie, I.H X X 0.05 ' "-.8 I
~ __ _h or -
"- He m11 2 VH 2
de-Broglie relation 1s,
,... -=- - x - J4. The
mv "'1-1 2 "'11 c v,.1e h
'),= -
Given, = Vu e
V1-1 2
where, '), = de-Broglie wa vel~ngfh
A.He 2 Vl-k _- -I
--=- x - h ;;:; Planck • s consw .t
AH2 4 l'1-1e 2
m "' mai,i, of particJe
h v = velocity of particl e
7. A = - ·
fll\ '
5 15. From d e-Brog lie equati on, 34
Herc, v =3600 km/ h = 10 emf s
= r~ JO 1.32 / J<J !~ 1n
1. =
,n ::: I. Omg = IO g mv 0.5 / I(){)
,,. _ ~-626 x 1 • = 6.626 x 10- cm
29 h
5 16. '), = -
- \0- } X 10 mv
34 4 J
6.63 / ](F 6.6 3 / JO ~ 6 / ]IJ >'
8. By Heisen berg's unccn ainty pri nciple =- - 3- - = - ,- "" .. JtJ ,
h 60xJ0 x] 0 6 ✓ 10 6/J(J
6x • mt. ,· = --
4 ;e 17. m =10 mg = 10 Y J(J ,, kg, v - JO() ITl.'S

6v = 0.005% or 600 m/s h 6.63 x 10

i. =
= ~00 X 2.:_005 = 0.03 mv
100 11
34 ::a 6.63/ J0
q 6 6x !0
6..r >-. 9 . l x l O x 0.03 =-- - - h
4 X 3. }4 )8. 6.x •L\V,,,.
14 4rtnl
b b x 10 · I0- m
3 6.6 3 / JO ;4
A\ - - - -- --·- · - - - - 31- = 1.92 >'
- 4 x3.14 x tl 03 x 9. l x 10 LU - 4 / 3.)4 / 9 J / JO '1 / 3110 / <J,1)() 1 Y l <J '
34 2
h h 6.63 .,, IO -= Q.0193 3 - 1.1, 3 / JO m
Q, A ·= - ⇒ m = - "" - - - - 2, - - -1
mv A. I' 1.67 >< 10 >< l x l 0 in th!! o.rl:»tal lb 5,(J, '.,5%
t 9. The pmbab ihty of lindm i the e)e,;,"IT•m
,~ 3.97 x 10- m "' 0.40 run
38 I c hnpte rwlse & Topic wise l=ngfTiln~eeee'f1rifrn~gjl':E1nittrlrailnflcoeessls~mvM~~""'iif,f!if,l•lriir::~;:;~z::;::~-::z~~~~-✓~T~~~~~~r,

·. I\ x ,, I .0 :,- IO 1 ,.,. f, f, 2 ,, I()
- 4 ,, ) 14

,., ~ 6.62 / I(f ~

Now . V - { ,, p V ~ x 1<i y 1. 1 x 1 o-z1 111 uX i:: - - - ,,, 5 2~ ,, ') ol
h . = 5.0 x IO Hz 4 / 3. 14 / l CJ ,, HJ-~
6.6 x JO 34
2J. Wa ve- nature of ~lec tron s ~as first demonstrated by de-Broglie 's 27. 6X · .1 V ~ --
who gave fo ll o w ing equ ation for the wavelength of electrons
. h t.x :2: 6.62 / 10~ _
A =-
mv 4 x 3.14 Y 25 / IO 3 ,, rn-s
22. /, ccordin g to I Jei1)cnbc rg princ ipal ,
Topic 4 Quantum Numbers
/\x Y m / 6. v = !!_
4 rc 1. This problem is based on concept of qrumtnrr.
whe re, !\ x = uncertai nty in position Follow the following steps to solve this probfem
m = mass of particle Write all possible orbitals having combmat1on of ..a;-;.e f:rr.ciu<!
~ v -= uncertainty in velocity azimuthal, magnetic and spin quantum nurr.oer
A ccordin g to the questi on, Then count the all possible electrons hav mg gr,, er. iet :.,f ;wrr.r.:rr.
h numbers. For n = 4, the tota l number of po'>Slb!e c.rt1t,M l,.!
~ x A ,< m x 0.05 = - ... (i) 4s 4p
41t 4d .!.f

~xfJ x 5m x 0.02 =- h
. ' .(ii)
01 - 1°1+ll- 1- 1°l- 1- 11-
1 1 2 1 1 2 3 ,-2 - · ~ -· -~ -·
Accoding to question /mil = I, i. e there are two possitte ·,arue ~.-
J·,q , (i) d ivi ded by Eq . (ii ), then m1, i. e. + I and - I and one orbital can con..arr. w&'Clw~ ..,. .,
- ~~j x m x 0.05 =l ⇒ t.xA =2 electrons one having s = + _!_ and other havm!? s = - l .:.
t-.xl:J Y5m x 0.02 t.x 8 2 -
23 . Ace-Ordin g to Bo hr 's concept, an electron always move in the So, total number of orbital having f m1 = 11 = 6
orbit with angu la r momentum (mvr) equal to nh/21t Total number of electrons having {lmt =f} and m -- ~

mvr = nh ⇒ r = _!l__ · (!!_) r = n"A. 2. Given atomic number of Rb, Z =3 7

2rt 21t mv 21t
Thus, its electronic configuration is [ Kr J5s Sc::ce ~e J5i
from de- Broglie equation, A=!!__] electron or valence electron enter m 5s subsheG
[ mv
So, the quantum number are n = 5, I = 0 (for 1 obn.aJ)
for fourth orbit ( n = 4). r = - '" 1.s 21tr = 4 A. m =O
C irc.umfcrencc of 4rt orbit = 4,. ( ..· m = + I to - /), s = + - or - -
2 2
h h2
24. i , · KE = -· 2- 3. The valence shell configurarion 1s 4s-' 4 / and for the [3$ e.a..--c-::c
" 2m( Kf: ) ' 2A. m
n = 4 , I= l
(6.626 / J0- ¼>2 : 2.98 X JO- I S J I I
2 ,, ( (J 090 - / 20 102
) . :,( 9 . I x 10~31
m -- - I, O or + l' s = ... -2 or - -2
• I5 I
. _ 2.98,,:. IO eV = 1.86 x 104 eV Hence, 4, I, I, -
t\u.. elcrating r otent1al - 1~6 X I o - 19 2
. . ltaneous ly the exact position 4 • ..· Total number of nodes = n - I •
1tor 1,.11-
- 3
2~. ft ,-. impo,sible to determine s1 mu _ tr n
. For 3s orbital nodes = 3 - 1=2
-,n(I moment.urn of >v ing particle like e lectron, proton, neu o . • [) role
.. , can be cakulare rrom 111 -
h S. The increas ing order of energ} rb tal ,;1,, tb lo.,...:r
t:,,x ,< /\ p ~ - of/n ... { ). (he o t
4 rc [f two orbitals have same va l ue
.,r,;:r,: '\,: uncerta inty m p<,~1tion value of n will be filled first. - 5
(i) for n = 4 , I = · ( n + 1)-4-,,1 -
,inu;rtamty i n rnomenturn - _0
1\ , ,
(ii) For n = 4, I = Q. ( n +-I) = 4 + O - _
2.f>- ;\ c c r,• rhc,~ •r-, H CJ'-cnhcrg pnnc ipaL h ( iii )For n = J . I =- 2• ( n +I) = 3 + 2 ='
!\X ,< r\p ,-: .;;. (i v ) F o r n = J. I -= I. ( n ·I- I) = J,.. I = 4
n,er eforc c orrec t 0 rd er
,Ji.~.,..'f' ... /'., ~
unc::eria1 n ty m po;,,1t1on (I V ) ,,. ( II ) ,,,.. ([II ) < ([)

"· ,, ~ e:rta, nty in m o mentum

..1 , .._ ,e,;; ,! t 6 . Whe n n = J, total n umber of orbitals
I fl / 111 ' k g m.<- = 2n + I :c 2 x J +- I = 7
3 trucAJJrt.: o f· Atom f 39

7. The poss ible va lues of m fo r /' orbi lul urc . 14. Fo r N-nhcll , ,, 4
- 3, 2, I,. 0. I I , ➔ 2. ~ ;\ (J, I, l, j
8. Azimuthal quant:um. number/ ford orbit ab is 2. (11uh11hcl l) ,V J) ,I I
nrhnul tJ I 'i 7
9. For11 = 3. / = 0, l. 2 nndror/ - 1, ,n - 1.0.+ I
llc1,cc, to lltl 1111b,!lu;: ll11 4, numb4;r ol wlmal ~ / f 11HH1
Thus. (m = 3, / = I. 111
+ 2) set is not poss ibl e.
,nrnibcr of' clcctr< ,11H 12 .
10. According to Bohr Bury ·s scheme
l !'i. T he c lcc tro11tc cun fi/l,LffiltH, 11 11f tile ( ,, ;J lm11 1-s
Maxi mum number of c:- in 3rd orbitul = 2 11 l L 2(3)1 18 111 1
1,,(11 / Arj1d 4.t
Max imum number ur c in s-subshell = 2 Since. th e p1Jtc11110Mf ,,he ll iit 4 1/, thu 111 ,,utc-rroo, t 1;J1;ctr1m J-; 111 rt
/>-Subshell ::. 6, d-subshdl IO. ( -subshc ll 14 I
4,I (J , rn
Therefore, I 8e present in 3rd orbital enter in s. pand d subshcll. 2
Thereafter there is no ;_, availab le for / -subshcll that ' s why 3 l 16. l, ( • 1,/ , 2.vl, 2p
subshell is not poss ible. l·ur 6th elec tron ; 11 2,1 l, m
So. the value of magnetic quantum number is · / to ➔ /, then - 2 I
and ,v
lo+ 2, i.e. - 2, - I. 0. + I,+ 2. 2
I 1. Shape o f givl:n orbitals may he drawn as 17. When, n 5, I IJ, I, 2, 1 1,r4 11 nd m 4 lo .- 4
/ l
y y :. n S, I 4, m 0 , .v ,,. a c,,rrcc t 11c:t "f quMJtum
18. Nurnher of 11ph eri ca l nouc1t in l p ,nrbita li, 1
There iH,,ne phnar node ,n ii ll p -orhita l11
(ct) Px 19. (l iven, azimuthal quuntu m number (/J 2
Numbcr o fi,rh ital1, (21 1 IJ (2 / 2 1 lJ 4 • l 5
X 7
20. n 4 , m1 1 l
.. y m1 l kho wi. thc p -1i uh1,hcll , the maximum number of dectron

w ill be 1,ix.
21. !·or 3d-orb itul, n 3
f•or d -orhit:il , 2 ii nd m - 2, I , () , + I, 1 2
It is clear from tthc a bo ve 1:1 hapet.1. p, orb itals has zero probability V j
of findin g the electro n in th e xy-pla11c.
:. ·1he co rrec t HCt for 1d-urb1 tal ii,
J2. When n = 3, / = 0,1 . 2 i.l:. there a rc 3s, lp and l d-o rhitul'l . I fall l
n 1, / 2, m J, ~
these orbitals arc compl e te ly occupi ed as 2
:l<. 3p ~ 22. f·. lcctnm dcniuty r,I l d, , ✓ r,rbital in yz plane j,. /,en,,

[[I 11~ 11~ I%I [ii 1~ 11~ 11~ 11~ I 23. h ,u r quantum number/I arc n 4, I <1, m I) , r I J/ 2
1 I
Tot.a l 18 el ectrons. 9 electrons with .v • and 9 w ,th ,1 n 4 indKu tcff that th e va lc ri u .: electr,m ,., rrc'W:nt 11, 4th -, hell (4th
2 2 pc-ri (ld), / /J rnd icate<t rhal the vcilt:n<,c dc(..t1un ,., p,c1tent ,n
I .v-sub<ihc ll. rn "' <i indH,atc11 that the va lcn'-c cl~ tr,m ,., p rc">Cnt m
13 . (a) n • 4 , / o. 111 n. 1· -1 ► 4 1 energy leve l
c,rh11~il of H1 Ub'ihcll v ~ I I 2 111d1c,atc1 that the <,p,nmg nl
l clcc trnn lri ,,rhital •~ dnc.. kw,~ So , Im m tl,c ah,, vc <11(1(:u.,.,wn 11 ' "
(h) n 3, I I, m - + I. v ~ :I p e nergy level.
2 dear thnl va lence c lcc, tn,n ,., f'H C•,cn t ,n 4 1 .. ul,-,hcll it'> 4 i 1 1 1
1nd1c,1tc~ that the c lement 1:, prc~n• in IA grnur ~11 , the clcrncm
((.;) n 3, I 2, m 2. \ t ; l d e nergy leve l. rre11cnt in 4th pcnud and IA grc,up "' f><1(,j .,.,1un, fK)
24. Au:t,rd u,w, 1.0 /\ull-,au principal !he cm; rgy ,,t,,rl,iwl depend upvn
(d ) n 1. / O, m 0, I • 2
, \, l."fJCrv,y level fl t / V lllllC
Al.cord 1ni to Aufhau rnnc 1pl c , the crH:rgy o f o rh11a l•. 25. (Jrhnal 11niut11r mm11cmum ✓/(/ ~ 1,
/ other than 11 atom) depe nd upon ( n f / ) v;, l11c
1,,r !H,rb11;,I , I fJ
( n ~ I ) tor 1,iJ 11 2 5
I fe nce, n , I 'i maximum jr,r<, , I; h
"io, ,t 1<. h1r1hcill rllc rit.y le vel fi1J the ~,vc11 opl1(,11 •1 )
.JO I C /1.apten,,TSe & T o p ,._~"Yts e E 11g1ncering E n trnn cl.!~ \.., 1._1lv11 d l' t'\PN ~

~6. To.:- ortnraf ~ul .u- nwmen tum "

- IT
v / ( / • 1) J~. , 11111•«:hr ll h11 ii 1mlv tm r 1,rt. ,,,,1 "'"'
t r11b1lt1 lci lll t 11(111 tliJf' t 1H,hl>I
l h Af •~ --~·~""'1\/';;t• l\.;.r o

F,..,r J..,'-<'.'k-...-rrtm, ; =- tl l lt1 1t ('. wlr c- n 11 \, tl1 tt1 / { 111,N r,,,t " '- •·
t)rt>it.11 ~T\ltar {U\) n} CntWH
.'\(,. ( I) It ( II >2~ (III J l 11
= ..,--: , ll\0 • I) = (l(A'f\.i) ( I V) 'ti (V) It/
27. The number Qf el~' tron:- = :n:
In the 1th'lc11cc of n11y fi eld. {t/ 1r1 fl V J ii <.<I ( I 1 ,, , #-"' ., .,,1 _,.,
cncq,ty ,
where. r. = pn n.::1p,1I quantum munber.
37. 1lydn ,gcn 11101n ,ci 1n lt 1• 1: J.Mc ,sritl tht ~t: it , :r, ~rA :1 -,,,..-,,r,,. ..
F0r 11 = 2
will huvc same energy w r r IH .-rhr fal
, wuber of e le-ctrons = 2( 2): = 8
38. The va lue <1f ' ,,•and •/' C<Jll<!l 1,1 4 ar,d ~ rt'--V"..(,r, ,r.11 "/ ,"'W/ ,U ~
28. (J ) n =2. 1 = 1. m =0. it 1s possible to 4 / -orbllul . hence the cle<.,tr<m w,11 kel<,r,~ fl , 4 f •;('--,~"
n = 2. I = 0. m = - Li t 1s not possible because . if/ = O. m must
1b )
39. iotul number ()f orb itali; for pt1n<,1pal (pJM'1t•1t1, r. ,rr.rn r. i ..,r• •::.
be 0 . The , ·a.lue of m totally depends upon the value of / to ,i2.
tm =- I to + /) . 40. Accord ing to rul es for quantum nurrir,,(;'I' rhe r:,<~~.!--k ,~.. ~ l
(c ) n = 3. I = 0. 111 = - Q it is possible. n, I. m and s urc
n = I to oo any who le number
\ d) 11 = 3. I = l. m = - L it is poss ible
I = 0 to (n - I) for every value of n
29. Orbital angular momenrum (L ) =.JI (I+ \) _!!_ m = - I to zero to + I for every viilue ,>f /
2rc I 1
for d-orbital. / = 2 s =- or - -
2 2
_ "'P-
(~L ) --...- T
l)_!!__- ,16 h (a) n = 4 , l = 3, m =- 0
2:t 2n
All the va lues are according to rule5i
30. Any sub-orb it i_s represented as nl such that n is the principal
(b) n = 4. / = 2, m = I
quantum nwnber (in the form of values) and / is the azimuthal
q uantum numbe r (its name). All the values arc according to rule<\
\ "alue o f /< 11. l: 0 I 2 3 4 (c) n = 4 , / = 4 , m = l
s p d I g ·:Thcvalueof/canhavemax imum (n - l) vali.;e t.~ J rr.t:~ :a".e
\" alue of m : - /. ...... .. 0, ... ..... + / : . This set of quantum nu mbers is ncm-permi:s..11b~
(d) n = 4 , l = 0, m = 0
\,.alue o f s : + -l or - -I
2 2 All the values arc according to rule!
Thus. fo r 4 f: n = 4. l = 3. m = any value between - 3 to+ 3 Choice (a), (b) and (d) are perm issible.
31. When 11 = 3. number of values of/ are O to (n - 1) i.e. 0, 1, 2.
Topic 5 Filling of 9rbi tals in Atom
32. Orbital angular momentum = fiu+T)- 1. Using inert gas, the configuration of Cu can afso be repr-~ ~- !!.s
For p-orbital. / =l Cu 29 =[Ne ]3s2 , 3p6 , 3d 10 , 4s 1.
~ h ✓2 h h 2. 19 K
= [Ar] 4s n = 3, I = 0 i.e. 1., conta rns 2 ctectrou
. . Orbita l angular momentum = v 1l• T ,,- = - - = ~
2n 2n v21t
3. n I nl (subOTbll!_ n- I
33. K (Z = 19 ) : ls 2 , 2:/· 2p6 , 3s2 3µ6, 4 s 1 4p 5
In the ground state the value of / can be either zero or one. Hence,
4 0 4s ➔
the set (d) of quantum numbers i.e. ( n = 3, I = 2, m =+ 2) is not
possible in the ground state . 3 2 3d 5
3 3p ➔
34. f or 2p-subshell,
n = 2, I = I , m = Higher the value of (n + I ), higher the etlffg) ff (n ~ , , are $l:'.'.'.t!

l I suborb it wi th lower value of 11 has l~e-r Cnerg}

Thus, 3 p < 4 J' < 3d < -+ p
+ l 0 -1
(4 ) < ( 2) < (3) < (I )

~ ~ ~ 4. 29 Cu = 2, 8, 18, I
= b 2 , 2s2 2/ . 3s 2 JJI' 3d 10 , 4 .r
t- l
2 1
Quantum numbers for 4s electron are
, - . 1. 3 I
Hen ce, number of e with ~ = - 2 1s . n = 4 , I == 0, m == 0, s = +
StTUCture of Atom I 41

;, <,in fit1J ri1t 1<.1r'i ,,f the i ii1i:.-r1•.p,-../;I'. u t

2, /2, ~, 2r: 4~ =- ·,t_· _34 ~ ;n:- -:.npared electron]
r,2 2, ~ ~":{Zf✓, = j •J ;:d :!i s-

Na• 2, ~ f ~... - = ,• ..J.- ~ ~Jq,,,1


~ fo-:rr npar rerl elec::::rons J

M,t • - 2, %
,;,eil a.1
Th uq, Cl ha.'l 'lame ele<:tmm m ( rrKAt

pcnult1mat.c Rhcll ~{ :f~ ) = :.r..r J3.~ . 4 [':

r -
6. Magneuc m<,rnerit, µ = v n ( n .. 2 J &M ~:i :--- = :,A..rp d
[thre e upair ed elect rons]
where, n - numbl-r of up~1rt:d elt:<.1r<,ri:~ y;{
1 1
Oute rm,,11t eltct ronlc Num ~r of ~ £ OlfJn tt'ftt
Ion upairtd e
- <BM)
eunf igu ration
-- - - - {no unpaired elect ron]
3i =W Jl I
v1. 2 •• 2 {2 - 2 ) =2 ~
' (a:o=::it: :l!!::lber ::?9 l e1f'lct roni-, con:f
Hi U-< .1:F ..45-·
C~r ! ·
Jd':=l 111l t 3 ·, 3 '3 - :z, = 3.15' 1e~ iW ~ -
=5.9 l u, of .M.n C..5) is
3d~ =\ 1l J11 ! 1r 1
5 -, 5 f5 - 2J J7. E~ ...:it'
-::ro- oo:rii
Fe1 .,. {, • f, • - .., .<
ls". 2., . 1.p . 3.r. 3p . -- s-. _yd ·
- •

T11 • 3d l =111 I ; ., i n- 2, = 1,13

·. flwl:ro:::<lcc -oo::ii g·:u:i0D of M.: i:- 15
1...-=. Y . 2/ . 3-?. 3-y. 3d
7. Acco rding to Hund '<1 rule uf ma.x1mum
m:u!tipfu.'UY, durin g filling
czrrn oi "..:U ,il2u M_:i :- = ~Ar )3::.f'. 4 s (l
c,f elect rons in a suM hell, patring o f electron 0
a,lab le. 3d ~ 4s
unt,11 there is any empty orbit al a,..
8. Acco rdmg to Pauli Exclu s ion f'ri ra:-tple,
two electrons can exist, b.avm g ~
in any orbru:l. mau,...rm
ite spm.
= [Ar ] 111 111 1 □
d srate C'f fill atom . the
9. Tbe elect roni c configurau oo 2o f Fe atom ts lg_ ~ ~.DG ple 'Stele, tb:s.1 I:J the groun
orrmz l 1-m k>">A-er e::i.erSI 1s filled up iirn before the fillmg of the
Fe (26;= [Ar)3 a" 4 , , feJ.· == [Arl 3d'! 4,: oon ~r:renc eS.. Incre asm g order of
orr::.'i:tls ,_-±) ~ '::ri,g:he r energy
I1 I 1 ; 1 ~~=
1 1 ~ -d" ,,y,ous D:mitRls is is . .2.r. "2;;. 3s, 3p . 4 s,
3d, 4 A 5s .
five un;,ar."V'.! -· e-,.-.;:_

~ ~O. • Th-e:a-efwe.
10. The atomjc number o f neon 15

GSS e{ lO} l.f". 2, - . '!.ff

~ ( 1, •
OJ j;;} l 1 j , j i5 D OI ob ey ed by AIL.'bau princ ipk. W ithou

ES Ne{IO ): ~. 2s· . 2p· __.5 m _p -subs bell 10

:'-.illy filling C'f ..s-'SCb-sbell cleerrons cann m enter

1 .oo indiC2us me gJO::nd S'I..L" ~f -a.:..ura.
Henc e, b 2 , 2\' , 2/ ,3s elect ronic roruigu..-an

19. Tnf'~cmn..'c ni..:rah::r of cesii.JID :is 5S.

The e-J e-ctroru c- confi guran on
excited state of neon. 5
'-'>im .uom:i£ rrwm i,a 2~
I l ~ elect ronic confi guration of deme m ~ -,.r ,., t'I - :: If ..1 Jfl . .-
-, :,_ -.. . p ~ . .-'. . -~~-j p ~ • 4 .c :: • -"'~ r-,
::-p • 6.s
C !,.- = 1": . ..:.s -. _p • ~s . ..,.,,
<. .,.
' ,&_

ti 252 2p' 35· 3p' 3d· 4s · :-:'

v..1ll be
.....L • ;z1s more 5i<ilit~ ;:mn ceart·.· ~ T m- e ~mc- .oo:rfi plTS!ion 01 ces...;,..nn 10:i
[smc-e. exact ly hal f-fill ed
~ vrnt 0 j ". i,,;: Sp". 6.l
C ;," = 1s=. 2.c=-: p ~. 3.,;='3r":J ' • 4 :<: :4J_,"4
half- filled orbitals J tNal oumh er of
12. H igher the "'a lue of (n .,.. n. h!gh.-tt ,..,-tlJ
be ilie ~ - of e ~e..~ -=- Sc-. oe :nw nllmN.'r c>f .~--olecrrons = 10.. :he
-rron ." = ~)
0 vr more e!,ecuons. ~ _::,-,e-~e.::ru ns = :.;. ihe- total numb ~ .:>f .i--de.
If ,. alue of (n - I) is same for ~ "-""
r ena-g:, . Heoce. ~ 2{L ile.:.-: :umc- conn l:'l!.-sm m ~"'f
e!ec:-tron "'1ch highe r 'a!w: o : n. has highe
1 :; l'l-:,.:lt-, :'

J ..., _..,.:~ f'i ...,
i - _ l
-P . -'/' ·' • --. .c
corre ct order of ener ~ t.s ~ l - ;;S • _ , :c,_(

< I <IT I < Il< f\ 0

\ ~ 1 -=-- = i.s=. 2..c. :: ~.r-,'tt .. _;_,;:. 3;_,r:,,.3.:11-. . 4 .t
., ~ S 5 6 1
·: ( n ,. I J " -
~.:, cu = l{ :: . 2-.'i: ~J'r- .. 3..4- =' _\ r,~ 3.d '~. 4 .<'
er of elecu uos as i:, o:uoe ~ioa ~
13 c - ....; ha · g the s-.ame nr.rr:?b
\. Ul
. .....,..... ,e5 ek-.:r - ~ • ·.,.
ro::w:· oonitgu;z!lO~ as ox:u w~
"" 0 :- OT ;.....c,,.y ~
Cu - = l (: . ~~= ~:"'". 35: -~J'' _; _f ·r_,. 4./
th1! -same
uons. 1.
~ es ba, e same nu:J:lk""er o:: e!-ec::ocs • !O eia.- S-.1. ~ :!l' "en eunfi gunm cm 1s d Cu -
14. EC of.\1 = ~AI } ~ 1": 3d . 1I~U c.::4 ' =lt>:, . ~c= . ~-.r:- . _;_<='. -\ ~··t' . 3:F\ 4. s

[Co f.A,,1 7- = [,-\J' }.! l· 3d"'

Total ele,::tto:is = ~S = a!..'¾..-rl«: c.:n:: .xr
29. h ! • ton h~ ~ the f,,11,,.,1; w s, ''" ft ,{ Jfltht.ifl
rt'· h; 1• 2 2rl l, Jp'\tl
I ftnc.:e. fc:mc lf,o ,, qulf( .i,,bu. due tr, half fil~ d ottntal•
JQ. 1
( ,l 2, ij, 8, 1
( ';t l •

f k"flt< C a • has ~ c-lccmmi c.-ch in outcrm£>1i "'nd p,,:rw1r,ma1

:s.. - ' _, tn ~ I,). '-t.....,"t-d '~ J.CC ""'"'llr.llru so rt b stable,
31 . The ground ,urc confiyutdW.>n of ct,,omwm ,.
3..- = L~·. ~ ~ - \e:, ---..:-t t~ ~:wkJ ,:A( f rAr Jld' r1 r
2,Cr· • JAt JJ.a' 4 ,

32. S} mbob K L ti
~ <!
.:~ -:-,'If' \
:._"I! ~
~ \..~ 0f t.tli·-filled 2p-subs.bell )
- 2 ,I
" 'r
.........~ - ~ ::-:-~,(:~ .. = -t > 2 ,I.
I 2
-:-:X ::...:=...~ ...~f sci-~~ Q"C :-,nb,sh~U Cl; = 4 :, Z z: :! 1. IJ 1
~ - -...~-:··~~ :....:...S
= ,::: = ~ : = 16 Hence. the order or nJJJ1'lbcr of elecrrom. m ~I :t.c:U n
L .., Y .,, r
i:;;.: ~ - ~ ;: ..·~!~.)CS
33. Deutm-um ~ an isotope of hydrogen lu a~ :wmbn- i onc
= .Jt: = : "' J. : = 3: Hern:~. u.s electromc configura11on ,~
,o· u
1 34. A p-orb11.aJ has 3 dumb I~ l J e p . p 4-nd pJ ~ a.c~ l.!l.tmbk -
a c e ~ maumum of 2 electroru So nu.1lffl:,.,-n nl:Jffba
F ~ e '! 2-5 .1 ~""3.!..--ec d e'\."t:'On3 electrons m p-orbnal 15 6
f ~~- = '...: . 2..,= : ·r l. : s :}/ 3./'. -h ' 35. ~.ccordi.og to Autbau pnnc1pk. elaU'Olb el?fCf auo O(t)fU
r ,.. L. ' Z......:- ~ =...:.-~TN~~~ accordmg to thetr encrg:, The d c,:roo (tnt a:iun tnto ottma
:-' :: - = ,.,=.J~2;~ . J:5=:p"' :st.r5. ~J h.,l,. mg ,~~ ., 3Ju,e of I n - I~ Irt.'lc u :.:e or " • I i:. gmc r~ ~
orbn.ilc;. lben the electron 1,1. dl fim caur mto ~ul b..n 1rt3 ln-scl'
i ,. aluc of fl
For (JIN! orbttaf
n - S I 0 II •

,!,l.. \. _~ - ~ - .: L pn.Dr,-'"lfk .h i:=:n"troo., the orbital of

-\,,...::-.1- Fo-re>Uln' n 1.1 "' • I
, ,. ~>1. ~..:-, ,;~.,_: ;m..? -¼.~.:crt ckctrocs ::in: fiJled m the order Both ot the cxt>tul-. h.l"C' wm< ',, l.l\X IOI" •
, -~ . l .. - -; ::-..IC!'p;!' ......v: :-~.J •.~ ~""'1'g'.<"') of . , ~ ocbnaJ 1.n
l lo."tron "',II cntci- mto IJ'l'btc..l ha"ffl¥ LJ~ 1e, .. "n.~ or <It
Ekcuon ,.,u cntc, tnw" l, I - l ort,;t.;al

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