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A hall has the dimensions 10m x 10m x 10m, A fly starting at one corner ends up at a diagonally opposite comer. The magnitude of its displacement is nearly (4) 53 m (6) 1043 m :) 20/3 m (0)30/3 m Pt p29 Acar travels from Ato B at a speed of 20 km hr" anfTeturns at a speed of 30 km h. The average speed of the car for the whple journey is: (A) km ht (8) 244m (©) 25 km h* (0) 50 kmh" Abody covers first 1/3 part of its journey with a velocity of 2 mis, next 1/3 part with a velocity of 3 m/s and rest of the journey with a velocity 6m/s. The average velocity of the body will be u (A)3 mis (@) 3 ms 8 4 ) 5 mis (0) 5 ms P47 Aman has to go 50 m due south, 40 m due west and 20 m due north to reach a field ‘What s his displacement from his house to the field? (A) 3am (B) 20m 50m (0)30m PS: When a person leaves his home for picnic by his car, the meter reads 12352 km. When he returns home after two hours the reading is 412416 km, During joumneyhe stays for 15 minute at midway. What is the average speed of the car during this period ? (a) 32 kmh (8) 30 kmvh (C)31 kin (0) 29 kmih P6: Aman walking with a speed 'v' (constant in magnitude and direction) passes under @ lantern hanging at a height H above the ground (consider lantern as a point source). Find the velocity with which the edge of the shadow of the man’s head moves over the ground, if his height is "h'. PT: Pa: Pa: P10: Pit: Vh Vh — ch 8) Fen VH om © Gan H-h If the displacement of a particle is zero, the distance covered : (ayfrust be zero \ f) may or may not be zero (C) cannot be zero (D) depends upon the particle If the distance covered is zero, then displacement : (A) must be zero (B) may or may not be zero (C) cannot be zero {D) depends upon the particle A body stars from rest and is uniformly 130 s. The distance travelled in sis x,,next 10 sis x, and the last 10 hen x, :X, :X, is the same as 24 (B)1:2:5 (0) 1:3:9 1 A stone is released from an elevator going up with an acceleration 'a' and speed ‘u'. The acceleration and speed of the stone just after the release is (A) a upward, zero A 9 (B) (g-a) upward, u (C) (g-a) downward, zero (0) g downward, u A stone is dropped into a well in which the level of water ish’ below the top of the well. If Vv is velocity of sound, the time 'T' after which the splash is heard is given by : (A) T = 2hiv im 3 (C) T= Scanned with CamScann P12 elerates from 36 km/h to. 90 kmih in P19: A police jeep is chasing a culprit going on a fow far did it travel in this time? Assume motor bike. The motor bike crosses a turn ata _ cofistant acceleration, speedo! 72 km/h. The eepJalows ala speed (A) 87.5m (8) 82.5 m of 108 kh (c) +at (D)v=u P39: The position of a body is given by x =At + 4B, where A and B are constants. Find acceleration at t= 5's. (aos (8) 908 (C)20B (0) 1208 P40: Thedisplacement'x’ of a particle moving inone dimension under the action of a constant force is related to time 't by the equation t = vx +3, where ‘x’ is in meters and 't'is in seconds. Find the displacement ofthe particle when its velocity is zero. (A) Zero (8) 12m ()8m (0) 18m P44: Aparticle initially at 't=0' moving with a velocity ‘u'is subjected to a retarding force, as a result of which it decelerates at a rate ‘a = -k/v" where ‘vis the instantaneous velocity and ‘k’ is a positive constant. The time taken by the particle to come to rest will be? (A) V2ulk (B) 2u/k (C) 2a Ik (0) fork P42: if ? — 5x + 4, find the acceleration of the particle when velocity of the particle is zero: wo (6)2 (c)3 (0) None of these P43: The displacement of a body from a reference Point is given by Vx = 2t~3, where ‘x is in ‘meter and tin second, This shows that the body (A) is at rest att = 1/2 (8) is accelerated thoroughly (C) is decelerated (D) is in uniform motion P44: The position x of a particle varies with time (t) bt, The acceleration of the particle at asx time ¢ will be equal to zero, where fis equal to a a Or Os a -— (D) zero ©) 3 (0) P45; Given figure shows eT position-time graph of two cars A and B. Lines are parallel. (A)CarAisfasterthan | car B. (8) Car B is faster than car A. (C) Both cars are moving with same velocity (D) Both cars have positive acceleration. tis) P46: The variation of velocity of a particle moving along a straight line is shown in the figure. Find the distance travelled by the particle in 4 s. wis) 29) 10} 1234 1° (A)25m (8)30m (c)55m (0) 60m P47: Apatticle starts from rest and moves along a straight line with constant acceleration. The Variation of velocity v with displacement S is : w |Z @/ s s (c) (0) / s Ss Scanned with CamScann Pas: P49: P50: PSt: The displacement time graphs of two particles A and B are straight lines making angles of respectively 30° and 60° with the time axis. If the velocity of Ais v, and that of B is v,, then Ya find the value of <~ Ye 1 > (©) 3 1 @ 75 1 Oz ‘Shown in the figure are the position time graph for two children going home from the school. Which of the following statements about their relative motions true after both of them started moving ? Their relative velocity : (consider 1-D motion) (A) first increases and A then decreases . (8) first decreases and c, then increases (Chis zero a; (0)is non zero constant. The variation of velocity of a particle moving along a straight line is shown in following Fig. The distance travelled by the particle in 12 s is (A)37.5m (C) 35.0 m (8)325m () None of these The velocity-time graph of a particle moving in a straight line is shown in the following figure. Find the acceleration of the particle at t= 9s. v(ms") 6 4 2 0 T4682”) (A) Zero (8) 5s? (c)-Sms? (0)-2 ms? P52: The displacement-time graph of a body is shown in following figure (mm) The velocity-time graph of the motion of the body will be : 1 8 (a) © lit a — | q © () q tet Ve fay P53: Anobjectis vertically thrown upwards. Then the displacement time graph for the motion is as ‘shown in : wag} ) é wig () Ree P54: The acceleration willbe positive in s 3 NO aM day s ms -. (uy (ly) (A) (i) and (i) (8) () and vy (C) (Wand (1v) (0) None of these Scanned with CamScann P55: The velocity-time graph of a body is shown in P 60: PSG: PST: P58: P59: one o ob following figure. Find the displacement of the body in 8 s. v(ms") (Ayam (8) 12m (C)10m —(0)28m A\lift is descending with uniform acceleration. To measure the acceleration , a person in the lit drops a coin at the moment when lift was descending with speed 6 fs. The coin is § ft above the floor of the lift at time it is dropped. The person observes that the coin strikes the floor in 1 second. Calculate from these data, the acceleration of the lift. [Take g = 32 ft/s") (A) 22 fs? (8) 11 fs? (Cc) 33 fs? (0) 44 tus? Astone is thrown upwards from a tower with a velocity 50 ms~’. Another stone is simultaneously thrown downwards from the same location with a velocity 50 ms~’. When the first stone is at the highest point, the relative velocity of the second stone w.rt. the first stone is (assume that second stone has not yet reached the ground) (A)Zero (8) 50 ms (C) 100 ms* (D) 150 ms* thief is running away on a straight road with a speed of ms". Apolice man chases him ona jeep moving at a speed of 10 ms”. If the instantaneous separation of the jeep from the is 100m, how long wil it take for the police ‘man to catch the thief? (A)1s (8) 19s (C)90s (0) 100s ‘Two cars get closer by 9 m every second while travelling in the opposite directions. They get closer by 1m every second while traveling in the same directions. What are the speeds of the cars? (A) 5 ms" and 4 ms“ (@) ms" and 3 ms" te t6) Pet: Pe2: P64: P6s: ‘Aperson standing on the escalator takes time {,to reach the top ofa tower when the escalator is moving. He takes time t, to reach the top of the tower when the escalator is standing. How long will he take if he walks up a moving escalator? ()t,-t, @)t+t, (Cyt bit, -&) (O) ttt, +4) ‘ball is thrown at some angle with horizontal. Itretumns to ground describing a parabolic path. Which of the following remains constant? (A) Speed of the ball (B) Kinetic energy of the ball (C) Vertical component of velocity (0) Horizontal component of velocity A projectile is thrown with a speed Vat an angle Owith the vertical. Its average velocity between the instants it crosses half the maximum height is (A) v sin 0, horizontal and in the plane of projection {B) v cos 0, horizontal and in the plane of projection (C)2vsin 8, horizontal and perpendicular to the plane of projection (0) 2v cos 0, vertical and in the plane of projection. The velocity at the maximum height of a projectile is half of its initial velocity u. Find its range on the horizontal plane. 2 A) 3g () 3g A particle moves along the parabolic path y= ax? in such a way that the x component of the velocity remains constant, say c. Find the acceleration of the particle. (A) ack (8) 2ac?j (©) ac?j (0) ae] The velocity of projection of a projectile is (6i + 8]) ms™. Find the horizontal range of the projectile. (A)4am (8)9.6m (€)19.6 m (0) 14m Scanned with CamScann P66: Particles are projected from the top of a tower with same speed at different angles as shown, Which of the following is True ? v bey ov > v (A)All the particles would strike the ground with same speed. (B)Allthe particles would strike the ground with same speed simultaneously. (C)Particle 2 willbe the firstto strike the ground, (D) Particle 4 strikes the ground with maximum speed. P67: Anobjectis thrown horizontally from a point‘A’ from a tower and hits the ground 3s later at B. The line from ‘A’ to ‘B’ makes an angle of 30° with the horizontal. Find the initial velocity of the object. (take g = 10 m/s?) (A) 153 mis (c)10 3 mis (B) 15 m/s (0) 25/13 ms P68: A ball is thrown upwards at an angle of 30° with the horizontal and lands on the top edge of a building that is 20 m away. The top edge is 5m above the throwing point. Find the initial speed of the ball. (take g = 10 m/s): (ayu=40 fa) ms 4-3 13 3 (B)u=40 mis Poo: P70: PT: P72: P73: PT4: ‘A cricketer can throw a ball to a maximum horizontal distance of 100 m. How much high above the ground (in meters) can the cricketer throw the same ball? (425 (B) 100. (C50. (0) 40 i ox? The equation of a projectile is y= /3 x- “>-- Find the speed of projection. Where at t= 0, =0andy=0.Aso “* -08 SY Xe Oandy=0.As0 ga = 08 ye (A)2mis (8) 1 mis (C)3 mis (0) JZ mis The direction of motion of a projectile at a certain instant is inclined at an angle a to the horizontal. After t seconds it is inclined at an angle B . Find the horizontal component of velocity of projection in terms of g, t, aand B. st (A) (ana-+tanB) —_t__ (©) (ama -tanB) (B) at(tana.+ tanB) (0) gt(tana.- tanp) ‘plane surface is inclined making an angle 0 with the horizontal. From the bottom of this inclined plane, a bullet is fired with velocity u. ‘The maximum possible range of the bullet on the inclined plane is 2 As (©) girsine) (©) Ga—sine) (©) G+ C050) Aball is horizontally projected with a speed 'u' from the top of a plane inclined at an angle 45° with the horizontal. How far from the point of projection will the ball strike the plane? we ) g au? OG A particle is projected at angle 37° with the incline plane in upward direction with speed 10 mis. The angle of incline plane is 53°. Then the maximum height above the incline plane attained by the particle will be - (A) 3m @)4m (c)5m (0) zero Scanned with CamScann P75: P76: PTT: P78: P79: P80: Pat: On an inclined plane of inclination 30°, a ball is thrown at an angle of 60° with the horizontal from the foot of the incline with a velocity of 10/3 ms~, Ifg= 10 ms~, then find the time in which ball will hit the inclined plane. (A) 1 sec. (8) 6 sec. (C)2sec. (0) 4 sec. A projectile attains a certain maximum height When projected from earth. If itis projected at the same angle and with the same initial speed from the moon, where the acceleration due to gravity is one sixth of that on earth, by what factor will the maximum height of the projectile increase? (D)5 (Ay2 (c)6 (8)3 particle is moving towards east with a speed of 10 mvs. If it has an acceleration of 2 m/s? towards west then find displacement (in meters) of particle in 6 seconds. (A)24 (B)32,— (C40. (0) 66 A jet airplane travelling from east to west at a speed of 500 km h~ ejects out gases of combustion at a speed of 1500 kmh with respect to the jet plane. What is the velocity of the gases with respect to an observer on the ground ? (A) 1000 km hin the direction west to east (B) 1000 km hin the direction east to west (C) 2000 km hin the direction west to east (0) 2000 km h-* in the direction east to west Aship is travelling due east at 10 km/h. A ship heading 30° east of north is always due north from the first ship. Find the speed of the second ship in km/h, (A) 20/2 (B) 20/372 (c)20 (0) 20/273 Aboat, which has a speed of 5 kmh in still water, crosses a river of width 1 km along the shortest Possible path in 15 minutes. Find the velocity of the river water in km/h. (0) Vat (ayt (8)3 (c)4 To cross the river in shortest distance, a ‘swimmer should swim making angle 0 with the upstream. What is the ratio of the time taken to. swim across in the shortest time to that in swimming across over shortest distance. [Assume speed of swimmer in still water is Qreater than the speed of river flow] P82: Pa3: Pad: Pas: Pas: (8) sino (A) cos oa (0) cot 0 (C) tan 0 ‘Aboat which can move with a speed of Sm/s relative to water crosses a river of width 480m flowing with a constant speed of 4 m/s. What is the time taken by the boat to cross the river along the shortest path. (A) 805 (8) 160s (C) 2408 (0) 320s It is raining vertically downwards with a velocity of 3 km h-? . Aman walks in the rain with a velocity of 4 kmh~. The rain drops will fall on the man with a relative velocity of ; (A) 1 km (8) 3 kmir* (C)4kmh" (0) 5 kmh* Raindrops are falling vertically with a velocity of 10 m/s. To a cyclist moving on a straight road the raindrops appear to be coming with a velocity of 20 m/s. Find the velocity of cyclist. (A) 10 mis (C) 20 mis (8) 10¥3 mis (0) 20y3 m/s ‘An aeroplane is to go along straight line from Ato B, and back again. The relative speed with respect to wind is V. The wind blows perpendicular to line AB with speed v. The distance between A and Bis /. Find the total time for the round trip. 26 Two particles A and B move with velocities v, and v, respectively along the x & y axis. The initial separation between them is ‘d’ as shown in the figure. Find the least distance between them during their motion. v3 u YO Baz A dv3 vs * @) av dt hy, 2 dy, (c) 0) 5 a svi Mavi Scanned with CamScann Par: PBs: Some A swimmer can swim in still water with a speed Sms. While crossing a river his average speed is 3mis. If he crosses the river in the shortest possible time, whatis the speed of flow of water? {A)4ms* (8)3ms* (C)2ms* (0)5ms* A car is travelling ata velocity of 10kmph on a straight road. The driver of the car throws a parcel with a velocity of 102 kmph wrt. car when the car is passing by a man standing on the side of the road. Ifthe particle is to reach the man, the direction of the throw makes what angle with the direction of the car? (a)30" (8) 60" (cyas* (037° questions are given below. Each question contains STATEMENT — 1 (Assertion) and STATEMENT -2 (Re and (O} -ason). Each question has 4 choices (A). (B), (C) ) out of which ONLY ONE is correct. So select the correct choice : Choices Pag: P90: Pot: 3S are : (A) Statement - 1 is True, Statement - 2 is True; Statement - 2 is a correct explana- tion for Statement - 1 (8) Statement - 1 is True, Statement - 2 is True; Statement ~ 2 is NOT a correct ex- planation for Statement — 1 (C) Statement - 1 is True, Statement - 2 is False. (0) Statement - 1 is False, Statement — 2 is True. STATEMENT-1 : Velocity-time graph for an ‘object in uniform motion along a straight path is a straight line parallel to the time axis. ‘STATEMENT-2: In uniform motion of an object velocity increases as the square of time elapsed. STATEMENT-1 : For a particle moving in a straight line, velocity (v in mis) of the particle in terms of time (tin sec) is given by v=?-6t + 8. ‘Then the speed of the particle is minimum at t sec. STATEMENT-2 : For a particle moving in a straight line the velocity v at any time t may be minimum or may be maximum when dvidt = 0. STATEMENT-1 : If velocity is negative ‘magnitude of position may increase. STATEMENT-2 : Velocity is rate of change of position vert. time. P92: P93: Poa: Pos: P96: Por: P98: STATEMENT-1 : A particle is at rest in time in- terval t,t). Then, the displacement of the patticle {s zero but position of the particle can be non-zero in this time interval. STATEMENT-2 : Change in position is called displacement. STATEMENT-1 : Magnitude of average velocity is equal to average speed. STATEMENT-2 : Magnitude of instanta- neous velocity is equal to instantaneous speed, STATEMENT-1 : The equation of distance travelled by a particle moving in a straight line with constant acceleration in n” second is S, = w+ (2n ~ 1)(a/2), where letters have usual meaning, is dimensionally incorrect. STATEMENT-2: For every equation relating physical quantities to be true, it must have dimensional homogenity. STATEMENT-1 : Two stones are simultaneously projected from level ground from same point with same speeds but different angles with horizontal. Both stones move in same vertical plane. Then the two stones may collide in mid air. STATEMENT-2 : For two stones projected simultaneously from same point with same ‘speed at different angles with horizontal, their trajectories may intersect at some point. STATEMENT-1 : For a particle moving in a straight line, velocity (v in m/s) of the particle in terms of time (t in sec) is given by v = — Gt + 8. Then the speed of the particle is minimum at t = 2 sec. ‘STATEMENT-2 : For a particle moving in a straight line the velocity ‘vat any time 't' may be min. or may be max. when dv/dt = 0. STATEMENT-1 : A stone is projected ( not vertically upwards) from level ground . The average velocity of this stone is in horizontal direction in between the two instants of time ‘when velocity of stone makes same angle( in magnitude) with horizontal . ( Neglect air friction) STATEMENT-2 : The average velocity of a projectile ( not projected vertically upwards) in between any two instants of time is always in horizontal direction. STATEMENT-1 : For a particle moving in straight line with constant acceleration, the plot of its velocity versus time is a straight line STATEMENT-2 : If acceleration is constant for a particle moving along straight line ; the velocity of particle is always directly proportional to time. Scanned with CamScann ANSWER KEY | 8B B ‘A c c. 8 A c D | 8 A c c B A A | A A c oi ena one nto [|r| | B cc A c A c D c B c M 32 33 uM 35 36 7 38 39 40 c A c B A | A D B oO A = [@ | «| #[rac[oe |e atle le Capes p= [= psp pes [oe imac [Tc | |e eo RT| Da A B B B A A A c A c B D c c D A A c B 8 8 D 8 A c 8 D c 8 ses |e eto es co [ese Jo Lt a>ate[es ele te}e Scanned with CamScann

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