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HE3013 –Economics of Corporate Finance

Tutorial Arrangement
The tutorials of HE3013 are designed in the form of team presentation as following:

1. After each lecture, four questions will be provided for tutorial discussion in the Friday of the
following week. Students in each tutorial will be divided into four teams. Students in team N
always present question N, where N = 1, 2 and 3. Difficulty of questions alters each week so that
on average each team will handle similar difficulty over the semester.

2. Two students from each team present their team answer to the corresponding question in each
week. Each student should present at least once and ideal twice throughout the semester.

3. Students could use either white board or prepared slides (preferred) for presentation. Markers,
erasers and a laptop will be provided for the tutorials.

4. Each team will have 10 minutes for presentation and 2 minutes for Q&A with the audience.
The tutor will provide a 3-minute comment or clarification at the end for each presentation.

5. Students from the same team will be awarded the same mark conditional on contribution to
the teamwork. The student who presents will get an extra bonus mark on top of the team mark if
he delivers an excellent presentation. Marks are granted according to both the content of the
answer and the effectiveness of the presentation. These marks will account for 30% in final

The team forming will take place during the first tutorial, which is on Friday 20 Jan. Each
student will be asked to do a one-minute self-introduction to address something like:

What is your name and background? --in a unique way to impress your class.
Why do you decide to choose this course? --in an interesting way to inspire your class.
How do you plan to contribute to teamwork? --in an informative way to match your team.
All the students will then form into three teams at your own matching, ideally with some mix
across strength, major, nationality and gender. Thus, if you do not want to miss the fun of
teamwork throughout the whole semester, do not miss the first tutorial.

Tutorial 2 will take place on Friday 27 Jan. It will cover questions set for Lecture 1 and 2. The
following tutorials will take the similar format for each Friday afterwards. Detailed suggested
answers to questions will be uploaded to NTULearn after each tutorial.

The default assumption is that each and every team member contributes to the teamwork with
their best capability. To prevent free-riders and to reward extra contributors, students have the
right to email me any time for complaints and for compliments. After investigation, if the
complaint or the compliment is verified, punishment or bonus points will be applied.

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