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eT] ~ TOPIC SIS (ir ey INTRODUCTION TO MEANING AND CONGHPT OF TIISTOR “| y @ _|/imMportani a E OF HISTORY GNoIE=—————— ~____ NISTORY UNDIViBUAT- AND NATION BUILDING) TYPES OF HISTORY AN | FFERENCES BETWEEN HISTORY AND NARRATION © || SOURCES OF History: MEANING AND HOW TC SOURCES/HISTORIC MATERIALS HOW TO ACCES: Le ay SECONDARY SOURCE OF HISTORY 7 ‘ ae PERIODIZATION OF HISTORY /CHALLENGES IN WRITING HISTORY ARCHAEOLOGY/CAUSATION AND OBJECTIVITY IN HISTORY HISTORICAL SITES IN NIGERIA: NOK CULTURE (LOCATION AND IDENTITY) 11 || REVISION/EXAMINATION. 1 Term Grade 7 '* Ambassadors College, Ota- HISTORY Y Meaivord history was derived from the Greek word historfa which means Inquiry. It isc referred to as the record and narrative description of past event. ‘Ommoniy Various scholars and philosophers defined history in many different ways. Pe istory is the study of the past events, to understand the present and to predict the future, 2. History can be defined as the study of past events leading to the present and anticipati future. mothe 3, History is a narration of the events which have happened among mankind, including an acco, Br ehe rise and fall of nations, as well as of great changes which have affected the political social condition of the human race. " 4, Avcording to Maurice Harold Macmillan history is the study of the ‘wind of change’ whi, shaped the government, society and social customs. In reality History is not just about the past, itis also about the present and how it affects the future ‘The concept of history is centered on three things: man, society and time (past). ‘Man: Man is at the center of history. History started with the creation of human beings. It is man that makes history and without man there cannot be history. iety> Society is the environment of man. It is where man can find himself and carry out allhis activities? The lifestyle and activities of man is determined by the society he lives. ‘Bune Time is also important in history because all events in history do not happen at same ime Tine determines the period which an event occurred e.g, Jihad of 1804. Charactt story deals with fact and not mere stories, rumors or spiritual beliefs. 2, Themain focus of history is man. 3. _ History involves a given scope which is based on past events. ¢ History is related to several disciplines especially in the Arts and Social Sciences, e.g. Socal Studies, Civic Education, Government, etc. 5. Historians always arrange history in sequence and chronological manner. ‘That is in order of occurrence. in history must be disclosed and acknowledged by the historians. Practice Questions 6. The source of information 1. The main focus of history is 3 (2) man (b) animals (c) cultyrp (a) concepts 2. Allevents in history do not Happen at (a) same(b) present (c) past (4) different 3. Historléns always arrange history in sequence and. @ chronologic (b) colloquial (c) chronicle (d) arithmetic 4. History is reldted to several disciplines especially in the Arts and Social Sciences as follow excePt {a) Social Studies (b) Government (¢Biology (4) Civic Education 5. Lis important in history because it determines the period which an event occurred. /@) Time (B) Environment (c) Animal (d) Plant o defined History as the study of the ‘wind of change’? Ve ‘Maurice Harold Macmillan (b) Kenneth Murray (c) Usman Dan Fod 7. The Greek word ‘historia’ means : @) ingly (b) interview (c) excursion (d) methodology (ere College, Ota. item re orade? meres ‘The Ambassadors ee ee a a Ee OE time. manner. io (d) Prof. Jerry Gana . Historians gather and a1 . History enables us to reconnect wit . The study of History is about . Our past is linked to our present with the help of Define History in three (3) way: Listthree (3) imports S. thi é State any four (4) characteris? of raerstand about history, = istory, g EXTERNAL Exa d MINATH Archeologists (a) Crypeg story except ey winict of ase is true al ut the Study of Hist een S i iN any i ory? (a) it 7 universities (a) 42 Shoot since Nigerian inde ti studi All these are rengwsr Niger " Michael Omolewa (d) ogy ceria ona Experts that collect Memories and pe arecalled__ (a) Scientific historians The Father of Hj ‘Ade Ajayi ———— ©) Prof. Omolewa (b) Herodotus (©) Julius Caesar (d) Prof. f ‘i eee tee _ ‘nat # specific area of History? (a) Studyi nimals (b) Studying Pa ee en and women in Nigeria (c) Studying the history of Nigerian symbols and The word Histor, uw tory of great institutions in Nigeria : 4 ia came from __ ~ (@) Latin (b) Greek (c) French (4) English To a layman, history simply means « (a) Study of Ni Study of heros and heroine: [2 Study oft igerian people and places (b) sin Africa (©) Study of The activities of man (6) Study of the past (a) Stud; biography (c) events (d) ~ (@) Obaro Ikime (b) Ade Ajayi (c) People's commentaries through intervi | P iews, tapes and videos historians (b) Primary historians (©) Oral historians (4) Secondary istory is ing of existence of a dying ly of the past and present ‘over a period of time produce + (a) autobiography (b) ) history (e) memoir nalyse to bring out -—- (a) details (b) dialogue (c) events @ facts (©) stories th our present — (a) future (b) leaders (c) life (d) past (e) ; - (a) achievements (b) developments (¢) man (d) natural disasters (e) wars . (a) accurate information (b) accurate investigation (c) historical evidence (d) information and communication (¢) political participation The transmission of culture and values from one generation to another is an importance of - (a) culture (b) education (c) history (d) language (e) relationship q*Term SS HISTORY SG, WEEK 2. History is very important since it help iis to study the past in order to understand the present and knoy the challenges of the future. IMPORTANCE OF HISTORY TO INDIVIDUALS History gives us a sense of identity, It helps us to understand where we come from in order ty better understand who we are. It provides a sense of content for our lives and our existence. It helps us to understand the way things are, and how we might approach the future. History teaches us what it-means to be layman, t highlights the great achlevements ang disastrous errors of human race. i It describes human attempts to investigate, study and explain the past. i By studying history, we can understand how the modern world emerged over long centuries of development. ee ee Historical knowledge helps in all aspect of human life it and technology. The study of History provides job opportunities as, teachers lecturers, administrators writer, diplomats etc. including the understanding of science IMPORTANCE OF HISTORY IN NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT/NATION BUILDING ‘The study of History is very important to national development and nation building. Basically, a nation is better positioned to address the present challenges by learning from the past events. The importance of history to national development or nation building include the foilowi History awakens national consciousness, spirit of nationalism and patriotism. History helps the people to know more about themselves, their origin, ancestors, forefathers and kinsmen. It helps us to understand better and preserve our various heritages, cultures, customs and traditions. ‘The knowledge about our past helps us settle conflicts and other several crises. Historical awareness promotes peace and healthy relationship among individuals, societies and nations. History enhances international relations or interactions around the world at large. Practice Questions History enhances international relations and around the world at large. — (@) violence (b) attack (c) iteractions (d) conflicts = The knowledge about history helps us settle conflicts and crises. (a) True (b) Not sure (c) Untrue (4) Not known 3. The study of History provides job opportunities as the following except one. (a) Teacher (b) Lecturer (c) Administrator (4) Smuggler 4. History helps us to study the past in order to understand the present and to predict the __— (a) eternity (b) future (c) aliens (d) heist 5. History helps us to understand where we are coming from in order to better understand who we are. This means it helps us recognize our ; (a) identity (b) talent (c) integrity (d) liberty 6. History helps us to understand better and preserve all the following except _ (a) heritages (b) cultures (c) customs (d) challenges ‘Theory 1. Inwhat three (3) ways do you think history is important to us as individuals? 2. Explain the importance of history in nation building. Neen eee ney 1-H; "EEE Pt -peemameemmee ena -= EE The Ambassadors College, Ota. 1 Term Grade 7 Page? HISTORY 'ERNAL EXAMINATION DRILL Se Teasons except . (a) to investigate changes in & ) to entertain children with stories during moonlight (c) to make g00 History is important tou (4) to understand the present cain etevente fe Nigeria (irene oe) nation Nigeria because eta It is a major revenue earne (d) Without it Nigeria wil}. ) It produces patriotic citizens for the nation 4, History fs studied for att thee society and human life 2 © Nigerians abroad (¢ + opportunity for all then ghistry, t© the society is that ____. (a) it provides job information on how ouless (b) it provides income to all families in the society (c) It provides The importance of Hesietes are formed (4) it tells us negative things about Nigeria ST ivideal’s Sense of prt t© individuals are all these except that (a) it confuses ur world (a) i judgement (b) it motivates and inspires (c) it teaches us how to discover on Provides insights on how to develop our culture ee ae Eat importance of History to a nation except . (a) it helps in repeat Sreat memories and events (d) it helps in planning how to fight nation that colonized 7, We should study History so that we can ______. (a) Understand our body system (b) Understand the present using past events (¢) Understand why we fight with other tribes (4) |__ Understand why we should always keep our environment clean | 8 Our ability to relate well with people from other ethnic groups as a result of historical | knowledge means that history encourages ~ (a) intergroup relations (b) | nationalism (c) patriotism (d) political participation (e) symbiotic relations 9. Which of the following helps us in the understanding of past leaders and their actions? (a) Dialogue (b) Education (c) History (d) Movies (e) Politics 10. History helps us to understand the evolution of the society. This means that history helps us to know how the society___. (a) began (b) developed (c) migrated (d) related (e) survived 11. By teaching us to be patriotic citizens, history encourages us to __ our country. (a) develop (b) love (c) please (d) pray for (e) respect 12. Which of the following is an importance of history to an individual? It serves/helps . (a) as reservoir of knowledge (b) in nation building (c) in settling globalization challenges (d) intergroup relations (e) national integration 13. Promotion of national integration is an importance of history to a/an____. (a) government (b) individual (c) nation (d) society (e) tribe ("Term Page S Ambassadors College, 0t2. z hip among these and relations! ae oe ateeat types of history though there js incre past i tjfferent areas of human bout the even! various areas of history and they all tell activities. These include the following: ois 7, womenand Gender story of ancient 1. Political history 8, World history 2. Economic history civilizations biography 3. Diplomatic history 9, piography and auto ry “4. Cultural and social history 94, paychohistory aM 5. Military and war history : eee Pe jcand Diplomatic history: istory Economic an' r s of history are Political, owever, the three major types ie oe Political history: In pé ritical activities and th develo pment of man «tn political history we study, the Po activities and TieadershiP- : ae : In pol pout the institutions of various SOC ios and their leadershiP: ant I ic activities of man es the economic ac a ory studies Cory of markets, commercial conomic history: As the name suggests, €c sd 2. eamomic histor period of time, Here we Hearn bolt activities, agriculture and industries. sonship and interactions between 4, Diplomatic history: This relates with the studies about relationship and intera + different groups and countries in the international community. Many people tend to confuse history with narration palling) istory, most times, adopts the use of narratives in its explanation and presentat What isa Story? f J nory or narration is both fiction and non-fiction narrative that explains how an event occurred or happened. It is quite an ancient tool used in calming the fears or doubts among family members. History and Narrative HISTORY NARRATIVE 1. Refers to events and incidence “Refers to story telling = 2, Based on acceptable facts and theories Deals with legends, myths, folktales, ete. 3. Itinvolves carrying out analysis on real fact_ Mostly Based on imagination and investigation on every event. Itcan be studied for educational purpose ;. Itfocus on origin and civilization of man Itis listened to or read for entertainment purpose It is essential part of national belief and culture. Practice Question can be studied for educational purposes. @ History (@) Narratives (c) Stories (d) Myth 2. Astory is both fiction and __ narrative. A So) exh Sesiop § non io (c) good fiction (d) less-fiction ; jes about relationship and interact fers i international community is known as SS ee ee —______history. 2 diplomatic (b) sociology (c) geographic @) wational history is, where we le: siamese arn about the history of markets, commercial activities, (a) Diplomatic (b) Economic @) Geographic (4) National {s essential part of national belief and culture. ‘The Ambassadors College, Ota 5. 1 Term Grade 7 rh : Page 6 HISTORY ry (d) Myth History (b) Narratives (c) Libra 6 gories and narratives are listened to read for _ . we learn about the institution (a) entertainment (b) education @ polieat (a) econ tvarious societies and their leadership. qoeory ‘ 1. Whatisa story? 2. State any four (4) differences b 3. List five (5) types of history. °°" MStOry and narrative : EXTERNAI 1. Which of these is not true about History? ANNATION DRILL create conflict among Nigerians (c) it seh! fe is necessary f solving our present problems appreci ry for national development (b) it may mae Preclate our past as a nation (d) it helps us in based on specific period of time fen has evidence and 3. An imaginary story that teaches human eyewitness account (c) folklore (a) legend (oyna tee tsteners is (©) oral tradition ———~ @ article (b) WEEK 4 SOURCES OF HISTORY MEANING AND HOW TO ACCESS SOURCES/ HISTORIC MATERIALS ‘The word sources in history refer to the records from which information about the process and the studies of the past events are obtained. Historians gather historical facts/information from different sources in order to understand historical events. It could be from documents, picture-sound, cinema film, television program or an object —_ excavated from archeological site. = s sources of history can be classified into broad types which are Primary and Secondary sources of history. These can as well be sub-divided into the following: Oral sources Written sources Archeological sources Linguistics and Ethnographic sources Geography and Environmental analysis important to bear in mind that the soure: about. dd be anything that give To access historical source, it impo e coul thing dues on what you are finding or writing listorians need to know the following: © The environment } © The people © The available materials “Ambassadors College, Ota. ay HISTORY Its also important to: 7 1. Consult libraries. Look u . Look up biblio 2. Relates with other historians, Setar erences, und fore T Tae™ ‘ 3. Visit the internet. ae 4. Conduct interview. 5. Go for excursion to historical sites. . 6 Attend exhibitions. 7. Attend cultural festivals eg. ne i 8 Visit archives. Sano 9. Visit museum. j WHAT IS MI 7 |USEUM? A museum isa special place or building or nattation une for collection, preservation and display of valuable cultural objects, relics and artifacts 1 facts whether natural or man-mad®-buished in 1945, is f Esie Museum, located in Irepodun Local Governme: Kwara State, Nigeria's first museum while the Jos museum (eonstucted 22 of Myed September, 1949 and opened on Apel eth, 1952) was the second oldest museum in Nigeria. The Jos Museum was set up by Mr. Kenneth jurray. ‘The Esie Museum is a national museum an ‘The museum is known for the soapstone images. The images members of Esie community in 1775, while the museum is locate were originally found. Baragbon, an hunter and migrant from discovered the Esie Stone images during one of his hunting expeditions. sesring to a source, the Esie museum has both old and modern gallerics that house more than 2,000 images and objects. The old gallery has collection of soapstone images ‘with artistic depiction of human beings, and their origin remains a mystery till date. The old gallery houses between 1,000 to 1,500 stone images, while the modern gallery has over 500. images in Sub-Saharan Africa. id to have been discovered by the area where the images pire was said (0 have d it houses the largest ston were sai .d around ld Gyo Em ‘This museum displays archeological artifacts. They are either open-air museums or in form of exhibition in a building. 2, Art Museums: This museum is the same as Gallery. It is simply a space for exhibiting art objects ike visual art objects (painting, sculpture, photography, illustrations, drawings, ceramics or 1. Archeological Museum: metalworld). 3, Encyclopedic Museum: This institution offers visitors @ wide variety of information both locally and globally. ‘ome houses are turned into historic house because of the history of 4, Historic House Museum: S the person that lived in it 5. History-Museum: This musel about a particular locality. 6. Living History Museum: This is usually styled to represent the old artifacts or objects in suatons where the original objects and artifacts cannot be found. Featsens Miuseums: This museum is used to display objects or artifacts fro Example is the wrecked Titanic Ship. 8. Military and War Museum: This m expedition. 6, Mubile Museum: This museum is used to display objects or artifacts that are movable bec they are without specific place of exhibiting. 10, Natural History Museum: This museum is used to display objects or artifacts from nature like stuffed animale or pressed plants. This museum usually showcases natural history, dinosaurs, 14, 22108 oceanography, anthropology, ‘evolution, environmental issues, and more. . Science Museum: This museum is used to display scientific objects or artifacts. lum collects objects and artifacts thaf tell a chronological story sm bodies of water. useum is used to display objects or artifacts from military cause 1. For the Preservatio ' i n of the country’s antiquities. 2 Itshows the richness ofthe cultural heritage of a country. ‘serves as good place for research activities. TS ‘ Pag 1 The Ambassadors College, Ota. 1*Term Grade 7 P HISTORY LA is a spectal place fe omen colons display of valuable cultural abjects, rales and ates whet used fr collection, preservation 20d {a)snuseum (b) library (c) 200 (d) park ether natural or man- made, 2. Agood place for historical research activities include all (a) museum (b) library (c) zoo (g.motor park but one of the following Hy following are the types of museum except _ bcs archeological (b) maritime (c) military and w: a) daa we )archeotoica asa tha hvstin Nigeria, net and Pace (a) Jos (b) Kano (c) Esie (d) Ibadan The first museum in Nigeria was discovered up by (a) Mongo Park (b) Fredrick Lugard (c) Baragbon (d) Hagin Kenneth Theory 1. What is a Museum? 2. List five (5) types of Museum. 3. List three (3) functions of Museum. 4. Explain the meaning of sources in History. ae Seon EXTERNAL EXAMINATION DRILL ne of these experts study prehistoric times. Which? (a) Oral histori logists ‘Anthropologists (d) cryptographers Hc? (4) Oral historians (8) Paleonologiss (9) 2, A display of materials for the purpose of inspection by interested members of the public is known as . (a) Excursion (b) Cultural display (c) Museum (2) Exhibition 3. The first storey building in Nigeria is in (a) Kaduna (b) Aso Rock, Abuja oO Badagry (d) Owerri 4. History students can organize excui in Abeokuta (b) National Museums irsion to all these places except . (a) Olumio Rock of No Return in (© Industrial estates in Lagos (4) P+ Badagry 5, An alphabetically arranged book or set of books providing detailed information on different topics is referred to as OF) memorandum (b) Wikipedia (c) abstract (@) encyclopedia summarizing the contents of books, speeches, articles, 6. One of these is used in (b) bulletins (c) memorandum (d) encyclopedia 7. Which of these universities has an important artifact conspicuously displayed in its logo? (a) {c) Olabisi Onabanjo University @ Osun State University (b) Obafemi Awolowo University University of Lagos = 8, Which of these will be very useful for an oral historian while-on the field? (a) History textbook (bJ-Aphone with a voice recorder (¢) Journal of History (d) Biographies of Nigerian nationalist -al structure was the ” (@) Ofo title holders (b) etc. (a) abstract 9, A major part of the Ibibio politics Ekpo secret society (c) Town council of Elders (d) Age-grade authority group 10. Which of the following sources

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