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Chapter 101: 23

In the border area between Xihe County and Shangjun, Huangshui and
Liangzhou, the Qiang forces such as Fengzhao, Shaodangqiang and
Beiheqiang, the governors of Liangzhou, are intertwined, and the Xiongnu
can be communicated to the north.

Since the seizure of Bingzhou last year, the first thing Wei Shao did was
Chen Bing built a fence in the wilderness of the West River, with a traffic
area of ​20 miles, and left Zhang Jian, Li Chong, Wei Liang and three
people to guard it. What a great determination.

The original situation has been brought under control. From the middle of
last year to the end of last year, all parties in this area were at peace. Don't
want to start this year, burning Dangqiang first attack, cavalry attack
Shangjun. Due to the constant vigilance, it was quickly blocked at that time,
and no major losses were caused. However, it was suspected that Feng
Zhao from Liangzhou was involved, so Wei Shao personally came from
Youzhou to take charge of the situation.

A few days ago, after finishing his defense in Xihe, he wanted to go back to
Jinyang first. Before leaving, he only brought a small team with him, and
went to the Great Wall in Jingbian to survey the terrain. He accidentally
encountered hundreds of Feng Zhao people, and the arrows and arrows
gathered like rain.
Wei Shao feared that Gongsun Yang, who was traveling with him, would
lose his way, so he retreated first, but he accidentally injured his arm by a
poisonous crossbow. When he came back, he lay down.

After lying down, seven or eight days passed.

At night, the fields on both sides of the West River are pitch black, and
there is silence in the camp gate. Only the monotonous sound of footsteps
made by the patrolling soldiers walking on the parapet and stepping on the
wooden boards under their feet.

In Wei Shao's tent, the candles were brightly lit.

Zhang Jian, Li Chong, Wei Liang and other generals who came to visit
have already left. Wei Shao's face was slightly paler than usual, but he was
in good spirits. He didn't lie down, and now he was sitting behind the desk,
still talking with Gongsun Yang Bingzhu.

On the table in front of him, a three-foot-square sheepskin map was spread


Wei Shao's eyes fell on the map, and as Gongsun Yang talked eloquently,
a promising map of this place appeared in front of him again.

Destroy Feng Zhao, who has always been Xing Xun's minion, and Ping
Hexi. In this way, the west can pass through the Yumen and open up the
way of communication with the Western Regions.

The most important thing is that to the north, it can isolate the
transportation links between the Qiang Rong and the Xiongnu.
In a military sense, that's the point.

Only when the hidden dangers in the rear are eliminated can he use troops
to the south without any scruples.

"...Why are Liangzhou soldiers and horses brave? Among them, 20,000 are
Qiang and Hu soldiers who were tempted to conquest."

Gongsun Yang talked eloquently.

"Thirty years ago, when Duke Li was the captain of the Qiang Protector,
there were hundreds of thousands of people from the Qiang species, such
as Shao Dang, who admired Duke Li's prestige and persuaded them to
surrender. Longxi was also safe for decades. It's a pity that Li The queen
was slandered by a traitor and died unjustly in the court's prison. Shi also
said, 'The Qiang nobles were clear, the former eight commanders led good
wealth and suffered for the suffering, and Huan was in good health, and he
was a big line of power', It can be seen that the Qiang Hu were loyal and
brave and respected officials with integrity. However, after moving inward,
their customs were different, their language was also incomprehensible,
and they were incompatible with the Han people, so they had their own
defenses against each other. There is no place for the name of protecting
the Qiang, not only no one can fulfill the responsibility of guarding, but
inciting discord, greed and cruelty, which leads to violent conflict, rebellion
at times, and even united bandits to raid the county."

Wei Shao has been listening intently.

"My lord's top priority is to pacify the border. If the Qiang people can be
appeased, they should take care as the top priority, and return to their
hearts. As long as the Qiang people return to their hearts, Feng Zhao is
nothing to be afraid of. After going to Feng Zhao, there are no Liangzhou
soldiers to borrow, Xing Xun. If you go to one side, what a fear!"

Gongsun Yang added: "The Qiang Hu are now dominated by the Shaodang
and Beihe clans. The Shaodang and Beihe clans are strong, but the Beihe
clan leader is highly respected and respected. All the Qiang people in the
Huangshui area know and respect his name. Those who attacked
Shangjun last month, It was burning, but Beihe did not participate. The lord
can start with Beihe. If the lord believes in me, I would like to take the
opportunity to go to Beihe on behalf of the lord, to convey the lord's
tenderness. As long as Beihe is the first to join, the rest of the ruts and
wolves , Zhong and other Qiang tribes will surely rise up and follow the
example. If there is no fire left, how can you stop the lord's army?"

Wei Shao immediately shook his head: "Sir, this plan is very good. It's just
that you don't have to go to the danger in person. I can send another

Gongsun Yang said: "The lord is a sheep, and he actually gave up his life.
Fortunately, the lord is lucky. Otherwise, Gongsun Yang would not be
blamed for his death! It's just a trip to Huangshui on behalf of the lord, and
it's just a few words. Is it in danger? I don’t worry about others going. The
lord has a big plan, please agree.”

When Wei Shao hesitated, Gongsun Yang laughed again: "If the Qiang Hu
is subdued in the future, the lord can entrust a trustworthy person to serve
as the captain of the Qiang guard, keep the duty of guarding the leader,
deal with the grievances, and ask the suffering, then Why worry about the
uncertainty of the western border? If the western border is flat, it is not
unforeseen to plan for major events, and even in the future, Zhang Guo’s
arms will be tucked, and the prestige of the lord will reach as far as the
Western Regions!”

In Wei Shao's eyes, there was a faint flash of light, and he said with a
smile: "If this is the case, then I will trouble the military division!"

Gongsun Yang said: "This is where my responsibility lies, so why bother!"

Wei Shao's mood was a little ups and downs, and he put his hands on the
desk, Huo Ran got up, and said, "If the summoning can be done, I will
remember the military division as a great achievement!"

Before he could finish his words, he suddenly felt slightly dizzy, and his
body swayed a little. Although his movements were very small, he quickly
stabilized and continued to chat and laugh, but he had already fallen into
Gongsunyang's eyes, and hurriedly stood up to support him and said, "No
way. It's early. The lord has not recovered from his illness, so it's better to
rest early. I'll retire first."

Wei Shao pushed him away and stretched out his hand to help him, and
said with a smile, "I'm not a woman, I can fall down when the wind blows,
but it's just a little bit of a skin injury, not to mention that I have been raised
for a long time, why is this sir? I've been healed long ago, but you always
make a fuss, don't allow me to do this, don't allow me to do that..."

He suddenly seemed to remember and said, "Since there is nothing to do

here for the time being, I'll leave for Jinyang tomorrow! If there is an urgent
matter, Meteor will quickly report it."
Seeing that Gongsun Yang was about to speak again, he waved his hand
and interrupted: "The military advisor doesn't need to persuade me any
more. I know how my own health is. Besides, the road to Jinyang is also
convenient. I will leave early tomorrow morning."

Junhou came back from a poisoned arrow that day, and lay down for three
days. Since he was able to walk on the ground, he was thinking of returning
to Jinyang.

Gongsun Yang naturally tried his best to stop it.

He also has a little bit of medical knowledge. Knowing that Junhou's current
physical condition, the biggest taboo is to run long distances, and it is
appropriate to persuade him to rest.

It was easy to calm him down. Seeing that he wanted to go back to Jinyang
at this moment, he couldn't help it anymore, he couldn't help but sighed
inwardly and said, "I have something, I said, don't blame my lord."

Wei Shao looked at him: "What's to blame?"

Gongsun Yang said: "My lord is recuperating from an injury, so it is

advisable to have a careful person around to take care of it, so that you can
recover as soon as possible. There is no suitable person to take care of in
the barracks. I know that the lady should have arrived in Jinyang now, so
she made her own decision and sent a dispatch a few days ago. Someone
sent a letter to Jinyang, informing the female monarch about the current
situation of Junhou and asking the female monarch to come and take care
of the patient. If the female monarch leaves after receiving the letter, I
expect that within a day or two, it should be able to arrive. Junhou still does
not need to Go back, be patient and wait. So that when the lady arrives,
she and the prince will miss each other again."

Wei Shao was stunned for a moment, hesitated for a while, and said,
"This...this...I'm afraid something is not right... There are seventeen and
fifty-four cuts in the military regulations, and one of them is that women are
not allowed to be hidden in the camp... Although I am handsome, It's not
good to break this rule from me..."

Gongsun Yang said sternly: "Why did you say this? Is the female lord
comparable to ordinary women? Besides, the lord did not take her into the
camp for no reason, but was poisoned and injured. How can you break the
rules? General Zhang, General Li, and General Wei also hope that the lady
can come to take care of the injury of the prince and prince soon."

Wei Shao couldn't control his heart and started to jump for joy, but his face
showed a more serious look, he was embarrassed for a moment, and
finally reluctantly said: "Although I still feel that it is not right, but the military
commander kept the letter from me and sent the letter out, I Too…"

He suddenly remembered: "Will there be danger on the road?"

Gongsun Yang hurriedly said: "Master, don't worry! In addition to sending a

letter to the lady, I also sent another letter to Jia Huben. With Jia Huben
escorted, there will be no worries on the road!"
Wei Shao finally felt completely relieved, nodded solemnly and said, "I see.
You have worked hard during the day, so why don't you go back to the
camp and rest earlier."

After Gongsun Yang left, how could Wei Shao have the mind to sleep?
Lying on the camp bed in the barracks, tossing and turning, the more sleep
the better. In the end, he simply got up, sat behind the case and read the
military book.

His eyes were fixed on the words on the film, and a wisp of heroic soul
slowly floated out unconsciously.

He knew that she had already arrived in Jinyang.

In the beginning, before he was injured, the reason why he didn't go back
was because he was busy with affairs here, and he was also a little lacking
in confidence.

After all, when she was reluctant to come, she was uneasy to leave her at
home alone and forced her over.

Well now, although he was injured a little by accident, he lay dizzy for a few
days, but there is still a windfall, she is coming.

For the first time, Wei Shao felt that Gongsun Yang was really his
indispensable humeral confidant. It was worth it to save him that day.

Wei Shao thought about how he should behave in front of her when she
Is it to tell her that she is no longer in serious trouble, so that she doesn't
have to worry about him anymore, or to act like she will show her pity?

This decision was really difficult. It was even more difficult than his
marching and arranging troops.

Wei Shao thought about it for a long time, but before he could think of this
dilemma, another thought suddenly popped into his mind.

In fact, could it be that she still hated herself in her heart, so even though
she knew that he was injured, she was ruthless and didn't care about his
life or death?

Then Wei Shao was disturbed by the new thought that popped into his

If she is so ruthless and knows that he is poisoned and injured, she doesn't
care about his life or death, then...

Then she didn't even think that she would be polite to the Qiao family! One
day, when he is interested and wants to operate, she should not cry and
beg herself!

Wei Shao made a ruthless attack. Since the beginning of the year, just
because she drank too much that night and said that she would cut off
contact with the Qiao family, she would not give her face, let alone take the
initiative to sleep with him.

In my heart, I feel more and more that Gongsun Yang's letter should be
written in vain.
The excitement, surprise and anticipation in Wei Shao's heart at the
beginning, like the tide, slowly subsided, and finally felt a little bored, and
he couldn't read the military book anymore.

I really feel a little tired.

When I met this woman, I was tired and even more tired.

Outside his account, there was a sudden sound of footsteps from far to
near, slightly messy, and there seemed to be a few words that were
deliberately suppressed in the middle.

Early the next day after Xiao Qiao received the letter, he asked Jia Xi to ****
him to Xihe County. No matter what, he rushed all the way, and was finally
sent here overnight.

The carriage just now stopped outside the gate. She put on a cloak and got
out of the carriage.

The centurion who was in charge of guarding the Yuanmen Gate had been
instructed by Gongsun Yang in advance that the confidant lady might arrive
in the next two days, so he immediately released her, took her in
personally, and hurried to the central army tent.

Xiao Qiao was worried, and followed the centurion into the barracks in a
hurry, passing through one tent after another, and finally stopped before the
big tent.

"Your Majesty! The lady is here!"

The centurion announced.

There was no sound inside.

Xiao Qiao was in a hurry and went straight in.

The candles in the tent are still on.

When she looked up, she saw Wei Shao lying on a camp bed, motionless,
as if she had fallen asleep. Hurry up and walk. When he got closer, he
slowed down again, and finally sat down beside him lightly, holding his
breath to look at him, seeing him lying on the pillow, eyes closed, his face a
little pale, and the usual annoying look. The appearance was very different,
and he felt distressed for a while, and couldn't help but gently hold one of
his hands.

Chapter 102:

Xiao Qiao lightly held Wei Shao's hand and watched his face silently.

He's actually a really nice guy. Dark eyebrows, long eyelashes, and a high
nose bridge, because of the solemn expression on weekdays, the corners
of both lips are always slightly pursed, which seems to have a hint of

Xiao Qiao suddenly saw that his eyelashes trembled slightly, as if he was
about to wake up.

Wei Shao's eyelids moved, and finally he slowly opened his eyes and met
Xiao Qiao's gaze.

"How did you come here?"

His eyes seemed to float, and he stared at her for a moment before
recognizing it, and said in a low voice.

Xu was weak, and his voice sounded very low and weak.

Xiao Qiao suddenly felt a little stuck in her heart.

Apart from his bad temper and the unrelieved hostility towards his family,
Xiao Qiao knew in his heart that he was not so sorry to her as a person like

Sometimes, even excellent.

It seemed to ring in his ears that when he was on the expedition to

Shangdang to send him away, Mrs. Xu once said that he had been injured
many times and had survived.

At that time, I only felt that, according to what she knew in her previous life,
he was going to become the emperor in the end, so no matter how
dangerous it is now, it can be saved. So I didn't take it to heart. What's
more, seeing that he was ready to go to the house at any time on
weekdays, it really made it difficult for her to associate him with the
situation in which he was in danger.

It wasn't until a moment ago, after coming in, that I really saw him so
sluggish, and it was the first time that I felt that he was also a person who
would be seriously injured.

Xiao Qiao clenched his hand tightly and said softly, "I arrived in Jinyang
early, and you weren't here, so I came here. I received a letter from Mr.
Gongsun the day before yesterday, and I learned that you were actually
shot by a poisoned arrow. Injured. Mr. Gongsun said in the letter that you
are missing a person to take care of your daily life. I stayed in Jinyang and
had nothing to do, so I came. Not long after I arrived, the battalion that the
captain just brought me into was notified outside the tent. , I didn't see your
response, so I came in by myself. Did I wake you up?"

Wei Shao still stared at her and slowly shook his head.

Xiao Qiao said, "How do you feel?" As she said that, her other hand
reached out and probed his forehead.

The fabric of her cuffs gently brushed Wei Shao's nose bridge and face,
and her soft palms gently pressed against his forehead.

Wei Shao's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and under her wrist, she
closed her eyes.

"Why does it seem a little hot?"

Xiao Qiao felt that the skin on his forehead was slightly warm, and withdrew
his hand and put it on his forehead. When he compared it, his heart was

Gongsun Yang said in a letter that he was fine.

But he still has a fever?

Even if the fever is low, it means that he has not completely escaped the

Xiao Qiao stood up: "You are still burning! Where is the military doctor, what
did you say?"
Wei Shao grabbed her hand with a backhand, and dragged her back to his
side: "I'm much better now. It's really fine. Just a few more days. Don't

After hearing his voice, Xiao Qiao finally regained her strength, her eyes
were not as slack as when she first opened it, she touched his forehead
again, and felt that it was indeed not as hot as before, after hesitating for a
while, she said, "You If you feel uncomfortable, you must tell it as soon as

Wei Shao looked at her without blinking, and nodded obediently, "I know."

Xiao Qiao smiled at him: "I came in a hurry, and I didn't pack anything to
bring. You can't eat supplements indiscriminately at the moment. When
Chunniang came out of the house, she brought some of the best preserved
lychees by her side. I brought Come here. Are you hungry? I'll cook you a
bowl of sweet soup for dessert."

Wei Shao held her hand and said, "I'm not hungry."

"Then cook it for you tomorrow."

"it is good."

The two of them were lying down, the other sitting, her hand was held by
him, looked at each other, and fell silent.

Now that spring is in March, the weather is gradually warming up in April.

Xiao Qiao's hand was held by him for a moment, and he felt sweaty in his
palm, so he leaned over and sniffed the front of his shirt: "You haven't
wiped your body in a few days? But ask me to wipe your clothes for you. ?
It's also more comfortable to sleep."

When Wei Shao was marching to fight, if it was inconvenient, it would be

common for him not to take a bath for ten days and a half. But the military
camp here is stationed by the West River, and it is convenient to get water.
Wei Shao is not unable to move. He had already taken a shower last night.

But at this moment, she was tender and said that she wanted to help him
wipe his body, how could there be any reason to refuse?

"Okay." He said, "I've been lying down for a few days, and I haven't washed
it for a few days. I smell bad."

Xiao Qiao wrinkled her nose cutely, expressing disgust. He immediately let
go of his hand, got up outside the tent, and called someone to fetch water.

Wei Shao stared at her back and kept moving with her.

Jia Xi just carried her carry-on box from the carriage, and it has been put
outside the tent. At this moment, the water that was brought in was carried
in together.

In addition to her own change of clothes and other sundries in the box,
there were also some clothes of Wei Shao that she brought.

Xiao Qiao helped Wei Shao to sit up and helped him undress. When he
took off his inner shirt, he saw the traces left after the venom-stained flesh
on his injured arm had been dug out. Although the swelling and scarring
had begun to disappear, it was still shocking.
Without anesthesia, you can imagine how painful it was.

Xiao Qiao felt as if his flesh was in pain.

"Does it still hurt?"

She asked when she twisted the soft face towel she brought and wiped his
arm for him.

"It still hurts a bit."

When Wei Shao said this, he wasn't talking nonsense.

If a slap hits it, it does still hurt.

Xiao Qiao frowned slightly, carefully avoiding the wound, and wiped his arm
for him. Also wiped the upper body. Then he changed a basin of clean
water and a face towel, handed it to him after entering the water, glanced at
his head, and motioned him to do it himself.

Wei Shao spread out his hands, motionless as if crippled, and looked at

"You wipe it yourself. Wouldn't it be nice to have another hand?"

Xiao Qiao turned slightly.

The two have been together for over a year. But until now, every time
before he was brought into that state, Xiao Qiao was actually a little
ashamed to be naked in front of him, and even more embarrassed to look
at him carefully for no reason.

Unlike him, Da Lala was not ashamed.

Wei Shao was looking forward to it, and found that she was the same as
usual. When she got to the key place, she asked him to come by himself...

After a while, Xiao Qiao heard him sigh, and said lazily: "Okay." Then he
turned around and reached out to pick it up, not wanting him to throw the
towel into the water, and ignore the splatter and splash it all over the
ground. The water, took advantage of the situation to hold her little hand,
pulled her, and she fell to his lap.

Xiao Qiao was startled, looked up at him, and his face was held by his

He kissed her on the mouth and skillfully pressed her on the cramped camp

Xiao Qiao was a little unprepared. At first, he symbolically twisted under

him a few times, expressing that he was not good, but soon, he opened his
mouth and let him kiss.

The two were kissing wet. After a while, he grabbed one of her hand and
pressed it under his head. Only then did Xiao Qiao wake up and hurriedly
refused: "Your injury is still not healed, no."

Wei Shao was very emotional, panting: "I'm fine."

"I know you're okay!"

"I'm really fine!"

"Don't lie to me! If I say no, I can't!

Xiao Qiao withdrew her hand.

Wei Shao stopped.

Seeing that he didn't move, Xiao Qiao seemed to be in a low mood.

Thinking that his tone seemed to be heavier just now, and he couldn't bear
it, he gently pushed his shoulder, put his lips to his ear, and said softly. :
"Be obedient! I'm doing it for your own good. Your body can't take it
anymore. If you don't obey me, I'll be angry."

She was coaxing him and telling him to be obedient. Wei Shao felt that his
blood was rushing all over, and he was about to die. He rubbed the
Wenxiang Nephrite in his arms: "I listen to you... It's just that I'm so
uncomfortable... I don't believe it. You let me let it go, just let me
go...promise not to do anything else..."

Little Joe is really in trouble.

She came to take care of his body. Shouldn't follow him. But seeing his
handsome face showing an uncomfortable, almost painful expression, he
really couldn't bear it. I don't know what I did to cause him such a big fire
that couldn't be extinguished.

After hesitating for a while, he was a little unsure: "Well, let it go and come

Wei Shao nodded without hesitation, without even blinking his eyes: "Okay!
I'll just let it go!"

Wei Shao, the big liar! She will never trust him again!
At the fifth watch of the second day, there was only a faint morning light
outside, and Xiao Qiao was awakened by the first long and harsh sound of
a rhinoceros horn in the barracks outside the tent. He squeezed tightly to
the side of the narrow camp bed under him, and half of his body was about
to hang outside.

The reason why he didn't fall down was because his leg was pressing on
his stomach. The pressure on her back was sore, it was like being run over
by a wheel over and over again.

Last night, he didn't just let it go, he didn't know how much, and he even
coaxed and coaxed her on the grounds that he was sick and couldn't stop
halfway, and finally half-forced her to sit on top of him...

That's all, what makes Xiao Qiao feel flustered and short of breath when
she thinks about it, how should she go out to meet people today?

She swears that she has endured it very hard, trying not to make any
discordant noises, and covering Wei Shao's mouth several times in time to
stop him from making an unbearably disturbing noise. But thinking of the
sound insulation effect of this large tent made of cowhide, she still felt

The only thing she could comfortably talk about was when she came in last
night, she noticed that the surrounding of the central army tent was vacant.
the distance.

I hope everyone sleeps soundly, and no one **** up their ears to listen...
Xiao Qiao gritted her silver teeth, trying to push Wei Shao's heavy leg off
her body, but suddenly an arm stretched out and hugged her. The two stick

Wei Shao slowly opened his eyes, interweaving with hers.

In the faint light of the hazy morning light, his eyes were as bright as two
o'clock starlight from last night.

"You're here, and I'm much better."

He sighed, leaned his head towards her, and gently rubbed her warm
forehead with his chin with a new layer of rough stubble, his voice slightly

Chapter 103: 24

The next day Wei Shao became a soft-footed shrimp.

In the morning, Gongsun Yang, Li Chong, Zhang Jian, Wei Liang and
several others came one after another.

At first, Xiao Qiao couldn't wipe her face away, and she always suspected
that they had heard the voice from last night. Fortunately, the few of them
looked the same as usual: Gongsun Yang had a smile on his face, and his
attitude was kind and respectful. Li Chong, Zhang Jian, Wei Liang, and
"Jun Hou" Wei Shao are in the same vein. They all have a serious and
serious face. They call her majesty without squinting, and exchange a few

Xiao Qiao Fang gradually calmed down.

When a few of them were there, Wei Shao sat upright, full of energy,
chatting and laughing.

As soon as a few people left, he hung limply on Xiao Qiao's body, looking
like he was too indulgent and weak.

Panicked, Xiao Qiao hurriedly helped him lie down.

As soon as she lay down, Wei Shao hugged her and didn't let go.

Xiao Qiao smashed his hand with all his might, and taught him a lesson
with a stern face, saying, "You haven't recovered from your illness, so you
should rest. I came here to take care of you and get better sooner. If you do
this again, I'll leave!"

It's true that Wei Shao gave birth to dragons and tigers last night, and just
now he became a soft-footed shrimp, half to tease her, half, and he really
felt a little empty today.

He also desperately wanted to recover as soon as possible, why didn't he

understand the truth that one should not indulge in sexual desires while
sick? Besides, before Gongsun Yang left that night, out of anxiety, he also
reminded him very vaguely.

It was really last night that I saw her here, I couldn't help it, I couldn't control
it. At this moment, being taught by her with a stern face, not only is she not
annoyed, but she is very comfortable. It's just that I was afraid that it would
really annoy her, so I stopped teasing her and nodded in agreement.
He finally became more honest. Xiao Qiao saw that his eyes were
darkened, and he felt distressed that he had struggled last night, so he
served more attentively.

For the next few days, Wei Shao was either reading military books, or lying
down to recuperate, watching her beside her with red sleeves adding
fragrance, passing water and medicine, and suddenly felt that if she had
been with her like this, she would do nothing. Time is also very good.

He was young and strong, took medicine regularly, restrained himself from
having sex, and was in a good mood. After a few more days of
recuperation, his health gradually improved.

After all, this is a military camp. Wei Shao was almost healed, and it was
inconvenient for Xiao Qiao to stay. Just on this day, Meteor quickly reported
again, Feng recruited troops and horses to make a change, and the
assembly seemed to be heading towards the Xihe.

The atmosphere in the barracks immediately became tense.

On the same day, Wei Shao personally escorted Xiao Qiao out of the
military camp, and kept taking her out for nearly a hundred miles. Xiao Qiao
repeatedly told him to stop. Wei Shao Fang stopped by the roadside and
watched her carriage go away until she could no longer see it, then turned
around and galloped back .

Xiao Qiao returned to Jinyang smoothly under the **** of Jia Xi.
Jinyang city is still peaceful. The streets were crowded with people, and the
traffic was full of traffic, not even aware of the shadow of the battle clouds
in Xihe County ahead.

But Jia Xi did not dare to relax. Under Wei Shao's order, she was dedicated
to protecting the queen's safety. Five hundred soldiers were distributed
around the ya office, patrolling in different groups, and the guards were
strictly guarded, day and night.

Because of the hard work on the road, Xiao Qiao stopped early that night.

The next day she slept until she woke up naturally. Shortly after getting up,
the steward came to report, saying that there was a person outside,
claiming to be the clan of the young Qiang people who was bought by Xiao
Qiao at the market that day, and came to ask to see him and want to take
him back.

Xiao Qiao was a little surprised. After thinking about it, he asked the
steward to let him in, wait in the outer hall, and then ordered someone to
call the young Qiang boy named Yuan.

Yuan was quickly brought in front of Xiao Qiao.

His injury has healed as before. These days, when the steward saw that
the lady seemed to be taking good care of the young man, he did not
arrange for him to do anything.

Yuan respectfully saluted Xiao Qiao.

Xiao Qiao smiled and said, "Just now, the manager said that there is
someone from your clan outside who wants to take you away. I will show
you there. Do you recognize me?"

Yuan showed a slight excitement, and hurriedly followed Xiao Qiao to the
outer hall. When he saw the young man who was waiting, his eyes were
slightly surprised, and his footsteps stopped for a while.

Diao Mo waited for a long time, and finally heard the sound of footsteps
gradually coming, and followed the sound. Seeing a middle-aged maid
come in and stand still, the maid followed, with a fragrant temple, and then
the young Yuan followed a woman from behind the door and appeared in
front of him.

The woman was very young, but only fifteen or sixteen years old, but she
was dressed as a woman, wearing a gorgeous purple robe, and her
features were extremely beautiful. In just one wrong moment, seeing her
bright eyes cast towards him, Diao Mo felt in a trance that it was as bright
as a small flower, and he couldn't help being stunned.

Although at the market that day, the woman who bought the Qiang slaves
did not show her face from beginning to end, but with her figure and the
outline of the face that left a vague impression on him behind the thin silk,
Diao Mo immediately knew that in front of him This beautiful little woman
who should be Wei Shao's wife was the woman that day.

He hurriedly restrained his mind and turned his attention to the young man
who had followed the woman. Seeing that he stopped there and cast a
surprised look at himself, he smiled and nodded at him, then turned to the
little woman, and said respectfully: "Madam, please accept my salute. My
name is Bolian, yes His uncle. I moved to Jinyang from Huangzhong a few
years ago and made a living by doing business. I happened to be there at
the market that day and vaguely recognized him as my nephew, but they
were separated for a few years. Dare to recognize each other. Later, when I
finally confirmed, he was bought by his wife. Originally, it was a blessing for
him to have a Tzu Chi benefactor like his wife. But after thinking about it
again and again, I thought that my nephew’s family only has grandfather,
grandfather and grandfather. The two of Sun depend on each other for life.
If he is a slave, how can the grandfather in the family live? That's why he
can't let him go, and I heard about it. I am willing to redeem him with ten
times the price that my wife bought him that day. I want to ask my wife for
mercy and allow me to take him. Come out and send him home to be
reunited with his grandfather."

After speaking, he took out a purse and held it up respectfully.

When the man spoke, Xiao Qiao was also looking at it. Seeing that this
person is a few years older than Wei Shao, he wears ordinary Han clothes,
his hair is like that of a Han Chinese, and he is wrapped in a blue scarf.
Doesn't look like a businessman.

When he finished speaking, Xiao Qiao looked at Juvenile Yuan and said
with a smile, "Is he your uncle? If you are willing to go with him, then you
can go."

Yuan looked at Diao Mo, hesitated a little, and didn't make a sound.
Diao Mo turned to Xiao Qiao and said, "Can Madam allow me to have a
few words with him?"

Joe nodded. Diaomo thanked him and led Yuan to the door. Seeing that
there was no one left or right, he raised his hand and patted Yuan's
shoulder. With a smile on his face, he said in Qiang language, "Don't
recognize me? Two years ago, it was your grandfather's 60th birthday. , I
went to celebrate my birthday specially, and you were still sitting beside me
at that time,"

Yuan actually recognized him at first sight, and said at this moment: "Boss
Diao Mo, how did you know I was here?"

Diao Mo said: "I brought a few entourage to Jinyang to do business, and I

met you at the market that day. I didn't recognize you at first. Later, I
recognized you, and you have been bought by your wife. I looked for you.
You don't know, two months ago, I went to visit the Yuanwang Patriarch,
only to find out that you have been missing for several months. The
Patriarch was so anxious that he fell ill and sent people to search
everywhere to no avail. I didn't expect you to end up here. I searched for it
and wanted to redeem you from here and send you back."

Yuan was a little hesitant at first, but when he heard that his grandfather
was missing and was seriously ill, he couldn't help but get anxious, looked
back at Xiao Qiao in the inner hall, and said, "This lady has a very good
heart. I was bought by her that day. She let go of those who came and
wanted to leave. She also told me to leave on my own. She was away a
few days ago, and I couldn't leave by myself. I was thinking of waiting for
her to come back and begging her again. Let me go. Chief Diaomo, are you
really sending me back to Huangzhong?"

Diao Mo stared at the young man and smiled slightly: "Although the
Burning Dangbeihe lives in different clans, they are both Qiang people,
derived from the ancestor Wuyi Yuanjian. With the friendship between me
and the old patriarch, how can I sit back and watch when I meet you by
chance? in spite of?"

Yuan no longer hesitated, and said, "Thank you, Chief! I'll go to the lady
and ask her to let me go."

Xiao Qiao waited for a while, seeing Yuan and the man entering together,
Yuan's eyes were slightly red, he guessed that he should be willing to leave
with this man, and without waiting for him to say anything, he said: "You go.
Be careful on the road. ." He also ordered someone to call out the Qiang
girl who was with him that day and leave with him.

Yuan followed Diao Mo and left. Before leaving, he kept looking back at
Xiao Qiao with a look of admiration on his face.

Diaomo thanked Xiao Qiao solemnly, and presented the purse again.

Xiao Qiao ordered Chunniang to take it, took the money that bought Yuan
and Qiangnu on the same day, returned the rest, and said, "I hope you will
send him back to your relatives sooner."
Diaomo stared at Xiao Qiao for a moment, then bowed to her to the end,
and said, "I must remember what Madam said. Madam, please rest

After he finished speaking, he gave her one last look, and led Yuan and
Qiang Nu to leave.

Xiao Qiao actually saw it a little, Yuan didn't seem to be an ordinary Qiang
boy. Guess it's a good one. But he didn't take the initiative to tell the origin,
and she didn't ask much.

The reason why he took special care of him was entirely because of the
familiar intimacy he brought to him when he was protecting the Qiang girl
that day, similar to that of his younger brother Qiao Ci.

Although the man who picked him up said a few words, Xiao Qiao felt that
there should be another origin. It was not really like he said, he was a
businessman who made a living doing business in Jinyang.

But obviously, the two of them did know each other before. Since Yuan
herself is willing to go with him, she will naturally not stop her.

Xiao Qiao quickly forgot about it.

She misses Wei Shao a little.

Although Jinyang was a peaceful scene, Xiao Qiao knew that Wei Shao
was there and war might break out. In addition, it involved Feng Zhao in
Liangzhou and the Qiang tribes in the middle. There were mixed forces and
the situation was complicated. Although there was a soldier left by Wei
Shao in Jinyang City, it was probably a mixed bag. In order to avoid
unnecessary accidents, from the first day after returning, she did not go out
for half a step. Only live in peace in the back house.

Unexpectedly, a few days later, in the afternoon of this day, the steward
hurried to report that the Qiang girl who had just left the other day had
returned, and she knelt down and begged, as if she wanted to see the
queen, as if something had happened.

Xiao Qiao was surprised and immediately asked the steward to bring the
Qiang girl in.

The steward knew that the Qiang girl could not speak Chinese, and
summoned a domestic servant who was called Tong Yan.

The Qiang girl was waiting there with an anxious look on her face. When
she saw Xiao Qiao, she knelt down in front of her and quickly said a series
of words.

The servant on the side was busy talking to Xiao Qiao.

The Qiang girl's name was Xia Gu, not the younger sister of the Qiang boy,
but his maid. Because he grew up serving him since childhood, he was
close by relationship, and he always called her sister. Young Yuan is also
not an ordinary Qiang, but the grandson of Yuanwang, the chief of
Huangshuibeihe Qiang. Half a year ago, when Xia Gu and Yuan returned
home from abroad, they were unexpectedly separated from their entourage
on the way. They were targeted by a group of people who specialized in
looting the Qiang people and selling them into slaves. They were looted.
Xia Gu said that Yuan knew that the Han people always hated the Qiang
people, for fear that revealing their identities would bring disadvantages to
the grandfather and the clan, so she never said it, and wanted to secretly
find an opportunity to escape. This was all the way to Jinyang.

The man who came that day, Bolian, was the leader of the Burning Qiang
people, and the Burning Qiang people respected him as Diaomo, which
means brave and unparalleled.

The Shaodang and Beihe clans have always been in contact with each
other and have a close relationship. Diaomo and Yuan's grandfather
Yuanwang are also quite related, so Diaomo appeared that day and told
the old patriarch Yuan that he had fallen ill because he missed him, and
Yuan was burning with anxiety. , believed him, thinking that he would really
send himself home. But he didn't expect that Diao Mo would actually hook
up with a Han Chinese who didn't know who he was. The Han people
wanted to kill Yuan, but they were stopped by Diao Mo. There was a
conflict between the two sides, and finally the Han people gave in
temporarily. But Diao Mo did not bring Yuan back to Huangshui, but went to
Shangjun area.

Aunt Xia knew that Yuan was in danger, and Diao Mo didn't really want to
send him back, so when he settled down at night, he tempted one of Diao
Mo's men who was guarding him to escape and come back here, begging
Xiao Qiao for help.

Aunt Xia kept kowtowing to Xiao Qiao, crying bitterly.

Little Joe was surprised.

She also guessed that Yuan's background should be good. Unexpectedly,
he was actually the grandson of the Patriarch of the Beihe Clan.

She immediately remembered another matter related to the Beihe people.

Just the day before she was sent back to Jinyang by Wei Shao, Gongsun
Yang left the barracks.

Wei Shao didn't say anything to her at that time. Only when the two slept
together that night, Xiao Qiao asked a few questions about the current
battle situation here out of concern. Wei Shao casually mentioned that
Gongsun Yang went to Huangshui during the day. The purpose is to convey
Huairou and return it to the Qiang people.

The purpose of Gongsun Yang's trip was the Beihe Qiang people.

Xiao Qiao asked Chunniang to help Aunt Xia up, and asked where Diao Mo
was walking to stop her menstruation, and learned that there were no more
than a dozen people around him, including the group of Han people.
People followed Xia Gu on the road to catch up, making sure to rescue

Chapter 104:

Jia Xi stood still and didn't respond.

Xiao Qiao asked Chunniang to take Xia Gu first to change clothes and
wash her face. Jia Xi was the only one left in front of him and asked, "Why
didn't General Jia take my words?"
Jia Xi hurriedly said: "Don't blame the majesty. It's not that Jia Xi disobeyed
the order. It was the prince who ordered me to keep the mistress as my
only priority. If the last commander left the mistress's side in pursuit of a
Qiang man, in case the mistress was If you lose something, you will die at
the end of the day. What’s more…”

He hesitated.

"The Qiang girl is alone, from Yangqu to here, although it is not more than a
hundred miles away, but it is suspicious after all. And those words are also
her own words. In case of deceit, I am afraid that if I leave, Yu Nujun

Xiao Qiao smiled and nodded: "General Jia's concerns are not
unreasonable. It's just that General Jia noticed Aunt Xia's feet. When she
left a few days ago, she had shoes on her feet. She just came back,
disheveled. Hair, dirty all over, one foot is still bare, the foot is covered with
scratches and blood blisters, and the nail of the big toe is completely torn
off. It can be seen that she has experienced a hard walk on the road. I also
noticed her expression just now. Her expression is anxious, it doesn't look
like she's fake, her eyes don't mean to evade, and she can't see any signs
of being coerced. So I'd rather believe it."

Jia Xi snorted: "So it is! The lady is careful, but the general didn't pay
attention to this. If this Qiang girl is lucky enough to escape and come back
to report the news, that young man is just the grandson of a Qiang
patriarch, and Jin Gui is far more than a girl. Jun. How about sending his
men to chase and rescue people back at the end?"
Xiao Qiao shook his head: "His preciousness is far more precious than you
think, so it is not convenient for me to say more. Regardless of whether
what the Qiang girl said is true or false, you must go and visit in person. If it
is true, no matter the cost, bring him recapture!"

When it comes to the end, "retake him at any cost", every word is loud and

Jia Xi was startled.

"General Jia doesn't know anything. This matter is very important. I

originally wanted to send someone to send a letter to Junhou and let him
handle it himself. But Diaomo knew that Xia Gu escaped and would leave
quickly. I'm afraid of making mistakes. I heard that General Jia was not only
excellent in martial arts, but also famous for his ability to track in Huben
Camp, so I wanted to ask the general to go after him personally. I hope that
General Jia can successfully rescue the young man! I will report it to the
prince in the future, and I will remember it. General Jia has done a great

Such a beautiful lady, who had such high hopes for herself, Jia Xi met Xiao
Qiao's gaze, with a burst of blood in her voice, and said, "Don't worry, lady!
I will give my life! I will take a hundred people on the road, four Hundreds of
soldiers stayed behind and explained to my deputy. The lady should not go
out if she has nothing to do, and wait for the news of the last commander!"
Xiao Qiao said with a smile: "Don't worry, General Jia, I am here waiting for
the good news!"
Jia Xi's whole body was boiling with enthusiasm, and he immediately took
command. After retreating, he called his deputy, and after he explained the
responsibility of guarding, he knew the defenders of the four cities, and
immediately took the Qiang girl Xia Gu, and chased away in the direction of

Early in the morning two days ago, when Aunt Xia was found to have
escaped, Diao Mo immediately sent someone to look back, but to no avail,
he decided to take a path and take Yuan to Shangjun as soon as possible.

Last night, the group went to midnight, and they randomly found a place to
stay, but after a short nap, they continued on the road.

With the perseverance of Diao Mo, the difficulty of this journey is nothing at

But Chen Rui, the broken prisoner general under Feng Zhao who was with
him, couldn't help but start cursing.

Diaomo also knew something about Chen Rui. He is the son of Chen
Xiang, the former governor of Bingzhou, known as the Jade-faced
Rakshasa. Last year, Chen Xiang lost Bingzhou. He heard that Cao Jin
went south to Hedong. This year, he returned to Bingzhou with troops, but
was blocked by Wei Shao in Shangdang.

It was Chen Xiang who was defeated again and completely lost the
possibility of a counterattack. He died of depression shortly after. Chen Rui
took a remnant of less than a thousand people and went to Feng Zhao in

Liangzhou is adjacent to Bingzhou, and there was friction when Feng

recruited Chen Xiang. Now Chen Rui has come to vote, saying that he and
Wei Shao do not share the sky. Feng Zhao also accepted it, but he only
gave him the title of a miscellaneous general. Chen Rui was depressed and
unwilling. In addition, he had suffered too much humiliation at Wei Shao's
hands before. For the past few days, I have been forced by Diao Mo to
travel hard, and now I am hungry again. I remembered how happy I used to
be when I was a son in Bingzhou. Mo said angrily, "Why do you have to
protect this little lamb? As I said, if you kill him with one stab, the head will
be thrown in front of the bad old man. In the name of Wei Shao, he will be
coerced, and the bad old man will naturally send troops! Why is it so hard?
On your way?"

Diao Mo said coldly: "The general's words are wrong. You are so easily
fooled by the old patriarch? Besides, Feng Zhao promised me back then
that I could make decisions by myself, so I agreed to fight together. Could it
be that the general's You are still above Feng Zhao?"

Chen Rui was choked by his words, and his snow-white face turned red
with anger. The so-called people are under the eaves and have to bow their
heads. He couldn't help it for a while, so he had to endure it for a while.
After walking for more than ten miles, I saw a broken temple in the field, so
I said to go in for the night.

Diao Mo still wanted to move on. However, seeing that Chen Rui had
dismounted and went inside, he hesitated, thinking that even if Aunt Xia
went back to summon her, Wei Shao's wife might not send someone to
chase after her. Even if they chased after them, they had already left
Jinyang quite far, and they were walking on a small road, so they would be
hard to catch up. Just a night off. If he insists on hurrying, this Chen Rui will
be troubled and unpredictable. He used to be famous and difficult to deal
with in Bingzhou. Now he has brought a few people with him. If he really
turns his face, it will cause trouble.

After thinking about it, he held back his anger and signaled his men to
dismount and spend the night here.

Chen Rui slept on the haystack that night. At first, he was tired and fell into
a deep sleep. When he woke up in the middle of the night, old things came
to his mind, and he couldn't sleep again. For a while, I thought about how I
survived the great disaster that day, and I must have been pityed by God. If
one day the great revenge is avenged, Wei Shao is killed, and Qiao's
daughter is taken away, how to be comforted, and how to be at that time, it
seems that Qiao's daughter appears in front of me. That piece of hibiscus
noodles that was suitable for liking and hating, I was thinking happily, but
suddenly I remembered that I am not complete now, even if I got Qiao Nv, I
am also helpless.

This is the greatest pain in the world. A dignified seven-footed man, what's
the point of living in the world like this?

A burst of grief came to his heart, and Chen Rui couldn't sleep. While
tossing and turning, a plan suddenly came to mind.
Feng Zhao clearly didn't take himself seriously, so he used a miscellaneous
title to pass himself off like a beggar. In this case, why not take this
opportunity to kidnap the young Qiang people, and after falling into his own
hands, threaten Beihe to send troops, and then lead the Qiang army to fight
Wei Shao, whether he is dead or alive, fight to death and break the net, it is
better than In this way, neither men nor women endure humiliation and
steal the joy of being born.

Chen Rui made up his mind, opened his eyes secretly, and peeked around.
Seeing that the Qiang youth was lying in the corner with his hands and feet
tied, and several of Diao Mo's men were lying on the ground, snoring
loudly, Diao Mo was sitting by the door and did not fall asleep. After thinking
hard, he came up with an idea. He was about to go out under the pretense
of releasing his hands. He quietly went around the ruined temple and set
fire to it, taking advantage of the chaos to rob the Qiang youth. Suddenly,
he heard the sound of footsteps approaching from outside the ruined
temple, and hurriedly got up.

Diao Mo, who was sitting at the door, also noticed it immediately, quickly
turned over from the ground, and loudly woke up his sleeping subordinates.

Everyone woke up from their sleep, hurriedly took their weapons, and
rushed out. Hearing the sound of neat footsteps, outside the originally dark
ruined temple, the torches were suddenly bright, and in the light of the fire, I
saw soldiers outside the ruined temple gate. Mo? Quickly hand over the
Qiang youth, or kill him!"

Diao Mo was secretly surprised, and immediately guessed that this officer
should be sent by Mrs. Wei Shao. Unexpectedly, he actually called the
other party to chase after him. After a quick look, I saw that there were
hundreds of people in the other party, and when I closed Chen Rui, there
were less than 20 people in total. The difference is really huge.

It's just that it's not his style to hand over people like this.

Since he took the lead, he only wanted to seek freedom for the suffering
people, and he himself was not afraid of life and death. Pulling out his waist
knife, without saying a word, he stood outside the temple gate with Jiang
Meng and the others who followed closely, and said coldly, "If you want to
steal someone, you can, pass over my body!"

Jia Xi was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I respect you as a man! I
didn't want to use more to suppress less. It's just that I came to pick up that
young Qiang boy at the order of the queen! Don't forget, you are your own
mouth. I promised the lady that I would send him back safely. Since you
broke your promise first, don't blame me for being rude!"

Diao Mo said: "Wei Shao's wife is a rare and gentle person. It's a pity that
you are left with Han people, all of them are cunning and greedy. Although I
broke my promise, I have no guilt! If you want to fight, I will fight, how can I
be afraid of you? "

Jia Xi waved his hand, and the soldiers immediately surrounded him.

Although Jia Xi's side had a large number of people, Diao Mo and the
dozen or so subordinates he brought out this time were all tough, and they
were not afraid of life and death.
There was a scuffle outside the temple. In the sound of swords and swords,
Chen Rui loudly ordered his men to rush out to join the battle, but he slowly
retreated. When he retreated to the temple, he kicked open a rotten
window at the back and caught him. With his hands and feet bound, Yuan
rolled out of the window with him. Seeing him struggling, he knocked him
unconscious with the back of a knife, sneaked up to the horse with his
back, threw the Yuan onto the horse's back, got on the horse himself, went
around to the back of the temple, clamped the horse's belly, and took
advantage of the cover of the night to escape smoothly.

Chen Rui ran wildly for dozens of miles in one breath. It was estimated that
he would not be able to catch up behind him, so he breathed a sigh of
relief. Seeing the horses running under him foaming at the mouth, he
stopped to rest for a while.

He took advantage of the turbulent waters to fish, not only escaped, but
also took away this important young Qiang youth, needless to say the pride
in his heart. When he regained his breath, he saw that the sky was
gradually brightening, and he was about to rush to the territory of
Huangshui Beihe when he suddenly stopped, remembering what he had
heard at the entrance of the broken temple.

He always thought that Nv Qiao should be in Youzhou at the moment.

Youzhou is Wei Shao's family. Although he hates Wei Shao, he has never
thought about going to the boundary of Youzhou and making something

Unexpectedly, Wei Shao brought his wife to Jinyang.

Qiao Nu was in Jinyang, and at this moment, Wei Shao must be in Xihe

Chen Rui was in a trance for a moment, and a wonderful idea suddenly
popped into his mind.

Why not take this opportunity to sneak back to Jinyang and use the Qiang
youth as bait to get Qiao Nu?

As long as Qiao Nv falls into his own hands and uses her to threaten Wei
Shao, wouldn't it be more effective than the Qiang Hu Bing, and it would be
more effective to relieve hatred?

In front of Chen Rui's eyes again, the moving appearance of Qiao Nu

appeared. Thinking that she might fall into his hands, even though her body
is not neat, the remaining half of the bird's body that could not sleep, seems
to have been awakened suddenly, and she shuddered and shook her
whole body, as if masculine Immediately it filled up again. Without any
hesitation, he immediately turned his horse's head and galloped in the
direction of Jinyang.

Chapter 105:

Xiao Qiao waited for the news from Jia Xi. A few days passed, and I
gradually became concerned, worried that his tracking was not going well.

The night was getting warmer because of the weather. She slept for a
while, woke up in the middle of the night, sweating a little, and didn't feel
very comfortable, so she got up and lit the lamp, without calling Chunniang,
who was sleeping in the adjacent ear room, she went into the bathroom by
herself and took the equipment. The clear water twisted the sweat towel
and wiped the neck.

Cool, the skin feels a lot more comfortable. He lowered his head and took
off his shirt, wanting to wipe his body again. Suddenly, he heard an
abnormal breathing sound coming from behind him, and his hand stopped.

She turned her head slowly, and by the candlelight, she saw that there was
a man in front of the bathroom.

The man was wet from head to toe and looked as if he had just climbed out
of a water tank. His face was pale, his eyebrows were soft, his eyes were
fixed on himself, his breathing was rough, and his expression was
extremely strange.

Chen Rui!

Xiao Qiao recognized it at a glance, and was extremely shocked.

She always thought that Chen Rui had offended Wei Shao, and when Wei
Shao captured Bingzhou last year, he had already been killed.
Unexpectedly, this fellow is not only alive, but also appeared at this time,
and in this way!

At this moment, she didn't have time to think about how he passed the
several guard posts of the government office and appeared in front of her
like this. Her heart beat faster, and she was about to shout loudly when
Chen Rui stepped forward, covering Xiao Qiao's mouth tightly, and holding
a dagger against the tip of the knife, leaning close to her ear and said :
"Don't scream! Otherwise I'll kill you!"
As his wet body approached, a chill quickly spread throughout Xiao Qiao's

She shuddered, and small goose bumps quickly appeared on her skin.

She opened her eyes wide and stared at the gloomy face that Chen Rui
forced over, stopped struggling, and nodded slowly.

Chen Rui stared at her for a moment, his eyes gradually fell on her loose
chest, revealing a slightly delicate embossed chest, continued to stare for a
while, and suddenly closed his eyes.

Then, Xiao Qiao heard him make a gurgling sound of swallowing saliva,
and there was a strange expression on her face that she couldn't

He suddenly opened his eyes, picked up Xiao Qiao, hurried out, put her on
the bed, and then stood in front of the bed with a knife in one hand, and
continued to stare at her.

At first, Xiao Qiao's hands and feet went weak with fright, and her heart
skipped a beat, thinking that this fellow was going to force her to be violent.

Chun Niang slept in the nearby room. Outside the inner courtyard where
her dormitory is located, the distance is only 100 meters, and there should
be night guards patrolling at this moment.

If she shouted loudly, she would soon be able to attract guards.

But in that case, this fellow has a knife in his hand, which is the biggest
threat to her.
Even without that gleaming dagger, Xiao Qiao knew that this fellow looking
at the female figure was actually killing people.

If he wanted to break her neck, it would be an easy task.

Not to mention, the most likely scene she could imagine next: a dog
jumping over the wall, using her as a threat, forcing everyone to give way,
and finally taking her away.

She quickly made a decision.

If you can stabilize him, it is better to stabilize first, and it will not be too late
to act again.

Xiao Qiao tried her best to stabilize her mind. She lowered her head and
saw that her clothes were still loose, so she took care of it, raised her eyes,
met Chen Rui, and said softly, "How did you come in?"

She glanced at the half-open south window.

Chen Rui still stared at her. The candlelight shone from the side, and his
face seemed to be slightly distorted, with a terrifying expression.

Little Joe moved.

"Don't move!"

Xiao Qiao slowly changed to a very relaxed sitting position, and said softly:
"I won't move. Don't worry. Although there are guards outside the yard, they
can come in soon if I call. But as long as Don't touch me, I'll never call! It's
been a long time since we saw each other, and you came here to find me
suddenly, so you must have something to do. If you have any concerns, let
me hear it. I'd love to hear it."

Her posture was relaxed, her tone was gentle, and she had a smile on her
face. Chen Ruiding stared at her for a long time, and her originally tense
expression finally eased. He hates: "What else can you and I say!"

Xiao Qiao glanced at the dagger in his hand and pointed lightly: "You can
say whatever you want. I'm willing to listen. Can you take this knife? I'm
scared when I see it."

Chen Rui snorted, but really slowly withdrew the knife.

"Wei Shao, this thief, is still in Xihe County?" he asked with a sullen face.

Joe nodded.

Chen Rui turned around, glanced at the house, and suddenly said, "My
sister used to live in this house!" He seemed to remember something
again, gnashing his teeth, "Pity her, a weak girl, who was poisoned by Wei
thieves on the way to marry... "

Xiao Qiao hurriedly said, "Don't worry. Your sister was sent to your uncle.
She should be doing well now."

Last year, in order to form an alliance with Xue Tai, Chen Xiang married his
daughter to Xue Tai's son. He didn't want to be kidnapped by Wei Liang on
the way, and Chen's daughter was also kidnapped.

What Xiao Qiao said was not a lie, but true. At that time, after Yanzhou was
relieved of the siege, Wei Liang asked how to deal with Chen Nv, and
Gongsun Yang suggested sending it to Chen Pang, who had been
surrendered. Wei Shao was right, Chen Nu was now in Shiyi.

Chen Rui was stunned for a moment, and then he said bitterly: "Wei Shao
thief is used to pretending! I thought I would be grateful to him like this! I
wish I could tear this thief into tens of thousands of pieces and relieve the
hatred in my heart!"

In fact, if Chen Nv had not been robbed and successfully married Xue Tai's
son, she would have ended up worse now.

It's just that Xiao Qiao didn't say much, let Chen Rui walk around in front of
the bed, all kinds of swear words came out of his mouth like smashing
dates, and scolded Wei Shao.

She didn't say a word, thinking about the voice in the room, wondering if
she could wake Chunniang.

In front of the enemy's wife scolding the enemy, Chen Rui scolded for a
while, and finally felt more comfortable, and hummed: "I scolded Wei Shao,
that thief, why don't you speak?"

Xiao Qiao said: "If you want to scold, scold me. You know, my family has a
feud with him. He has always hated me. This time he came to Bingzhou,
and he didn't bring me with him, but his grandmother at home forced me,
so he had no choice but to punish me. Take it with you."

Chen Rui felt more comfortable, nodded and said: "You are also pitiful, Bai
Sheng has such a good skin and flesh, and even a flower is inserted in the
cow dung, and you marry a thief like Wei Shao who does not understand
the style. !"

Xiao Qiao sighed and frowned slightly: "As a woman, I am like a duckweed
without roots. I can't help myself and just go with the flow."

She already has an unparalleled beauty. At this moment, her hair is fluffy
and her eyebrows are frowning. Chen Rui's eyes can't be moved away. The
anger she had in the beginning is gone. That fellow, after taking her away,
he doesn't need to threaten Wei Shao with her any more.

Thinking of Zhengmei, she suddenly remembered that she is now a big

bird, and even if she has a beauty, she can only sigh and sigh. A burst of
heart-wrenching pain struck, and his expression gradually became strange

Xiao Qiao has been paying attention to his expression, seeing him
suddenly excited again.

She didn't know what Wei Shao had done to Chen Rui. No matter how
smart she was, how could she know what Chen Rui was thinking at the
moment? Seeing this, it didn't seem good, so he hurriedly said, "There are
guards here, how did you get in?"

Chen Rui took a long breath and snorted: "So what if there are more
guards? This Jinyang was originally the world of my Chen family! No matter
how good he is, he will never think that the pool behind is connected to an
underground waterway outside. Don't say more! Just go with me!"
When he thought of Wei Shao's reaction when he learned that not only did
he not die, but he also took Qiao Nu from under the guard's eyelids, he
couldn't help but feel extremely proud.

Only then did Xiao Qiao understand. No wonder he came in as wet as if he

had been picked up from the water. It turned out to be sneaking in from an
underwater secret passage, and this was how he avoided the heavy

In fact, Chen Rui sneaked back at first, and his idea was to lure Xiao Qiao
out with the Qiang boy in his hand. When I got to Jinyang, I saw that the
guards were strictly guarded, and I only had one bare pole. If I acted in
public, I was afraid that it would be difficult to get through.

It's just that everyone has already arrived, and Qiao Nv is close at hand, so
she just gave up, and she was really unwilling. After thinking about it, I
suddenly thought of the waterway that was secretly dug under the pool in
the backyard of the government office in the early years, so I changed my
mind and decided to sneak in quietly and get Qiao Nv away in the middle of
the night.

As long as there is Qiao Nv in his hands, he is not afraid of not being able
to get out of this city.

He was also worried that it would be bad for him to delay any longer, so he
went up and grabbed Xiao Qiao's arm and took him under the bed, saying,
"I'll tell you the truth, that boy from Beiheqiang is also in my hands now!
Come with me and wait. I borrowed soldiers from the Beiheqiang people,
you can see how I attack Wei Shao and take revenge!"
Little Joe was taken aback. Seeing the way he was talking, it didn't seem
like he was open-hearted and his thoughts were spinning, he broke free
from his hand, shook his head and said, "General Chen, please stop talking
big in front of me! He brought a hundred people to chase that Diaomo, how
could the Qiang youth fall into your hands?"

Chen Rui's tone seemed to be contempt for her, how could she bear it? He
snorted: "It doesn't matter if I tell you. He is now hidden by me in Longshan
in the west of the city! Jinyang is originally the boundary of my Chen family,
who can stop me from coming and going? Don't talk more, just follow me. !"

Xiao Qiao was forcibly dragged off the bed by him, and dragged him to the
door. Seeing that he opened the door and turned his head to threaten him
not to make a sound, he stopped for a while and said, "My shoes are not
well worn. General Chen allows me to pull up my shoes. ."

Chen Rui gently opened the door, probed out, and took a careful look left
and right. Seeing that it was still quiet and no one was there, Fang relieved
his heart and turned around and was about to pull Xiao Qiao out with him,
when he was caught in the back. After pushing it, he leaned forward
without any precaution, but his foot was caught on the threshold, and the
man lost his center of gravity and rushed forward, and fell heavily on the
ground. Then, there was a loud slamming sound of the door closing behind
him, and the latch was immediately pushed up.

Chen Rui finally reacted, was furious, jumped up, and slammed the door
This door is made of thick boxwood, and the latch is also a solid wooden
bar two feet long and ten inches thick. How can it be kicked open? In a
hurry, he hurried to the south window where he had just turned through the
window and entered.

Xiao Qiao moved faster than him. As soon as the door was latched, he ran
to the window immediately, and it fell with a clatter, snapping the latch, and
then he shouted loudly.

Before Chen Rui could hit the window, he saw a loud noise behind him,
turned his head, and saw that a dozen figures with fire sticks had already
poured into the inner door of the courtyard, all of them were guards on duty
at night. Knowing that it would be too late if he didn't run, he turned his
head and ran wildly in the direction of the back garden, which came first.
Who knows, he ran out a few steps, and a figure appeared at the end of the
side veranda. In all directions, without a moment's effort, all his paths were
blocked, and there was no way to escape.

Chen Rui regretted it. I regret that I should have been seduced by that Qiao
girl at first, and I had said so many words to her. If he just stunned, carried
it and left, he would have left the government office long ago. His eyes
turned red and he roared. He pulled out a soft whip around his waist. He
was about to fight to the death to make a **** path. There was a screeching
sound all around, and arrows were raining like rain. In the blink of an eye,
dozens of arrows were pierced into the chest and back. .

Chen Ruisheng's dirty position is different from ordinary people, and the left
and right are opposite. Therefore, Wei Shao ordered someone to mutilate
his lower body that day, and after being careful with another knife, the
executioner thought that he would definitely die, so he dragged him and
threw it into the corpse pile and didn't care. But he struggled and came
back alive, and finally escaped.

I thought that if you don't die, you will have good luck. But he never
imagined that he would die at the hands of a woman like this today.

Chen Rui screamed, pulled out a cluster of blood-stained arrows inserted

into his right chest, and fell on his back.

Chunniang then ran towards the door of Xiao Qiao's room, slammed the
door hard, and called out to the lady.

It wasn't until this moment that Xiao Qiao felt that she was completely
powerless, she didn't even have the strength to stand, she slumped to the
ground along the wall, was huddled by the wall, hugged into a ball and
trembled slightly, when she suddenly heard Chunniang's familiar voice.
Filled with an anxious voice, he stood up forcibly, but his hands were so
soft that he couldn't open the door. After pulling it several times, I finally
pulled the stick out.

Chunniang pushed open the door and saw Xiao Qiao standing behind the
door, her eyes wide and round, her little face pale and pale, and when she
heard her calling herself "Chunniang" in a crying voice, she felt distressed.
Incredibly, he stretched his arms to hug her cold body into his arms, patted
her on the back and comforted her.

Xiao Qiao was supported by Chunniang and sat down.

She closed her eyes and leaned for a moment, the nurse's warm embrace
and soft comfort finally made her calm down. Suddenly remembered
something, opened his eyes and asked, "Where's Chen Rui?"

Chunniang said bitterly, "That thief has been shot dead! Don't be afraid,
madam! In fact, the maid was awakened by the voice of that servant in your
room early in the morning. The maid was still eavesdropping outside the
door for a while. I wanted to call someone in at that time, but I was afraid
that the dog would jump off the wall, which would be unfavorable to the
lady, so she quietly called someone to come in, and waited in ambush to
see the opportunity. Fortunately, the lady herself also stabilized the servant
and sent him Block it from the outside. Otherwise, it would be

She remembered the scene just now. At this moment, her heart was still
beating, and her back was full of cold sweat.

Xiao Qiao remembered that Chen Rui was only half a sentence by himself,
saying that the young Qiang people were hidden in Longshan in the west of
the city by him.

Longshan is very large, and if there is no exact location, it will be difficult to

find people for a while. If it is delayed for a long time, I am afraid that the
young man's life will be in danger. Ignoring the weakness of his legs, he put
on a shirt indiscriminately, stood up immediately, opened the door and went
out, seeing that Jia Xi's deputy Lin Huben was ordering someone to carry
Chen Rui out, and hurriedly called to stop.

Lin Huben hurried over and apologized to her.

Xiao Qiao shook his head and hurriedly came to Chen Rui's side, seeing
several arrows stuck in his chest, blood gurgling from the corners of his
mouth, his eyes closed, seeing that he was dead without half a breath left,
and it was impossible to answer any more questions. .

Seeing his terrifying death again, there was also a strange feeling in my
heart. Can't bear to watch any more.

After calming down, he turned his head and said to Lin Huben, "That Qiang
youth should be hidden somewhere in Longshan at the moment. You
immediately bring your staff to search the mountain, and you can borrow
troops from the Sicheng. The more staff, the better! found!"

Lin Huben agreed.

"And this man..."

She hesitated, "Dig a hole for him and bury the whole body."

Lin Huben was taken aback for a moment, and then he responded.

Xiao Qiao was still weak and powerless at the moment. After finishing her
orders, Chunniang supported her. She turned around and was about to go
back to the room when Chen Rui on the ground suddenly opened his eyes
like a corpse, and with a whimper, he jumped over and grabbed Xiao Qiao's
one with both hands. Feet, unusually strong.

This scene was too sudden. No one thought of it, and the first reaction was
Xiao Qiao was already weak and powerless, how could she survive this
arrest? With a scream, the man fell to the ground. He watched in horror as
Chen Rui opened his mouth and bit one of his own feet, stared at her, and
said vaguely: ",
Sorry too…”

Finished speaking, breathless.

Xiao Qiao "Ah-", screamed.

Chapter 106:

The next morning, Xiao Qiao woke up with a slight fever, and Chunniang
was busy asking for medicine.

Xiao Qiao waited until the night, but Lin Huben's search for the mountain
was always fruitless.

Longshan is really too big, the terrain is also steep, and there is no
orientation. Just aimlessly looking for a person who doesn't know where is
hidden. It is too difficult to find it within the lifespan, and it requires luck.

Xiao Qiao was very anxious.

Lin Huben added more people and sent another group of people from
Sichengmen to search the mountain.

Another night passed, and still nothing was found.

Xiao Qiao woke up from sleep this night.

The shadow Chen Rui brought to her still lingers, and thinking of the Qiang
youth named Yuan made her feel even more depressed.

Although they just met by chance, it seems to be a kind of fate.

If he can't find it again, even if he is not injured by insects and beasts, I am

afraid that the young man will die of hunger and thirst.

She arranged for Jia Xi to save him, originally thinking more, it was indeed
for the Beihe people behind him.

But at this point, she doesn't think about that anymore. I just hope to find
him while he is still alive.

In the evening of the third day, the sky gradually darkened.

Just when Xiao Qiao began to feel hopeless, the good news came

Jia Xi, who came back in the middle of the night last night, learned the
news at the city gate. It was too late to enter the city to plead guilty to the
queen, and immediately took people to Longshan and joined the search.

Just now, at a prominent place at the foot of Beishan Mountain, when he

passed a very common local grave, he turned back and ordered people to
remove the weeds in front of the grave and push away the stones blocking
the entrance of the grave. Sure enough, in the tomb, a comatose teenager
Yuan was found squeezed into the corner.
His mouth was gagged and his hands and feet were tightly bound. Because
it has not been loosened for a long time, a deep purple blood mark has
been drawn on the bound wrist and ankle.

Yuan was sent back immediately. With water, he woke up.

After the doctor's treatment, Aunt Xia helped him wash and change his
clothes, and gently rubbed his hands and feet for him. After taking some
liquid food, he fell into a deep sleep because he was too weak.

Xiao Qiao's own body is actually not very good, but she is in a good mood.
It was reported that Jia Xi was waiting outside to plead guilty to himself, so
he passed him in.

Jia Xi was ashamed, and when he saw Xiao Qiao, he knelt down to
apologize to her. Xiao Qiao hurriedly stopped him and said, "What's the
crime of General Jia? Not only is he innocent, but he has to make a great
contribution. Please get up."

Jia Xi was ashamed, but that night when there were many enemies and
few enemies, he let Chen Rui run away with the young Qiang people. After
discovering it at that time, he did not turn the corner for a while, and
continued to chase forward. It was not until noon of the next day that he
began to feel that something was wrong, and he hurriedly turned back to

How could he not feel ashamed for his dereliction of duty to such an extent
that the queen was shocked?
"Besides that, the last commander also failed to catch all the gang.
Although Diaomo's companions were either killed or captured, they were
escaped by the carpenter.

Jia Xi knelt down.

Xiao Qiao stepped aside and said with a smile: "General Jia, get up, don't
let me down! There is still a little bit of mischief, and there is a reason for
this, how can I blame you? Instead, I want to thank you a lot. Thanks to
you, I finally Find the young Qiang man in time. If it is delayed for another
night, I am afraid he will not survive. In terms of credit, you are still the first.
It's just General Jia, why do you think of Tibetans in that tomb?"

Seeing that he was begging for guilt blindly, Xiao Qiao deliberately
staggered the topic and asked.

The female monarch smiled at Yan Yan, and really didn't mean to blame
herself at all. Jia Xi finally calmed down a little. He said: "Ghosts and gods
should be respected and far away. And the tomb is near the entrance of the
foot of the mountain, you can see it at a glance. Therefore, although Lin
Huben and the others have passed by several times, they would not have
thought that Chen Rui's man was so mad that he would come here. People
are stuffed into this grave. I didn't think about it at all. Just when I passed
by, I noticed that the green moss growing on the few stones at the entrance
of the tomb had broken marks, as if it had been moved newly, not like it had
been through the years. The appearance of an old tomb, and the weeds in
front of the tomb also have traces of deliberate accumulation and
concealment, that's why I became suspicious, thinking that I couldn't let it
go, so I opened it to see what happened. I was lucky enough to guess, just
luck. awesome."

Xiao Qiao suddenly realized that, and admired him sincerely. He stepped
forward and personally helped Jia Xi up. After he got up, he said, "General
Jia, don't blame yourself. I have another important thing to entrust to Jia.

Jia Xi immediately said: "Please ask the lady! The last commander will die!"

Xiao Qiao said: "When the boy can go on the road, please ask General Jia
to **** him personally and send him back to Huangzhong as soon as

A few days later, Yuan, who had recovered his physical strength, was
escorted by Jia Xi and went to the territory of the Beihe people in

In the past few days, Jia Xi has felt the waterway in the backyard pool, and
it is tightly blocked. He has personally led people to thoroughly check all
the possible defense loopholes near the backyard queen's residence. The
place. Make sure it's all right, then give up.

After Yuan Dong was on his way back to his hometown, Xiao Qiao's illness,
which had fallen from being overly frightened that night, gradually
improved. It's just that I'm always scared to sleep at night. Although the
weather is getting warmer, the windows are no longer dared to open.
Always latch tight. Chunniang also slept with her all the time.
But in a letter she sent to Wei Shao, she didn't mention Chen Ruiye's
breaking into the ya office, nor did she say that she was sick. He only told
him that he had rescued the grandson of Peihe Patriarch Juvenile Yuan by
coincidence, and now he has sent him on his way. If you can bring some
help to Gongsun Yang's journey of consolation, he will be very fortunate.

After a long journey, Gongsun Yang finally arrived at the territory of the
Beihe people in Huangzhong a few days ago.

This area has been lush with forests since ancient times, and there are
many birds and beasts. Later, with the increase of the population and
frequent exchanges with the Han people, they gradually turned to farming
and settled down.

Under the leadership of the current Patriarch Yuanwang, the Beihe people
in the Huangshui area have settled and farmed in this area for decades,
and the population has multiplied to nearly 200,000, becoming the first
people after the Shaodang tribe. The second largest Qiang ethnic group.
Half of them are young and strong, who usually farm and herd, and
become soldiers in wartime, all of them are brave.

Three days ago, he learned that Wei Shao had sent a messenger, Yuan
Wang, who had been ill for several months, personally took him in and
entertained him.

Gongsun Yang conveyed Wei Shao's tenderness. Promised never to

impose any levies, nor forcibly recruited into the army, let alone plundering
the population, imitating the three chapters of the ancient contract, willing to
swear blood as an oath.

Although Yuan Wang personally received Gongsun Yang, his attitude was
quite respectful, but he had reservations about the matter of appeasement
and did not agree.

Gongsun Yang also knew very well that after decades of estrangement, the
suppression and resistance of the two sides were constantly intertwined,
freezing three feet, not a day's cold, how could doubts be dispelled so
easily? So don't be in a hurry. After giving Wei Shao a gift to express his
respect to the elder, he stayed and continued to lobby patiently.

After a long conversation last night, the old patriarch Yuanwang was finally
moved by Gongsunyang's sincerity and said that he would please allow him
to think about it for another night. Answer in the morning.

Gongsun Yang got up early today, waiting for his meeting with Yuan Wang.

Although Yuan Wang had not yet expressed his attitude last night, but by
observing words and expressions, Gongsun Yang felt that there was no
doubt that it would happen.

He is confident.

But when the appointed time came, Yuan Wang did not appear as

Gongsun Yang was about to go out, when one of the accompanying people
hurriedly entered, and said: "Master, it's not good! Fang received news that
a messenger who burned Dangqiang came early in the morning, and he
didn't know what he said to Yuan Wang, Yuan Wang. I actually fainted. The
situation is not good, and it seems to be unfavorable to the military advisor.
It is better for the military advisor to leave here quickly!"

During the few days that Gongsun Yang stayed here, in addition to lobbying
Yuan Wang, he didn't idle away, and secretly made a relationship with
someone close to Yuan Wang. This news was handed out urgently by that
person just now.

The two lieutenants who escorted Gongsun Yang were immediately alert
and looked at Gongsun Yang.

Gongsun Yang pondered for a while, and said, "It's a disaster that can't be
avoided. Now that you're here, how can you be successful and fail, so you
avoid it for fear of disaster? I'll go and see it, and I'll know what happened!"

Having said that, he went out and went straight to Yuanwang's tent, and
was informed by someone. After a while, he was invited in. As soon as he
entered, two big men came up to him, pointed at him with a knife, and
forbade him to approach.

Gongsun Yang glanced at the opposite side.

Yuan Wang was being helped to sit on the main seat covered with a
gorgeous woolen mattress, his face was pale, and there seemed to be
tears in his eyes. Next to him was a Qiang man with a raw face, squinting
at himself. The rest of the Beihe people all glared at each other.

Gongsun Yang was secretly surprised, but his face remained unmoved,
and he only said: "I woke up early this morning, and I have been waiting for
the good news of the leader, but it has not arrived for a long time. So I
came to ask."

He raised his hand and pushed away a blade pointed at his face.

"Last night, I talked with the leader, trusting each other, and the scene is
right in front of me. But I don't know why they suddenly faced each other
with knives this morning?" He looked at Yuan Wang.

Yuan Wang looked gloomy and said nothing. An elder from the clan next to
him said angrily, "You still have a pretentious face! From the first day you
came, I knew that you were uneasy and kind! Stab someone in the back!
Come on, don't talk to him, just kill him!"

Immediately, a man with a knife forced him up. The two lieutenants behind
Gongsun Yang were furious, and they also drew their swords and stood in
front of Gongsun Yang, saying, "Who dares to do it? If you hurt a single hair
of my military commander, you are an enemy of my lord! Those who dare
to be an enemy of your lord. , Bingzhou Chen Xiang is the foreshadowing!
Ask yourself, is it better than Chen Xiang?"

There was silence on the other side.

Gongsun Yang looked at Yuan Wang, whose face became even grayer,
took a step forward, and said with concern: "Boss, what happened, or what
did you hear, why did you suddenly change your mind? I also said that it
was not me. The monarchs and lords are afraid of war because they
consider the stability of the border, the well-being of the people, and also to
repair the injustice of the former Bingzhou lords to the nobles. That’s why
they sent me here to convey their condolences. Everything is out of
sincerity. Be frank with me, have something to say, don’t be shy!”

Yuan Wang slowly stood up, waved his hand, and several men with knives
put away the knives.

"Mr. Gongsun, my grandson, he has clearly lost his life in the hands of you
Han people! If this revenge is not repaid, how can I deal with my poor
grandson? You don't blame me! In fact, you Han people are the same
raccoon dog. Betrayal of faith! My death is a small matter, but I will never
dare to hand over the future of my family to you Han people! I should never
have kept you as a guest! Well, I will not embarrass you, you go! Marquis
Yan's kindness, I, the Beihe people, dare not take it!"

Gongsun Yang was taken aback, pondered for a moment, and said: "I know
the leader's mood at the moment, and he should be very sad. I should have
been mourning together. I just fear that the leader will be used by someone
who has a heart because he loves Sun. I don't know if the leader can tell
me, Who killed your grandson? Is the news accurate? If there is any need
for help, I will do my best!"

Yuan Wang said: "You don't need to say more. Han people can't be trusted!
I've made up my mind! If you don't leave, don't blame me for being rude!"

Seeing that things are about to succeed, I don't want to suddenly encounter
changes. Gongsun Yang knew that everything should be caused by the
sudden appearance of the Qiang people. I really didn't want to leave like
this, and when I was hesitating, I suddenly heard a rush of footsteps from
outside the tent, and then a voice called in from a distance: "Chief! The
young master is back! The young master is back! "

Gongsun Yang turned back and saw a handsome young man in Han
clothes from a distance, surrounded by people, walking quickly towards this

A Han man walked beside the boy. It's actually Jia Xi!

Gongsun Yang was very surprised.

He immediately guessed that this young man should be the grandson of his
who Yuan Wang thought was dead a moment ago.

It was such a coincidence that he rushed back at this moment, which is

naturally a great good thing.

Just how could Jia Xi be with him?

Gongsun Yang was full of doubts and was stunned. Yuan Wang was
shocked, his eyes widened suddenly, and his face was filled with
unbelievable ecstasy. He rushed out in a few strides, hugging the boy who
was running towards him tightly, and burst into tears on the spot. Aspect.

The nearby Beihe people were all cheering and smiling. Some people knelt
on the ground and worshipped the gods.

When the mood stabilized a little, the young man did not know what to say,
Gongsun Yang saw Yuan Wang suddenly let go of him, and quickly
returned to him, he even bowed to the end, and said respectfully: "Mr.
Gongsun, it is me. Offended! Madam Yanhou has saved my grandson's life,
I am willing to accept Yanhou's care, and bring me the humble Heqiang
people and all the people! May blood be an oath! If this oath is violated,
people and gods will be punished!"

Chapter 107: 26

From the first day that Yanhou Wei Shao became the new owner of
Bingzhou, Yuan Wang, the leader of Beihe, began to pay attention to him.

This person not only took Bingzhou, which had been ruled by the Chen
family for decades, but also, Yuan Wang knew that the next actions of this
Han would definitely affect all the Qiang living in Huangshui, including his
own. man's destiny.

Yuan Wang had heard something about this new lord of Bingzhou. In
recent years, this great northern warlord seems to be different from Chen
Xiang, but Yuan Wang has always had no illusions about the Han people.

Although Li Gong, the captain of Hu Qiang decades ago, is an exception.

But Li Gong is not a warlord who really holds the right to life and death.
Moreover, Li Gong finally died of the exclusion and suppression of these

So last year, although he also knew for the first time that Wei Shao wanted
to comfort the Qiang people, he didn't believe it and kept a cautious
attitude. Neither united with Burning Dangqiang nor accepted Wei Shao's

Until now, Gongsun Yang, as the messenger of Wei Shao, was sent to his
He was a little surprised by this.

Gongsun Yang is a very charismatic person, elegant and eloquent. He talks

with people eloquently, never aggressively and forcefully, but like a gurgling
stream, immersing himself in his heart, unconsciously, he can make the
other party accept his point of view, and then be convinced.

Gongsun Yang has been here for many days.

Yuan Wang was gradually moved by him.

He had never seen Wei Shao with his own eyes, and all his impressions of
this famous northern warlord had come from hearsay.

Yuanwang had heard of one thing he did.

It is said that in his early years, Ling Chi, the enemy who killed his father
due to the war, died after Qian Dao, still unable to resolve his hatred, and
chopped it to pieces.

Although most of the rumors are exaggerated, but with this said, this
person's hostility is evident, which makes people shudder.

This was actually one of the reasons why he was apprehensive about Wei
Shao's appeal last year.

What is the difference between such a hostile person and Chen Xiang?

But these days, he really felt the charm of Gongsun Yang's personality. It
was like seeing Duke Li, who was deeply respected by the Qiang people
back then.
Subsequently, some of the previous jealousy towards Wei Shao was slowly

Especially last night, he talked with Gongsun Yang Bingzhuye again. After
returning, discuss with several elders in the clan.

Although there were still hesitant voices among the elders, Yuan Wang
made up his mind and decided to surrender.

But he didn't expect that Diaomo's messenger suddenly came early in the
morning and conveyed to him a sad news that almost broke his heart after
hearing it.

His only grandson, Yuan, who disappeared half a year ago, was first
captured by the Han people and sold as slaves in Jinyang, and then fell
into the hands of Chen Xiang's son. Now he is expected to be killed.

The messenger conveyed another letter from Diao Mo. In the letter, Diao
Mo said that Feng Zhao and Wei Shao were all evil wolves. Feng Zhao
made friends with the Qiang nobles to buy and drive the Qiang soldiers to
work for him. As for Wei Shao, it was even more of a wolf's ambition, which
was not to be believed. He urged Yuanwang not to believe the promises of
the Han people. He said that although he has contacts with Feng Zhao
now, he is taking advantage of the conflict between Feng Zhao and Wei
Shao to regain the land in Shangjun that was once inhabited by the Qiang
people for generations, but is now occupied by the Han people.

When Diao Mo was a child, his father was forced to send him to Bingzhou
as a hostage. He was imprisoned for several years, and then he was
released and returned to his hometown in exchange for a large amount of
wealth, silk, cattle and horses. Diao Mo was ambitious, brave and
determined, Yuan Wang always regarded him as his son and nephew. It
was only early in the morning that I heard the news of my grandson, who
had been missing for half a year and was concerned almost every day.

The only beloved grandson was looted by the Han people and died in the
Han land!

After waking up, although Yuan Wang was not as angry as the people
around him, wishing he could slaughter Gongsun Yang and break with the
Han people completely, but in any case, he could not continue to discuss
with him any more, so he changed his face and wanted him. expel.

Unexpectedly, the twists and turns have turned, and this morning, the
grandson whom he thought was dead, actually appeared in front of him
alive again. Knowing that he was actually rescued by Mrs. Wei Shao, she
sent someone to **** him all the way home. The great sadness turned to
great joy. After the mood calmed down, he remembered something and
couldn't help but ask Shengyuan if Mrs. Wei Shao wanted him to come
back. Persuasion to surrender. He didn't want to be arrogant, but he didn't
know, saying that before his wife sent him away, he didn't say a word in
front of him, and he didn't know.

Yuan also told his grandfather that he had experienced this life and death,
and although he had personally experienced the abuse and contempt of
the Qiang people by the Han people, he also knew that there were many
good and wise people among the Han people. Just like the Qiang people,
the good and the bad are mixed, and they all go to war. They have
defended their homes and defended their land, and they also have Kolue
counties. It cannot be generalized.

Yuan Wang was surprised, but without hesitation, he turned around in a

hurry and expressed his intention to sign the contract to Gongsun Yang.

Gongsun Yang actually still didn't realize what was going on, and how did it
involve the female gentleman again. But since Yuan Wang has changed his
mind, he is asking for nothing, why should he not? Accept immediately.
Yuanwang went out of the tent and announced to the surrounding
clansmen that the clan would form an alliance with the Marquis of Yan, and
from then on, the army stopped fighting.

Gongsun Yang also announced the law of the prince and the marquis.

Yuan Wang has held the scepter of the head for decades, and has a high
prestige and is deeply loved by the clan. Besides, who doesn't want to live
a peaceful life? Hearing his announcement, everyone cheered. At the
moment, the two parties drank blood in front of the altar and signed a
contract. After the ceremony, sheep and cattle were slaughtered, feasts
were held, songs and dances were held, and the lively scene was no less
than the Qiang calendar year.

Gongsun Yang got out, looked at the sky, and looked for Jia Xi to ask what

Jia Xi opened his mouth and said: "I ask the military advisor to speak for
me in front of the prince! Otherwise, I will see you again in the face of the
Gongsun Yang didn't know the situation at first, and when he came here,
he was even more confused. Said: "What happened in the end? How could
the lady be so helpful to the grandson of the patriarch? What do you mean
by that?"

Jia Xi talked about what happened, and finally said: "It's nothing else, I'm
willing to take the responsibility of the prince, and it's okay to blame it. It's
just because of my negligence that I let Chen Rui go back to Jinyang. In the
past, an underwater secret passage that was known before sneaked into
the government office in the middle of the night, intending to kidnap the

Gongsun Yang's scalp was numb, and a layer of fine hair stood up on the
back of his neck: "Is something wrong with the lady?"

Jia Xi hurriedly shook his head: "Fortunately, nothing happened. Chen Rui
was also shot to death on the spot."

Gongsun Yang was still worried, and asked again and again. In the end, I
learned that the lady was fine, but she was shocked and fell ill. Fortunately,
before Jia Xi set off, she seemed to have recovered her spirits, and she
slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Junhou's attitude towards the daughter of the Qiao family that he married
has changed so much that in the past year or so, no one knows better than
Gongsun Yang.
Gongsun Yang remembered that at the beginning, Junhou was unwilling to
marry, but he got the advice of Mrs. Xu, and he talked about it beside him,
and finally nodded his head to persuade him.

After the wedding night, he sent Nv Qiao away. At that time, he didn't even
want to send her out of the city, and after spending a lot of time, he
reluctantly sent her out of Xinyang.

The scene was still fresh in my memory. Who would have thought that it
had only been more than a year, and the current prince has become a
surprise to Gongsun Yang.

was really surprised.

Not long ago, Junhou was injured, and only three days had passed. As
soon as he was able to walk, he was anxious to return to Jinyang.

With his body at the time, it was naturally not suitable for him to run long
distances. Gongsun Yang went on as usual at first, persuading him to give
up his mind.

The first time, Junhou was successfully persuaded by him, and finally gave
up the idea. But Gongsun Yang could see that he agreed very reluctantly.

Moreover, although Junhou didn't say it, Gongsunyang clearly heard from
his words. The reason why he was so eager to return to Jinyang was
probably to see his female monarch who had already arrived in Jinyang. .

Of course Gongsun Yang pretended not to know.

The Marquis Is Innocent: The second time, Junhou brought it back
again. Persuaded by him again.

On the third time, when Gongsun Yang persuaded him, he clearly felt it.
The two eyes that Junhou stared at him were probably similar to "Why are
you so busy and annoying?"

Gongsun Yang had no choice but to invite the queen.

To this day, he still remembers clearly, the morning after the lady arrived at
the camp, he came out of his tent with a yawn, and met Li Chong, Zhang
Jian, and the three of them outside the tent. At that time, the embarrassing
scene where each of them was clearly tacit, but had to make a nonchalant

In the end, the three of them agreed, hilariously, and covered up the past.

I also blame myself for not thinking well. I just wanted to let Junhou Anxin
stay and recuperate, so I invited the lady to accompany him. But he forgot
that Junhou is just full of vigor, how can he resist the "little goodbye to win
the new marriage"?

For the purpose of preventing peeping and eavesdropping, when camping,

there has always been an open space of at least ten feet square around
the coach's tent.

That night, the people closest to the tent of Junhou were himself, Li Chong
and Zhang Jian.
Although there was a distance of ten feet in the middle, Gongsun Yang still
heard some noises from princes and princes that didn't suit him because of
the stillness of the night.

At first he thought it would be over soon. So turn a deaf ear. He didn't want
to go on and off, every time he thought he was going to get better and was
about to fall asleep at ease, the unspeakable noise of the prince would get
into his ears again. fall asleep.

I don't know how Li Chong and Zhang Jian slept that night. Anyway, he
didn't sleep anymore, got up and lit the lamp, and sat and read the fourteen
chapters of Guiguzi's book on soldiers.

When I finally turned to Chapter 7, my ears were completely quiet.

Gongsun Yang assisted Wei Shao for many years. I thought it was almost
the same for Junhou's temperament.

He is short-tempered, irritable, and less kind, but he can correct his

mistakes. As the years get older, the restraint becomes firmer, and people
become more profound.

The barracks is an out-and-out chilling place. There are many rules and
regulations. Even if you run around loudly and look back, you may be

But these rules are for sergeants and junior officers. The higher the rank,
the more privileges you have.
Not to mention a coach with a status like Junhou?

If he wanted to, no one would think that he shouldn't be singing every night
in the big tent.

But Junhou has always set an example, especially the "forbidden girl" that
is most likely to be born in the camp, and he has never crossed the line.

Gongsun Yang still remembers that three years ago, on the way to an
expedition, Wei Shao learned that an officer was traveling all the way to
hide women in the carriage, and immediately ordered all the women to be
searched out and killed on the spot. Several officers involved were
involved. He was also whipped and demoted after being blamed.

No one has dared to violate the order since then.

Such a monarch would make such a big noise in the camp now, naturally it
would not be intentional.

It is precisely because it is unintentional and even difficult to control, that is

why this female monarch is more special to the monarch.

This is also the reason why Gongsun Yang's scalp immediately went numb
when he heard Jia Xi say that Chen Ruiye broke into the ya office.

Gongsun Yang couldn't imagine how the prince would react if the female
prince fell into Chen Rui's hands.

Fortunately, there were no surprises.

Gongsun Yangfang was relieved. Seeing Jia Xi finished speaking, he
looked at himself and said with a smile: "General Jia, don't worry. Since the
lady doesn't blame you, there's nothing wrong with the prince."

The next day, Gongsun Yang ended his trip to Huangzhong, and was led by
Yuan Wang and personally sent out of the realm.

Half a month later, Wei Shao and Feng Zhao fought in Liyin, Shangjun.

There were tens of thousands of Qiang soldiers in Feng Zhao's army.

Before the war, people changed their minds and did not want to be driven
by Feng Zhao to fight again.

Feng Zhao was angry and killed a group of leading people.

Qiang soldiers have no place in Feng Zhaojun. They are often deducted
from food and army, and they are driven to the front of the battle. They are
not free on weekdays. . On the eve of the war, the Qiang soldiers began to
spread rumors in private that after Yuanwang led his troops to surrender to
Wei Shao, other tribes in the Huangshui area followed suit. Wei Shao made
a contract with the Qiang people. Not only that, the Wei army is also willing
to recruit Qiang people who voluntarily join the army, promising that once
they join the army, they will receive the same promotion and promotion as
the Han people, and so on, the news is getting bigger and bigger.

These Qiang soldiers are all belligerents and brave people. They are
dissatisfied with the status quo and people are in turmoil. On the eve of the
war, the two sides converged, and when the war started, the Qiang soldiers
who had been driven at the forefront suddenly mutinied and turned to Feng
Zhao. Feng Zhao was in chaos. Although he resisted with all his might, how
could he resist the full attack of Wei Shao's army, who was taking
advantage of the situation? Broken down.

Feng Zhao was defeated, and finally led a remnant of several hundred
soldiers to flee south to Hongnong, Fang stabilized his position. Helpless to
send someone to plead guilty to Luoyang Xingxun, and wait for the later.

Victory in the Battle of Li Yin. Wei Shao was busy for two days, explaining
the events after the war one by one, and planned to return to Jinyang first.

On the day Gongsun Yang came back from Huangshui, he told Wei Shao
that the queen had rescued Yuanwang's grandson and helped him to form
a covenant.

But I heard from Jia Xi about Chen Ruiye breaking into the government
office, but he didn't say it at the time.

It was only now that he spoke slowly while looking at his face.

After he finished speaking, he looked at Wei Shao. Seeing that his face
suddenly became stiff, and his eyes seemed to show a ferocious color, he
hurriedly said: "Don't worry, Junhou, according to General Jia, the lady is

"Master! Why didn't you tell me at that time?"

Wei Shao suddenly interrupted him, his voice was the same as his face,
very stiff.

Gongsun Yang was startled and explained: "Don't be angry, Lord. At that
time, the war was imminent, I was afraid that the Lord would be

Wei Shaoben was sitting behind the desk, and before he could finish
speaking, he was furious and stood upright, ignoring Gongsun Yang's call
from behind, without saying a word, and strode out.

Chapter 108:

Although Feng Zhao temporarily retired from Hongnong, the rest of the
Qiang people in Huangshui were led by Beihe, and news of their
willingness to surrender came one after another. However, the situation in
this area is complicated. Feng Zhao has been entrenched here for many
years. It may be possible to regroup and fight back. There is also burning
Dangqiang waiting for an opportunity.

Wei Shao was very busy.

After the first battle, although he planned to take a chance to go back to

Jinyang to see Xiao Qiao as soon as possible, after all, he missed her a
little. But there was no plan to leave immediately.

Hearing this news from Gongsun Yang at this moment, he immediately

became so furious that he couldn't delay any longer.

When such a thing happened, he was actually hiding it from him!

At the moment when he heard it, if the other party was not Gongsun Yang,
but any other person under his account, he would have overturned the
case on the spot and became furious.

Almost a month ago, he had received a letter from her.

Only now did he know that just a few days before she wrote that letter to
herself, she had just experienced a fright and danger.

But even in her letter, she didn't even mention a word to herself.

She only told him in a light tone that she had accidentally rescued the
grandson of the leader of the Beihe clan and had already sent him home.

It's all hidden from him! She didn't even say a word to herself!

Anger, distress, fear, and a hint of loss, Wei Shao set off on his way back to
Jinyang that day.

a few days later. On this starry night, a group of people quickly entered the
gate of Jinyang City and headed straight for the government office in the
north of the city.

The Hu Ben guard, who was on duty in front of the ya office, was surprised
to see a group of horses separated into the night, galloping in this direction.

The distance was only a few dozen meters away, and the pedestrians still
showed no sign of turning.
The ten commander gave an order, and Hu Ben immediately formed a bow
formation. Just as he was about to release his arrows to force a stop, the
group of horses had already rolled to the front in a blink of an eye.

The ten commanders recognized it, and the person who took the lead was
the prince. Hastily ordered to clear the way.

The double red doors of the government office opened wide. Hu Ben
greeted him with a military salute.

The war horse under Wei Shao's crotch was finally able to stop. The horse
was dripping with sweat and snorted heavily. As soon as the reins were
released, it couldn't support it, and it knelt on the ground with its two front

For more than half a month after returning from Huangshui, Jia Xi
personally led people on duty every night. Tonight, as usual, he patrolled
outside the inner door leading to the inner courtyard, and suddenly his
subordinates came quickly to report that the prince had entered the door
and was heading for the second door.

Jia Xi was startled, turned around and walked out. As soon as I arrived at
the second gate, I saw a familiar figure striding in from a distance.

Jia Xi immediately knelt down on one knee at the bottom of the fifth floor,
and said loudly, "Last General Jia Xi, welcome the return of Junhou!"

Wei Shao didn't seem to hear it at first, he didn't even stop, he strode past
him, and went out ten paces in a blink of an eye.
Jia Xi didn't dare to look up at him at first, only to feel a breeze swept
across his face by the corner of his robe, so he dared to raise his eyes and
watch his back hurriedly enter.

A hanging heart, let it go.

He let out a slow sigh of relief, and just got up from the ground when he
suddenly saw the figure of the monarch in front of him, stopped, then
turned around, and strode towards him again. With another thought in my
heart, I hurriedly knelt down again.

Wei Shao returned to Jia Xi and said coldly, "Is the lady in here?"

"Your Majesty, the lady is here."

"How did I tell you before I left?" His voice sounded like a rock, hard.

Jia Xi couldn't stop kowtow: "The Junhou ordered to protect the female
monarch as the first priority! It's all the dereliction of duty by the last
general! Please punish the Junhou!"

Wei Shao took a deep breath, and his voice became even colder: "How did
you go through that night, please tell me the truth! Don't miss a word!"

Jia Xi is Lin Huben's immediate boss. From that day onwards, he continued
to pursue Chen Rui by mistake. The next day he saw something was
wrong. He came to his senses and turned back, knowing that something
had happened. Because it involved the lady's privacy, and the details, it
was naturally inconvenient to speak to Gongsun Yang that day. Now that
Junhou asks such a question, how dare he hide it again, and he starts from
the beginning one by one.
What Gongsun Yang knew about that night was only an approximation. It
was even simpler to pass it on to Wei Shao through his mouth.

Wei Shao only knew that Chen Rui sneaked into the inner courtyard
through the waterway in the backyard pool in the middle of the night,
intending to kidnap Xiao Qiao, but was stopped and shot dead on the spot.
The rest of the details are unknown.

It was precisely because I didn't know that I was even more worried and
rushed back day and night. At this moment, when he gradually understood
that it was Chen Rui who broke into Xiao Qiao's bedroom in the middle of
the night, Xiao Qiao delayed him for a while, deliberately aroused
Chunniang in the next ear room, and then was forcibly taken away by Chen
Rui, she struggled. After rejecting him at the door, the night guard at that
time rushed in to shoot Chen Rui, his palms were full of cold sweat, and his
anger was indescribable.

After Jia Xi finished speaking, he hesitated in his heart, hesitating whether

to tell the last scene. As soon as he raised his eyes, he shuddered when he
bumped into the two yin eyes of the prince staring at him. I thought to
myself at the moment that I didn't say anything and kept it hidden, but
others might not say it. Even if others don't say it, the lady herself will
definitely tell the prince what happened to the prince at that time...

Thinking of his words "don't miss a single word" a moment ago, Jia Xi
dared not do it again, his heart sank, and he said, "In the end, something
unexpected happened..."

Wei Shao's figure remained motionless.

Jia Xi bit his head and said in a low voice, "The last general was not there
at the time, and I didn't see it with my own eyes. I just heard what
Lieutenant General Lin said. After Chen Rui was shot with dozens of
arrows on the ground, the lady came out of the room. When he approached
him, she probably wanted to ask him something. Seeing that he was
exhausted, the lady Tzu Chi asked Lieutenant General Lin to dig a hole and
bury him, leaving him a whole body. At this moment, Chen Rui was alive
again. When he came back, the person next to him was unprepared for a
moment, and he jumped over to catch the lady's foot, and said something,
and then he died..."

"What did you say?"

Jia Xi was not brave enough to speak for a while.

"What did you say?!"

Hearing the roar of Junhou suddenly, hot sweat rolled down from Jia Xi's
forehead: "Listening to Lieutenant General Lin's words, it seems to mean...
the lady is beautiful... that servant died under her... and... willingly... "

Jia Xi finally stuttered. After listening to this sentence, he couldn't forget the
shameful and extremely offensive sentence. I dare not look at Junhou's
expression again.

Wei Shao's figure stood stiff for a moment, and suddenly he pulled his
sword out of its sheath. Jia Xi only felt a sharp sword wind blowing towards
his face, and there was a sharp sound of a sword breaking into a foreign
object that almost stings his ears. , the head of the stone auspicious beast
standing on the side of Ermen and used as a house in the town was
actually cut off by the sword in his hand, and it fell to the ground with a
"bang" and rolled out. Seven or eight steps away, and finally stopped.

There was no sound all around.

The air of the late spring night seemed to freeze.

Jia Xi knelt down next to the stone beast whose head had been beheaded,
not daring to take a breath.

"Go and dig that fellow out for me! Wait for me to smash him into tens of
thousands of pieces!"

Every word seemed to be squeezed out of Wei Shao's teeth.

Jia Xi should be.

Wei Shao turned around and strode inside.

Just now, Jia Xi was still sweating hot, but at this moment, the cold sweat
kept pouring out, and his shirt was already soaked. Until the back of
Junhou completely disappeared from sight, he looked at the severed head
of the stone beast on the ground, and let out a long breath.

It is the end of April.

It has been almost a month since that incident.

Until now, Xiao Qiao still sleeps with Chunniang at night.

The illness she was frightened out of earlier, at first, because she found the
yin, she was in a good mood, and after a few days of sedative medicine,
she was gradually getting better. A few days ago, because the weather
turned warm and cold, the evil poison was the most vulnerable to intrusion.
She had nightmares again at night, so that she couldn't wake up
screaming, and she burned again that night. Anxious Chunniang asked for
a doctor and took care of her again, and it took two days for Fang to get
better. It's just that people still didn't get up quickly, and they didn't want to
move very much. Chunniang did not dare to leave her. She also made a
bed beside her bed at night to accompany her in person.

Xiao Qiao took medicine this evening, but because of the nature of the
medicine, she fell asleep early.

Chunniang was doing the needlework for knee pads in the room at first,
and as she was doing it, she looked back at her lying on the bed from time
to time.

The night gradually deepened. Chunniang told the maids to go to rest. I

finished making a knee pad by myself, put down the needle and thread,
pounded my waist, and was about to go to sleep when I suddenly thought
of cooking her tremella tomorrow, but at first I forgot to tell the cook to soak
it overnight. He looked back at her and saw that she was sleeping very
deeply, so he gently opened the door and went out, went to the small
kitchen in person, chose white fungus and soaked it, came back into the
room, closed the door, and was about to lock the door, when suddenly he
heard the yard There was a sound of footsteps.
It is so late, unless there is an emergency, it is impossible for anyone to
enter the inner courtyard without being summoned. What's more, listening
to the footsteps, it seems to be a man.

Chunniang was worried. Although Jia Xi and the others are guarding him
day and night, it is unlikely that any trouble will happen again. But when I
remembered the accident a month ago, I was also afraid, so I stopped for a
while, opened a crack in the door slightly, and glanced out.

Lanterns were hung on the corridor, showing a figure walking up the eaves.

It was Wei Shao.

Chunniang was surprised and happy again. She looked back at Xiao Qiao
and saw that she was still asleep, so she gently opened the door, greeted
her and went out. He led him to a place a little further away, and then he
pleaded guilty: "The lady fell asleep. I was afraid that I would disturb her, so
I wronged the man and said a few words here. Don't blame the maid for
being rude."

Wei Shao glanced at the doors and windows with lights on, and asked in a
low voice, "How is she?"

Chunniang heard his tone and guessed that he should already know what
happened a month ago. He said: "At first, the lady was frightened and fell
ill. She was already well. I didn't want to sleep a few days ago and have a
frightened dream at night, and then I had a fever that night. Fortunately, the
fever subsided in these two days. , I still have a cough, and people are
sullen. I took the medicine at night and went to bed early, but I haven't
woken up yet."
"When did the man come back?" Chunniang asked respectfully.

Wei Shao didn't answer. Standing there, as if in a trance for a moment, he

said, "I see. You must have worked hard for you these days, you should go
and rest." After he finished speaking, he turned around and went inside.

Chunniang hurriedly stopped him: "The lady was quite frightened at the
time, but now she doesn't sleep well at night. The man gentle and
careful, and don't frighten her again."

She hesitated for a moment, and her love for Xiao Qiao finally
overwhelmed everything else, she warned softly.

Wei Shao didn't say anything, just turned around, walked to the door, gently
pushed it open, and stepped in.

Xiao Qiao didn't sleep soundly, and her throat was itchy for a while, and
after a few coughs, she woke up. Feeling a little bloated in the lower
abdomen. He didn't open his eyelids, and subconsciously said vaguely,
"Chunniang, I want to explain..."

Even now, she still feels terrified when she goes to the bathroom alone at
night. Even to relieve the hand, Chunniang should accompany him at the
door. At this moment, half a sentence came out, and my mind suddenly
woke up. Realized it was late at night. Chunniang has been taking care of
herself this month, doing everything herself, and she is exhausted.

She rubbed her eyes and was about to get up quietly when suddenly a pair
of solid arms stretched out behind her and gently lifted her out of the bed.
This is definitely not Chunniang's arm.

She doesn't have that kind of strength.

Xiao Qiao was stunned for a moment, and he was completely awake. The
heart was beating wildly in an instant. Just as he was about to open his
mouth to exclaim, a man whispered in his ear: "It's me. I'm back. Don't be

She was very familiar with the voice. But the tone was a gentleness she
had never heard before.

She slowly opened her eyes and met Wei Shao's eyes that were looking
down at her, and the eyes were intertwined like this.

Chapter 109: 27

Xiao Qiao fixedly looked at Wei Shao, her eyes did not blink, her eyes were
gradually covered with a layer of wet mist, she suddenly stretched out her
arms towards him, wrapped her arms around his neck tightly, and called out
vaguely. He said "Husband" and buried his face tightly in his chest.

Wei Shao was tightly wrapped around his neck by a pair of jade arms,
holding a soft body in his arms. The body curled up into a small ball,
motionless in his arms, as soft and soft as a baby.

The internal organs in his chest seemed to be twisted by an invisible hand,

and slowly and tightly tangled together, he felt extremely uncomfortable.

Unconsciously, he hugged her harder, put his lips to her ear and coaxed
softly, "Don't be afraid of Manman. It's all my fault, it's my fault, I brought
you here and left you alone. You Hit me, hit me, whatever you want, I'll let
you down..."

He coaxed in her ear repeatedly like this, in a gentle tone, as if coaxing a


The more Xiao Qiao was coaxed by him, the more fragile his emotions
seemed. He closed his eyes and shook his head a few times, his nose was
sore, he couldn't control it, and he shed tears.

Wei Shao was flustered when she saw that she had been coaxed to cry by
him, and she kept babbling more and more.

"Manman, what do you want me to do so you don't cry?"

He said whatever crazy things he could think of.

But the more he coaxed, the more fiercely Xiao Qiao's tears fell. Although
he didn't hear the cry, he closed his eyes and gasped in his arms, his
shoulders shrugged. A piece of Shao's shirt was soaked.

Wei Shao was stunned, suddenly put her back on the bed, knelt on one
knee beside the bed, leaned down to hold her face, and lowered his head
to kiss her mouth.

His kiss was as tender and soothing as he had ever been tonight.

Between lips and tongues, Xiao Qiao finally slowly recovered from the
restless feeling that he had just seen him, and gradually stopped sobbing.

"Manman, what do you want me to do to be happy?"

After finishing this slightly salty kiss, Wei Shao kissed her ear all the way
again, holding her tender white jade earlobe, and continued to lick and kiss

Xiao Qiao was a little shy, closed his eyes, rubbed his cheek on the clothes
on his chest a few times, quietly rubbed away the remaining tears and snot
bubbles that were still stuck on his face, snorted, opened his eyes, pushed
Opening his face, he whispered, "I'm going to relieve him."

Wei Shao was stunned for a moment, then picked her up again, turned
around and sent her to the bathroom.

At the door, Xiao Qiao saw that he seemed to be going in, and hurriedly
grabbed his arm and said, "I'm going down."

Wei Shao had already entered, and said softly, "You are still ill, I will help

Xiao Qiao's cheeks were blushing, she tightened her fingers and tugged at
his sleeve, shaking her head: "I don't need your help. You go out!"

Wei Shao stared at her, saw that her cheeks were blushing, hesitated for a
while, and finally put her down slowly, and said, "Then I'll be here with you."

Xiao Qiao pushed him out forcibly. Seeing that he was still standing at the
door and refused to leave, he bit his lip and said, "stay away from me.
Otherwise I..."

She wanted to say, otherwise I can't figure it out. But he couldn't say
anything, just kept urging him.
Wei Shao sighed, reluctantly, and turned back three steps forward.

Joe closed the door. It's never been like this moment, even when you
release your hand, it's like a little rabbit is hidden in your chest, and your
heart is pounding. It feels so sweet again. Carefully, she finally finished the
solution without making any noise, let out a sigh of relief, and opened the
door after cleaning her hands. She suddenly saw that Wei Shao had come
back with no idea, and was leaning on the edge of the door frame.

"The voice of the lady in the spring is also pleasing to me. I haven't listened
to it a few times, so the lady will be fine?" He said with a smile.

Xiao Qiao was stunned for a moment, and two blushes flew on her cheeks.
She clenched her pink fist and beat him on the chest, calling him a bad

After being thumped a few times, Wei Shao laughed, and suddenly he
wrapped his arms around her hips and lifted her feet high off the ground.
Her chest was just as high as his face.

He seemed to be doing it on purpose, he pressed his face hard against her

chest, and rolled around again.

Xiao Qiao's pajamas were so soft that she became sensitive, so she
quickly raised her hand to push his face. He took advantage of the
opportunity to press her other soft ball. This time, it was even more
extreme. He opened his mouth and put his shirt in his mouth, licking and
biting lightly with his teeth and tongues.
Xiao Qiao let out a snort, and immediately half of her body softened,
hanging on him, chuckling in a low voice, and pushing his head. The two
went all the way back to the bed, Wei Shao also lay down next to her, and
continued to make trouble for a while, and Xiao Qiao was finally pushed to
the corner of the bed by him.

Wei Shao hurriedly stopped, and changed his palm to caress her chest.

Xiao Qiao coughed for a while, and when the dry itching in her throat
passed, it stopped. Looking up and seeing his unblinking eyes looking at
him, he looked pitiful and felt sweet in his heart, and said, "I'm fine, I'm
much better."

Wei Shao stared at her cheeks that were more beautiful than the flowers,
and resisted the thought that he wanted to tear her apart and swallowed
her. : "You go to sleep first. I'm sweating all over my body. I'm afraid I'll
smoke you. I'll take a bath and sleep with you when I come out."

Joe nodded.

After Wei Shao came out of the bath, he turned off the lights. In the dark,
he climbed into the bed, lay down, stretched out his arms to Xiao Qiao and
hugged her in his arms.

"Go to sleep."

Wei Shao spoke softly beside her ear.

Xiao Qiao slept peacefully and peacefully in Wei Shao's fiery embrace. Not
even half a dream. The next day I felt refreshed, except for a little fatigue
and a slightly dry throat, the rest was almost fine.

Wei Shao stayed with her all day. The two are really inseparable, sharing
food and bed, feeding her medicine, not letting her walk halfway, pampering
her is about to go to heaven, even after Xiao Qiao bathes at night, he will
not let Chunniang come to serve.

Before Xiao Qiao was ill, Chunniang never let her take a bath in the water,
and only wiped her body every day.

The weather here is changeable in late spring. It rained a few days ago,
and it turned warm and cold, and Xiao Qiao became ill again because of
this. It was sunny in the past two days, and the weather immediately
warmed up. Xiao Qiao felt sticky and greasy all over, and her illness was
almost healed, so she soaked in hot water and took a comfortable bath.

Wei Shao bathed with her. Afraid that she would catch cold again, she
didn't move her very much in the water. When she was done washing, she
took her out, dried her body, wrapped her clothes, and put her in the bed.

Xiao Qiao was lying comfortably in Wei Shao's arms, her star eyes were
half closed, and he let his palms caress her back. When she was about to
fall asleep comfortably, Wei Shao sat up, lifted the quilt, and caught her

Xiao Qiao opened his eyes and saw that he was holding one of his feet and
looked at it repeatedly, with a strange expression. I guessed the reason for
his actions.
Wei Shao raised his eyes and asked her, "Does it still hurt?"

That scene at that time scared Xiao Qiao almost to the point of breaking his
courage. Every time I think about it after that, my whole body gets hairy.

As for the foot that was bitten by Chen Rui, although the teeth marks faded
after a few days, she still had that unspeakable uncomfortable feeling on
her feet for several days.

"It doesn't hurt anymore."

She shook her head and said softly.

Wei Shao lightly stroked her palm, then lowered her head, put her mouth
on her white and tender instep, kissed her, and said, "It's my fault for
making you so frightened."

The skin on the instep where his lips kissed seemed to be hot.

Xiao Qiao curled her toes, trying to retract her feet. He held on tight, didn't
let go, and kissed again, kissing repeatedly, as if trying to cover up the
marks that had been left on her feet.

Xiao Qiao's face slowly turned red, and he hummed and said in a low
voice, "I'm really good. Don't be like this..."

She is a little shy.

Wei Shao turned a deaf ear. He kissed the back of her foot, and kissed her
neat and beautiful toes one by one. After kissing both feet, his lips slowly
moved up along the skin of the back of her foot.
Calf, knee, thigh...

Xiao Qiao watched him kiss more and more, and gradually felt a little
flustered and short of breath.

He was about to kiss the top of her leg, but he didn't seem to want to stop
at all.

He doesn't mean to...

Her eyes opened wider and wider. At the moment when his lips were about
to touch her Nong Cui Huaxin, he hurriedly wanted to close his legs, but
was firmly pressed by his palm.

He kissed it without hesitation.

"Don't..." Xiao Qiao was so ashamed that she couldn't stop shaking her
head. But that feeling was like a dense mellow, she actually had all the hair
all over her body, she hummed weakly, her face was flushed, her body
twisted and trembled slightly.

"Don't—" she pleaded.

Wei Shao didn't listen to her, and continued to please with his lips.

A burst of happiness suddenly hit, Xiao Qiao couldn't restrain it, the fairy
liquid gurgled, and the heavy quilt was soaked.

At that moment, he entered her, and the two were handed over in one

Xu Shi felt pity for her early recovery, but Wei Shao didn't want her to be
too cruel that night.

Only this time. But both of them are like daigo empowerment, extremely

"I quite like how I treated you just now?"

Wei Shao was still biting his ear beside her, and his voice was a little smug.

Xiao Qiao pressed her eyes with the back of her hand and shook her head.

Wei Shao looked at her duplicitous cute appearance and laughed again.
After laughing, she removed her hand from her eyes and said, "Manman
opened her eyes."

Xiao Qiao opened her eyes obediently, and there was still a remnant of
spring tide in her eyes.

"Hold me." He ordered again.

Xiao Qiao hugged him obediently again.

Wei Shao took a deep breath.

"No matter what happens in the future, don't hide it from me. Tell me
immediately, remember?" Wei Shao said in a serious tone, changing his

Xiao Qiao was slightly startled.

"Like this time, you were clearly in such danger and frightened, why didn't
you mention it in your letter to me?"
His tone gradually became heavier.

Xiao Qiao whispered: "I don't miss you..."

"Don't want me to be distracted?" Wei Shao interrupted her, frowning

slightly, "You know that I finally found out about this after a month, how did I
think? Make me feel that you don't take me as you in your heart. Husband
looks at it. I'd rather you didn't save that Qiang boy than that you were in
any danger. It's best if the Beihe tribe joins me. If I have a loss, how do you
tell me to deal with it?"

His tone became more severe.

Xiao Qiao bit her lip: "Husband, I was wrong..."

Wei Shao's expression eased a little, and he hummed, "Do you dare to hide
something from me in the future?"

"Don't dare." Xiao Qiao shook her head.

Wei Shao's expression finally eased back, he hugged her back, kissed her
forehead, and said, "Chen Rui, he was lucky to escape last time, but this
time it's going to be even tougher, treating you like this. If I don't..."

Halfway through his words, he suddenly stopped.

"Husband, what if you don't?" Xiao Qiao opened her eyes.

Wei Shao said: "It's nothing. I'm just talking about it." He stroked her
sideburns, smiled at her, and turned back to a gentle tone: "You're tired, go
to sleep."
Chapter 110:

Xiao Qiao slowly closed his eyes.

Wei Shao had been sleeping with her at first. After a long time, he opened
his eyes and looked down at her.

Xiao Qiao closed her eyes, lowered her eyelashes, breathed evenly, and
fell asleep.

Wei Shao thought for a while, then slowly released her, got out of bed
lightly, then helped her close the quilt, and then turned around to get

When he put on his clothes and bent over to put on his boots, he heard a
delicate and soft voice behind him: "It's getting dark, husband, where are
you going?"

Wei Shao paused, looked back, saw Xiao Qiao on the bed opened his
eyes, sat up slowly, coughed dryly, turned towards her, and smiled casually:
"Nothing else. It's just that I suddenly remembered. There is something in
Jia Xi, and I want to ask. Did I wake you up? "

Before she could answer, Wei Shao kicked off one of the boots he just put
on, lay down on his side, brought her back to the pillow, and said softly, "It's
my fault. I'll sleep with you again."

Xiao Qiao shrank into his arms, closed his eyes quietly for a moment, and
suddenly opened them again.
Wei Shao seemed to feel it and touched her hair. Seeing her looking up at
herself, she said, "You can't sleep?"

"Husband has something to hide from me." Xiao Qiao said in a positive

Wei Shao raised his eyebrows: "Why are you hiding something from you?
Mo Duo Xin." As he said that, he hugged her and took her into his arms.

Xiao Qiao shook her head and broke free: "Husband must be hiding
something from me. I can feel it..."

She hesitated, relying on her sixth sense: "Could it be that it's about Chen
Rui, who just mentioned a few words from your husband?"

As soon as Wei Shao heard Chen Rui's words, his eyelids twitched, and a
dark color flashed across his eyes.

Xiao Qiao had been with him for more than a year, and gradually became
familiar with him. He immediately caught the subtle changes in his
expression and felt a sense of hostility. He stretched out his hand and
pushed his arm: "Why don't you say anything? Could it be that I'm right?"

Wei Shao stopped half of what Wei Shao said at the beginning, for fear of
scaring her.

Just now, Xiao Qiao fell asleep. He then thought that he had been in the
inner courtyard since he came back last night until this moment, and he
didn't go out one step, and he didn't know how Jia Xi had done that. So I
wanted to go out and find out by myself while she was asleep.
And this kind of thing, he didn't want her to know.

At this moment, she was forced to ask. Fang said lightly: "That fellow used
to want to do things wrong, and let him live to this day, but this time you
were so frightened that he died like this, it's too cheap. There is nothing
else. I want to pick up the corpse and smash him again. Otherwise, I can't
relieve your anger, and I can't calm my anger."

Xiao Qiao was startled and looked at him with wide eyes, making sure he
was not joking, and hurriedly shook his head: "Husband, don't!"

Wei Shao stared straight at her, and did not hide his unhappiness at being
blocked by her: "You can't bear it? I listened to Jia Xi's words, and it was
you who ordered Haosheng to bury him that day."

Xiao Qiao sat up, hugged his chest, and looked at Wei Shao with his eyes:
"It's true that I called Lin Huben to bury him. The reason for this is for no
other reason, but this person also disgusts me. , but he died in the end,
which can be regarded as the end of the cause and effect of his life. He
died in front of me, although I can order someone to expose his corpse to
the wilderness, but this treatment will not give me any more peace of mind.
That's why I treat him like an ordinary person and bury him in the ground.
It's just a trivial matter, so why not do it?"

Wei Shao still looked at her like that. But the unpleasantness in his eyes
has gradually subsided.

"I don't agree with my husband to bring him up again. Since he is in the
ground, why not let him have other places? If he rises up now, he can vent
his anger for a while. But the husband asks himself, even if it is broken ten
thousand times, it can really be eliminated. Hate for him?"

Wei Shao said nothing.

Xiao Qiao leaned towards him, wrapped his arms around his waist, and
pressed his face against his neck where the blood vessels were beating,
and said softly, "Besides, Manman is also afraid. Manman doesn't want her
husband to do such a terrible thing. ."

After Wei Shao came back from last night to learn about the details, the
anger that burst out in her heart, which had almost burst blood vessels,
slowly subsided inch by inch in her soft words.

In the end, when she gently leaned into his arms and hugged him, saying
that she was quite scared and didn't want her husband to do such a terrible
thing, although Wei Shao still didn't think it was terrible, but it was real and
felt guilty. .

He put his arms around her back, kissed her forehead comfortingly, and
whispered, "I listen to you. Don't worry about that fellow."

She didn't want Wei Shao to do such a thing, the reason was actually quite

Part of it may be Chen Rui. Although when the man was still alive, she did
hate it. But everyone is dead, and being treated like this again, she feels a
little too much.
Part of it was because of Wei Shao. She didn't want to make him bear the
name of another corpse because of herself. After all, it's not a good
reputation, no matter what era.

In the end, perhaps in her subconscious, she was not without thinking of
Wei Shao's hatred for her Qiao family.

Although she also knew that Wei Shao's hatred of Chen Rui was far from
being comparable to his hatred of the Qiao family. However, if Wei Shao is
willing to let Chen Rui go because of herself, does this mean that she can
also expect that one day, Wei Shao will also let go of his feelings for the
Qiao family because of his existence. Hate?

He finally made the response she was expecting to see.

While Xiao Qiao was relieved, she felt happy. And also a little grateful.

She raised her face, gently stretched her jade arm, hooked his neck,
opened her cherry lips slightly, and said softly, "Husband, you are so kind."

Wei Shao grinned and threw off the boot that was still on his other foot with
a thud, and lay down with her.

"Go to sleep, I'm not going out."

he said.

A few days later, Jia Xi was finally able to see Wei Shao's face and asked
for follow-up.
That night, he hurriedly led people to do the hard work of digging three feet
all night, and then sent people to guard the excavated things, waiting left
and right, but could not wait for the follow-up of the prince.

After waiting for so many days, I couldn't help but ask.

"Dug it out? Bury it back."

Wei Shao just remembered and said casually.

Wei Shao stayed in Jinyang for only five or six days when he received
news from Xihe County.

Feng Zhao really gathered his troops again, and now he is coming back to
Shang County.

On that day, Gongsun Yang and Yuan Wangxue formed an alliance, and
when the Beihe people were singing and dancing, the messenger Diaomo
who came to deliver the letter was very boring.

Diao Mo did not give up, and then personally brought a generous gift to
meet Yuan Wang in Beihe territory. Apologize to him for what he did that
day, and try to persuade him to unite with himself. Even if you don't go out,
don't rely on the Han people.

Yuan Wang has a sparse and broad-minded personality throughout his life,
and has never been warlike. The older you get, the more stable you are.
Besides, knowing from Yuan's mouth what Diao Mo had done to his
grandson, how could he possibly nod his head? I didn't even show my face,
and I didn't see him because of illness. Please go back with a gift.

Diaomo continued to persuade the other Qiang people to join forces with
him. However, since Beihe had surrendered to Wei Shao and obtained a
contract with Wei Shao, the rest of the tribes were also excited, and Diao
Mo ran around, but there were few responders. He was not discouraged.
After returning, he was determined to wait for the opportunity.

Another battle is inevitable.

Xihe County is a place of military strategists, and it is really inappropriate to

bring Xiao Qiao too. Wei Shao said goodbye to her again, and then
returned to Xihe County.

This is three months.

When the season entered July of this year, Xiao Qiao received the latest
letter from Wei Shao.

He told her in the letter that in the battle of Anding County half a month
ago, Feng Zhao was defeated and Liangzhou was completely lost, and he
had taken over.

The burning of the Qiang people continued to stubbornly resist, but it was
not a cause for concern. He estimated that he would soon be able to end
the war and return to Jinyang.

"I miss you, and you entered my dream again last night. But I don't know
who the lord in your dream is?"
At the end of the letter, he said this in a half-joking, half-sour tone.

Xiao Qiao read the letter several times, and the corners of her mouth slowly
turned up. Sitting alone by the window, he took a pen and sent him a reply.

In the middle of writing the letter, Chunniang suddenly came in from

outside, with a solemn expression, and whispered in her ear, "Miss, guess
who is here in Jinyang?"

Xiao Qiao looked at her and saw that she looked disgusted, like something
unclean. He smiled and said, "Jinyang has people coming in and out every
day. Who made Chunniang so unhappy?"

Chunniang snorted and said, "Who else is there? That Mrs. Su, Mrs. Zuo
Fengyi! She came to Jinyang without being invited!"

Xiao Qiao slowly put down the pen.

Su Ehuang, who has been missing for a long time, actually came to
Jinyang now?

Originally, Xiao Qiao had not thought of this woman for some time. But at
this moment, with her sudden arrival, many memories of the past life
between this woman and her current husband Wei Shao flashed out again
like a lantern.

It is not surprising that she can come to Jinyang smoothly. If she left
Youzhou and returned to Zhongshan Country after the last Luli Conference,
then from Zhongshan Country to Jinyang, it would be Wei Shao's territory
all the way, so it would be relatively safe.
Besides, she can't travel alone.

As for her purpose, Xiao Qiao knew without guessing that it must be for
Wei Shao.

"When did she come and where does she live now?"

Xiao Qiao was taken aback for a moment and asked.

"Arrived yesterday. Lives in the post house. With a lot of servants and
maids, it's neat."

Chunniang said in a disgusting tone.

Chapter 111: 28

The next day, Xiao Qiao received a letter of greeting from Emperor Su E.
Said that she went south to Luoyang, passed through Jinyang, and learned
that Xiao Qiao was also here.

Chunniang said, "The lady doesn't need to pay attention to it."

Xiao Qiao said: "I'm fine too. Since she's here, she also voted for her, so it
doesn't matter if she meets."

Chunniang was stunned for a moment, and she glanced at Xiao Qiao
quietly. Seeing that she had a smile on her face and her expression as
usual, she turned around and went out to answer.

After Chunniang left, Xiao Qiao abandoned the half-written reply from
yesterday. I wrote a new letter. After I said a few words about my current
situation in the letter, I also said in a mocking tone, Mengfu-jun is very
honored to have me in his dreams every night. Is there another gentleman?

At the end of the letter, she added another note: I heard that Liu Su's wife,
Mrs. Feng Yigong's wife Yu Jia, also arrived in Jinyang a few days ago. I
came from a long way, and I know that my husband has an old friendship
with Liu Su, so I don’t dare to neglect. Husband can be at ease and don't
have to worry about it.

After writing the letter, when the ink was dry, she rolled it up and put it in the
letterbox, and asked the messenger who came yesterday to take it on the

Xiao Qiao met Su Ehuang, who came to visit, in a side hall of the back
house of the government office.

After the Luli Conference at the end of last year, Su Ehuang left Yuyang.
Nearly a year has passed. She still looks the same as Xiao Qiao

As soon as I saw Xiao Qiao, I first praised Xiao Qiao for being more
beautiful than before. He smiled and said, "Do you know why I keep calling
the lady as my sister? Apart from the fact that I have a relationship with the
old lady and had contacts with Zhonglin when I was young, so I felt you
were close, and it was also when I saw other people's homes that my sister
and sister came out. Then they traveled together, entered the palace
together, were intimate, and had always yearned for it. However, I was the
only daughter in my family, and it was inevitable that I would regret it.
Seeing such a refined and refined sister, I am envious of beauty, and I am a
few years older than my sister. Tuoda is screaming, my sister won't laugh at
me, right?"

Xiao Qiao invited her to be seated and said with a smile, "Why does
Madam have to be so self-effacing. Who in the world does not know
Madam Yulou's reputation? I am only a housewife. I used to be in Yuyang,
and I was busy feeding the old lady and me all day long. Mother-in-law.
When I got here, I only knew how to serve my husband wholeheartedly. I
don’t know anything about it. How can I afford such a beautiful lady? As for
calling me, it’s a small matter. "

Su Ehuang looked at Xiao Qiao with a smile on his face, but the smile
stagnated slightly.

Last year, in Zhongshan, she met Qiao Nu for the first time. Although the
two have met several times so far, Mrs. Xu is always nearby.

Su Ehuang noticed that Qiao Nv was silent most of the time, and there
were few conversations with herself.

It was during these few brief encounters that Su Ehuang secretly estimated
that Wei Shao was a wife from the Qiao family in Yanzhou.

Young, beautiful, and Madam Xu likes her, this is the biggest advantage of
Qiao Nu.

Wei Shao has a deep hatred for the Qiao family, and marrying her has
another purpose. Nv Qiao herself has no edge at all, and her temperament
is as gentle as white water. She is like a shadow behind Mrs. Xu - these are
all the disadvantages of Qiao Nu.

Young and beautiful, Mrs. Xu likes her, these might make Wei Shao stay in
Qiao's bed for a few more nights. But for such a woman, Su Ehuang didn't
believe that she could hold Wei Shao's heart.

What's more, compared with Qiao Nu's disadvantages, how much can her
advantages weigh in Wei Shao's mind?

Therefore, Emperor Su E has always been very confident in his return.

She has also analyzed her own strengths and weaknesses since a few
years ago, when she slowly turned her attention back to Wei Shao, her old
friend from her girlhood.

When she was young, she abandoned him and got married again, but this
year she is getting older, which is her disadvantage.

But she also has an advantage, and this advantage is unique, and no one
else can have it: what kind of temperament Wei Shao is, what he likes, and
what he hates, no one knows better than her.

In the eyes of the world, Wei Shao treated his enemies with cruelty, which
made people shudder.

But Emperor Su E knew how sincere he was to those who had fallen into
his heart, and he couldn't let it go.
No one knew better than her the pain that the death of his father and
brother had caused him. It was because of hurting his loved ones that he
gnashed his teeth at the enemy to such a degree.

Therefore, Su Ehuang's confidence is not without reason.

When Wei Shao was twelve years old when his father and brother
changed, and she was seriously injured and was bedridden for half a year,
she was always caring for him and comforting him in every possible way.

With this kind of affection, ten Qiao women can't compare with him.

What's more, Su Ehuang still remembers it clearly. Later, she married

Luoyang, and before she left, she wanted to find an opportunity to say
goodbye to him.

She had someone send him a message and asked him to come out to

Although Wei Shao did not attend the appointment at that time. But the
fifteen-year-old boy asked her messenger to convey his words.

He said that only the blessings of Mann from afar are endless.

Although there is only such a simple sentence, Su Ehuang has learned

countless teenagers' thoughts from it.

So for today's meeting with Nv Qiao, Su Ehuang has actually been

preparing for a long time and looking forward to it for a long time.

As for Mrs. Xu, since she missed a hit, she naturally wouldn't be stupid
enough to hit it hard.
She can go the other way.

After waiting patiently for so long, she felt that the time was almost right,
and finally came here.

This time, she will face Wei Shao face to face. This time, it was also the
first time between her and the Qiao woman Wei Shao married without
Madam Xu's presence.

This is a battlefield. Like a man's battlefield, the final result is **** corpse,
but the weapon is an invisible knife.

As soon as the scene started, Su Ehuang knew that she had hit a wall. Her
opening remarks that sounded friendly, but actually implied provocation,
seemed ridiculous to Qiao Nu's answer.

What made Su Ehuang even more alert was that for a while, she couldn't
see Qiao Nv's answer, whether it was the needle hidden in the cotton, or
her natural thought.

For the first time, she felt that when she called Qiao Nu by the title of
"sister", she actually seemed a little stupid.

But now it can't be changed.

In the blink of an eye, Su E Huang passed countless thoughts in his heart,

but his face did not show any signs, and continued to talk and laugh. After
some gossip, he suddenly said: "I also mentioned a sentence in my letter to
my sister yesterday. I wanted to go south to Luoyang, and when I passed
through this place, I was very surprised to learn that my sister was also
there. It would be rude to think about it and not see it. Excuse me by
posting. I heard that Zhonglin is now in Pingxi. When Yuyang came here,
thousands of miles away, his sister actually followed him all the way to
serve. It is really a blessing for Zhonglin to be so virtuous. He was so busy
with his own affairs that he kept his sister It's a bit lonely to be alone here.
It's just that men are no better than us women, and they can only see the
sky above the yard. Besides, I have known Zhonglin since childhood, and I
have grown up together. I know that he has lofty aspirations and is very
talented. And, I'm afraid I've neglected the woman's mind. My sister, don't
blame him."

Chunniang said with a smile: "Madam is really considerate. Originally, it

was not easy for a maid to tell outsiders about the affairs of our female and
male lords. Since madam is not an outsider, the maid will talk a little bit
more, so as to make madam feel at ease. Madam I don't know, my
lady-in-law is different from the women next to me. The women next to me
can't wait to stick to the man's side and stare at them all the time, for fear
that the fence at home is not properly tied, and a wrong eye will be called a
shameless wild dog. I got into it. My daughter-in-law never thought about
this. At the beginning of the year, the man came to Jinyang, but the woman
was reluctant to come with him at first. The men have been on the road for
a few days, and they came back in the middle of the night. Walk with him.
The lady came with the man. Here, although the man was busy with the
war, the messengers kept coming and going. Just yesterday, the man sent
another letter. It's funny, the messenger Every time he sends a letter, he
must wait here, if there is no reply from the female lord, he will not dare to
go back, lest he will be reprimanded by the male lord if he returns
"Chunniang! In front of Madam, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Xiao Qiao frowned slightly and interrupted Chunniang.

Chunniang hurriedly said: "The maid was afraid that Mrs. Liu would be
worried, so she talked more. The maid didn't say anything." After speaking,
she closed her mouth.

Xiao Qiao looked at Su Ehuang and smiled apologetically, "My wet nurse is
too talkative, making my wife laugh."

Su Ehuang's gaze slowly moved back from Chunniang's face, and she
smiled and said, "Where! Zhonglin and his sister are so affectionate, they
are envious of others..."

When Su Ehuang was sent out of the gate of the government office, when
he got into the carriage and went back to the post house, his heart was
beating, and his rhythm was a little out of tune.

Her hands were also a little cold.

Fang Cairen was inside, although she was still laughing with Qiao Nuyan,
but her heart was a little confused.

The words that came out of Chunniang's mouth disturbed her mind.

The purpose of her visit this time was to explore the truth of Qiao's
daughter again.

Didn't expect this result.

The "wild dog" in Chunniang's mouth alluded to her.

Without the support of Nv Qiao, a servant, even if she is Nv Qiao's nurse,

would never dare to say such words to herself.

It can be seen that Qiao Nv is not as she originally imagined, but only
exists in the Wei family as the shadow of Mrs. Xu. She should have also
realized her purpose of wanting to approach Wei Shao.

this is nothing. Emperor Su E didn't mind, and knew that it was impossible
to keep her purpose hidden all the time.

What disturbed her was the daily life between Wei Shao and Nv Qiao that
the nurse said.

Wei Shao may live in the same room with this Qiao girl and sleep in the
same bed. But Emperor Su E didn't believe that Wei Shao would be so
good with the daughter of the enemy family.

It must be that the wet nurse got her housewife's behest and asked her to
deliberately fabricate it in front of her so that she could retreat.

On the way back, Su Ehuang told herself this over and over in her heart.

When the carriage stopped outside the gate of the post house, her
originally chaotic mood had gradually calmed down again.

As long as she can get close to Wei Shao, she will definitely have the
opportunity to wake up the young man in Wei Shao's heart who once
wished her endless blessings. She is very confident.

"Tell the Yicheng that I have a headache and have to stay to recover."
After entering the post house, Su Ehuang coldly instructed the maid.

Three days ago, Wei Shao received a reply from Xiao Qiao.

Every time I read her letter, it was a very pleasant experience for Wei Shao,
who was going through one battle after another. For this reason, he even
specifically pointed to a messenger, which was only used to transmit
private letters between himself and her.

This is the secret of Junhou, even Gongsun Yang does not know.

Wei Shao always thought her letters were too short. It was gone after a few
moments. So I can't bear to watch it every time. Always read a paragraph,
reminisce about it, and then read the next paragraph.

This time too.

At that time, he carried people behind his back, and slowly read it
paragraph by paragraph, when he read Xiao Qiao said, "Mengfu-jun has
me in his dreams every night, Manman is very honored, how dare there be
anything else in Manman's dream. "Lang Jun?" Wei Shao was quite proud,
as if she had a playful look when she said this, and the corners of her lips
tickled slightly.

He continued to look, and when he saw the end, his eyes suddenly

Su's came to Jinyang? What does she want to do? Man Man shouldn't be
thinking nonsense, right?
In his mind, these three thoughts immediately popped up one after another.

Chapter 112:

Wei Shao's army has now moved to Jingbian where he was attacked by the
poison crossbow last time.

A month ago, after the battle of Anding County, Liangzhou fell into Wei
Shao's hands.

Most of the Qiang tribes in Huangzhong followed in the footsteps of the

Beihe tribe.

Now only the Guyuan area occupied by the Qiang people remains.

Jingbian and Guyuan looked into the distance, the final battle was about to
break out.

As long as Guyuan is established, the three places of Bingzhou, Huangshui

and Liangzhou can be completely connected into one. In the future, I will
take care of the Xiqiang, cut off the communication with the Xiongnu to the
north, and hold the pass of Liangzhou to the west. If you enter, you can go
south, and you can retreat. You can also defend it. With Youzhou and
Jizhou, half of the world will be in Wei Shao’s pocket. .

Gongsun Yang also felt a little unbelievable about the rapid progress made
by the expedition to the west.

Han Fei Ziyun, who is good at opening nets, cited his outline. Gongsun
Yang realized very early that the "gang" in the grand plan of Junhou's
expedition to the west was the Qiang people.
Originally, in his vision, it would take at least a year to reach this stage.
After all, subduing the Qiang people and then defeating Feng Zhao was not
an easy task that could be accomplished overnight.

Unexpectedly, once luck is smooth, it can't be stopped. First, the Beihe

tribe led most of the Qiang tribes in Huangshui to surrender smoothly, and
then the Qiang soldiers in Feng Zhao's army mutinied, and their combat
effectiveness dropped sharply. After two major battles, they completely
surrendered Liangzhou.

The western expedition, which began with Wei Shao's arrival in Jinyang at
the beginning of the year, took only half a year.

Although the Qiang people are fierce and fierce, when Wei Shao personally
led the army to fight against Feng Zhao, he also attacked Shangjun several
times, which brought a lot of pressure to the defenders, but without support,
fighting alone, it was impossible to last for a long time. .

It is only a matter of time before the solid source is laid.

All the soldiers and soldiers under Wei Shao's account were extremely
happy, everyone was eager to fight, looking forward to making
contributions, and the military spirit was extremely excited.

In the big account of the coach, a brief military meeting has just ended.

Wei Shao ordered that Li Chong, Zhang Jian, Wei Liang and the three lead
the three-way army to attack Dangqiang with all their strength, and take
Guyuan completely.
The reason why they decided to launch an active battle against Guyuan so
quickly was not only to use the remnants of the battle at Anding County to
get a boost, but also because last night, they caught a messenger who was
sent by Xing Xun to burn as Qiang.

The messenger brought an imperial decree issued by Xing Xun in the

name of the young emperor, and enshrined Diaomo as the king of Jin

Wei Shao killed the messenger, and today ordered a full-scale attack on
Burning Dangqiang.

From the first day of the first day of the year, before he rushed to the
Luoyang Palace to participate in the Zhengdan celebration, he faintly
announced the break of Youzhou and Luoyang.

And to this day, Xing Xun, who sits in Luoyang, will never continue to watch
him grow further.

And Wei Shao, as a veritable northern hegemon, will really start the first
step of his grand hegemony: challenging the supreme power of Luoyang.

The last battle against Burning Dangqiang is a link between the past and
the future.

The real shadow of war, which is enough to disrupt the general trend of the
world, is coming.

After a major battle, Diao Mo and his Qiang soldiers had less than 2,000
troops left, and were finally surrounded by Wei Shao's army in a barren
grassy beach.

The rest are either dead or captured.

Diao Mo resisted stubbornly, and tried to organize the last cavalry formation
to break out of the encirclement several times, but was blocked by the
arrow formation. The encirclement became smaller and smaller, until the
end of the road, when he wanted to kill himself, he was discouraged by his

In the battle, the Qiang was defeated, the entire cavalry was annihilated,
the vitality was severely damaged, and Diaomo was captured.

Three days later, Diao Mo accepted Gongsun Yang's offer to surrender and
sent a letter of surrender to Wei Shao.

In the book of surrender, he said that the sin was on himself, and he had
nothing to do with his family. Since I was lucky enough to be forgiven by the
prince, I would like the people who lead the family to join me, and I will not
have two hearts.

At this time, Wei Shao had already embarked on the journey back to

After he received the letter from Xiao Qiao more than half a month ago, he
immediately replied with a letter and ordered the messenger to send it

She never replied.

Wei Shao felt a little nervous.

How can he still sit still when the dust of the war is finally settled? After
throwing the aftermath to Gongsun Yang, he set foot on his way back to

His heart was like an arrow, and the thing he wanted to do most now was to
see her as soon as possible.

Wei Shao rushed back to Jinyang in the evening at the end of July.

When his horses went to the city north government office, the speed
gradually slowed down.

In the end, Wei Shao stopped the horse, pondered for a moment beside
the road, turned the horse's head, and went in the other direction.

Su E Huang's head ailment has not been better these days. After returning
from the ya office that day, he could no longer go on the road, and he has
been resting in the post house.

On the first day she stayed in the post house, the post chief knew her
identity through the mouth of her entourage.

Mrs. Zuo Fengyi Gong, this floor is nothing, but she is the widow of a dead
Han family clan with no name.
What really makes Yicheng look different is that she is close to Wei Shao,
the new master of Jinyang, because of her kinship.

The next day she came, she went to visit the reclusive Madam Yanhou.
After she came back, she had a headache, and Mrs. Yan Hou heard the
news and sent a doctor to see her.

It can be seen that the relationship is indeed extraordinary. In addition, Su

Shi's actions were generous, so in the past half a month, when she stayed
and recuperated, the Yicheng served her thoughtfully, and regarded her
very highly.

In the evening of that day, Yi Cheng hurried to the back hall, came to a
clean and quiet room, and knocked on the door.

Su Ehuang's maid opened the door, revealing her face, and the courier
said, "Marquis Yan is here! I'm in the front hall at the moment, please come
over and talk."

When Yicheng said these words, his attitude was respectful.

I really didn't expect it. This Mrs. Zuo Fengyi was actually able to work for
Yanhou Dajia to come here in person. It seems that the friendship is indeed
very good.

The maid asked the postmaster to wait later, turned back inside, and
repeated the words.

Su Ehuang was lying on the side of the bed, with one arm supporting his
neck, eyes closed, as if falling asleep. A maid knelt by her side and lightly
beat her legs and feet.
She opened her eyes. He tried his best to suppress his accelerated
heartbeat, and said, "Tell him to tell Marquis Yan that I have a headache.
Can Marquis Yan be invited to speak?"

The maid went out to spread the word, and she returned: "Yi Cheng said
that he has mentioned that his wife is here to recuperate. Yan Hou said that
if his wife is too weak to meet at this moment, he will come back another

Su E Huang said: "No need. Ask him to spread the word, and I will go to
see you after a while."

After the postmaster left, Su Ehuang quickly turned over from the couch.
Under the service of the maid, she changed into a thin water-red silk shirt
that she had prepared many days ago, and a delicate cymbidium
embroidered on the front of her neck was lying obediently on her plump
chest, which caught people's eyes. A long thin belt was tied around her
waist, and a jade pendant was hanging down. This dress completely
showed the mature beauty of her figure. Looking into the mirror, she dyed a
light rouge on her cheeks and lips, but instead of brushing her hair, she
loosened a few strands of hair on the temples and hung them down, as if
she had just left the quilt a moment ago. A bit lazy and sickly.

Su Ehuang finally took a look at herself in the glasses, and with the support
of the two maids left and right, she went out of the room.

She stepped into the hall and saw the back of a man standing before the
wide open west window.
A dim red sunset slanted in from the window, shrouded the man, and
projected a long figure on the ground, making him more and more stalwart.

He seemed to be looking into the distance, or thinking about something in a

trance, his back didn't move at all.

Since three years ago, Su Ehuang has been deliberately trying to get close
to the man she once abandoned.

But until now, she really had the chance to meet him face to face again like
this, with no one nearby.

Su Ehuang took a deep breath and was about to open his mouth to call him
when Wei Shao had turned around and walked towards her quickly,
stopped in the middle of the room a few arms away from her, and his eyes
fell directly on her face He said, "How is Madam's health? I haven't been in
Jinyang a while ago. I received a letter from my wife. She mentioned
Madam in the letter.

His tone was unusual. Su E Huang was slightly startled.

She had imagined many kinds of openings when she met Wei Shao and
the two were alone.

But there is no such situation.

A "wife" in his mouth was inserted in the middle.

The news of his arrival was relayed to Wei Shao through the mouth of his

In her heart, a sense of discomfort like being humiliated slowly poured out.
She stared at Wei Shao for a moment, then said slowly, "My head disease
has tormented me for many years since I got married. Whenever I am in a
bad mood, I will have an attack. When I have an attack, life is better than
death. It didn't work. Later, I met a genius doctor, who gave me a
prescription, told me to take the pills according to the prescription, and take
the pills when I was sick, so that I could relieve pain. I asked the genius
doctor about the cause, and the genius doctor said that this is a heart
disease, and the medicine stone relieves the pain, but There is no cure.
Only when the heart disease is removed can it be cured."

Wei Shao stared at her: "In this way, Madam should pay more attention to
the maintenance of nature on weekdays, and don't worry about everything.
I came here to ask Madam, how is your recovery?"

Su Ehuang was a little unsure of what he meant by asking this, he

hesitated for a while, and said, "It's almost the same after taking a break for
so many days..."

Wei Shao nodded: "That's very good. Didn't Madam say to go to Luoyang?
How about tomorrow? I will send someone here early tomorrow to ****
Madam on the road to Luoyang."

Su Ehuang was stunned for a moment, and said, "I was lying down when
Caiyi Cheng came to spread the word. I was naturally weak and didn't want
to leave the room, but when I heard that the prince was here, Fang
struggled to get up. I'm afraid I still won't be able to go out tomorrow..."

Wei Shao nodded again: "That's fine. That Madam recuperates in peace.
When the day gets better, I will send someone a message to my wife, and
then I will send someone to **** Madam on the road. Madam is not feeling
well, so let's go back to the room. "

After saying that, Wei Shao turned around and left.

Su E Huang fixedly looked at his back, and when he was about to step out
of the room, he chased a few steps up and said dumbly: "Erlang, you really
didn't ask at all, why did I abandon you and marry another? Why am I
having a headache, and even my voice is ruined?"

Chapter 113: 29

Wei Shao's footsteps stopped slightly.

"I didn't come here to listen to the old lady's story, and it's not appropriate
for the lady to tell me."

He turned his head slowly.

"Sister Su, you've been through Jinyang this time, and you've been here for
a while. If it's really because of your physical discomfort, you should have a
good time to recuperate. It's just..."

His two eyes fell straight on Su Ehuang's gradually pale face, and stopped
for a moment.

"If you have other plans, listen to me, it's better to get on the road as soon
as possible. I'm no longer the Erlang, and now I have a wife, and she is
very fond of me, and I don't want to cause trouble and make her unhappy in
any way. ."

"That's all I have to say, and you should recuperate."

He went like this, and never looked back like this.

Su Ehuang stood stiffly, her eyes were straight, her skin seemed to be
soaked in ice water, and a thin coldness slowly penetrated into her bone
marrow and hit her.

If her teeth hadn't been clenched tightly, I'm afraid they would have begun
to tremble at this moment.

Her heart was slowly seized by panic, a kind of panic that was completely
beyond her expectations.

She originally thought that, no matter what, as long as she could get a
chance to talk to him alone, she would be able to take him in the direction
she wanted.

But she never imagined that from the first sentence Wei Shao uttered,
things completely out of her expectations.

There is nothing wrong with men in the world. Emperor Su E knew this very
well. Therefore, Wei Shao married Qiao's daughter, and it has only been
more than a year of effort. Out of freshness, she may also like her flesh.

Su Ehuang had already prepared for this.

What she never expected was that Wei Shao's first sentence was to send
her away. Not only that, but even in front of her, she said the words "she is
very fond of me".
Could it be that the words that came out of the mouth of that cheap maid
Chunniang that day were true?

Emperor Su E couldn't accept it, he couldn't accept it at all.

Could it be that Qiao Nv forced Wei Shao to drive her away? Otherwise, if
he really hates himself, why is his attitude so pleasant, and he even offered
to send someone to **** him to Luoyang?

Wei Shao must still have feelings for himself!

Maybe it's just that he hurt the young man too deeply, so that his heart is
still difficult to understand, and this is why Qiao Nv took advantage of the
situation to lure him with lust. The death of Wei Shao's father and brother
was inseparable from the treachery of the Qiao family back then! At that
time, the twelve-year-old boy had experienced the pain that others could
not sympathize with, but she was there, and she could see it clearly with
her own eyes, almost as if she had experienced it firsthand.

Not to mention, half a year later, when he was finally able to go to the
ground, the first thing he did was to kneel before the ancestors in the
temple and swear a ruthless oath that he would destroy his enemies in the
future to comfort the souls of his father and brother!

At that time, the fierce look in his eyes was still fresh in her memory.

How could such a Wei Shao be so obsessed with the enemy's daughter
that he couldn't extricate himself?

She doesn't believe it, she doesn't believe it.

Let her think about it, think about it... She will definitely be able to come up
with a solution...

"Aunt! What happened to Marquis Yan just now? Why is your face so

Su Xin, who had been hiding all along, stepped forward quickly and
supported Su Ehuang, a little apprehensive.

Su Ehuang's eyes were still straight, as if she hadn't heard it, she didn't

Su Xin secretly glanced at Su Ehuang's expression, his heart became more

and more empty, and he hesitantly said: "He came, wouldn't it be...
Knowing about the previous Yuyang incident?"

Su Ehuang fought a cold war, and suddenly raised his eyes and stared at
Su Xin.

"What are you talking nonsense about? What is the so-called Yuyang

Word by word, she lowered her voice, her eyes instantly turned cold and
full of chills.

Su Xin hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, it's my nephew who is confused! How is
your aunt? Why is your face so ugly? My nephew is very worried."

Su E Huang only felt that the buzzing sound in his ears was gradually
increasing, and the muscle tendons on one side of the temple seemed to
be pulling, his body swayed slightly, closed his eyes, grabbed with one
hand from the air, and grabbed it indiscriminately. One of Su Xin's arms
stopped for a while, and muttered, "I have a headache, help me go back to
lie down, I want to take a break."

Her hands were cold and slippery, without the slightest temperature, but
their strength was unusually large, and her nails were deeply carved into
Su Xin's flesh.

Across the clothes, Su Xin's arm was suddenly hurt by her pinching, but he
didn't dare to make a sound, and was busy calling out to the maid.

The maid hurried to help. Su Xin took the opportunity to get out of his arms,
sent Emperor Su E back to his room, and laid down.

Su Ehuang closed her eyes and did not move, as if she had fallen asleep.
Su Xinfang turned around, tiptoed out, and when he reached the door, he
heard a voice behind him: "I have nothing to do. Zhong Linfang returned to
Jinyang, knowing that I was here, and came immediately to chat with me
and ask me to recuperate. I left in a hurry because of other important
things. You can rest assured that everything is under my control. "

Su Xin turned back. Su Ehuang's eyes were still closed, and his expression
became calm. He made two nods, went out the door, and lifted up his
sleeves. She had already pinched five deep nail prints on his arm. Fang
secretly hissed and raised his hand to rub a few times.

Xiao Qiao loves cleanliness, not to mention that it is hot in the middle of
summer, and the weather is bitter and hot, so she sweats when she moves,
and naturally she takes a bath every day.

After having dinner that day, after digestion, the sky will also be dark, so I
take a bath as usual.

Chunniang used to serve her personally. Since the shocking incident

happened at the beginning of the year, even though half a year has
passed, she still accompanies her every step of the way.

Xiao Qiao was immersed in the water, only her shoulders were exposed,
her freshly washed crow's long hair was gathered in front of her, and was
placed in front of her small and increasingly rounded breast. She ran her
fingers around the wet hair and played a few times, and heard Chunniang
say behind her: "If the man returns this time, the woman must stay with him
for a longer time! The marriage time is not too short, old man. Although
there is no urging on the other side, I am afraid they are thinking about it
every day."

Chunniang has always stubbornly believed that the old lady deliberately
went to Wuji City with the Zhu family at the beginning of the year, just to
want the male gentleman to accompany the female gentleman, so that the
female gentleman can spread branches and leaves for the Wei family
earlier. But the two of them are always separated. Up to now, the lady is
still quiet and has no news at all. Why is she not impatient?

Little Joe hummed.

"That Mrs. Su, the maid asked someone to take a look at it today, and she's
still taking care of her illness there! How could there be such a brazen

Chunniang thought of that Su family, and her heart felt like a piece of mud
was stuck in her heart. Rubbing Xiao Qiao's beautiful back, he continued,
"Never underestimate the lady! She has an old relationship with the man,
and just because of this, she is more reliant than others. Not to mention,
just like her. , There must be something special in the bed. Men in the world
like women like her so much. You were young at that time, I didn't know
that there was a concubine in front of your uncle, and he had the ability to
handle men like this. Before the woman came, he went to your aunt's room
for about ten nights in a month. Later, when he got the woman, he seemed
to be holding a treasure. Not to mention your aunt, he was in the
concubine's room next to him. Very rarely, the woman fell ill and died, and
he was still sad for some days. The woman was only a prostitute, so why
was she so favored? It was because of her ability to serve men! Although
this Su family was of noble birth, she was only a maid. At a glance, you can
tell that she must have experienced a lot, and why can't she let it go?"

Joe was silent.

"The maid shouldn't have said these things in front of the female lord, it will
contaminate the female lord's ears. I am just afraid that the female lord is
young and indifferent and does not understand these twists and turns, and
if you neglect it, you will suffer a loss. It's here to wait for the man to return.
If she can do it with a slap in the face, and the man takes into account the
relationship he had with her when he was a teenager, if she takes the
opportunity to take advantage of the loophole, if she can't keep the man..."

Chunniang glanced at Xiao Qiao. Seeing her bowing her head, she used a
tender white finger to wrap around a lock of hair, wrap it around and loosen
it again and again. Thinking about whether what she said just now would
scare her, she quickly changed her tone and coaxed: "Don't let the maid
frighten the maid. I just reminded me. The beauty of the maid is
unparalleled. It really hurts when you hold it in your hand. When the man
comes back, the woman will be easy to win over, so don't give others a
chance, even ten Su women will discipline her to go away!"

Chunniang's mouth was dry, but Xiao Qiao kept silent. Chunniang was a
little anxious: "Be careful, the maid said so much, did you listen?"

Xiao Qiao's thoughts drifted to the box she touched when she first arrived
at Wei's house.

In these days, with the reappearance of Emperor Su E, the unpleasant

memories that the box once brought her gradually emerged clearly.

Chunniang became anxious. Xiao Qiao turned back and said, "I heard it, I

Chunniang just smiled. When she got to Xiao Qiao, she untied the few
strands of hair that were wrapped around her fingers, took a dry towel,
wiped the moisture from her hair, and put it on the top of her head, her eyes
swept across her. Half exposed outside the water, Bai Shengsheng's
breasts, which are now more and more painful, sighed: "Just now I always
talked about the man. The war on the man's side is about to end, right? It's
not easy to think about him. The female gentleman came here at the
beginning of the year, and half a year has passed in a blink of an eye. In
the past six months, the male gentleman stayed in the city to live a stable
life for a few days, and was always in the army outside. I think it is also
distressed. There is no one to accompany you. There are always so many
gatherings and separations, and I don’t know when it will end…”

Suddenly, the door of the bathroom was knocked on from the outside.

Chunniang thought it was a maid, and turned to ask, "What's the matter?
The lady hasn't left the bath yet."

"it's me."

A calm man's voice came in.

Chunniang recognized Wei Shao's voice and was overjoyed. She glanced
at Xiao Qiao, shook her shoulder as if to cheer her up, and hurried over to
open the door.

Wei Shao leaned against the door casually.

Chunniang suppressed the joy in her heart, and bowed to call him: "Men
returned? When did you return? Was it **** the road?"

"Fang talent."

Wei Shao only responded briefly, then turned his gaze to Xiao Qiao who
was still in the tub, and walked in with his feet raised.

Chunniang hurried out and closed the door by the way. There were only
two of them left in the bathroom.
Wei Shao walked to Xiao Qiao's bathtub, stopped, and looked down at her
in the water.

Xiao Qiao raised her face slightly, looked at him for a moment, leaned back
gently against the wall of the barrel, and the person also slid down, letting
the water cover the incense shoulder.

"Why didn't you tell me in advance when my husband came back? So that I
can be prepared." She said softly.

Wei Shao squatted down slowly, across the wall of the tub, at eye level with

"come over!"

Xiao Qiao said, "What do you do?"

Wei Shao stared at her wet face, which was covered in mist and moisture:
"Come closer to me."

Xiao Qiao bit her lip, and a pair of jade arms stretched out from the water
wetly, clinging to the wall of the tub, and Shushui slowly approached him,
and finally got close to him, facing his side. He leaned against the wall of
the barrel with his arms, looked back and said coquettishly, "It's over here!"

Wei Shao's gaze fell from her cheeks down her neck and down her
shoulders, staying on the snow-white back she showed him. After staring at
her for a while, her Adam's apple rolled, and suddenly she stretched out
her arms and hugged her. She lowered her head and opened her mouth to
bite her two beautiful shoulder blades that were shaped like butterfly wings.
Xiao Qiao's bones seemed to be crisped by him, so he could only shrink his
neck and try to hide from his mouth, but he couldn't help but laugh.

Wei Shao closed his eyes, without showing any pity, just rubbing against
her with his rough stubble cheeks, feeling the softness and warmth of her
skin, on her tender shoulders and back skin. , wiped out a red mark. He
heard her squeaks of joy and some pain due to the pain, and the pain of
missing her for the past few months seemed to be finally relieved.

He dragged her out of the water like a fish, and the two hugged and rolled
over on the wet ground.

Afterwards, Wei Shao carried Xiao Qiao, who had become a soft ball on the
ground, back into the water, and ordered her to sit on his waist and
abdomen. He leaned back against the wall of the tub, and asked her with a
sullen face, "Last time I gave her In your letter, I asked you to reply quickly.
Why didn't you reply?"

Chapter 114:

Xiao Qiao turned her head away from his face: "I don't want to go back. So
I won't go back!"

Wei Shao sucked in a breath of cold air, then hissed, raised his head and
pinched her chin, brought her face back, and forced her to look at him.

After looking at her for a moment, he raised his eyebrows again, and his
expression revealed a hint of smugness: "Could it be that you don't believe
what I said in my heart, thinking that I still have contacts with the Su family?
Are you annoyed?"
Xiao Qiao frowned slightly, and with a "pop", he patted the hand that was
holding his chin, got up from him, climbed out of the bucket, and grabbed a
hanging dry towel bag. He stopped and was about to go out, when he
heard a clatter behind him, Wei Shao rolled over from the water, hugged
her from behind, and said, "Actually, I've already seen her just now."

Xiao Qiao was startled and slowly turned her head.

He looked over with dark eyes, and there was a slight smile in his eyes.

Xiao Qiao suddenly struggled and beat his arm: "You went to see her first
when you came back, what did you say in front of me?"

Wei Shao laughed loudly, carried her out of the bathroom with a smack,
and sent her to the bed covered with an ivory mat, holding her hands that
were clenched into fists.

"When I went to see her, it wasn't as you thought, the old relationship was
hard to break. Not to mention that I had nothing to do with her before, if
there was, it would have passed by long ago. I just want to send her away

Xiao Qiao stopped struggling and looked at him with wide eyes.

"Really?" a sentence came out of her mouth.

Wei Shao liked her dull appearance and pinched her nose: "Really. It's

He hesitated for a while, and said: "It's just that she said that her illness is
not cured. She can't leave for a while. Manman, I will not hide it from you.
Before she got married, she used to come and go in my house from time to
time, and she took care of me for a while. It's been a long time. I still have
some affection for me. Now that she said that, no matter if it's true or not, I
can't force her away..."

There was a hint of embarrassment in his expression.

Xiao Qiao looked at him for a moment.

Obviously, his vague mention of "for a while and took care of him for a long
time" should be referring to what happened when he was twelve years old.

To be honest, the first thing he did when he came back was to be afraid
that he would mind, and wanted to send Emperor Su E away, which
surprised Xiao Qiao.

"Forget it, I understand! I didn't tell you to drive her away immediately!" She
said generously.

Wei Shao seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and squeezed her cheek
gently, "Aren't you angry anymore?"

Xiao Qiao wrinkled her nose: "When did I ever get angry?"

Wei Shao sneered and sneered at her: "You said that you're not angry!
Chunniang already felt bad for me, but you didn't feel bad for me at all, but
you were ruthless and deliberately didn't reply to my letter!"

Xiao Qiao stayed for a while, then came back and opened his eyes
suddenly: "Did you eavesdrop on the outside?"

Wei Shao snorted and said sternly, "Nonsense! Do I need to eavesdrop?"

Xiao Qiao clenched her fists and slapped his shoulder again, was caught
by Wei Shao, pinned it firmly to the top of her head, rolled over and pressed
against her, murmured: "Chunniang asked you to get around me, and I
heard you agree. What are you going to do? How to do it, eh?"

Xiao Qiao's cheeks were flushed with shame, and when she closed her
eyes and kept shaking her head, Wei Shao deeply kissed her mouth.

Wei Shao hadn't touched a woman for several months, and he came back
victorious, with the anger that was like before the top of a volcano was
lifted. That time in the bathroom just now was just a lead, how could she
easily let it go when she pressed her into bed this time. It was until late at
night, Xiao Qiao was exhausted by his tossing, and at the end, she couldn't
help humming and crying again. Wei Shao's favorite seemed to be her
appearance. down.

Xiao Qiao is very tired, but she still can't sleep.

There was a thought in my heart that was circling repeatedly, and it was
quiet at this moment, and it was like a stick in my throat. I have never
wanted to say it like this moment.

She quietly opened her eyes and looked at Wei Shao beside her.

He closed his eyes and looked like he was still asleep. However, she
seemed to sense that she was secretly looking at him. She didn't open her
eyes, but the corners of her lips were slightly raised. She touched her, and
said vaguely, "Didn't you just cry and ask me to let you go. Still not

Xiao Qiao gathered up his courage and said, "Husband, can I ask, what
exactly is in the mahogany box with the Jiugong lock at home?"

Wei Shao's hand, which was stroking her warm and soft skin, suddenly
stopped, opened his eyes slowly, and met Xiao Qiao's.

In his eyes, at first, there seemed to be a trace of the love and affection
from a moment ago, and the light in his eyes seemed a little hazy. He
stared at her for a while, and the trace of affection seemed to slowly
disappear and became clearer.

"Didn't you say you're tired? Ask this for what. Go to sleep!"

He hugged Xiao Qiao, closed his eyes again, and his tone was a little

Little Joe stared at his face.

"If your husband doesn't tell me, then I'll guess it myself." She said softly.

"Originally, I always thought that the box contained a token related to the
Su family. But later, I gradually felt different. At this moment, I am more
certain that the box hidden should not be related to the Su family. Since It
has nothing to do with the Su Clan, I accidentally made my husband's
anger in the past, I thought about it, maybe it should be..."

She stopped.
Wei Shao slowly opened his eyes again and looked at her: "It's some relics
that my father left me back then. I've told you, I'm ready to sleep, right?"

His tone was a little cold.

That box, he had always placed it in a conspicuous place before, in order to

remind himself at all times, not to forget the death of his father and brother
that year. Only by being strong can you kill people, not be killed by them.
After the Jiugong Lock incident, Wei Shao put away the box.

He was in a good mood tonight.

Expedition to Xibei's scheduled plan achieved the goal ahead of schedule.

He is one step closer to his grand ambition to compete in the world.

The news that the Su family came to Jinyang, which had bothered him for a
few days, was easily resolved because of Xiao Qiao's understanding.

The woman he was delighted with also became more and more intimate
with him. The heartwarming love that just ended made him feel extremely
satisfied physically and mentally.

Everything made him happy.

But okay, she suddenly mentioned the box that he was still unwilling to talk
to her about, which made Wei Shao feel a little disappointed, and faintly
raised his guard.

He had a feeling that she wanted to take this opportunity to make a request
to himself that he didn't want to touch up until now.

He stared at her with a hint of unpleasant displeasure in his eyes.

Sure enough, as she had guessed, she was wrong before.

It wasn't because of Su Ehuang, but because the box contained the most
painful memories of his boyhood, and it was only because of him that he
had such a big reaction to his touch before.

Seeing him staring at him, Xiao Qiao seemed to be a little wary, he let out a
breath slowly, raised his finger, stroked his eyebrows gently, and said, "I
feel at ease in this way. Concealed my husband, I always thought that the
box was the belongings of Su Nv that my husband kept. My husband did
not allow me to touch it. I accidentally moved, and my husband was furious
at me. I felt a little sad. It turned out that I had misunderstood. Since it was
My father-in-law's relic, no matter how my husband scolds me, I should
bear it."

She leaned towards him slowly, put a kiss on his lips, pressed her forehead
to his, and whispered softly, "Husband doesn't know anything, in fact, I
envy Su Clan very much, who accompanied my husband when he was
young. I was only three or four years old when my grandfather broke the
covenant and my husband, father and brother died in battle, and my
husband himself was seriously injured. I was only an ignorant child. God
blesses me, and now my husband has become the person by my pillow. As
long as my husband can relieve the pain in my heart a little, I am willing to
do anything."

The invisible armor of vigilance that had been erected all over Wei Shao's
body slowly faded away inch by inch in Xiao Qiao's babble, and his heart
became soft again. She, went to ask for her kiss, her breathing gradually
became faster again, and she took possession of her body again.

The next day, Wei Shao and Xiao Qiao slept very late before getting up.
Stayed in the room for a day, never leaving. Hearing that in the past six
months, Xiao Qiao has almost never left the gate of the government office.
He usually copies scriptures in the back house, often for half a day. So far,
he has copied several scriptures, and Wei Shao is very distressed. The
next day, I took her out and went on a horse-riding trip in the western
suburbs of Jinyang. I came back in the evening, and the doorman said that
during the day, Mrs. Zuo Fengyi had sent someone to come to the door,
and asked Junhou to go to the post, saying that there was a business
meeting. It was told that Junhou and his wife were out, and that person left.
Before leaving, he left a message, saying that the lady has something
important, and you must ask Junhou to come over after knowing it.

Wei Shao didn't say much at that time, and brought Xiao Qiao inside.

Xiao Qiao glanced at his expression: "Husband going?"

Wei Shao hesitated and looked at her.

Xiao Qiao sighed inwardly, but with a smile on his face, when he raised his
hand to take it back, a wild flower picked on the roadside in the western
suburbs lightly tapped the bridge of his nose, and said, "What's so
embarrassing about this? If you have something to do, wouldn't it be more
convenient to invite her here to talk, why do you need to go to the post
Wei Shao's eyes lit up slightly, smiled, and hugged her and said, "Manman
is the most close to me." Immediately, he asked someone to go to the post
house to spread the word, and asked Su Ehuang to come to the
government office to speak.

"Auntie, to go or not to go?"

Su Xin looked at Su Ehuang, waiting for her answer.

Su Ehuang's face was a little ugly at first, but gradually, he recovered his
original expression, and after a moment of trance, he said, "Why don't you

The next day, Wei Shao was neatly dressed, and in an open hall in the front
hall of the government office, he saw Su Ehuang, who was introduced by
the servants.

Su Ehuang has changed from the lazy and morbid state of disheveled hair
a few days ago. Today, she is neatly dressed and delicately dressed.
Although there still seems to be a little melancholy between her brows, her
spirit looks much better than before.

Chapter 115: 30

Emperor Su E saluted Wei Shao.

Wei Shao glanced at her face and asked, "How are you feeling better

Su E Huang said: "It's better."

Wei Shao nodded slightly: "Yesterday my wife was invited to meet me, and
I brought my wife on a trip. It was too late to come back and it was
inconvenient for me to make an appointment. I simply invited my wife to
come to the house today. I don't know why my wife was meeting with me?"

Su Ehuang stared at him, but did not speak.

Wei Shao waited for a moment: "If there is anything wrong with Madam,
you can speak."

Su E Huang Fang said: "In front of Erlang, I don't want to pretend any
more. To be honest, I came to Jinyang this time, and I have something to

Wei Shao looked up at her.

In Su Ehuang's eyes, a trace of panic slowly appeared.

"Erlang, I don't want to deceive you," she said, "I didn't want to go south to
Luoyang this time, I really had to. You don't know, when my husband was
alive and I lived in Luoyang, there was a flower scene that year. Yes,
unfortunately, I fell into Xing Xun's eyes. After that, the old thief tried to
impress me and coerced me in secret. When my husband passed away,
and we could only keep our filial piety for a few days, the old thief sent
someone to take me to his mansion. I It's really miserable. In order to keep
his innocence, he can only make excuses for the snake. Later, while the old
thief was busy fighting with Yuan Zhe and Liu Kai, he found an opportunity
to escape from Luoyang and return to Zhongshan."

Wei Shao frowned slightly.

"After the Luli Conference last year, I returned to Lunu from Yuyang. I
originally thought that I would live in Lunu in the future, but I didn't want to
be fortunate that the old thief still had a heart for me. I secretly sent people
to meet me in Luoyang several times. I ignored it, but last month, the old
thief sent another letter, but it was in the name of the young emperor,
calling me to go quickly. Although the family was indignant, they did not
dare to disobey the emperor's order. I am in control of the government, and
the whole world is scorned by him. How can I be defiled by him? But under
the emperor’s orders, what can I do? , my body and mind are in pain, and I
am saddened that the world is so big that there is no place for me..."

"Yes, this is the holy life that the old thief sent me to Luoyang last month."

Su Ehuang presented a piece of yellow silk with a large jade seal.

Wei Shao glanced at him, with a sullen expression on his face: "Xingxun
old thief, An dare to force you like this!"

Su Ehuang stared at Wei Shao: "I hate my poor life, and I am coveted by
the wicked. Xing Xun has pressed me with the emperor's order, and now, I
accept my fate. Walking near Jinyang, I even heard that Erlang was also
stationed in the army. Here. I remembered a time when I was a teenager,
and I felt emotional in my heart. After wandering for a long time, I turned

Wei Shao got up after the case, stood for a moment before walking to the
south window, then turned around and said, "I understand. You should go
back to Zhongshan Kingdom. Fortunately, Xun is arrogant, don't bother, I
am here."
Su E Huang looked grateful, also got up and gave Wei Shao a deep salute,
when he raised his face, tears were filling his eyelashes, he shook his head
and said, "Your Majesty is still willing to protect me now, I am grateful. It's
just that I know that Erlang is married now. If he conflicts with Xingxun for
me, it will be inconvenient. Besides, I was the one who took Erlang first.
How could I dare to ask Erlang for protection like this? This is not me. The
purpose of Yang."

She paused for a moment, and saw Wei Shao's gaze, and said, "Erlang
should also know that I was born with auspicious signs back then, and was
cut off as a Quaker by an iron-mouthed god. My family believes it, and I am
also tired of this assertion. , When I was young and indifferent, I was
convinced, lost my mind, gave up my love, and married Liu Li. After more
than ten years, I have fallen to the point where I have woken up from a
dream, and everything is self-deception! Girl, I can't let myself decide my
life, so Xun Xun will definitely call me to Luoyang, so I will go!"

There was determination in her expression.

"Xun Xun, the old thief, pretended to be pretentious at the festival. Although
he jumped the clown, he was able to make the princes of the world obey
him. He was afraid of you. Erlang, you are now victorious in the west. How
can Xun Xun tolerate you again? Sitting big? I will do everything possible to
obstruct it. Fortunately, Xun will become your enemy in the future. I have
lost you in the past, and now I have to enter Luoyang to serve the thieves. I
can also get rid of Xing Xun, and it can be regarded as a confession to me
for taking care of you back then! I hope Erlang can take care of my family in
the future, even if I die, I have no regrets!" Orbit down.
In Kai Xuan, there was silence for a while.

Wei Shao was silent for a moment, then said slowly: "Sister Su, in the past,
as you said earlier, you were young and indifferent. If I put it down early,
you don't have to worry about it. I and Xing Xun will have a fight sooner or
later, this man I have my own decision on the affairs of the world, and you
don't need to commit yourself to serving the thief. You can rest assured that
you will return to Lu Nu, with me, I will protect you comprehensively."

Su Ehuang stared at Wei Shao with emotion on his face, and choked out:
"In this way, I will shamelessly accept the kindness of the prince! If I can't
repay it in this life, I will definitely bear a ring of grass in the next life!"

After saying that, she actually knelt down and kowtowed, and she burst into

Wei Shao hurriedly said: "Madam doesn't have to be like this! Get up

Su Ehuang's eyelashes moved slightly, and she stood up slowly, and said,
"Erlang, I know that you have been out in the army all the year round, and
you and your sister have been away from each other. I'll go back to

Wei Shao nodded and said, "Farewell, Madam." After that, he called
someone to see the guest.

Su Ehuang wiped away the tears on his face, looked back at Wei Shao,
and left Kaixuan.
Wei Shao watched her back go away, let out a sigh of relief, and was about
to look for Xiao Qiao when a servant hurried up and said, "Your Majesty,
Madam Zuo Fengyi just got on the carriage outside the door. , suddenly
dizzy, so that he slipped and fell off the carriage, unconscious."

Su Ehuang's fall was really serious. Not only did he faint on the spot, but he
also smashed a small hole on his forehead, and a bloodstain was drawn.

When Xiao Qiao heard the news, Wei Shao had already sent someone to
resettle Su Ehuang, and sent someone to quickly invite a doctor. The
doctor couldn't diagnose anything for a while. Hearing that Su Ehuang's
accompanying maid said that she had always suffered from a head
disease, she said that it should be a recurrence of the head disease, and
she fell into a coma after falling from a height. He wrapped the forehead
wound and prescribed the medicine for removing blood stasis and
promoting blood circulation.

Su Ehuang didn't wake up until it was dark. Because of exhaustion and a

wound on his forehead, he naturally couldn't leave and stayed there that

This stay is three days. On this day, the small opening on the forehead had
a thin scar, and he was able to go down to the ground himself, supported
by the maid, and Xunlai thanked Xiao Qiao, saying that it was not good to
disturb him again, and he would go back to the post house to recuperate.

"Before, I was afraid that my sister would misunderstand, so I never

mentioned to my sister that I was coerced by Xingxun and had no choice
but to go south. I never thought that Zhonglin would have a bad relationship
with Xingxun because of me. At that time, Zhonglin said he wanted to
protect me. At the time, I really tried to persuade him, but Zhonglin didn't
change his mind. He had such a temper since he was a child. I had no
choice but to accept Zhonglin's arrangement temporarily, and then agreed.
I want to ask my sister for one thing, no matter how good it is for me to
persuade Zhonglin, don't make a bad relationship because of me. If there is
a conflict because of me, how can my heart be at peace! "

Emperor Su E was supported by her maid, her face was snow-white, but
her eyes were unusually bright.

She seemed to be struggling, word by word, saying so.

Xiao Qiao asked someone to take her out.

As soon as Emperor Su E left, Chunniang's hands were shaking with

anger, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Did the lady see it? What she
said before she left was clearly trying to provoke the lady!"

Xiao Qiao didn't seem to hear it, and only asked, "Is there still no reply from
the old lady?"

More than half a month ago, when Su Ehuang had just come to Jinyang to
live in the post house, before Wei Shao returned, Xiao Qiao sent a letter to
Mrs. Xu and gave it to Jia Xi, telling him to send a trustworthy person. It
was urgently delivered to Mrs. Xu's hands.

Now that I count the journey, I should have a reply soon.

Chunniang was stunned for a moment: "This maid is going to find General
Jia and ask for more information."

Three days later, Chunniang hurriedly found Xiao Qiao and handed her a
reply that she had been waiting for for a while.

Xiao Qiao asked Chunniang and the maids to go out. He slowly opened the
letterbox and poured out the silk book that was sealed in the letterbox.

She opened the silk book, and after reading it, she was taken aback for a
moment, and then slowly let out a sigh of relief.

Wei Shao started to steal a few days of free time. In the past two days, as
Gongsun Yang and others returned to Jinyang, he was busy again. I went
to the camp outside the city early this morning, when it was dark before I
came back.

Xiao Qiao was serving Wei Shao to take off her clothes. Wei Shao wanted
to hug her, but she avoided her and said casually, "I haven't sent anyone to
visit the post house for a few days. I don't know how the condition of Su Shi
is. visit?"

Wei Shao coughed dryly and said, "You also know that I've been very busy
these days, how come I'm free? When the matter here is finished, I'll take
you back to Yuyang. Grandma hasn't seen you for half a year, so take
advantage of this Chances are, it's time to return. As for the Su Shi, when
she recovers, I will send someone to take her away."
Xiao Qiao glanced at him and smiled: "The water is ready, husband can go
take a bath." After speaking, she turned around.

Wei Shao looked at her back, quickly chased after her, and hugged her
from behind, looking very intimate: "I haven't seen you for a day. Wash with

Xiao Qiao said lazily, "I've washed it. I'm a little tired during the day, so I'll
go lie down first."

Wei Shao hugged her onto the bed and kissed her, but she didn't have
much reaction. Somewhat boring. He stopped and said: "I have told you
before that she was coveted by Xing Xun and coerced to go to Luoyang,
but she was helpless, so I told her to turn back. She also took the initiative
to say that she would return to Zhongshan the next day. Unexpectedly
There was such an accident. Let her rest for a few more days, and then let
her go. Why do you always refuse to let go? "

Xiao Qiao closed her eyes and said, "I only said I was tired, and didn't say
anything else. My husband has an old friend with her, and my husband
arranges it himself. I believe in my husband."

Wei Shao stared at her: "Are you annoyed?"

Xiao Qiao still closed her eyes: "No."

"You're annoyed."


"You are clearly annoyed!"

Xiao Qiao slowly opened her eyes and met Wei Shao's eyes, who was
looking at her from above: "My husband thinks I'm going to be annoyed. If
I'm not annoyed, it's my fault."

Wei Shao's brows were already wrinkled, stared at her for a moment, then
gradually loosened, and suddenly said: "Manman, Su Shi wants to rely on
me now, and I am not ignorant. Last year, on my grandmother's birthday,
she asked someone to transfer it to me. I received the letter, but I didn't
accept it at the time. Not long after I married you, the relationship between
you and me was cold, and I didn't intend to be involved with her any more,
not to mention now?"

Xiao Qiao was startled.

"It doesn't matter whether what she said to me is true or not, and I have no
intention of going into it. I know that she has no husband now, and she has
approached me so many times, so she must be looking for someone to rely
on. If I didn't marry you, I might have accepted her when I was young. But
now I'm married to you. With you, I know that you love to be jealous, so
how could I get entangled with her and only add to the annoyance? ?
Today's treatment is all about the relationship when I was young, nothing
else. Just bear with it, wait for her to recover for a few more days, and she
can go on the road. I will send someone to send her back immediately.
Zhongshan Kingdom."

Xiao Qiao and his eyes met, and they looked at each other.

She pouted and said softly, "I'm not a jealous person!"

"Okay, okay, I wronged you for my husband. You are the most generous."
Wei Shao smiled and tickled her nose, "Is there any more?"

Xiao Qiao bit her lip: "Not yet."

Wei Shao leaned towards her: "Then let my husband wear it for you."

Xiao Qiao ducked and said, "Husband, I have something that I haven't
mentioned to you before. Because I received a letter from my grandmother
today, my grandmother said something about her near-kill last year, and I
remembered it. I don't know if I should say it or not."

Wei Shao's face was buried under her neck, and he was kissing the piece
of ice and jade skin she had just taken out of the bath. He immediately
stopped and raised his head: "What's the matter?"

"Before my grandmother's accident last year, someone saw Su Xin and the
Mrs. Li surnamed Xianghou together."

Xiao Qiao looked at Wei Shao and said.

Chapter 116:

Jinyang Post House.

Su Ehuang has lived in this elegant house for more than half a month.

Although it is to recover from illness, clothing, food, travel, and travel are all
exquisite. However, in a temporary residence, he took a roll of Qi County
silk and smeared the four walls.
The Yicheng who saw it was speechless. A few days ago, I heard that the
Su family not only had a close relationship with the Wei family, but also
seemed to have had an unexplainable old affair with Wei Shao in his early

I learned that Mrs. Su complained yesterday that the candles used in the
room were dim and black smoke smoky his eyes. Because there was no
refined wax in the library, the postman specially bought it today.

The newly replaced fine candles are bright and without flaws. Nine sticks
are inserted on the copper candlesticks. After lighting, the room is as bright
as day.

After taking a bath, Emperor Su E was helped out by the maid, with a
scarlet hood on the inside, and a long gown embroidered with clouds and
phoenix dances on her shoulders. Through the thin fabric, you could
vaguely see the snow marks on Su's chest. .

She sat in front of the vanity mirror, leaned against the mirror, and looked
carefully at the scar on her forehead.

The wound was not deep, and the scar was removed smoothly, revealing a
piece of pink new flesh the size of a small fingernail. In a few days, it
should be able to recover.

Su Ehuang picked a little plaster with a jade stick, carefully rubbed it on the
scar on his forehead, and spread it evenly with his little finger.

"My lady is very beautiful, but luckily I didn't knock too hard that day.
Otherwise, wouldn't it be a pity if I left a scar?"
An old Su family woman was flattering nearby.

Su Ehuang stared at the face in the mirror.

Just when the flowers are in the beautiful period, the new makeup after the
bath, I look at it myself, and I also feel that it is charming and moving.

"Where's Su Xin?"

She suddenly remembered. Haven't seen him since evening.

"I don't know."

The old woman should. He secretly suspected that he had gone to the
place of Fengyue.

Su Ehuang also made the same guess. The two crescent eyebrows
furrowed slightly.

This nephew originally thought it would be useful. I didn't want to take him
to Yuyang for the first time, so I humiliated myself at the Luli Conference.
Up to now, I don't see much progress, but I want to remind myself from time
to time.

These days stayed here, and Emperor Su E told him not to go out, lest
there be no reason for right and wrong.

He answered. She didn't want to be bumped into by Emperor Su E a few

days ago, and he actually had a private affair with a maid next to her.

Just a maid, as humble as mud. If he asks for it, she will give it to him.

What made Su Ehuang annoyed was that he was actually cheating on him.
Next to Mrs. Zhu of the Wei family, there is Jiang Li, who was used by her.

Therefore, Huang Su E is extremely taboo that among the people who

serve closely around him, there are also people who act in such a way
without telling him.

At that time, she scolded Su Xin harshly, forcing him to kill the maid who
dared to have an affair with him behind her back.

Su Xin was reluctant at first, but under her persecution, he stabbed the
maid to death.

The next day, he just said that he had died of a sudden illness last night
and was sent out of the city to be buried in a mass grave.

Su Xin was finally at peace. Unexpectedly, after only a few days of work, he
sneaked out to hang out again.

"Wait for him to come back and tell him to come see me right away!"

There was anger in Su Ehuang's eyes in the mirror.

The old woman complied.

At the end of Xu, Su Xin still did not return.

This is somewhat unusual.

Su Xin has always been afraid of himself, even if he really went out to hang
out, he would not dare not come back at this time.
The anger that Su Ehuang had at first because of her nephew's
incompetence and acting against her again gradually disappeared.

Instead, there is a sense of unease.

She was in a trance for a moment, and then her heart skipped a beat, and
there was a faint hint of ominous omen. As if something bad happened.

Emperor Su E was no stranger to this sense of omen.

The last time she had a similar feeling was when her husband Liu Li's
brother Xuan Di died of a sudden illness many years ago.

At that time, it was the closest moment she was to her life dream. But with
Liu Ai and Xing Xun appearing one after another, Liu Tong, who was seven
years old in the clan, was finally pushed to the throne. Her husband, who
had the most hope of inheriting the throne, was placed under house arrest
after dawn and has lived under surveillance ever since.

In that long and incomparably long night waiting for the dawn, what Su
Ehuang felt was the heart-throb like this moment, if something bad

She hated the feeling.

She gradually became restless. He got up from the couch and walked back
and forth in the room a few times.

What can happen? she thought. Zhong Lin really changed the decision he
made when he came to see her that evening, and after she tried it out, he
still had old feelings for her and had pity on her.
As long as men have mercy on women, that's good news.

This made her even more determined to stay by his side.

But this feeling of unease at the moment made her anxious.

Su Ehuang couldn't help but carefully comb through some of the things she
had done in the past. It was finally determined that she did not leave any
clues that could be caught.

All those who could not stay related to the failed conspiracy are dead.

Even if Mrs. Xu finally suspected her head, Su Ehuang was sure that there
was no evidence that could make her unable to turn over.

As long as there is no evidence, they can't do anything with her.

Su Ehuang gradually calmed down again.

She sat back in front of the mirror again and suddenly thought of her
nephew Su Xin.

She stared blankly at the face in the mirror. Seeing a pair of eyes of the
woman in the mirror, a sharp and gloomy color slowly appeared.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door.

The footsteps were abrupt and heavy, and one could hear that a man was
walking toward his house. His steps seemed to be riding a turbulent anger,
and each and every sound, it hit Su Ehuang's ear drums.
Su E Huang Fang's heartbeat quickened again, her expression changed,
she abruptly stood up from the dressing mirror, and quickly walked towards
the door.

Before she could get there, the door was pushed open from the outside.

Wei Shao is here.

Su Ehuang's footsteps stopped.

Wei Shao's face was stiff and distorted, and there was a storm of anger in
his eyes. He stepped in with one foot, and Su Ehuang saw clearly that in
one of his hands, he dragged in his nephew who had been missing for a

Like a dead dog, Su Xin was thrown at the feet of Su Ehuang by Wei Shao.

Su Ehuang lowered his head and saw that Su Xin was covered in blood, as
if he had just come out of the slaughterhouse. He fell to the ground, twisting
his body like a worm, struggling to reach Su Ehuang's blood-stained hand.

"...It's all she ordered me..."

Intermittent cracking sounds came out of his mouth with broken teeth, and
it was almost unrecognizable that it was his voice.

"Forgive me…"

He passed out.

Su Ehuang's eyes suddenly widened to the widest, and her face was
suddenly white and lost half of her blood.
"You lowly maid, your heart is so cruel, An dare to murder my
grandmother?" Wei Shao gritted his teeth.

Su Ehuang looked at Wei Shao on the opposite side in horror, his teeth
chattering, and he stepped back step by step, backing up, until his back
touched the wall covered with exquisite silk: "Erlang, I really don't
understand what you mean. What do you mean? How could I murder my
great-aunt? What did Su Xin tell you? I don't know..."

"Billy maid! Call me Erlang again?" Wei Shao's face was ashen, and his
appearance was extremely terrifying.

Su E Huang stopped suddenly.

"Your nephew, he just recruited! You had an affair with Jiang Hao, brought
snake venom from Mrs. Xianghou, and told Jiang Hao to wait for the
opportunity to poison my grandmother, frame my mother, and then kill Mrs.
Xianghou. …”

Wei Shao said word by word.

At first, Xiao Qiao told him that Su Xin had been in contact with Mrs.
Xianghou. She suspected that her grandmother was almost poisoned last
year. Perhaps when it was related to the Su family, Wei Shao's first reaction
was disbelief.

Although it is true as he said to Xiao Qiao, he has already let go of the

youthful past when he was a teenager, and Su Shi has now almost
overlapped with the girl he once called "Sister" in his memory. Can't get up.
But in the bottom of his heart, there is still a warm and beautiful hazy
imprint on the girl who accompanied him through the darkest days of his life
at the age of twelve.

It was hard for him to believe that such a gentle girl in his memory would do
such a thing now. For a brief moment, he even felt that his current wife was
chasing the shadows in order to completely expel the shadow of his
childhood friend from his heart.

Until he read the letter from his grandmother again.

He was stunned at the time.

After reacting, he was deeply seized by a sense of shock and anger that
was completely fooled and deceived.

He no longer doubts!

It turned out to be the Su family who almost killed his most respected and
beloved grandmother in his life!

How could he tolerate it!

There was a brief silence in the room, and Su E Huang suddenly

screamed: "Zhonglin! You must not believe Su Xin's words! This thing is not
as good as a pig and a dog! I had good intentions to support it, but I didn't
want him to hate me so much, but I was framed for it. Me! I really don't
When she was defending, Wei Shao had already rushed into two Kong
Wuhu Ben, went up to hold Su Ehuang's arms left and right, and carried
her away.

Su Ehuang struggled hard, her originally meticulous bun was messed up,
and the golden hairpin fell to the ground with a step, and the thin silk
clothes on her shoulders also broke off. She resisted her feet desperately,
and was finally dragged past Wei. When Shao was beside him, he burst
into tears and hissed: "Zhonglin, you forgot, you had a high fever at that
time, and you were unconscious, so I served by your side all night? You
forgot, you once said , you want to protect me for a lifetime? Now you have
condemned me based on the words of others! Did you not even give me a
chance to defend myself?"

Chapter 117: 31

"Let go of her."

When Su Ehuang was placed in front of the threshold, Wei Shao said

The furious aura on his body had disappeared, and his expression was icy

Emperor Su E's hair was messy, her clothes were disheveled, her face was
crawling with tears, and she fell to the ground, tired and embarrassed. The
hand, which was originally maintained like a flawless jade, was now firmly
grasping the threshold, and the blue blood vessels under the skin on the
back of the hand were like Cobwebs are clearly visible.
"Zhonglin! This nephew of mine, at the Luli Conference last year, made a
move and was scolded by me later. At that time, he harbored resentment.
Later, I asked him to kill Mrs. Li surnamed Xianghou, but he was raped by
that woman. Temptation, the two of them had been in a relationship with
each other, and they were unwilling to attack. I forced her to kill her in the
end. At that time, they must have added another hatred to me. Until a few
days ago, I happened to know that I was A maid next to him actually
hooked up with him. The cheap maid not only despised me, but also cursed
with evil words behind her back. I was angry for a while, and the
punishment was too severe, which hurt the life of the maid, and he
confronted me at that time. When you show your resentment, you will feel
more resentment towards me in your heart. I don't know how, Zhonglin,
how did you learn that I wanted to harm my great-aunt and grandmother.
You arrested Su Xin and went to torture him. In response to your
questioning, you put everything on me! How wronged I am!"

Wei Shao watched, but did not answer.

Su Ehuang opened his mouth, like a fish in a dry puddle, panting rapidly,
his chest undulating violently, but his mind was spinning fast.

The more she knew at such a moment, the less she could be distracted by
fear. Once there is a half-point of timidity, it will definitely fall into doom.

She didn't do those things!

All those things have nothing to do with her!

In her heart, she told herself this over and over again, as if she gradually
believed that this was the truth. The strength that was quickly dissipating
and dissipating in her body soon reunited.

"Mrs. Marquis of Yuyang City, I asked Su Xin to kill it. I don't deny it. You
know why? Because I hate her to the bone! She used to live in Luoyang,
and I used to have close contact with her for a while. I regarded her as a
boudoir confidant and talked about everything. I didn't want her to lie to me
and secretly have an affair with Liu Li. When I found out, I was very angry
and went to question her. I didn't want her to stop and meet Liu Li in
private. I had no choice but to pretend that I didn't see it. But I never
imagined that this **** would feed Liu Li a long-term love potion for the sake
of the room. , Although the medicine helps the fun, it also eats the bones of
the human body. When I know, Liu Li has been poisoned to the point of
death, and the medicine stone is useless. This is why he died and made
me lose my husband. How can I not hate it? And before Liu Li died, Fang
regrets not asking me to kill this **** to pay for his life. I had to kill her
because of my late husband's last wish!"

After she finished speaking in one breath, she swallowed a mouthful of

saliva laboriously to moisten her mouth and throat that had suddenly
become dry and sticky due to this sudden and huge change. Cold eyes.

"It is true that I killed Mrs. Xianghou, but my relationship with that **** is
only limited to this! As for the relationship between her and Jiang Li you
said, why did Jiang Li get poison from her to kill her great-aunt and
grandmother, I really am I don't even know! Zhong Lin, please don't listen
to other people's opinions! As for this nephew of mine..."
Her gaze swept over Su Xin, who was still lying on the ground in disgust.

"Although he is my nephew, he is of inferior character, untrustworthy and

unrighteous. I didn't know it before, but now I take it with me, and I can see
it clearly. He just wants to get away, and he is talking nonsense. Asked to
impose this crime on my head..."

Su Xin woke up from the severe pain, lying on the ground pretending to be
dead, but he heard Su E Huang slandering himself, not a single bone in his
body was not suffering like being slaughtered, thinking of Wei Shao's
ruthlessness. , shivering, couldn't hold back any longer, and groaned: "Jun
Hou... I'm not talking nonsense... Although she didn't tell me, I saw it, she
wanted to marry you again... I hate the old lady for not liking her... "

Su E Huang hated itching teeth, and regretted why he had gone out of his
way for a while, and used such a person who had more than enough
success and failure by his side.

In fact, just when she was fascinated by the mirror, the thought of removing
Su Xin also appeared in her mind again.

Su Xin knew too much. It is increasingly proved that it is not available.

Keeping it in the future is a hidden danger to yourself.

This idea has popped up several times recently.

It's just that she hesitated and didn't make up her mind.

At this moment, she finally regretted it. I regret that I didn't get rid of this
nephew sooner.
Why didn't he think about it, only by keeping his aunt, could he have a
chance to continue to live well.

It's just that he is still not ruthless enough, which makes him fall into such a
passive desperate situation.

Su Ehuang rushed up, slapped Su Xin hard in the ear, and scolded: "Why
do I have a nephew like you who points right and wrong!"

She looked up, tears rolling down her eyes.

"Zhonglin! I admit that I still have old feelings for you. When I went to see
you that day, I said that my whole life was all trapped by the theory of fate
when I was born, so that I have fallen to this day. At this point, I am deeply
regretful! This is indeed my sincere words, and I did not deceive you! When
I was young, you were clearly the love in my heart, and I gave you my
heart, but in the end, it was still no match for the arrangement of my family,
so I married another. But you know how much pain I was in my heart at that
time! You should remember, what kind of voice I used to have, you once
praised it and said that my sister has a beautiful voice. At that time, I said
that my sister sang forever Listen to you. After marrying Liu Li, I ruined my
voice with medicine, and I just said I was sick and misused the medicine.
Why am I doing this? The reason is because you sang to me, and I
responded to you Promise. For the rest of my life, although I can't marry
you, I won't be happy to sing for the second man..."

"shut up!"

Wei Shao roared suddenly.

What Su Ehuang said seemed to be emotional, the snow-white arms on
both sides twitched and burst into tears, and soon the vermilion hood on his
chest was soaked wet, and said: "You don't want to Listen to me
mentioning the past, I won't talk about it. It's just that I made it very clear to
you that day. Although I am unbearable, I have self-knowledge. I knew that
the old things are hard to follow. You are still willing to pity me, shelter me,
and say If you are willing to protect me for the rest of your life, I am already
satisfied. Why would I be so stupid to murder the old lady? Could it be that
you are willing to marry me when the old lady is gone? Well, kindness and
great love, I have no grievances or enmity with her old lady, so why did I
suddenly punish her, and want to kill her old man's life? Every fruit must
have a cause. I have no cause for murdering the old lady! And Fangcai,
Zhonglin You say that I instigated Jiang Li to poison her. She is an old man
who has been by your mother's side for decades. She is always by her
side, but I can't even enter the gate of your Wei family. How can I persuade
her to listen to me? ?"

Wei Shao said coldly: "My mother's younger brother once killed Jiang's
son, my mother treated her unfairly at the time, and when Jiang's son lost
her son, she buried her hatred and couldn't bear it. Later, it was used by
you, and you took revenge on her behalf. , she will be willing to be driven
by you to murder my grandmother and blame my mother! You poisonous
woman, you have deliberately planned to such a degree that you still
mention what kind of youthful past to me!"

Su Ehuang's eyelids twitched, and his heartbeat, which had gradually

slowed down, jumped wildly again following Wei Shao's words.
"Zhonglin! I don't know where you heard these words! If you want to add
guilt, don't worry about it! If you have real evidence, I am willing to die in
your hands today, without any complaints! But if you Just relying on the
slanderous words of others to convict me, I will die without resting my

She raised her chin and hissed.

Wei Shao stared at her for a moment, the light in his eyes was gloomy and
dark, making it impossible for people to understand what he was thinking at
the moment. Suddenly, he said to the two tigers outside the door, "shut her
up in the dungeon", and walked out.

Su Ehuang screamed.

She heard it, and there was no emotion in his tone, not even a hint of
disgust. It is like a killing sword that is full of blood, but still cold and
untouched by the breath of a living person.

She knew what he said was true.

What the dungeon looked like, she knew all too well.

There used to be such a dungeon in the darkest underground of the

Luoyang mansion.

No one who was locked up could survive half a year, no matter how strong
their will was.

She still remembers that she locked the Liu Lichong Ji who hurt her throat.
It was only three months. When she went to see the woman, the woman
had already changed beyond recognition, and she even grabbed the **** in
front of her madly. Filled up.

The blood on Su Ehuang's face faded again, and after crawling a few
steps, he firmly grabbed one of Wei Shao's feet and refused to let go.

"Zhonglin! You can't do this to me! I didn't hurt your grandmother! I didn't!"

She cried out in a hoarse voice, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Wei Shao lifted his foot and broke free from her hand. Emperor Su E fell to
the ground.

"Who? Who the **** told you that? That Qiao girl? Yes, it must be her!
Zhong Lin! How can you believe her words! You forgot how your father and
brother died? Damn it! You also forgot the solemn oath you swore at the
temple, to wipe out the Qiao family? How could you be fooled by this Qiao
girl now, listen to her words, and don't believe me! The Qiao family I have a
grudge against you! They sent her here because they were afraid that you
would take revenge in the future, so let her guard against you and plot
against you!"

She originally fell to the ground, crying bitterly, but suddenly got up and
shouted at Wei Shao's back, who had already gone out: "Women in the
world are all inseparable from men. You think, Zhonglin, she and Langya
and Liuyan were childhood sweethearts, they were in love with each other,
and they had a marriage contract. Why did they treat you softly and softly
when they were sent over by the Qiao family? Zhonglin, you have always
been wise, just think about it. You will know, how could she be sincere to
you! With such a deep scheming, she must have other plans! Now it is
because you can't bear the persecution of Xingxun and protect me, so you
slander me in front of you..."


Her eyes lit up suddenly, and she crawled up from the ground.

"Jiang Li was bribed by her, and she didn't expect to do anything for her!
The Qiao Wei family had a feud, and the Qiao family sent their daughter
over. It's not as simple as marriage! The purpose behind it, Zhong Lin, you
can't help but—"

Wei Shao had already stepped out and was walking away, but suddenly
stopped and his figure stopped.

Suddenly, he turned around abruptly and walked back towards Su Ehuang.

He stopped in front of Su Ehuang and looked down at her with his hands
behind his back. At first his eyes were cold and expressionless.

Su Ehuang gasped heavily, stood unsteady, and fell back to the ground
again, looking up at him with a sad expression: " have to
believe me...Nv Qiao can't be trusted...I'm the one who treats you with all
my heart. of…"

"You bitch!"

In an instant, Wei Shao seemed to burst out suddenly, strode in front of

Emperor Su E, spread out his five fingers, grabbed her neck, and grabbed
her whole body from the ground.
His facial muscles are twisted, his eyes are fierce, and his appearance is
extremely terrifying.

"You murdered my grandmother! That's it, my grandmother said in the letter

that I don't have to touch you first! If you plead guilty, in my grandmother's
eyes, I might let you go! I don't want you To be so ignorant of good and evil,
and to frame my wife with such vicious words in the end?"

The blue veins on his forehead jumped suddenly, his knuckles rose, and his
five fingers gradually retracted, and Su Ehuang's neck was tied by him and
he couldn't breathe. His face was flushed, his eyes turned white, his hands
were dancing in the air, and there was a constant strange sound in his

Just when one of her hands grabbed Wei Shao's sleeve indiscriminately,
Wei Shao let go, and Su Ehuang fell to the ground, coughing in pain.

"How do military regulations punish attempted murder?"

He asked Hu Ben coldly behind him.

Hu Ben lowered his head and said, "Cut the nose as punishment."

Wei Shao said, "Dispose of it." His voice was indifferent, and he turned

There was an unbelievable and heart-piercing scream from behind.

It stopped abruptly.

In Haizhong, Wei Shao has not returned.

Although it was late at night, Xiao Qiao was not sleepy at all, lying on the
pillow, closed his eyes and thought about Wei Shao's furious expression
when he left, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

She tossed and turned until the end of Hai, when she finally heard the
familiar footsteps outside.

The door was not latched, and Wei Shao pushed it open and entered.

Xiao Qiao hurriedly got out of bed, put on some clothes, and went up to
meet him. Seeing his dignified expression, as if his anger had not subsided,
he did not dare to ask for details for a while. Only softly asked him if he
could have supper. Wei Shao shook his head, and she served him in the

He came out of the bathroom, and the two went to bed one after another.
After lying down, Xiao Qiao closed his eyes for a moment, then opened
them again. Seeing him face up, eyes closed, his brows looked tired. After
hesitating for a while, he put his hand on his belly, stroked it, and said
softly, "What's wrong with your husband?"

Wei Shao opened his eyes, turned to look at her for a moment, and
suddenly stretched out his arms and put her back on his chest. He
answered nonchalantly, "Manman, did you ever hide something from me?"

Chapter 118:

Xiao Qiao was startled, feeling strange.

His questioning was somewhat irrelevant to the events of the night.

After he came back in the evening, he first learned from himself that Su Xin
had contacts with Mrs. Xianghou, and then read his grandmother's letter,
his face changed greatly, and he turned to go out.

He didn't tell himself where he was going at the time.

But Xiao Qiao naturally knew that he went to the post house to find Su
Ehuang. Or confrontation, or something else.

And then until this moment, Fang came back.

The process and results, because these two people are not the same as
ordinary people, they belong to the outstanding type, and they were
involved in their youth, so Xiao Qiao did not dare to make a judgment. Just
judging from the look on his face after he came back, it doesn't seem to be
going well.

But no matter what the result was, when he came back, he didn't mention
Su Ehuang at all, and instead asked himself if he had something to hide
from him?


In Xiao Qiao's heart, a lot of things that were hidden from him immediately

She came through.

She knew that in his last life he not only became an emperor, he and Su E
Huang both lived together, but also killed the Qiao family.
She was afraid that in this life, he might turn his face against his own family
in the future, so he encouraged her father to fight hard and become

She couldn't tell him these things, and she couldn't tell him even if he was

Xiao Qiao said, "Why did my husband suddenly ask me this?"

Wei Shao said: "You answer me." His tone was stubborn.

"Naturally no more."

Xiao Qiao said without blinking.

Wei Shao still looked at him. His fingers touched her face lightly, then
tightened his arms and hugged her tightly in his arms.

"Remember, don't bully me."

Xiao Qiao heard him whispering in his ear.

Her breath was hot, ironing her earlobes.

Xiao Qiao's heartbeat suddenly accelerated. Letting him hold her tightly like
this, she felt a little breathless in her embrace.

Then he started kissing her. Like a gluttonous child tasting candy, her
tongue licked her cheeks and lips gently and repeatedly.

Her face was wet when she licked it.

Xiao Qiao actually wanted to know what happened after he went out

Has Emperor Su E recognized it?

and how it turned out.

But he doesn't seem to want to mention it.

In the end, his tongue pried open her teeth, continued to probe in, and
began to increase his strength, sucking on her sweet tongue. She closed
her eyes and gave up the idea of ​asking him.

The next morning, the two got up. After breakfast, Wei Shao went out.
Inside the door, as usual, before sending him out of the room, Xiao Qiao
helped him straighten his clothes and asked casually, "Husband, what
happened last night?"

Wei Shao glanced at her.

"According to the military regulations of attempted murder, I have slightly

punished it."

Wei Shao replied, his tone was flat.

Chunniang quickly inquired from Jia Xi about what kind of punishment for
attempted murder in the military regulations.
Despite various speculations, Xiao Qiao shuddered when she finally
learned that it was actually a cut nose.

The hairs on the back of the neck seemed to stand up one by one, which
was not very comfortable.

Naturally, she would not be able to sympathize with Emperor Su E.

How terrible this woman is, no one knows better than himself.

In the previous life she dreamed of, in order to realize her so-called
"indescribably precious" fate, Mrs. Su killed Mrs. Xu and Da Qiao, her
hands were stained with the blood of others, and she climbed onto Wei
Shao's dragon bed. .

Not to mention the imaginary world. As far as this life is concerned, in the
real world that really exists, Mrs. Xu has almost been poisoned by her.

Not to mention, the lives of other little people who acted as stepping stones
in her way.

It is necessary for her to get the punishment she deserves.

Perhaps what made Xiao Qiao uncomfortable was the way Wei Shao
treated her.

To be honest, Xiao Qiao felt a little scared and trembled.

In a letter to Mrs. Xu, Xiao Qiao said that Su Ehuang had come to Jinyang
and settled down. Then ask if there is anything behind the poisoning
incident last year.

In Mrs. Xu's reply, she said that Zhong Li had been investigating. Although
there have been some eyebrows before, but there is no real evidence. Until
not long ago, through Zhu Shi's memory, after many setbacks, he finally
found a woman.

The woman's surname was Ma. She used to be a goddess, and she said
she had the ability to channel spirits. People often begged her to connect
and communicate with the dead.

Zhu Shi believed in these things, and in order to communicate with her
deceased husband, she heard and searched for her. Jiang Li also
accompanied him. Madam Ima recognized Jiang Li.

According to Madam Ma, Jiang Li later came to find herself secretly,

begging for transportation for her son who died more than ten years ago.

Madam Ma received the money and silk and performed a psychic act.

She made a living by doing this, and developed the ability to observe words
and expressions and formulaic words. She pretended to be Jiang Li's son,
and coaxed her into believing her. At that time, she burst into tears and was
very sad.

Later, Jiang Li often went there secretly, and continued to beg Madam Ma
to channel her and her son.

Madam Ma gradually came to know the cause of her son's death that year.
Once, someone came to the door and gave Madam Ma a lot of money and
silk. When she was channeled, he used the words of Jiang Li's son to claim
that he was wronged by his death. Now the undead are uneasy and ask
Jiang Li to avenge him.

The horse woman was greedy for money, and did so. Jiang Li was
convinced and burst into tears again.

There was a pause in between. Later, when Jiang Yu came, and when
Madam Ma "called" her son's dead soul, Jiang Yu rambled on, saying that a
noble person had helped her and pushed the person who killed her son into
the pool. Drowning, she let her son rest and reincarnate earlier.

Madam Ma knew that the person who killed Jiang Li's son was Madam
Zhu's brother. At that time, out of curiosity, she used her son's mouth to ask
who the noble person was.

Jiang Li took no precautions and told her son that the noble person was
Mrs. Zuo Fengyi Gong.

After Jiang Li left, Madam Ma felt very frightened.

She lives by this behavior, and knows that the shyness in such a
high-profile family is terrible enough to eat people.

Now he is involved in it. Thinking of the person who cheated Jiang Li with
money to buy him, he was always worried that he would get into trouble.
Because she was alone and homeless, she packed up and fled in a few
days, hiding her name elsewhere and returning to her old business.
Now that she was finally visited by Zhong Li, after some further
questioning, Madam Ma truthfully told what she knew back then.

Since then, the relationship between Su Ehuang and Jiang Yu finally

surfaced clearly.

It can be concluded that the person who instructed Jiang Li to poison her at
that time was Emperor Su E.

At the end of the letter, Mrs. Xu mentioned another sentence, saying that
Su's mother was her niece after all. Although there have been fewer
contacts in recent years, human relationships are still there, and blood ties
are hard to break. Because of the blessing of his grandson's
daughter-in-law, he also saved this catastrophe.

The reincarnation of heaven has its own cause and effect. Tell Wei Shao
not to be obsessed with hurting her life. If she is still unwilling to keep
herself safe, she will send someone back to Lu Nu and hand over to King

Because of Madam Xu's instructions, Xiao Qiao originally thought that if

Wei Shao was not persuaded by Su Ehuang's self-defense, she would be
imprisoned at best.

But she never imagined that he would cut off her nose!

The level of cruelty was even more frightening to Xiao Qiao than he
ordered to kill her directly.
For the first time, she did not rely on hearsay or rumors, but truly felt the
cruelty of her husband, the man who slept with her.

She remembered clearly that just a few days ago, he told herself that if he
hadn't already married her, he might have accepted the Su family because
of his youthful affection.

The words were still in his ears, and he turned his head. Because he knew
what Su Shi had done, he cut off Su Shi's nose!

For the enemy he identified, he was indeed cruel enough to deal with it.

She remembered the strange expression he looked at her when he

suddenly asked her inexplicably last night if he was hiding something from

After she dealt with it last night, she didn't think about it anymore.

Now that I think about it, it seems to be something else?

She suddenly felt a little fluffy in her heart.

This day, because of this news, Xiao Qiao actually had some shadows in
her heart.

Even more terrified. I was also fortunate that I had prepared a long time
ago, and persuaded my father to fight hard - even if Yanzhou's troops
reached the end, they would still not be enough to fight against those
strong men, but it was better than the previous life, who did nothing to
So when Wei Shao came back in the evening, Xiao Qiao faced him, his
face was the same as usual, and he smiled and said Yan Yan, always a
little uncomfortable in his heart.

The two ended up in bed.

Of course it is necessary to do that.

Anyway, since he came back from Xihe County, he has to do it every night.

When he was done, he closed his eyes and slowly kneaded the two **** of
soft flesh on Xiao Qiao's chest with one hand, and gradually stopped, still
covering his palms, as if he had fallen asleep.

Xiao Qiao buried her face in his chest, closing her eyes and counting the
number of times his heart was beating. After counting to two hundred, he
quietly opened his eyes and watched him secretly. After trying to figure out
that he cut Su's nose last night, the first sentence he came back asked
himself if he was hiding his intentions.

Something must have happened, she just didn't know it.

Wei Shao suddenly opened his eyes without warning and met her gaze.

His eyes were dark and bright, watery and peach-like.

Every time after doing something with her, his eyes would look like this.

It's actually pretty.

"Looking at me?"

He raised an eyebrow.
Xiao Qiao took no precautions, as if she was caught straight, her heart
skipped a beat.

I was about to shake my head. hesitated. Finally, he asked: "Why did you
suddenly ask me that sentence when you came back last night?"

Wei Shao was startled. Then he said vaguely: "It's nothing, just ask
casually when I think of it."

Seeing Xiao Qiao staring at him, he coughed: "I forgot to tell you, here in
Jinyang, my business is about to be settled, you can pack up earlier, and
leave in a few days."

"Go to Xindu first. Stay in Xindu for a few days, and I will do some things.
After things are done, I will return to Yuyang."

He looked at her and said.

As soon as Xiao Qiao stayed, her mood suddenly changed for the better.

Once he stayed in Jinyang, he stayed for seven or eight months. In the

middle came Chen Rui first, and then Su Ehuang.

Neither is anything pleasant to think about.

Now you can finally leave!

Xindu was the city where Xiao Qiao had just married Wei Shao and was
sent to marry her.

Although the relationship between the two was extremely bad at the time.
The day after the wedding, Xiao Qiao was sent away by Wei Shao.
But the strange thing is that Xiao Qiao's impression of the city is always
very good.

Maybe it's because she likes the sandalwood platform in the Xin Palace
that allows her to climb up and look at it when she is alone and frightened.

Now that I have closed my eyes, I can still clearly see the scene of climbing
the sandalwood platform in the evening and overlooking the sunset at the
end of the wilderness beyond the city wall.

She felt a little happy to be able to visit that city again.

What's more, I will be able to meet Mrs. Xu again soon.

"I'll clean up tomorrow!"

Wei Shao nodded with a smile.

Chapter 119: 1

What Wei Shao said in his mouth was "a few more days", and made Xiao
Qiao tilt his neck again, and waited for half a month.

Finally, until the end of the month, this day can leave.

Xiao Qiao's own, as well as Wei Shao's luggage, had already been packed.

Set off in the early morning in the shade. Xiao Qiao was well dressed and
excited, and went out with Wei Shao.

Before going out, Wei Shao told her that he was very impatient to ride in
the carriage.
But starting from Xinyang, going all the way east, you have to go through
Leping County, Julu in ancient Zhao country, and finally enter Anping
County in Jizhou to arrive at Xindu. It takes ten days to travel during the
day and stay at night. He is afraid that Xiao Qiao will be on the road. He
was bored on the road alone, so he stopped riding and sat with her in the
drill carriage.

Said in a very difficult way.

Xiao Qiao was moved, but shook her head decisively: "Husband really
doesn't need to aggrieve yourself for me, husband can ride as you wish.
Chunniang sits with me, I won't be bored."

She spoke the truth. Riding the carriage with Chunniang, she is
labor-saving and comfortable.

If you sit with him...

There is no need to mention that he has to serve the uncle all the way. Xiao
Qiao can imagine the indescribable things that will happen on the road.

She is not happy.

Wei Shao's eyes were sincere: "It's okay for me to feel wronged for
Manman's sake."

So happy to decide.

The big carriage had stopped outside the gate.

Chunniang was naturally sensible and sat in another car with the maid.
Xiao Qiao got into the carriage and sat in first. Through the window, he
looked not far away, Wei Shao said goodbye to Li Chong, Zhang Jian, Wei
Liang and others who came to see him off.

Gongsun Yang had already gone to Xindu earlier.

Li Chong, Zhang Jian, Wei Liang and others continued to stay here.

Xiao Qiao waited for a while, and finally Wei Shao got into the carriage and
got in: "Have you been waiting for a long time?"

Xiao Qiao nodded: "Yeah."

Wei Shao smiled at her, sat beside her, put his arms around her, and
ordered to go.

In the unison of Wei Shao's subordinates, the carriage moved forward, took
Xiao Qiao, and left the city where she had lived for more than half a year.

Everything that happened in this city seems to have finally come to an end.

Emperor Su E's blood book weeping sin. Last night, I left Jinyang overnight
and went back to Lunu.

The carriage drove out of the Dongcheng Gate and gradually left the city
behind. Xiao Qiao leaned against Wei Shao's arms and did not look back.

She is a go-getter.

Living in a place for a long time, more or less, will always give birth to some

But in this city, she did not feel the slightest nostalgia.
She just wanted to leave quickly.

A group of chariots and horses set off from Jinyang and headed northward,
heading towards Lunu, the capital of Zhongshan.

The road was slow.

The carriage was very bright when it went south.

Now returning to the north, it is bleak.

The accompanying maids and maids who accompanied them were all
silent, and their expressions even seemed to be mourning.

They are all servants and followers of Zuo Fengyi's wife Su's family, and
they were born to depend on Su's family.

The Su family is their god.

Everyone knows that the daughter of the Su family in Zhongshan is born

with the vision of innate talent and has a very precious destiny.

"Extremely expensive", how expensive it can be, is tacit.

They believed in it, were loyal, and followed it all the way. Since the Su
family married Luoyang more than ten years ago, until now.

Just last month, when they set off south from Lunu, they were still very
The wife, who had been living in Lunu for half a year, finally headed south
again to Luoyang.

Back then, when Mrs. Yulou of Luoyang was the most beautiful, the glory
she enjoyed and her popularity were still fresh in their memory. Even to this
day, it is still honorable to mention it.

At that time, Madam, she was so close to that sentence.

I don't want to later, Liu Li died, and his wife was a widow.

However, even so, they did not lose confidence.

Because the lady is still there.

No matter what setbacks they encounter, as long as they see her raised
chin, that face that is always incomprehensible but proud of a queen, they
will be willing to bow down at her feet, and their confidence will expand
again , full of power.

To this day, the dream that had been dreaming for more than ten years
seemed to shatter overnight like a phantom.

Everyone's eyes were dark.

Ten days later, when they traveled to Changshan County, getting closer and
closer to Lu Nu, this group of people gradually began to feel heartbroken.

In the bottom of their hearts, the seeds of doubt about the "extremely
precious fate" in the legend of Madam are also slowly bred and spread.
No one can clearly know what happened to Mrs. during the last days in

But it is said that the lady was cruelly punished by Wei Shao, the Marquis
of Yan, for offending her.

Although I don't know what the punishment was, rumors have begun to
spread secretly.

Madam is disfigured!

Everyone knows what this means to a noble woman who is famous in

Luoyang for her beauty.

What's more, since the lady covered her face that night and got on the
carriage to leave Jinyang, she never showed her face all the way.

All the news was conveyed only by the Su woman beside her.

The carriage she was in also had its doors and windows closed, exuding a
deadly air. Like a coffin covered with a gorgeous appearance, it is
uncomfortable even in the daytime.

They become suspicious, anxious, and apprehensive.

If this is true, what future and hope can they have in the future?

A few days ago, Su Mi severely dealt with the two maids she caught who
criticized the master behind her back.

But still can't stop the rumors.

Until this day, they were suspended in Changshan County.

One stop is three days. In the post house, the lady still did not show up.

Three days later, just when the hearts of people became more and more
panic, the lady who had not appeared for many days suddenly appeared in
front of them.

They were all stunned when they saw Mrs.

Mrs. Yulou wears a high bun, and her makeup is as beautiful as ever.

On her face, she wore a half-face mask in the shape of a butterfly wing.

The butterfly hood was made of red gold and inlaid with gemstones. It was
extremely delicate. It covered the middle of her face, revealing her
wonderful eyes and vermilion lips, which only covered her nose.

Not only did it not damage her appearance, but it added a hint of mystery.

Her two sharp eyes swept from the top of the butterfly golden hood to the
maid servants opposite, everyone shuddered and lowered their heads.

"Go to Luoyang."

Su Li, who was by her side, said so.

After walking on the road for more than ten days, Wei Shao and his party
entered Xindu today.

Gongsun Yang arrived a few days ago. Xinduliu and Xinduling naturally
knew that Wei Shao would arrive soon.
However, Wei Shao did not inform them of the specific itinerary, nor did he
order him to go out of the city to meet him.

Therefore, entering the city this evening was nothing more than two
carriages, with dozens of guards in the front and rear.

Although it also attracted the attention of passers-by, it did not cause much
movement, let alone the identity of this pedestrian who entered the city.

That night, the people of Xindu looked up and saw the sandalwood platform
in the Xin Palace, which turned into pitch-black at night, just like the bright
lights lit up one by one when the monarchs were married in the past. Hou
enters the city.

Wei Shao only entered the Xin Palace on the front foot, and on the back
foot, Gongsun Yang, the guardian of Xindu, Pei Jian, Xinduling and others,
who heard the news, rushed to pay their respects.

Wei Shao naturally went.

It's not surprising that Xiao Qiao was used to seeing him for a long time.
Knowing this, he didn't even think about him coming back for half an hour.
He entered the Sheyang Residence where he lived before, and settled
down on his own.

All the servants and maids in the Xin Palace came to meet him.

After a lot of work, I settled down, and when I was holding the lamp,
Chunniang called and said that dinner was ready.
Wei Shao hasn't returned yet.

Xiao Qiao ordered to have dinner together when he returned.

There was nothing wrong with waiting, Xiao Qiao sat down and sorted out
the letters written by Da Qiao before.

At the end of last year, when she returned from her trip to the south, half a
year passed in a blink of an eye.

Although Xiao Qiao and Da Qiao never had the chance to meet again, they
passed a letter in the middle.

The journey is long, the north and the south face each other, and I don’t
know how many divided territories we have to cross in the middle.

In March, Xiao Qiao was in Jinyang, and it was estimated that Da Qiao had
already given birth to a child. At that time, because of his worries, he could
not care about anything else. He once wrote a letter and asked Jia Xi to
send someone to send Lingbi for him. Ask about the child's situation, and
also ask about the battle situation in the Huaishui area.

Two months ago, Xiao Qiao finally received this reply from Da Qiao.

Da Qiao said in the letter that she gave birth to a son successfully at the
beginning of the year, and Bi She was ecstatic at that time.

When she wrote to Xiao Qiao, her son had just passed the full moon and
was very cute.

Bi She loves her child like a treasure, and she doesn't change her original
intention. She had a good time.
But regarding the situation of Xiao Qiao's question, although Da Qiao's
tone was relaxed, he only mentioned a few words, but through the lines,
Xiao Qiao still read out some of Da Qiao's hidden worries.

Da Qiao said that after Xue Tai died at the beginning of the year, Xue An,
the eldest son of Xue Tai, came to take revenge. At first, he was repelled by
Bi She.

The third time, the two sides stalemate for many days, and finally fought in
the wilderness of Pengcheng. Just when Bi She was about to win a
complete victory, Yang Xin suddenly led his troops to attack Lingbi from

Bi She was forced to return troops in a hurry to defend the spiritual wall.

Yang Xin, who has always been an enemy of Xue Tai, does not know why,
but this time it seems that he is allied with Xue An, and the north and the
south are bound together by the spiritual wall.

However, Da Qiao also said that, fortunately, Bi She was closely guarded,
and Yang Xin and Xue An could not help him for a while, and finally
withdrew their troops one after another.

In the Huaishui area, a confrontation between Yang Xin, Xue An and Bi

She temporarily formed.

She and Bi She are both very good, and Da Qiao reassures Xiao Qiao that
she doesn't have to worry about it.

In a blink of an eye, a few months have passed.

Xiao Qiao read Da Qiao's letter again, and when she was in a trance, she
heard Chunniang calling "Men" outside, raised her head, and saw Wei
Shao striding forward. Busy to put away the letter.

"looking at what?"

Wei Shao came to her.

Xiao Qiao didn't want to say more. Seeing his two eyes staring at him, he
thought he had nothing to hide, so he said, "It's just a letter from my elder
sister who came a few months ago. I just took it out and took a look."

After Xiao Qiao finished speaking, he put the letter back in the box.

Wei Shao cast two eyes on her face: "What did you say? I saw you in a
trance just now."

"Without it," Xiao Qiao smiled, "My sister was delighted with Lin'er at the
beginning of the year, and she should be five or six months old now, so I
think it's lovable. It's a pity that the journey is long, otherwise I really want to
go to Lingbi again. , hug my nephew."

Wei Shao raised his eyebrows slightly: "What do other people's dolls have
to hug. You gave birth to dolls for me too, why don't you hug them?"

Xiao Qiao was a little dissatisfied: "How can my sister's child be someone
else's doll? Call me my aunt!"

"Okay, okay, I said something wrong!"

Wei Shao smiled.

"My elder sister also mentioned a sentence in her letter, saying that Yang
Xin seems to have formed an alliance with the son of Xue Tai's family, and
both sides attacked my brother-in-law. Yang Xin has been in bad relations
with the Xue family for a long time, how can you form an alliance now?
Know this?"

Now that it has been mentioned, Xiao Qiao asked casually.

He knows, of course, more than he does.

Wei Shao's face did not change.

"The Refugee Leader..."

He glanced at Xiao Qiao and changed his words: "Bi She killed Xue Tai and
became feud with the Xue family. Xue An intends to take revenge, and it is
unknown if he wants Yang Xin well."

After that, Xiao Qiao frowned slightly and rubbed his stomach: "Man Man,
they just held him back and said a lot of things. I'm hungry."

Xiao Qiao knew that he always looked down on Bi She. What's more, the
previous time, when picking him up, he and Bi She had a fight as soon as
they met. Seeing that he didn't seem to want to say more at this moment,
he didn't ask, lest he would misunderstand and think that he wanted to ask
him to help Bi She. He said, "I'm waiting for your meal."

Chapter 120:
Jizhou has nine counties and seventy-eight counties. It guards Youzhou in
the north, and faces the states in the Yellow River Basin in the south. It is
very important for Wei Shao in terms of geography and strategic location.

Since the beginning of last year, Wei Shao has been busy with the Battle of
Bingzhou and the westward expedition, and has never visited Jizhou in
person. Now that Pingxi is over, there is nothing else to do. Before
returning to Youzhou, it is natural to pass through Jizhou.

The purpose of his trip was to patrol the land and meet the prefects, county
magistrates, and generals from all over Jizhou.

The next morning after arriving, he was busy. During the day, Xiao Qiao
could hardly see his face.

The prefects from all over the country came one after another to pay
homage to the princes.

Except for the first night, Xiao Qiao and Wei Shao had dinner together. For
several days after that, Xiao Qiao ate dinner alone.

Every night in the Xin Palace, Wei Shao came back very late.

Xiao Qiao didn't expect Wei Shao to bring him here for vacation or to create
any surprises.

At most, when she first started on the road, she was a little bit secretly
longing for it.

After all, this is the place where the two first met and got married.

But when she got here, she put off the idea.
Not too disappointed.

She was used to passing the time by herself anyway.

During the day, I sometimes climbed the sandalwood platform like before,
watching all kinds of people waiting in and out of the Xin Palace, walking in
a hurry.

Or, go out for a walk too.

Of course, there must be Jia Xi guarding him.

Jia Xi has become familiar with her gradually.

He should be at most twenty-five or six years old, but he always gave Xiao
Qiao an old-fashioned feeling.

Probably because he served as Captain Hu Ben at a young age, and he

was taciturn.

To Xiao Qiao, he would never say unnecessary words.

Rarely look at her.

But now, when escorting Xiao Qiao out, although his attitude is still
respectful, but when Xiao Qiao asks him anything, he will also have a few
words with her.

Time passed so quickly, as if seven or eight days passed in a blink of an

Finally, when it was getting dark every day, Wei Shao's figure appeared in
Sheyang Curie.

He said that his business was over, and he would return to Yuyang

The two had dinner together.

After dinner, go back to the room and turn on the lamp. Wei Shao suddenly
thought about it and said, "I've only been busy with myself these days and
haven't been with you. You don't blame me, right?"

Xiao Qiao shook her head: "Why? I know my husband is busy."

Wei Shao said: "Where do you want to go, I will accompany you."

Xiao Qiao smiled: "I don't want to go anywhere..."

"I'll take you to Tantai. It's been a long time since I boarded."

Wei Shao had already held her hand back and took her out.

Xiao Qiao didn't say anything. In fact, he just got down from there in the
evening. Seeing that he was in high spirits, he went with him.

Wei Shao held her hand and walked out of Sheyang Residence. The
servants and maids they met along the way bowed and saluted.

Xiao Qiao was led by him, passed through an open lobby in front, and was
about to step out. He suddenly stopped and glanced back.

"I was here to worship you at the beginning."

He turned back and looked at Xiao Qiao.

Xiao Qiao hooked the corners of her lips: "Do you still remember?"

Wei Shao didn't say anything, just tightened the hand under her tight sleeve
that was intertwined with her fingers, and led her out.

The two stopped under the steps of Tantai.

The twilight was thick, covering the towering sandalwood platform in front
of him.

Wei Shao looked up.

Tantai is more than ten feet above the ground, with a total of eighty-one
high levels.

Every time Xiao Qiao goes up and climbs a section, he stops and enjoys
the scenery.

Wei Shao lowered his body slightly.

Joe looked at him.

"Get on my back," he said.

Xiao Qiao said, "I don't dare to ride a prince."

Wei Shao said: "You are only allowed to drive alone."

Xiao Qiao pursed her lips and smiled, you're welcome, climbed on his
shoulders, and jumped on his back.
Wei Shao held her buttocks firmly, and climbed to the top of the
sandalwood platform with her back in one breath.

He let her go. He supported her waist and seated her on a sapphire stone
platform with cloud dragons carved at both ends in the center of the
sandalwood platform, with her feet hanging in the air.

Yutai still has the residual temperature absorbed by the undissipated

daytime. Being put on it like this, with a thin layer of summer clothes, it was
very comfortable against Xiao Qiao's skin.

At that time, overhead, a deep blue starry sky gradually became brighter.
The wind of the summer night, blowing from all sides of the sandalwood
platform, swept the broken hair on Xiao Qiao's temples, and also attacked
his comfortable clothes.

Xiao Qiao took out the handkerchief and wiped the slight sweat that was
oozing from his forehead for him.

With one palm on the table, he nimbly jumped to sit next to her, grabbed
her wrist, and gently tugged, and Xiao Qiao leaned into his arms.

He hugged her, rubbed his chin against her forehead, and asked, "What
have you been doing these days?"

Xiao Qiao said, "I won't tell you."

"Say. Don't lie to me."

"You don't like to hear it."

"Speak!" Full of domineering.

Xiao Qiao hummed, "What else can I do? I can't help but think about how
you treated me when I first came here."

Wei Shao was silent.

"Have you forgotten yourself?"

Xiao Qiao put a small hand under his eyelids, pointed his fingers, and
began to count.

"When I went to church with me, I could clearly see the impatience on your
face! Not only did you perfunctory me, but you were still mocking me in
your heart!"

"You look bad!"

Wei Shao's voice was calm.

Of course he couldn't let her know that when he first saw her at the
wedding, he thought coldly that the Qiao family thought that by sending a
daughter who was long enough to come over, the old account could be
written off. The Qiao family are stupid, thinking that he is as stupid as

"You were sleeping on the bed in the bridal chamber. I woke up in the
middle of the night from the cold. I wanted to get a bed to keep warm, and I
accidentally woke you up. What's the matter if you pulled out your sword
and pointed at me?"

"Didn't I put away the sword soon. I also gave you the bed."

Wei Shao's voice was still calm.

He couldn't let her know that she was so frightened at the time that her
eyes were all rounded, but she still forced her to pretend to be calm under
the tip of his sword. Thinking of it now, he still had the same feeling in his
heart. It hurts, and I want to laugh a little.

"and also!"

Xiao Qiao continued to twist his fingers: "In the early morning of the next
day, you are going to take me to Yuyang! Husband, your heart is really

Wei Shao didn't argue for himself this time.

He lowered his head and stared at her, moved slowly towards her, and
suddenly kissed her lips that were still talking.

Xiao Qiao hummed twice and struggled. Gradually become soft. The long
kiss finally ended, and the four lips parted.

Little Joe stretched his arms around the man's broad and solid back.

"Husband, do you regret marrying me?" she asked him.

She raised her head slightly, her beautiful eyes reflecting the starlight
above his head, and his heart and soul seemed to be captured together,
unable to look away.

"Manman, you marry me, do you have me in your heart?"

He hoarsely asked her too.

The two didn't say anything, just looked into each other's eyes.
Wei Shao's breathing became more and more rapid, and suddenly he didn't
say a word. He turned her back and pressed her onto the jade platform with
the warmth of the sun, like a beast, rushing towards her.

The two sorted out their messy clothes and finally got off the Tantai.

Xiao Qiao's legs were a little weak, and he was wrapped around his waist
by his arms, and slowly returned to Sheyang Residence all the way.

A servant girl immediately came forward to pass a message, saying that

Mr. Gongsun had something to do with the prince, and he asked the prince
to see him after he received the letter.

Wei Shao's face was slightly unhappy, but it quickly disappeared. Laying on
the bed with Xiao Qiao in his arms, he kissed her flushed cheek, told her to
go to bed first, without having to wait for him, lowered his head and
straightened his clothes, then opened the door and left.

Gongsun Yang was waiting in the council hall. Been waiting for some time.

He went to look for it earlier, and when he learned that Wei Shao and the
female monarch had gone to Tantai together, he asked him not to rush.
After leaving a message, I came here by myself and waited patiently.

With his hands behind his back, he paced up and down slowly, thinking
Suddenly, he heard the sound of vigorous footsteps, and turned around to
see that Wei Shao had already strode in. Hastily greeted him.

Wei Shao went in and took a seat, and said directly, "Sir, wait for a long
time. It's getting late, what else do you need to find me?"

Gongsun Yang said: "I shouldn't have disturbed Junhou Qingjing at this
time. It was only just now that the messenger Yang Xin arrived overnight
and sent the news. I thought it would be better to report to Junhou as soon
as possible."

When Wei Shao heard that it was related to Yang Xin, his expression
immediately became serious, he leaned forward slightly, and asked, "What

Gongsun Yang presented a battle report.

A month ago, according to Wei Shao's instructions, Yang Xin stationed

troops in Shidi, and Xue'an was in Xiaqiu, one north and one south, to
attack the refugee leader Bishe.

Bi She is trapped.

Yang Xin originally thought that the refugee army was like a turtle in a urn,
and it would be difficult to get out of trouble. Unexpectedly, Bi She selected
the men and horses, imitated the flag and uniform of Xue An Xuzhou Army,
and took the initiative to drive to the land, and finally merged with Yang Xin.

Yang Xin never dreamed that Bi She would dare to welcome him. At first,
he mistakenly thought that it was indeed Xue An's troops, but he was not
sure what the purpose of Xue An's leading troops was here.
In this campaign, Yang Xin was defeated and lost.

Bi She now not only holds the Lingbi, but also holds the land.

Yang Xin's situation is unfavorable. Unsure of what to do next, a

messenger was sent to tell him.

Wei Shao swept the battle report sent by Yang Xin with one glance and ten
lines, his face suddenly gloomy, and he threw it heavily on the ground with
a "smack", angrily said: "Yang Xin is so incompetent! He can't even win the
leader of a mere refugee! "

Chapter 121: two

"How many soldiers and horses does Yang Xin have? One hundred
thousand! How many soldiers and horses are the leaders of the refugees?
At best, they are less than half! And they are a mob! Xiaqiu and Xue'an's
Xuzhou soldiers! Even so, they can lose the battle!"

Wei Shao stood up suddenly, with his hands behind his back, pacing back
and forth in front of the case, stepping across the ground, and rubbing into
his ears.

"Go and ask him how many soldiers and horses I want to give him before
he can knock down that refugee head for me!"

He stopped abruptly and turned around, his tone angrily.

Gongsun Yang was a little surprised.

Yang Xin failed to suppress Bi She as Junhou wished, but instead lost the
ground. After learning the battle report, Gongsun Yang also expected that
Junhou would be unhappy about it.

But what surprised him was that Junhou's reaction was so great.

Since the age of seventeen, Junhou has been assisting him, and he has
experienced more than a hundred battles, large and small, and it is not that
he has not encountered setbacks in attacking cities.

But even if he encounters another big setback, Gongsun Yang rarely sees
such a rage from a monarch.

What's more, although the location of the land is important, even if it is lost,
as long as there are no major changes on Xue'an's side, there will be no
major changes to the current situation in the Huainan area.

Junhou's reaction was really overdone.

Gongsun Yang hurriedly said: "My lord, calm down. Yang Xin was too
careless to let Bi She get away. Even though Bi She started out as a group
of refugees, I have also heard that not only is bravery rare in the world, but
also the way to govern the army. Now it is quite popular in the Huaishui
area, and there are countless people who have heard the wind. The lord
should not be underestimated." After saying that, he looked at Wei Shao.

Wei Shao's back was facing Gongsun Yang, his right hand was on the hilt
of the sword, he had already drawn the sword a few inches from the
scabbard, the body of the sword was flickering with cold light, and after a
while, with a sound of "Yi", he inserted the sword back and slowly released
his grip on the sword. The handle's fingers, turned around.

"You send a letter on my behalf, sue Yang Xin, and retake Wei as soon as
possible at any cost, and put the refugee's head in Lingbi..." He paused for
a while, "Lingbi can't fall into his hands! Be sure to drive him out! Yes! For
material and manpower needs, sue me!"

Gongsun Yang was startled, then hesitated: "My lord, I have something to
say, I don't know if I should say it or not."

"Sir has something to say, but it's what you say."

Wei Shao's anger seemed to have faded a moment ago, and he sat upright
and returned to the back of the case.

"The area of ​Xuzhou, connecting Yangzhou, Yuzhou, Jiangxia, has been

fighting for important territory for military families since ancient times.
Although Bishe was born, it should not be underestimated. As the master's
future plans for the world, it is naturally impossible to raise tigers. Just in
my opinion, it is not certain. I want the lord to go to war..."

He glanced at Wei Shao.

"I heard that the lady has a sister who seems to be married to Bishe. The
lady went south at the end of last year, and General Jia also escorted her
to Lingbi to meet the Nabishe couple. Going to meet, it can be seen that
the friendship with Bi She and his wife is not shallow. It is not suitable for
the enemy to be married, and it is because of kinship? Why doesn't the lord
consider using Fu to replace the war? Not only that, if Bi She can be
brought under the lord's account, the lord will be like a tiger with wings.
Why don't the lord not do things of benefit? Why don't the lord stop the war
first. The lord can discuss with the queen. I don't think the queen would
want to see the lord and Nubuat She draw swords. Turning around, with the
prestige of the lord now at home, it is expected that Bi She will be happy to

"Counselor! Are you worthy of my scrutiny when you are everyone?"

Before Gongsun Yang could finish speaking, Wei Shao interrupted him.

Look indifferent.

"It's just a rogue leader who occupies a small amount of land! Why do you
want me to tolerate it so much? You don't need to say more! I have made
up my mind, and I will never change it! You send a letter to Yang Xin
according to what I just said. It's in hand!"

After saying that, he lifted the hem of his clothes and got up from the desk
again, and strode away without looking back.

Gongsun Yang watched the Junhou go away, his brows puzzled.

Gongsun Yang knew very well that after the monarch settled the north and
the west again, there would definitely be a head-to-head battle with Xing

It's just a matter of time.

If you win, the world will be like a broken bamboo.

If defeated, Lu Ding's future is uncertain.

It's not that the situation between Huai Shui and Xuzhou is not important,
but at this juncture, the battle with Xing Xun is the key point, and Junhou
needs to deal with it with all his strength.

Gongsun Yang did not believe in Junhou and did not know this truth.

He came to Jizhou to summon the generals of the prefectures from all over
the country. A few days ago, there were banquets held every night in the
Xin Palace, naturally not for fun.

In order to sum up people's hearts, plan ahead.

Now the Huainan war situation, it is clear that we can first try to solve it
without fighting.

According to Gongsun Yang's thinking, if Bi She refused to be petted, it

would not be too late to fight again.

However, if he could take Bishe without a fight, and with his strength and
Yang Xin, it would be easy to eat Xuzhou where Xue Tai had already died.

In this way, a large area of ​beautiful land in the Huaishui area will be
captured by the princes without a fight.

Not only the land, but also a general like Bi She who might be able to
compete with General Li Dian in the future.

Such a cheap and good thing, why did Junhou insist on going his own way,
but he wanted to create a branch outside the festival, and ordered Yang Xin
to kill him?
Listening to Junhou's words, it seems that he looks down on Bi She's
background, so he disdains to use him.

But Gongsun Yang knew that even though the lord and lord were arrogant,
they were still commendable in the respect of the virtuous and corporal.

Otherwise, he would not have gathered so many good officials and

generals who were willing to be driven by him.

For example, Li Dian, who was born in poverty in his early years, is now the
number one general under his command.

It's a little unusual for him to be so hostile to Bi She.

Gongsun Yang pondered for a long time, and actually had a faint feeling in
his heart.

He suspects that the prince will be angry.

The Qiao family, the enemy of the prince and the prince, seems to be
addicted to Qiao's daughter, and there is a hint of inextricability.

Although it had been some time, Gongsun Yang had been gnashing his
teeth before he mentioned the Qiao family in front of him again, but based
on what Gongsun Yang knew about the emperor, it was impossible for him
to let go of his family feud so easily.

Bi She is also half of Qiao's family.

If Fu Bishe, in Junhou's view, is probably no different from Fuqiao's family.

How could he let go so easily?

Can only think so. Otherwise, Gongsun Yang really couldn't figure out why
Junhou's attitude was so stubborn and unreasonable.

In the council hall, Gongsun Yang, twisting his beard, slowly paced back
and forth.

He also thought about whether to transfer the news to the lady.

It may be better for her to persuade her to come forward than to wear the
skin of her lips.

But he quickly rejected the idea.

Obviously, Junhou ordered Yang Xin to expel Bishe, and this matter should
be kept from the female monarch.

In the army, although he was treated with respect by the princes and
princes on weekdays, the princes and princes listened to almost everything
he said, and the officers and soldiers respected his status.

But his official position is military division.

The so-called military division, supervising military affairs, military staff. The
final decision, follow orders.

If it was for other reasons, when Junhou did such an unreasonable act,
Gongsun Yang would be risking a crime, and he would definitely think
about it again.

But Junhou Ruo was really out of this selfishness that he had just figured
out, and insisted on destroying Bi She, which involved the hatred of the Wei
Qiao family.
He is a military adviser, and the first point of view to look at the problem is
that it is related to the military.

Judging from the current situation in the Huaishui area, it would be best if
Yang Xin succeeded and the Bishe forces were destroyed.

If Yang Xin fails, he should be able to maintain the current triangular

situation. No matter how outstanding Bishe's ability is, it is unlikely that he
wants to attack Yang Xin in the short term, and then swallow all Xuzhou. It
has no major impact on the overall situation.

Therefore, Gongsun Yang hesitated for a while, and finally decided to act
according to the wishes of the prince.

For the time being, let him be willful only once. Watch the situation change,
and then adapt accordingly to make a decision.

The next day, Xiao Qiao was ready to leave, but Wei Shao told her that due
to sudden changes, she would not leave for now and would stay in Xindu
for a few days.

He looked as usual when he spoke, how could Xiao Qiao guess that his
purpose of temporarily changing his schedule and staying behind was for
the Huainan war? He only said that it was inconvenient for him to talk to
himself about the important matters of a man, and he didn't ask any more
questions. He just told Chunniang to take out the luggage that had been
put away.
After such a stay, another ten days passed. We didn't see when Wei Shaoti
would leave again.

However, he knew that he sent a letter to Mrs. Xu, who had already
returned to Yuyang, saying that he had to postpone going back to Mianci
because of the fetters.

He also said that he and himself are getting along very well now, please
rest assured grandmother.

Xiao Qiao also wrote a letter.

In her heart, Bishe Daqiao and his wife were in mind. It was inconvenient to
ask Wei Shao about the current battle situation in the Huaishui area, so he
sent a letter to Da Qiao to ask them about their current situation.

She handed the letter to Jia Xi privately, and told him to send a trusted
messenger to Lingbi as soon as possible.

Here and Lingbi, although the Yellow River is also in the middle, but the
road is already a lot closer.

When the letter was handed over to Jia Xi, she specifically asked how long
it would take to receive a reply.

Jia Xi said that if there is no accident on the road, it will be enough to go

back and forth within half a month.

After the letter went out, Xiao Qiao kept her head up and waited for an

half a month later. Lingbi.

Da Qiao was lying on the side of the bed, shaking the rattle in his hand to
make a crisp sound like raindrops, teasing the baby sitting in the bed.

The baby's nickname is Li'er. She is only half a year old. She raised a
chubby baby, loves to laugh very much, and is extremely cute. Sitting next
to her mother at the moment, attracted by the sounding drum in her hand,
she stretched out a pair of fleshy little hands, babbling in her mouth.

Da Qiao gave the rattle to Li'er.

Li'er grabbed her hand, shook it a few times, and when she heard the
voice, she looked at her mother, as if she was surprised, and then giggled

Da Qiao played with his son for a while, and saw that the baby was getting
sleepy, so he fed him full stomach.

The baby slept peacefully with her tender cheeks against her mother's
warm skin.

Da Qiao looked at the baby who was sleeping in his arms, and his eyes
were full of tender love from a new mother. Suddenly thinking of her
husband Bishu, who is still fighting in the land at the moment, she is
worried again.

Just a few days ago, Yang Xin, who was repelled, came back again.
Although Bi She didn't tell her, she also heard that Yang Xin attacked again,
with great momentum and aggression. Plus the Xuzhou Army is in the

Big Joe was really worried.

She thought about it for several nights and couldn't sleep well. At this
moment, his son was sleeping peacefully next to him, and the room was
silent in the afternoon. Gradually, tiredness struck, and gradually he closed
his eyes. In a daze, she felt that her face was gently touched by fingers,
thought Li'er woke up, and immediately opened her eyes, only to find that
her husband, Bi She, had returned unexpectedly, and was sitting beside
the bed at this moment.

It was his palm that touched his face just now. The baby was still sleeping
soundly beside her.

She looked at her husband's smiling eyes, afraid of waking up her son, so
she slowly got up, and then fell into her husband's arms.

Feeling her husband's strong and steady heartbeat, the anxiety and anxiety
in Da Qiao's heart suddenly disappeared.

Da Qiao called her wet nurse to take care of Li'er, and went to another
room with her husband.

Bi She hugged her onto the couch and undressed her. The two rubbed their
ears and hugged each other tightly.
After the wedding, Da Qiao put her pillow on her husband's shoulder and
asked, "How is the war?"

Bi She hugged his wife and said, "The land is easy to defend and difficult to
attack, and you won't be able to get in for a while. Don't worry."

Da Qiao was puzzled and said, "Didn't Yang Xin have a bad relationship
with the Xue family originally? Why didn't he fight Xue An now, but instead
tried to embarrass you again and again?"

Bi She said: "I came back because I wanted to tell you this. Yesterday I
captured a lieutenant who was walking around Yang Xin. After the trial, I
learned something..."

When Da Qiao saw him stop, he turned over and asked, "What's the

Bi She hesitated, stared at Da Qiao, and said slowly, "According to what

the deputy general said, Yang Xin seems to have already invested in
Marquis Yan."

Chapter 122:

Da Qiao was stunned for a moment, and immediately revealed a surprise:

"The husband's intention is that Yang Xin is now attacking his husband
behind Yan Hou's back on his own initiative?"

She got up in a hurry, "I'm going to write a letter to Amei and ask her to
inform Yan Hou..."
Bi She pulled his excited wife back, made her lie back, stared at her
beautiful eyes as pure as water, smiled wryly, and shook his head.

"Am I wrong? Husband, you don't have to feel embarrassed. If Amei

knows, she will definitely help us!" Da Qiao looked at her husband in

Bi She fondly stroked his wife's hair, pondered for a while, and said, "If I
was right, Yang Xin suddenly went out of his way and attacked me
repeatedly. He should have acted on the orders of Marquis Yan."

Da Qiao was taken aback and stared at her husband for a moment.

"My brother-in-law—" She hesitated, "Why does Marquis Yan want to get
along with you?"

Bi She is speechless.

After learning yesterday that Yang Xin had joined Wei Shao, Bi She has
been thinking about this issue over and over again.

In terms of personal grudges between the two, he thought about it, the only
thing he could mention was the fight he had with him because of a
misunderstanding last year when he came to pick up the lady outside

At that time, he had a little color on his arm.

But Bi She decided that he would never have come to attack him with such
a small amount of friction caused by misunderstanding.
If he is so narrow-minded, no matter how high his background is, no matter
how many good officials and veterans he has under his command, it is
impossible for him to hold such a military commander at such a young age
and achieve his current status.

It is not out of personal resentment, then it is out of consideration for the


Wei Shao's name as the hegemon of the north is like thunder, and Fang not
long ago heard that he took the Yu Wei of Pingxi and annexed the land of
Feng Zhao.

His sword is pointing at the world, and he intends to fight for the deer. This
is no secret.

Except for Wei Shao, when Shi Xingxun, Yuan Zhe, Le Zhenggong... These
heroes have reached such a position, all of them have soldiers in their
hands, and when the Han Dynasty is almost exhausted, which one does
not want to compete for the world?

But what puzzled Bi She was why Wei Shao had just returned from Pingxi
and immediately set his eyes on him.

Although he now occupies a place and has some people under his
command, in terms of strength, it is far from being comparable to those
valve warlords from aristocratic families.

The spiritual wall he occupies is not like Xuzhou, it is a strategic location.

Wei Shao kept so many opponents that were obviously more worthy of him
to deal with now, so he directly pointed his finger at this little piece of
spiritual wall.


While Da Qiao was uneasy, she was even more unbelievable. Seeing her
husband was silent, he called him.

"Could it be that that person was slandering Marquis Yan and deliberately
alienating Marquis Yan? Marquis Yan married my sister, and the last time
my sister told me personally, Marquis Yan treated her very well. Husband
didn't blame him, okay, how could he? Just send Yang Xin to attack your

Da Qiao is gentle and kind, and always thinks people in a good direction.

Besides, Wei Shao is also the husband of his sister. She didn't want that to

Bi She said, "There shouldn't be any difference. I have never had any
dealings with Marquis Yan, and there is no need for separation. Perhaps
Marquis Yan planned to seize Xuzhou, but I stood in the way."

Da Qiao's heart was suddenly numb, he was stunned for a moment, and
muttered: "If it's true, I don't know if my sister knows about this. If she
knows... I'm afraid she will have a dispute with Marquis Yan..."
She suddenly got up again and grabbed her husband's arm, "Husband, you
will return the land to Yang Xin! After returning the land, he shouldn't attack
again, right? I don't want you to fight any more!"

Bi She said: "Yesterday, I sent a message to Yang Xin, and I conveyed this
meaning. Just listening to Yang Xin's tone, it seems that even the spirit wall
will be taken away before I stop!"

Da Qiao was stunned, his face slightly pale.

Bi She comforted: "Afan, I didn't want to let you know about this, so as not
to cause you to worry. I'm just afraid that if you find out more about the
future, you will blame me for hiding it, so I let you know first, so I can make
it better. You are prepared."

Da Qiao looked at him blankly: "What's the next step, husband?"

Bi She sat up slowly.

"Afan, I married you as my wife, and now I have Li'er. In this chaotic world,
the only thing I can think about is to have a place to live, and to keep you
and Li'er safe. If you can, call me. At this moment, I am willing to leave
everything here and you and go to the mountains to live in seclusion
without asking about other things. It's just that I can't help myself, and I
have come this far. I can't just leave everything here and go away with you.
Yan Houxu is right. I have a misunderstanding. Since the person behind
Yang Xin is him, I will talk to him directly. I want to send a letter to explain to
him that I have no intention to oppose him, nor to block his world plans. If
there is any misunderstanding in the middle , Since I made such a
statement, he should also consider it. If he believes in me, it is best. If he
still regards me as an enemy, even though he is strong, I will not be afraid.

He stared at Da Qiao and gently took her into his arms.

"It's just that I'm a little sorry for you. In the future, the communication
between you and the lady may not be as convenient as it used to be."

Da Qiao leaned against her husband's firm embrace and was silent for a
long time, then suddenly said: "Husband, I also wrote a letter to my sister,
ask the messenger to take it with you. If the misunderstanding between
Marquis Yan and you is eliminated, it would be better. If the
misunderstanding is still incomprehensible, you can only ask Amei for

"I don't want you to be hostile to Marquis Yan. I think Amei should be the
same. I didn't want to bother Amei. But thinking of what you said just now, I
think it's better to let her know as soon as possible, lest things go wrong.
It's too old to be handled. The last time she came to see me, I listened to
her tone, and Marquis Yan was very fond of her. If she tried to persuade
Marquis Yan, if there was a misunderstanding, she should be willing to
listen to her."

Joe finally said.

In the blink of an eye, another month and a half have passed.

Xiao Qiao is still in Xindu, but has not received a reply from Da Qiao.
Wei Shao went out early this morning, Xiao Qiao had nothing to do, and
thought of the letter again. He personally looked for Jia Xi and asked again.

She had asked before, but Jia Xi only said that it should be soon, please
wait patiently.

Same answer today.

"General Jia, if you have a letter, please forward it to me immediately."

Xiao Qiao said, suppressing the disappointment in her heart.

Jia Xi nodded hurriedly, a little afraid to look at the lady.

Even after killing him, Jia Hao didn't dare to let the lady know. In fact, the
letter she asked him to send had never left the gate of the letter palace at

He was Wei Shao's Hu Ben personal army captain. In addition to the

responsibility of guarding, the correspondence usually passed through his
hands first.

On that day, he forwarded the letter that the lady was going to send to the

Not on his own initiative, but on orders.

On the day when Junhou decided to stay in Xindu for a while longer, he
sent a message to him, saying that if the lady had a letter sent to Lingbi, or
if an outsider passed it to her, it would be forwarded to him first.

He also asked, not to let the lady know.

When the prince speaks, how dare Jia Xi not obey?

He even dared not tell the lady that just yesterday, a messenger came from
Lingbi and sent a letter.

That letter was passed on to Junhou by Bi She.

Jia Xi naturally did not know what Bishe said in the letter to Junhou.

He only saw it with his own eyes. When he passed the letter to the study,
Junhou took it and threw it in the basket beside him without raising his

The baskets are filled with discarded or badly written short films, silk

It will be cleaned up regularly and burned together.

Jia Xi didn't ask at that time.

But I knew that Junhou did not reply.

He took into account the fact that he had seen the lady and Bi She and his
wife close to each other the last time he sent the lady to Lingbi, so after he
came out, he also spoke well, euphemistically expressed the meaning of
the prince's lack of reply, and sent the messenger away. .

"General Jia, I'm sorry to bother you." Xiao Qiao said again.

Jia Xi hurriedly shook his head: "Don't dare. It should be."

The lady's temperament is really gentle. Although she can see that she is
anxiously waiting, she will never show any dissatisfaction or blame to
herself. Those beautiful eyes only showed disappointment, and then he told
him to pay more attention, and if there was a reply, he would immediately
forward it to her.

Facing such a lady, Jia Xi felt more and more guilty.

So much so that he didn't dare to look into her eyes when talking to her at
this moment.

Xiao Qiao didn't notice the strange expression on Jia Xi's face, smiled and
nodded at him, and turned away. Back in the room, after a while,
Chunniang came in and said, "Miss, guess who is here?"

"Who?" Xiao Qiao was a little dazed when she saw her smiling face.

Chunniang didn't give a **** anymore.

"The former Zonglang-kun!"

Xiao Qiao was slightly startled.

"The maid just heard a rumor from outside that someone was looking for a
maid and was waiting outside the side door. The maid was suspicious, who
would come here to find a maid, so she went out and took a look. I didn't
expect it to be him! Mr. Zong Lang said that he was a surrogate daughter.
Sister Jun, I sent a letter to the lady."

Having said that, handed it over.

Xiao Qiao was surprised and hurriedly opened the package.

Chunniang knew that Xiao Qiao had been waiting for Da Qiao's reply
recently. Suddenly, Zong Ji sent a letter in person, and she was very happy.

While Xiao Qiao was reading the letter, Chunniang smiled and said, "What
did the letter say? It's a little baby? It should be six or seven months old

Xiao Qiao had a big smile on her face at first, but before she finished it, her
complexion had changed so much that she could hardly believe her eyes.

She quickly read it from beginning to end, and her hands trembled

Chunniang also noticed her strangeness. Seeing her face suddenly turned
white and her lips turning bloody, she was startled and asked hurriedly,
"What happened? What did the letter say?"

"Is Mr. Zonglang gone?" Xiao Qiao asked, and without waiting for
Chunniang to answer, she lifted her foot and walked out.

Her mind was so disordered that her hands and feet were shaking, so that
when she lifted her foot to step out of the threshold, her toes stumbled and
almost fell to the ground, but fortunately Chunniang was quick-witted and
held her back, making her even more panicked: " What happened? You
walk slowly, and the maid will help you there."

Xiao Qiao closed her eyes, barely stabilized her mind, and without saying a
word, quickly came to the side door of Xin Palace.

Chapter 123:
When Xiao Qiao came back, he sat down and remained in a trance,

Just now, she met Zong Ji in the corner courtyard by the side door and
asked about Lingbi's battle situation. Chunniang was also on the side, and
finally understood what happened.

Zong Ji said that when he came out, Yang Xin was attacking the land, and
Xue An also heard the news and came again. But please don't worry too
much. Shidi is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and Bishe has many
tricks in using his troops, and Yang Xin and Xue'an are also on guard
against each other, so Lingbi should be safe for the time being.

Zongji also said that he came here yesterday in order to pass on the book
to Bi She. But Junhou did not reply.

Although he did not know the content of Bishe's letter, he knew that it must
be related to the battle of Lingbi. I still hope that Junhou can reply, so I
make up my own mind, ask the lady for help, and ask again.

The news made Chunniang very worried.

Although Zong Ji said that Lingbi was safe for the time being, even
Chunniang could hear that Lingbi's current safety was actually in jeopardy.

When the lady just read the letter, she had such a big reaction, presumably
because she was worried about Lingbi's battle situation.

Chunniang guessed that Bi She's letter to Junhou should be asking for

The content of Da Qiao's letter to the queen should be the same.

Back at this moment, seeing her sitting there with a stiff expression,
Chunniang was even more worried, and stepped forward to persuade her:
"Don't worry, ma'am. The last time Xue Tai attacked Yanzhou, the male lord
stepped in to help and resolved the embarrassment. Now the spiritual wall
is in danger. , The female gentleman told the male gentleman well, and the
male gentleman should also help to resolve it... ""Chunniang, call me Jia
Xi!" Xiao Qiao suddenly said.

Chunniang was interrupted and glanced at Xiao Qiao.

Her face seemed to have calmed down a lot compared to just now.

After hesitating for a while, he responded and hurriedly went out to spread
the word.

After Chunniang went out, Xiao Qiao closed her eyes and took a long

Jia Xi suddenly heard the summons from the female monarch, did not dare
to neglect, and hurried over. Waiting under the inner door and outer steps
of the lady's residence.

He waited for a long time, and when he began to feel uneasy in his heart,
he suddenly heard a slight rustling of footsteps.
Looking up, I saw a familiar Ting Ting figure appearing from the other side
of the corridor, my heart skipped a beat, and I didn't dare to look closely, so
I hurriedly lowered my head.

Xiao Qiao stopped on the doorstep. When Jia Xi saw Li to her, his eyes fell
on his face without saying a word.

Jia Xi's heart was pounding when she saw it, and she felt guilty. In addition
to the hot weather, sweat broke out on her forehead.

After a long while, he finally heard the voice of the lady above his head:
"General Jia, I asked you to send a letter to Lingbi last time, but I haven't
heard back. Maybe it's lost on the way. After thinking about it for a while, I
wrote another letter. Please General Jia help me deliver it again."

Jia Xi first breathed a sigh of relief.

Then there was a trace of guilt in my heart.

After hesitating, seeing that the lady had handed the mailbox to him, she
hurriedly stepped forward to take it with both hands.

"Thank you, General Jia."

Xiao Qiao smiled at him and turned away.

Jia Xi watched the lady's back gradually fade away, holding the letterbox
that seemed to be a little hot in his hand, thinking of her smile just now, his
mood suddenly became extremely low, standing at the foot of the stairs for
a long time, Fang turned around and slowly left. go.

In the evening, Wei Shao returned, dismounted from his horse and entered,
and Jia Xi greeted him.

Jia Xi's father was a general under Wei Jing's tent, but died in battle. Jia Xi
entered Tiger Ben at the age of sixteen. Wei Shao entrusted him with the
post of Captain Hu Ben since two years ago, which shows his trust. Seeing
him welcome, while entering, he asked casually, "Is there anything today?"

"Your Majesty, I have nothing to do today..."

Wei Shao nodded and strode forward.

Jia Xi stared at the back of Junhou, and in his heart, heaven and man were
at war. Suddenly I remembered the loyalty oath I made when I first entered
Hu Ben ten years ago, my palms were sluggish, and I finally chased after a
few steps, went up and said: "There is only one. The lady asked me to
send a letter to Lingbi."

The hands were finally presented to the letterbox.

Wei Shao stopped, his eyes fell on the letterbox and stopped for a moment,
then he took it, entered Yangju, and went straight to the study.

Naturally, he had read the letter he cut off last time.

In the letter, his wife mainly asked about the battle between the green-eyed
refugee leader and Yang Xin Xue'an, and then asked about the daily
situation of the couple and the little doll. These were automatically ignored
by Wei Shao and attracted his attention. , is a passage she wrote about her
own daily life in the letter, mentioning him.
She said, "...the letter is the place where my husband and I first met and
got married, and we revisited the place where we are now. In addition to
our emotions, we were also very happy. My husband and I once climbed to
the top of the sandalwood platform at night, and the stars were brilliant,
reflecting the dome. The scene at that time will be unforgettable for a long

Just these few words, Wei Shao read it several times with his back behind
his back.

He ordered Jia Xi to intercept his wife's letters, because he didn't want her
to know what he was doing to her brother-in-law, the head of the refugee,
behind her back.

If she simply pinched her correspondence with the other side, it would be
impossible for her to know the details, which would avoid future troubles.

Unexpectedly, I saw the content of such a letter by accident.

At that time, he had a peep into his wife's inner secret excitement and

She would never tell him that.

He had planned to burn her letter. Keep it in case she sees trouble in the

But because of the words written in the letter, he was reluctant to burn it
and hid it in the study.

Stopped another letter from her today.

Wei Shao's mood at the moment was both curious and vaguely expecting.

I don't know what she will say in the letter she sent this time.

Wei Shao took a knife and pried open the letterbox, and a piece of
snow-white silk was shaken out of it. It was neatly rolled up and tied with a
green ribbon around his waist.

Wei Shao untied the ribbon. Unable to untangle the knot for a while, it was
torn off in a hurry, and it couldn't wait to unfold.

His eyes fell on the silk, and his eyes suddenly stopped.

In the middle of the silk cloth, there is only one column of four characters:
Shame, Wei Shao?

The characters are dipped in thick ink, and the ink marks penetrate deeply
into the warp and weft of the fabric, smearing and smearing.

It can be seen that the people who wrote these four characters at that time
had great strength in their writing.

Wei Shao's eyes landed on these four characters. He seemed to freeze,

and suddenly he came back to his senses, as if he had been stabbed by a
needle and jumped up suddenly. He moved too hastily, his knee hit the
desk in front of him, the desk jumped when he hit it, and the stack of
bamboo slips stacked on the desk fell to the ground with a "crashing"
Wei Shao's knee was also hit by the hard wood, and he didn't care to touch
it. He jumped off the couch with one foot, walked forward quickly, and
walked to the door. The two doors in the study were closed "Yeah. " With a
sound, he was pushed away.

Xiao Qiao appeared at the door with an angry look on his face, his eyes fell
on Wei Shao's hand.

Wei Shao lowered his head with her gaze, only to realize that he was still
holding the white silk cloth in his hand and was busy hiding behind him.

Xiao Qiao stepped in and sneered: "My handwriting is still eye-catching,


Wei Shao's face was slightly red, and her expression was embarrassed.
She looked at Xiao Qiao for a while, then grinned suddenly, threw away the
silk cloth in her hand, walked quickly to Xiao Qiao's body, raised her hand
to hug her, and said: "It's all my husband's fault! Manman, don't be angry,
it's not worth it if you get angry! I won't dare to be my husband in the

Before the words were finished, Xiao Qiao gritted his teeth and pushed him
away with all his might.

How could Wei Shao be pushed away by her on weekdays? At this

moment, she was burning with anger, exerting all her strength, plus Wei
Shao was unprepared, she was pushed back by her palms and took four or
five steps back, and then stopped.
Wei Shao stopped for a while, then went up again as if nothing had
happened, stretched out his arms and put her in his arms, bowed his head
and kissed her. While Xiao Qiao struggled, he forcibly kissed him, his
cheek suddenly hurt, and with a slap, Xiao Qiao Yang slapped him on the

He didn't care, he simply pushed Xiao Qiao against the wall, and continued
to bow his head to kiss her, and said vaguely: "It's pretty cool... My
husband knows it's wrong, and I shouldn't block your letter privately... I'll do
it later. Neither will…”

Xiao Qiao was forcibly nailed to the wall by his arms and the body that was
being pressed against him, and kissed him. He couldn't break free. He was
so angry that he finally broke free with an arm and slapped him again.

This time, the heavy pumping left a few red fingerprints on his face, and the
palm of his hand was also aching.

Wei Shao's face was slapped to one side by her, he slowly turned his face
back, touched his cheek, his dark eyes showed a hint of embarrassment
and annoyance, looked at Xiao Qiao: "It's almost there? I've slapped twice.
Didn't I send your letter out? I'll have someone deliver it for you, how about

"Wei Shao, it's this time, you still want to lie to me?"

It was the first time that Xiao Qiao called him by his name in person. His
beautiful eyes were unusually bright because of anger, and sparks
splattered in them.
"You think I don't know, Yang Xin has already listened to you! You clearly
ordered Yang Xin to attack my brother-in-law! When I asked you last time,
you had the face to pretend to be nonsense in front of me!"

Wei Shao stared at her, the annoyance and embarrassment on his face
gradually subsided, and he suddenly frowned: "How did you know this?
Who told you?" His voice was already cool.

The library fell silent.

In Xiao Qiao's ears, there was only the sound of her own breathing that
became rapid with anger.

Her back was still firmly against the wall. She closed her eyes for a long
time, slowly opened them, raised her face slightly, and met Wei Shao's two

"Is that why you blocked my letter? You don't want me to know that you are
already dealing with my family."

Her voice was hoarse.

"I know that you will never let go of the hatred between your father and
brother. You want to deal with my family, yes, I have no right to stop it. But
you shouldn't deceive me like this! You keep saying that you love me, and
make me think you will treat my family. Human beings are magnanimous
and grateful, with fantasies and turning their backs, but you do such a thing
with the intention of being unfavorable to them! In your eyes, what do you
think of me?"

The anger in her eyes was gone, dim and dull.

"Wei Shao, you disappoint me. Really disappointed."

Xiao Qiao stared at him, and finally spoke slowly, word for word.

Wei Shao stared at her, his breathing gradually became heavier, he

suddenly turned around, left her, and strode towards the door, when he
reached the door, he paused for a while, and turned around and said, "The
area around Xu Huai is very important. If it wasn't for your sake, I would
have asked Yang Xin to do everything in his power to exterminate the head
of the refugees. How could I let him sit so big that he could compete with
Yang Xin today? "

After saying that, he slammed the door and left.

Chapter 124:

Once the two had a bad quarrel, Wei Shao always had a tradition of
running away in anger.

Xiao Qiao has long been used to it.

He dropped the last sentence and ran away. Xiao Qiao's legs were so soft
that she lost half of her strength. With his back against the wall, he slowly
slid to the ground.

The palm of the hand that hit him in the face was still numb, as if countless
needles were piercing densely, with a residual dull pain.

Just like the feeling in this part of her chest and heart at the moment.

She felt blocked and panicked, and she was almost out of breath.
A moment ago, she really couldn't control her emotions for a while, and
slapped him in the ear.

But Wei Shao also slapped her savagely, completely waking her up.

He used to be deeply in love, and it's not that he didn't have optimistic
fantasies. Even if Wei Shao couldn't get rid of his hatred for the Qiao family,
because of his existence, more or less, he might not really hurt him.

Or, at least not now.

Now their relationship is so close! Not to mention being in love.

But he didn't expect that now he would be able to kill his brother-in-law,
who was no real threat to him, behind her back.

In the future, if he is indifferent to himself, what else will he be unable to


In Xiao Qiao's mind, the scene of Emperor Su E being tortured again


Although she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she could have imagined it.

Xiao Qiao shuddered, and hurriedly expelled the terrible scene she had
imagined in her mind.

Stop thinking about it, stop thinking about it. She told herself over and over
again in her heart. What she should think about now is how to think of a
way to see if she can solve the predicament of the spiritual wall first.
From now on, what to do and what to do, don't have any illusions about
Wei Shao again.

She finally calmed down, slowly supported the wall, stood up straight,
glanced slowly around the study, and finally walked towards the large table
in the center.

Da Qiaoxin said that Marquis Yan should have misunderstood Contrast,

and this was the situation that Yang Xin attacked.

Bi She has sent a letter to Marquis Yan, hoping to clear up the

misunderstanding and resolve the dispute.

Da Qiao said that she did not want Amei to know about it. But if Amei saw
her letter, it means that Marquis Yan could not accept Bi She's

I hope my sister can help one or two from the side.

This is also the hope for final reconciliation.

Wei Qiao and his family are married, and in the past, he showed his love to
Wei Shao in front of Da Qiao. In Da Qiao's opinion, it should be as if Wei
Shao had eliminated the hatred between the two families. That's why she
thought it was because of some misunderstanding that Yang Xin would

No wonder Da Qiao thought so.

Even Xiao Qiao himself, when he first heard the news, was once in

After Xiao Qiao came to Wei Shao's big case, he flipped through the pile of
slips and slips on the ground, and looked for the remaining slips and silk
scrolls on the case.

They were all briefings and military information from all over the place, not
what she was looking for.

She rummaged through the places where letters could be stored in the
study, and found the letter she wrote to Da Qiao first.

He was pressed in the middle of a stack of battle reports.

Alone she wants to find something.

She looked around the study room again, and her eyes fell on the
wastepaper basket placed on the ground beside the big case. He went over
quickly, flipped through it, and finally took out an untouched letterbox from

Xiao Qiao opened the letterbox, took out the inner flesh, and glanced at it.

Finally found the letter from Bi She.

Gongsun Yang was in the public house of the government office, drafting
documents, writing like a fly, and the valet ran in quickly, saying that the
queen was here.
Gongsun Yang was startled, put down the pen in a hurry, got up and was
about to go out to greet him, when he looked up, he saw a sakura-violet
figure flickering at the door, and the lady had already entered. welcome."

He still didn't say the second half of the sentence, that is, "what's the matter
with you".

The lady suddenly came here from the Xin Palace, naturally, it would not
make you think of visiting her for no reason, there must be something

Xiao Qiao smiled and said, "Sir, you don't need to be more polite. I'm here
for one thing."

Gongsun Yang gave up his seat and said, "What is the order of the lady,
please send someone to call me, I can go, how dare I work for the lady to
drive here?"

Xiao Qiao sat down and said, "To be honest, I'm here to seek advice from
Mr. Yu for the sake of the spirit wall."

Gongsun Yang was startled.

Xiao Qiao took out the letter he brought.

"This is a letter from Bi She to Junhou."

Gongsun Yang was startled again. Busy take over, start browsing, and
ponder after reading.

Xiao Qiao said: "The meaning of Bi She is very clear in the letter. I have no
intention to be an enemy of the princes, nor to compete for Xuzhou. Now I
am sticking to the spiritual wall, just to have a foothold in this chaotic world.
Sincerity, he is willing to let him go back to the land. Then Yang Xin obeyed
the orders of the lord and launched an attack again. It is not that my
brother-in-law is afraid of him, but that this battle is really inexplicable, and
he does not want to put me in a dilemma. I know that Mr. is far-sighted,
looking at the fire, and there is a spiritual wall. At this moment, whether it is
worth the monarch to make such a big effort to seize it, Mr. should know
better than me. I urge Mr. to put the overall situation first, and then
persuade the lord to speak out. , I advise him not to go his own way again,
because the small loses the big. It’s not my bluff, it’s obvious to all, if he is
really forced to have no way out, I swear to deal with it to the end, and what
will happen in Xuzhou in the future, no one can predict.”

After Xiao Qiao finished speaking, he looked at Gongsun Yang.

Gongsun Yang got up from the couch, with one hand behind his back and
the other with his beard, he slowly paced back and forth several times, and
suddenly looked at Xiao Qiao: "Since the lady doesn't want the prince and
Bi She to be enemies, why don't you personally persuade the prince? The
words of the monarch should reach the ears of the lord more than I do."

"Since I have asked Mr. Gongsun, I have nothing to say. Why did I marry a
monarch, Mr. should know a lot. I came here with a good heart. Although I
always tried my best, I finally did something. It's not enough. To be honest,
because of the Lingbi incident this morning, I angered the prince, and he
walked away. Yang Xin listened to the order of the prince and attacked
Bishe. But it's not just out of personal resentment, but also related to the
monarch's grand plans. Now Bi She wrote to take the initiative to ask for
peace, hoping to clear up the misunderstanding, but the lord ignored it and
didn't even look at it. Such behavior is beyond reason. He went a long way.
He couldn't let go of the hatred between the two families, and he was
angered by me. No matter how much I said about this matter, he would not
listen to it. So I turned to ask Mr., please explain the interests and analysis
for the monarch. A thread. Whether it can be turned into a fight or not, I am

Xiao Qiao got up from his seat, walked across from Gongsun Yang,
stopped, and gave him a deep bow. The panicked Gongsun Yang hurriedly
supported him with both hands, and said politely, "The majesty is serious!"

After pondering for a while, he said: "To be honest, what the lady and I
thought coincided. It is indeed unreasonable for the prince to drive Yang
Xin to attack Bishe at this time. I have persuaded him before about this
matter. The lord doesn’t listen. Now, since Bi She’s handwriting, and thanks
to the lady who looks up to me, come here in person, I should do my best,
and try again. If it can be done, it will not only relieve the lady’s worries, but
also avoid extra troubles.”

Xiao Qiao thanked him deeply again, saying, "If you see Junhou, sir, you
can bluntly say that I have been here before, and it was I who passed on Bi
She's letter to you."

Gongsun Yang.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps coming hurriedly on the

ground. A tall figure in black clothes came straight in. When the visitor saw
Xiao Qiao, he was stunned for a moment, then his face became cold, and
his two sword eyebrows were deeply furrowed. He got up, but didn't make
a sound, just stood by the door, turned his face proudly, and only turned
half of his face towards her.

It wasn't anyone else, it was the monarch Wei Shao who had just slapped
Xiao Qiao twice a while ago.

Looking at the half handsome face on his right, probably because of his
thick skin, the finger marks that had been dropped earlier had faded away,
and there was no clue.

Xiao Qiao finally thanked Gongsun Yang and said, "This is how I greet you
sir." After saying that, he passed by Wei Shao and went out.

Gongsun Yang sent her out.

Xiao Qiao asked him to stay.

Wei Shao turned his head and stared at Xiao Qiao's retreating back. When
Gongsun Yang came back and bowed to him, Fang asked coldly, "What is
she doing here?" with a look of disgust on his face.

Gongsun Yang only invited Wei Shao to take a seat. Ask him why he is

"It's been nearly a month since Yang Xin attacked the Spirit Wall, is there
any new news?" Wei Shao frowned and looked impatient.

"There is no meteor fast horse. Presumably the confrontation situation is

still maintained."
With Yang Xin's 100,000 horses and Xuzhou troops in Xue'an, they couldn't
defeat the Lingbi in such a battle. Although they couldn't be defeated, they
were humiliating enough.

Wei Shao's face was gloomy, and he was silent for a moment. He coughed,
moved his body, and asked coldly, "Why did she come here just now?"

Gongsun Yangfang said: "It's also a coincidence, the lady is also here for
the Lingbi situation. Just now, she forwarded the letter from Feng Bishe to
me, saying that it was intended for the lord, but the lord refused to accept it,
so she transferred me here. "

Wei Shao's palm slapped heavily on the desk with a "snap": "How

The pen and inkstone that I photographed jumped slightly.

Gongsun Yang hurriedly stood up and apologized: "It's my arrogance! Lord

forgive me!"

"It's not your words!"

Wei Shao said angrily, "She is so daring! Dare to send me a letter


Xiao Qiao came out of the government office and went straight back to the
Xin Palace.

It was planned to leave a month ago, and although the itinerary was
temporarily changed, the luggage had been arranged at that time, and
most of it had not been dismantled. The daily objects, clothes and sundries
used in these days, Chunniang and the servants and maids have just
packed up, and they are all installed.

When Xiao Qiao came back, Chunniang greeted her and asked anxiously,
"Men, are you really leaving? Why don't you wait for the male to leave?"

Xiao Qiao said lightly, "He wants to stay here and wait for Yang Xin to
knock down the spiritual wall. But I can't wait any longer. I'll leave first."
After that, he ordered people to carry out the boxes and cages and put
them on the carriage. He also went up and sat in.

Jia Xian was apprehensive, wiped the sweat from his forehead, came to
the carriage looking out the window, and persuaded bravely, "Wait,

Just opened his mouth, seeing Xiao Qiao showing half of his face in the
window, two eyes were cast towards him, and he immediately closed his
mouth embarrassingly.

Xiao Qiao said lightly, "If General Jia doesn't want to **** me, I'll call
someone else."

Jia Xi hurriedly said: "How did the lady say this? I have all selected it, and
everything is at the command of the lady, and I'm on my way."

Xiao Qiao closed the window and sat back.

Jia Xi had no choice but to order and prepare to go on the road.

Before leaving, he quietly dispatched another subordinate, ordering him to
quickly go to find Junhou and spread the word, saying that the lady was on
her way, and she would go back to Yuyang first.

Chapter 125: 4

Gongsun Yang said: "My lord, calm down your anger. The female monarch
dares to be disrespectful to the lord? She also has her own difficulties. As
she said just now, the lord is the husband of the female lord, and Bishe is
not an outsider. I would like to see the two fighting each other. There are
inappropriate actions, which are excusable, and the lord should be

Wei Shao's face sank: "Why do you always speak for her, military advisor?
What did she say in front of you just now? Did she tell you what I told you?"

Gongsun Yang had already realized that whenever a monarch was

dissatisfied with him, the title would be changed from "Mr." to "Military
Master", which must have gone against him again.

He hurriedly said, "Don't misunderstand the prince. The talented lady came
to look for me, only to say that she had offended the prince, and I was
afraid that the prince would no longer allow her to speak. In order to resolve
the misunderstanding, she forwarded Bi She's letter to me. Meng The lord
never gave up and used me as a military advisor for many years. It is not
only a military advisor, a situation of Lingbi, and it is not a matter for the
lord’s family, so I took the liberty to receive letters.”

"The military adviser doesn't need to say more! The matter of Lingbi, I have
already decided, how could it be changed because of a woman?"
Gongsun Yang watched him.

His two eyes fell in the direction of the door, his eyes were straight, and his
expression was strange. Although his tone was still stiff, he didn't seem to
have seen much anger.

Gongsun Yang couldn't figure out what the prince was thinking at the
moment. Then he presented the letter brought by the female gentleman
Fang Cai to him and said, "This is a letter from Bi She. The lord can be

Wei Shao retracted his gaze, glanced lightly, and didn't answer.

Gongsun Yang unfolded and read it from the beginning in cadence. After
reading it, he said: "Whether the situation of Lingbi is worth the lord to fight
like this, I have listed them all before, and the lord has always been wise
and has high priorities. I know better than me what the priorities are. I don't
dare to play an axe in front of the lord again. I'm just talking about Bishe's

"Bishu was born as a refugee, killed Xue Tai, and defeated Yang Xin twice.
There is no doubt that he has the talent of a general. In his letter, he did not
pretend to be his lord and his brother-in-law. There are many contradictions
between the lines. Sincerely, I said that if I have misunderstood the lord, I
ask the lord to forgive me. He took the initiative to ask for peace with the
lord. In this case, why doesn't the lord sell a love? The heart can control
justice and say it, and it is bright in the four directions. Taste the nine
virtues to Yu, saying: Generous and trembling, strict and gentle, strong and
righteous, then it will show that Jue is permanent, auspicious!"
Wei Shao was silent.

Gongsun Yang suddenly coughed a few times, Wei Shao's brows moved
slightly, he looked at him and was about to get up, Gongsun Yang waved
his hand and stopped coughing: "I still remember that the day before the
lord was seventeen years old, the old lady called me. During the dialogue,
there were many emotions and joys. The old lady once asked Yu Yang how
she looked at her. The sheep replied, the old lady was quick to get angry
and exercised her power decisively, so the woman did not let her men. The
memory is still fresh."

"The old lady said that the heart of a person is only grasped, but it is too
small, but the power is large, but it can swallow hundreds of rivers, and it
will benefit the whole life. Looking back half my life, the journey was
difficult, and it is not worth saying that it is possible to have today. The only
thing I feel is this.”

Wei Shao remained silent.

Gongsun Yang also stopped talking.

After a moment, I heard Wei Shao say coldly, "Sir, you must let me let go of
that refugee leader, or else I'll be a narrow-minded person?"

Gongsun Yang smiled and said, "Why did the lord say this? If the lord is
narrow-minded and cannot tolerate others, why are there so many good
generals under his command who are willing to listen to the lord's advice?"

Wei Shao's eyes fell on the opposite door again, and he was lost. After a
long while, he finally said: "Xu Shu Yang Xin, retreat."
Gongsun Yang was overjoyed and hurriedly said, "As ordered."

Wei Shao got up and went out.

Gongsun Yang sent him.

Wei Shao came to the door, remembered, and asked, "When will the envoy
of Guo Quan arrive at Xindu?"

Guo Quan, the Marquis of Jibei, is adjacent to Yuan Zhe in Qingzhou. After
Wei Shao has leveled the west, his power is even stronger. Guo Quan
admires him. Like Yang Xin, he thinks that he is unable to compete for the
world. If he is annexed by Yuan Zhe, it is better to rely on Wei Shao.
Knowing that he is now stopped in Xindu, he sent an envoy to express his
intention to serve.

Gongsun Yang said: "If you count the time on the road, it should be soon."
He sent him down the steps under the porch, remembering the lady, and
said: "The lady was very worried when she came. The lord went back to
see the lady and called her. You will be happy when you hear the news."

Wei Shao stopped in his footsteps: "Counselor, although the leader of the
refugees sent a letter today to ask for his favor, how could he know that he
would not oppose me in the future? The reason why I didn't put it out, so I
let it go, is to accept your advice, absolutely not My original intention has
nothing to do with the woman. What if she likes it or not?"

Gongsun Yang was stunned for a moment, and said hurriedly: "What the
lord said is very true. The reason why the lord accepts my humble opinion
is to tolerate the people. The battle of Lingbi was all about a
misunderstanding. Once the misunderstanding has been eliminated, the
lord will accept Bishe again. Asking for good intentions, this is all right! How
can you have anything to do with a woman?"

Wei Shao ordered Gongsun Yang to stay behind, and strode away to the ya
office. His mind was a little dazed. Suddenly, a guard on the opposite side
greeted him and knelt down and said, "You are the only one who is just
now, and General Jia has sent someone to pass the message, saying that
the female Jun has already left, and General Jia will **** him and send him
to report."

Wei Shao was taken aback: "Where did you go?"

The guard opened his mouth and shook his head blankly.

Wei Shao was stunned for a moment, his expression suddenly changed, he
quickly exited the gate of the government office, stepped down the
bluestone steps with one foot in a few steps, and got on his horse beside
the tie-up stake. The passers-by saw that the horse was flying like a fly, and
galloped away in the direction of the south gate of the city. They recognized
that the figure on the horse seemed to be a prince, and they stopped and
looked back.

Wei Shao chased to the gate of Nancheng in one breath, stopped his horse
and looked at the southward galloping road, but when he saw that the road
was extended, there were pedestrians coming and going from north to
south, and when he reached the end of his line of sight, there was still
yellow dust, but there was no trace of the carriage and horse, so he called
the city gate guard. The official went to the front: "Could Jia Xi **** the
carriage out of the city just now?"

Junhou came in such a hurry, inexplicable, and his expression was

desperate. The guard was quite surprised and hurriedly said, "I'm here
today, and I haven't seen General Jia leave the city."

Wei Shao was sure, turned around immediately, hurried back to the Xin
Palace, and stepped into the room where the two lived in Sheyang

The room was empty, not only was there no one, but most of the things
were missing. All her everyday objects were gone.

Wei Shao roared when someone came, and a few servants hurried over.

"Where is the lady?" Wei Shao snapped.

The maid was terrified and whispered, "Your Majesty, the maid is on her
way, returning to Yuyang."

Wei Shao did not move.

The love between the lord and the marquis is unusual. Compared with the
first marriage, the difference between heaven and earth is obvious to all the
servants and maids in Sheyang Curie. I don't know what was wrong, but
the lady left Junhou and returned to Yuyang first. Several people waited
outside the door for a while. One of them was smarter and bolder. He
looked up at the sky and said boldly: "When the lady left, the sun was still
hanging, and now it was dark, and it seemed that the sky was about to
change. It doesn't take much time, if you go after it, it's still too late..."
Before he could finish his words, he bumped into Jun Hou with a gloomy
expression, two eyes cast coldly, and he fell silent.

After noon, the sun completely disappeared, and over Xindu, the clouds
rolled up, and the darkness seemed like the sky was about to get dark.
Before you arrived, the lights were already turned on in the room.

Wei Shao was alone in the study. The door is closed. The candle flames on
the candlesticks were blown on and off by the wind that got in through the
cracks in the doors and windows.

Wei Shao was a little uneasy. The soldier scroll in his hand has been on the
same page for a long time. Finally dropped it. Before coming to the north
window, I pushed it open.

The gust of wind rushed in, rolling the corners of his clothes to hunt, and all
the candles on the candlestick behind him were extinguished in a row.

Wei Shao looked at the sky at the end of his line of sight to the north. There
was a dark cloud over there, lightning tore through the clouds from time to
time, and there was a faint rumbling sound of muffled thunder.

He was in a trance for a long time.

A drop of rain the size of a bean suddenly hit his cheek with the wind from
the eaves.

Above the tile roof, there was a sound of raindrops falling densely like
sifting beans.
Wei Shao felt a little cool.

It's autumn.

Late at night, it rained more and more.

A flash of lightning flashed outside the window. With another "click la la"
sound, a Jiao Lei rolled over his head, almost breaking people's hearts.

Wei Shao opened his eyes, turned his face, and looked at the empty pillow.

She is the most timid and can't hear such lightning and thunder. If he was
still lying beside him at this moment, he would have already got into his
arms and begged him for protection.

Wei Shao's heart was empty, as if something had been dug out.

Another flash of lightning tore apart the lacquered night sky, illuminating
half of the city of Xindu, as bright as day.

Amidst the pounding thunder, Wei Shao's heart seemed to be throbbing for
a while. Suddenly, he rolled over to the ground and quickly put on his
clothes. He went outside and took off the cloak and hat hanging on the
wall. He pushed open the door and walked out. He landed on the steps in
front of the door, stroking the spray all the way, and walked away quickly.

When Xiao Qiao went out in the afternoon, the sky was still fine. After noon,
the sun was gradually obscured by clouds.
Before You Shi, the sky was as dark as night, and it started to rain again.

The heavier the rain, the more it poured. Along the galloping road, after
walking for another ten miles in the wind and rain, I finally arrived at the
post house and settled in.

The Yicheng prepared the Jingshe, and welcomed Xiaoqiao to live there.

The bedding was brought out by Chunniang herself. Chunniang knew that
Xiao Qiao was afraid of lightning and thunder, so she slept with her that

Xiao Qiao couldn't sleep. Close your eyes and put your head under the

Until the second half of the night, the thunder gradually faded, and finally I
slowly closed my eyes.

Suddenly there was another muffled thunder in the distance.

Xiao Qiao woke up suddenly, her heart was beating wildly, she opened her
eyes in the dark, and heard Chunniang's familiar sound of sleeping
breathing, her heartbeat slowly calmed down.

She felt dry and a little suffocated. Without disturbing Chunniang, she
gently climbed down from the bed, came to the table, poured half a cup of
water, took a few sips, put it down, went to the window, and pushed open a
small window that was soaked by the rain.

A gust of moist wind, carrying the coolness of the late night, rushed
towards her.
Before I knew it, it was autumn again.

There was a rustling sound behind him. It seemed that Chun Niang was
about to wake up.

Xiao Qiao closed the window and climbed back to the bed.

While Chunniang was half asleep, she stretched out her arms and touched
Xiao Qiao's soft body, feeling a little cold, and hugged the quilt for her.

Xiao Qiao was finally tired. He closed his eyes and fell asleep listening to
the rustling sound of falling rain on the tiles above his head.

I don't know how long it took, when I suddenly felt that someone was gently
pushing me.

When she opened her eyes in confusion, she saw that a dim light was
already on in the room. Chunniang didn't know when to get up, but at this
moment she leaned over and was calling her softly.

"Female lord, male lord is here."

Xiao Qiao heard her say. There was a cautious tone in his tone.

Chapter 126:

Jia Xi escorted the lady to the north during the day. Don't let up all the way.

Although all the way here belongs to the territory of the monarchs, there
should be no major problems.
But the lessons of the previous merger with Chen Rui are vivid in my mind.
Although it was an accident, he still had lingering fears when he
remembered it.

And when Junhou Chu got married, he sent the queen back to Yuyang the
next day. It was also an accident on this road. The queen was kidnapped,
and finally the king ended up attacking Shiyi.

In particular, he knew that the lady's departure today was not the intention
of the prince. If there is an accident, he will really die.

Therefore, although this place was a post house, that night, he not only
arranged guards in shifts near the queen's house, but also personally on
duty in the second half of the night.

When he was on the road during the day, he also secretly guessed whether
Junhou would send someone to catch up after learning the news he sent.

The answer came so soon.

Not only did Junhou catch up in person, but it was actually in such a late
night with thunder and lightning and storms. After chasing more than a
hundred miles from Yuyang to here, he arrived at the darkest point of the

He wore a rain hat on his head and a sackcloth, his feet stepped out of the
stagnant water, and went straight into the lobby from the door of the post

Leaving a damp water stain behind him.

Jia Xi was stunned, knelt on one knee in front of the prince, bowed his
head and prepared to be reprimanded.

Junhou only asked him, "Where is the lady?"

The voice was indistinguishable from anger.

He replied, a gust of wind swept across his face, and then raised his head,
Junhou had already passed by his side...

Xiao Qiao sat up slowly from the pillow.

Chunniang draped a coat over Xiao Qiao's shoulders, turned her eyes to
the direction of the door, couldn't hide her uneasiness, and said in her ear,
"Men's body is soaking wet, and he doesn't look good."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and went out, and came to
Wei Shao who was still parked outside the door.

There was no anger in his expression, but nothing else.

There was a depressing aura all over him.

Chunniang suppressed the unease that was pouring out of her heart.

She really wanted to make an explanation for the female gentleman's move
to leave today without saying a word, so that the male gentleman could put
out the fire.

I can't think of it.

"The lady is awake..."

Wei Shao flickered and stepped over the threshold.

The door closed in front of Chunniang with a creak.

The candlestick is dimly lit.

Wei Shao was wet from head to toe.

It had been some time since he had been under the tile, but at this
moment, the water droplets still kept falling from his full of water to his
handsome face along his forehead.

The clothes were even more soaked, and they were tightly attached to his
chest, and the water was dripping down. It took only a moment for him to
stand on the dry ground under his feet at the door, and a pool of water
stains accumulated.

Xiao Qiao's eyes slowly fell from his face to the pool of water stains under
his feet.

"Take off your clothes, you're soaking wet!" she said.

Wei Shao did not speak.

Standing still.

Xiao Qiao waited for a while.

He snorted coldly: "I will catch a cold tomorrow, don't blame anyone!"
After that, he turned around and lay back with his back to him.

She closed her eyes, but she couldn't hear any sound behind her.

Finally, unable to bear it any longer, he opened his eyes and turned back

Seeing that Wei Shao was still standing there with his hands hanging
straight as he did a moment ago.

The figure was cast by candlelight on the wall behind him, motionless, like
a hanging shadow puppet.

It seems to be pranking.

She was suddenly annoyed, sat up, got out of bed and walked straight to
him, frowning: "You and I can't agree on one place, I'll go back to my
Yuyang, you stay and continue to be your king. Hou's big business, isn't it
cheap for the hatchback? You chase after me in the middle of the night to
disturb my dreams, do you think that yesterday was not enough?"

Wei Shao still stood stubbornly. Only a crystal drop of water rolled down
from the tip of the beauty in the middle of his forehead and dripped onto the
bridge of his straight nose.

Xu was soaked in the wind and rain in the middle of the night, his
handsome face was slightly pale, his eyes were bloodshot stimulated by
the rain, and there was a trace of tiredness in his brows.
Xiao Qiao raised her hand angrily and peeled off his clothes: "I don't want
you to be sick with me. In case my grandmother finds out and complains
about me in the future!"

He obediently asked her to strip herself naked, leaving her naked body.

Xiao Qiao poured out another bath towel from the trunk and threw it at him.

Wei Shao caught it, and finally began to wipe the water stains on his head,
face, and body.

Xiao Qiao took his wet clothes that could be twisted out of water, and sent
them to Chunniang at the door.

Chunniang was attentive, and just before she went out, she had already
taken a set of clean middle clothes from Jia Xi, brought it over and was
waiting outside.

Xiao Qiao took the clothes, returned to him, and handed them over: "Put
them on."

Wei Shao took it and put it on silently.

"What are you doing here?" Xiao Qiao's tone finally eased slightly.

Wei Shao said, "I've sent a letter to Yang Xin, retreat."

The first sentence after entering.

Xiao Qiao was startled.

"Are you satisfied?"

Second sentence. With negativity.

Little Joe was silent.

The room fell silent.

The sound of the night rain on the roof suddenly changed suddenly, and
the rustling sound was clear.

"I did this for you."

Wei Shaohu was authentic word by word.

"The head of the refugee is not something in the pool, and it will be
troublesome to be my enemy in the future. The military advisor advised me
to recruit him. Of course, he is half of your Qiao family, so he has the ability
to reach the sky, and I will never use!"

"Manman, since things have come to this point, I will no longer hide from
you. I know that you have always wanted me to let go of the hatred in my
heart. I also want to! Of course, this is too difficult for me. When I die, I can't
hold back my hatred. I can't do it!"

Xiao Qiao's eyelashes trembled slightly and slowly raised his eyes.

"At the beginning of today, I thought you went back to Yanzhou! I chased
after the gate of Nancheng! Manman, do you know what thoughts I had at
that time?"

He paused.
"At the time, I was very surprised and extremely angry. I was thinking, if you
leave me and really never come back, that's fine, then I have no scruples.
Whenever I want to fight Yanzhou, I will Go fight! If you want to destroy
Qiao's family, I will destroy it!"

Joey opened his eyes.

Wei Shao's face was still pale from the rain.

Because of the pale face, the two sword eyebrows and the black eyes were

In the eyes, the red blood threads are like cobwebs, and the knots are
densely covered.

The sight made her horrified.

" come, what do you want?"

She had tried her best to control it, but her voice was still slightly trembling.

Wei Shao closed his eyes. suddenly opened.

"You and I make a covenant, how about it? I please you, I want you to
please me as I please you. Listen to my words, have a baby for me, and
don't leave me. So, from now on, as long as you Joe family If you don't
mind, I promise you, I won't move them."

Xiao Qiao's heart skipped a beat, almost jumping out of her chest.

It was cold and thin at night in early autumn, and she felt cold, and her skin
had goose bumps. There was a hint of warmth in his eyes.
"it is good."

She looked at his red eyes and said.

There was a white light outside the window.

On the top of the mountain in the distance, there seemed to be another

muffled thunder. The dull thunder rolled gradually, and suddenly it seemed
to burst above the head.

Joe's shoulders shook.

Wei Shao stretched out his arms and hugged her in his arms.

The two fell on the bed.

She was stripped of her clothes, revealing a mass of lamb's soft flesh. It's
just that no matter how he caressed, Xiao Qiao's body kept shaking and
her teeth were chattering.

He kept kissing her, wrapping her with his fiery body, and when she
gradually stopped shaking, he let go of her, and lay on his back in front of

He was already hard.

As long as he wanted to, he could have possessed her long ago.

He didn't move. Staring straight at her.

Xiao Qiao knelt beside him. He slowly raised his hand and held his
scorching heat.
He gasped, bloodshot in his eyes even more red. Suddenly he sat up, held
her head, and pressed her head down.

Hot pressing on her beautiful face.

Joe froze for a moment. Close your eyes and obey him.

Wei Shao's throat made an uncontrollable mixed voice of excitement and

joy, until when it reached the critical point of an outbreak, he suddenly
turned over and fit into her.

The moment he entered the flesh, he heard a coquettish cry that sounded
like weeping and complaining in his ears, and all the loss and anxiety that
Wei Shao had to travel alone in the wind and rain tonight disappeared.

He was tensely twisted and pushed by her, as if to repel him from going

He gritted his teeth, stepped in inch by inch, and moved forward with
difficulty. Finally called him to the end.

He hit her hard, as if to hit her deeply.

Saying that, he was unwilling and despised for himself.

The Qiao family played a beauty trick on him.

He was hit.

Clearly know, but has been unable to extricate themselves.

He could only ask for pleasure and satisfaction from her. Want her to bring
him enough joy and satisfaction that can make him forget the deep hatred
in his heart.

only so,

is fair.


If you ask the ladies in Luoyang, what is the most fashionable makeup look

It is no longer the willow leaves with long eyebrows that pierce the temples,
nor the flowers on the forehead that shine brightly, but half a delicate mask,
half covering the jade face, BMW car, driving on the streets of Luoyang,
attracting countless passers-by to look back.

Mrs. Yulou, who had completed her filial piety for Duke Feng Yi of Zuo,
finally returned to Luoyang.

After a lapse of two years, a month ago, she first appeared at a night
banquet in the palace with a butterfly gold mask covering her face.

The next day, the ladies in Luoyang began to follow suit, and the followers
were so numerous that it became a common practice.

Chapter 127:
Xiao Qiao raised her face slightly and stared at the birds on the branches
for a moment.

On the bed behind him, Wei Shao dimly stretched out his hand and
touched his body.

Touched empty.

His eyelids moved slightly, he suddenly opened his eyes, and sat up with a

Fang was pulled by Xiao Qiao to his shoulders and the quilt horns slipped
along his chest and piled on the side of his abdominal muscles.

He lifted the quilt and was about to jump out of bed when he suddenly saw
Xiao Qiao's back standing beside the small window.



Joe turned his head.

Four eyes facing each other.

"come over."

Wei Shao looked at her and said. The voice was slightly hoarse.

Xiao Qiao closed the window and returned to him.

He shook her hand and tugged slightly.

Joe fell down. Take him into his arms.

"I was happy last night. You were happy too. Isn't it?" Wei Shao asked,
looking down at her.

Xiao Qiao leaned on his shoulder and looked up at his pair of still bloodshot
eyes, as if examining his own eyes.

During the hesitation, his lips twitched slightly, and Wei Shao suddenly
seemed not to listen to her answer.

He lowered his head and sealed her mouth with a kiss.

In the middle of the day, the door is open.

Chunniang had already dried and ironed the clothes Wei Shao took off last
night and brought them in.

The two got up, simply had a meal, and then left the post house and went
back to Xindu.

Wei Shao asked Xiao Qiao to wait for him for a few more days. After
passing the envoy of Guo Quan, Marquis of Jibei, he returned to Yuyang
with her.

Xing Xun was both a minister and was respected by the young emperor Liu
Tong as his father, and his status was respected. Not only is the palace like
his mansion, the emperor is like a car in and out, and he calls Santai to call
Shangshu if he is his retainer, and even now, because he is lazy and goes
to the palace, he orders the courtiers to discuss court affairs directly in front
of him.

There is a saying among the people of the time that there are two imperial
courts in Luoyang today, one is the Qianqiu Longevity Hall in the palace,
and the other is the Lotus Terrace of Xiangfu.

The name Lotus Terrace comes from Xingxun's gorgeous mansion built in
the eastern suburbs of Luoyang. Guangsha Xuanyu, carved fence jade. In
the middle of the lake and pond in the garden, there is a tall building
shaped like a lotus flower, with steps made of jade and inlaid with gold
threads. It not only stores gold jewelry, but also stores the wealth of the
world, as well as beautiful people, just like a harem.

Su Ehuang has been famous since she married Luoyang more than ten
years ago.

When Xing Xun was still a prefect outside Luoyang, he heard the name of
Mrs. Yulou of Luoyang.

In addition to her beauty, I have also heard of her destiny.

Later, Xingxun brought a heavy army into Luoyang to eradicate dissidents.

After the scheduled time, the first thing to do was to meet Su Ehuang at the
palace banquet.

At that time she was still Mrs. Zuo Fengyi Gong.

Luckily, she was **** after her. Waiting for secret opportunities.

How could Su Ehuang fail to see what Xing Xun was thinking about him?
She is a smart woman. Especially well aware of the inferiority of men.

In her whole life, she has been unfavorable to men.

The only one who has been planted so far is Wei Shao. This is a later story.

She knew Xing Xun's love for herself.

Fortunately, he was in power. Such a character is also fascinated by

herself, and she is naturally proud in her heart.

But she didn't want to let him succeed.

If a man easily gets a woman, he will never take it to heart.

Although Xing Xun was in power, he had just entered Luoyang at that time.

Emperor Su E was a member of the royal family.

The Han Dynasty is declining again, if she refuses to submit, Xing Xun
really can't break into Zuo Feng Yigong's mansion and arrest people.

After half a year, Liu Li died. The new widow of Emperor Su E.

Xing Xun sent someone to take her to the Lotus Terrace in secret three
days later.

Even then, she still looked down on Xing Xun.

The man she was thinking of was far away in Youzhou.

In order to get that man again, she has been secretly planning for a long
time, how can she be so committed to the lotus platform?
Taking advantage of Xing Xun's battle in Sishui, she returned to Zhongshan
in the name of keeping filial piety.

It's been two years, and now I'm back, even though the noble ladies in
Luoyang are like clouds, Mrs. Yulou's limelight has always been

After the feast, Xing Xun favored Su E Huang in the inner room.

After that, Xing Xun was lying on the couch, snoring like thunder.

The interior is magnificent and beautiful, with black hair like clouds.

Su Ehuang looked disgusted, pushed aside Xing Xun's fat body, sat down
in front of the mirror, and stared at himself in the mirror.

Half a golden mask, made by skilled craftsmen at a high price. It covers the
middle nose and hangs behind the head with a soft strap, which is delicate
and tight.

Unless she takes it off herself, she will never fall off in her sleep.

She looked at herself for a moment, and her eyes fell on Xing Xun's back
reflected in the mirror. After a moment of ecstasy, she got up and went back
to the couch. She screamed and pushed Xing Xun hard.

Xing Xun was awakened from a sound dream, feeling unhappy in his heart,
and asked in confusion, "Why are you making a noise, Madam?"
Su Ehuang said in a panic, "I was in my sleep just now, when I saw a
golden light suddenly fall from the beam of the house and came straight to
the Prime Minister. I said that I would be unfavorable to the Prime Minister,
so I cried out, not wanting that golden light to circle over the Prime
Minister's head. The circle, turned into a dragon again, waving its tail over
the beam of the house, and landed in the eastern suburbs! I was
awakened, and this disturbed the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister
forgives my sins!"

Xing Xun was originally unhappy, but after listening, he was completely
sleepy, opened his eyes and said, "Really?"

Su E Huang said: "In front of the Prime Minister, how dare you talk

Lucky is ecstatic.

Su Ehuang knelt down and said: "The dream just now is really clear. It's like
what I saw with my own eyes! I'm in a panic, why didn't the Prime Minister
send someone to the eastern suburbs to see what happened?"

Lucky Xu. Send someone immediately. After dawn, people came to report
that a thousand-year-old tortoise shell had been dug out in the eastern
suburbs, with nine big characters on it: Sun Zaishan, good luck, and king of
the world. The tortoise shell has been transported in a treasure box, please
see the Prime Minister.

Xing Xun immediately called a group of cronies to gather at the Lotus

Terrace. The crowd watched, all surprised. Among them was the master
book Feng Yidao: "Sun Zaishan, the luck of the trip, he is inferior, and the
name of the prime minister. This is a strange sign of heaven, saying that
the prime minister has the order to sit in the world!"

Si Zhi Zangchang also said: "The Han Dynasty is exhausted, the people
are struggling, the world is full of grievances, if it is not for the Prime
Minister's hard support, they would have fallen apart. Heaven obeys
destiny, right on the ninth five!"

The rest of the people joined in.

Although Xing Xun is extremely respected today, even the young emperor
Liu Tong respects him as his father. Whenever he goes to the palace, if
there are no courtiers in front of him, Xing Xun takes his seat, but the
young emperor stands aside, trembling, but he is not as good as himself.
Satisfaction, has long been arrogant. Just a lot of scruples before. Today, I
have received the omen from the sky, and I have a group of people who are
in unison to advocate for the upper position. At the moment, I am moved,
and I leave Feng Yizang and other cronies to discuss matters in private,
choose a day for myself to be the emperor, and make a big noise. He lifted
the butterfly cover on her face with his hand, was blocked, and said with a
smile: "The Prime Minister has forgotten? I once told the Prime Minister
that I met a fighter last year, and then asked the fate. Fang Shiyun, I have a
very precious life, but I can't help it. Lantai blocked the fortune, so I lost my
husband and became a widow, and I had to use the gold of the five
elements to break my luck, so I covered my face with a butterfly cover.
Does the prime minister take my gold butterfly, doesn't it break my
Emperor Su E kept a tight cover. Although Xing Xun was also suspicious,
he was dubious about her pretext. It was only Su girl who brought a vision,
but it was deeply ingrained long ago, and last night, she used the words of
a dream to help her with today's affairs. Fortunately, Xun would not forcibly
remove her butterfly cover, but felt that she was half-covered. , even more
secretive, he laughed at the moment, and said: "Madam is really a
wonderful person. After getting Madam, I will know that the woman I used
to have peace with is not worth mentioning! If I become emperor in the
future, I will definitely welcome Madam into the harem. Live up to the life
you were born with!"

Su E Huang said: "Thank you for your love. It's just that I am worried that
although the Prime Minister has received auspiciousness from the sky, I am
afraid that the princes may not be willing to obey. Especially the northern
Wei Shao, how would he be willing to bow his head and become a

When Xing Xun heard the word Wei Shao, he was furious: "Little Wei Shao,
last year's Zhengdan Day congratulations, all the lords came, but he did not
come! This year, he drove Feng Zhao to occupy Liangzhou, so arrogant,
really treat me like me What can't he do? When I finish my important
affairs, I will personally raise troops and attack Youzhou!"

Su Ehuang said: "The prime minister is indeed masculine! Emperor E

admired it, so he sat and waited for the prime minister to unify Haiyu and
add to all directions! Wei Shao was very ambitious and married Yanzhou
Qiao's daughter, so he borrowed Yanzhou to make it easier for him to go
south to conspiracy in the future. Wei Shao, you should attack Yanzhou
together, so that you can kill two birds with one stone and cut off the way

Xing Xun glanced at her: "I heard that Madam and Wei Shao had an old
friendship in the early years, why do you hate it so much now?"

Su E Huang said: "I only knew each other when I was a child, and I have
seen it a few times, so why did you say it? He is an enemy of the Prime
Minister, and he is also my enemy."

Xing Xun said: "Okay! When I am in the position and the ninety-five, I will
definitely support you!"

Su Ehuang smiled: "Thank you, Your Majesty, Long En."

Xing Xun laughed, suddenly remembered, and said: "Ding Qu, Yuan Zhe
Ganer, switched to my account last year, and once said to me, Wei Shao's
wife, has a rare beauty, and all men in the world will lose their souls when
they see it. It is said that Chen Xiang's loss was combined with the state,
and the cause of his defeat was also that his son took Wei Shao's wife, led
Wei Shao to attack Shiyi, and then took back Qiao's daughter. Wei Shao's
child, Yan Fu is not shallow. You know him, have you met Qiao's daughter?
Who is more beautiful than you?"

Su E Huang smiled and said: "How can I compare the beauty with Wei
Shao's wife? As for how beautiful Qiao Nuo is, the Prime Minister sees it in
person, which is better than thousands of words."

Xing Xun was in a trance, and his heart was getting itchy. I wish I could
immediately grab that Qiao girl and hide it in the lotus altar.
In order to vent his hatred, Wei Shao tasted the humiliation of being stolen
from his wife, and he had to see with his own eyes how beautiful Qiao Nv
was, so that Chen Xiang could lose the Shiyi that he had held for decades,
and then he was completely defeated, giving away his great foundation to
others. .

Wei Shao took Xiao Qiao back to Xindu that evening.

Gongsun Yang was waiting for him in the Xin Palace.

Although there was not much abnormality on the face, it was obvious that
something had happened.

Wei Shao sent Xiao Qiao back to Sheyang Residence first. Then he went
to the study and asked, "What's the matter, sir?"

What awaited him was news that he had never thought of before.

Gongsun Yang said: "During the day, the meteors will be reported to the
horse, and the king of Langya, Liu Yan, will unite with the East China Sea
and send troops to Xuzhou. Xue'an hastily retreated in order to protect the

Wei Shao's thoughts were still a bit unrecovered at first.

The king of Langya Liu Yan?

He finally recovered. Suddenly he looked at Gongsun Yang.

Gongsun Yang's tone became more cautious: "According to the spies, Liu
Yan then went to Lingbi in person, suspecting that he intended to appease
Bi She."

Chapter 128: 6

Langya State is located in the north of Xuzhou, the capital of the country is
Kaiyang, and it is only four or five hundred miles away from the city of
Xuzhou. The royal family was in decline, and it had a name for a long time.
Xue Tai did not take the district Langya in his eyes before. He only knew
that the king of Langya died last year and his son Liu Yan succeeded to the
throne. Just a table. Little did he know that Liu Yan had secretly formed a
talented person in the past two years. He was a hero, saved food, and built
strong barriers. He was no longer the teenager who was forced to live in
Yanzhou for several years due to alienation.

Liu Yan has been secretly paying attention to the situation in Xuzhou. Since
Bi She first fought against Xue Tai last year, Bi She has caught his eye.
Today, in the chaos of Xuzhou, and finally decisively to persuade the East
China Sea to join forces to capture Xuzhou City.

Xue An was determined to avenge his father, Chen Bing Xiaqiu, and
Xuzhou City's reserves were empty, so Liu Yan succeeded in a surprise
attack. When he returned to the rescue, he was unable to return to the sky,
and the siege of the city would be unfavorable. The rest of the city, after
weighing it, had no choice but to abandon Xuzhou City first, with only tens
of thousands of horses left, and hate to return to Xiapi to recuperate first.
Liu Yan secured Xuzhou, and the first thing he did was to visit Bi She in
person at Lingbi, expressing his sincerity.

Wei Shao sat behind the desk with his sword on the desk.

With slender fingers, he slowly stroked the dragon-patterned gold

decoration on the hilt.

His expression was sullen, but dark waves surged in the bottom of his
eyes, as if the mountains and rain were about to come.

"...Liu Yan is a nobleman of the Han family, and a corporal of courtesy and
virtuousness. He is known as a rare zhilan and jade tree among the royal
family. He also lived in Yanzhou when he was a child. Speaking of it, he
has a reason to follow Nubuat She. It’s a pity to be recruited. It’s not a big
deal, but it can’t be ignored. In my humble opinion, the lord should still
focus on the overall situation, abandon the previous hatred, and take this
opportunity to retreat to take Nubuat for his own use. , is the best policy..."

Gongsun Yang kept chattering beside him, and Wei Shao didn't hear what
he said.

His heart and soul were all focused on the name Liu Yan.

His wife's childhood sweetheart and ex-fiancé, after he married her, this
person still didn't give up and robbed her in the middle of the road, which
was how he attacked the battle of Shiyi in a rage!
With Wei Shao's status today, there are too many things to share. Attacking
the city and conquering the land, accepting the action, fighting hard, taking
precautions, apart from these world war plans, his private emotions are all
tied to Xiao Qiao. Being fascinated by her, she is a woman who worries
about gains and losses every day, and is unsettled. Sometimes there is
tenderness, I wish I could make a ball with her, you have me, I have you,
sometimes love, hate, anger and madness, and my heart is hard to calm,
and Liu Yan has already been thrown somewhere.

But I never thought that the name suddenly appeared again, and in such an
unexpected way.

Not only did he take Xuzhou from his early eyes, but what made Wei Shao
stabbed the most was that he actually wanted to recruit Bi She!

No matter how Wei Shao refused to admit it and kept calling Bi She "the
head of the refugees", he knew that in Xiao Qiao's mind, the head of the
refugees was her elder sister and big Qiao's husband. , I'm afraid it's even
heavier than myself.

Just because of a Joe surname!

He was a little sad about this, even more angry.

Last night, he walked a hundred miles alone in the rain and chased her to
the post house. In exchange for her, he was willing and impulsive, and
made a concession for her that might make him shameless to face his
father and brother in the future.
At that time, it was indeed exchanged for her gentle treatment, calling him
desire, immortal, desire to die, a fleshly body, and the ultimate beauty that
could be achieved, it should be nothing more than that.

After the tide of love is over, my heart still seems to be missing a corner.
That kind of always seeming to be lost, it seems that she has not been fully
filled by her calm-sounding "OK".

It's only been one night, and this kind of thing pops up again.

One is her former fiance and the other is her brother-in-law.

If the head of the refugee was really recruited by the man named Liu, what
would she think?

Will the surnamed Liu add another weight to her heart?

"...If the lord is unwilling to come forward in person, in my humble opinion,

you can ask the lady to help. If the lady writes a letter and explains the
benefits, Bi She will definitely not be accepted by that Liu Yan..."

Gongsun Yang was still on the side, talking non-stop.

Wei Shao's face sank, he pushed the sword forward, straightened his
shoulders, and said, "I have my own decision on military affairs, why should
a woman intervene?"

Gongsun Yang was well aware of the former relationship between Liu Yan
and the queen.

Seeing Junhou's statement like this, he had to press the words.

Wei Shao said: "Order someone to inquire about the news, and watch it
change first. As for Xuzhou..."

He pondered for a while, sneered, "I told Yang Xin not to use troops first,
just wait. Xue An lost Xuzhou, how could he be willing to give up? He will
go to seize the city again. What foundation does Liu Yan have? For several
years, I didn’t want to repay my kindness, and now I still want to drag
others down. Liu Ying is a little bit angry, but dare to fight against Xingyue?
Just sit and watch Xue’an and Liu Yan fight.”

After all, get up, get out.

Three days later, the envoy Guo Quan, the Marquis of Jibei, arrived.

The messenger is not someone else, Guo Quan's eldest son Guo Xing.

When he came, Guo Xing brought six horses, a golden saddle and some
silk satin.

In addition to the gifts, there is also a car of incense.

In the car were two beauties that Guo Quan gave to Wei Shao.

One is good at rhythm, one is good at dancing, has a virgin body, and has
an outstanding appearance.

That night, Wei Shao held a banquet in the Xin Palace to entertain Guo
Xing and his party.

Sheyang Residence was separated by several doors from the front hall
where the Xin Palace held a banquet.

But I could still hear the sound of Sheng and Bamboo coming from that

Due to the large number of guests, there were dozens of people in the
group, Xiao Qiao transferred servants from Sheyang Residence to the front
hall to listen.

It was getting late, and servants and maids came back one after another.

Chunniang came back from the small kitchen with the Poria black chicken

The lady has always felt unwell when her menstrual period came. Although
she is better now than before, she felt weak and weak every few days.

And the marriage time is not too short, and the stomach has not moved.

Although Mrs. Xu did not urge. The man is not dissatisfied.

Chun Niang has always been concerned.

A few months ago in Jinyang, when Xiao Qiao fell ill, after gradually
recovering, Chunniang asked a doctor to take care of the female doctor.

The doctors couldn't diagnose anything, they only said that the deficiency
of qi and blood, the symptoms of both deficiency, should be gradually
Going to the house along the veranda, at the corner of the corridor, I saw
two maids standing behind their backs, whispering there.

As they got closer, they heard two people talking.

One said: "...The two beauties presented by the Marquis of Jibei were
singing and dancing. At that time, I stood in the corner of the hall and saw
the two women with my own eyes, and the wind was blowing towards Jun

Another said: "What's the matter? I heard from the servant girl who served
the two girls all the way, that the Marquis of Jibei intends to make a
marriage contract with Jun Marquis and wants to send a daughter over.
The maid should not know yet..."

Chunniang frowned, coughed, walked over and said, "Is there nothing to
talk about here? Are the rules dead?"

When the servant girl heard the sound, she turned around and saw it, with
a look of panic on her face, and hurriedly pleaded guilty.

Chunniang scolded two more words before entering the house. I saw Xiao
Qiao standing in front of a window. The direction of the opening of the
window was in the direction of the discussion of the two servants and
women just now. Suspecting that she heard it, she felt a little uneasy and
called her to eat.

Xiao Qiao took two bites and put it down.

The cook persuaded her to go in more. Xiao Qiao reluctantly took another
bite. Feeling tired, she pushed it away.
Suddenly I felt a rush in my stomach, as if I wanted to vomit, I frowned, and
tried my best to endure it.

Chunniang saw that her expression was different, she thought she had
heard the discussion of the two servants and women just now, and her
heart was disturbed, so she persuaded in a low voice: "What did the lady
hear? Don't take it to heart. You also know what you have in mind.
However, if you send two servants, how can the male gentleman catch your
eye. It was Guo Jiazhen who sent her daughter over, and it was just Ji's
position. The female gentleman relaxes and keeps her body strong, male
gentleman Just happy..."

Xiao Qiao was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Chunniang is

Xingong main hall, carved beams and painted buildings. In the spacious
and deep lobby, there are eight vermilion pillars surrounded by two people.
At the four corners of the roof of the temple, flaming butter and fire sticks
were burning, and the light inside was as bright as day.

Wei Shaodong sat alone in the case, and Guo Xing came to make Lie sit
south, and Gongsun Yang, Chang Shi Weiquan and others sat with him
from the north.

Delicious wine and delicious food, the guests and hosts are full of joy, and
the wine is full of joy.
After the two beauties came to sing and dance to cheer, Yu Fu walked to
Wei Shao's seat, knelt down to the left and right, holding a golden bottle in
each hand. A maid poured wine. When the wine was full, and with the
sound of chirps, he presented delicious wine to Wei Shaojin.

Wei Shao took the wine and ordered his attendants to reward the two

The beauty thanked him, and after stepping back, Guo Xing glanced at the
advisor Xia Hong who was sitting beside him.

Xia Hong understood, got up to drink wine and said with a smile: "Before I
came here, a certain heard that the Marquis of Yan ordered the world's
best, fierce and sharp, and the north is determined by young people. In the
Weijia Sea, everyone looked up and longed for , When I see you today,
Fang Zhi Yan Hou is not only unparalleled in martial arts, but also more
beautiful and handsome, like a long day of Zhuxia, which is heartbreaking.
My lord, there is a daughter in the family. I came to serve the Marquis Yan
and his wife, to show that my lord has a good heart, what would Marquis
Yan think?"

Gongsun Yang's expression paused slightly and looked at Wei Shao.

Wei Shao drank all the wine in the cup, put it down slowly, Fang Wei smiled
and said: "Thank you Guohou Meiyi. Guohou Qianjin must have an ice soul
and a snow soul. Please tell me on your behalf, Shao is very grateful, but I
don't dare to be so wronged. She. I hope to conclude another good
relationship, so that I can live up to the shyness of Huixin."

Guo Xing and Xia Hong were all startled.

Wei Shao has married Yanzhou Qiao's wife as his wife, which is well known
in the world. Guo Quan naturally insisted on extravagantly wanting to marry
his daughter as his wife. Fang Cai Xia Hong's words also made it very clear
that he would like to marry a daughter as Ji, and wanted to use this to
stabilize the relationship.

But they didn't expect that Wei Shao would reject all of this. The two looked
at each other and couldn't speak for a while.

Gongsun Yang was sour for a while. Seeing Junhou finished speaking, his
face did not change, and he poured the wine by himself.

Get up and round the field.

Wei Quan was ordered by Wei Shao and contacted Guo Xing and his party
before. Seeing this, he added a toast to Guo Xing's ear and said, "It's not
that my lord rejected your family's good intentions. There were other
families who sent daughters to ask for marriage before. The lord should not
at all. It should not be used in the past, and it is not good to take your family
alone today. Although he doesn't take it, he only makes you feel good
about it, but the lord accepts it, so that you don't have much heart."

Guo Xing was a little embarrassed, but he couldn't help but wonder in his

It is common practice to send a daughter to seek a stable relationship.

He had also heard that Wei Shao had an unresolved feud with the Yanzhou
Qiao family.
The Qiao family was able to resolve their hatred by marrying a daughter as
Wei Shao's wife.

In the past, he was attacked by Xue Tai, and even got Wei Shao's shot to

Originally, my family wanted to follow suit, so as to stabilize the relationship.

I didn't want to but was rejected.

It's just a step late, and the Yanzhou Qiao family got in first.

Chapter 129:

The banquet is over.

Wei Shao saw that Wei Quan seemed to have something to say. He waved
his hands hastily, said to go to the toilet, and strode away.

Wei Quan chased Wei Shao all the way, and finally chased him outside
Ximing, admonishing: "The lord plans to decide the world, just to recruit
heroes and bring people together. Guo Quan took the initiative to send his
daughter, in addition to marrying the lord, but also for the sake of the lord.
Ask for stability. The lord accepts it, but I don’t know why? I saw Guo Xing’s
eyes at that time, and I must have been unsure. I was afraid of his doubts.
After a few words of relief, I saw that he was barely at ease.

Wei Shao said, "I've pushed everything, you told me to go back? Needless
to say, I just ate too much wine and was in a hurry to go to the toilet."

Say it and step inside.

Wei Quan is upright, but he doesn't want to act in the eyes of others. If you
decide what you should do, you must say something ugly before giving up.

Once, in order to persuade Wei Shao to accept his advice, he chased him
for three days. In the end, Wei Shao was helpless and gave up after

Wei Shao also knew that he had just rejected Guo Nu, and his behavior
was unexpected. Therefore, as soon as the banquet saw Wei Quan
approaching him, he immediately went to the toilet.

Unexpectedly, he chased after him all the way.

Wei Shao held his breath inside and dawdled for a while, until he couldn't
hear any movement outside, thinking that Wei Quan had left, and then
came out.

I don't think he was still standing by the door. One turned around to enter
again, but Wei Quan blocked the way.

"My lord! The lords have one wife and eight concubines! The lord now has
only one female monarch, and he has to take several concubines and
concubines. It is only natural. The lord should accept it!"

Wei Shao didn't seem to hear it, and he raised his feet to leave, but Wei
Quan firmly grabbed his sleeves from behind.

Wei Shao was annoyed and turned around and said, "Guo Quan is sending
a daughter off today. If I accept it, I will have another one tomorrow, and
you want me to accept it again? How can I be covered with endless
essence, water, rain and dew? Don't talk more!"
Wei Quan was stunned. He hurriedly argued: "My lord misunderstood my
intention. My original intention was that this time the Guo family showed
goodwill, and the lord refused to accept it. Guo Quan was afraid of doubts,
which would not be conducive to a strong relationship."

Wei Shao threw off his sleeves and said angrily, "I seek the world, but rely
on women's crony?" After that, he strode forward.

Wei Quan felt that Junhou's remarks seemed reasonable, but they seemed
to be contrary to common sense.

Ding hesitated outside the toilet door, looked up and saw Gongsun Yang
coming on the opposite side, and hurriedly chased after him to say hello:
"Military teacher! You came just in time!"

Gongsun Yang also came here anxiously after drinking. I glimpsed Junhou
and Wei Quan outside the toilet from a distance, and immediately stopped
and turned to leave in a hurry.

Nai He has been seen by Wei Quan. Hearing him calling him from behind,
he had to stop and walk over with a smile on his face.

Wei Quan repeated what he had just said.

"Does the military advisor think what I said is reasonable? Should the lord
accept it?"

Gongsun Yang glanced at the monarch, whose face was gloomy and hazy,
and coughed: "Cough...cough...the lord should have his own thoughts on
this matter...the Minister of the Guard can do his duty...the
rest...cough...cough... The lord himself should think about it..."
Wei Quan originally thought that Gongsun Yang, like himself, would
persuade him.

I don't want him to cough for a long time and come out with such a

Fu was stunned again: "Why didn't the military adviser persuade him? I
didn't force the lord to accept the beauty. I also know that the lord is not a
person who covets beauty. It's just that the behavior of the lord at today's
banquet is really not appropriate, so I dare to speak. I really don't
understand why the lord doesn't accept it..."

"I'm scared, how?"

After Wei Shao finished speaking, he raised his foot in anger and walked

Wei Quan was stunned, opened his mouth, and stared blankly at the back
of Junhou Yang, who was walking away, until he could no longer see
anyone, and then slowly turned to Gongsun Yang.

Gongsun Yang waved his hand: "Chief Guard Shi Mo asked me, I don't
know more than you. I'm going to the toilet too."

Wei Shao went back to his room. Xu Zhong.

It's late.

But because of the banquet at the beginning of the evening, it is not too
late to come back at this o'clock.
In the few days that Xiao Qiao was picked up from the post house, she
always felt down during the day.

After preparing for the banquet tonight, and she has nothing to do with her,
she just lay down.

People lie down, but can't sleep.

Closing his eyes, the scene of Wei Shao appearing in front of him on that
thunderstorm night appeared in his mind like a chicken in soup.

That night, her mood was indescribable.

At first, she married into the Wei family, and the only mission she
shouldered was also her own sole purpose, which was to resolve the
hatred between the Qiao and Wei families due to the previous generation.

Compared with the Qiao family, Xiao Qiao's own wish was actually more

Because she knew what Wei Shao, the founding emperor of Dayan, who
was full of hatred in her previous life, had done to the Qiao family.

Two years have passed.

She married when she was fourteen and is now sixteen.

In the past two years, from the very beginning, she was afraid of taking the
wrong step and saying the wrong word, and finally she gradually became a
little integrated into the Wei family, and even got the favor of her husband
Wei Shao, and now she can even rely on his favor. What is it like to lose
your temper in front of you?
But she never dared to think that she would be able to get the assurance
from Wei Shao that he would not move Qiao's family.

She knew exactly how deep Wei Shao's revenge obsession was buried in
his heart because of the death of his father and brother.

How arrogant and cruel he is, and Xiao Qiao knows it well.

So, at that moment, when his bloodshot eyes stimulated by the rain stared
at her, she was shocked when he suddenly said such a paragraph when
she was unprepared.

It was strange that at that moment, she was not as relieved as she should
have been.

Not relieved, but wanted to cry.

For him and for myself.

He was willing to make such a promise to her in order to make her "please
me as I please you", and she knew how difficult it was for him. Therefore,
he is also eligible to attach conditions like naked transactions. It is right and
proper. Even in this way, she will inevitably have a feeling that she is a
sacrifice on the altar.

But maybe, in the end, he just wanted her heart and let her love his heart

Joe understands this.

But Xiao Qiao knew that he couldn't do it.

The "yes" she should have said at the time was deceiving him.

She likes Wei Shao, this man whose teeth are itchy when he's bad, but
also makes her fleshy and soul-swept when he's good.

But she couldn't be completely relieved about the future because of his

The floating clouds are like white clothes, and the whiskers have turned
into grey dogs. There are too many variables in the world.

Ten or twenty years is too far away, so I don't think about it.

How can I know what I was thinking today at this moment last year?

She believed that Wei Shao's promise at that moment was from his

But she also knew that the man-devouring beast in his heart was now only
forcibly locked in a cage by himself with an iron chain.

I don't know what day I will get out of here because of what.

She was willing to do her best to repay the promise Wei Shao made to her.

But she was still waiting for her father to strengthen the Qiao family, just as
she had thought.

Hatred may be restrained by the love of a woman alone, and even children.

But it can never be eliminated.

Joey knows this.

Chunniang knew that Xiao Qiao hadn't fallen asleep yet, so she entered the
room to accompany her. Seeing that Xiao Qiao was thoughtful, he
explained again: "Young lady, don't think too much. The Guo family..."

Xiao Qiao sat up and interrupted her with a smile: "I see that Chunniang
thinks more than me!"

Chunniang sighed and shook her head in a self-deprecating manner: "What

the lady said is true. I won't talk anymore."

Xiao Qiao said, "Chunniang can rest assured. Your husband will not accept
Guo's daughter."

As for the two beauties, she didn't even care about them.

In a few more years, if Wei Shao encounters the same situation, she can't
guarantee what she will do.

But this time, she didn't have to think about it, she intuitively told him that
Wei Shao would never accept it.

Chunniang was stunned for a moment, then showed a look of joy, and
shook Xiao Qiao's hand, feeling her fingertips get cold, and hurriedly told
her to lie down and helped her tuck the quilt. He turned around to clean up
the bowl of cold chicken soup that Xiao Qiao only ate a few mouthfuls of.

Suddenly, footsteps approached, and when he turned around, he saw Wei

Shao coming in.
Chunniang called Sheng Nanjun, took the remnant lamp to go out, but was
stopped by Wei Shao.


"Black Chicken Soup."

Chunniang said: "It's for the lady. The lady can't eat it, it's cold, and she's
about to take it out..."

"I'll eat and see."

Wei Shao took the bowl from the tray. Before Chunniang could stop her,
she saw him snoring a few times, put the bowl back on the tray, and

"It tastes weird!" He smacked his lips and commented.

"No wonder Manman doesn't eat it. Next time, make it better. If the cook
can't do it, change it!"

Chunniang was speechless. Glancing at Xiao Qiao, he left the room with a
tray in hand.

In the past few days, Xiao Qiao's mood was a little floating.

He suddenly wanted to laugh at this scene.

He couldn't help pulling up the quilt, covering his face, shaking his
shoulders and chuckling.

Suddenly, the bedside seemed to sink, and someone pulled his head off.
Wei Shao was already lying beside her, staring at her, his eyebrows

"What are you laughing at?"

Joe shook his head.

"Speak!" He made the appearance of a bully.

Joe still shook his head.

There were a few locks of hair on the pink cheeks, which were beautiful
and playful.

Wei Shaoding stared at it for a while, then stretched out his fingers to help
her remove the hair on her face, and said, "Manman, today Guo Quan gave
me two beauties. Very beautiful, very beautiful. One will Sing with a voice
like a lark. One can dance, as light as flying..."

He stopped.

"But I didn't even look at it."

Xiao Qiao glanced at him and smiled: "How did you know she could fly if
you didn't look?"

Wei Shao paused: "Just one glance."

Busy then continued: "Not only that, Guo Quan actually wants to send his
daughter to be my concubine!"

He looked indignant.
"I thought to myself at the time, I have a savage, not to mention that the
mortal daughter of Guo Quan's family is the goddess of Yaochi, and I
decided not to take a second look! I refused on the spot. Chasing me, I
have to admit Guo Nv! In the end, I scolded him sharply, and he retreated
in shame!"

After he finished speaking, he closed his mouth and stared at her with two
dark eyes.

In the past few days since I came back, I probably noticed that her mood
was not high, plus she was sullen.

Xiao Qiao could also see that Wei Shao was in front of him, as if to please
him cautiously.

For the past few nights, I only slept with her. Seeing that she didn't seem to
be in high spirits, she didn't want her anymore.

At this moment, Xiao Qiao read something in his eyes.

She stared at him. He stretched out two snow-white lotus roots towards
him, wrapped his arms around his neck, put his lips to his ear and said,
"Manman knows that your husband is kind to me."

Two soft lips kissed his cheek.

Wei Shao closed his eyes, took a deep breath of her fragrance, and
pressed down to kiss her lips.

Xiao Qiao smelled the smell of his chicken soup mixed with alcohol.
My stomach suddenly twitched again.

After holding back for a while, he couldn't bear it any longer. He pushed him
away, got up and lay on his lap, spitting out a mouthful of filth in his

Chapter 130:

Wei Shao was taken aback.

He reacted: "What's wrong? Where is the discomfort?"

Seeing her lying motionless on his lap, he carefully picked her up and
turned his face.

Xiao Qiao leaned softly in his arms and closed his eyes.

"What's wrong with you?"

Wei Shao asked again, and touched her cheek with his palm.


"I'll go to the doctor!"

He gently placed Xiao Qiao on the pillow, got up and lifted his feet and went
out, Xiao Qiao pulled his sleeve from behind.

"I'm fine," Xiao Qiao shook her head, "I smelled the alcohol on your body
just now, and I vomited because I felt sick."

Wei Shao was startled, he pulled up his sleeves and smelled it, and
hurriedly said, "Damn it! I'll take a shower and change clothes..."
Before he finished speaking, Xiao Qiao's stomach twitched again, she got
up and lay on the edge of the bed, and vomited again.

I vomited badly this time. All the undigested food he ate at night vomited
out and vomited on Wei Shao's black boots.

Wei Shao's face changed. While stroking her back, she straightened her
neck and called out to Chunniang.

The voice was so high that several servants from the entire Sheyang
Residence were summoned.

Chunniang was startled, hurriedly pushed the door open, and saw Xiao
Qiao lying softly on the edge of the bed, along with Junhou's boot top, a
pool of vomit. The prince was beside him, and he was in a hurry.

"Quickly go to the doctor!" Wei Shao shouted, then lowered his head and
asked anxiously.

Chunniang just heard Junhou yelling at her in the room, the sound was
almost earth-shattering, she thought something had happened, and she
was shocked.

When he ran over, he almost stumbled on the steps.

When I came in, I saw that Xiao Qiao was vomiting, a little surprised, so he
hurriedly turned around and called someone to send a doctor, and hurried
to the bedside.

Xiao Qiao finally finished throwing up, and was lifted up by Chunniang to lie
on the pillow and rinsed her mouth.
Chunniang wiped her lips with a handkerchief.

The contents of his stomach were emptied, and Xiao Qiao finally felt
comfortable. It's just that the person is still a little soft, leaning there and
closing his eyes.

The maid came in to clean up the vomit on the floor.

Wei Shao didn't change his boots, and walked back and forth a few times.
Seeing that Xiao Qiao finally stopped vomiting, he let go of his dangling

Looking at her again, her lips had faded from blood, and her soft
appearance turned to Chunniang, her eyes showing anger again: "How do
you serve so many people! Why did you make her eat unclean things at

Xiao Qiao opened her eyes: "I'm fine. Don't be so fierce."

Wei Shao paused for a while. It's just that his face is still ugly.

Chunniang was also panicked at first. After Xiao Qiao finished vomiting,
she asked a few words in a low voice, and she was relieved when she
learned that her abdomen was not in pain.

Suddenly, a thought moved, and a heart pounded.

She is Xiao Qiao's personal servant. Every time Xiao Qiao is small, she
knows it.

This month's menstrual period has been postponed for a few days, and it
has not come today.
Because there have been several delays in the past. As short as four or
five days, as long as half a month.

At first she thought she was pregnant, but every time she was empty and

It's been two years since the lady was married, which is not a short period
of time, and there is no good news for a long time.

Chunniang gradually lost her hope.

Therefore, it was postponed for a few days this month, and she didn't think
much about the pregnancy letter.

I didn't want to suddenly vomit like this tonight.

Chun Niang's eyes flashed with ecstasy, and the words came to her lips,
and she swallowed them back abruptly.

I'm afraid I'm wrong and make Jun Houkong happy, I'm afraid he will be

Therefore, he forcibly held back the words that had reached his lips, turned
his head to Wei Shao and said, "Men are not panicking, but women should
be fine."

Seeing Junhou approaching the bed, he hurriedly got up and gave up his

She was also anxious and went out to wait for the doctor to come.

Wei Shao sat on the edge of the bed and helped Xiao Qiao lie down.
"What do you want to eat?"

Xiao Qiao's belly was empty, but she didn't have the slightest desire to eat.
shook his head.

Her face was lighter than before, although she slowly walked back.

It's just that her little face is still white, with no trace of blood, her eyes are
slightly closed, and her eyelashes are half-covered, like a delicate flower
caught in the wind and rain.

Wei Shao was so heartbroken that he wished he could hold her in his arms.

"Then go to sleep. The doctor will be here soon."

After saying that, he and Yi lied on her side and accompanies her. He
reached under the quilt and wrapped Xiao Qiao's slightly cool catkin in his
warm palm, rubbing slowly.

The room fell silent.

Xiao Qiao rested his forehead on his chin and closed his eyes.

Just a cup of tea.

Wei Shao waited impatiently. There was a sudden sound of rapid footsteps
outside. The doctor came in a hurry.

Chunniang welcomes you. As he came, he whispered about the female

gentleman's discomfort.
Hearing that the menstrual period was delayed, the doctor said that he had
just vomited, and that he did not eat any unclean food at night, so he first
thought about it.

After Chunniang hurriedly entered, he saw a floor-to-ceiling curved screen

with painted green body and red scales against dragon and phoenix
patterns. After that, he quickly turned out a tall and majestic young man,
dressed in a gorgeous robe embroidered with gold woven clouds and spirit
beast patterns on the bottom. . Knowing that it was the Lord of the Xin
Palace, Wei Shao, the Marquis of Yan, hurriedly greeted him.

Wei Shao looked unhappy: "Why did you come? My wife just vomited and
felt unwell. Look at it!" After saying that, he turned around and entered.

The doctor followed Yan Hou into the inner room. My nose was fascinated
by a warm fragrance, and I saw a Jinqiu Yun pillow on the bed, sitting and
lying on a little woman who looked no more than fifteen or sixteen years
old. Going to the bedside, he sat on a low tumbler brought by a servant girl,
his fingers lightly placed on the veins of the jade wrist sticking out from
under Lan Jin's quilt, closed his eyes and calmed down.

Wei Shao stood by and stared.

But after a while, the doctor opened his eyes and said with a smile: "It's like
rolling beads, smooth and fluent, this is the pulse of pregnancy. The old
lady just said that the woman's menstrual period is delayed, which is in line
with the pulse. This should be the pulse of happiness. ."

Wei Shao narrowed his eyes.

After a while, his face slowly turned to Xiao Qiao.

When Xiao Qiao heard it, she stayed for a while. There was a sense of
daze in my heart.

He met the two glances from Wei Shao.

There was a brief silence.

Chunniang was overjoyed and called out, "Men! Can you hear me? The
lady is happy! If the old lady knew, how happy she should be!"

Wei Shao suddenly turned to the doctor: "Did you diagnose it wrong?"

The doctor got up and said: "Don't worry, Jun. I have been taking my pulse
for more than 20 years. If this diagnosis is all wrong, Jun-hou will smash
my signboard. It was just when I diagnosed the female prince's pulse that I
felt that there was insufficient qi and blood. Look at the year of the female
prince. The age is also a little younger, and it is the first child, I will give you
a prescription and take care of it a little."

Wei Shao nodded: "Go away!"

Chunniang smiled and hurriedly led the doctor out to write a prescription.

Only the two of them were left in the inner room.

Xiao Qiao finally realized one thing clearly from the initial daze.

She is pregnant.

At this moment, my heart suddenly jumped.

There is a strange feeling that seems to be joy, but it is not just joy.

Slowly raise your eyes.

Wei Shao was still standing in front of the bed, staring straight at himself.

She moved slightly.

Just after shaking his shoulders, Wei Shao suddenly rushed towards her
and hugged her tightly.

He didn't say a word, he just held on tight.

Xiao Qiao's face was pressed against his chest.

He closed his eyes and felt the fast and powerful beat of his heart.

He also seemed to hear the sound of blood rushing through his body.

"Husband, are you stupid? Why don't you speak?"

She finally opened her eyes, raised her face and said softly.

Wei Shao's hand slowly reached her lower abdomen and stroked it lightly.

"Manman, is this here, here?"

Joe nodded.

Wei Shao's eyebrows moved. Staring at her stomach for a moment, she
suddenly laughed.

Xiao Qiao felt his chest vibrate slightly.

"Man Man! You're really going to have a baby for me! I, Wei Shao, are
going to have a baby today!"

His expression was ecstatic and triumphant.

Kisses rained randomly on her forehead, cheeks, lips.

After kissing her for a while, he seemed to suddenly remember and

stopped suddenly.

"I forgot! You just vomited after smelling me!"

He hurriedly released her and carefully put her back on the pillow. Get out
of bed yourself. He turned around in front of the bed, as if he still couldn't
restrain the ecstasy in his heart, and suddenly walked out quickly.

I don't know what he said, but Xiao Qiao heard a loud noise of
congratulations and thanks from the servants outside.

Xiao Qiao lay on the pillow, closed her eyes, and put her hand on her flat
belly that he had touched just now.

A new little life, created together by the man she and Wei Shao, began to
conceive in her body unknowingly.

How wonderful.

The daze when she first heard the news and the strange feeling that she
didn't know what it was, suddenly disappeared.

In the bottom of my heart, I was finally filled with a clearer joy, slowly and
Chapter 131:

Wei Shao didn't sleep well all night.

He was extremely excited by the sudden news that he was about to

become a father; he was also worried that he would not sleep well and his
legs would press on Xiao Qiao's stomach.

So I woke up several times in between.

Every time he wakes up, when he opens his eyes and sees Xiao Qiao
sleeping with her petite body curled up against her, Wei Shao's eyes are
reluctant to look away from her peaceful, girl-like sleeping face.

In the long ten years of his past, when his childhood memories seemed to
be suddenly forcibly cut off, killings, wars, and hatred took up almost all of
his energy.

The hazy attachment that had brought warmth to him in his painful youth,
soon disappeared like a flash of lightning.

What was left to that young man was only a faint shadow of the woman
from now on.

So since then, he subconsciously dislikes women getting close to him.

He enjoys killing, war, revenge. Enjoy the most direct sensual highs and
tides brought to him by hot blood splattering across the icy blade.

He also thought that in this life, only his grandmother was the only woman
who could make him want to approach from the bottom of his heart.
But now it's different.

He got her.

Wei Shao's heart was full of tenderness, and he didn't know how to express
it to her.

At this moment, if he was asked to kneel in front of her proudly raised chin,
she would love him generously, and Wei Shao felt that she could probably
do it.

Anyway, she was slapped several times by her.

Don't care about anything else.

Afraid of waking her up, he didn't dare to hug her too tightly, he just closed
his arms slightly to make her soft body fit better with his, and then put his
chin on her forehead, feeling extremely happy .

If Manman can give his husband a son this time, he will be very happy.

He will teach him to ride horses and shoot arrows himself, and to march
and fight.

Moreover, the Wei family man is thin, and he needs his son to inherit
cigarettes. Going to the ancestral temple to worship ancestors, father and
brother, and having a son with him, he will have more confidence in his

But if Manman had a daughter this time, he would also be very happy.
He couldn't help but imagine what the daughter he shared with Manman
looked like.

There must be a pair of Ruo Shui bright eyes looking forward to life just like
Man Man.

He will love her very much, too.

He wants to lay down this beautiful country, let his daughter board the
golden root cart, ride on six horses, let all the people crawl under her feet,
and be the most noble and most beloved little princess in the world.

Wei Shao thought in his heart a moment before he closed his eyes and fell

The next day, Wei Shao was in high spirits.

Early in the morning, I sent a letter to Mrs. Xu, delivering the good news
that Xiao Qiao was pregnant.

Because she was just pregnant, and Xiao Qiao's current body condition,
she was not suitable for long-distance travel.

So Wei Shao decided to stay with Xiao Qiao Yu Xindu for a while longer.

When Xiao Qiao's body is strong, she will be sent back to Yuyang to give

On this day in the late autumn of the second year of Tai'an, the king of
Langya, Liu Yan, visited Lingbi again.

All the way through, Qiuyang Gaogao, everywhere Fangquan.

But Liu Yan was not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery.

For his purpose, perhaps only the autumn wind is rustling and Lin

In less than two months, this was his third visit to Lingbi.

Unlike the previous two times when he was high-spirited and smug.

This time, he could only occupy Xuzhou City for just over a month, and it
was in jeopardy.

Xue An sent troops to seize the city several times.

After the two field battles, Liu Yan ordered to retreat and close the city

He knew that if he continued to fight head on, even if he was undefeated,

the 30,000 soldiers and horses he had raised in the past two years would
definitely be debilitating.

He can't pay the price.

So instead of retreating as a response.

But this kind of retreat is unlikely to last long. He knows this.

If there is no foreign aid, sooner or later, he will be caught in the urn.

So a few days ago, in the middle of the night, under the protection of
several personal guards, he quietly left the city from the west gate, took a
small path, and came to Lingbi for the third time.

In the past two years, he has tried his best, and he has longed for ambition.
What he wants is that one day, he will be able to remain invincible in this
chaotic world.

In the sleepless nights after waking up from countless dreams, what

accompanied him and made him chew bitterly was the humiliation he could
not forget two years ago.

The woman he loved, who should have belonged to him, was finally
possessed by another man.

The Qiao family disregarded the marriage contract, regarded him as

nothing, and handed over his fiancee to another man.

The only reason is that the man is strong enough.

At that time, all he could come up with was the title of the son of Langya,
like a joke.

In this lifetime, he will never be able to forget that scene in the snow.

That was the last time he saw her face.

She was kidnapped by Chen Rui from his hands.

And the only thing he could do was kneel in the snow and watch her
disappear from his sight.

At that moment, Liu Yan swore to himself that one day, no matter where
she was or who she was, he would definitely take her back.

She belongs to him. It was, and it was until death!

Originally, he seemed to have taken a big step forward from his dream.

He got Xuzhou, and finally expanded his power into Langya, the bullet.

At that time, the dream of the location away from the Qianqiu Hall in
Luoyang seemed to have never been clearer—

He is naturally qualified to dream.

This world originally belonged to his Liu family.

Among the many children of the clan, he is the only one known as the

Emperor Xuan collapsed, Liu Ai and Liu Li fought for the throne. One died
and the other was imprisoned. He was seventeen years old when the
throne was in vain. I just returned to Langya from Yanzhou not long ago.

His name was also mentioned by Luoyang court officials, who believed that
he was the most suitable for the imperial family.

Naturally, those are all water moon mirror flowers.

Up to now, taking advantage of this chaotic time, he has finally come out of
Langya country with his own painstaking efforts, and has occupied a new
site, and it is such a good site.

If he can really swallow Xuzhou, he will undoubtedly lay a solid foundation

for his further goals.

After thinking about it, he decided to venture out of the city and come to
Lingbi again to visit Bi She, who was called General Green Eyed, whom he
desperately longed to recruit.

For the first time, Bi She challenged Yang Xin on the ground, but he
couldn't see it.

The second time, Bi She declined him politely.

The third time he came, he hoped that Jinshi would be able to open up with

Since the green-eyed general's first battle with Xue Tai, Liu Yan, who has
been paying attention to the Xuzhou area, has been acutely aware of his

Facts have proved that he never misunderstood.

The last two times, although Xue An had withdrawn troops from Xiaqiu in
order to protect Xiapi. But Yang Xin was still attacking the Spirit Wall.

This time, Yang Xin had already retreated. Lingbi is peaceful.

Liu Yan did not know that Yang Xin had joined Wei Shao. I don't know that
Yang Xin's retreat was at Wei Shao's order.

This is doomed to the failure of his lobbying.

On this day, although he met Bi She smoothly, Bi She also respected him
because of his clan status, treated each other with courtesy, and called him
the king.

But no matter how Liu Yan lobbied, Bi She, like the previous time, never

Bi She said: "I'm just a villager of wild grass, and I have been highly
regarded by the king. I'm really grateful for the three visits. I should have
used the power of dogs and horses, but I have no ambition or extraordinary
skills. , dare not delay the great cause of the king, please do not blame the

Liu Yan is a wise man, and he knows that it is impossible to force others to
be difficult.

Finally, he got up politely, and before leaving, he said, "I just heard that the
general's wife is the daughter of Qiao Shishi's house in Yanzhou, so the
general and Yanhou Wei Shao are the same brother-in-law. I wonder if the
general has ever met Yanhou?"

Bi She said, "I have met once."

Liu Yan smiled and said, "Marquis Yan is a hero in the world. I heard about
it a long time ago, but unfortunately I have never met. Since the general is
the same as Marquis Yan, could it be that Marquis Yan has been one step
ahead of me and sought the general's heart first?"

Bi She hurriedly said, "Your Majesty is joking. Marquis Yan and I only met
once last year, so how can we get it?"

Liu Yan's eyes flashed slightly, and he pondered for a moment, and then
said: "When the lonely boy was in distress, Meng Qiao's mansion did not
abandon me and stayed with me for several years. My wife and I are
brothers and sisters. I came here today, and I specially brought a small gift,
the general can One side?"

Da Qiao met Liu Yan in the hall.

Liu Yan has a graceful appearance, such as a Yaolin Qiongshu, and has
always been gentle and elegant. When he stayed in Qiao's family in his
early years, Xiao Qiao and him were in love with each other, and Da Qiao
also had a good impression of him. He left Yanzhou at the age of
seventeen, and now they parted, suddenly many years have passed, and
the two of them met here now. Looking back on the past, Da Qiao couldn't
help feeling emotional.

Knowing the old affairs between him and Xiao Qiao, so I reminisce about
the old days without mentioning Xiao Qiao.

They talked about their current situation, and suddenly Liu Yan hesitated
and asked, "Dare to ask Sister Afan, do you know the current situation of
Big Joe hesitated.

"Don't worry about Sister Afan. I have no other intentions. It's just that I
haven't heard from her for many years. That's all I want to ask."

Da Qiao raised his eyes and saw Liu Yan looking out the window with a
melancholy expression.

Thinking of the past when I was a teenager, I can only sigh that fate is
playing tricks.

After thinking for a while, he said, "To be honest, my sister and I have
always had correspondence... She is doing well now, and she is also
pregnant. Thank you, King of Langya, for remembering."

Although two years have passed, Da Qiao sees that Liu Yan still seems to
be obsessed with Xiao Qiao, so he emphasizes it so that he wants to dispel
his obsession.

Liu Yan was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said,
"Thank you, sister, for telling me. I have also heard some old things about
the Qiao family and Yanhou. I was worried that her life there would be
unsatisfactory. Knowing that she is all right, I will I'm relieved. In my heart,
she is just like you, my sister. Next time, if Amei sends a letter to her, can I
ask you to send Quanquan on your behalf?"

Da Qiao said, "King Langya, please speak."

"Just say..."

Liu Yan lowered his eyes and pondered.

"Let's just say, in the past, she married Marquis Yan, and the candle feast
was opened, but I was stuck on the old things and didn't congratulate the
new one in time. I am very ashamed. Now times have changed, and things
have changed. A-mei, everything goes according to her heart. Every word,
every word, is the meaning of my fist."

Da Qiao was a little hesitant at first, but when he heard such words, he felt
relieved, nodded and smiled, "King Langya, don't worry, I will bring the
words for you."

Liu Yan thanked Da Qiao. Then retire.

Bi She sent him out of the spiritual wall.

Liu Yan rode his horse out of Lingbi, traveled a single arrow, stopped,
facing due north, and was lost for a moment.

The entourage, Liu Shan, knew that he still failed to recruit Bi She this time,
he hesitated, and asked, "Xuzhou is in danger. Besides Xue An, Yang Xin
is also eyeing him. Bi She is not willing to serve his life. What should Wang
do next?"

Liu Yan slowly retracted his gaze from the north, and said slowly: "I heard
that even three-year-old children in Luoyang are singing the nursery rhyme
called 'Sun Zaishan, go to the bottom'. It is imperative that Xing Xun usurps
the throne. We will wait and see. Well, once the situation in the world
changes, I will act accordingly and have another plan." After saying that, I
steered forward and never looked back.

Chapter 132:

On the seventh day of the eleventh lunar month, the first day of the Xin
Chou month in the Bingshen year, the Star Officials of the Great Ceremony
declared that it was an auspicious day for the zodiac, and everything went

On the eve of Yiwei Day, the lotus stand was brightly lit. Xing Xun
summoned his courtiers to work through the night.

Xing Xun sat high on the platform, watching the four seats, looking forward
and proud. The group of bureaucrats under the seat stood by and waited
for news. Everyone was smiling and waiting for news.

Then, Wei Weiqing Gao Zhun hurriedly stepped inside, kneeling and
offering a piece of yellow silk.

It is the imperial edict of the young emperor Liu Tong. Saying that he is
ashamed of his virtue, he is willing to imitate the sages of ancient times,
and let the emperor be located in Xingxun.

Gao Zhun reported again that tomorrow, at an auspicious time, when the
hundreds of officials were promoted to the hall and the prime minister
entered the Qianqiu Hall, the young emperor would personally help the
prime minister to ascend the throne and read the edict of Zen.

As soon as these words came out, the lotus platform burst into cheers. The
group of officials knelt down one after another and congratulated them with
the ninety-five ceremony.
Xing Xun was complacent and gladly accepted. Amidst the singing of
merits and virtues, I saw the speaker Zhu Zeng standing still, with
hesitation on his face.

Zhu Zeng was Xing Xun's old adviser, he supported him all the way, made
suggestions, and entered Luoyang from Henan, and he was quite qualified.
At this moment, everyone was celebrating, but he was the only one who
didn't kneel. Xing Xun felt unhappy and asked aloud.

Zhu Zeng said: "It's not that the prime minister can't become emperor, but
the time has not come! Although the Han Dynasty is small, there is no
tyranny. The prime minister is already a very personable minister, and he
suddenly replaces it. What I am worried about is Wei Shao in the north. If
Wei Shao is not eliminated in one day, the Prime Minister will have hidden
worries. I know that the Prime Minister is also determined to attack Wei
Shao. I can publish an order to settle him for an unruly crime, and then he
will become famous, and then use Han Wouldn’t it be better if the
emperor’s name called the princes together to attack him? If the prime
minister started his apprenticeship in the name of the Han emperor, then
Wei Shao’s response to the battle would be a blatant rebellion. Isn't it right
to give the name of King Wei Shaoqin to openly provoke the world and fight
against the Prime Minister together?"

Xing Xun was displeased and said: "Why did you say this to destroy my
happiness? The so-called virtuous, let the virtuous. The Han emperor is
ashamed of himself and has no virtue. There are 500,000 soldiers and
horses in the world, dozens of fierce generals, and the water can be cut off
by throwing a whip. How can you be afraid of Wei Shao's child? A month
ago, there was auspiciousness in the eastern suburbs of Luoyang. , take
the blame!"

Zhu Zeng said: "It's not me who said that. The so-called auspiciousness
from the sky in the eastern suburbs of the previous month is really
suspicious. The Su family has ulterior motives, and the prime minister must
not be deceived by a woman, otherwise it will be too late to regret it!"

Xing Xun was a hero in his half-life, and naturally he couldn't believe these
auspicious dreams. It's just that he was determined to be the emperor.
Before, he was suffering from not having a suitable opportunity. He
hesitated and swayed, and it happened that Emperor Su E had a dream
and agreed to what he thought. If he handed a pillow to a sleepy person,
the original five-point half-belief turned into a half-doubt. Seven or eight

Hearing Zhu Zeng's words, he was furious: "You are bold! What is your
motive? If it is not because you have been with me for so many years, I will
punish you severely! I have made up my mind, and whoever has more
words will be executed!"

As soon as these words came out, all the ministers under his seat changed
their color, and they all looked at Zhu Zeng, complaining a lot.

Zhu Zeng retreated after begging and was disheartened.

Thinking about Xing Xun, he is no longer as talented as he used to be

when he first entered Luoyang. Nowadays, he is arrogant and arrogant,
and he only uses flattering people around him. The people he believes in
Feng Yi, Zang Chang, Feng Zhao, and Ding Qu are all villains. Can't wait to
force the young emperor to abdicate, replace him, and fight with Wei Shao,
it is imminent. Judging the situation, I am afraid that the defeat has been

Zhu Zeng returned to the mansion, worried in his heart. At dawn, he

received a secret report that Xing Xun had listened to Su Nu's persuasion
and ordered someone to arrest him and behead him. Fortunately, he had
no extra family in Luoyang, so he ran away from the South City Gate
immediately. I originally wanted to vote for Wei Shao, but thought of Wei
Shao's ruthless means to deal with the enemy, shuddered and hesitated for
a while, then turned around and ran to Hanzhong, instead of Hanzhong
Hou Lezheng's contribution.

Xiao Qiao has been pregnant for four months now, and her morning
sickness reaction is extremely severe. At the worst, she can hardly drink a
sip of water, and she mostly lies in bed sooner or later. Fortunately,
Chunniang took care of her. Half a month ago, Zhong Li also arrived at
Xindu from Yuyang.

Zhong Ni said that Mrs. Xu was very happy to hear the good news. He
specially sent her here to serve with Chunniang, and told her to take care
of herself in peace.

With the two of them taking good care of her, Wei Shao was even more
considerate. He was afraid to hold it in the palm of his hand, and he was
afraid that it would melt in his mouth. Although the military affairs were
getting busy recently, he would come back to accompany her whenever he
was free. Therefore, although the body feels unwell, but Xiao Qiao's mood
is peaceful and happy. I sent a letter to Yanzhou to tell my father that I was

During the day, the courier from Yanzhou also arrived and delivered a letter
from his father.

Qiao Ping was overjoyed and told her to take care of herself. Said that Qiao
Ci was busy training outside, and when he returned, he would tell him the
good news.

He also said that everything was fine at home, and that she should not
worry about her, and told her to get along well with her son-in-law.

Xiao Qiao read his father's letter back and forth several times.

The text is inconvenient. Although my father didn't say it clearly in the letter,
from the mention of the fact that Adi was busy with military training, it can
be seen that all along, the father has never let go of the things that he had
discussed before.

The most direct purpose of her persuading her father to try to be strong
was, of course, to avoid being that dignified bird, and in the future a
catastrophe would come without knowing it.

Now, with Wei Shao's assurance, Xiao Qiao's heart was not completely
relieved, but it was much more lenient than before.

But even so, Xiao Qiao still felt that Yanzhou should be stronger.
In such a chaotic world, only the soldiers are strong and strong, and when
they are attacked, no matter who comes, they have room to turn around.

It's always better than having to turn to someone for help every time.

Xiao Qiao felt very at ease when he read his father's words, which he had
no intention of.

I slept all afternoon during the day, and felt refreshed in the evening, so I
got up and returned a book to my father.

After I wrote the reply, because it was almost winter, the days were getting
shorter, and it was only in the middle of the hour, and it was getting dark.
Chunniang entered the room to hold the lamp.

Zhong Ni instructed the two servants and wives to carry the food table into
the room, put it on the couch, and asked Xiao Qiao to have dinner with a

Xiao Qiao asked Wei Shao.

The reason for asking is that although he has gradually become busy
recently, he has usually returned by this hour.

Since she was pregnant, she has eaten six or seven meals a day, and she
can't eat dinner too early, so these days, she waits for him to come back
and eat together.

Today, there is no sign of him.

Zhong Ni said: "The male gentleman just now sent someone to spread the
word, saying that it will be late to come back. Please ask the female
gentleman to eat by himself first, without waiting for him."

Since Wei Shao specially sent someone back to spread the word, there
must be something wrong.

Xiao Qiao didn't wait any longer and ate the meal by himself. Fearing that
he would vomit again, he stood in the room for a while to digest his food,
and was urged by Chunniang to lie down.

Wei Shao has not returned.

After Xiao Qiao was pregnant, in addition to morning sickness, she also
loved to feel sleepy.

The days were basically murky. Lying on the bed, waiting for Wei Shao
while sleeping, in a daze, he fell asleep.

When she woke up, her ears were quiet, and she didn't know what time it

Without opening his eyes, he felt a fiery body beside him, and knew that
Wei Shao was on the bed.

Feeling as if he was touching his cheek, he hummed softly and softly,

stretched his waist like a cat, raised his hand to hug his shoulder, and lay
on his chest softly, still closing his eyes. , asked vaguely, "When did your
husband return?"

"It's been a while."

listen to him.

Xiao Qiao Fang opened his eyes, put his arm on one side and looked at the
clock leak in the room, and was shocked that it was already late in the
second half of the night.

Then he turned to Wei Shao: "It's so late, husband still not sleeping?"

Wei Shao didn't answer. Just staring at her face.

As soon as he slept, his cheeks burned. The demeanor of Wen

Xiangyanyu, Taoyao Liumei, without knowing it, is very attractive.

He tried his best to hold back the thought of leaning on Yu Huanxiang, he

hugged her flat on the pillow, put his palm lightly on her flat belly, and asked
with a smile, "How hard are you being tormented by this little thing today?"

Xiao Qiao leaned back on the pillow and shook her head: "I slept today,
and it's much better."

She and Wei Shao looked at each other: "But what happened? Husband
came back so late?"

Moreover, he always felt that the eyes he looked at him were a little
different from usual.

"Manman, I won't be able to accompany you and our little things in the next
few days." Wei Shao said, staring at her.

Xiao Qiao was startled. Subconsciously, he wanted to ask what was wrong,
but he changed his words.
"Is there going to be another war?" she whispered.

"Xing Xun usurped the throne and proclaimed himself emperor. Assembled
troops and horses, known as 500,000, ready to go north to cross the Yellow
River and attack me."

When Wei Shao said this, his tone was calm.

But Xiao Qiao noticed a ray of excitement in his deep eyes.

Joe was stunned.

She knew that there would be a decisive battle between Wei Shao and
Xing Xun.

This will be a battle that will change the color of the wind and cloud, and will
determine the general trend of the world.

For the winning side, there is no doubt that the journey to the direction of
the world will be unstoppable and unstoppable.

Just like the previous life she dreamed of.

Of course she also knew the outcome.

But unlike the previous life in her dream, the battle with Wei Shao for the
key to the world started after Xing Xun proclaimed himself emperor and
Luoyang, which came so early.

At this moment she didn't expect, it came abruptly several years earlier.

Xindu became the temporary pre-war military command that Wei Shao
sniped against.

The atmosphere above the city suddenly became tense.

A few days later, the people finally noticed that there seemed to be an
endless stream of generals in armor and solemn expressions that rushed
here from all directions.

They began to talk nervously about whether a new war was coming again.

The people's guess was not wrong.

Li Dian, Li Chong, Zhang Jian, Wei Liang…

Wei Shao's generals who had experienced hundreds of battles learned the
news within a few days. After preparing to stay behind, they were called
from Youzhou, Bingzhou and other places, and rushed to Xindu one after

The army began to move south one after another, Chen Bing on the north
bank of the Yellow River.

The square city gate of Xindu, from morning to night, even in the middle of
the night, from time to time, meteors and horses galloped in and out like
lightning, delivering various news and news.

In the discussion hall of the front hall of the Xingong, the lights are often lit
late at night, and even all night long.

Wei Shao and his strategists, generals, freight and forage officials, and
their officers, negotiated countermeasures and discussed strategies there.
They had already prepared for this battle.

So although the atmosphere was tense, everything went smoothly.

It's just that Wei Shao suddenly became very busy.

It is impossible for Xiao Qiao to see him again during the day.

He was always back late at night.

Sometimes in the early morning, before falling asleep for a moment, I

would be called away by a new news about the front line of the Yellow

Half a month later, on this day at the end of November, Wei Shao finally
made up his mind.

Taking Liyangdu in the Yellow River Hebei as the battle base, building
Zhazha, Gaotang and Fanjin, and building the horns, Huangchi two
hundred miles to the southwest is the food and grass storehouse, and the
defensive line is ready to attack Xingxun's army. On the north bank of the
Yellow River, a decisive battle.

Three days later, he will leave Xindu and send his army to Liyang.

Also on the same day, Xiao Qiao received a letter from Mrs. Xu.

Mrs. Xu's letter was very simple, with only one sentence.

She said: The surrogate grandmother fought for Shao'er.

Chapter 133:
Wei Shao now has 400,000 troops.

From west to east in the north, on the thousands of kilometers long border
defense line, there are many military towns and nearly 100,000 soldiers
and horses.

The warlords of the Han Dynasty were divided, and wars continued, but the
alien Huns, who faced the Han people from north to south across the
Sanggan River, entered the most powerful golden age in the past century.

Although the big dan Yu Yizaimo is old now, several sons are competing
with each other, undercurrents are surging, and even the horseshoes of the
Wei family's iron cavalry once trampled on the grassland of the royal court,
but Wei Shao is very clear in his heart that this is related to himself.
Shanyu, an alien from the north who rose up at the same time as his
grandfather, is one of the few outstanding military commanders he has ever
encountered in his life.

During the decades of Da Chanyu's rule, the population of the Xiongnu

increased greatly, and the cavalry expanded from less than 100,000 in the
days of Wei Shao's grandfather to today's so-called 300,000.

To know that horses are precious.

To a certain extent, the value of a war horse is much higher than that of a

During the ten years when the southward movement was contained by the
Wei family, the Huns, under the command of this great Chanyu, occupied
more than ten regimes in the west, including Donghu, Yilai, Sushen, and
Loulan, and controlled a large area of ​the Western Regions. Conquering
Qushe, Likun, and Xingli is equivalent to the kingdom of the people who
draw bows.

Even if he is as strong as today's Wei Shao, he has to admit that the old
danyu of the Huns is definitely not an enemy that he can despise.

He could throw away Liangzhou, Bingzhou, and Jizhou that he had taken
from others.

But Youzhou must not lose.

This part of the soldiers and horses he left behind is another Great Wall
protecting the northern border, and it is also the guarantee of his foundation
in the rear of Youzhou.

No matter what happens ahead, it must not be called.

Tomorrow is 90, and after the sacrifice of the flag, he will lead the 300,000
troops he can mobilize to the south, and together with the vanguard troops,
they will attack the 500,000-strong army on the north bank of the Yellow
River, and fight to the death.

Wei Shao knew very well that this would not be an easy war.

Xing Xun was arrogant, but his strength should not be underestimated, and
with the momentum of last year's defeat of Yuan Zhe, this time going north,
he must be aggressive.

But he wasn't afraid at all.

On the contrary, from the moment he learned that Xing Xun had declared
himself emperor and wanted to send troops north to conquer him, the blood
in his veins accelerated, and his blood boiled.

He felt an unprecedented excitement about the war.

Unlike the wars he'd been through over the years, big and small.

This is his first match against one of the most powerful opponents in the
Central Plains.

Surprised to change the situation, open and close. Yao and Shun's exploits
were majestic. The general trend of Kyushu will start a new chapter.

The outline has been deployed, just waiting for the flag to be raised
tomorrow morning.

Gongsun Yang Weiquan and others were still in the council hall at the
moment, and finally nervously checked the seemingly trivial details, such
as the supervision of grain and forage, the opening of the password, and so

It was about to get dark, and Wei Shao returned.

The dispatch of troops was imminent, and in his excited head, which was
almost occupied by the war these days, the little woman who was carrying
a child for him appeared. A kind of deep pity and remorse slowly poured
out of my heart.

He entered Sheyang Residence, raised his eyes and saw the dim yellow
light from the window, and stopped for a while.
For the past two weeks, no matter how late he came back, the lights in this
window have always been on for him.

He took a step, accelerated his steps to the bottom of the steps, motioned
to see the servant **** duty who was about to meet him, and stepped up
the steps a few steps, and gently pushed open the hidden door in front of
the door.

She tiptoed around the screen and saw that she was not lying on the bed.

With his back to him, he sat in front of the dressing table. There was an
open letterbox on the table.

She was looking down, as if reading a letter.

Hearing his footsteps coming in, she put down the letter, folded it, and
pressed it under the dressing box.

Wei Shao went behind her, knelt down, hugged her waist from behind, put
his palms on her slightly bulging belly, and asked, "Who sent the letter?"

Xiao Qiao turned around, met his eyes, and smiled: "Lingbi, my sister wrote
it. It was sent by General Jia just now."

Wei Shao's eyes moved slightly.

Just oh.

Didn't ask anything.

A few days ago, Yang Xin sent a letter saying that the spies of Bufu had
reported news that Liu Yan had gone to Lingbi again, which should be to
visit Bi She.

What the result was, I don't know yet, I only saw Bi She personally sending
Liu Yan out of the spiritual wall from a distance.

To be able to visit the door three times is a sign of sincerity.

It must be difficult not to be impressed.

"Is Man Man tired today?"

He moved his face closer, took a deep breath of the fragrance in her hair,
rubbed the bridge of his nose against her soft jade white earlobe, and
asked softly.

Joey glanced at him.

Liu Yan suddenly joined the chaos in Xuzhou.

Since Yang Xin has taken refuge with Wei Shao, Xiao Qiao doesn't believe
that Wei Shao has not noticed it at all.

But in front of him, he didn't say a word as if nothing had happened.

Joe leaned against his chest.

"Husband, do you still remember Liu Yan, son of Langya?" she asked

Wei Shao rubbed her ears and temples, and put his palms up into her
clothes, picking out the small clothes.
Hearing this, she paused for a while, and continued to pick up the thin
piece of fabric she was wrapping inside. The slightly rough palm of her
hand touched her tender and beautiful peaches that had become
increasingly plump due to pregnancy.

"Why mention him?"

Wei Shao rubbed lightly, feeling the softness of them in his palm.

The tone was still light.

Xiao Qiao forcibly took his hand out of his jacket, came out of his arms,
turned and sat down on his knees, facing him.

"My husband didn't ask me what my sister said in the letter, but I wanted to
tell my husband."

Wei Shao's eyes fell on her face.

"Sister said that King Menglangya visited Bishe three times and asked him
to join him, but Bishe never agreed. She also said that Bishe knew that
Yang Xin's retreat was because of Marquis Yan's intention. Now that the
misunderstanding has been eliminated, he will not accept it. I want to be
reborn again.”

"I know that Bi She is a man who values ​his promises and keeps his
righteousness. If he is like this, can your husband rest assured?"

Xiao Qiao didn't hide it, and went straight.

Wei Shao watched her eyes.

"I don't like Liu Yan."

After a while, he suddenly said.

As Xiao Qiao just said, it is irrelevant.

"Manman, he is your ex-fiancé, and I know that you were once in love with
him. He is acting like this now, and he naturally wants to compete for the
world. If he falls into my hands in the future, I will never show mercy. "

"Don't blame me!"

Word by word, in a heavy tone.

Little Joe was stunned.

Before her, she had not thought of Liu Yan for a long time.

But at this moment, the memory in the dream about the last scene in the
previous life, together with his own marriage to Wei Shao two years ago,
the next day after the wedding was sent to Yuyang, and the scenes that
happened after he was kidnapped on the road suddenly emerged again.

When she declined him at that time, the strange look he stared at her made
her remember it, and it was still fresh in her memory.

She was silent.

"In your sister's letter, did you talk about other things related to Liu Yan?"

Wei Shao suddenly asked again, with a tone that sounded casual.
Xiao Qiao hesitated for a while, and was about to shake her head when
Wei Shao leaned forward, raised his hand and stretched out to the letter
she had pressed under the dressing box.

Xiao Qiao didn't expect that he would win the trust in front of him.

The heart skipped a beat.

Seeing that his hand had touched the letter, he subconsciously raised his
hand and pressed it on the back of his hand.

Wei Shao quickly raised his eyes and stared at her.

Xiao Qiao suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Xiao Qiao's intuition was not good for Wei Shao to see the words of Liu Yan
that Da Qiao had told him at the end of the letter.

Naturally, the war was imminent, and her original intention was not to make
Wei Shao feel any unnecessary suspicions again.

But if you block it like this, it may be counterproductive.

She released her hand and said, "If you really want to see it, just see it."

Wei Shao and her looked at each other for a moment, then slowly released
the letter and silk that had been between his fingers, and sat up straight

"I want you to tell me yourself."

A tone full of commands.

Xiao Qiao secretly sighed.

"He also brought a paragraph. He said that he had put down the past, and
wished me well."

"Isn't that nice?"

she said in a relaxed tone.

Wei Shao's expression was condensed, and he didn't speak for a long time,
then suddenly smiled slightly, nodded and said, "It's very good."

Then he opened his arms to her.

Xiao Qiao fell into his arms.

Wei Shao bowed his head and kissed her two lips that were sweet and
moist, and suddenly remembered the rumor from the south bank of the
Yellow River that Xing Xun promised to capture himself alive and take Xiao
Qiao into the Lotus Terrace.

Although he knew that this was just a bluff, he released a pretense of attack
before the war, intending to disturb his mind.

But in the bottom of my heart, there is still a faint anger.

The force around her lips grew stronger.

Chapter 134:

Although it is only early winter, the climate in Xindu is not as cold as

But in order to take care of Xiao Qiao, the underground of Xingong
Sheyang Residence has been set on fire. The house is warm like spring.

Wei Shao's body temperature rose rapidly.

Xiao Qiao was diagnosed with pregnancy until now, for two or three
months, Wei Shao has been sleeping with her.

Chunniang was afraid that the man was ignorant, so she secretly told Xiao
Qiao that she must not have sex.

Later, when Zhong Ni came, she was also worried that the young couple
would share the same bed every night, and she couldn't help it.

In fact, without Zhong Ni's reminder, Wei Shao himself was very careful.

Since she was pregnant, Xiao Qiao has become a glazed person who is
afraid of being shattered at the touch of a hand because she has been
sluggish all day. To be honest, I was afraid that I would hit her with one leg
and press her stomach.

It's just that I've been holding it back for so long, and I can't see it. It's still
my own to face the beauty of the country and the city all day long, but I can
only look at it, and I can't move it. It's really a kind of torture.

Thinking of leaving early in the morning, I suddenly couldn't help it.

He picked up Xiao Qiao in the air and put him on the bed.

He lay on her chest and kissed her hard. Before her hands were free, she
separated her clothes.
Little Qiao Luo's clothes were half-faded, a pair of fragrant shoulders were
like pink makeup and jade carvings, and two white swelled and delicate
peaches popped out from under the clothes protecting them.

Wei Shao stared at the lively and fragrant delicacies, rubbed them slowly,
gradually increased his strength, buried his head again, and pressed his
entire face down.

In just a moment, a layer of hot sweat appeared on his back.

He left her suddenly, fell on his back on the pillow, breathed heavily, as if he
was about to breathe, and muttered: "It's too hot in this room... I'm
suffocated... I'm dying... I'll take a shower first... "

He pulled the quilt and covered Xiao Qiao's delicate body tightly, got out of
bed and rushed into the bathroom.

There was a rush of water in the bathroom.

Wei Shao stayed inside for a long time, forcibly slowly lowering the anger
that was piercing his heart, Fang Chang let out a long sigh, and casually
put on a shirt and came out.

Seeing that Xiao Qiao was still huddled in the quilt, only a small face was
exposed outside the quilt, her cheeks were flushed with pink, and her eyes
were closed, as if she had fallen asleep.

He took a sigh of relief and went back to bed, holding her in his arms again,
Jin was wrapped in a slippery body that was no longer an inch, shrinking in
his arms, motionless.

"It's pretty..."

Wei Shao's heartbeat accelerated again, and the anger that had just been
suppressed with great difficulty came up again.

Looking at the two rows of eyelashes that fluttered slightly with her closed
eyes, it was a little difficult to breathe.

Suddenly he felt under him, and a soft little hand stretched out, twirling, and
gently stroking his smooth and firm abdominal muscles.

"It's pretty..."

Wei Shao wanted to move, but he didn't dare to move, his voice trembled.

Xiao Qiao's little hand continued to caress him, gradually descending...

The two soft, fragrant lips also pressed against his bare chest, the fragrant
tongue licked the kiss, moved slowly, and held his pebble-hard nipple, his
head, and his teeth lightly bit.

The pores all over Wei Shao's body were stretched, and the hairs stood on
end. He couldn't help moaning and moaning.

"Don't make a sound, don't let them hear... You have to close your eyes,
you can't peek... If you peek, I don't care about you..."

Xiao Qiao's shy voice came from his ear again.

Wei Shao closed his eyes immediately, his expression extremely tight. And
forcibly endured not daring to groan any more, groaning. Finally, he couldn't
help it, and let out a contented, vague purr.

Like a cat that basks in the sun in winter and is caressed by the hostess on
her knees.

At the fifth watch, inside and outside the Xin Palace, the lights are bright.

Li Dian, Wei Liang, and others, with their own guards in bright armor, were
on their way to the Xin Palace, ready to welcome him out of the city.

Xiao Qiao buckled the last dragon scale lock on Wei Shao's waist, and said
with a smile, "Grandma sent a letter asking me to send you to battle on her
behalf. Together with our children, I will wait for your triumph."

Wei Shao nodded: "Wait for me to come back with peace of mind!"

"Yesterday, the military advisor reminded me," he seemed to remember,

and said again, "I have to beware of Xing Xun taking the opportunity to
harass Yanzhou. I thought about it and asked Yang Xin to stand by. If the
military advisor is expected, ask him to send troops to help."

Xiao Qiao said: "My husband is very considerate, and I am very grateful. I
know that my husband is the key to this battle. If Yang Xin has other uses,
my husband can dispatch it first. I will go to Yanzhou today and remind my
father to take precautions as soon as possible. If you are really unable to
protect yourself, come here Ask your husband for help from time to time.”
Wei Shao stared at her, and after a while, nodded slightly.

"Junhou, General Lei has sent a message, the generals have all arrived
outside the Xin Palace, and I respectfully invite Junhou to sacrifice the flag
for the military parade!"

Zhong Li's voice rang from outside the door.

"Husband can go."

Little Joe laughed.

Wei Shao turned around and walked out.

Suddenly he stopped again, returned to her side, and stretched out his
arms to hug her tightly.

Thousands of arm strength, as if pierced through the hard armor,

penetrated her flesh and blood inch by inch.

He lowered his head and kissed her forehead, released her, opened the
door and strode away.

Eastern dawn.

Accompanied by Zhong Ni and Chunniang, Xiao Qiao stood on the top of

Tantai, looking out to the south of the city wall, the mountains and rivers
and the wilderness, the star flag, the electric halberd, and the Wei Shao
army, slowly heading south.

At the end of winter in the second year of Tai'an, Xingxun's army sent to
Luoyang, passed Hulao Pass, and settled on the south bank of the Yellow
River outside Hulao Pass.

The two sides are separated by the river, watching each other for half a
month. Xing Xun couldn't hold back, so he chose another day to send his
sons Xing Wei and Ding Qu to forcibly build a boat bridge across the river
from the Hulao ferry, intending to take Wei Shao's base camp in Liyang.

Wei Shao sent Tan Fu Leiyan to lead only 10,000 horses. They set up false
flags and flags on the other side of the mountains and fields. When Xing
Xun's main force crossed the river halfway, stopped the bow, retreated
while fighting, and led into the encirclement that had been ambush in
advance, a fire drum shook the world, Li Dian, Zhang Jian, Li Chong, Wei
Liang led four ambush troops and rushed out. Ding Qu Xingwei was caught
off guard and gave an improper order. Unable to withstand the fierce
offensive, he retreated to the boat bridge to retreat. Unexpectedly, dozens
of boat bridges built by Wei Shao had been pre-buried by the horse archers
on the north bank of Hulao crossing with tung oil-coated rockets. The boat
and bridge were destroyed, and there was no way to retreat. Afterwards,
the pursuers came again. In a fierce battle, Sergeant Xingxun was killed,
captured, or fell into the water, countless. Xing Wei was shot to death by
random arrows, Ding Qu was brave, broke out of the siege, and fled
hundreds of miles along the west with the remaining soldiers. Finally, he
encountered a ferry and forced the boat to cross the river and returned
In the first battle of Hulao crossing, Xun Xun lost more than ten thousand
soldiers. He was defeated in the first battle, and lost another son. When he
heard the news, he beat his chest and his feet, and the pain was
unbearable. He vowed to take revenge and be ashamed.

Half a month later, Xing Xun set up a pontoon again. This time, I learned a
lesson and stayed behind the bridge. personally lead the army to cross the
river again.

Wei Shao also personally commanded this time, and was fortunate to be
inferior to the wilds of the Yellow River and Hebei. Both sides invested
frontal forces, totaling hundreds of thousands of people.

The fighting continued on and off, and both sides suffered damage.

Late one night half a month later, a huge fire broke out in Xingyang, south
of the Yellow River.

Xingxun's grain depot here was attacked by Yang Xin and Guo Quan's
coalition forces.

The news spread, Xing Xun's army was in chaos, Wei Shao took the
opportunity to overwhelm with heavy troops, Xing Xun was defeated, and
the chaotic army was almost surrounded.

In order to cut off the pursuers, as soon as he crossed the river, he ignored
the remaining soldiers behind him, and immediately ordered the pontoon to
be burned down.

Both battles were lost, Xing Xun hurt his vitality, and his sharpness was
Unwilling to give up on this, he did not dare to take the initiative to raise
troops for a while, and the weather was getting colder day by day, so he
ordered the sergeants to set up tents on the spot, facing Wei Shao across
the river, temporarily becoming a confrontation.

Looking at the opposite bank and Beiying that day, when he was depressed
and sighed, Si Zhizang often offered advice: "Your Majesty is in charge of
the bull's ear in the world today. Among the princes in the Central Plains,
except for Guo Quan and Yang Xin, all the others bow down. Guo and
Yang obey Wei Shao. , plot rebellion, and let him be free for one or two.
When His Majesty decides the overall situation of the North, it will not be
too late to take him and the two of them. Yuan Zhe may have two hearts,
and His Majesty should not be reused. Among the remaining princes,
Hanzhong Lezhenggong and His Majesty are the same. In the old days,
when His Majesty became emperor, he also presented his congratulations,
why didn't His Majesty issue an edict, ordering him to quickly lead troops
and come to support, one to strengthen the momentum, and two to deter
Wei Shao."

Fortunately, Xun Xun was happy, so he sent Zang Zang to go to Hanzhong

to pass the decree.


Le Zhenggong received the decree, and I respectfully invite Zang Zang to

leave the post house first. He returned to the inner room, summoned
counselors Zhang Yan and Luo Xian to come together, discolored, threw
the imperial decree on the ground, and said angrily: "Fortunately, Xun
arrested the young emperor in the cold mansion in the western suburbs of
Luoyang, arrogantly proclaimed himself emperor, and now we are arguing
against Wei Shao, both wars. If you lose, you can't even cross the Yellow
River, how dare An dare to call me to help?"

Counselor Zhang Yan said: "Fortunately, Xun has stationed troops in the
South of the Yellow River. Luoyang must be empty now. I advise your lord
to take advantage of this rare opportunity to send troops to capture
Luoyang, occupy Luoyang, and take the young emperor. When the time
comes, there is Wei Shao in the front, and the lord in the back. The two
sides will attack each other, and Xun Xun will die. Once Xun Xun dies, the
lord will have the great merit of saving the driver. Who in the world would
dare not take the lord as a guide?"

Luo Xian also called it.

When Le Zhenggong pondered, he suddenly heard someone at the door

say, "No!"

Looking up, he saw that it was Zhu Zeng, who had just come to join him
from Xing Xun last month.

Displeased, he frowned and said, "What do you think?"

Zhu Zeng entered the room and said: "Menghan Zhonghou did not
abandon him and took him in to me. I cannibalize people and treat people
with honesty. Too many but not decisive, so high and lofty. In the past, Feng
Zhao's Liangzhou Qiang soldiers were available, brave and good at
fighting, but now Feng Zhao is lost in Liangzhou, and the Qiang soldiers
also go, and his soldiers are rarely loyal, and it is difficult to make a big
deal. On the other hand, Wei Shao, who is young and promising, has
strong swords and halberds, is fierce and unstoppable, and has many
excellent soldiers and generals under his command. This talent is the
formidable enemy of the Hanzhong Marquis in the world. Now if Wei Shao
is to destroy Xingxun, then Wei Shao will definitely take the sword Under
the guidance, the momentum is like a broken bamboo, swallowing the
rainbow, and no one in the world can stop it! Even if the Marquis of
Hanzhong occupies Luoyang, it may not be a long-term solution!"

Le Zhenggong's expression was sluggish at first, but he gradually became

more focused.

Seeing Zhu Zeng stop, he hurriedly urged him to take a seat again.

Zhu Zeng entered the seat and said: "In my opinion, the Marquis of
Hanzhong can be ordered to send troops to attack Wei Shao together with
Xingxun. Combine the forces of the Marquis of Hanzhong and Xingxun,
and destroy Wei Shao first. Once Wei Shao goes, Xingxun is left. , but a
tyrant, with the heroic talents of the Hanzhong Marquis, why should you be

Le Zhenggong was overjoyed, got up and bowed: "I have to make your
lord, like a fish in water! I was neglected before, sir, don't blame me!"

Chapter 135:

The cold mansion in the western suburbs of Luoyang, called Wuyan

Palace, was once a royal garden, but it has long since fallen. The palace is
desolate smoke and grass, spider silk dust web.
Poor Han Emperor Liu Tong, who was raised to the throne of the puppet
emperor at the age of seven, has not had a day of peace of mind. In the
past, he was forced to be fortunate and arrogant, and he was trembling all
day long. Now that I have been forced into the position of Zen and have
been transferred to this cold palace, I know that Xingxun still saves his life,
but it is just a cover for the world to see. , I fell ill not long after coming here,
why did I ask the doctor for medicine? It's just self-inflicted.

In the blink of an eye, the first month of the following year, the weather was
freezing cold, and Liu Tong had been imprisoned here for several months.
On this day, I was in tears with my valet Song Qing. Suddenly, I heard a
messy shout from outside the hall, mixed with the sound of knives and
halberds intersecting. I thought that Xing Xun sent someone to kill him, and
shivered with fright. They fled in the back garden, not a few steps away,
when they heard the sound of chasing behind them, the two fell to the
ground, closed their eyes and waited for the sword to slay, but heard a
voice shout: "Your Majesty, don't be afraid! I'll wait. I'm here to save His
Majesty from the cage!"

Liu Tong opened his eyes and recognized that the people were Wangba,
the Duke of Zuodu, and Dong Cheng, the chief minister.

Xing Xun usurped the throne last year and proclaimed himself emperor,
and he slaughtered a lot. Later, he learned that the emperor was
imprisoned in Wuyan Palace, and there were only three or two valetes left
by his side. He has always been on good terms with Chang Cheng Dong
Cheng. A few days ago, they received a secret appointment from Dong
Cheng, and the two met. Dong Cheng claimed that he had learned that
Xing Xun was going to kill the deposed emperor in a few days. Wang Ba
then made up his mind and secretly and quietly dismissed his family first.
Today, he led dozens of guards who were loyal to him, broke into the cold
palace, killed the guards of the cold palace, and came to rescue him.

Wang Ba and Dong Cheng knelt down and worshiped: "Fortunately, the old
thief has gone against the sky, and people and gods are indignant! I
learned that the old thief is trying to harm Your Majesty, take the opportunity
to kill and save His Majesty from the cage, but you can go to Yongdi to join
the clan first, and then Send an order to summon the princes of the world,
King Qin, to protect my Han Dynasty!"

Liu Tongcai is only a ten-year-old boy. At this moment, his hands and feet
are weak, and he has no way to move, and he has no idea of ​his own. He
was carried out of the cold palace by Wang Ba. Bloody, knowing that the
king Ba Dong Cheng is a loyal minister of the Han family, he is sure to
protect himself, and his heart is a little more settled.

Unexpectedly, without a single arrow, a chasing army came from the

direction of Luoyang. The news was leaked, and Xu Jian, the guard of the
North Palace, personally led two hundred soldiers and came to chase.

Wang Ba Dong Cheng was protecting Liu Tong and fled westward along
the wild trail. He had only escaped for dozens of miles, and the pursuers
had already arrived behind him. Although Wang Ba's accompanying guards
fought desperately to resist, they were outnumbered and finally blocked in
the wilderness. Seeing that there was no way to escape, Xu Jian picked up
the knife and charged with murderous aura. Wang Ba was not afraid, and
he would cry Liu Tong. Protected behind him, he angrily denounced Xu
Jiangan as a lackey, and wept again: "My Han family has been killed for
400 years at the hands of old thieves! Even though I lost my life here today,
I still have the heart of a lonely servant!"

When Xu Jian was crying, Dong Cheng looked anxious and looked around,
as if waiting for someone.

Xu Jian didn't care so much, he raised his knife and grabbed Wang Ba's
collar. When he raised the knife and fell, a yanling feather arrow suddenly
shot from behind, hitting Xu Jian's back, and Xu Jian fell to the ground and
died on the spot. Death.

Wang Ba originally thought he was killed here today, but suddenly he had a
chance to turn around. He saw a group of soldiers and horses that did not
fight the flag and rushed out diagonally. The treasure camel dragon armor,
with a strong horse under its body, with a face like a crown of jade and a
dignified expression, galloped in this direction. Can not help but stunned.

Those Nangong guards who followed Xu Jian, saw Xu Jian being shot to
death, and another group of people rushed out from the slanting side,
resisted for a while, and then fled.

The man dismounted and strode toward Wang Ba Dong Cheng.

Wang Ba escaped from the dead, still in disbelief, let alone recognizing this
person, he was in shock. Seeing the young general approaching, he bowed
to Liu Tongxing, who was still sitting on the ground, and said, "Chen Langya
and Liu Yan, it's too late for the rescue! To frighten Your Majesty, you
deserve to die!"
Wang Ba never imagined that Liu Yan, the king of Langya, would come
down from the sky like a god, saving himself and all his people from

Busy to see you.

Liu Yan said: "Marquis Zuodu is the minister of Zhechong of the Han
Dynasty. Although I live in Langya, I have heard about it. Don't bother me. I
just wanted to live in peace, but luckily I went against the sky and the
people were angry. It's really sad and angry to learn that His Majesty was
imprisoned in the cold palace. As a child of the Han family, how can you
turn a blind eye! Take this opportunity to come and rescue him, God has
eyes, and we meet here like this!"

Wang Ba is overjoyed. There, Dong Cheng also got up to meet Liu Yan.
Several people hurriedly discussed.

Liu Yan pondered and said, "The old thief has left guards in Luoyang.
Knowing that His Majesty has escaped, he will surely come after him. It is
not advisable to stay here for a long time. Why don't you follow me on the
road, go to Langya first, and then make a long-term plan."

Wang Ba Dong Cheng did not agree, he took up Liu Tong, and the group
hurried to the east. All the way to disguise, avoid the pursuers, eat the wind
and dew, and change the route, inevitably a lot of hard work.

Liu Tong had been ill for a long time, and he was frightened again.

This day finally arrived in Yangdu, only a few days away from Langya. Early
in the morning, Liu Yan and Wang Ba Dong Cheng waited outside the
room, waiting for Liu Tong to get up and go on his way. Breathing cut off,

Everyone was horrified, looked at each other in dismay, and burst into

Liang Ji, the commander of Yangdu, was a loyal minister of the Han family
since his grandfather, and when he heard the news, he also came to pay
his respects.

After the mourning, everyone discussed and unanimously elected Liu Yan
to succeed him.

Liu Yan refused to accept it at first, saying that he could not sit on this
throne without virtue. Wang Ba, Dong Cheng, Liang Ji and others knelt
down one after another, begging bitterly, but Liu Yan had no choice but to

At the moment, Langya is designated as the capital for the time being,
offering sacrifices to the emperor, setting up provincial platforms, issuing
edicts, and making announcements to the world.

When the news came out, the governors of nearby Muping, Donglai, Xiami
and other places came to vote. In the Luoyang court, while Xing Xun did
not return after raising his troops, more than 20 people including Taishi Dou
Wu and doctor Deng Xun went to Langya one after another, and supported
Liu Yan as emperor.
The small court established by Langya was regarded as the orthodox Han
Dynasty by the world for a time, and Luoyang was reduced to the reverse

On this day, the ministers met Liu Yan and discussed the matter of
conquest of Xingxun.

Wangba, Dou Wu and others strongly advocated that while Xing Xun was
fighting Wei Shao, they should send troops as soon as possible to restore

Speaking of excitement, everyone burst into tears.

Liu Yan verbally promised to appease everyone.

After everyone went, Dong Cheng was left to ask, "What's your opinion?"

Since two years ago, Dong Cheng has secretly become Liu Yan's slain.

Said: "Wang Ba Dou Wu is just showing his power. Although Your Majesty
has prefects from all over the world to vote, they are only small forces and
should not be of great use. Your Majesty's forces at hand are really limited.
Even if To restore Luoyang, if you are fortunate enough to return, how can
you resist? Your Majesty must not listen!"

Liu Yan was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "How do you see the
outcome of the battle between Xing Xun and Wei Shao?"

At the end of last year, after Xing Xun's two defeats, he was helped by Le
Zhenggong. At the beginning of the year, when the Yellow River was
frozen, the coalition forces crossed the river in large numbers.
At that time, the two sides fought Gaotang. Wei Shao judged the situation,
retreated the defense line to Muye, and then counterattacked, using the
previously constructed horn defense line to suppress the aggressive attack
of the coalition forces.

Afterwards, the weather was bad, and the heavy snowstorms happened
once in decades. The soldiers and horses of both sides froze to death. The
head-to-head battle was temporarily suspended.

Dong Cheng pondered for a while, and said, "The old thief used 500,000 to
300,000 troops, and the strength is superior, but now he invites Le
Zhenggong to join forces to fight, the fangs are prosperous, and the army
crosses the Yellow River again, in my opinion. , Wei Shao doesn't have
much chance of winning. What I worry about is that if this one wins the
class, he will definitely lead a large army to attack your majesty.

Liu Yan was silent. Suddenly asked: "Yuan Zhe, is there any news?"

Soon after Liu Yan became emperor, he sent people to Qingzhou to meet
Yuan Zhe.

Yuan Zhe has not responded so far.

Dong Cheng was about to shake his head when Liu Shanji stepped inside,
holding a letterbox in his hand, knelt down and said that Yuan Zhe's
messenger had arrived and was waiting for His Majesty to receive him
outside the hall.

Liu Yan received the letter and hurriedly browsed it.

Yuan Zhe said in the letter that the Yuan family has been deeply favored by
the emperor in all dynasties, and has always hated thinking and repaying.
Now that the Han Dynasty has re-established the emperor of ZTE, he is so
happy that he burst into tears, and is willing to lead the 200,000 troops and
horses under his command to serve, and follow the urge to restore the

After reading it, Liu Yan moved his eyes slightly and forwarded the letter to
Dong Cheng.

After Dong Cheng watched it, he was ecstatic at first, then worried, and
said, "Your Majesty, Yuan Zhe has come to serve, I am afraid there are
other plans, and Your Majesty has to guard against it."

Liu Yan walked to the window and looked out into the distance, his back
seemed indifferent and motionless.

The hands he held on the window lattice, but gradually grasped, the more
tightly he grasped. The knuckles are white, and the veins are exposed.

As his heart at the moment, set off a stormy sea.

After Yuan Zhe was defeated by Xing Xun the year before, his reputation
was discredited, and he kept a low profile.

But even so, a dead skinny camel is bigger than a horse. His current
strength is still incomparable no matter how painstakingly he manages it.

Now that he has accepted his persuasion and is willing to come to seek
refuge, he must have other plans, and he is naturally clear in his heart.
But what does it matter?

There are so many people around him who embrace him as emperor,
which one doesn't have their own thoughts?

Or in order to gain a name of loyalty through the ages, or for glory and
wealth, let alone those who follow the wind and stick to the wood.

He desperately needs Yuan Zhe, just like Yuan Zhe needs to borrow his
identity to regain his prestige now.

If so, why didn't he use it?

As for who will kill the deer in the end, it depends on the individual's ability.

He had waited for a long time for this day.

He will never let go of such an opportunity that once missed, it may not be
possible for the second time in his life.

The hatred of the family and the country, the humiliation of taking a wife,
and the unfeeling face of the beloved woman who would come out from the
bottom of her heart every night when she couldn't sleep, and said to her
that the past could no longer be pursued. The ground turned into a fiery
fire, and it started to burn from the bottom of his heart, burning his veins,
and his soul was about to turn to ashes.

"It is proposed that Yuan Zhe be designated as the Great Sima, Great
General, with a golden seal and a purple ribbon, and come quickly as King
of Qin."

He turned around slowly and said in a calm tone.

On the wasteland of Muye, the north wind whistled and the snow was

In this place, which is only seventy miles away from Chaoge, there was a
legend of the white and yellow toadstools and the red bird flowing house.

And it's freezing cold today.

As far as the eye can see, everything is covered with snow.

This is a cold and severe winter that has been hard to come by in decades.

Although the season has already entered into spring and February, the
weather shows no sign of warming.

The bad weather has seriously hindered the progress of the war.

Every day news of soldiers and war horses freezing to death is reported.

Frostbite is even more numerous.

Such a situation made it impossible for Wei Shao to successfully organize a

frontal battle against the Xing Xun Lezhenggong coalition.

The problems that plagued him also troubled Xing Xun Le Zhenggong.

After the last Gaotang War, Shuangfang did not engage in a large-scale
frontal battle.

It's just a few painless encounters one after another.

No one will take the initiative to attack easily, but they are also unwilling to

Now separated by the old route of the Yellow River, they each set up
camps, looking at each other, waiting for the weather to improve, and
waiting for the opportunity to give each other a fatal blow.

This confrontation has been going on for more than half a month.

When the day was over, it started to get dark.

Wei Shao's boots stepped on the snow as thick as his calf and made a
creaking sound, leaving deep footprints one by one in the snow.

He came back from patrolling the terrain along the old Yellow River. Fast
forward to the gate, and with the last bit of light left, from a distance, I saw a
soldier standing upright in the corner of the wall of the camp, holding a long
spear in his hand, motionless.

A layer of snow fell on his helmet and shoulders.

Wei Shao stopped.

Lei Yan ran over quickly.

After returning, his expression was heavy and he said in a low voice,
"Already dead."

Wei Shao watched the dead soldier standing there, silent for a moment,
then turned around and entered the gate.
He entered the central army tent, and just took off his snow-covered
pockets and cloaks, when he heard footsteps outside the tent, Gongsun
Yang and Wei Quan came.

Gongsun Yang has been coughing badly recently.

Wei Shao was afraid that he would not be able to withstand the severe
cold, so he specially ordered to double the heating charcoal salary in his

Seeing him come in, before he could speak, he coughed a few times before
saying, "The weather is severe, sir, if you have something to do, please
send someone a message, and I can go to the camp, sir."

Gongsun Yang waved his hand and said, "In the daytime, there is news
that the abolished emperor has passed away, Liu Yan was embraced and
proclaimed emperor by Wang Ba Dong Cheng and others, and Yuan Zhe
joined the army and was named the Great Sima."

Wei Shao sat behind the case, his figure did not move, only a pair of eyes
narrowed slightly.

Wei Quan said: "It is reasonable to say that when Liu Yan became
emperor, since he was helped by Yuan Zhe's 200,000 soldiers and horses,
it would be reasonable to take advantage of this opportunity to send troops
to occupy Luoyang. Only the spies reported him, but he did not move, and
it seemed that he had no intention of occupying Luoyang. "

Wei Shao said lightly: "What's so confusing. If Liu Yan sends troops to
attack Luoyang at this time, Xing Xun will definitely return to save himself.
Wouldn't this give me a chance? All he thought was me and Xing Xun.
Zhenggong will suffer both losses first, and then he will seek the benefit of
the fisherman."

Wei Quan said: "My lord is right. Although the weather is very cold now,
once the blizzard is stopped, we can start a war. It is expected that it will be
no later than the end of the month. Liu Yan, Yuan Zhe and others should
not be afraid. That's what the Allied Forces are."

Wei Shao got up from the couch, paced for a while in the central army tent,
and stopped, "What do you think about the battle now, sir and Chang Shi?"

Gongsun Yang and Wei Quan looked at each other and said, "Fortunately,
Xun has received the help of Lezheng Gong. Now the troops are far
superior to me, and the soldiers are proud. This battle is not to seize the
city, and to attack is by no means the best strategy."

Wei Shao pondered, and said: "Sir, what I think coincides with me. Today I
go to the old road of the Yellow River, and I climb up to see the enemy
camp. Separated by a fence. Another spy news, a few days ago, there was
a fight between the soldiers of the two armies..."

He stopped. He hurried to the front of the case, took chopsticks and dipped
the wine in the wine bottle, made a mark on the case, and then cut it in half.

"Xun Xun can join forces with Le Zhenggong, and I want them to be

Wei Quan smiled and said, "My lord is wise! I came to see my lord with a
military advisor, and that's exactly why. I heard that Le Zhenggong had won
a counselor named Zhu Zeng, who was highly valued by him, but he used
to be Xing Xun's staff. This Zhu Zeng has a lot to write about!"

Chapter 136:

In the middle of the night, Zhu Zeng was thinking about the war and
couldn't sleep.

Clothed out of the camp, I saw that the snow had stopped, the dome was
as dark as a bowl of ink, and the camp stretched for dozens of miles, with
no end in sight.

Everything was silent, and the sound of rushing bamboo and silk from the
direction of the central army tent in the Xingxun camp was especially in ear.
Even after such a long distance, it drifted over intermittently.

In the trumpet company camp where the war is about to break out, such a
noise is out of place.

Zhu Zeng listened for a moment, with mixed feelings in his heart.

I am glad that I left the Xingxun camp in time and switched to

Lezhenggong, but I am also a little worried in my heart.

The war was coming, Xing Xun was so arrogant and underestimated the
enemy, Ye Ye Shengge did not say, Le Zhenggong also seemed to be
cautious about retaining his strength for the next war.
Although he did not say it explicitly, Zhu Zeng saw it.

Although the number of coalition forces is claimed to be twice that of Wei

Shao's army, it is in a state of crushing strength, but the supreme
commander of the coalition forces, one is arrogant, the other is secretly
selfish, and waits and sees.

If their opponents are ordinary people, it may not be a big problem. Just the
soldiers who are discharged can crush the opponent to death.

But now, the opponent they face is Wei Shao, the hegemon of the north.

Although Zhu Zeng never met Wei Shao, he knew all the rumors about him.
If Wei Shao was an easy opponent to deal with, he decided that it was
impossible for him to reach today's status at a mere twenty-four or five
years of age.

No one's turf is easy to come by. Even if we rely on the shadow of our
ancestors, we have to win battles one by one.

Wei Shao decided to be a formidable opponent.

Xing Xun is just fine. On Le Zhenggong's side, Zhu Zeng decided to find an
opportunity to remind him.
Since he participated in the Northern Expedition, he must go all out to seize
this opportunity to annihilate Wei Shao's living force in one fell swoop, and
avoid giving him any chance to make a comeback.

After Zhu Zeng thought about it, he turned back to the tent, turned off the
lights and got on the bed.

When he was worried about the war situation and couldn't sleep, in another
tent not far from him, there was another person, who was also sleepless

As one of Le Zhenggong's advisers, although Zhang Yan is not considered

to be wise, but over the years, he has made suggestions for Le
Zhenggong. It deserves his reuse.
But now, he feels his position is in jeopardy.

Zhu Zeng is rapidly replacing him, and he has become Le Zhenggong's

most important advisor.

From his standpoint, he naturally hoped that Le Zhenggong would win the
battle of the Northern Expedition.

But he also knew that if Wei Shao was really defeated, then from now on,
Zhu Zeng's importance in front of the lord would never be replaced.

He felt a little anxious.

In the middle of the night, I still held the candle and read a scroll of military
books in my hand. Suddenly, there was a screeching sound of footsteps
stepping across the snow outside the tent, and he personally followed the
tent inside, saying that the guard at the Yuanmen had just come to report,
saying that a man who claimed to be Rongyan came here late at night,
asking to see him.

Zhang Yan was startled.

Rong Yan was acquainted with an old man who was an official in Luoyang
many years ago.

At that time, Rong Yan was the official to Ting Wei, and he was forced to
abandon his office and flee because he offended Xing Xun.
Zhang Yan and him are not close friends, but because they are both good
at carving gold and stone seals, they have occasional contacts on

At that time, he was amazed at his situation.

Later, he also switched to Lezhenggong. After many years of separation, I

did not expect that he would come to visit here late at night.

After pondering for a while, he asked someone to take him inside.

Rongyan entered the tent and smiled happily: "Farewell to brother Yiliang
Luoyang, after so many years, brother has always been well?"
Zhang Yan looked at the virtual response, and vaguely guessed that Rong
Yan should be from Wei Shao's enemy camp.


He hesitated whether he should be called in and tied him up.

"The old friend visited Xukuo, could it be that the brother wanted to tie the
younger brother, so that he could be sent to your Lord for credit?" Rong
Yan smiled calmly.

Zhang Yan's face became hot, and she hurriedly said, "Brother Chang Lu
With the friendship between the two in the past, although now they are their
masters, they really can't do the act of tying people. He said, "Brother
Chang Lu is probably serving Wei Shao. Now that the two armies are at
war, I don't know why you came to look for him so late at night."

Rong Yan changed his smile just now, looked solemn, and gave Zhang Yan
a deep gift.

Zhang Yan hurriedly straightened him and said, "Why did my brother give
such a big gift, it's breaking me!"

Rong Yanfang said in a low voice, "To be honest, I am here to join the
Marquis of Hanzhong."
Zhang Yan was stunned.

"Brother, I don't know. I gave up my post to join Wei Shao many years ago.
I wanted to meet the Lord of the High World to show my ambitions in life.
However, Wei Shaokong has a name, short-sighted and limited knowledge,
and he refused to use me. Until now, I am no more than a mere marching
soldier. That's all. Now that he is out of his capacity, he wants to use
300,000 troops to fight against the combined army of Xing Xun and the
Marquis of Hanzhong. But it is like the sun in the sky, and he will surely sing
the phoenix for nine days. I yearn for it. I hate that I have no merit, and
there is no way to succeed. Fortunately, I learned that Brother Yiliang is
now the left arm of the Marquis of Hanzhong, and it is indispensable. If
things were to open, he would have fled from Wei Shao's camp at night,
and defected to Brother Yiliang! I hope to see you on my old friend's behalf
and recommend it for me."

He took out a piece of parchment and displayed it on the desk, and said: "I
am engaged in marching, and I can enter and leave the main tent. This is
the strategic map of Wei Shao's battle that I have secretly copied. The
above details include Li Yang, Fan Jin, and Huangchi Grain and Grass
Storage. The military garrison and deployment route. I would like to offer a
map to show my determination to serve!"

Zhang Yan looked at the picture and marked it in detail. Overjoyed:

"Brother Chang Lu used to be a bright pearl in the past, but now he is on
the right track. My lord is thirsty for talent, so how could he be turned
away?" After receiving the picture, he immediately wanted to take him to
see Le Zhenggong, but Rong Yan was arrested by Rong Yan. hold. When
he reached the door of the tent, he opened it and glanced quietly, turned
around and whispered in his ear: "I have another top secret to tell Xiongtai.
A few days ago, I eavesdropped on Wei Shao and the military advisor
Gongsun Yangzhi outside the tent. During the secret conversation, I heard
the name of Zhu Zeng mentioned in the words of the two of them. At that
time, there were soldiers on the side, and I was afraid of being discovered,
so I left in a hurry. Xun, after escaping from Luoyang, it seems that he ran
to Wei Shao first, was retained by him, and then went to the account of the
Marquis of Hanzhong. I suspect that he was a fine work sent by Wei Shao!"

Zhang Yan was shocked at first, then ecstatic again, grabbing Rongyan's
sleeve: "Is this true?"
Rong Yan said sternly: "I'm not sure, because I didn't listen to the
conversation between the two of them at the time. But I do have doubts. I
didn't want to say it. But this matter is very important, so I hesitated again
and again, or quietly told my brother first. Taiwan is better. Xiongtai can
keep it secret first, and keep an eye on Zhu Zeng’s actions in secret, lest I
make a mistake in my ears and ruin people’s innocence out of thin air.”

Zhang Yan's mood was even more excited than when he saw the map just
now. He walked around the tent for a few laps, seeming to make up his
mind, clenched his right fist, slammed his left palm, and said resolutely: "As
my brother said, this matter is very important, and there is no reason to
hesitate! I have to report to the lord immediately and call Lord, be careful,
lest you fall into Wei Shao's trick!"

After that, he led Rongyan to secretly go to the central army tent.

Le Zhenggong was awakened.

Zhang Yan Yinrongyan came to him to explain the purpose of his visit, and
he spoke very eloquently.

Rong Yan came forward to meet him.

The war is imminent, and the factions of the two sides are making detailed
exchanges and inquiries. Le Zhenggong has also collected some battle
reports about Wei Shao's marching layout, but most of them are

Just by lighting the candle, I carefully looked at the map presented by Rong
Yan, compared with the information I knew, the overlaps were completely
consistent, and I knew it was false.
Rongyan's reason for switching to himself is also reasonable.

Ben believed it on the spot.

I don't want Zhang Yan to tell Zhu Zeng again. Suddenly doubtful. After
pondering for a long time, he suddenly changed his face, threw the map in
his hand to the ground, and said, "Wei Shao can be deceived when I am a
three-year-old child? You are clearly assigned by him, pretending to
surrender, and want to use a plan of alienation! How can you do such
tricks? Concealed me!"

With a loud shout, he called someone inside, tied Rong Yan, and pushed
him out of the gate to beheaded.
Zhang Yan was shocked and hurriedly begged for his mercy.

Yue Zhenggong did not say a word, his expression gloomy.

Rong Yan was bound by Le Zhenggong's personal soldiers and pushed

out. He didn't even defend himself. He laughed wildly all the way and
pushed him to the gate.

Le Zhenggong asked someone to bring him back, and said coldly: "When
death is imminent, you are still salivating! Why do you think our army is
powerful? It's just that I always respect tough guys. Although you are
meticulous, you can still enter me. Eye. If you come from the truth, I will
spare your life!"
Rong Yanfang stopped laughing, raised his head and said coldly: "Since
you don't believe me, what else can I say? It's just a pity, I heard that you
are a little bit arrogant, and you are a master of the world. When you are
alive, you should make achievements and careers the top priority, and only
yearn for it. Take the risk of stealing Wei Shao's pictures and come to vote
for your name. I don't want you to be suspicious. Kill and kill when I'm

"My lord! I can vouch for my life. Brother Chang Lu is definitely not Wei
Shao's meticulous work! Just now, he only expressed his doubts in front of
me, and tried his best to prevent me from telling the lord, so as not to hurt
Zhu Zeng's innocence! I can testify for Chang Lu! "

Zhang Yan was beside her, her excitement was beyond words.

Le Zhenggong stared at Rong Yan for a moment, the haze faded, he

laughed suddenly, picked up the map he just threw from the ground,
stepped forward, clasped Rong Yan's arm tightly with both hands, and said
happily, "It was just me just now. It's just a test! The long road is a real hero,
and my arrogance breaks my heart! I will have another good minister in the
future, and God will bless me!"

Rong Yeon smiled. Revisit the ceremony. Le Zhenggong sealed him his
official position. Zhang Yan was anxious and reminded: "My lord, the matter
of Zhu Zeng cannot be postponed. You should immediately arrest him and
come to question him!"

Le Zhenggong pondered.

The reason why he abandoned Luoyang and changed to help Xingxun in

the Northern Expedition was all because of Zhu Zeng's advice.
The war was imminent, and Wei Shao was at a disadvantage. At this
critical moment, a demotion suddenly came, and he opened his mouth to
bring the news that Zhu Zeng was a detailed work.

It's really suspicious, so it's just a deliberate test.

At this moment, although Xin Rongyan sincerely came to vote, he was still
dubious when he said something to Zhu Zengxi.

Or rather, he didn't want to believe it.

He said, "Chang Lu just said it, but I didn't hear what Wei Shao and
Gongsun Yang said. Don't be alarmed. I have my own concerns."
He also instructed Rongyan not to show up for a few days.

Although Zhang Yan was unwilling and wished to immediately catch Zhu
Zeng to expose his face, but did not dare to speak out. Then Yu Rongyan

The next day, Le Zhenggong summoned Zhu Zeng to come to the tent. He
didn't mention what happened last night, but only asked about the battle

Zhu Zeng never dreamed that he was already being targeted. Listening to
Le Zhenggong's inquiries about the battle, he listed Xing Xun's mistakes in
governing the army and urged him not to underestimate the enemy, but to
concentrate his forces here and prepare for a decisive battle.
Yue Zhenggong promised on the surface, but he was secretly suspicious in
his heart.

After a few days, the snowstorm stopped. Le Zhenggong stepped up his

preparations. In the morning, I heard a commotion outside the tent.

Le Zhenggong went out, and when he saw Ding Qu carrying a halberd and
a team of followers, he seemed to be forcibly entering. He was stopped by
his own child, Le Zhengjun.

Swords were drawn on both sides, and the battle was about to break out.

Although Ding Qu has the reputation of being brave and invincible, he is

arrogant and arrogant. Now that Xing Xun has proclaimed the emperor, he
has been enthroned and added to the throne, which is even more

The conflict between the two armies a few days ago was caused by the fact
that Ding Qu sent people to forcibly take the fuel from his side.

Xing Xun became emperor, and now that he is following him to send
troops, he cannot turn against him.

Therefore, upon hearing the news at that time, Le Zhenggong did not need
to stop him and let him take it.

There was a thorn in my heart.

At this moment, he held back his anger and ordered Le Zhengjun to back
away: "General Ding came here early in the morning, what's your

Ding Qu strode in front of Le Zhenggong, and said proudly: "I am under the
order of Your Majesty to come and ask for the head!"

Le Zhenggong was slightly startled: "What's the meaning of this?"

Ding Qu sneered: "Your Majesty, the Marquis of Hanzhong, can be

deceived and deceived? Zhu Zeng has sinned against His Majesty and fled
to you privately. Do you dare to cover up?"
Yuezheng used Zhu Zeng, considering that Xing Xun was nearby, he had
never shown his face before whether it was a banquet in the army or a
meeting and negotiation.

I don't know how Xing Xun knew.

After thinking for a while, he said, "So that's the case. Zhu Zeng
accidentally accused His Majesty in the past, and he was also extremely
frightened. When I ask him to write a letter of incrimination in his hand, I will
present it to the imperial inspection before His Majesty's case. The general
can go back first."

Ding Qu shook the halberd in his hand, and the iron ring on the back of the
halberd rattled.
Le Zhenggong is armed with iron-clad soldiers. Now he has sent troops
here to attack Wei Shao together. Even Xing Xun didn't look into it. How
could he look down on Ding Qu?

It has been tolerated repeatedly before. Seeing that Ding Qu was so

advanced, he sneered: "The general is so powerful! That day Hu Laodu
and Wei Shao fought for the first time. The name of the general hero is
known to everyone in the world. I also admire it very much."

On the day of the first battle at Hulao, Ding Qu was beaten and lost his
armor and escaped. Although he thought it was caused by underestimating
the enemy for a while, it was a great shame after all. Therefore, it was only
later that he managed to save Xingxun from the siege, which was barely
saved face.

At this moment, Le Zhenggong's face was ripped off in public. In addition to

being ashamed, he was burning with anger.
When he is about to attack, he looks around and sees people who are
happy and positive. After thinking for a while, he threw down a cruel word,
and walked away in a hurry with laughter behind him.

"Father! Such a shameless and unrighteous villain, what to do with him! I

was just about to beat him out!"

Le Zhengjun let out a bad breath and laughed.

Le Zhenggong instructed him to step up the guarding of the barracks,

beware of Ding Qu's trouble again, and turned around and entered the
When Zhu Zeng heard the news that Ding Qu came to want his head, he
was terrified.

Seeing that he didn't say a word, he just stared at himself, his eyes were
weird, he hesitated, and said, "My lord is worried about protecting me and

Le Zhenggong's tone suddenly changed: "I heard that you voted for Wei
Shao before you voted for me?"

Zhu Zeng was taken aback: "Master Mingjian. There is absolutely no such
"But I have to secretly report that you are a fine work sent by Wei Shao to
lie beside me!"

Zhu Zeng was taken aback and hurriedly pleaded for grievance.

Yue Zhenggong listened to his self-argument and was dubious, and

ordered him to retire first.

Zhu Zeng was helpless and had to retreat first.

As soon as he left, Zhang Yan, Luo Xian and others followed.

At the head of the war, Le Zhenggong urged Le Zhenggong not to fight
Xing Xun because of Zhu Zeng.

Le Zhenggong hesitated, but at this moment, a letter from Meteor Express

came in from outside the account.

I read it apart and was surprised.

It was actually sent by Le Zhenggong, the eldest son, Le Zhengkai, who

was left behind to defend Hanzhong.

It is said that Yang Xin and Guo Quan joined the army and took a shortcut
to send the troops to Liangzhou. Now they have passed the Lu family and
headed straight for the Qingni Pass of Huashan Mountain.
Zhang Yan was shocked and said: "My lord! You are fooled! Zhu Zeng is
indeed a spy sent by Wei Shao! He persuaded the lord to follow Xing Xun
and send troops here, under the name of joining forces to kill Wei Shao. Be
prepared for emptiness, and the intention is in Liangzhou! Liangzhou is the
land of the lord's foundation, and it must not be lost!"

Le Zhenggong remembered that in the past few days, Zhu Zeng had been
persuading himself in front of him that if he could not keep his troops
secretly, he had to devote all his energy. He suddenly realized that, without
any doubts, he scolded: "Wei Shao child! The intention is so sinister! The
trick is to make me destroy the eyebrows and the old thief first, don't
beware of him coveting the land of my inheritance behind my back!"

For a while, he was distraught, angry and remorseful, and immediately

ordered Zhu Zeng to be tied up, pushed outside the Yuanmen and
When everyone heard the news, they were incensed. Just as they could
not agree, a report came from outside the gate, saying that just now, they
were about to kill Zhu Zeng. At first, he thought it was someone from
Xingxun Dongying, but he caught up, only to find that he was going to the
enemy camp of Wei Shao opposite the old road of the Yellow River.

Afraid of being deceived, I don't dare to chase after him, so I will report
back first.

Le Zhenggong almost vomited blood and vomited his lungs, overturned the
table in front of him with one palm, and ordered to attack Wei Shao's camp

He was persuaded by Zhang Yan and others, saying that Wei Shao was so
insidious and insidious that he must have taken precautions and should not
rashly use troops.
After a long while, the anger in Le Zhenggong's chest gradually calmed
down, and he walked back and forth in the tent a few times, saying:
"Everyone's words are very true. I will write down this revenge! I will count it
later! Pass my order, quickly Quickly pull out the camp and return to

Besides, Xing Xun, Zhu Zeng, who had to be reported to have escaped,
was actually used by Lezheng, why would he be willing to give up? Early in
the morning, Ding Qu was sent to Xiying to be a dignitary. Ding Quren
didn't want to come, but was ridiculed instead. How could he bear this
breath and come back to add fuel to Xing Xun? Although Dao Le
Zhenggong took refuge in His Majesty in name, he was arrogant in fact,
relying on a few soldiers, even his son It is also with eyes higher than the
top, and does not put His Majesty in his eyes.
Xing Xun was unhappy, and immediately sent someone to pass Le
Zhenggong to ask questions in front of him. I don't want to but I have to
report it, saying that there seems to be a change in Xiying. Busy sending
someone to see what happened.

In return, Le Zhenggong actually bypassed him and ordered the camp to go

back to Hanzhong.

Xing Xun was furious and immediately ordered Ding Qu to go and capture
Le Zhenggong.

Since Le Zhenggong had decided to return to the army to save himself, he

took Xing Xun's words seriously, and sent Le Zhengjun to lead a second
general to firmly guard the fence at the junction of the two battalions and
step up their retreat.
Ding Qu wanted to break through the barrier, and Le Zhengjun was not a
mediocre person, so he would not be allowed to cross the border.

The East and West camps of the coalition army actually killed each other
and bloodied the fences.

When Xing Xun heard the news, he became more and more furious.

Being dissuaded by Zang Chang, he said: "Your Majesty has not heard that
there is a need for priorities? Your Majesty's Northern Expedition, the first
person to take the head was Wei Shao. Now the achievement is unfinished.
Reap the benefits of the fisherman! If Le Zhenggong is going to leave, let
him go. After Your Majesty destroys Wei Shao, he will attack Hanzhong
with his teachers, capture Le Zhenggong alive, and ask him to bear the
crime of escaping!"
The rest of the people also persuaded.

Xing Xunfang was persuaded to hold back his hatred and ordered to
withdraw his troops and return to the army to step up his vigilance to
prevent Wei Shao from taking the opportunity to attack the camp.

That night, Le Zhenggong was in a hurry to leave, so he burned the food

and grass that was inconvenient to take away.

Overnight, the tents in the mountains and plains of Xiying disappeared.

Fires blazed in the snow.
The sergeant of Wei Shao's camp opposite the old Yellow River can be
seen clearly with the naked eye.

In Wei Shao's large tent of the Chinese army, there was thunderous

Wei Shao sat in the middle, Gongsun Yang, Li Dian, Li Chong, Zhang Jian,
Wei Quan and others sat next to each other, talking and laughing about the
fire in Xiying opposite.

"Rong Yan Ke'an?"

Wei Shao finished laughing and asked, "It's better to come back sooner.
Otherwise, in a few days, when Le Zhenggong finds out that Yang Xin and
Guo Quan only sent 5,000 troops and bluffing, I'm afraid it will be against

"Don't worry, my lord." Gongsun Yang said hurriedly, "I have already made
an agreement with him. He has gained the trust of Le Zhenggong, and now
his life is safe for the time being, so he cannot leave. Then all the previous
achievements will be lost. When there is a suitable opportunity, you can
escape and return to the camp.”

Wei Shao nodded: "This time, it's all about Rongyan's courage. It can be
said that he has made a great contribution. The military advisor must
remember him for a great contribution, and he will be rewarded after the

Gongsun Yangnuo.
At this time, the personal soldiers came to report, saying that Zhu Zeng had

Wei Shao asked someone to bring him in.

Zhu Zeng was bound by Wuhua, and in the faint laughter from the tent, he
entered the Chinese army tent.

I saw that there were about ten people sitting in the tent, and the candles
were bright, illuminating the long red sandalwood screen that separated the
front and rear.

The screen is painted with green pine clouds and roaring tigers on the cliffs.
A colorful tiger roared high on the hill. Although he didn't hear the sound, it
seemed as if he was shaking Lin Gang, as if he was about to jump off the
next moment.

On the left and right sides of the tiger screen, there is one on each side,
which is higher than the top of the person, and is piled with various bamboo
slips and documents.

In the middle of the case of a general, there are arrows and tiger talismans
on the left and right.

After the case sat a man who was no more than twenty-four or five years
old. He was not wearing a pocket, a black gold crown with hair tied,
wearing a chain unicorn soft armor, a handsome cloak, and a sword
hanging from his waist, showing the body of a dragon and a leopard.
His face was Yingyi, and he was turning slightly sideways, chatting and
laughing with a man with three beards beside his seat with a clear face,
and his posture was extremely unrestrained.

When someone reported that Zhu Zeng had brought it, the man stopped
joking, turned his face, and swept his eyes over.

Zhu Zeng guessed that the young man should be Wei Shao.

Unexpectedly, the rumored northern hegemon, Wei Shao, turned out to be

such an outstanding figure in the form of a phoenix and a dragon.

Was stunned for a while.

Until the young man stopped joking, sat up straight, raised two eyes, and
swept towards himself.

Immediately, he felt that there was a kind of blood in the battlefield around
him, blowing towards his face.

Fang's heart froze, and he didn't dare to look at the man behind the
general's case again.

My heart is already hopeless.

Knowing that Wei Shao set up such a series of elaborate sets to frame
himself, and finally made Le Zhenggong fall into the trap of retreating, he
must have guessed that his strategy of sending troops to help Xingxun
came from himself.

Must be hated.

It fell into his hands so confusedly, just waiting to be cut.

Unexpectedly, Wei Shao suddenly got up from behind the case,

approached him, untied the ropes that bound him, and said with a smile, "I
wronged Ziyi to relieve the soldiers. Do you blame me?"

Zhu Zeng raised his eyes and saw Wei Shao's smiling face, and was
stunned for a while.
Looking at the others in the seat, they all looked at themselves with a smile
on their faces.

Wei Quan said: "The lord knows that you are a great talent, and you can't
bear to see your head cut off under the knife, so he sent troops to rescue

Zhu Zeng woke up like a dream, and was convinced, he immediately

turned his head and bowed, saying: "Thanks to the high opinion of the
Marquis of Yan, who abandoned the flaws and hired him, Zhu Zeng is
willing to join his subordinates in return for the kindness of the Marquis

Wei Shao laughed loudly, and was so arrogant that he ordered people to
take the shocking wine and give him a drink. After some introductions, he
sent Zhu Zeng down with his own soldiers.
The remaining people in the big tent also retreated one after another, and
finally Gongsun Yang was left to ask about Yanzhou.

Xing Xun's army was blocked here, and when they were at a standstill with
Wei Shao, they sent an army of Rencheng and Zhouqun, who had
previously attacked Yanzhou, to suppress the border and attack Yanzhou

Qiao Ping led the army and fought back, but Zhou Qun was repelled.

Xing Xun was unwilling, and sent more troops to launch the offensive
again. Yanzhou was then led by General Green Eye to help.
After the fierce battle, not only did Yanzhou survive, but Zhou Qun was also
killed by the chaotic army.

This news was delivered to Wei Shao's case just yesterday.

"Master, don't worry too much." Gongsun Yang said, "From these two
battles, it can be seen that Yanzhou has been fiercely fighting for the past
two or three years, and it is no longer the weak and weak state of the old
days. And with Bishe's help, there will be no loss. Now the coalition forces
Falling apart, the weather is getting better day by day, the fighter plane is
close at hand, the lord should go all out to deal with Xing Xun."

The two talked about the war again, and it was late at night.
Wei Shao personally sent Gongsun Yang back to the camp.

Returning to the central army tent, he felt his emotions fluctuating, he

couldn't help turning around, stepping on the creaking snow under his feet,
and walked towards the Yuanmen.

When the soldiers saw him coming out, they hurriedly gave a military

Wei Shao nodded slightly, took off his big cloak, put it on the body of a
soldier who was only sixteen or seventeen years old, and had a childish
face. He patted him on the shoulder, and then went out of the gate by
himself. On the top of a nearby hill covered with snow, facing the plains of
the Yellow River, the old route of the Yellow River, I took a deep breath of
cold and fresh air.
Immediately, there was a kind of heroic spirit in my heart that the world
would give up on me.

He slowly exhaled the turbid air in his chest, and finally, his eyes turned to
the distant night sky in the north, and he stood silently for a long time.

She should be giving birth soon.

Maybe he may not be able to catch up with her to welcome the birth of the

But he will definitely take the next victory as the best gift for her and their
children who are about to come into the world.

The young man who was undressed by the prince, in the envious eyes of
his companions, suppressed his excitement, and with adoring eyes, stared
for a long time at the back on the top of the hill in the distance, which
seemed to be integrated with the night.

Fighting for the lord and lord, even if the blood is stained with yellow sand,
he will not hesitate.

The young man said to himself in his heart.

Chapter 137:

In just over a month, the old enemy Zhou Qun came first, and then Zhou
Qun joined forces.

Yanzhou was attacked twice by the army.

Qiao Ping led Qiao Ci and a group of generals to form a private formation
to fight with all their strength.

For the first time, Zhou Qun was repulsed and defeated.

Yanzhou's military and civilians just breathed a sigh of relief, and they didn't
want Zhou Qun to rectify the troops again and mobilize troops to attack.

This time, he won the coalition troops, and his momentum was even
greater than the previous time, and he went straight to Yanzhou's gateway
to Juye.

At that time, Qiao Yue was very terrified, thinking that Yanzhou's decision
would not be able to repel the intruder by luck like last time.

After discussing with counselor Zhang Pu and others, he proposed to follow

the trend, submit a letter, and bow his head to Xingxun as a minister in
exchange for peace.

Xing Xun proclaimed the emperor last year, established the name Jiang,
and the edict has reached the world's Kyushu, ordering the princes from all
over the world to stab the history for worship.

There were very few responders at the time.

The prefects of the world's princes, some are afraid of lewd power, some
are judging the situation, and some have other plans.
So no one raised the flag to speak out against it. But no one is willing to
openly answer the edict, lest they bear the reputation of a chaotic minister
and thief.

Yanzhou is the same.

But the situation has developed rapidly, to this point.

Qiao Yue finally couldn't bear the pressure and made this decision.

Naturally, it was strongly opposed by Qiao Ping.

In Yanzhou, Qiao Ping now has more prestige than ever, and his family will
listen to his orders more.

Qiao Yue couldn't argue, and he was told by Qiao Ping that he knew the
green-eyed general in Lingbi, and the other party was willing to lead troops
to come to the rescue.

Qiao Yue was dubious and could only reluctantly give up.

After several chaotic battles, finally just yesterday, not only was Zhou Qun's
army completely defeated, but Zhou Qun himself was also killed in the
chaos. It is expected that in the short term, Xing Xun should be unable to
launch an attack on Yanzhou again.

Yanzhou military and civilians are all proud.

In terms of credit, the number one green-eyed general.

Among the thousands of troops and horses, if you enter and leave a place
where no one is there.
The reason why Yanzhou's long-time enemy Zhou Qun was cut off from the
giant field was also when he was defeated, he was intercepted by General
Green Eye's troops and finally killed.

If he hadn't assisted him in this battle, it would have been impossible to

achieve such a glorious victory.

Yanzhou military and civilians all spread the name of General Green Eyes
on the battlefield, looking forward to seeing him triumphantly.

On the day that Qiao Ping and his son returned from Juye, they rode into
the city and were welcomed by the people.

But not seeing the rumored green-eyed general walking with him, the
people were a little disappointed.

Qiao Yue led people to welcome Qiao Ping's triumph in front of the

There was a smile on his face.

But the smile seemed to reveal a bit of reluctance.

After taking Qiao Ping into the mansion, Qiao Yue asked: "That green-eyed
general, why didn't you enter the city with you today? I have heard about
this person before, although he started as a refugee, his background is a
bit low, but the so-called hero Regardless of the source, since Yanzhou
received his help this time, I should also thank him personally."
Qiao Ping asked Qiao Yue to enter the study, screened back, and said, "I
was just about to talk to my brother about this. To be honest, General
Green Eye is not an outsider. My brother also knows him."

Qiao Yue was puzzled: "Who?"

"It's Bishe."

Qiao Yue didn't react at first, and looked puzzled: "Who is Bi She?"

He paused for a while, and suddenly, as if remembering, his eyes widened,

revealing an unbelievable look: "You mean, the manubishu that lured my
daughter back that day?"

Qiao Ping nodded: "Exactly."

Joe froze.

"Bi She is outside the city gate at the moment. He wants to see his brother,
so he is guilty."

Seeing that Qiao Yue was silent, he persuaded: "My brother just said it
himself, the hero does not ask the source. Bi She should not have taken
my niece away from home privately, and the two became husband and wife
without the permission of their parents, which has something to do with
human etiquette. No. But he and his niece were in love with each other,
and it was a helpless move at the time. What's more, now, my niece not
only gave birth to a son, but also added a grandson to your eldest brother.
Yanzhou is in danger. I hope the eldest brother will abandon his previous
suspicions and accept him. This is the luck of my Qiao family and also the
luck of Yanzhou!"
"He has helped Yanzhou several times?"

"In the past, Xue Tai attacked Yanzhou, and the two armies lined up in
Juye. When Ci'er was in danger in front of the battle, he appeared in time to
rescue him, and Ci'er was lucky to escape. I didn't know the benefactor at
the time. It was Bi She. Later I found out that because it was inconvenient
to make it clear, I didn't report it to my brother in time. I hope you don't
blame your brother."

Joey felt a little disturbed.

This sudden news made him feel at a loss for a while.

The lowly manu who made him want to catch his bones and ashes every
time he thinks about it that day, has now soared into the sky, transformed
himself, and returned to him in the face of Yanzhou's benefactor.

From a rational point of view, he knew that what Qiao Ping said was

Born in troubled times, help nature the more the better.

What's more, with Namanu's current strength, it is indeed worth winning.

But for him to accept such a man who was originally his own slave as his
son-in-law, he felt extremely aggrieved.

Seeing that Qiao Ping seemed to have to persuade him again, he waved
his hand in annoyance: "You must be tired, so go and rest first. Let me
think about this again."
Qiao Ping knew that the news shocked him a lot, so he stopped
persecuting and retired.

As soon as Qiao Ping left, Qiao Yue immediately called Zhang Pu, said
what he had just learned, and frowned, "What do you think? This Bishe, do
I recognize it or not?"

Zhang Pu was also surprised. After sighing a few words, he pondered for a
while, and said, "I have something to say, I don't know if the lord will allow
me to say it?"

"Say it!"

Zhang Pu opened the door and waited for a while. Seeing no one, he
closed the door tightly. Fang turned around and said in a low voice, "In my
opinion, this Bishe, the lord must not be introduced into Yanzhou!"

"how do I say this?"

"The lord is originally the lord of Yanzhou, and his status is respected. In
the past two or three years, when talking about Yanzhou, everyone only
knew the name of Qiaoping, the Duke of Dongjun County. Who mentioned
the name of the lord? It is the people of Yanzhou. Seven or eight, whenever
something happens, you must think of the princess first. The lord is
benevolent, fraternal, and doesn’t care about the world’s reputation, but I
am deeply worried about the lord. If this goes on, the lord is afraid that his
position will not be guaranteed!”

Qiao Yue looked strange and said nothing.

"It's not that I'm overly concerned, but there are clues to follow. My lord, you
should remember that when the lady went back to Dongjun, after she left,
the lord ignored the lord's objection and recruited troops to buy horses.
What do you mean? The lord said in front of the lord. It is to try to resist
foreign aggression, but in my opinion, the meaning of the prince is far from
being as simple as resisting foreign aggression. Now the effect has begun
to show, and the prince has introduced Bi She back. I just heard the words
of the lord, and it is not difficult to know, The Duke of Jun has had private
contacts with Bi She for a long time. Although Bi She is called the
son-in-law of the lord, he is actually a person of the Duke. Yanzhou already
has a Duke of the county, and with the addition of Bi She, will the status of
the lord be secure in the future? Lord, think twice!"

Zhang Pu's remarks hit the unspeakable heart disease that Qiao Yue had
buried in his heart for the past few years.

Hearing this, a cold sweat broke out on his back: "Fortunately, I asked you!
Otherwise, I would have almost led a wolf into the room! What you said is
very true! Bi She is just a lowly horse slave, how can my Qiao family
tolerate such a son-in-law! That daughter of mine, Abandoning my father
and my ancestors, I have long since regarded her as gone, and my
daughters gone, how can I be a son-in-law! It’s just…”

He stopped.

"Why is the lord frowning?" Zhang Pu watched from the sidelines.

"I thought that when my niece married Wei Shao, Yanzhou would be able to
rely on it in the future. But I didn't expect that Wei Shao can't protect
himself now, so how can we protect Yanzhou? My Qiao family and Xingxun
have always been inseparable from each other. When Xing Xun proclaimed
himself emperor, it was not my Yanzhou family who did not respond to the
nine states in the world. He did not beat others, but drove Zhou Qun to
attack Yanzhou alone. It must have been because my Qiao family and Wei
Shao were married by marriage. My second brother was at that time. He
refused to listen to my words and completely tore his face with Na Xingxun.
Although he has won two battles by chance, it is impossible to keep Xing
Xun in trouble in the future. If I don't accept Bishe at this time, Xing Xun will
fight again in the future. If the offender comes, how should Yanzhou deal
with it?”

He let out a long sigh: "When I got married with the Wei family, I wanted to
rely on many things, but I don't want to be implicated now and cause
trouble, but I'm in a dilemma!"

Zhang Pu said: "My lord is very concerned. After Xing Xun became
emperor, he sent troops to conquer Wei Shao. Wei Shao was already at a
disadvantage, not to mention that Xing Xun's success now is even more
powerful. Although the two warring sides are stalemate on the old road of
the Yellow River. , the result of the battle has not yet come out, but anyone
with eyesight knows that Wei Shao's defeat is set, and now it's just the last
bullet, and it's just a struggle!"

Qiao became more and more worried, unable to sit still, got up and walked
around the room, sighing.

Zhang Pu was watching, and suddenly said, "My lord doesn't need to be so
anxious. Now there is an opportunity to help lord reverse his disadvantage."
Qiao Yue stopped, turned his head and said, "What is the opportunity?"

Zhang Pu hurried to the front of the case, picked up a pen and wrote a few

Joe went over and glanced.

"Liu Yan?"

He was astonished.

"Exactly!" Zhang Pu nodded, "The son of Langya, who had been favored by
the Qiao family in the past, has now been embraced by the world's nobles
and ascended to the throne, and the lord must have heard of it."

Qiao Yue frowned: "Of course I know. But what about this? What does it
have to do with me?"

Zhang Pu whispered: "To be honest, Liu Yan lived in Dongjun back then,
and I was familiar with him. Just a few days ago, he sent a letter to me,
asking me to pass it to the lord."

After that, under the surprised eyes of Qiao Yue, he took out a yellow silk
book from his sleeve, respectfully, and presented it with both hands.

Qiao Yue hurriedly took it, unfolded and read it quickly.

For a moment, my thoughts were so surging that the fingers holding the
letter and silk were shaking slightly.

Zhang Pu talked eloquently by the side: "Fortunately, Xun has a bad

reputation, and he has arrogantly assumed the position of the emperor. If
his name is not right, it will not go well. Sooner or later, the world will rise up
and attack it. Wu Dengxun is all an important minister, Shuo Lao, famous
public servant and Juqing. Wu You has a prefect who went to defect from
various places. Even Yuan Zhe also made him emperor, and his troops
were strong and horses. Zhiling. In the future, Kyushu will be divided into
two parts. Fortunately, Xun Le Zheng Gong occupies the capital of Nii, and
Liu Yan leads the world as an orthodox Han emperor. The lord has now
offended Xing Xun because of Wei Shao, and there is no way to retreat. Liu
Yan But I am grateful for the salvation, I personally wrote the royal book,
the high officials and nobles are waiting for me. I just said that this is an
opportunity, does the lord think I am wrong?"

Qiao Yue's eyes gradually glowed strangely, his hands behind his back, he
walked back and forth in the room excitedly, suddenly remembered,
stopped abruptly, and said hesitantly, "It's just that my second brother is

"My lord forgot what I just said? Wei Shao is the son-in-law of the prince,
and the prince has secretly pushed the prince. I'm afraid that he has long
been willing to replace him. How can the prince expect the prince to work
together with you?"

Qiao Yue's face was a little ugly. After a long while, Fang said: "As you
know, the present is not what it used to be. If he doesn't nod his head, he
may not be willing to listen to my instructions."

Zhang Pu said: "I have a plan to offer. The lord can drive away Bi She first,
and the matter must be decided by the lord. Even if the prince is unwilling,
he cannot refute it. After driving out Bi She, the lord can select his cronies,
Taking advantage of the Duke's unpreparedness, he was restrained,
declared to the public that the Duke was seriously ill and could not act as a
director, and seized the military power in the hands of the Duke, then
Yanzhou would return to the Lord's ownership. At that time, whether the
wind or the rain will be the Lord's final decision?"

Joey hesitated.

"Master! Kindness is not in charge of soldiers, and poisonous is not

husband! Hasn't the lord learned the lesson of being merciful and
soft-hearted, so that his position is not guaranteed? Wei Shao will lose this
battle! Fortunately, once Wei Shao is defeated, the spear will be directed at
Yanzhou. If the lord hesitates any more and misses the opportunity of Liu
Yan's protection, he is afraid that the century-old foundation of Yanzhou will
be ruined! Besides, the lord does not want to take the life of the county, but
to restrain him, why is the lord undecided?"

Qiao Yue shuddered, gritted his teeth, made up his mind, nodded and said,
"Just do as you say!"

Zhang Pu was overjoyed and knelt down: "My lord is wise! Liu Yan is
brilliant and brilliant, and the world belongs to his heart, and he will
definitely be the leader of the rejuvenation of the Han Dynasty. The lord
holds the power of support, and the glory and wealth are at your fingertips!"

New March, the crescent moon is like a hook.

Above the endless plains of Muye, the spring cold is still sharp, covering
the thick snow of a long winter, but it has not completely melted.

But between the stone crevices and the rock crevices, the moss has quietly
turned green.

The wind reverberated day and night in the wilderness, singing, and it
seemed that it no longer had a biting chill. If you closed your eyes, you
might still be able to smell a little spring breeze.

This spring in Makino, although late, has finally arrived.

Just a few days after Le Zhenggong's retreat, Xing Xun, who had been in a
confrontation with Wei Shao for several months, could no longer hold back.
The enemy camp on the opposite side launched a full-scale attack.

Wei Shao's entire army, already armed and armed, was ready to fight.

The horns made a low and trembling long horn sound.

A battle destined to bleed on the floating hills kicked off.

The battle went on and on for three days.

More than a thousand years ago, on this land called Muye, there was a war
that also eclipsed the sky and the sun and the moon.

After that war, some people, in the name of a generation of sages, created
a prosperous world for 800 years and won a glorious reputation.

Someone made a sad curtain call from the history books in a disgraceful
Humanity is a success, and ten thousand bones are withered, how about
seeking the country, the mountains, the mountains, the ten thousand miles
of rivers and mountains?

The warrior spirits buried in the ground that have been sleeping for more
than a thousand years seem to have been awakened again by blood and
halberds, groaning, screaming, and breaking out of the dark world.

The dragon fights in the wild, and its blood is dark yellow.

The wind and clouds roared, and the gods and ghosts wept.

The sergeants fought hard and drank blood.

Flesh is no longer flesh.

The only thought left was to have red eyes, covered in blood, in charge of
swords, spears, swords, and halberds, driving a rolling chariot, and
following the banner ahead.

Kill, kill, kill!

Le Zhenggong led the army, crossed the thawed Yellow River by boat and
bridge, and then hurried day and night, wishing that he could rush back to
Liangzhou with two wings on his side.

On this day's march, they were finally about to reach Mount Hua, but
gradually they felt that something was wrong.

Along the way, there was no trace left by the march of the army.
Ask passers-by in the village market town, and they are also at a loss to
know that a large army has recently passed by.

Le Zhenggong hesitated. At this time, the pioneer scouts sent in front finally
returned quickly, and another news report from his eldest son Le Zhengkai

The eldest son said that after the previous intelligence investigation, it was
finally proved that it was not a false alarm. Yang Xin and Guo Quantong led
only 5,000 troops, and when they reached the pass, they bluffed and
pretended to attack. A few days ago, he was defeated by the army led by
his son, and it was not enough. I asked my father not to return to the army,
but to concentrate on attacking Wei Shao.

Le Zhenggong was stunned.

As soon as he turned around, he immediately ordered someone to pass on


However, he was told that Rong Yan had disappeared.

Le Zhenggong finally realized that he was fooled, and immediately ordered

to turn around and quickly returned to Muye.

But it was all too late.

Three days later, while he was still on his way to the Yellow River, he
received a heartbreaking and unspeakable news: Sanyueshuo, Wei
Shaoyu Muye, defeated Xingxun.

At the end of last year, when Xing Xun crossed the Yellow River to start the
Northern Expedition, he led a mighty 500,000 troops.

The battle of Muye was wiped out.

When he fled back to Luoyang, the remaining soldiers were less than

The remaining men were killed or wounded, scattered, or surrendered.

Wei Shao won.

Not only did he win Emperor Jiang, but he also won Le Zhenggong.

Le Zhenggong sat on the back of Huang Pyu's BMW, his eyes widened,
and he faced the direction of Muye in the Yellow River North, without
making a sound for a long time.

People seem to be solidified into stone statues.

His son, Le Zhengjun, knelt in front of his horse with a group of generals,
feeling uneasy.

Le Zhengjun had never seen his father show such a strange expression in
his life.

Like sadness, resentment, crying, and laughing.

Even if he suffered a big defeat in the past, he would never be so

embarrassed as he is now.

He called out tentatively.

Le Zhenggong finally recovered.

He withdrew his gaze from Bei Tiao.

"Return to Hanzhong."

He gave an order in a calm tone. Then he turned the horse's head and
slowly let the horse go forward.

After walking more than ten steps, he suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood
and fell off the horse's back, causing the person to faint on the spot.

In the late spring of Yuyang, the wind is gentle and the grass grows and the
warbler flies.

All things flourish.

Early in the morning, when the first rays of the rising sun shone through the
window of the delivery room, Xiao Qiao gave birth to a crisp cry of the baby
falling to the ground.

In November last year, Wei Shao sent troops to the Yellow River. Soon
after Xiao Qiao's fetus was stabilized, he returned to Yuyang safely.

During the period of childbirth, she also gradually learned about Wei Shao's
battles along the Yellow River. Mrs. Xu would never hide anything because
she was pregnant. Whether the news is good or bad.
Since her man is destined to not be willing to be ordinary, as his wife, he
must always be prepared to bear the consequences of good or bad.

Although Mrs. Xu didn't tell her that, Xiao Qiao understood this.

This should be the wisdom the old woman had gained from her half-life

Xiao Qiao is also very grateful for this.

Because she wants to know too.

For the first time in his life, he and the child in his womb, as if
accompanying Wei Shao, experienced this extraordinary and long war

From the beginning of the disadvantage, it was reversed step by step, until
finally, the soldiers finally pointed to Luoyang.

After Luoyang was captured, Wei Shao would be able to return.

When he came back, the one who greeted him was their daughter who had
already come into the world.

Mrs. Xu carefully took the small soft body wrapped in swaddles from the
midwife's hand, and stared at her small face with her eyes tightly closed for
a long time.
Although she was just separated from her mother's body, she already had
long eyelashes, jet-black fetal hair, and her tender skin glowed with the
luster of beautiful jade under the sunlight.

"What a lovely, beautiful child!"

Mrs. Xu hugged her and whispered happily, her voice exuding joy and joy
from her heart.

"In ancient Huoshan, there was a spirit beast named Philip. It would be
worrying to raise it. Let's call this child Philip."

Madam Xu smiled at Xiao Qiao.

Chapter 139:

Since the end of last year, when Wei Shao and Xing Xun started the war,
this battle for hegemony in the Yellow River Basin has become the focus of
attention of the princes and city lords of all places.

The spies traveled from east to west, north to south, and delivered the
latest news to the master as quickly as possible.

Qiao Ping paid more attention to this war than others.

Although he had never heard Wei Shao call him father-in-law, and even
now that his daughter had been married to him for so long, all Qiao Ping's
impressions of this son-in-law were only based on the words of others with
only scales and claws. Piece together.
But in the bottom of his heart, he had unknowingly developed a sense of
intimacy towards the son-in-law he had never met.

In the several correspondence with her daughter, in the past year, when her
daughter mentioned this man, her tone gradually stopped being the same
as before, it was just a vague title.

Between the lines, and inadvertently, there was more tone mixed with her

Qiao Ping is both civil and military. In addition to military affairs, he has also
made great achievements in poetry and poetry, and he loves his daughter
from the bottom of his heart.

The mind is much more delicate than the average father.

Even if the daughter didn't say it explicitly, from her words, he could feel
that the daughter should have agreed with this man as her husband.

Besides, she is about to have a baby now.

He naturally pays close attention to the changes in the battle situation.

He sent spies, and every few days, the latest news about the war would be
delivered to Dong County. Never delay.

But this time, after he ended the battle of Juye and returned to Dongjun, the
latest news about the war still stayed on the one he received half a month
ago: because of the bad weather, Wei Shao and Xing Xun Le Zhenggong's
Northern Expedition Allied Forces continued to confront the area along the
Yellow River Ancient Road. He is at a disadvantage.
Whether it was the news itself or the fact that the spies didn't return, Qiao
Ping felt uneasy.

He sent out new spies.

While waiting anxiously for the latest news, this day coincided with Qiao
Yue's birthday, not only for Qiao Gong's birthday, but also for Qiao Ping's
father and son.

That night, the Qiao family's generals gathered in the longevity hall, and the
banquet was staggered.

The whole place was full of joy, but Qiao Ci was the only one who was
drinking and drinking without saying a word. Zhang Pu chatted up with a
smile: "It's a good thing to congratulate you for winning the battle, and it's a
happy birthday for the lord. Tonight, you shouldn't be drunk, but why is your
son so depressed?"

Qiao Ci turned a deaf ear and ignored it.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Zhang Pu felt a little embarrassed. He

pretended that nothing had happened, and smiled again: "I have good
news. Guarantor Young Master will definitely be happy when he hears it."

He coughed and cleared his throat: "Wangba, the Duke of Zuo, is an

important official of the Han family, and he has a daughter in his family. She
is beautiful and of high quality. The Duke of Zuo has heard that the son is a
young hero and intends to marry his daughter..."

The hall gradually became quiet. It's just that before he finished his words,
he heard a "pop", and Qiao Ci slammed the wine bottle in his hand on the
desk and sneered: "Who are you? Although my mother is gone, my father
is still alive. When will I want you to replace me in my marriage? Are you in

The hall was suddenly silent.

Zhang Pu was embarrassed and turned his attention to Qiao Yue.

Qiao Yue's face sank slightly: "Ci'er is rude! How can you say such a thing?
That's what I mean. You are also in the year of marriage, and you are
passing on a single for my Qiao family. It's time to think about marriage!"

Qiao Ping hurriedly said: "Brother's kindness, I'll take it on behalf of Ci'er.
The daughter of Zuoduhou, Ci'er may not be able to climb high.
Zuoduhou's kindness, it's better for my brother to push it. And it's rare for
everyone to gather together tonight, It's not appropriate to discuss this
matter here. Everyone, just eat and drink!"

Qiao Ping naturally knew that when he was fighting Juye with Zhou Qun,
who had invaded by Xingbing, Liu Yan was embraced and proclaimed
emperor by Yu Langya, an old minister of the Han Dynasty. He attacked
Luoyang and tried to rebel against the imperial court, seeking to restore the
original source and restore the Han Dynasty.

At that time, Wang Ba, Dong Cheng, Dou Wu, Deng Xun, and other people
ran and shouted for him, shaking the roof tiles.

Therefore, when he suddenly heard the news that Wang Ba intends to

marry, he was stunned for a moment, and then he subconsciously refused.
Qiao Yue showed disapproval and wanted to speak again, but Qiao Ci
suddenly got up and said straight: "Uncle, my marriage is not in a hurry,
and it will not be too late to discuss it later. I just want to ask uncle, General
Green Eye I have the grace to help Yanzhou. I will not say it before, this
time Yanzhou was attacked twice. If General Green Eyes did not join forces
to fight together, I still do not know how Yanzhou is today. Why did my
uncle turn a blind eye or refuse to accept it? I'm really puzzled!"

In the battle of Juye, the green-eyed general was majestic, and Zhou Qun
also died in his formation. The Qiao family's generals were all convinced.
Just in my heart, I am a little puzzled.

At this moment, Qiao Ci suddenly spoke, as if speaking his own heart, and
everyone turned their attention to Qiao Yue.

Qiao Yue remained calm and silent.

Zhang Pu said on the side, "Why is the son so disrespectful to the lord? Bi
She used to be a runaway slave of the Qiao family, but now the lord does
not punish him.

"I only know that the times make heroes! If there are such heroes, I don't
like them. Instead, I judge people based on their background and push
them away! It's no wonder that Yanzhou has fallen to this, and they have to
send women to look up to others to protect themselves!" Qiao Ci sneered.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere suddenly froze.

Qiao Yue's face changed.

"Presumptuous! The bigger you are, the more ignorant you are! You openly
contradicted me for a horse slave!"

Qiao Yue angrily slapped the case and shouted sharply.

Qiao Ping also had a lot of helplessness about his eldest brother's
insistence on not recognizing Bi She as his son-in-law.

Can only persuade slowly.

Knowing that his son had just sent Bi She away, he was in a depressed
mood, so he spoke out against Qiao Yue. He couldn't bear to blame him, so
he just got up and said, "Ci'er is drunk. Go down first!"

Qiao Ci stared at Zhang Pu fiercely, got up from the banquet, turned around
and strode out of the banquet hall.

Qiao Ping said: "Don't blame my brother. Ci'er received the life-saving
grace of General Green Eyes, and this time Yanzhou solved the problem,
and he helped a lot. Seeing that he didn't even have access to the Dongjun
city gate, he just drank a few glasses of wine and thought about it. It's
because of a momentary uneasiness in my heart that I'm offended. I'll talk
to him properly when I go back."

Qiao Yue's face was still gloomy.

The families will see this, knowing that this wine feast is not good to eat
anymore, and they are already seven or eight points drunk, so they get up
one after another, support each other in twos and threes, and back out, and
each part is scattered. carry.
Only Qiao Yue, Qiao Ping and Zhang Pu were left in the longevity hall.

Zhang Pu coughed and lost a wink at Qiao Yue.

Qiao Yuefang finally smiled reluctantly and said, "Forget it, as an elder, do I
still know as much as Ci'er?"

Qiao Ping thanked him.

Thinking that his son had just left in a rage, he felt a little uneasy, and said,
"It's getting late. I saw that my brother drank a lot of wine just now. If this is
the case, we'll go to rest earlier."

Qiao Yue said: "Second brother, wait. You have been busy all the time. You
and my brother may not have the time to sit down and have a drink like
tonight. Taking this opportunity, my brother will toast you first."

Zhang Pu picked up a jug resting on his food table, filled it for Qiao Ping,
and offered it with both hands.

Qiao Yue raised his glass and said, "Yanzhou won a great victory in this
battle of Juye, thanks to the efforts of the second brother. Brother toast to
you, do it first."

Qiao Ping was stunned for a moment, hurriedly took it, and drank his glass
of wine.

Zhang Pu filled his cup again.

"Brother knows that he is mediocre. In these years, the second brother's

hard work, both inside and outside, has enabled Yanzhou to have today's
situation. While my brother is gratified, he is also ashamed of having a
corpse meal. This second cup, my brother's work will be respected!"

Although there are usually disputes between the two brothers due to their
different views, at this moment, seeing the sincerity in the words of the
eldest brother, Qiao Ping felt in his heart that he had been stumbling and
stumbling all the way through these years, and that he had worked hard
and worked hard. I couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion, bowed and said:
"Brother, don't break the younger brother. If it is not for the elder brother's
tolerance, what can I do with my own strength? The younger brother should
give the elder brother a cup."

After he finished speaking, he drank it again.

Qiao Yue also seemed to be moved, raised his third glass of wine, and
said, "Very good. In the future, if you and my brothers are of the same
mind, you will not have to worry about anything!"

Qiao Ping nodded and drank the wine in the glass again.

After three cups, Qiao Ping was about to retire, and Qiao Yue said again:
"Wait a minute. I have something else to say to my second brother."

"Brother, please speak."

"To be honest, I have made up my mind to lead Yanzhou to embrace

Emperor Han, and completely break with the traitor Xingxun!"

Qiao Ping was taken aback: "Liu Yan? Why didn't the eldest brother
mention such a big event in advance?"
Qiao Yue said slowly: "Second brother, what do you mean by this? Could it
be that I have to ask your permission first when I do things?"

Qiao Yue was anxious in his heart, and the drink he had just drank seemed
to be rolling in his abdomen suddenly, burning his heart and lungs, his
forehead and back were sweating in an instant.

"I don't mean it! Breaking with Xing Xun is the right thing to do, but the
matter of supporting Liu Yan, eldest brother, please think again! Today, the
situation in the world is uncertain, and Yanzhou can protect itself for the
time being. In my opinion, we should wait and see. First, don’t rush to serve

Qiao Yue snorted: "Second brother, do you think I don't know what you
think? You just want to rely on Wei Shao and get a piece of the pie in the
future. Brother, I advise you, don't put your hopes on it! Wei Shao was
suppressed by Xing Xun, Le Zhenggong and the coalition forces on the old
road of the Yellow River. The defeat has been determined, and he will be
unable to protect himself. Do you still expect him to protect my Qiao family
in the future? , even Yuan Zhe is openly supported! The emperor's grace is
mighty, my Qiao family is loyal, and several generations of herdsmen have
been ordered here, and now I follow the general trend and support Liu Yan,
how can it become a rash move in your mouth?"

Qiao Yue suddenly felt tightness in his chest, and his eyes seemed to turn

He tried his best to calm down and said, "Brother, have you ever thought
that my Qiao family and Wei family are in-laws! Wei Shao is in a
predicament, and I, Yanzhou, should have sent troops to help, even if I
don't help, I shouldn't act rashly at this time! Brother! This move is
tantamount to falling into a hole, and where do you want to put my

Qiao Yue said coldly: "Second brother, what you're talking about is just to
tie the life and death of my Yanzhou and Qiao's family to Wei Shao, right?
Not to mention that Wei Shao can't protect himself now. Wan Buyan, even if
he is lucky enough to escape this catastrophe, there are only two ways out
in the future. To worship Liu Yan as the emperor, or to become a great man
on his own. If I worship Liu Yan as the emperor, my decision today will
coincide with him. Why can't you nod your head? If he is self-reliant, what is
the difference between him and the traitor Xing Xun? If he is convicted of
treason, my Qiao family will be devastated by Chiyu, and then the world will
be scorned, what do you call me? Facing the ancestors? As for the niece,
you were forced to marry into the Wei family at the beginning, but you were
full of reluctance at the time. In this case, it is not too late to make up for it.
In my opinion, it is better to take the opportunity to bring her back, like this
If the two families are completely broken, it will also save you from being
involved in the future!"

Qiao Ping couldn't bear it any longer, and he was furious: "I can't follow
what my brother said! Since my brother has said it to this point, I will speak
it bluntly! My brother suddenly decided to join Liu Yan, and he should have
decided that Wei Shao must fight this battle. After losing, I was afraid that
Xing Xun would be held accountable in the future, so I was eager to clear
up the relationship with Wei Shao to show his innocence, right? The
marriage between Wei Qiao and his two families was originally intended by
the elder brother. What's the difference between this kind of behavior and
the grass on the wall?"

Qiao Yue was also furious: "How dare you talk to me like this? Do you still
have my brother in your eyes? Don't forget, I am the head of the Qiao
family, the governor of Yanzhou!"

Qiao Ping said: "I also know that the brothers are fighting against the wall,
so the catastrophe is not far away. It's just this matter, forgive me and I will
never agree! I persuade the eldest brother, and Mo people underestimate
Wei Shao. Even if he is at a disadvantage now, in the battle of the Yellow
River, he may not be able to There is no chance of winning! The spies I
sent before have not returned for some reason. The news I know now is
only half a month ago. The war is changing rapidly, and what is the actual
situation, I have not yet learned, I am still waiting News. I also advise my
brother to be more patient and not to do stupid things that make enemies
happy and relatives hurt!"

Qiao Yue looked gloomy.

"Wei Shao's troops are not as strong as Xing's, and with Le Zhenggong,
the Gaotang battle was defeated, and the army was defeated. Only then
did he retreat to Muye. If it wasn't for the severe cold weather, he would
have been wiped out by the coalition forces long ago. How could he have
survived? Is there a chance to turn defeat into victory? I have no children,
and I regard Ci’er as a parent and child. Is it for myself? Not for Yanzhou’s
long-term consideration! You don’t need to say more. I’ll tell you the truth,
I’ve made a statement to Langya You can't afford to talk about this
Qiao Ping suddenly felt stuffy in his chest, his eyes were blurred, and his
eyes seemed to be pierced by countless needles.

His eyes suddenly stinged so much that he could no longer see things.

Qiao Ping was furious and overturned the food table in front of him. With
the impression of the position he had just left, he drew his sword and
stabbed the opposite Zhang Pu. Zhang Pu hit the sword in the shoulder,
screamed and fell to the ground.

Qiao Ping swung his sword to slash again, but the medicinal power quickly
attacked, swaying, the long sword fell to the ground, and the man fell to the

With the last bit of consciousness left in Lingtai, he gritted his teeth and
hissed: "Brother, Yanzhou may be damaged by your hand—

Qiao Yue was trembling all over, watching Qiao Ping gradually stop
struggling on the ground, Fang Ji stepped forward, probed his breath,
knowing that he was just unconscious, Fang breathed a sigh of relief,
turned back suddenly, and said angrily: "What medicine did you put into the
wine? Why can't his eyes see?"

Zhang Pu was stabbed in the shoulder, fell to the ground, covered the
bleeding spot with one hand, and felt panic and doubt in his heart.

The medicine in the wine was given by Liu Shan, who said it was colorless
and odorless, but the medicinal properties were several times stronger than
ordinary Mongolian medicine.

Qiao Ping fell at the moment, which was expected.

But the damage to his eyesight, he also did not expect.

Resisting the pain in his shoulders, he said, "Don't panic, my lord. I must
have been angry with the lord just now, so I can't see things for a while.
After a few days, it will be fine. The priority for the lord is to control the lord,
tomorrow. Early in the morning, in the name of the lord and the county lord,
I will report to the family and generals, and then wait for His Majesty to
come in person and help the lord to control the situation. Now that the Han
emperor is here, who would dare to refuse?"

Qiao Yue reluctantly settled down and said, "What's going on with Ci'er?
Just stop him, don't hurt him!"

Zhang Pu nodded: "My lord, I have arranged for a trusted confidant, and I
will be safe."

Qiao Ci rushed out of the Shoutang angrily, and went outside to blow air,
thinking that the eldest brother-in-law would not be accepted by his uncle,
and the second brother-in-law's war on the Yellow River was unpredictable.

When I woke up the next morning, I found that I was locked in the room.

The guard said that he was here at the order of the Duke of the county, and
asked the gentleman to think about it in the room.

Qiao Ci didn't think much about it at first.

It was true that he contradicted Qiao Yue in public last night. It is normal for
my father to be unhappy and to think about it himself.

But soon, he became suspicious.

There are dozens of guards sent in Mingli, and all the doors and windows
are strictly guarded.

Where did he make himself face the wall and think about it, it was clearly
the posture of guarding the prisoners.

And all of them were from my uncle's side.

The more Qiao Ci thought about it, the more wrong it became. He wanted
to go out immediately, but was stopped by the guards. If he wanted to
forcibly break in, hundreds of guards poured out from the dark and trapped

Qiao Ci was furious, tried his best to break through the barrier, and rushed
to the courtyard, but was caught by a horse that was set up in secret and
tripped over, and was locked up again.

One pass is three days.

On the fourth day, Mrs. Ding brought a food box to see Qiao Ci.

The lieutenant named Chen Shao, who was ordered to guard Qiao Ci, was
Qiao Yue's confidant. At first, he refused to let him go, saying that he was
under the orders of the lord, and that no one could enter or leave. Before
he finished speaking, Mrs. Ding spat at him fiercely, and said angrily, "I
don't care what the old man said. , I'll bring some food to my nephew, and
you dare to stop me? If you want to kill, kill, otherwise I will enter this door!"
After saying that, he walked forward.

The guard didn't dare to stop him and watched Mrs. Ding enter.

Chen Shao was helpless, so he had to catch up and asked to take a look at
the food box first.

Mrs. Ding uncovered it herself.

Chen Shao checked carefully, and Mrs. Ding said coldly, "Can General
Chen still search me?"

Chen Shao hurriedly said, "Don't dare!"

After hesitating for a while, she thought that Mrs. Ding had always been
weak and cared for her son as her own son. She suddenly appeared here
today. She must have come to visit because she was worried. Even if she
let her in, she would not give birth. What's up.

He ordered the guard to give way.

Mrs. Ding sneered, took the food box and moved on.

While Chen Shao ordered someone to watch the prison, he secretly sent
someone to sue Qiao Yue.

Qiao Ci had already heard the movement outside. As soon as Mrs. Ding
came in, she flew up and asked anxiously, "Auntie, what happened? How is
my father? Why did my uncle lock me up—"

"Bah! An immortal thing! Don't call him uncle again!"

Madam Ding cursed bitterly, grabbed Qiao Ci's arm and looked up and
down, seeing that he was fine, she breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "I
can't see how your father has been these days, and I don't know the
details. It was also locked up by that old thing!"

Qiao Ci was furious at first, and turned around to rush out again. When he
reached the door, he stopped abruptly and turned around slowly.

"Auntie, what happened these days? Tell me!"

Mrs. Ding sighed: "I heard Zhang Pu's words and voted for Liu Yan! That
Liu Yan is at home today!"

Qiao Ci was stunned.

Yesterday, Qiao Yue welcomed Liu Yan into Yanzhou, and he called his
family to pay homage to the monarch and ministers.

Because of the suddenness of the incident, everyone was surprised at the

time, and Qiao Ping had not been seen in the past two days, which was
somewhat suspicious.

Liu Yan once took the risk to rescue the young emperor from the tiger's
mouth and escaped from Luoyang. Unexpectedly, the young emperor died
of a serious illness on the road. Later, he was embraced as the new
emperor by Wang Ba Dong Cheng and other old officials of the Han family,
who was the orthodox king of the Han family.

The whole world knows this.

Now that he has arrived in Yanzhou, the head of the family, Qiao Yue,
keeps claiming that he is a Han minister. If he has any doubts, he will be
openly disobedient and even regarded as a traitor.

So in the end, everyone followed Qiao Yue to Liu Yan as a monarch and a

"Auntie doesn't know what is a big thing in the world, but only knows that
the old man believed that Zhang Pu voted for Liu Yan, but it was because
of your father's objection and his calculations! Yanzhou has been charged
by Liu Yan, and he usually obeys your father's generals. They have all
been replaced. You must not be impulsive, wait until you escape and report
to your elder brother-in-law and ask him to rescue your father! Otherwise, if
you delay, I am afraid that your father will have an accident!"

Qiao Ci squeezed the knuckles of his fists, his chest heaving violently,
barely controlling his emotions, he nodded and said, "Thank you aunt for
telling me, I have a few. Aunt please leave quickly, so as not to be blamed."

Mrs. Ding said: "The old man is ruthless and unjust. He doesn't recognize
my daughter and son-in-law, and I don't take him as a husband. I'm afraid
of him being blamed? There are nearly a hundred guards outside, and
there are still many barriers to go out. You can't escape no matter what.
Go. You can hold me hostage and kill me."

Qiao Ci immediately refused: "How can I put my aunt in danger?"

Mrs. Ding shook her head, caressed Qiao Ci's hair lovingly, and said, "Don't
worry. Although the old man and I have long since lost their relationship as
husband and wife, I don't think he would dare to kill him in public. Wait until
he leaves the city. The door, you can escape by yourself."

Seeing that Qiao Ci was still hesitating, he said angrily: "Your father's life
and death are unknown, and Yanzhou has fallen into the hands of others. If
you are trapped here again, do you really want the Qiao family to be in the
hands of the old thing?"

With tears in her eyes, Qiao Ci knelt down at Madam Ding and kowtowed,
"Auntie is righteous, and nephew will pay her respects!"

Mrs. Ding's expression softened, and she helped him up, took out a hidden
knife from her body, and handed it over, "You hold me hostage and go out."

When Qiao Yue heard the news, he brought someone there and saw Mrs.
Ding being stabbed to the neck by Qiao Ci, and the two of them had
already arrived at the screen wall inside the gate.

Hundreds of sergeants surrounded Qiao Ci and Mrs. Ding.

Qiao Yue was furious, separated the soldiers and rushed up, shouting,
"Ci'er, what do you want to do? Put down the knife and come back with

"Where is my father now? You tell him to come out. When I see him, I will
naturally go back with you. If you want to fight or kill, you are the master!"
Qiao Ci stared at him, word by word.

Qiao Yue felt guilty for a while and was speechless.

Zhang Pu hurriedly said, "Young Master, don't be impulsive. Let go of

Madam quickly..."

"I'm talking to my uncle, what are you, come to interrupt?"

Qiao Ci scolded.

Zhang Pu looked embarrassed.

Qiao Yue calmed his mind and said, "that night of the birthday banquet,
your father drank too much later, and he fell on the way back and hit his
forehead, causing him to faint. Don't worry, Ci'er, uncle has already hired a
good doctor. Treat, it will get better in a few days. You put down the knife
and come with me first, and I will take you to visit..."

A shadow passed through Qiao Ci's eyes, and without saying a word, she
turned her head and carried Mrs. Ding to the door.

Sergeant Ping Japan only served Qiao Ping and Qiao Ci's father and son.
Today, there is such a scene. Although I don't know why, I always have
Qiao Ci in my heart. Besides, with Mrs. Ding in his hands, where would
anyone really stop him? However, he pretended to let them go almost all
the way, and let the two of them get to the door.

Qiao Ci ordered to open the door.

Zhang Pu was anxious and ordered a sergeant to stop him.

The sergeant was driven away, and gradually surrounded him again.

Mrs. Ding suddenly stopped, turned her head and said loudly: "Your
Majesty, I know you are nearby! You are the emperor of the Han Dynasty,
the honor of the ninety-five, but you still remember how I lived in my house
when the young man was in distress. To you? I don't dare to expect His
Majesty's return. It's just that at this moment I was kidnapped by my
nephew. He must leave the city, but his uncle refuses to let him go. If he
can't get out, it will definitely be detrimental to me. Your Majesty has always
had Lin Feng Zhi Lan. I heard that when His Majesty proclaimed himself
emperor in Langya, the people all over the world even danced and sang,
praising His Majesty as an unparalleled benevolent king! I know that Qiao
Yue is obedient to you. The ants are willing to sacrifice their lives, let alone
people? I beg Your Majesty to read The love that day, saved my life, I am

Mrs. Ding usually lives in a secluded place and rarely shows her face, but
at this moment, her words seem to have entered the hearts of the people.

The sergeant looked back with Madam Ding's gaze, as if Liu Yan was really
behind him.

For a while, there was no sound at the gate of Qiao's house, which was
crowded with hundreds of people.

After a while, Liu Fan turned out from behind the screen, attached to Qiao
Yue's ear, and gave a low voice.

Qiao Yue was unwilling, but he had to obey, staring at Madam Ding fiercely,
and reluctantly said, "Let him out of the city!"
Chapter 140:

Luoyang Nangong, in the Taiji Hall, Wei Shao faces the south to discuss

It has been several days since Luoyang was captured, but Xingxun's allies
were all cut off.

Although the curfew has not yet been lifted, due to the effective comfort
and the fact that the army has never entered the city gate one step, the
panic atmosphere in the city gradually began to disappear.

Since yesterday, markets that have been closed for several days have also
reopened one after another.

While the people gradually returned to normal life, they were all waiting for
one thing: Wei Shao became emperor.

Not only did the people in Luoyang guess so, but some of Wei Shao's
subordinates were also eagerly waiting.

Those court officials who voted for Wei Shao after the city broke, have
been making joint speeches in the past few days.

Although the content is colorful and each has its own merits, there is only
one central meaning: I think that Wei Shao deserves his name and should
face the south and be honored.

Gongsun Yang once said to Wei Shao privately: "Those who surrendered
to ministers, who were famous ministers Shuo Lao, but they first served Liu
Tong and then worshipped Xing Xun, and when they saw the lord attacking
Luoyang, they saw the wind turn the rudder again. The lord should not be
heard. God, it's too early, it's not a good opportunity."

Zhu Zeng also advised: "Le Zhenggong has been imitating Xing Xun's
heart long ago, and I advise the lord to wait patiently for a while. If I don't
expect, Le Zhenggong will secretly plan to become emperor when he
returns to Hanzhong this time. With his dragon robe added to his body, the
lord will step on the honor of Luoyang with his feet, and then he will be the
ninth fifth, which is even more justifiable."

In the Taiji Hall at the moment, the debate on whether he should take
advantage of the situation to become emperor is still going on.

But Wei Shao has wandered too far.

The day before yesterday, he received a message from Yuyang.

Xiao Qiao gave birth smoothly and gave birth to a daughter for him.

Grandmother named Philip.

Philip, forget your worries.

Wei Shao imagined the scene of his daughter's soft little body being held in
his arms, and his eyes became gentle unconsciously.

The corners of his lips twitched slightly.

The generals finally noticed the mysterious smile on the prince's face.

They stopped and looked at him.

Wei Shao came back to his senses, met the left and right eyes staring at
him, moved his shoulders, frowned and said, "Although Xing Xun died, Liu
Yan proclaimed emperor in Langya, and Lezheng was firmly in Hanzhong,
and there are still people in the south. Wu Yue and Changsha. I just
captured a mere Luoyang, how can I sit back and relax and become
emperor? This matter does not need to be discussed in the future!"

Everyone was silent, and then said in unison: "My lord is wise, I will obey."

After the discussion, Wei Shao left Gongsun Yang and first asked about the
control and defense situation of Jingzhao, Zuo Fengyi, and You Fufeng.

Gongsun Yang is somewhat inexplicable.

These three places defend Luoyang and are geographically important. On

the night of the capture of Luoyang, he immediately dispatched troops,
quickly occupied within three days, and firmly controlled the three

They are all soldiers personally ordered by Junhou himself.

I don't know why he suddenly seemed to have forgotten, so he left himself

to ask this.

He was puzzled in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, he only said:
"Don't worry, my lord, the three places have been firmly controlled, and
there will be no loss."

Wei Shao nodded: "Sir, I have always been relieved to do things. That
being the case, I have nothing to do here for the time being, so I will go
back to Yuyang first."
After finishing speaking, seeing Gongsun Yang looking at him, he said, "It
doesn't really matter. I just received a letter two days ago, and the lady
gave birth to a daughter for me."

He looked light.

"She misses me a bit." He coughed lightly and said again, his expression a
little unnatural.

Only then did Gongsun Yang understand Junhou's thoughts.

Holding back his smile, he said, "Congratulations to the lord for winning the
Pearl! Not to mention that the lady told Missing, but the lady didn't say, this
battle has been fought for so long, and now it's a big victory, it's time for the
lord to go back and have a look! Don't worry, my lord, I am here!"

Wei Shao smiled: "Mr. Lao is here."

After explaining the rest of the matter, when Gongsun Yang left, he
immediately called Lei Ze, ordered a dozen people, and prepared to leave.

Before leaving, he suddenly remembered something.

Wei Shao hesitated for a long time, and finally made up his mind and called
Wei Liang over.

Screening back, only Wei Liang was left.

"Master called me, what's your order?"

Seeing that Jun Hou was silent for a long time, it seemed that what he
wanted to say next was quite difficult to say, which is usually rare, so he
said again: "If the lord has something to do, as long as you order it!"

Wei Shao finally said, "I want to send you to Dongjun."

Wei Liang was startled.

"If I remember correctly, the seventh day of the first month of this month is
the fortieth birthday of Qiaoping, the Duke of Dongjun County. You can go
there for me, remember, in the name of the lady, give him a birthday gift. I
will pass it on. Let me tell the Duke of the county that the lady has given
birth to a daughter, and both mother and daughter are safe."

Wei Liang was surprised.

But he quickly said, "Yes."

"The reason why I sent you here is because you have been to Dongjun
before and met the Qiao family..." Wei Shao explained.

"Don't worry, my lord. I will do things properly," Wei Liang said with a smile.
"It's time to say goodbye to Mr. Qiao Luli. It just so happened that General
Li just mentioned Mr. Qiao to me a few days ago. , I happened to meet him
and see how his martial arts are today."

"You haven't gone back for a long time, haven't you? I remember that you
were in Bingzhou for a whole year last year, and you fought such a battle
again, and now you can relax a little. After Dongjun comes back, I will let
you go on vacation. You can also go back to see your aunt. And Mrs.
Wei Liang had not returned to Yuyang for a year and a half.

Hearing this, he was overjoyed and hurriedly thanked him.

Wei Shao smiled and nodded: "There is nothing else to do. When I prepare
the birthday gift, I will ask someone to send it to you."

The next day, in the dim light of the morning, a column of more than ten
horses rushed out from the east gate of Luoyang, heading north along the
gallop, and disappeared without a trace.

Wei Shao set foot on the road to return to the north.

Fighting and fighting fiercely, he could not tolerate too much Yunmeng

But the longing for her, and the ecstasy of knowing that he had become a
father, could no longer be restrained from the moment he saw the letter
from the family. From the bottom of the heart of this man with a steel will,
overflowing came out.

So much so that he felt that he could not delay any longer.

Le Zhenggong, Liu Yan, and Emperor...

These things can also be temporarily slowed down.

He must now see her and their daughter as soon as possible.

Otherwise he can't take it anymore.

At the same time he was heading north in the morning, Wei Liang also
brought a group of entourage and gifts on the road to Yanzhou.

The birthday gift for Qiao Ping was also carefully selected by Wei Shao last

A pair of jade dragon pendants, a pair of high-footed gold cups, ten kesi
brocades woven with splendid patterns of flowing clouds, longevity and
Changle Mingguang, and two famous silk paintings.

For what he did, even though Wei Liang people had already gone to
Yanzhou, Wei Shao was still a little uneasy and even ashamed when he
first started.

As if he had completely betrayed his father and brother, he felt that he had
no courage to step into the temple.

However, Qiao Ping did not directly participate in that war.

He was her father, his daughter's maternal grandfather.

Now that she has married Xiao Qiao, and now she has given birth to her
own child, the spirit of her father and brother in heaven must be able to
understand him.

Moreover, this should also be the wishes of the grandmother.

He knew that his grandmother should have been wishing that he wouldn't
have to dwell so much on the hatred of the past.

He needs to learn to be a grandmother with a broad heart.

After setting out on the road, Wei Shao kept comforting himself like this.

Finally, as the distance from Yuyang shortened day by day, the

contradiction in his heart was completely overshadowed by another
emotion that he was about to see her and his daughter.

He no longer thinks about anything else, and only feels incomparable joy
and anticipation in his heart.

At night, he finally reached Renqiu City.

If you don't stop, there are only two days left before Yuyang.

Wei Shao felt that he could continue to drive forward.

But lightning ripped through the night sky, and thunder rolled dully

It rained.

Lei Ze and the others also showed a tired look on their faces.

Wei Shao ordered to stop and stayed in Renqiu Yiting that night.

All the way is light. When he got here, he also ordered Yicheng not to
disturb Ren Qiuling. He only stayed for one night and continued on the road
tomorrow morning.

Lei Ze brought the box in and placed it on the desk.

The box is more than a foot high and wide, and the surface of the box is
decorated with a whole piece of python skin with beautiful lines. There is
some weight, and Lei Ze does not know what is inside.

Wei Shao also felt tired.

But the spirit is very excited.

He was on the bed in the post house late at night, closing his eyes and
listening to the sound of muffled thunder rolling across the sky in the

The raindrops fell on the tiles above his head.

In this situation, he couldn't help but recall that night last year.

It was also such a thunderstorm night that he chased her to the post house
alone, and finally caught up with her.

In front of her, he succumbed.

And she was equally happy with him.

That night, she was so charming and beautiful under him, until now when
he remembered it, the feeling of spirit shaking and ethereal, as if it hadn't

He is like ascending to the Fairy Mountain Qiong Pavilion, a very beautiful


Wei Shao's mouth was dry from the memory.

I can't be myself for a while, I just want to get up and start the road again.
A flash of lightning flashed outside the window. In an instant, the blue
electric light illuminated the walls of the post house, and also illuminated
the python box placed on the desk and the sword next to Wei Shao.

A deafening thunderstorm followed, bursting, and the beams seemed to

sway slightly.

In the gap of the tile roof, a layer of dust rustled.

The door was suddenly slammed.

After the thunder, the hurried knock on the door sounded particularly harsh.

Wei Shao opened his eyes, jumped off the bed, and quickly opened the

"My lord, it's not good! I just arrived in Luoyang and reported that General
Wei Liang and his party were attacked outside the city gate of Dongjun.
General Wei was seriously injured and was killed by luck, and all his
followers were killed. Qiao Yue and Qiao Ping followed. Jointly announce
the people's book and lead Yanzhou to serve Liu Yan!"

Wei Shao's figure froze.

Another flash of lightning fell, illuminating his white face like a ghost.

He turned sharply and drew his sword.

A dark light flashed by, and the python box on the table was cut into two
The Pearl of the East China Sea, the Kunlun Dynasties. The array of rare
and precious treasures, following his sword's edge, rolled to the ground in
all directions.

This was the night before Wei Shao left, when he walked out of the
Luoyang Treasury.

Seeing something pleasing to the eye, he put it in.

At that time, he thought to himself, even if he couldn't coax Manman's

favor, he could bring it back to play with his daughter.


Lei Ze looked at the stiff back of his sword, and called out uneasy.

Wei Shao slowly turned around and put the sword back into the scabbard.

"Let's go and go back to Luoyang."

His tone had turned calm, his expression gloomy and indifferent.

Chapter 141:

East County Joe's house.

Qiao Yue sat in the study, his face was gray and his eyes were straight, like
a dead man.

These days, news seems to have suddenly opened the floodgates and
keeps coming towards him.

He was almost breathless from the shock.

It turned out that Wei Shao had already disintegrated the Northern
Expedition Alliance and won the Yellow River War.

It was something that everyone in the world knew, but he didn't even notice
it, and thought that Wei Shao was still fighting the beasts.

What was he doing when he attacked Luoyang with lightning?

After listening to Zhang Pu's words, he not only turned to Liu Yan, but also
blinded his younger brother and imprisoned him.

Up to now, he has been quickly overridden by Liu Yan.

In addition to getting the empty title of Henghaihou who is nothing, Qiao

Yue found out in horror that Yanzhou was no longer in his own hands.

Thinking of the scene that happened a moment ago, his hands trembled

Wei Liang brought a team of people to Dongjun today, saying that they
were here to congratulate Qiao Ping on his birthday.

By the time he learned the news, Wei Liang had already been surrounded.

He broke out of the siege and fled, but all of his entourage were shot to

This order was naturally not given by Qiao Yue.

When Qiao Yue heard the news, he was struck by five thunders. Vaguely,
as if I finally understood something in my heart, my heart skipped a beat, a
feeling of impending catastrophe.
Suddenly thinking of Qiao Ping, like thinking of a savior, he got up
reluctantly and hurried to where Qiao Ping was imprisoned.

When he got to the door, he was stopped by the guards.

Qiao Yue couldn't help burning with anger, pondered for a while, turned
around and hurried to Liu Yan's residence.

Liu Yan stayed in Qiao's house these days. Instead of staying in the vigil
that Qiao Yue prepared for him, he stayed in the old house where he lived
when he was a boy.

The old residence was in disrepair, and Qiao Yue refused at first. But Liu
Yan insisted, so he could only follow him.

Qiao Yue broke in, but was blocked by Liu Shan's leader.

Growing angrier, he shouted loudly. Suddenly I heard Liu Yan's voice from
inside: Let him in.

Liu Fanfang was released.

Qiao stepped in and saw Liu Yan **** with big sleeves, sitting by the
window, playing a game of Go alone.

His eyes fell on the chessboard, and his fingers twisted a black spot, as if
he was thinking about the chess game.

Qiao Yue held back his anger and said, "This is my Qiao family. I just
wanted to see my second brother, why was I blocked?"
Liu Yan didn't look at him, he dropped a slap, Fang said indifferently: "The
Duke is blind in both eyes. I am asking a doctor to diagnose and treat him.
He needs to rest, and it is inconvenient to see people."

Qiao Yue sighed in his chest, forcibly endured it any longer, and said, "I just
heard that Wei Liang was attacked outside the city gate. You did it too?"

Liu Yan didn't respond, reached out to the jade pot, grabbed a few white
seeds, squeezed it in the palm of his hand, and played with it slowly.

"Liu Yan!"

Qiao Yue couldn't bear it any longer, and he called him by his name, "I've
only gradually come to understand in the past few days. Why can't I receive
the news from the outgoing spies so late in Yanzhou! It was you who
intercepted the news, Playing with me again, right or not? My Qiao family
used to be kind to you, but you hurt me so much! What is your motive?"

Liu Yan glanced at him, still calm and calm: "What's wrong with Marquis
Henghai? It's only been a few days. Could it be that you regret voting for
me again and want to seek favor with Wei Shao again? It's a pity—"

He sighed softly and shook his head: "It's too late. Everyone in the world
knows that your Qiao family has abandoned the shadows and turned to the
light, and you are willing to be my minister of the Han Dynasty. Even if you
put down your lower body now, you will be as shameless as you were three
years ago. If the girl is better than Wei Shao, I'm afraid he won't be able to
tolerate your Qiao family anymore."

Qiao Yue gritted his teeth, and his face slowly flushed.
Liu Yan stared at him for a moment, then let go of his palm, and the few
pieces that Fang grabbed were scattered on the board.

The chess pieces spun around, making a slight and pleasant sound of jade
rubbing, and then stopped slowly and stopped.

Liu Yan went down to the ground and walked slowly along the wall of the

Finally, he stopped in front of Qiao Yue and said with a smile, "Thank you,
Mr. Qiao, for your hospitality, for keeping me here for so many days, so that
I can relive the unforgettable days when I was a teenager. It's time for me
to go too."

Qiao Yue was shocked: "You made me look like this, and when you left,
where would you leave my Yanzhou military and civilians?"

Liu Yan said: "Qiao Gong's words are wrong. Wei Shao has long had the
heart of chaotic ministers. You voted for me.

The muscles of Qiao Yue's cheeks trembled, turning into the color of pig

"I know you're afraid of Wei Shao's call. Don't worry, since Yanzhou is now
a Chinese territory, why would I care? I have left you a helper, General Ding
Qu, who led the army a few days ago, you have seen his face Right? He'll
temporarily take on the responsibility of the provincial governor on your
behalf. Qiao Gong's heart is."

After speaking lightly, he brushed off his sleeves, turned and floated away.

Liu Yan galloped out of the city gate of Dongjun without looking back.

The wind was blowing in his face, raising his sleeves and the corners of his

His heart was filled with a sense of pleasure from revenge, and he could
not wait to let out the tumultuous emotions in his heart at the moment.

Bought a Zhang Pu with a huge profit, Yanzhou will be owned by him, and
the Qiao family will completely cut themselves off from Wei Shao.

When we meet, there will be battles.

The city walls of Yanzhou may not be able to withstand Wei Shao's forces.

But what's the harm? He didn't care about the gain or loss of a city.

Moreover, Yanzhou did not belong to him.

The reason why he stayed here for Ding Qu, who had defected to him, was
to give him real power on the ground and a chance for revenge, and at the
same time to show his grace.

Secondly, Wei Shao's hatred for the Qiao family will become more profound
the more Yanzhou's strong resistance is encountered.

Could it be that from now on, his Xiao Qiao can continue to be in love with
Wei Shao and live forever?
Liu Yan suppressed the surging pleasure in his heart, closed his eyes, and
took a long breath of the fresh air he seemed to know in the field outside
Dongjun City.

This whole world will sooner or later return to the Han Dynasty.

The Qiao daughter of the Qiao family in Dongjun, one day, can only belong
to him, and no one can really take it away.

Neither can Wei Shao.

Wei Liang was sent back to Luoyang by Dong Mao, the prefect of Xu Di
adjacent to Yanzhou.

Although the imperial doctor in the palace had tried his best to treat him, he
was in a coma for many days due to excessive blood loss, but he was
unable to survive.

Wei Shao rushed back to Luoyang three days ago.

For the past three days, he has been staying by Wei Liang's side.

Until the hand he was holding that was calloused from holding the sword
slowly became cold and stiff.

The imperial physicians were all terrified and could not afford to kneel.

Gongsun Yang, Wei Quan, Zhu Zeng and others were also waiting outside
and did not dare to enter.
Until dawn the next day, I finally heard a heavy footstep coming from inside
and outside, and everyone hurried up to meet them.

Seeing Wei Shao appear, his eyes were full of bloodshots.

Gongsun Yang suppressed the uneasiness in his heart and hurried up to

meet him, saying, "My lord, there may be some misunderstanding in this.
The Qiao family does not expect that—"

"Send my order, gather troops and horses, and Lei Zetan will help me to
attack Yanzhou. The rest of the people will stay where they are and stand
by! If there are trespassers, they will be dealt with by military law!"

Wei Shao turned a deaf ear, only hoarse, word by word.

Immediately walked away.

The day Xiao Qiao heard the news, her daughter was almost two months

She is more beautiful than when she was born, a little person like a snow
ball. When she smiles, in her black eyes, it seems that all the flowers in the
spring garden are in full bloom.

Mrs. Xu loves her very much. Since her full moon, she has to hug her every
day and tease her to talk.

The Wei family mansion, which was originally a little empty, has added
countless laughter and vitality with the birth and growth of Philip.
It was an early summer afternoon with good weather. Xiao Qiao stayed by
Mrs. Xu's side as usual, watching her hug Philip to coax her to sleep.

Philip is an energetic little fellow. But at this moment, she had enough to
eat and drink, she closed her eyes with long curly eyelashes, and slept
quietly in the arms of her great grandmother.

Mrs. Xu was reluctant to turn her hands for fear of disturbing her, so she
got up in person, carried her into the inner room, put her on the bed, and
covered her with a quilt.

"Where do you have a letter from Shao'er recently?"

After Mrs. Xu came out, she asked Xiao Qiao.

Joe shook his head.

Mrs. Xu pondered for a moment, then smiled: "It must be because Luoyang
was busy with things, and Shao'er was entangled, so she didn't return.
Don't worry about it. I'll send a letter and ask."

After the last letter after the birth was sent out, there has been no reply
from Wei Shao.

The Battle of the Yellow River was over, even if Wei Shao was too busy to
come back, he wouldn't even get a letter back.

Somewhat unusual indeed.

Xiao Qiao knew that Mrs. Xu was worried that she was worried, that she
would not please Wei Shao when she gave birth to a daughter. Like Mrs.
Zhu, although she didn't say anything, she couldn't hide her

Feeling grateful, she was about to speak when suddenly Zhong Li hurried
in from outside and said, "Miss, Young Master Qiao is here."

She paused, "Young Master Qiao seems to be in a hurry."

Joe was very surprised.

I haven't seen my brother for a long time.

At this moment, he suddenly learned that he had arrived in Yuyang, and he

should have been pleasantly surprised.

But for some reason, her heart sank slightly, as if something had happened.

Bad things.

She immediately looked at Madam Xu.

Mrs. Xu nodded: "You go quickly."

Xiao Qiao hurried back to the East Room and was even more surprised to
see Qiao Ci.

Qiao Ci had not closed his eyes for several days and nights, his eyes were
red and haggard and anxious.

As soon as he saw Xiao Qiao, he immediately jumped up.

"Sister! Something happened in Yanzhou! Sergeant Gongsun told me to

come to you quickly!"

In the past two months, Xiao Qiao gradually felt that something was wrong.

Wei Shao should not have been late to return after the war was over.

But she could never have imagined that in such a short period of time, such
an earth-shaking change had occurred in Yanzhou.

Father's life is unknown.

Uncle Qiao Yue not only voted for Liu Yan in his father's name, but also
killed Wei Liang, who was going to celebrate his father's birthday without
any precautions. Wei Shao was angry and sent troops to Yanzhou. The
prefects of the other places gave way one after another, and the army
seemed to pass through no one.

"Sister, after I got out of the city that day, I thought that my second
brother-in-law was trapped by the coalition forces, so I went to my eldest
brother-in-law for help. I didn't want Liu Yan to have kept his hand, and sent
Qingzhou soldiers to attack Lingbi. The eldest brother-in-law was blocked
and could not I rushed to Yanzhou in time. When the Qingzhou soldiers
were repelled, my eldest brother-in-law and I rushed to Yanzhou, only to
find out that Yanzhou had completely fallen into the hands of Liu Yan, and
General Wei Liang was killed. Do not intervene, otherwise it will be
regarded as hostile. The elder brother-in-law is temporarily stationed in
Juye. I went to see the second brother-in-law and wanted to explain the ins
and outs. But I couldn't see it, and the second brother-in-law refused to see
me. Please, sister, think of a way!"
Xiao Qiao's heart was beating wildly, and her face suddenly lost its blood.

After calming down, he comforted Qiao Ci with a few words, and asked
someone to take him down to rest for a while, then he immediately returned
to the North Room. As soon as he entered, he immediately knelt in front of
Mrs. Xu, kowtowed, and remained motionless for a long time.

"Is something wrong? Get up and speak slowly."

Madam Xu's voice sounded above her head, as calm as ever. As if with the
power to calm people's panic.

But at this moment, Xiao Qiao couldn't look up.

Also without looking up.

"Grandmother, General Wei Liang was killed. It was still my Qiao family."

She held back the tears that were about to burst into her eyes and said.

The house suddenly fell silent.

Xiao Qiao kept kneeling, touching the ground with her forehead,

After a long time, I heard Mrs. Xu's hoarse voice rang again: "Look up!

The sound has turned to a shrill.

Xiao Qiao stood up straight and recounted what he heard from Qiao Ci.
"Grandmother, there is also Liu Yan's manipulation in this matter, using my
uncle and father's discord, not only to control Yanzhou, but my father's life
and death is still unknown. I am afraid there are many misunderstandings.
The husband is now angry and sent troops to Yanzhou to take revenge. My
brother I begged to see my husband, but my husband refused to see him.
He was helpless, so Xingye came to Yuyang for help. I begged my
grandmother to allow me to go to Yanzhou and meet my husband to
explain clearly. It is not that I want to distance myself from the Qiao family.
General Wei Liang Waiting for someone to die because of the Qiao family,
the Qiao family will pay their lives for their lives, but it is not enough to
relieve the pain of their relatives. I have nothing to say. I hate Liu Yan for
his sinister intentions and do not want to let his tricks succeed! I beg my
grandmother to take care of it for me Philippe some time, I'll leave as soon
as possible!"

She kowtowed again.

"Go, let Jia Si **** you there as soon as possible. Philip has me to take care

Madam Xu spoke slowly.

Chapter 142:
At the beginning of May, Wei Shao 100,000 sergeants drove directly to
Dongjun, without encountering any obstacles, and entered Yanzhou.

Ding Qu fought against Wei Shao in the southern suburbs of Yan County, a
hundred miles away from Dongjun County, and was defeated and defended
the city.

He was a prisoner of war and was ordered by Wei Shao to rectify the law
on the spot.

Among them are Ding Qu's sergeant and some Qiao family sergeants.

The news spread to Dongjun City, and everyone was in danger.

Hou Jiawanghui and others, former generals under Qiao Ping. On the night
of the birthday banquet, he went back drunk, woke up the next day, and
was imprisoned. Liu Yan arrived immediately, and Qiao Ci escaped from
the city with Mrs. Ding. Later, Qiao Yue, the chief executive, jointly issued
orders in the name of Qiao Ping, but Qiao was never seen. Flat out.

Qiao Yue said that Qiao Ping was in a coma and could not see people, and
Hou, Wang and others had no doubts in their hearts.

It's just that Qiao Yue's status is there, and Liu Yan is the orthodox Han
emperor, the emperor of the emperor. When he entered the city, Luanyu
was majestic, accompanied by armored soldiers, and all the people along
the way were kneeling and shouting long live. How dare Hou Jiawanghui
and others dared to act rashly, forbearance until this time, secretly inquired
about where Qiao Ping was being detained, and while Ding Qu was
defeated, he retreated to the city, built a canal wall, Wei Shao surrounded
the four gates again, and the order in the city was in chaos. , secretly
united with the loyal old team, sneaked in while the chaos, killed the
guards, and finally saw Qiao Ping's face.
See him blind, trapped in a shabby room. In the past, the county prince,
who was supported by the army and the people, was like a dragon lost
water and was trapped in the shoal.

Qiao Ping's eyes were poisoned, and he was trapped for many days,
knowing that something must have changed outside. These days, I was so
anxious, I had already made extremely bad plans, but I still didn't expect
that things would go so badly. After getting up and asking about the
situation inside and outside Mingcheng, he gradually calmed down and
stopped: "Liu Yan has a deep mind, he should hate the humiliation of my
Qiao family for breaking the contract back then, so he deliberately used my
brother's discord to get in the way. This caused today's catastrophe.
Although Ding Qu is despicable and unruly, he is extremely fierce and is not
an easy person to deal with. Not to mention that he is a fox and a tiger. He
led the military festival in the name of the Han emperor. The old clan must
also take precautions, if you rush out like this, in case you don’t succeed,
you will be killed instead.”

Hou Jia said anxiously: "Wei Shao has already invaded the city. In the
battle of Yan County the day before yesterday, he killed all the prisoners,
and there were sergeants from my Qiao family who were forced to fight.
Ding Qu used this to spread panic, and all the soldiers and civilians in the
city were heartbroken. I fear that the city will be slaughtered by Wei Shao,
so I can only fight to the death to defend the city.

Liu Yan is no longer the boy who was forced to leave Langya and take
shelter in the Qiao family because of his stepmother's slander.

If he still saves his own life today, he must also have his intentions.

In the end, Ding Qu would definitely use himself to blackmail Wei Shao.

If Wei Shao disregards his own life and death, he will hurt his relationship
with Xiao Qiao.
But if he let it go, he couldn't explain it to his soldiers.

No matter what the result is, if it really reaches that point, it will be a
lose-lose situation for Wei Shao or the Qiao family.

Liu Yan was able to set up a bureau to this point, and he wished it was
deep, and the scheming must be heavy, which really made him

Qiao Ping thought for a moment and said, "Ding Qu is a fickle person, and I
have heard a lot about it. I have a plan. I can induce him to relax his
vigilance first, and then give him a blow, which is easier to succeed."

Ding Qu retreated from Yan County and entered the city, so that the news
of Wei Shao's massacre in the city could be widely publicized, and the Qiao
family sergeants were driven to stand at the head of the city.

Seeing that everyone was terrified, and did not dare to relax for a moment,
Fang was slightly relieved, came down from the city head, and ate
suffocating wine alone.

Yanzhou has many beauties.

Recalling that Zhang Pu once said that Qiao Yue had a concubine who was
beautiful and beautiful, he asked someone to call the woman.
The woman came tremblingly and bowed to him. Taking a closer look at his
eyebrows, he looked a bit like Su Ehuang.

When Ding Qu saw this, he felt even more annoyed.

On the day that Luoyang City was broken, he took Su Ehuang to escape in
the chaos. He had hoped to get the Xingxun treasure, but the woman said
that he would take him to Liu Yan first, and then plan the treasure when he
had a place to stay.

Ding Qu suspected that she was bucking the buck and wanted to kill him,
and he was afraid that she really knew the treasure. In addition, he was like
a lost dog at the time, so he had no choice but to go to Liu Yan with her.
Unexpectedly, Su Shi and Liu Yan hit it off. The two talked secretly, and
after they came out, the Su family actually became Liu Yan's guest at the
seat, and there were guards who came in and out.

Not to mention, it is not easy to ask her about the whereabouts of her
treasure again, even if she wants to see her again.

Knowing that she should be tricked by her, but now that she has Liu Yan as
her support, she can't help her.

Feeling more and more aggrieved in his heart, his eyes showed a fierce
light, and he forcibly dragged the woman to kill him when he heard
footsteps at the door. The woman opened, stood up abruptly, and while
drawing her sword, shouted for the guards to enter.
For a moment, a dozen Ding Qu's men poured into the hall.

Qiao Ping said: "General Ding, don't be impatient. I can't see things with my
eyes now. These old men have also been deprived of military power. With
their bare hands, how can they hurt the general?"

Ding Qufang slowly settled down and said, "How did you escape? What are
your intentions?"

Qiao Ping said: "I have one thing, both for my own good and for the
general's consideration. I wonder if the general can talk to me in detail?"

Ding Qu thought for a while and motioned for his men to go out.
Qiao Ping ordered Hou Jiawanghui and others to go out as well, fumbled
for himself, slowly took a seat, and said, "General Ding is about to have a
big disaster, and he still doesn't know it!"

Ding Qu sneered: "I'm afraid the county is in a precarious situation, don't

worry about yourself, and you threaten me with dangerous words, it's

Qiao Ping smiled and said: "General Ding is brave and fierce, everyone
knows it. But Sergeant Wei Shao is the longest in siege and looting. Now
Liu Yan has injured Wei Liang and provoked hatred between the Qiao and
Wei families. Wei Shao's army took revenge. Come on, it is unstoppable.
Even if the city of Dongjun is with the power of my Qiao family, how long do
you think it will be able to hold it? I really feel sorry for General Ding!"

Ding Qu was speechless.

Qiao Ping sighed: "I feel sorry for General Ding, far from it. General Ding
was used by Liu Yan, and he didn't even know it?"

Ding Qu said, "How do you say this?"

Qiao Ping said: "To tell the truth, Liu Yan had a marriage contract with my
daughter in the early years. Later, in order to solve the military encirclement
of Yanzhou, my eldest brother made the decision and married my daughter
to Wei Shao. Liu Yan and my Qiao family have a relationship. The
humiliation of breaking the contract is even more incompatible with Wei
Shao, which is why he planned to harm me, imprison me, control my
brother, and anger Wei Shao and finally lead his army to attack. The matter
was handed over to the general. Do you think he values ​you? No! He has a
deep scheming and can't wait for the Qiao family to fight Wei Shao to the
death, so he used the power of the general to stick to Yanzhou, causing my
Qiao family to fight Wei Shao desperately. It's an illusion. The more
resistance Wei Shao encounters, the more provoked he must be. In this
way, the day the city is destroyed, the situation will naturally become more
and more tragic!"
Ding Qu was on guard at first, but gradually became more focused.

"Even if my Qiao family was completely destroyed in the end, it was

because of the incompetence of my two brothers, and it was my own fault.
You are different, General! You have the name of a hero, and everyone in
the world knows it. Now that you join Liu Yan, it must be because of the
Han family. Liu Yan used the general in this way, nominally making the
general a marquis, and handing over the power of Yanzhou to the general,
but in fact he just gave the general a hot potato and wanted to put the
general in a desperate situation!"

Ding Qu was startled and broke out in a cold sweat.

I want to have the name of a hero for nothing, but my fate is ill-fated. He
voted for Yuan Zhe and Xing Xun successively, but both of them were not
British. Now he was forced to switch to Liu Yan, who was despised by him
in the past.
How could Wei Shao be an easy person to deal with?

Now that he is under the city, although he has tried every means to gather
the old Qiao family to defend the city with all his strength, he does not know
how long he will be able to defend it.

If the city is destroyed, even if he is brave enough to kill himself, as Qiao

Ping said, his reputation will be tarnished again.

The current situation is really in a dilemma.

He gritted his teeth and said, "It's already like this! What else can I do? I
have to fight Wei Shao to the death!"
Qiao Ping shook his head: "General, don't be discouraged, listen to me.
With the power of a general, it is a pity to be played by Liu Yan like this. I
don't want my Yanzhou military and civilians to be poisoned because of Liu
Yan's treacherous schemes. This is all because of this. My eldest brother
Qiao Yue rose up. Wei Shao's anger was also directed at my elder brother.
My elder brother, who was ruthless and righteous, poisoned my eyes and
blinded me in order to seize my power. He and I have long since lost
brotherhood. I want to kill him and take other people's heads, so that I can
ask Wei Shao to solve the problem. Wei Shao is my son-in-law, with Qiao
Yue's head and my daughter turning around, this matter will definitely pass.
Recommend Wei Shao to appoint a general. Wei Shao has ambitions in the
world and is thirsty for talents. In the name of a general and hero, if he is
willing to serve, how can he not accept it?"

Ding Qu was already moved, but his face was embarrassed, and he said,
"Not only did I have no credit for Wei Shao, but I used to have a lot of
resentment. How can he accept me now?"

Qiao Ping said, "Isn't it a great achievement when the general killed Qiao
Ding Qu was suddenly overjoyed, let go of the sword in his hand, and said:
"Listen to your words, I will stop! The Duke wait a moment, I will kill Qiao
Yue and cut off other people's heads!"

Qiao Ping said: "Don't worry, it won't be too late to kill tomorrow, I'm afraid
of where he will escape? Although I can't see, and I only spoke a few words
with the general, but I have a feeling of meeting a bosom friend. If the
general doesn't dislike it, can I? How many drinks will you have with me?"

Ding Qu nodded naturally. The banquet was reorganized, and the two of
them drank. During the banquet, Ding Qu talked a lot about his sexuality,
scolded Yuan Zhe for being narrow-minded, Xing Xun was cruel and
stubborn, and Liu Yan was a despicable villain. After eating a cup, he was
so drunk and his eyes were hazy that Hou Jiawang would enter and chop
off the head with a knife without making a sound. It was a pitiful generation
of warriors who died like this in Dongjun.
After Ding Qu was removed, King Hou Jia immediately summoned the old
troops and ordered Sergeant Ding Qu to disarm. Most complied, and some
stubbornly resisted.

After a while of fighting, at dawn, Liu Yan's forces in the city were finally
completely wiped out.

Hou Jia hated Zhang Pu to the bone. Taking this opportunity, he rushed to
Zhang Pu's residence with a knife, but when he entered, he saw no one
else. The house was empty, not even a servant.

Entering the inner room, I smelled a strong **** smell, and saw a corpse
lying on the ground, its head had been cut off. Identifying the clothes and
appearance, it was actually Qiao Yue, the prefect of Yanzhou.
Hou Jia was shocked. While sending someone to inform Qiao Ping, he
searched nearby and finally caught a servant from Zhang Pu's house and
sent it to Qiao Ping.

The servant was trembling and knelt down and said, "Yesterday morning,
not long after the news of Ding Qu's defeat, Duke Qiao sent someone to
pass on Zhang Pu. Zhang Pu didn't go to see him. Seeing that he was
carrying a sword, he was furious and chased Zhang Pu into the inner room.
After a while, Zhang Pu carried a package and hurried away. I dared to go
in, only to see that Duke Qiao had been cut off. Hearing that Wei Shao
When the city was attacked, the people in the city were in chaos. I was
afraid of being implicated. I was afraid, so I ran away. I don't know what
happened next.

Qiao Ping pondered.

Qiao Yue should have heard the news of Wei Shao's siege and wanted to
kill Zhang Pu to vent his hatred. I don't know how the process was, but
Zhang Pu was killed, and even the head was cut off.

Although Qiao Ping also hated his brother's confusion, which made
Yanzhou fall into such a predicament, he did not expect that he would end
up dying at the hands of one of his most trusted advisers, and his heart
was full of mixed feelings.

He ordered people to collect Qiao Yue's corpse, and then immediately

dictated, ordered people to repair a book, explained the cause and effect
clearly, and attached Ding Qu's head.

Hou Jia told himself to go out of the city to see Wei Shao.
Qiao Ping waited anxiously for the news.

Wei Shao didn't even see Hou Jia's face, let alone read the letter, and
brought it back together with Ding Qu's head.

Qiao Ping was anxious: "He must have thought that it was my Qiao family
who saw the wind again and killed Ding Qu to beg him again, so he insisted
not to see it. It would be better for me to go out of the city to see him
personally! , all because of my oversight, and the attack on General Wei
Liang, which has nothing to do with me."

Everyone hurried to stop, and suddenly, at this time, an urgent report came,
saying that Wei Shao's army had completely united, and the east, west,
north, south, and four gates of Dongjun were completely packed.
Standing on the city wall, the flags and flags can already be seen.

At the same time, Bi She also led the army from Juye, and seemed to stop
Wei Shao's army from attacking the city.

The two sides confronted each other, and they were on the verge of
breaking out.

Qiao Ping burst into anger, vomited a mouthful of blood, staggered, and fell
on his back to the ground.

Chapter 143:

Xiao Qiao set off for the south.

Except for the need to rest at the post house to change horses, the rest of
the time, regardless of morning and evening, is almost spent on the gallop.
This part of the road is thousands of miles away, and in only seven or eight
days, she has already crossed the Yellow River and went straight to

This day finally approached Yanzhou. Along the way, I heard that the
Yanhou army had passed through the border a few days ago, and now it
must have arrived in Dongjun long ago.

The day she arrived in Dong County was a fine early summer evening.

The setting sun slanted westward, and the golden afterglow sprinkled over
the boundless field outside Dongjun City.

It was also cast on the endless barracks tents and banners painted with
dragons fluttering in the evening wind outside the city.

Xiao Qiao did not enter the camp immediately. Instead, he stopped far
away outside the camp in the north of the city, and asked Qiao Ci to find Bi
She for news.

When it was dark, when Qiao Ci came back, his expression seemed to be
a little more relaxed than at the beginning.

He told Xiao Qiao that his father regained control of power and killed Ding
Qu. He hoped to clarify the misunderstanding with Wei Shao, but Wei Shao
did not seem to accept it.

Bi She was worried that Wei Shao would attack the city in anger, so he
brought an army here as a defense.
Fortunately, although Wei Shao did not see the messenger, he never
launched a siege.

This confrontation has been going on for several days.

On the way here, Xiao Qiao had imagined many possibilities.

The most terrifying thing was that Wei Shao, in a fit of rage, breached
Dongjun and his father died.

If such a thing really happened, Xiao Qiao couldn't imagine that even if he
came over like this, what meaning would it have in the matter.

Fortunately, what she feared the most did not happen.

The moment she heard the news, the string in her body that had been tight
all along loosened.

For a moment of relaxation, she felt dizzy for a while, her body swayed
slightly, and was supported by Qiao Ci.


"I'm fine. You stay, you don't have to come in with me."

"Come with me, lady."

Lei Ze came out and led Xiao Qiao inside.

On the way, he seemed to be hesitant to say anything, but finally he didn't
say anything. Finally, he led her to the central tent and whispered, "The
prince is inside."

The moment he raised his hand and opened the tent door, Xiao Qiao's
mood suddenly became tense again, and his movements were also

She settled down, opened it, and entered.

There were candles burning in the tent, and the light was very bright.

She saw Wei Shao standing in front of the weapon rack with his back to

It didn't move at all, like a rock solidified there for a long time.

She stopped at the entrance of the tent, stared at the familiar back, waited
for a long time, and finally said softly: "Husband, I'm sorry."

A gust of wind got in through the gap in the tent door behind her, and the
candle light flickered.

Wei Shao's enlarged figure thrown on the tent wall also swayed.

He turned around slowly and his eyes fell on Xiao Qiao's face.

The eyes of the two met.

Haven't seen each other for half a year. He turned black and thin at once.

In his expression, there was no anger that Xiao Qiao expected.

It seemed very peaceful.

Unusually calm.

Xiao Qiao's heart suddenly seemed to be pulled silently by a dull knife,

causing a dull pain in his chest.

"Thank you, not attacking Dongjun—"

"Go back, so that you can take care of Philip. After all, you also gave birth
to a daughter for me. In return for you, I will let Yanzhou go. I will withdraw

He interrupted her.

The tone was the same as his expression, the calmness was not
something he could say.

Xiao Qiao looked at him blankly.

After Wei Shao finished speaking, he walked to the case, sat down, flipped
open a scroll of slips, and looked down.

Xiao Qiao stood there, motionless.

Wei Shao was very calm at first, and kept turning over the slips in his hand.

From time to time, there is a slight sound of bamboo chips colliding.

Gradually, he turned faster and faster, and the blue veins on the back of the
hand holding Jian Mu gradually became prominent.
Suddenly, with a "snap" sound, the slip of paper in his hand was slapped
heavily on the desk.

The sound was so loud that the frightened candlelight also jumped.

"You're not leaving yet? What else do you need me to do so that you can
be satisfied?"

He raised his head, stared at Xiao Qiao, gritted his teeth, and said every

Xiao Qiao walked slowly to his side and knelt beside him.

"Husband, you actually already know, don't you?"

She looked at his tough, carved profile lines and asked softly.

Wei Shao closed his eyes and turned his head slowly.

The candlelight was thrown into his eyes, causing his pupils to glow with an
almost translucent cold glaze color.

"I was on the way here, and I was worried that you had already attacked
the city. When I got here in the evening, I found that you haven't. I knew
then that it would not be because of Bishe. If you really want to attack
Yanzhou, you will never Bitter and stop. You must know there is a
misunderstanding, don't you?"

Wei Shao said nothing.

Xiao Qiao looked into his eyes: "Before I came, when I was saying goodbye
to my grandmother, I said to her, I didn't want to come to see you, not to
clear up the Qiao family. General Wei Liang is still alive and dead, and he is
with him. The soldiers died innocently, and everything has nothing to do
with my Qiao family. Even if the Qiao family sacrifices their lives for their
lives, it is not enough to relieve the pain of their relatives. This is not a lie.
So when I arrived, I knew that my husband did not Siege, I have nothing
but gratitude. After this incident, I also understand that it is my Qiao family
who are immoral and incompetent, and will produce these many incidents
again and again. I will let my father hand over Leaving Yanzhou. I know that
this compensation, compared to the mistakes that have been caused, is
really insignificant, and you may not care about it at all. But the damage
that has been caused, whether it is me or my father, as long as we can, we
will do our best to make up for it. Even if it is insignificant ."

Wei Shao's expression remained cold, and he slowly shook his head.

"You said so much, but you said one thing right. I haven't attacked
Yanzhou, not because of Bi She's obstruction."

"Do you know why I decided to let Yanzhou go?"

Xiao Qiao held her breath, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Wei Shao looked outside the tent door and shouted, "Bring it in!"

Xiao Qiao raised her eyes and saw a man in a Ge Yi was pushed in and
knelt on the ground with a thud.

It was Zhang Pu, Qiao Yue's advisor.

His face was pale and shivering.

Xiao Qiao was taken aback and quickly turned to look at Wei Shao, seeing
him staring at him coldly: "You should know this person, right?"

Xiao Qiao's heart skipped a beat, and she looked at Wei Shao blankly.

From the first sentence Wei Shao turned around and said to her after
entering, she had noticed his abnormality.

Such a big thing happened. From Wei Shao's point of view, the Qiao
family's behavior this time was like the whole family's treachery again.

He only asked her to go back, saying that in return for her having a
daughter for him, he would let Yanzhou go.

When he said this, he was very calm.

But her intuition told her that this was by no means his real emotional
expression at the time.

The more seemingly rational calm, the greater the anger may be behind it.

It's just that she didn't know why he didn't get angry with himself at the time,
but instead covered up his anger in a more disturbing way.

At this moment, she faintly seemed to understand.

Maybe it has something to do with this Zhang Pu.

But what did Zhang Pu say?

Wei Shao got up from behind the case, grabbed the sword lying across the
table, drew the sword, and walked towards Zhang Pu.

Zhang Pu fell to the ground, crawled back, and kept begging.

"Junhou spare your life - Junhou spare -"

A sword light swept past, and a head that was still attached to the neck a
moment ago suddenly flew out, rolled to the corner of the wall, and

A column of blood spewed out.

It splashed on Wei Shao's shirt and also on his face.

Xiao Qiao screamed and watched Wei Shao turn around in horror. Holding
the sword that was still dripping blood, he walked back to him step by step.

The long-lost memory about the last scene in the dream of the previous life,
at this moment, seems to be suddenly flooding her again.

She gritted her teeth as hard as she could, so as not to let the teeth

Wei Shao approached her, the face with a few drops of blood sank slightly,
looked down at her for a moment, and suddenly threw the sword away with
a "ding" sound.

"This person, put Qiaoyue's head on me. Yanzhou should be kept by your
Qiao family. You can leave."

He said coldly.
Xiao Qiao forcibly supported her two legs that had become soft like cotton,
and barely stood up.

"What the **** happened to you? What did Zhang Pu say?"

Wei Shao said nothing.


"Come on, send her out to me!"

Wei Shao suddenly seemed to burst out, turned his head and roared, and
then with a palm, he swept all the things on the desk between the two to
the ground.

Bamboo slips, documents, pen and ink, together with arrows and tiger
talismans, fell all over the ground, in a mess.

Lei Ze hurriedly entered, quickly glanced at Zhang Pu's headless body lying
on the ground, and hurriedly pulled it out with his own hands.

"Send her away to me!"

Wei Shao roared again.

Lei Ze was stunned for a moment, then he understood, and looked at Wei
Shao in astonishment.

He looked gloomy.

Lei Ze hesitated: "The lady—"

"Please, General Lei, go out first, I still have something to tell Junhou." Xiao
Qiao said.

Lei Ze hurriedly bent over and took out Zhang Pu's body along with his


"Don't call me husband!"

Xiao Qiao paused: "What did Zhang Pu say to you..."

His lips were still tightly closed.

Xiao Qiao's heart was numb, and her back was soaked with cold sweat.

She could feel that Wei Shao's anger towards herself was not just due to
this Yanzhou incident.

There seems to be something else mixed in.

what exactly is it?

She closed her eyes and tried her best to remember in her mind.

Suddenly, the whole figure was slapped heavily by something.

She opened her eyes suddenly.

"The year after I first married you, when I returned to Yanzhou, I persuaded
my father to be strong and recruit troops."

She looked at Wei Shao's gloomy eyes.

"At that time, one of the reasons I persuaded my father was to guard
against you."

she said slowly.

When my father persuaded Qiao Yue at that time, it was naturally

impossible to say that it was his own proposal.

But Yanzhou took action just after he left.

It should be that Zhang Pu, in order to show his allegiance in front of Wei
Shao, said that the purpose of Yanzhou's strong army that day was to
guard against his revenge.

Zhang Pu may not have mentioned himself.

But Wei Shao couldn't have imagined this.

Her face slowly turned pale, and her lips faded.

looked at him silently.

She didn't want to cry.

From the day she said goodbye to Mrs. Xu and set off on the road, until the
moment before, she never shed a single tear.

don't want to cry.

I just hope that things have not developed in the worst direction, and that
there is still room for improvement.

until this moment.

The eyes suddenly became hot.

She endured it with all her might, and finally forced the formation back.

"I know what you hate about me. You hate me to marry you because you
want to plot against you. But when you and I were married, it was a
marriage of each other, like a different dream. At that time, I was afraid of
you and couldn't believe you. , that's why I persuaded my father. I can't say
I'm right, but I can't say against my heart that I made that kind of decision at
that time. After all, none of us can predict the future, let alone see clearly.
What was the other party thinking, right? My fault was that I only persuaded
my father to be strong, but did not pay enough attention to and beware of
the hidden dangers of my Qiao family, which resulted in today's bad results,
causing Wei Liang and others to suffer innocently. I failed the pressure and
promise you made for me..."

Wei Shao suddenly sneered, his smile was a little weird.

"I remember clearly how I chased you all the way to the south in order to
pick you up earlier. You were with me at Wuchao Ferry, so I thought..."

He stopped suddenly, and there was disgust in his eyes.

"You don't have to say it anymore! Don't tell me anything about your Qiao
family in the future! The Qiao family has deliberately married you, and you
have wronged yourself. You have served me like this for three years. It’s
too short, and now I have a child. I will satisfy you and let your Qiao family
live. You tell your Qiao family not to commit me again in the future,
otherwise the next time will not be like this time. Don’t think I will I have to
endure it again and again because of my reputation. If I want to kill, I will
kill. The world's comments, what does it do to me?"

Wei Shao wiped the blood drop from his cheek with the palm of his hand.

However, a dark red trail was left behind, making his face even more

Chapter 144:

The south window is half-open, and there is a breeze blowing through the
beautiful plantains planted outside the window, and the green banana
leaves like dripping oil make a slight rustling sound.

The house smelled of bitter medicine.

Xiao Qiao took the bowl from his father and put it aside to help him lie

Qiao Ping shook his head slightly.

"Could Yanhou not accept Yanzhou?" he asked.

"He's gone." Xiao Qiao said softly.

"It's because of your father that dragged you down. I didn't notice your
uncle's change in time before, which caused this disaster. This time, when
he was angry and surrounded the city, I didn't handle it properly."

"It's not that I can't give up the name of the county prince because of my
father. Yanzhou is just a dead place. Your great-grandfather was
prehistoric, and Yanzhou is not owned by my Qiao family. The Qiao family's
ancestral home is in Dongting, and the remains of their ancestors are
buried in Dongting. Your grandfather died, when you When I was still
young, my father took you and your mother back to Dongting to guard the
mausoleum for several years. Xiaoxiang Dongting, the vast place of
Chutian, is still in front of my eyes. I have been stuck for half my life for my
father, and I have thought about it before, etc. One day, you and Ci'er will
start a family and start a business, and I can let go of this matter, and I will
help your mother return to her spirit and live in Dongting for the rest of her

Xiao Qiao looked at his father blankly.

"On that day, he brought troops and if I opened the door to welcome him,
he might not have really embarrassed the soldiers and civilians in the city
after he got angry. It's just that I didn't dare to take the risk. It's not a pity for
me to die, the generals and the people in my family shouldn't be because of
me, Qiao's family. guilty and convicted…”

"Father, don't blame yourself any more. No one can do anything better than
Yao and Shun. It's useless to blame yourself. What you should do now is to
try your best to make up for it."

Xiao Qiao helped Qiao Ping against the head of the bed and put a pillow
behind him.

"I know that what my father can't get through is General Wei Liang and the
dozens of guards who suffered. The remains are all buried, and he has
taken them away. When I go back, I will do my best to give sympathy to the
sergeant's family. If you can't see, it's not suitable to travel, Adi will go to
Luoyang on behalf of his father to plead guilty to General Wei."

Qiao Ping raised his hand and groped, holding Xiao Qiao's hands.

The sun is shining outside the window, and the wind is gentle.

Xiao Qiao's fingertips were cold.

Qiao Ping held his daughter's hand and sighed, "Is your son-in-law taking
anger at you now?"

Although his father could not see, Xiao Qiao still smiled.

Said: "Father, rest assured, he is not such a person. Although I did have
some relationship with me this time, it was not because of Yanzhou."

She hesitated for a moment, and mentioned that Zhang Pu was killed by
Wei Shao instead of Qiao Yue's death.

"He once promised me that he would not care about the old enemies of the
Wei Qiao family in the future. I knew it was very difficult for him to let go of
the past like this, but suddenly I learned that I had persuaded my father to
try harder to guard against him. It's human nature to have a cold heart and
want to part with me."

She held her father's hand tightly with her backhand and said, "Father,
please rest assured, everything will be fine. I just don't trust my father..."

"Relax, go back as soon as possible." Qiao Ping said, "I'm fine. Besides,
your elder sister is back. With her here, it's like you're with me."

After the last incident, Mrs. Ding was detained by the angry Qiao Yue, and
she lived on cold water and gruel every day.

When Qiao Ping took power, he took Mrs. Ding out.

Seeing Qiao Yue's tragic death, Mrs. Ding shed tears even though she
hated him for being ruthless and ruthless.

Yesterday, Da Qiao and Li'er were finally taken to Dongjun.

Mother and daughter have been apart for several years, but now they can

Mrs. Ding slapped her daughter heavily at that time, and immediately took
her into her arms with tears streaming down her face.

Bi She knelt down to her and was lifted up by Mrs. Ding's hands.

The family was finally reunited.

Xiao Qiao was at the side at the time, and while she was relieved, her eyes
were hot.

The tree has a cause in the past, and a consequence in return.

At least at this moment, the gathering of Mrs. Ding and Big Joe Bishe is
worth rejoicing.

As if slowly drawing back strength, the mood that had been darkened for a
long time, through the clouds and fog, finally revealed a corner of the sun.
Even just a corner of the sun is enough to support her thoughts and let her
go back home and face the husband she married because of a long-term
relationship in this life.

A few days later, Xiao Qiao arrived in Luoyang.

This is the first time she has set foot on the land of Luoyang.

The eight directions are broad, and Zhou Luo is the middle.

Luoshui boils, and Mangshan is swept away.

Thousands of years ago, the place where King Wu set Ding Ding, the
capital of the Han Dynasty for hundreds of years.

Frequent wars and changing owners have not depressed this ancient
capital. It is different from any other city and has been transformed into
bone, blood, and skin due to a long history of thousands of years.

Even the wind blowing in the direction of the Luo River carried a hint of soft
red fragrant earth.

Xiao Qiao approached all the way, entered from the east, and saw a lot of
people along the way.

The only thing she could still find traces of the war was the gray-black
collapsed ruin she saw across the Luo River when she passed the rumored
Lotus Terrace far away.
She had never seen, not long ago, how tall Yuliang, Jin Yuzhenwei, stood
on top of this ruin.

She also had no intention to focus on these matters, and the first thing she
did in Luoyang, she brought Qiao Ci to Wei Liang.

When entering the city, Gongsun Yang sent someone to pick her up.

She learned a piece of news that seemed like gospel to her at this moment.

Just a few days ago, Wei Liang, who had been in a coma, finally woke up.

The one who rescued him was a wandering doctor who called himself Bai

Qiao Ci hurried in, and when he reached Wei Liang's couch, he knelt down
on his knees without saying a word.

Wei Liang was a tough man, although he was still weak, he wanted to get
up immediately to help him up.

Blocked by Joe.

Qiao Ci said embarrassedly: "General Wei, please accept my worship. At

that time, my father personally came to apologize, but he was inconvenient
to travel, so I came instead of my father. It was all because of my Qiao
family's fault that the general suffered a catastrophe of life and death. ,
killed 16 British scholars. Even asking for slaughter is not enough to offset
the responsibility of my Qiao family!"
Nod deeply.

Wei Liang was startled and hurriedly said, "Young Master Qiao, get up
quickly! How can I receive such a big gift from you! I wait for a warrior, and
when I mount a horse, I will lift my head. I also know what happened in
Yanzhou. It was caused by Liu Yan making troubles from China and
deliberately alienating him. If I want to kill him, I will also kill him, and bring
his head to pay homage to my dead brother! Get up quickly, and don't
apologize again in the future. Two words!"

Xiao Qiao was grateful, and bowed to Wei Liang next to him, saying,
"General Wei is righteous, please accept my worship. Even though General
Wei said so, the Qiao family cannot escape the blame. Those sergeants
who sacrificed innocently, when I go back, The family must be supported by
the old and the young. I know that this is far from offsetting the pain of
relatives, but it is the only remedy I can think of now. If there is any other
use in the future, the general can sue me. "

Wei Liang was even more reluctant to accept the salute, and hurriedly gave
way: "I will replace those brothers, I sincerely thank the lady! The lady
quickly asks the son to get up, and don't beat me again!"

Only then did Qiao Ci get up and thank Wei Liang.

Wei Liang laughed and said: "If you don't die, you will have good luck. I am
the fate of the future. Young Master Qiao thank me for what I did!"

Qiao Ci was actually panicked at first. Seeing that Wei Liang's attitude
towards him was the same as before, he was arrogant and arrogant, and
there was no trace of resentment at all, and his heart slowly calmed down.
Wei Liang looked at Qiao Ci and said with a smile, "Young Master Qiao is
more heroic than I saw last time. General Li still remembers Young Master
Qiao's heroic appearance at the Luli Conference, and he mentioned it to
me a while ago. Since Young Master Qiao is here this time, remember to
visit him."

Qiao Ci hurriedly made a promise. Seeing that Wei Liang had said
something for a while, although he seemed to be in good spirits, the blood
on his face was still not enough, so he hurriedly stepped forward to help
him lie down.

Xiao Qiao said, "After General Wei's injury, I don't know where to go?"

Wei Liang said with a smile: "My lord allows me to return to visit relatives
on a fake visit. If there is no accident, I will return to Liangzhou later."

"I have something to ask for, I wonder if the general can grant it?" Xiao
Qiao said suddenly before leaving.

Wei Liang hurriedly said: "Miss, please tell me. As long as Wei can do what
he can, there will be nothing wrong."

Xiao Qiao glanced at Qiao Ci, who was beside him, and said with a smile:
"Yanzhou now has many family generals working together to protect them,
and there are generals with green eyes to help. My brother is not
necessary. I am afraid that he will be lazy at home and waste his youth.
Time, take the liberty to ask the general, if you don’t think he is stupid, can
you take him with you when you go back to Liangzhou next?
Although Yanzhou has just experienced a drastic change of life and death,
and now Qiao Ping is also blind, many families will work together to protect
them, and Bi She is there to help. Even if Qiao Ci is not there, it will not
affect the overall situation.

In Yanzhou, although Qiao Ci also experienced several wars with his father,
the situation was limited after all. If you can go to a place like Liangzhou,
Bingzhou, with a truly experienced warrior like Wei Liang, you will not only
be able to establish a real relationship with Wei Liang and others, but it will
also be of great benefit to Qiao Ci herself.

Qiao Ci didn't expect that her sister suddenly made such an arrangement
for herself. She was surprised and delighted, and hurriedly looked at Wei

Wei Liang was stunned for a moment, then he was about to nod his head,
but he hesitated again.

Xiao Qiao smiled and said, "Where is Junhou, I'll go and talk to him."

Wei Liang laughed and said, "To be honest with the lady, General Li wanted
to leave Mr. Qiao before, but he never had a chance to speak. Now that the
lady has handed over the prince to me first, he can't even think about
arguing with me again. If the son is not afraid of the bitterness of the wind
and sand in Xisai, I can't ask for it!"

The son of Qiao Ci, who grew up in Yanzhou, had long heard how brave
the Qiang soldiers in Liangzhou were, how sturdy the people were, and
how magnificent the scene was when soldiers were deployed in the
battlefield. . Seeing Wei Liang agree, he was overjoyed and hurriedly
bowed down to him again.

Xiao Qiao smiled and said, "So I'll hand Adi over to the general, trouble the
general, just beat him, don't have any scruples, he's rough-skinned and
thick-skinned, and he can bear it."

Chapter 145:

Nangong Xuan Room.

When the Han Dynasty was prosperous, this palace, not far from the Taiji
Temple, was once used as a daily living place for several generations of
emperors to handle government affairs after they descended.

Later, Emperor Huang spent a lot of money and spent more than ten years
building the North Palace. After completion, its gorgeous and extravagant,
far better than the Nangong.

After Huangdi, the daily management and living activities of the Han
emperors were transferred to the North Palace.

Nangong was gradually abandoned, and the Xuan chamber was changed
to the Taichang Department.

After Wei Shao occupied Luoyang, he reopened the Xuan chamber as his
temporary residence.

Xiao Qiao knew that Wei Shao had been very busy these days after
returning from Yanzhou.
Le Zhenggong returned from the Northern Expedition without success. He
vomited blood on the way back to Hanzhong, feeling depressed and
haggard, so that his old wounds recurred and he died soon after.

Hanzhong glutinous rice. After the funeral was over, not long ago, the
eldest son Le Zhengkai proclaimed the emperor, built the name Daliang,
and pursued Le Zhenggong as the first emperor.

Lezhenggong has been operating in Hanzhong for several generations.

With Liangzhou as the center, from the west of Hangu Pass, it occupies
Qinzhou, Jingzhou, Yizhou and other places. Although he died, his sons
were not mediocre. After taking advantage of the situation to become
emperor, he gathered troops and horses, and he had the momentum to
fight Wei Shaojue.

Xiao Qiao waited for a long time on the side of the corridor outside the
announcement room.

There was a faint feeling of discomfort in the chest.

Remind her again that her daughter Philip is still at home, waiting for her to

Finally came the sound of footsteps.

She saw Li Dian Weiquan and others rushing out of it, rushing.

When several people saw Xiao Qiao, they were slightly startled, then
stopped, and then came to greet her.

Li Dian said, "When did the lady arrive in Luoyang?"

"Arrived today."

Xiao Qiao looked at the red palace gate in front of him: "Is Junhou there?"

"In there."

Xiao Qiao nodded slightly and entered.

Gongsun Yang finally came out with Wei Shao, remembered something,
and said to Wei Shao: "My teacher has already returned to the mountain,
and I heard that there was an epidemic in the south, so I went south,
passed by near Luoyang, and learned that Zhang Bang was seeking
medical treatment, and then entered the city. General Wei There is no
serious problem, my teacher left early this morning, and I can't stay..."

Wei Shao stepped out of the threshold, and suddenly saw Xiao Qiao
approaching from the opposite side, his footsteps stopped, his eyes fell on
her, he took a breath, and then his face sank.

Gongsun Yang raised his head, hurriedly greeted him, and said, "The lady
has worked **** the road. I just arrived in Luoyang today, why don't you go
to rest first?"

Xiao Qiao stepped up the steps, stopped in front of the two, and said with a
smile, "Thank you for sending someone to pick me up here. I'm not tired."

His eyes turned to Wei Shao, and he said, "Could my husband stop for a
Wei Shao said coldly, "What are you doing here if you don't go back to

Xiao Qiao said, "I have something to say to my husband."

Wei Shao raised his foot and left.

Xiao Qiao reached out and grabbed his sleeve.

Wei Shao lowered his head and glanced at her plain white hands that were
tightly clutching his sleeves, then raised his eyes and stared at her,
showing annoyance.

But those two little hands still tightly tugged at his sleeves.

"Just take up my husband for a moment, don't delay things." She said, her
voice low, but firm.

Gongsun Yang swallowed his saliva, turned his face quickly and said, "My
lord, why don't you listen to the lady's words. I'll retire first..."

He hurriedly bowed to the two of them, turned around and left.

Wei Shao froze by the threshold, motionless.

There was no one around. Only the gigantic fragrant tree in front of the hall
crowned the ramp, and a gust of wind passed by, emitting a rustling tree

Xiao Qiao slowly let go of his hand.

"I just went to visit General Wei Liang. Adi and I are walking with me to
plead guilty to General Wei Liang on behalf of my father."
Wei Shao's gaze fell on the fragrant tree by the corridor in front of the hall.

Xiao Qiao stared at his rocky face: "Fortunately, General Wei didn't blame
him. Before I left, I said to General Wei that I hope he can accept my
younger brother to train under his tent. Thanks to General Wei, I agreed. I
just didn't. With your nod, he doesn't dare to make his own decisions."

Wei Shao turned his head sharply.

"That's something you can make decisions too?" His tone was serious.

"That's why I'm here to tell my husband to know." Xiao Qiao said, "I don't
have any other intentions. It's just that now the family affairs have passed,
and it is expected that there will be nothing to do in the next period of time.
Adi is young and should not waste time. My family is ashamed. For General
Wei, let Adi come to listen to the general, whether it is to lead the horse or
support the saddle, it is all right."

Wei Shao stared at her.

Xiao Qiao met his gaze: "Naturally, to keep him or not, how long to keep
him, in the end, everything is up to your heart."

Wei Shao was silent for a moment, then suddenly raised his feet, his
sleeves were blowing in the wind, he hurried down the steps, and he had
walked under the fragrant tree.

Xiao Qiao chased after him and stopped opposite him, blocking his way.

Wei Shao finally stopped: "What else are you doing?" His tone was
questioning and impatient.
He is more than half a head taller than Joe. The two stood face to face like
this, Xiao Qiao raised her face slightly and stared at his face.

"I know you hate my Qiao family's repeated breach of contract, and even
more hate me for being false to you, called husband and wife, and actually
guarding against it. Since I said it just now, I want to tell you what I have in
my heart, so I don't care if you listen or not. If you go in, I have to say it.”

"A long time ago, I repeated a terrible nightmare. In the dream, the Qiao
and Wei families were married, and my Qiao family married a daughter to
you as his wife. However, the hatred between the two families was not
resolved as you wished. You were bent on revenge, and finally my family
No one was spared, either directly at your hands or indirectly because of

She closed her eyes and opened them.

"I married you as my wife with such a nightmare that I experienced in my

previous life. After marriage, I was careful not to take a wrong step.
Gradually, the relationship between you and me finally broke the ice. Of
course, at that time, whether you treat me or not How good, your words
and deeds always make me feel deeply pressured, as if my family and I's
life, death, fortune, and misfortune are all between your joy and anger, not
to mention that I can't get rid of it 's dream."

"In such a situation, I hope my family will be stronger. It's not that I want to
be your enemy, but I think that one day, when the kindness between you
and my husband can no longer maintain the status quo. At that time, my
family can protect themselves. Even if it’s like a man’s arm, it’s better than
sitting there and waiting to die, as I dreamed.”

Wei Shao didn't look at her originally.

Slowly set your eyes on her face.

He stared at her, his eyes darkened and his brows furrowed.

"All I ask is the word reassurance." She said slowly.

"Today, you and I are related to this stage, and you are right to scold me for
being deliberate. It's just husband, under the circumstances of the past,
how can you and I talk about friendship? If there is no friendship, how can
you trust me, you can let me rest assured Are you and my mother's life all
entrusted to you?"

"Even at this moment, I still don't think it was a mistake for me to do that.
It's just that I didn't think that at that time, husband, you would make such a
step backward for me and give me the promise I wanted with all my heart.
Now you hate I, too, are human.”

"I really blamed you, and the sincerity of you chasing me to the post house
on the outskirts of Xindu that night."

Saying these words, she felt stuffy in her cavity, and the **** in front of her
chest seemed to follow her mood.

She turned sideways, let out a long breath, and waited for her emotions to
calm down a little.
"I'm here to apologize to you. Because I used to lead you to be sincere to
me, you gave it, but I didn't pay the same amount myself."

"If in the past, I entered your house with the heart of a daughter of Joe,
then from now on, I will be your wife, Philip's mother."

When she finished speaking, the surroundings fell silent.

The creamy yellow fragrant wood tidbits fell from the canopy in the wind,
and silently touched the top of her hair and fell on his shoulders.

Wei Shao didn't move.

"Philip is almost three months old. She is very pitiful. I think about her day
and night. I'll leave now and go back to Yuyang."

Xiao Qiao suddenly said, nodded slightly at him, and turned to leave.

The face that was bloodless, even with a smile that couldn't completely
hide the haggard face, turned around in front of him.

Wei Shao seemed to have just regained his senses, looking at the
azure-colored pavilion in front of him who was leaving.

She walked fast, her footsteps were getting faster and faster.

As if in the blink of an eye, he disappeared at the end of the palace road.

The carriages were still parked outside the Suzaku gate of the palace.
Accompanied by Chunniang, Xiao Qiao left Luoyang quietly, just like when
she came.

In early June, she returned to Yuyang smoothly.

As soon as he entered the door, regardless of the fatigue of the journey, he

changed his clothes, quickly washed his face and hands, and immediately
went to the north house.

After not seeing him for more than a month, Philip seems to have grown
bigger, with a pair of beautiful round eyes wide open. At first, he didn't
seem to recognize Xiao Qiao, but just looked at her.

"Little lady, your mother is back!"

The nurse was anxious and kept reminding her.

But Philip still didn't seem to recognize her.

Little Joe stretched out his hand to Philip. She grabbed her fingers at once
and held them tightly.

She was so strong that mother and daughter were skin-to-skin.


Xiao Qiao looked at her daughter's pink and tender cheeks without blinking,
and called her name.

Philip recognized the soft, familiar voice that only his mother had, and
immediately became happy, babbling in his mouth, swaying his little arm,
leaning over and reaching out to Xiao Qiao with the other hand, the one on
his wrist. The old silver clang with the pattern of blessing made a pleasant
sound of light hitting.

Xiao Qiao immediately took her daughter and hugged her small body in her
arms, greedily smelling the familiar faint scent of frankincense emanating
from her body.

All the tiredness and grief disappeared in an instant. A heart filled with
tender pity and guilt.

After giving birth, she had a lot of milk and it was sweet. Philip seemed to
prefer her mother's milk, so although Mrs. Xu had prepared two wet nurses
before, Xiao Qiao always fed her.

After going out, she was reluctant to wean her daughter's breasts. Under
Chunniang's guidance, she regularly squeezed every day to avoid weaning
due to prolonged swelling.

At this moment, I finally held my daughter back in my arms again, and the
milk came out again.

As if smelling the frankincense from his mother, Philip leaned towards her
chest immediately.

Xiao Qiao took the warm towel and undressed and wiped it gently,
breastfeeding her daughter.

The fleshy hands of the fibula tightly grasped Xiao Qiao's shirt, closed his
eyes, and swallowed with big mouthfuls. After he was full, he fell asleep in
Xiao Qiao's arms.
Chapter 146:

Xiao Qiao continued to hold her daughter in her arms, and when she fell
asleep, she gently put her on the bed.

The weather is getting hot, the little guy is chubby, and the neck and
armpits like to sweat when he sleeps.

Xiao Qiao unfolded a thin quilt suitable for this early summer, covering her
daughter's body, leaving her wet nurse to take care of her, and arrived in
front of Mrs. Xu.

She came to Beiwu just now, and Ben went to see Mrs. Xu first.

Mrs. Xu only asked a few words about the situation on the road, and sent
her to see Philip first.

At the moment, she is in the flower house that Xiao Qiao built for her,
watering a bunch of Jishan Zhongtai roses newly transplanted last year.

The garden is full of life. The verdant branches and leaves of the rose were
stained with water droplets, and the branches were covered with various
colors of flowers and bones. Before the buds were opened, the fragrance of
the buds had already attracted a few bees and butterflies. He flew over and
hit Mrs. Xu's body, and fell on his back in the mud, flapping his wings,
scratching his beard and feet, making a buzzing sound, clumsily trying hard
again and again, trying to turn over and fly again, But in vain.

That cat, which never came out of nowhere, pounced on it swiftly, pressed
it with one paw, sniffed it, and played with it.
Madam Xu hugged the cat away and turned the bug over.

The beetle climbed a few steps in the mud, flapped its wings with a "hum",
and flew up again. The black dots drew an arc in the air and disappeared
into the flowers.

"Is Philip asleep?"

Madam Xu retracted her gaze and asked with a smile.


Joe should.


She called out again, as if there were countless words to say in her throat.

But there is no way to start.

"Hand me the scissors." Mrs. Xu said.

Xiao Qiao took it from Zhong Li and handed it over.

Mrs. Xu took the flower scissors and carefully cut off a cluster of rotten
leaves with white insect eggs.

"I know it all." She said while trimming the branches, "It's good that Shao'er
can restrain himself. I heard that your father is blind, how is it now?"

"He's fine. Take care of it slowly, and I'll be able to recover later."

Xiao Qiao held back the sadness in her heart and said.
Mrs. Xu stopped cutting, as if recalling the past: "I still remember the scene
when your father came to Youzhou in the past. He was elegant and
Hongda, and I was deeply impressed. It's been more than ten years, and
time has passed like a white horse, and it's just suddenly..."

A hazy thought suddenly appeared in Xiao Qiao's heart.

I wanted to ask this old woman, whom she highly respected and admired,
why she was willing to accept the Qiao family for good, and let her only
beloved grandson marry a daughter from the Qiao family.

"Shao'er didn't say when will he be back?"

Madam Xu asked suddenly.

"The provocation in Hanzhong, he should be busy preparing for the battle,

I'm afraid he won't be able to come back for a while..."

Xiao Qiao returned to her senses and responded quickly.

Mrs. Xu's eyes stayed on her face for a moment.

Xiao Qiao met her gaze and did not retreat.

"You just came back, the road is hard, go to Haosheng to rest first. When
you recover your energy tomorrow, take Philip back to Westinghouse."

Madam Xu looked at her for a moment, then nodded with a smile on her

Since ancient times, the military has set up special marching operations,
recorded and checked the list of dead soldiers, and provided pensions to
their families after the war.

Although there are ancient methods, of course, the only ones that can
really be implemented are the prosperous dynasties, or the teachers of
benevolence and righteousness in the ideal of sages.

Born in troubled times, beacon fires for years, soldiers are fierce and
dangerous, too many people have died, and human life is really
contemptible like a mustard.

In the event of a war, the bodies of the fallen soldiers are staggered, like a
pile of mounds.

Even when there is a shortage of military rations, it is not uncommon to use

the bodies of dead soldiers or plunder civilians as military rations.

When fighting and the dead have become a daily existence like eating and
drinking, even in Wei Shao's army, when there are continuous wars, it is
impossible to record the names of every dead soldier.

More mothers and wives can only look through their eyes while waiting day
after day until despair.

A complete list of the 16 guards who died in Yanzhou with Wei Liang.
Several of them are from Yuyang people, all from ordinary households.

The bad news had already been passed on to the family along with the
military pension. In the ordinary death theory.
Xiao Qiao prepared an extra pension from his dowry that was enough for
the dead to live with the family, and sent someone to distribute it.

She didn't come to comfort herself.

The natural asymmetry of status and inferiority determines that even if the
family members of the guards know the real cause of death of their son or
husband, and their resentment, they can only express gratitude and fear.

A few days later, she only went to visit Wei Liang's mother and wife.

In Luoyang, she and Wei Liang said goodbye. Wei Liang once specifically
said that if the lady returned to Yuyang, if she saw her mother, she should
not tell her that she had been injured and endangered.

It's been almost a year and a half that I haven't seen my son's face.

Suddenly, I learned from the queen's mouth that Wei Liang should be able
to go home to visit relatives soon. Wei Liang's mother and wife were very

I am even more grateful for the lady who came to visit.

When Xiao Qiao was leaving, Wei Liang's mother insisted on sending her
to the door regardless of her age.

On Xiao Qiao's way home, the beaming smiles of Wei Liang's mother and
wife a moment ago appeared in front of her eyes, with mixed feelings in
their hearts.
The carriage walked slowly on the street, gradually approaching the Wei
House in the north of the city, and stopped at the door.

Xiao Qiao was helped by Chunniang to get off the carriage, and at a
glance, he saw a black Dawan Junqi tied to the horse-tethering stake
beside the stone foundation on the right side of the gate.

Wuxian was tall and majestic, with slender hooves, and his body was
smooth and smooth, as if he had just stopped for a long time, and his
shoulders and neck were dripping with sweat.

Manu was beside him, wiping sweat for it.

"Men's horse!"

Chunniang recognized it at a glance and blurted out, her voice full of


Xiao Qiao's heart skipped a beat, and the blood all over her body seemed
to suddenly speed up the flow.

When the concierge saw that the carriage was back, he hurriedly stepped
forward to greet him: "The lady is back! The man is back too! Just walk
back and forth with the lady!"

Chunniang took Xiao Qiao's arm and hurriedly almost dragged her into the
gate, all the way to the Westinghouse, and didn't stop until she reached the
courtyard gate.

The footsteps were a little faster, and after stopping, Xiao Qiao took a
A row of servants and maids stood under the basic steps. Lin Ni was
looking around at the gate of the courtyard, and suddenly saw Xiao Qiao,
she hurriedly greeted her with a smile on her face, and said in a low voice:
"The man is back! It's in the room! The little girl is asleep, and the man is by
the side, watch what she sees. Don't blink your eyes, alas, your heart will

Chun Niang's eyes showed joy. Continue to send Xiao Qiao to the bottom
of the foundation steps, help her to tuck the slightly loose hair from the wind
to the back of her ears, look at her, Fang smiled, and said softly: "The lady
is very beautiful today. Go inside. ."

Xiao Qiao stopped at the door, facing the hidden door, calmed down,
pushed it open gently, and walked in.

This slender and beautiful snow-balled figure like a little flower, sleeping
soundly under his eyelids, is actually his Wei Shao's daughter?

Wei Shao sat on the side of the bed, leaning in, holding his breath and
looking down at the little man who was asleep on the bed.

Soft hair, light eyebrows, long eyelashes, small nose, slightly open pink lips
when asleep, fleshy little arms and calves...

Wei Shao leaned closer and smelled a faint scent of milk on her body.

Her heart was so soft in an instant that she even felt an urge to put her little
hands and feet into her mouth and gently bite her.
It seems that only in this way can he express his love and guilt for her.

She was so old that he didn't come back to see her until now.

Wei Shao's eyes widened, staring greedily at her daughter's sleeping face,
and suddenly noticed a thin layer of sweat on her nose.

He slowly reached out his hand towards her little face, and reached it
carefully, trying to wipe the sweat for her.

When his fingertips touched her nose, he turned his head and saw Xiao
Qiao standing in front of the small window beside the screen, staring at

The breeze slowly blew in from outside the window, gently rolling the
low-hanging carved roller shutter. The curtain could not cover the bright
afternoon sun outside the window, and a few bits of sunlight leaked in and
fell on one of her cheeks. Her skin was as jade, and her eyes became
clearer and brighter.

She looked at herself like this quietly, with a soft smile on her slightly
upturned lips.

Wei Shao's hand paused in the air for a moment.

Without looking at her, he withdrew his gaze, immediately stood up from

the edge of the bed, and walked out.

Passing in front of her, the figure quickly disappeared beyond the threshold.

Wei Shao kowtowed to Mrs. Xu: "The grandson came back to see his
grandmother, which is really unfilial. How is the grandmother's health?"

Since Wei Shao went to Bingzhou at the beginning of last year, the army
and horses have been arrogant. Until now, Mrs. Xu has not seen his face
again. She is very happy, holding his arm to help him up, looking at him for
a moment, and smiling: "Okay, okay, Although he has lost some weight, his
energy is good. Have you been to see your wife and daughter just now?"

Wei Shao said, "I have seen it."

"Your mother may not have seen you for a long time, and misses you a lot."

Wei Shao said, "I just sent someone to tell her. When my grandmother
comes out here, I'll go see her."

Mrs. Xu nodded and smiled and said, "It's good to go home. I'm fine, and
there's nothing to do here. How long are you staying here? It's important to
spend more time with your daughter-in-law..."

"I tell my grandmother, my grandson came back this time. First, I haven't
seen my grandmother for a long time, and I miss my grandmother. Second,
I haven't returned since Philip was born. It's not right, so I went back this
time before sending troops. I'm afraid it won't last long. , will be leaving in a
few days.”

Mrs. Xu glanced at him: "Are you going to beat Brother Hanzhong


"No. Send troops to attack Langya. Destroy Langya, and then deal with
Brother Lezheng."
Mrs. Xu was slightly startled, and her expression gradually became solemn:
"What's wrong? Le Zhengkai is begging you, why are you attacking Langya

"I know what happened in Yanzhou, and Liu Yan stirred up the muddy
water..." She hesitated.

"Grandma misunderstood," Wei Shao smiled slightly, "I made this decision
not out of revenge. It was because I had other thoughts."

Mrs. Xu stretched her brows, looked at him with one eye, the light flickered,
and smiled: "Tell it to my grandmother."

"Liu Yan proclaimed himself emperor as a relative of the Han family, and
claimed to be orthodox. Although there are some people in the Langya
court, except for Yuan Zhe, the rest are nothing to worry about. It is Yuan
Zhe. After the defeat of Sishui in the first battle, he is also a teacher now.
The people are tired, and the strength is not as good as before. While Liu
Yan was still young, the whole world thought that I was going to fight
against Hanzhong, but I came to him by surprise. I wanted to divide the
army into three routes, from Taishan, Pei, and Qiaojun, and at the same
time Attack Langya and Xuzhou, and when the encirclement is formed,
then it will be like catching a turtle in a urn, and Langya will be destroyed!"

Wei Shao's tone sounded quite indifferent.

Mrs. Xu pondered: "This strategy is indeed unprepared and unexpected.

It's just a provocation in Hanzhong. If troops come, how should you deal
with it?"
Wei Shao said with a smile: "Although the Lezheng family in Hanzhong is
strong, there are hidden dangers. I heard that several sons of
Lezhenggong have always been in harmony with each other, secretly
fighting for power and profit. When Lezhenggong died, he was like a group.
When the wolf loses its head, several sons will be suspicious of each other.
Le Zhengkai is very happy with his achievements. Although the empress
proclaimed the emperor’s words to attack me, it seems impassioned, but in
fact it is forced to face and should be helpless. If I send a generous gift to
comfort me , add another city, to show my good intentions, he will take
advantage of the trend to go downhill and die. Let him be arrogant and
proclaimed emperor in Hanzhong, and his brothers will be in trouble. After I
destroy Langya, if I attack him again, half the effort will be achieved. Times.
At that time in the world, who else can compete with me?"

Speaking of this, his tone finally brought out a trace of undisguised pride.

Mrs. Xu slowly got up from her seat and walked to the window with
crutches. Facing the distant mountain outside the window, she stood
silently for a moment.

"Shao'er, I think it is also a side branch of the Han Dynasty. The decline of
the Han Dynasty began with Emperor Ai. If one day, you can make a big
wish, you must remember that success and failure are caused by different
reasons. dead."

"The grandson must keep in mind the teachings of the grandmother."

Wei Shao stood up and said respectfully.

Previously, Xiao Qiao was reluctant to sleep with her daughter separately at
night. Basically, she took the same bed with her, and slept with her wet
nurse or Chunniang in the room.

Wei Shao is back today. As soon as it was dark, Philip was carried by the
wet nurse into the next room.

Joe followed. At the end of You, as usual, Philip was full of milk and fell
asleep sweetly.

The wet nurse urged her softly: "Lady, go. Leave it to me."

Xiao Qiao gently placed a kiss on her daughter's forehead, told her nurse,
and then returned to the room.

Wei Shao went out after seeing Mrs. Xu and Mrs. Zhu during the day, and
hasn't come back yet.

Xiao Qiao took a bath under Chunniang's service, and changed into a
newly tailored lake green homely summer clothes.

After giving birth, due to her youth, her figure recovered quickly. Now that
four months have passed, the waist is still in a grip, and the figure is still
light, not much different from when she was a girl.

It's just that the **** are full, and the clothes were too tight before, so I can
only cut a few new sets.

The soft silk fabric covered her skin, completely wrapping her delicate
figure, but it was clear at a glance.
Xiao Qiao personally prepared Wei Shao's clothes for bathing, and waited
for him in the room.

It wasn't until very late, near the end of Hai Shi, that I heard his footsteps
coming back.

Little Joe greeted him.

Wei Shao was expressionless, stepped in, glanced at the bed, and turned
to Xiao Qiao.

Xiao Qiao said softly: "Philip is next door, sleeping with the nurse."

Wei Shao frowned, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say

anything after all, just left her, went into the bathroom, and closed the door
with a "bang".

Chapter 147:

Wei Shao came back very late, and when he came out of the bathroom, he
didn't say anything, and went straight to bed.

Xiao Qiao then turned off the lights and climbed into bed with him.

He seemed to fall asleep quickly.

Xiao Qiao gradually felt bloated. Slowly turned over.

Feifei’s work and rest are very regular. Usually, at the end of the day, when
she is full, she will wake up once at the end of Haimo. After changing her
diaper, she will breastfeed again, and she will be able to sleep peacefully
all night until dawn.
She listened to the movement in the next room.

After a while, there was a faint cry from Philip.

Wei Shao suddenly sat up, which startled Xiao Qiao.

"What's up with her?"

In the dark, Xiao Qiao listened to him ask.

"She's awake..."

Wei Shao immediately rolled over and got out of bed, turned on the light,
and hurried out.

Xiao Qiao put on a dress and followed.

The nurse changed Philip's diaper and wanted to breastfeed her to sleep.

After Philip was born, Xiao Qiao has always brought it by himself.

Philip liked the peculiar nectar-like sweet milky fragrance that her mother

Both wet nurses were naturally clean and healthy young women, but Philip
was not used to it. I separated from my mother last month. For a few days,
I couldn't eat well, and I couldn't sleep well. After that, I couldn't wait until I
accepted it slowly.

These days, as soon as Xiao Qiao came back, Philip immediately fell in
love with the sweet smell that only her mother liked. Just woke up, couldn't
smell anymore, became restless, spat out the **** stuffed in his mouth, and
started to cry.
The wet nurse was coaxing, when she heard the door being pushed open,
and when she turned around, she saw the man who had barged in, and
hurriedly covered the front of her clothes.

Wei Shao's eyes fell on Philip, who was crying non-stop. He strode over
and reached out to hug her. He seemed a little timid. He turned his head
subconsciously and looked at Xiao Qiao who followed.

Xiao Qiao went over, picked up her daughter and held her in her arms,
lowered her head and gently pressed her cheek to her forehead, and said
softly, "Be good, Philip, don't cry, my mother is here."

Philip slowly stopped crying, sobbed lightly, tears still dripping on her
cheeks, and her two small hands tightly grasped the front of her dress.

The nurse was a little uneasy, and whispered: "I'm sorry for disturbing the

"It's okay," Xiao Qiao said, "I'll take her to sleep myself." He asked the maid
to take a thin quilt, covered Philip, and carried her out.

Wei Shao watched in a daze, but suddenly recovered, and turned around
to see that Xiao Qiao had already gone out, so he hurriedly turned around
and followed.

Xiao Qiao went back to the room, saw Wei Shao come in, and stood
motionless after closing the door, then smiled and said, "Will you come and
hug her?"

Carrying Philip and sending it to him.

Philip just woke up and cried back to his mother, lying in Xiang Xiang Ruan
Ruan's mother's arms. He was in good spirits at this moment. People who
came out of nowhere.

Huh? This person seems to be a little different from the ones who usually
come and go—

Wei Shao stared at his daughter, slowly stretched out his hand, took her
over, and held her in his arms.

His shoulders stiffened slightly.

"Here arm rests lightly on her neck, she'll be more comfortable, with the
other hand wrapped like this, so—"

Xiao Qiao leaned over and guided him in a low voice to hold Philip.

Wei Shao hugged the soft pink and tender little person in his arms, looked
down at her eyes as if they were looking at him, and was careful, lest he
accidentally hurt her.

The two were very close, only separated by Philip. Suddenly, he smelled an
indescribably sweet smell in his breath. It seemed familiar, like the
frankincense emanating from Philip, but it wasn't exactly...

If it seemed like nothing, it followed the breath and went straight into his
lungs, causing his breathing to stagnate for a while.

He subconsciously raised his eyes and glanced at her.

She didn't look at him, her eyes fell on Philip in his arms, her cheeks were
like a crescent moon, her eyes were as gentle as water, a jade neck was
exposed beyond the collar, and then down...

Wei Shao had already noticed that after giving birth, her figure was dark
and her chest was bulging, as if she could get out of the water with a

Philip stared at the strange man's face holding him motionless for a
moment, and lost interest. He moved his face closer to his chest instead.

It's hard, not the sweet and soft feeling of the mother she likes.

Her mouth was flat, and she cried out with a "wow".

Wei Shao was startled, Fang regained his senses, and hurriedly patted her
to comfort her.

Philip's cry grew louder.

Wei Shao was in a hurry.

I was already hot all over, but now my forehead is sweating.

"give it to me."

Xiao Qiao reached out and took Philip back, hugged her and patted her
back a few times.

Philip stopped crying immediately, and rubbed her little face against her
mother aggrievedly, digging into her arms with a little eagerness.

"She's hungry, I feed her."

Xiao Qiao turned sideways, slightly avoiding his direct line of sight, **** and

Philip closed his eyes and opened his mouth, sucking hard.

Wei Shao even heard the sound of the little man in her arms swallowing,
and the Adam's apple moved, and he swallowed saliva subconsciously.

He stood still, his mouth was dry, and the blood all over his body was
getting hot.

Philip soon fell asleep in his mother's arms.

Xiao Qiao carried her to the small bed placed next to the big bed, bent
down and gently put her down, covering her with the quilt.

She just stood up when Wei Shao turned around and walked out. He just
turned around hastily, and his foot actually kicked into a nearby incense

He kicked the seat like a drum to the ground and rolled forward, making a
loud noise.

Wei Shao's heart was beating like thunder, and he held his breath. He saw
Philip moved his arms on the cot and fell asleep again. Finally, he turned
his face away, and his voice changed slightly: "Sleep with Philip... I
suddenly remembered, I have something else to do, I'll go to the study

Lift your feet and go out again.

"Husband, don't you love me?"

He walked to the screen, and suddenly a clear and soft voice came from
behind him.

She came behind him, stretched her arms through his waist, wrapped her
arms around him, pressed her cheeks lightly against his broad back, and
closed her eyes.

Wei Shao's back stiffened.

The room became eerily quiet.

The sound of Philip's sleepy breathing on the cot seemed to be heard.

Xiao Qiao hugged him tightly for a moment, forcibly turned him around, and
made him face to face with himself.

He didn't seem to be resisting, and she was turned in a different direction.

The man was still standing like a wood, and he didn't even move his

She raised her face, a pair of beautiful eyes staring at him with watery cage

"I came back during the day and saw your mount parked there at the door. I
was very happy to know that you came back..."

She paused, a pair of jade arms raised around his neck, stood on tiptoe,
pressed her lips against his dry lips, and pouted her tongue slightly.

"Husband, I love you too..."

murmured, breathing like blue.

Wei Shao stared at her with both eyes, her breathing seemed to have
suddenly lost control and became suddenly heavy, he gasped twice,
hugged her suddenly, opened his mouth and bit her.

With his mouth, he smashed her delicate lips ruthlessly, his iron arms
clamped her body, and pressed her tightly against his chest, wishing to rub
her into the flesh with such force.

Xiao Qiao shivered in his arms, his stomach was surging, his chest was
bulging, and the milk that Philip had not finished pumping out just now, and
in a blink of an eye, the clothes of the two of them were wet.

Wei Shao let out a thick moan in his throat, and quickly hugged her to lie
down on the couch, ripped open the front of her clothes with five fingers,
pounced on her, opened her mouth, and sucked hard.

Wet, sticky, and sweet, he buried his head on her chest like Philip, making
a greedy swallowing sound, taking turns sucking, refusing to let go.

Xiao Qiao closed her eyes, her head was thrown back, her toes were tightly
curled together, she tried her best to endure the numbness that quickly
spread to her limbs and bones like a light touch of electric current, but her
body shuddered uncontrollably.

"No more-"

She twisted and told him to end this sweet and painful torture.

The trembling soft voice stopped abruptly.

As she wished, he let go of the pitiful two Zhuguo who were ravaged and
ravaged, but the next moment he pierced into the depths of her body.

Wei Shaoqiang resisted the thought of wanting to ride her immediately,

stopped temporarily, and closed his eyes.

On the way back to Yuyang, the restlessness and unease in the bottom of
my heart suddenly disappeared at this moment.

Her tolerance is so warm.

Even if he didn't do anything else, just like this, he felt comfortable

throughout his body.

The pores all over his body suddenly became angry the moment he was
accepted by her.

He shivered uncontrollably.

How long has it been since I experienced this wonderful feeling with her?

Even on that day, when he was besieging Dong County, she came to him,
and when he was most angry, facing her, he didn't dare to say the words
that once rushed to his throat and told her to go back to Qiao's house. .

He was afraid that she would really leave and would never come back to
him in the future.

Just now, she said that she was happy to return home, and also said that
she also loved him.
She is so defensive about him, is she lying to him again, or is it true?

Hot sweat rolled down his forehead.

He was very reluctant to admit it.

But at this moment, he knew in his heart that all his unwillingness and
resentment might only end in disarming in front of her.

Because he can't let her go.

Xiao Qiao slowly opened a pair of beautiful eyes.


She slightly parted her red lips. The eyelashes trembled, and the color of
his eyes flashed in spring, like a small beast being controlled, snorting
under him, his expression dazed and helpless.

Wei Shao's eyes darkened, and he gritted his teeth and pushed her hard.

In her coquettish moan, she blocked her mouth again.

When Xiao Qiao woke up, it was not yet dawn, and Philip was still asleep,
but there was empty space beside him.

Wei Shao didn't know where he went.

Chapter 148:
Xiao Qiao held her breath and quietly retreated.

In the room Philip was still sleeping.

Xiao Qiao blew the lamp, climbed into the bed and lay down again.

She closed her eyes.

Slowly, something moist from the corner of the eye overflowed.

Before it could flow down, she was quickly wiped away.

After a long time, Xiao Qiao finally heard the sound of him returning to the
room lightly.

He passed by the cot and stopped for a moment.

Through the hazy night, Xiao Qiao saw him stretch out his hand and
seemed to touch Philip's face. Then there was a slight rustling of
undressing, and the bed beside him sank slightly, and he slowly lay back.

Knowing that he didn't want to wake him up, Xiao Qiao closed her eyes and
didn't move.

Sometimes, people probably need time and opportunity to let go.

For example, herself, why not?

She said what she had to say.

She will do what she has to do.

She is willing to wait.

The fourth day is Zhu's birthday.

Since the death of Wei Shao's father, the Zhu family has refused to
celebrate his birthday for more than ten years.

Every year on this day, Mrs. Xu will ask people to go to Jinlong Temple to
donate sesame oil to burn merit incense in the name of Zhu's family, and
then send a bowl of longevity noodles to the East House.

It's been that way for decades.

This year, Zhu's birthday is approaching. Wei Shao happened to be back at

home in the past few days, and Feifei was added to the family. Mrs. Xu
proposed to buy a table of birthday wine for Zhu's family. Come here, let's
have some fun.

In Zhu Shi's opinion, the husband is gone, and he has cut off all the
entertainment that is floating on the table, which is the embodiment of
mourning for her husband.

I have been insisting on it for more than ten years. If I make an exception to
celebrate my birthday this year, the previous mourning will be like a waste.

So she doesn't want to.

Naturally, it was rare that Mrs. Xu had the interest to bring it up this year. At
first she shied away, but she did not dare to be too disobedient, and finally
agreed with reluctance.
That's why Wei Shao stayed at home for a few more days, on the fifth day
of the first lunar month, and left when Zhu's birthday was over.

In the blink of an eye, it was the fourth day of the first year, and the Wei
family held a few tables of birthday wine that day. Mrs. Xu, Mrs. Zhu, Wei
Liang's mother, and several other elders of the clan were at a table, and the
rest of the people were divided into the rest of the banquet.

Xiao Qiao was of low rank and could not have been at the main table.
Because Philip was by her side, and everyone liked to tease and hug her,
they sat at the end of the table with Philip.

Zhu Shi wore a new cluster of clothes with a peacock blue background and
dark gold blessing pattern, and sat beside Mrs. Xu.

There was laughter and laughter during the banquet, and everyone toasted
her in congratulations. The smile on her face floated a little, and Philip gave
a symbolic hug.

Only when Wei Shao presented her a birthday wine toast, did he look at his
son with joy in his eyes.

In fact, after the poisoning the year before, Mrs. Xu did not punish her
much. It took some time for him to face the wall, and he didn't reveal a word
to the outside world.

But Zhu's spirit, since then, still seems to have lost his support. For a period
of time, the whole person is very sluggish, and his temperament has
become more withdrawn.
It was only in the last six months that things gradually improved, and he
changed his rites to Buddha, and showed his face in front of Mrs. Xu every
three or five years.

However, the Wei family has also heard some rumors, so seeing her like
this tonight, they didn't think it was too much. They knew that Mrs. Xu
wanted to be lively, and they all joined in the fun.

Philip gradually became impatient and was amused by being carried to and
fro, and began to cry. Mrs. Xu asked Xiao Qiao to take Philip back to
resettle first.

Xiao Qiao resigned and returned to the Westinghouse in the company of

Chunniang and her wet nurse.

The weather was getting hotter, so after returning, I helped Philip take a
bath first, then Chunniang took her out first, and Xiao Qiao took a bath.

After she took a bath and put on her clothes, she came out. Chunniang and
the wet nurse were no longer in the room.

Wei Shao didn't know when he came back, he was lying on his back on the
couch with his legs crossed, hugging Feifei and sitting on his stomach,
teasing her to play.

Philip was four or five months old and just learned to sit on his own. In the
past few days, he gradually became familiar with this father. Sitting on his
belly, Wei Shao shook his hands from side to side, giggling excitedly. .

Then he climbed up along his abdomen, climbed onto Wei Shao's chest,
and stretched out a small hand to touch the bridge of his nose.
Wei Shao opened his mouth, made an "ah woo" sound, and grabbed her

Philip giggled even louder.

Wei Shao, with white teeth, grabbed her daughter's finger and laughed

Philip and his father had a great time playing, and when they saw Xiao
Qiao come out, they turned their heads and babbled at her.

Wei Shao loosened his teeth, sat up with Feifei in his arms, and cleared his
throat: "I'm sweating on my body, go take a shower."

Little Joe took Philip. "The clothes are all ready, and they're inside."

Wei Shao glanced at her, turned over and got off the bed.

At this time, Philip was already asleep. After Wei Shao left, she was held by
Xiao Qiao in her arms, took a few mouthfuls of breast milk, and gradually
got sleepy and closed her eyes.

When Wei Shao came out, Xiao Qiao had just coaxed Fei Fei to sleep, and
when he heard his footsteps coming out, he put his finger to his mouth and
shrugged lightly.

Wei Shao lightly stepped and approached slowly.

Xiao Qiao hugged Philip, gently put her on the cot, and covered her with
the quilt.
Wei Shao was beside him, and he lowered his head as if scrutinizing
Feifei's sleeping face. Finally, he straightened up and said, "I will leave
tomorrow morning, can I rest?"

Xiao Qiao smiled: "Okay. Rest early."

The lights in the room went out, and the eyes fell into darkness.

Wei Shao's hand reached out and hugged her.

His powerful palms squeezed her waist tightly.

Afraid of waking up Philip, he almost finished this long love in a repressed

and silent state.

After the two separated, Xiao Qiao was soaked all over, and Wei Shao lay
on her back beside her, gasping for breath.

The room was dimly lit, but Xiao Qiao could still see the outline of his chest
rising and falling violently.

Later, the two went to the bathroom to cleanse themselves, and then came
back and lay down again.

Wei Shao seemed to fall asleep quickly and never saw him move again.

Xiao Qiao couldn't sleep. She opened her eyes and listened to the
breathing of the man beside her and Philip on the cot not far away, unable
to fall asleep.
After that night, the relationship between Xiao Qiao and Wei Shao has
always been the same as tonight.

Can't say bad.

But when there are no other people around, and only the two of them are
left, even if they do things like just now, they will never be able to go back
to the intimate time they used to be.

In the past few days, the most talked about topic is about Philip.

Other than that, Wei Shao seemed to avoid it on purpose, and had no
desire to talk to her.

Tomorrow morning, he is leaving again.

This time away from home, I don't know how long it will take for him to
come back.

In the more than three years after marrying him, she has changed from a
fourteen-year-old girl to Philip's mother, but she has been with him more
and more.

Perhaps this state of affairs will continue.

In the middle of the night, Xiao Qiao was finally tired. When she was about
to fall asleep in a daze, suddenly, the door was slammed.

Probably afraid of waking Philip, the knock on the door was very soft.

But Xiao Qiao woke up immediately and raised her shoulders.

Wei Shao seemed to wake up immediately, went down by himself, and
opened the door.

The person who called the door was the old woman on duty tonight, slightly
frightened, and said in a low voice: "Men, Madam Huang came to call the
door just now, saying that soon after Madam returned from the birthday
wine, the person disappeared, and I couldn't find it anywhere. Afraid of
disturbing the old lady, I have no choice but to look for the man."

Wei Shao was slightly startled, and immediately went back to the house.

Xiao Qiao heard it too, got out of bed in his clothes, and turned on the light.

Wei Shao quickly put on his clothes and left in a hurry to the east room. No
one in the room slept. Seeing Wei Shao coming, his face was terrified.

Wei Shao entered Madam Zhu's house and took a look.

The quilt was unfolded, and it seemed that someone had already got into
bed, and then got up and left in the middle.

Huang Li knelt down: "Xu Zhongshou wine dissipated, Madam seemed a

little drunk when she came back, so I served her and fell asleep. Madam
has the habit of waking up in the middle of the night to drink warm water, so
I came in to add water, but unexpectedly Madam disappeared. I just took
people to search everywhere, but I didn't see the lady. I was afraid that it
would be inappropriate to alert the old lady, so I told the male gentleman. It
was all the negligence of the maid, and the male gentleman forgives the
Wei Shao asked a few places, and Huang Hao shook his head, saying that
he had already looked for it.

Wei Shao's brows were slightly wrinkled, and he was absent-minded for a
moment. Suddenly, as if he had remembered something, he turned around
and left quickly.

Wei Shao pushed open the half-opened red-painted door.

In the ancestral hall, incense candles are offered day and night, and special
personnel are guarded.

It's just that usually, only the left and right incense candles are offered in
front of the offering table.

In the middle of the night, and the interior of the ancestral hall is wide and
deep, the candles swaying in the night wind, not only can't dispel the
shadow, but add a bit of seclusion.

Wei Shaoji stepped inside and saw his mother kneeling in front of the lotus
group behind the offering table, mourning there.

"...Husband, as soon as you let go, this Wei family is no longer the original
Wei family... Why did your mother marry the daughter of the Qiao family
who killed you and Dalang at the beginning... That Qiao daughter is a
disaster, always One day, even my son will be killed by her..."

She whimpered intermittently, her voice whirling around the empty, dark
temple roof, making it creepy. Suddenly, as if he had noticed something, he
turned around abruptly, and saw Wei Shao standing outside the threshold.
After eating a few glasses of wine, this is nonsense, don't blame me, I don't
hate Qiao girl long ago..."

Wei Shao looked at his mother, who was afraid of blaming him, and a
complex and unspeakable emotion slowly emerged in his heart.

Stepping in, he said, "Before mother comes out, you should tell the next
person. In the middle of the night, my son will take you back."

In the second half of the night, Philip woke up once, and after falling back
asleep, Wei Shao still did not return.

Xiao Qiao sent Lin Nuo to the east room to ask, and came back to say that
the gentleman found his wife in the temple at home. The lady seemed to be
drunk, and the man was with him.

Xiao Qiao didn't wait for him anymore, and sent everyone back to their
rooms to sleep. She stared at her daughter's sleeping face for a moment,
leaned down, kissed her on the forehead lightly, and went to bed with the
lights off.

She felt a little tired, closed her eyes, and fell asleep slowly, but she slept
very restlessly and kept dreaming.

The dream was blurry at first, but gradually, the scene became clearer.
Gu Fengjuan hit the window, a young man in a dragon robe, with a
distorted face, frantic and desperate eyes, holding a long sword dripping
with blood in his hand, pressing towards her step by step.

She was terrified, curled up on the ground, and kept backing away, but
there was no way to retreat.

Suddenly, the strange gaze of the young Concubine Liu who was still
staring at her after her death seemed to overlap with Zhang Pu's severed

The blood column spurted towards her, engulfing her whole body in an
instant. She could barely breathe, kept shaking, crying, and kept telling
herself it was just a nightmare, wake up soon.

But no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't wake up.

The tip of the sword had already pierced into her chest.

She seemed to feel the terrifying experience of a warm heart being pierced
by a cold blade again.

She had experienced it countless times in her dream, and she never
wanted to do it all over again.

"don't want-"

She shouted loudly, and when tears were streaming down her face, an
anxious voice suddenly came from her ear: "Manman! Manman!"
Then, she seemed to be hugged tightly by a pair of solid and powerful
arms, and in an instant, the nightmare was completely blocked and

Chapter 149:

Xiao Qiao slowly opened his eyes and met Wei Shao's worried eyes that
were watching him.

He didn't know when he came back, and the lights were on in the room.

Tears filled her eyelashes, wet marks on her cheeks, her chest and back
were covered in cold sweat, and her clothes were clinging to her flesh.

Even though he was hugged tightly in his arms, his shoulders were still

"What's wrong with you?"

Wei Shao's voice was anxious, he hugged her tighter, raised his other
palm, and wiped the cold sweat on her forehead and the tears on her face
with his calloused palm.

Xiao Qiao leaned against his chest, closed her eyes, and shook her head.

Wei Shao looked at her.


Little Joe was silent.

"What was the dream?" he urged. "What was the dream?"

Joe shook his head again.

She doesn't want to cry anymore.

It's just a dream, and now the dream has woken up, and there is no need to
be afraid.

But tears continued to flow from her closed eyes.

The more he asked, the more her tears flowed.

As a result, in the end, he was completely unable to hold himself back, and
under the utmost repression, his body trembled like a fallen leaf in the
autumn wind, and tears soon wet his shirt on his chest.

Wei Shao's heart seemed to be soaked by her tears, tightly kinked into a

He retrieved his mother from the ancestral hall and sent her back to his

When he heard her deep-rooted hatred for Xiao Qiao from his mother's
mouth again, he subconsciously felt resistance and disgust.

But the moment he saw the woman who gave birth to him showing a look
of panic in front of him because she was worried about his own reproach, a
trace of guilt surged in his heart.

He accompanied his mother, whom he had neglected for a long time, and
waited for her to fall asleep before returning.
At that time, it had entered the fifth watch.

Xiao Qiao slept soundly.

He didn't disturb her, and planned to take another look before dawn and
leave tomorrow as planned.

In the next battle in Langya, he was bound to win.

Liu Yan single-handedly planned the Yanzhou affair, but he chose to attack
Langya at this time, as he told his grandmother earlier, not just for revenge.

Is to seek the world.

In such a war that requires the mobilization of hundreds of thousands of

horses, the preparations before the war are complicated and meticulous,
one can imagine.

Although Gongsun Yang Weiquan and others would take care of

everything, he still wanted to go there earlier to supervise the army in

A hit is necessary.

Then, he was awakened by the nightmare she made in his sleep.

Never seen her so restless in her sleep.

At first he couldn't even wake her up.

"Don't be afraid! There is me!"

Wei Shao hugged her trembling body tightly again, lowered his head again,
and kissed her cold sweaty forehead with his lips repeatedly, comforting her
in a low voice.

Xiao Qiao curled up in his arms, buried his face on his chest, the
suppressed whole person gasped, and shrugged his shoulders.

A slight rattling bell came over.

Feifei on the cot was awakened by Xiao Qiao's cry, kicked a few times,
tried to turn over, rolled back halfway, whimpered twice, but still couldn't
see her mother by her side, and cried aggrieved.

Xiao Qiao opened her eyes, wiped her eyes with her sleeves, and was still
sobbing, she was about to break free from his arms and get out of bed.

Wei Shao did not let go. He hugged her, gently laid her down on the pillow,
wiped the tears on her bottom with his palm again, and said, "You lie

Covering her with the quilt, he got out of bed, picked up Philip and coaxed
a few times.

Philip kicked with two little feet, and closed his eyes and wanted to cry for
his mother.

"give it to me-"

Joe sat up.

Wei Shao motioned for her not to get up, went to open the door by himself,
and called out.
Chunniang and the wet nurse came quickly.

"Go out with Philip and put her to bed," he said.

Chunniang glanced at Xiao Qiao on the bed, without asking any further
questions, she hurriedly picked up Philip, who was still crying.

The nurse wrapped a small cloak around her, and the two backed away.

Her daughter's cry seemed to be still in her ears.

Xiao Qiao sat up again and hurriedly pushed the blanket.

"I'll come, Philip recognizes me..." Her voice was still hoarse, with a strong

Wei Shao closed the door, turned and walked towards her quickly, pressed
her back, and said, "It's okay for Philip to have Mother Chun and a wet
nurse to take care of her."

There was an unmistakable taste in his voice. After speaking, he took a soft
cloth for Philip and Philip to wipe the sweat, sat on the edge of the bed,
wiped the sweat on her neck, chest and back, wiped the sweat, leaned
over and hugged her again. into the arms.

"What did you dream about just now? Scared like this?"

With pity on her fingertips, she gently stroked her still red and swollen
eyelids, and asked softly.

Xiao Qiao shook his head: "It's's all right..."

A pair of beautiful eyes, but gradually a thin layer of tears appeared.

"Tell me. Don't be afraid—"

Little Joe kept shaking his head.

Wei Shao stared at her: "Did you dream about the nightmare you told me
last time?"

Xiao Qiao raised her face and stared blankly at his face, as if her emotions
suddenly collapsed at this moment, and she couldn't bear it any longer.

A pair of small hands tightly grasped the front of his shirt, choking, and his
voice was intermittent: "There is a man in a dragon robe who is trying to kill
me with a **** sword... I am very scared, I am afraid that he will stab the
sword into my heart, But he's coming towards me step by step..."

The man in the dream was no longer Liu Yan's face, it became blurred and

She couldn't see clearly, but she could clearly feel the killing intent on the
other's twisted face.

Such a clearly familiar, yet seemingly different dream is even more


She shivered.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here. It's just a nightmare. I'll never let you get hurt—"

Wei Shao stroked her and comforted her.

"...I also dreamed of Zhang Pu... The blood spurting from his neck drowned
me, I couldn't breathe..."
Xiao Qiao closed her eyes, and the tears rolled down again.

Wei Shao was stunned for a moment, and then there was a trace of deep
regret in his eyes.

He hugged her tightly, and repeated in her ear: "My bad, I shouldn't have
done such a thing in anger that day... I scared you... I promise, I will never
be so cruel to you in the future. It's pretty... so you don't have to be afraid..."

Wei Shao kept comforting.

The more he comforted her, the more she cried.

Wei Shao gradually stopped talking, just hugged her without a moment's
relaxation, and patted her back coaxingly.

Xiao Qiao gradually got tired of crying, and finally fell into a drowsy sleep.

She slept very deeply this night, and when she woke up, she was dazed for
a moment.

Then, what happened last night came to mind.

The people from the East House called Wei Shao away... He retrieved the
Zhu family from the family ancestral hall and stayed with the Zhu family for
a long time... He slept on his own and had that nightmare that had not been
seen for a long time...

Eyelashes trembled slightly.

She quickly opened her puffy eyelids and found that it was already bright.

Wei Shao didn't leave, still lying on the bed, hugging her to sleep.
She moved only a little and he opened his eyes.

His eyes were clear, but the cyan stubble on both sides of his cheeks was a
sign that he hadn't slept well last night.

The two looked at each other.

"Aren't you leaving today? Why didn't you wake me up?"

Xiao Qiao's voice had a thick nasal tone.

Recalling the scene last night when she broke down in his arms and cried
non-stop, a trace of shame passed through her heart.

Some even dared not look at him. He lowered his eyelids and murmured.

"I don't trust you."

Wei Shao stared at her and said.

Wei Shao canceled his original plan to leave today.

He didn't go anywhere for a whole day, and stayed in the room with Joe
and Philip.

Another dark night came at its unhurried pace.

There were bright lights in the room.

Wei Shao was facing inward, lying on his side.

Joe is on the inside of the bed.

Between the two of them lay Philip, who had just taken a bath.

Philip had forgotten the grievance of being driven away by his cruel father
last night.

At that time, no matter how much she cried, her mother would not come to
coax her.

Well now, she lay between the two of them, happily rocking the little silver
dang on her wrist, kicking her legs contentedly. When I was hungry, I
bowed to Xiangxiang's soft mother, looking for her to breastfeed.

Wei Shao silently looked at the scene in front of him.

The puffiness of her eyelids had subsided this morning, and her black hair
was scattered on the pillow like a cloud.

Although she is already the mother of the child, that beautiful face that can
make any man in this world stop to look at her still carries the beauty of a

Wei Shao's favorite is actually her eyes.

He still remembers the night he married her, when he saw her face to face
in the wedding hall for the first time, how deeply impressed he was by her
beautiful and agile eyes.

This is probably the reason why he prefers to touch and kiss her eyelids

When Philip was full, he closed his eyes and gradually fell asleep.
Because of the force she sucked just now, another layer of sweat
accumulated on her neck.

Xiao Qiao raised her eyes: "Husband, pass me a handkerchief..."

She half-opened her red lips and opened her eyes wide, watching Wei
Shao suddenly leaning towards her and slowly leaning over.

Across the Philip under the body, the lips of the two joined together.

Xiao Qiao's eyelashes trembled, and she slowly closed her eyes, enduring
this sudden and gentle kiss from him.

"Man Man, don't blame me..."

The two of them rubbed their ears together, Wei Shao panted lowly, "I know
I'm not your sweetheart... Could you give me some more time?"

Chapter 150:

Xiao Qiao slowly opened his eyes.

Wei Shao suddenly took her hand and got off the bed.

Xiao Qiao was taken to his study.

He entered and turned on the lights.

Xiao Qiao looked slightly confused. See him take out a box from a secret

It was the one she knew so well, she had just seen it a few nights ago.
Wei Shao held the box and placed it on the table, sat behind him, skillfully
opened the box cover, and motioned for Xiao Qiao to approach.

Xiao Qiao walked over slowly.

Inside, it was indeed the old flag she had seen outside the door that night.

Folded neatly and placed in the box.

"Manman, didn't you always want to know what was in this box? It was my
father's flag. The blood on it was stained by my father before he died. This
relic, I have kept for many years. collect…"

Wei Shao's eyes stayed on the old banner, and he spoke slowly.

Xiao Qiao held her breath, slowly raised her eyes, and looked at Wei Shao.

His eyes are distant and empty, as if caught in the memory of the past.

"At that time, my father and your grandfather were ordered by the imperial
court to attack Li Su together. Li Su was very powerful. The two sides made
an oath before the war and agreed to attack from the east and the west at
the same time. My father believed in your grandfather, so he was
completely Deploy troops according to the method of support. When the
appointed time comes, after my father dispatches troops as planned, he
still believes that your grandfather will be in place as promised..."

His eyes fell on Xiao Qiao's face, his hands slowly clenched into fists, and
the blue veins on the back of his hands gradually protruded.

"My enemy who killed my father and killed my brother was Li Su. Your Qiao
family is just breaking their promises and breaking the contract. There is no
righteous battle, and you will die if you lose the enemy. With the news of his
withdrawal before the war, my father temporarily changed his battle
strategy. Even if he still loses in the end, he may not be defeated as badly
as that day! The Wanwei family sergeant was almost wiped out, and the
last ones who came back were only a few thousand remnants."

He closed his eyes and let out a long breath.

"Manman, put yourself in your shoes, be a son, if it were you, wouldn't you
be indifferent?"

He was word for word.

Xiao Qiao walked towards him slowly, knelt on the side where he was
sitting, took his hand, and muttered: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry—"

Wei Shao's fist, which was clenched tightly, slowly loosened.

"It's none of your business, you don't need to apologize."

He was silent for a moment.

"Manman, I don't want to hide it from you, I know that it has nothing to do
with your father, but to this day, I still can't get rid of the hatred for your
surname Qiao. Even if that day I asked Wei Liang to go to Yanzhou in your
name to be your father Sending congratulations, what I thought most at the
time was also to make you happy..."

"The culprit in the incident, your grandfather was already dead. I guessed
that my grandmother should have seen that I was aggressive and
obsessed, and hoped that I would be a broad-minded person. It happened
that your Qiao family sought marriage through marriage. , This is the
promise of the original marriage."

"Regardless of whether my guess is right, or if there is another secret, it's

savage, my nature is to seek pleasure and hatred, and I can do whatever I
want. For you, I can endure it. But if I want to let go of my hatred
completely, I must know that for me, It's too difficult. In my whole life, I may
not be able to be as open-minded as my grandmother."

He took Xiao Qiao's hands away and got up.

Xiao Qiao's hands slipped from the back of his hands, his eyes followed his
figure, and he stared blankly as he walked to the window, pushing the
window and standing with his back to him.

"Manman, I'm not a good person. I know that you have been seeking
perfection since you married me. You have done your best. In recent days,
you have been greatly frightened and wronged. I also know that if I can't let
go of it for a day. Hate, you and I can't really be inseparable for a day."

"Give me more time to think clearly."

He turned his head and stared at Xiao Qiao, his eyes narrowed, and he
said slowly.

Wei Shao left Yuyang the next day.

At the end of July, Wei Shao used Li Dian, the military governor of Mount
Tai, to garrison Zhangqiu, referring to Qingzhou; Li Chong and Zhangjian,
the governor of Peidi, referring to Xuzhou; he personally supervised Qiao
County, and his sword pointed to Langya, and the troops were divided into
three routes. The road attacked at the same time, and each was defeated.

When the news came out, the whole world was shaken. I never thought
that Wei Shao would openly attack Langya's Han Dynasty.

The Langya court hurriedly dispatched troops, and the military responded
with all-out efforts. Wang Ba, Dong Cheng, and others continued to narrate
the words, scribbled algae and painted sentences, and made
announcements to the world. They scolded Wei Shao for acting against the
sky. After Xing Xun, the only traitor, he called on the lords of the world to
fight against him.

When the Langya court's decree was distributed all over the world, in
mid-August, Li Dian captured Changyi and quickly cut off the link between
the Langya court and Qingzhou.

At the end of August, Li Chong and Zhang Jian of the South Road captured

In the first ten days of September, Wei Shao attacked Yangdu, and the
army pointed directly at the court of Langya.

The final battle is imminent.

The battle that took place on the land of ancient Qilu shook Kyushu.
Daoist defenders scolded Wei Shao as a rebel and a thief, and God would
condemn him.

Southern Yuzhou Gaizhao, Lujiang Song Mausoleum, Jiangxia Liu Quan,

Changsha Wufan, and many local lords, in just one month, imitated
Hanzhong Lezheng, and took the opportunity to call them emperors and
found their own country.

The plague in the south has not yet passed, and Huangzhou and Pengze
have suffered from famine again, and white rice can not be bought for ten
thousand dollars per husk, and the people are struggling. Chen Ying, a
water thief in the Yangtze River, used demonic Taoism to call himself the
reincarnation of the Heavenly King, and rallied the refugees under the
banner of Heavenly Law. Anyone who conquered a land, such as locusts
crossing the border, would be slaughtered for the crime of violating the
Heavenly Law. Human corpses are used as military rations, and they are
called "early attack the city, and eat meat later." This motivates his
subordinates. In just a few months, they have rallied to hundreds of
thousands of people. They call themselves Chen Tianwang and cross the
Yangtze River to force the wealthy Huaiyang. .

Southern chaos.

But in Yuyang, everything is the same as usual. The people worked at

sunrise and rested at sunset. After tea and dinner, they chatted a few times
about the monarchs attacking and attacking Langya.

The influence of the so-called orthodox Liu surname of the Han family has
already plummeted in the north.
Ordinary people, who cares what the surname is in the world, all they want
is food and clothing.

During the few years when Wei Shao unified the north, the local
government appointed talents, abolished harsh laws, and reduced or
exempted servitude. In the turbulent times, they would have food to eat and
live a stable life, and they would recognize the princes of the Wei family as

It's such a simple truth.

In the Daming Temple in Luoyang, there is a famous eminent monk

Ghatan, who came to Luoyang from Tianzhu when he was young, and
stayed there for decades, engaged in translating scriptures and preaching
the Dharma.

After Wei Shao occupied Luoyang last year, Mrs. Xu heard about the name
of Jiatan, and sent a special person to invite him to Yuyang to preach the
law, and Jiatan happily came.

On September 15th, it was the annual Dharma meeting of the Golden

Dragon Temple. The eminent monk Ghatan opened the altar to give
lectures, and the grand occasion was even better than before, and he did it
for seven days in a row.

Mrs. Xu took Mrs. Zhu to the Jinlong Temple to listen to the Fa.

Xiao Qiao did not go and stayed at home to take care of Philip.
Feifei is six or seven months old and has deciduous teeth. Since last
month, Xiao Qiao arranged for her to gradually wean her from breast milk
and start complementary food.

Philip was very resistant at first, but after a month, he is gradually getting
used to the new food.

This evening, when it was time for the Philippine meal, Chunniang brought
a bowl of minced meat porridge blended with goat milk. After feeding
Philippine, Xiao Qiao played with her for a while.

At Xu Shi, seeing that she was getting sleepy, and coaxing her to sleep, he
felt tired too, so he dismissed the nurse and maid, and went to bed behind
closed doors, leaving only Chunniang in the room for the night.

She slept and woke up in the middle of the night.

It was quiet all around.

The daughter slept soundly, and Chunniang's even breathing sounded

clearly into Xiao Qiao's ears.

Xiao Qiao closed her eyes and wanted to go back to sleep, but she couldn't
fall asleep anyway.

Wei Shao's attack on Langya, although he was reprimanded for treason at

first, but this infamy has gradually settled down with his smooth progress
and the independence of many princes in the south.

If there is no accident, at the latest by the end of this month, the Langya
court will be destroyed by Wei Shao's hands.
At that time, there were ten points in the world, of which seven or eight
points would go into Wei Shao's pocket.

What else can stop his imperial tyranny?

Compared with the previous life in her dream, Wei Shao was close to
proclaiming himself emperor, and this life was many years earlier.

The day when he will make Philip a princess must be not far away.

He won't touch Qiao's house any more. Yanzhou is now even more stable.
Even if the city gates were wide open, no soldier or soldier would dare to

Although my father is still blind, from the previous communication, he is

very open and open-minded.

And Adi, now in Bingzhou, everything is going well.

Joey felt satisfied.

She got Wei Shao's love and tolerance born of love, sheltered her family,
and had a lovely daughter. With the situation at the beginning, she can't
figure out how to get to today, what more can she ask for?

But tonight, waking up like this, like many nights before, she was still tired.

But no matter what, he couldn't sleep again.

Finally, she climbed down from the bed, put on a pair of soft-soled
embroidered shoes, and came to her daughter's cot by the white moonlight
that came in through the window, looked at the quilt she was covering, and
pulled it for her, then silently He came to the window without any breath,
and gently opened the window.

A bright moon hangs high above the head, shining brightly all over the
world. In the courtyard, the flowers and trees are sparsely supported, and
the shadows are intertwined. I don't know which corner, there is an
occasional murmur of autumn insects, which seems to be more quiet this
autumn night.

Xiao Qiao leaned slantingly by the window and looked up at the bright
moon in the Toad Palace above her head. Gradually, her jade arms
became cold, and she realized that she had forgotten to put on her clothes
when she got up. Just as he was about to close the window, his eyes
suddenly stopped.

In the southeast corner, only ten paces away from the window, there was a
tree plant.

Under the shadow of the wood tree, there seemed to be a group of people
standing there at this moment.

It's just that the corners are dimly lit, so she didn't notice it.

Mrs. Xu and Mrs. Zhu went to the Jinlong Temple, and it took a few days to
return. The guard at home, Jia Xi, was extremely thoughtful and arranged
guards at night.

But in such a middle of the night, in a place like the Westinghouse Inner
Court, it is absolutely impossible for guards to enter.

This shadow must be an outsider.

Xiao Qiao's whole body suddenly stood up, and was about to shout loudly,
when she saw the black shadow flickering slightly, and she hurried towards

Almost in the blink of an eye, he was in front of her.

The moonlight lit up a half-dark man's face, with deep eyes.

Although she hadn't seen each other for years, she still recognized him at a

It was Wei Yan!

Chapter 151:

Xiao Qiao stopped for a moment, quickly closed the window, and was
supported by Wei Yan's palm, her figure was as agile as an ape, she had
entered the window and stopped in front of her.

The moonlight poured down and fell on the window sill behind him, drawing
a figure outline, but his face was like the back of the moon, hidden in
complete darkness.

Only a pair of eyes remained, with a faint dim light.

Suddenly there was an exclamation of "Ah-" from behind.

Wei Yan strode over and slammed down with a palm. Chunniang, who had
just woken up and sat up, groaned and fell back again.

Wei Yan knocked Chunniang unconscious, walked to the candlestick, lit the
candle, and turned around slowly.
He was wearing blue-colored ordinary Han clothes, which he hadn't seen
for several years. Except for the short mustache, his face was similar to
what Xiao Qiao remembered.

It's just the feeling from head to toe, but it's not the same.

On his body, Xiao Qiao seemed to smell the bloodthirsty aura of a alpha

Seeing his eyes glittering towards her, her heart thumped, her whole body
tensed, she stared at him alertly, and slowly backed away, protecting Philip,
who was still sleeping, behind her.

Wei Yan glanced at the small bed behind her, and his eyes moved slightly.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

He opened his mouth, his voice low.

Between lightning and flint, Xiao Qiao gave up the idea of ​calling people.

There was only himself and Philip in this room, plus Chunniang who was
knocked unconscious by his slap.

Even if she opened her mouth and shouted for someone at the moment, if
Wei Yan had bad intentions and wanted to hurt himself or Philip, it would be
easy for him.

She calmed down slowly.

"What do you want?" she asked directly.

She didn't ask how he got in.

Although Jia Xi arranged patrols and guards, but with Wei Yan's skills and
his familiarity with the environment of Wei's house, it was not impossible to
avoid patrols and break into the inner courtyard under the cover of night.

Wei Yan didn't make a sound, and two eyes fell on her again, staring at her
without blinking.

The cool breeze seeped in from the windows, flickering the lights, flickering
the dim yellow candles, and his eyes seemed to be on and off.

Stopped for a moment on her face, and slowly descended along her neck.

Xiao Qiao was only wearing a thin moon white shirt that she had just slept
in, and her neckline was slightly open, revealing a jade neck that was
smoother than snow.

She turned around, took a light purple dress from the bedside hanger and
wrapped her body tightly, lowered her head to fasten her belt, and turned to
face him again.

"Why should I call you? Eldest brother? Or Hu Tu Kun, the king of the

She cast her cold eyes on him.

Under the single king's tent, in addition to the right and left wise kings and
the left and right sun-chasing kings, there are also six left and right kings,
forming a hexagonal trend.

During the few years Wei Yan went to the Xiongnu, he showed his prowess
and helped his grandfather Lao Shanyu conquer the Donghu people who
had been entrenched in the Congling Mountains for many years, killed the
king of Donghu, and gained all the people and livestock. This battle also
saved Lao Shanyu. Dodging a bow and crossbow that had penetrated
through his chest, he won the appreciation of Lao Shanyu, and was named
the King of Youjian General, and led the original territory of East Hucong

A few months ago, when Xiao Qiao went back to the North House, the
maid did not report her like an outsider when she saw her coming. When
Xiao Qiao entered the house, she overheard Madam Xu and Zhong Li
talking about Wei Yan at the door, and happened to be talking about this.

At that time, Mrs. Xu's tone was both longing and worrying.

The corners of Wei Yan's lips twitched slightly, and he slowly walked
towards the cot. Finally, he stopped by the cot and leaned down slightly.

"Is this the daughter of you and the second brother?"

He looked at Philip, who was sleeping soundly.

"It's so beautiful... just like you..."

He stared at Philip, and said lowly, slowly reaching out, as if to touch

Philip's cheek.

"Wei Yan!"

Little Joe raised his voice abruptly.

"You broke into the inner courtyard in the middle of the night, and I won't
bother with you if you are rude. I know you must have plans. What do you

Wei Yan's hand stopped, slowly retracted, turned around, and walked
towards Xiao Qiao step by step.

Xiao Qiao did not step back.

Wei Yan finally stopped in front of her, and the two were only an arm's
length apart.

Nearly he seemed to smell a faint fragrance from her.

"Aren't you afraid of me?"

He looked at her fixedly, his eyes gradually seemed to be blurred, and his
expression was strange.

Xiao Qiao sneered: "This is my home, why should I be afraid of you?

Although you avoided the guard post set up by Jia Xi to get here, just don't
forget, this is the mansion of the prince! If I shout, If you can still get out of
your body, the word Wei can be written backwards in the future!"

Wei Yan was silent for a moment, his eyes gradually became clear, and
suddenly said: "You are right, I am here, I have something to do."

He paused for a moment: "Liu Yan sent an envoy to the king's tent,
promising to use the land of Hetao in exchange for Shanyu's iron cavalry to
attack the south, so as to ease his urgency in Langya. Shanyu may not
take his words seriously, only he has Aged, increasingly old, the only regret
in his life is that he could not regain the Hetao he lost in his hands, so he
was persuaded. Climb the valley and launch a surprise attack..."

The Hetao includes the Huangshui, Taoshui, Sanggan River and other
watersheds. Since ancient times, the land has been rich and fertile. For
hundreds of years, after the rise of the Xiongnu in the north, the Hetao has
become a coveted place for the Xiongnu.

One of Lao Shanyu's greatest achievements in his life was when he first
succeeded Shan Yu in his twenties, he took the Hetao from the hand of the
Han family surnamed Liu in a thunderous and iron-blooded manner, and
told the Huns to go south to herd horses Shepherd sheep for twenty years.

Later Wei Shao's grandfather guarded the north, and after several battles,
he regained the occupied Hetao. In the past two decades, although Chan
Yu had attempted to attack the Hetao several times, he had been hindered.

Xiao Qiao's face changed greatly.

Wei Yan raised his left hand to the front, and glanced at his little finger that
was wearing a black iron cap.

"Before I left the Wei family, I cut off my finger and swore that as long as my
grandmother was alive, I would not kill a single Han Chinese. Although I am
a despicable and shameless person, I still remember the oath I made. This
southward raid, I Don't fight."

His eyes fell on her beautiful face that had lost its blood color: "I resigned
from the Wei family and returned to the Xiongnu that day, and now I am a
member of the Xiongnu. Even if I don't ask for war, Japan should not report
the news today. It's just that After all, my grandmother has the grace of
raising me. So I came to call the news and make a break with the grace of
raising the Wei family. From now on, I will no longer be a Han Chinese, just
as you just said, I am Hutu, a Huns. Kun."

On the bed, Chunniang fainted from the blow just now, and gradually woke
up and let out a few vague moans.

Wei Yan took a deep look at Xiao Qiao, turned and hurriedly walked
towards the window he had just turned in, and turned out the window.

Xiao Qiao returned to her senses, chased after her, and said to the figure in
the moonlight, "Since you left, my grandmother has been missing. Since
you came to report the news, why didn't you see your grandmother report
to her in person?"

Seeing the front and back for a while, then he continued to move forward,
and with a wrong eye, he disappeared into the night.

Chunniang finally woke up, sat up abruptly, looked around, and saw that
the light was lit in the room, and Xiao Qiao was in front of the window,
looking no different, she breathed a sigh of relief, rubbed the back of her
neck that was still in pain, and groaned: " The lady just talked to someone?
I was just in my sleep, and I seemed to see a dark figure entering the room.
I was about to call, but I don't know... Am I dreaming, or something

Xiao Qiao turned around, picked up a pen and hurriedly wrote a letter.
After a while, Jia Xi hurried over and said, "The lady suddenly called me, do
you have any orders?"

Xiao Qiao handed the letter to him: "Hurry up to the Golden Dragon Temple
and give it to the old lady! Don't delay for a moment!"

As soon as it was dawn, Mrs. Xu returned from the Golden Dragon Temple.

As soon as he came back, Xiao Qiao immediately followed him in and

recounted what happened last night when Wei Yan came to report the

Naturally, I skipped the front and only mentioned the content of his report.

Madam Xu didn't say a word, just sat with her eyes closed.

After a while, Lei Yan, who was ordered to stay behind in Yuyang, hurriedly
arrived with two generals and several generals.

In addition to the military towns on the border, Wei Shao also had 5,000
garrisoned troops in Yanmen and Fanyang.

Mrs. Xu arranged for the dispatch of troops, and after finishing, she said:
"Using the meteor Ma Zhizhao in the clouds to mount the guards in the
three places in the valley, take strict precautions. If the Huns attack, be sure
to stand guard and wait for the arrival of reinforcements, and the rest of the
military towns will interact with each other. In response, if there is news,
report it to me immediately!"

Lei Yan received the order and hurriedly left.

After the group left, Madam Xu pondered for a moment, then suddenly
coughed non-stop.

Zhong Nuo hurriedly handed over her handkerchief and rubbed her back.

Since the incident of Wei Yan and the poisoning that year, Madam Xu's
body has not been as good as before.

Xiao Qiao hurriedly poured a cup of warm water, and when Madam Xu
finished coughing, she handed it over.

Mrs. Xu took a sip of water, put down the cup, waited for her breath to calm
down, and smiled at Xiao Qiao: "Don't be afraid. I have already sent a letter
to Shao'er early in the morning, and I will be able to return to the army
soon. Erlang is also experienced in hundreds of battles, and he will
definitely pass this level!"

On the side, Zhong Li looked solemn.

Xiao Qiao asked, "Grandmother, how long will it take for my husband to
return to the army as soon as possible?"

Mrs. Xu pondered for a while: "It will be half a month after the news is

"In other words, at least 20 days. Grandmother, with 100,000 defenders

against the Huns' 300,000 iron cavalry, plus the remaining forces of
Yanmen and Fan Yang, even if you hold on, it will probably be a tough

Mrs. Xu looked at her with one eye: "Do you have something to say?"
Xiao Qiao knelt down in front of her.

"Grandmother, how many days would it take to get here with the help of the
Qiang soldiers in the Huangshui area?"

"Ten days at most..." Madam Xu raised her eyes suddenly: "What do you

"Why don't you hurry up and borrow troops from the Beihe Qiang people? I
expect that as long as you speak, the Yuanwang Patriarch will definitely
send troops. The Qiang people are brave and good at fighting, and they are
not inferior to the Huns. The husband returns to the army."

Mrs. Xu actually knew very well in her heart that with a defender of more
than 100,000, it was indeed difficult to resist the 300,000 iron cavalry of the
Xiongnu for more than 20 days.

Do everything possible to minimize losses.

She said that to Xiao Qiao just now, mostly to comfort her.

In Mrs. Xu's heart, she had already thought about it. For the sake of safety,
she would send her mother and daughter away from Yuyang as soon as

Suddenly hearing this suggestion, I was also slightly excited, nodded and
said, "This method is feasible!"

Chapter 152:
Wei Shao's grandfather moved the prefectural government from Fanyang
to Yuyang, which is closer to the frontier army town. The original intention
was to defend against the Xiongnu.

Shanggu is only three or two days' drive away from Yuyang. Once Shanggu
is lost, Yuyang will also be in danger.

They set off with a messenger. After seeing Yuyang Ling who arrived later,
and arranging many matters for the evacuation of the people at the border,
Mrs. Xu called Zhu Shi and Xiao Qiao, and told them to quickly pack up
and evacuate with Feifei first. Safer Fan Yang.

"If my grandmother doesn't go, neither will I."

Xiao Qiao immediately refused.

Mrs. Zhu had already heard the news of the Xiongnu's southern crimes,
and she was already apprehensive. As soon as she heard Mrs. Xu's
arrangement, she knew that Yuyang might also be at a loss, and her face
immediately turned pale, he hesitated, and said, "The wife is not Walk…"

Mrs. Xu slammed her cane and said angrily: "I stayed here to sit in Yuyang,
what's the use of the two of you staying here? It's just for me to worry about
it! I've made up my mind, and I won't change it! Take Philip on my way!"

Xu was too emotional and coughed again.

After only a few coughs, he managed to press down, and his breath was a
little uncertain.

Zhu Shi glanced at her, shrank back, and stopped talking.

Xiao Qiao looked at Madam Xu's gray-haired face and paused: "So,
grandson-in-law will listen to her grandmother's words and leave."

Madam Xu's expression calmed down. She looked at Xiao Qiao for a
moment, and then said slowly, "Yuyang will be fine. I told you to leave, just
in case. Don't worry about it. You can go now."

Xiao Qiao's nose was sour, suppressing all the emotions in her heart, she
came to her, knelt down and bowed to her.

When the Huns went south, Mrs. Xu would sit in town to defend against the
invaders together with the army and the people. Reinforcements would
arrive soon, and the people would be called to join the fight.

Anyone who volunteers to participate in the war can go to the Yuyang

Office to receive armor and weapons.

This official announcement was posted beside the four city gates of

However, Yuyang Ling also obeyed Mrs. Xu's order and opened the city
gate within two days, allowing the people to evacuate Yuyang by
themselves, and then return to the city after the situation stabilized.

The people of the city refused to evacuate at first. Or rather, don't want to
believe it.

There are people everywhere talking about this.

Gradually, I don't know which households, began to take their belongings
out of the city through the south gate.

The atmosphere of panic began to spread, and more and more people left.

When Xiao Qiao was sitting in the fast-moving carriage, when she went to
Fan Yang along the gallop, there were people on both sides of the road
who were left behind by the carriage and went in the same direction as her.
They are dragging their family with their family, pushing a wheelbarrow, or
walking. The mother carries the child on her back, and the son supports the
mother. From north to south, from the north to the south, from a distance,
the two streams of people are like a continuous long dragon.

Xiao Qiao and Zhu Shi were sitting in the same carriage, Chunniang was
holding Philip beside him, and the other servants and maids were sitting in
another carriage.

After Mrs. Zhu came out of the city, she didn't say a word, her expression
was dull, and even Philip seemed to sense the dignified atmosphere of the
adults around her. Don't make trouble.

After walking on the road for two days, the carriage finally arrived at Fan
Yang on the third day, and was welcomed into the city by Fan Yang Ling.
After being settled, Xiao Qiao coaxed Philip to sleep on the bed. Madam's
mood suddenly went out of control, and these people couldn't comfort
herself, so I begged Xiao Qiao to come and take a look.

Xiao Qiao asked Chunniang to look at Philip, and she hurried over. Seeing
Mrs. Zhu walking around the room, she not only muttered, "Spiritual
position! Spiritual position! I forgot to bring out the spiritual position of
husband and Lun'er together. My sin! My sin!"

On the road these few days, her spirit has not been very good. At this
moment, her face is even paler, sweat drips from her forehead, her lips are
shaking, and her appearance is extremely ugly.

As soon as he saw Xiao Qiao, he rushed over and grabbed her arm tightly:
"Your father-in-law and your uncle's spiritual positions have not been
brought out yet! How good is this!"

His hand was so strong that Xiao Qiao's arm hurt when he pinched it.

Xiao Qiao broke free: "Grandma said that Yuyang will be fine!
Mother-in-law is still at ease and waits for a good life, there will be good
news soon!"

Zhu Shi stared at her and sneered: "Of course you don't have to worry! You
married my Wei family, and you didn't have any good intentions! Yuyang
Po, you have come out, what does it have to do with you?"

Xiao Qiao looked at Zhu Shi and said, "Mother-in-law, I was just about to
come and tell you, I'm going back."

Zhu Shi was stunned.

"My grandmother is old and in poor health now, so I can't let her stay in
Yuyang alone. It's just that if I insist on that day, my grandmother will not
agree, so I will send Philip here first. You settle down here, I am today
Zhu Shi's mouth opened slightly.

"Mother-in-law has worked hard all the way, and she has not slept
peacefully. Now that you are here, let's take a good rest. Don't think about it
any more! Don't worry, the spiritual positions of the father-in-law and the
uncle will be safe!"

Xiao Qiao instructed the maid to serve the Zhu family well.

She is only seventeen years old now, and her face is still a little girlish.

It's just that at this moment, whether it is the tone of voice or the
perseverance in his eyes, there is an unquestionable strength.

Not only the servants nearby, but also the Zhu family could not say a single

She just stared at her back as she turned away, her expression gray and

The news that Wei Yan brought was accurate.

Fang two days, the Xiongnu 300,000 cavalry, crossed the border river, went
straight to Yunzhongbai to board the valley three places.

Although the defenders have done their best, Wu Wei is bound to win. All
the elites are dispatched. The cavalry is powerful and with astonishing
destructive power. The decision to voluntarily give up Baiden in the cloud
was made.
Mobilize all the forces and stick to the defensive line that leads directly to

Outside Shanggu City, every 20 li, a line of defense was set up, trenches
were dug deep, and sharp spears were inserted below to stop the
onslaught of the Xiongnu cavalry. .

There are three such lines of defense.

Every line of defense must hold back the Huns for at least one day.

The Xiongnu should also have a plan to capture Yuyang. At the beginning,
they focused on Shanggu to conquer the target, and launched a fierce
offensive here.

As soon as the war started, Mrs. Xu left Yuyang and rushed to the border
town in person to boost the morale of the soldiers who fought bravely.

But after all, he was old, and he went all the way, rushed from the cloud to
Bai Deng, and then fell ill on the way to Shanggu.

For three consecutive days, Mrs. Xu was ill and insisted on going into
battle, personally drumming and cheering for the soldiers guarding the
defense line.

Under the encouragement of Madam Xu, the defenders repelled waves of

frenzied attacks by the Huns.

The originally scheduled three-day line of defense actually persisted for five

On the sixth day, he finally retreated into the city.

On that day, in the face of the Xiongnu's siege battle, Madam Xu still
personally accompanied the soldiers to the city wall, playing drums and

But when going down the city wall, Madam Xu finally fell down.

She was already old, and she was in poor health before. She had been
thinking too much for the past few days. Now her physical strength has
reached the limit.

Although Lei Yan, who was in charge of this defense battle, wanted to hide
it, the news of Mrs. Xu's fall quickly spread among the defenders.

The 300,000 cavalry of the Xiongnu, day and night, the offensive came in
waves like tides, and the battle was so vast that it is not an exaggeration to
call it thunder.

Under the circumstance that the main army of the monarchs and lords has
not yet returned, the goal of the current battle is to try to prevent the attack
of the Xiongnu and wait for the arrival of reinforcements.

But the 300,000 Huns besieged the city, and the pressure was so great.

The reason why the Wei family sergeant can persist until this moment is all
because of a belief.

Madam Xu is like their backbone. She fell down suddenly and did not show
up today, so the morale of the defenders was somewhat affected.

Then, there was news that Wu Wei, Prince Zuoxian of the Xiongnu,
personally came to Shanggu to supervise the formation, and offered a
reward for capturing Yuyang with thousands of cavalry and 10,000 taels of

The Huns were high-spirited and invincible. Outside the north gate of
Shanggu, the wolf flags were everywhere, covering the sky and the sun.
During the interval between the offensive and defensive battles, the Wei
family sergeant wore a dignified and tired look, and heard the sound of the
Xiongnu's neat iron armor singing, which was faintly introduced into the city
with the wind.

Mrs. Xu woke up and slowly opened her eyes, as if she heard the sound of
the sky-shattering fighting on the city wall, struggling to get up.

Blocked by Zhong Li.

"How's the battle going? I have to go there myself! Don't stop me!"

"The lady is here!"

Even though she has always been calm like a bell woman, she couldn't
restrain her excitement at this moment, and her voice trembled slightly.

"Don't worry, the old lady, the lady brought a battle flag of the old monarch.
She has replaced the old lady to cheer up the sergeants and motivate them
to fight!"

The Huns rested for a while and launched a new wave of attacks.
Since last night, the siege battle has not stopped.

The Huns' goal was to capture Yuyang before Wei Shao returned.

Lei Yansha's eyes were red, and he couldn't remember how many times he
led this group of soldiers to repel the attack of the Huns.

Arrows are like rain, stone cannons are flying, and under the city wall, the
piles of corpses are getting higher and higher, and the whistling sound of
the Huns can be heard. It's clear.

Gradually he felt a sense of apprehension.

As the commander of this defensive battle, he understands better than

anyone how important morale is to repel the enemy's attack.

If you are a little discouraged, the defense line may be torn apart.

Once the hole is broken, no one can guarantee what happens next.

At this moment, on the high platform behind the city wall, the war drum that
had been silent since yesterday was suddenly slammed again.

The sound of drums rumbled like thunder, rolling like clouds, resounding in
everyone's ears.

In the sound of the raging fire and thunder falling from the sky, the Wei
family sergeant turned his tired face stained with dust, mud and blood.
They were amazed to see that the place where Mrs. Xu once stood was
now One more person.

The lady actually showed up!

Their young and beautiful queen, wearing Madam Xu's armor, took over
from Madam Xu and continued to defend the city and Yuyang with them!

Beside her, a new black banner fluttered in the wind.

In the center of the flag, a golden tiger head is embroidered, with fangs and
tiger eyes, just like a declaration of majesty and awe-inspiring force.

"Wei family sergeants, listen, forty years ago, the grandfather of your lords
and lords took this tiger flag back from the hands of Shanyu and took back
the occupied Hetao, which made the Huns dare not go south to herd
horses! But now the Huns want to humiliate its glory, can you agree?
Reinforcements are coming soon, and your lord is about to lead his troops
back! He needs you to persevere! I will be with you in the name of the lady
of the Wei family. I swear, I will stick here and fight with you until the last
moment to defeat the Huns!"

The voice of the lady following the war drum seemed to overwhelm the
noise under the city wall.

"No promise!"

"No promise!"

The sergeants came back to their senses from the shock, their blood
boiled, and they shouted angrily.

Chapter 153:

The battle to defend the upper valley has been going on for more than half
a month.
On the thick city wall made of solid rock, there are scars left by knives,
axes and fires everywhere. Blood stained the black soil under the city wall,
seeping into the rock wall layer by layer, and the air was filled with the
stench of blood.

The tidal waves of the Huns came in waves and were repelled in waves.

A few days ago, a Qiang army of 50,000 people, led by Qiao Ci, finally
arrived, giving strong support to the sergeant of the Wei family, who was
trapped in the siege.

The Qiang army took advantage of the fact that the Xiongnu army did not
have time to guard against it, and tore open a surrounding opening from
the flank. The Wei family sergeant in the city got the news, and in the
beating of war drums, Kaichengmen lined up and rushed out, fighting side
by side with the Qiang army.

The Xiongnu were better at the cavalry field fighting method. Heavy troops
overwhelmed the territory, and the siege did not stop for many days. The
morale was already low. Suddenly, the situation suddenly changed. On the
ground, several thousand cavalry commanders were also damaged, and
they were embarrassed.

Because he did not know the number of reinforcements, Wu Wei did not
dare to launch a siege for a while, and ordered the team to be organized on
the spot, not only for respite, but also to inquire about the enemy's

After struggling to hold on to the siege of the city for more than ten days,
with the timely arrival of reinforcements, it was finally relieved.

The Wei family sergeants fought against the Huns with few enemies and
many blood. The two generations of female princes of the Wei family
climbed the city wall in person, and lived and died together with the army
and the people. The news also spread wings all over Yuyang. More and
more people began to turn around on the road to escape, and came from
all directions spontaneously.

The men put on the armor that was taken off the dead, took up
blood-stained swords and spears, and joined the ranks of the defense

Under the leadership of Xiao Qiao, the woman took care of the wounded
and served hot soup and rice in time for the soldiers who fought ****

In just a few days, tens of thousands of people who volunteered to join the
defense battle came to the area.

The army and the people are united as never before, and they share the
same hatred for the enemy.

Everyone has only one thought, stick to it and never give in.

Uwe begins to feel uneasy about the situation.

He is the son of Shan Yu, Prince Tu Qi. However, his prestige in the royal
court has never been as good as that of his uncle Rizhu Wang Wuzhuqu.

Wuzhuqu used the Wei family's daughter as the princess in those days,
and the Huns not only did not think it was embarrassing, but believed that it
was an honor for him to win the Wei family's daughter.

A few years ago, Wu Zhuqu welcomed back his son Wei Yan, the princess
of the Wei family.

It is not uncommon for the descendants of the Xiongnu royal family or

nobles to have Han blood. Now the king of the royal court, the king of
Yiqiruo, and the trusted counselor of the king, the king of Yizhizi, are both
after the princesses who were sent to be married by the Han family in the

But none of these people are like Wei Yan, and they can make U Wei feel
an unprecedented sense of threat when he first sees him.

Wei Yan has become famous in just a few years. After he conquered the
Donghu people who had been stubbornly entrenched in the Congling
Mountains for decades, and included the land of Donghu as one of the
twenty-four tribes of the Huns, the Huns began to call him by the name
Hutu Kun affectionately.

Even Shan Yu made an exception for him as King Jian Jiang - this is the
title of a great king who is qualified to command ten thousand cavalry.

Uwe was extremely wary of this.

Therefore, not long ago, when Liu Yan, the emperor of the Langya court,
sent an envoy to express his intention to borrow troops through the Han
ministers who had previously surrendered to the Xiongnu, Wu Wei
vigorously turned from it and finally persuaded Shan Yu to send troops and
let him lead the south.

According to his original plan, at this time, he should have captured Yuyang
long ago. Not only was the Huns suppressed by the Wei clan and took
away the land of the Hetao for many years, but more importantly, in
advocating the weak and the strong to prevail In the king's tent of the Huns,
he needs this victory too much, so that Shanyu, his clan, and even the
Huyan clan, Xubu clan, and Qiulin clan, who have always questioned him,
see his ability. .

But he did not expect that the battle situation would be so delayed in

He failed to seize the opportunity to annihilate the 100,000 Wei family

defenders in one fell swoop, so that they could borrow the Qiang soldiers
for help, and he had already missed the best fighter opportunity. .

If he continued to delay, if Wei Shao returned to the army, he was even

more uncertain about the situation.

He led the elite division of the Huns, and he could not afford to lose this
battle with more battles and less.

The next day, Wu Wei re-mobilized his troops, and at the moment before
dawn, he personally supervised the formation and rushed out to launch a
ferocious attack on the opposing Han-Qiang coalition forces.
Kill someone, get a bounty.

Kill ten people and get beautiful women.

Kill a hundred people, seal a centurion.

And if you can break the city and win the Wei family lady who played the
drums to help out, seal a thousand households and give them a marquis!

The fierce battle continued from morning to evening.

Lei Yan and Qiao Ci were desperate and led the crowd to fight to the death.

The sound of the fighting resounded in the ears, and the fields near the city
gate were filled with corpses.

The Huns stepped on the densely packed corpses layer after layer of the
same robes, set up cloud ladders, and dug the city wall.

At the head of the city, a sergeant fell down, and someone behind him
immediately filled up.

On the southeast corner of the city gate, there was a sudden loud bang,
accompanied by a wild cry of excitement from the Huns.

A flowing arrow swished above his head, and a flowing arrow fell and stuck
on the back of a dead sergeant, only half a step away from Xiao Qiao.

Xiao Qiao has long felt no fear.

She and the two women continued to climb the city wall with a basket of
stone cannons, and saw Jia Xi running towards her with blood all over her

"Lady, come with me!"

Jia Xi roared.

"The city is going to be destroyed?"

Xiao Qiao asked in a calm tone.

She hadn't closed her eyes for several days and nights, her face was as
white as paper, her eyes were dry, and when the wind blew, she seemed to
have tears in her eyes, but she didn't feel tired at all.

"A hole in the southeastern city wall was cut, and Mr. Qiao and his men
were blocking the gap. All the sergeants were ready for street battles,
vowing to guard the upper valley and never give up half an inch! General
Jia ordered me to send the lady away quickly! The rest The women are
also quickly withdrawing from the city!"

"You all leave the South City Gate immediately! You don't need to be used
here anymore!"

Xiao Qiao immediately said to the women.

With tears in their eyes, the women knelt down to her, got up and left.

In the battle of defending the city, if it reached the point of street fighting,
Xiao Qiao knew that if he stayed, it would only become a burden.
Mrs. Xu was seriously ill, but fortunately, a few days ago, she had been
sent to Shanggu.

In the face of the 300,000 menacing Xiongnu iron cavalry, and sticking to
this moment, everyone here has done their best.

She suddenly felt dizzy.

He closed his eyes and held the city wall with his hands.


Jia Xi felt that she was strange, and reached out to help her, but stopped
when she was about to touch her.

Xiao Qiao calmed down, opened her eyes and said, "I'm fine. I'll go now."

Suddenly at this moment, there seemed to be a faint sound of galloping

horses in the distance.

At first, the sound seemed to be non-existent, but gradually, it was like a

dull thunder, and it was clear to the ears.

With the rapid advancement of the sound waves, the ground below and the
turrets of the city wall followed its rhythm, trembling slightly like an

Both sides of the red-eyed battle also felt this increasingly clear and
unusual ground movement.
The Huns stopped climbing, and the sergeants at the front of the city
stopped their swords and guns, and turned their heads to look at the

Xiao Qiao was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly lifted her skirt and
climbed the steps.

She rushed to the high platform at the head of the city in one breath and
looked ahead.

In the direction of the setting sun, at the end of the distant field, she saw a
long row of black legions rushing towards the direction of the city like a tide

On the difficult 22nd day of the Battle of Shanggu Guard, Marquis of Yan
Wei Shao finally came back with his army.

Wei Yan stopped his horse alone on the high hill, looking at the shadow of
the army coming from the golden sunset in the distance, his expression
was indifferent.

For a moment, he turned his eyes slowly towards the direction of Shanggu

From a distance, he couldn't see her face clearly. Only vaguely saw the
vague shadow standing on the high drum stage.
But he knew it was her. No matter how far away, he can recognize it at a

He suddenly remembered that year, just like this moment, he once looked
at the back of her drumming on the Luli Stage from a distance, with an
indescribable delusion in his heart.

Today, she is still the noble lady of the Wei family.

And he didn't even call Wei Yan anymore.

He was in a trance for a moment, then abruptly closed his eyes, pulled the
reins of the horse, gave a low drink, turned around, and rode away one by
one, gradually disappearing at the end of Gaogang.

The monarch led the army, returned in time, and went up to the city wall of
the valley, with thunderous cheers.

The drums were thundering, and the sound of killing was everywhere, and
the Huns who had climbed half of the city wall fell one after another.

The sergeant opened the city gate and rushed out.

This battle for the defense of Shanggu, which has lasted for more than half
a month, has ended without any suspense.

When Wei Shao came back, he brought the Wei family's iron cavalry, which
was no less inferior to the Huns' cavalry.
The Xiongnu lost their military superiority, and their morale, which had
suffered from setbacks in the siege of the city for days, fell to the bottom in
an instant.

After hastily resisted for a while, the army was defeated like a mountain,
and it was defeated all the way north.

Chase until the next day.

The Huns were killed, wounded and captured, as many as 100,000.

Many times, I clearly felt that as long as I rushed again, the defenders in
the city would not be able to resist, and the destruction of the city was

But time and time again, opportunities are lost. The city was there, only
separated by a city wall, but it could never be breached.

When Wu Wei fled back to the grasslands in a hurry across the river
boundary, he still couldn't believe it.

The difficulty of the Shanggu siege was lifted, and the chilling and solemn
atmosphere that had been suppressed for many days over the city was
completely eliminated.

There was laughter everywhere.

Xiao Qiao didn't have time to take a breath, and immediately rushed to the
temporary treatment center not far from the city gate to see Adi.

Qiao Ci was injured on the back of his arm. Medics are treating his wounds.

Because of the loss of blood, his face was a little pale, but he was full of
energy. He stretched out his arms to let the military doctor wrap his
wounds, while chatting and laughing with a group of Wei family sergeants
who were surrounding him.

"Mr. Qiao, I heard that the Qiang girl was charming and affectionate, and
the prince who liked him took the initiative to give flowers to show his love.
Mr. Qiao is a talented person, should he ever receive flowers?"

A sergeant who had just bandaged his wound asked.

After the war, it is inevitable for men to think about where to go.

Qiao Ci didn't have any airs at all. These days, the Beihe Qiang soldiers
and the Wei family sergeant who had moved in together lived and died
together, and they had already fought together. The sergeant asked
curiously, and everyone on the side laughed.

Qiao Ci's face was slightly hot, and she waved her hands quickly, when she
suddenly saw Xiao Qiao come in, her eyes lit up, her face brightened, she
called out "Sister", and immediately stood up to greet her.

Xiao Qiao motioned him not to get up.

The sergeants turned their heads and saw the lady coming, and hurriedly
made way for her.
The treatment place, which was full of people, was instantly quiet, and
countless eyes turned to her.

Xiao Qiao quickly came to Qiao Ci and saw that he had not had time to
replace the blood-stained shirt. He was injured and had a **** hole on his
forehead. He was very distressed. He raised his hand and touched it lightly,
asking, "Does it hurt? ?"

Qiao Ci grinned and said, "It's just a small injury! It doesn't hurt!"

Seeing this, the nearby sergeants were all secretly envious.

"Sister, how are you?"

"I'm fine." Xiao Qiao smiled.

"Miss, how is the old lady now?"

A Pi will ask.

Xiao Qiao looked up, saw many eyes looking at him, nodded to the crowd,
and said, "The old lady has been sent back to Yuyang for recuperation, and
she will be able to recuperate. Preservation, on behalf of the monarchs, I
thank you all."

"If I can serve the queen, I will never give up!"

A bold sergeant exclaimed.

The crowd immediately joined in.

Xiao Qiao smiled, facing the faces of the sergeants who were looking at
him with eager eyes, and suddenly gradually felt dizzy.
These days, with Mrs. Xu's illness, she really didn't have a moment to
breathe. Before, she had been forcibly holding on with the thought that she
could never fall down.

Finally, when the siege was understood, I learned that Adi was injured, and
hurried over to visit.

Seeing that he was fine, the whole person relaxed, and the string that had
been tensing in his body seemed to suddenly break and could no longer be



In a burst of tinnitus, accompanied by erratic noises, her body softened and

fell to the ground.

Chapter 154:

Xiao Qiao seemed to have fallen asleep for a long time.

In the dream, she felt that her whole body was empty and very relaxed. It
was as if she had returned to her previous life. She was not Qiao's
daughter, but a spoiled child around her parents. She had no burdens and
no responsibilities. She could do whatever she wanted, and she was

It's been a long time since I felt this way.

She didn't even want to wake up, she just wanted to stay in this dream.
But deep in her heart, she seemed to be fettered, she was entangled and
inextricably linked, and after all, she could not be completely released.

She kept telling herself that she had to wake up.

She struggled and finally woke up and heard anxious voices in her ears.

The voice was vague at first, but gradually became clearer.

It's my brother's voice.

"How is my sister?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Qiao. The lady should be too tired. If you rest for a few
days, you should be able to recover..."

Xiao Qiao's eyelids moved.

It turned out to be only a moment, the feeling in the dream is so long...

"She just fainted! Didn't you see?"

Concerned about chaos, Qiao Ci raised the volume.

Xiao Qiao slowly opened her eyes and found herself lying on the bed with
Qiao Ci beside her, blushing and shouting at the bewildered military doctor.

"Look, Young Master Qiao, the lady is awake!"

The military doctor wiped his sweat and said in surprise.

Qiao Ci turned her head and saw that Xiao Qiao was really awake. She
flew over and held her hand tightly: "Sister, you're awake! How are you?
You fainted suddenly just now, and it scared me..."
Xiao Qiao felt very weak and calmed down: "I'm fine, as the military doctor
said, just a little tired. I'll rest for a while, don't worry..."

Qiao Cifang breathed a sigh of relief: "Sister, take a good rest.

Brother-in-law chased the Huns in person, and should be able to return

After the siege of the city was resolved, Wei Shao's army continued to
pursue the Xiongnu northwards, while the Qiang soldiers and Lei Yan's
defenders brought by Qiao Ci temporarily stayed in place.

Xiao Qiao smiled and nodded.

Suddenly, there were hurried footsteps outside the door, and then, Jia Xi's
voice came over: "Miss, Yuyang came to report urgently, something
happened at home!"

In the middle of the night, the ancestral hall caught fire, and Zhu was
trapped inside and was seriously injured, holding the spiritual positions of
her husband and eldest son tightly in her arms. When the servants risked
her life to rescue her from the fire, she kept saying, "The Huns are here! I
will protect the temple! The Huns are here! I will protect the temple!"

Mrs. Xu fell ill before, and was sent to Wuji City, which is closer to her, to
recuperate. The servants did not dare to disturb her with the news, so they
sent it to Xiao Qiao.

The time goes back to seven or eight days ago.

Finally, the Zhu family couldn't bear the torment, and returned to the Wei
family in Yuyang from Fanyang.

The demeanor and tone of voice Qiao Nv had when she left Fan Yang that
day made Zhu feel incomparable pressure.

An idea came to her mind: what Qiao Nv can do, she can do better. She is
the mistress of the Wei family, and she must not let Qiao Nv go down, let
alone let Madam Xu and her son despise her.

It was because of this thought that she suppressed the fear in her heart,
and under the impulse, she set foot on the way back as the guardian of the
Wei family and wanted to live and die with the Wei family.

When she returned to Wei's house, the news about the siege of Shanggu in
Yuyang City was getting worse day by day.

She naturally hated the Huns, and hoped that the Wei family soldiers in
Shanggu could hold on to the moment when her son led the troops back.

But soon, when the people of Yuyang heard rumors that it was Nv Qiao
who took over Mrs. Xu's position and stayed in Shanggu to motivate the
sergeants to defend the city, and Nv Qiao's younger brother attracted
reinforcements from the Qiang soldiers, at that time, Mrs. Zhu was stunned.
, once again suffered a heavy blow.

She understood that in the past, her son regarded that Qiao Nv as pearls
and jade. After this battle, if she defended Shanggu, then in the future, in
her son's mind, Qiao Nv would not be able to hold even half an inch of her

She felt hopeless, angry, and miserable, and she slept through the night,
and deep down, in the end, she even crawled out of a dark thought that
terrified herself.

She hopes that Shanggu City will be broken and Yuyang City will be
broken, so that all of Qiao's scheming will be in vain, and she can forever
exist in her son's heart as the guardian of the Wei family, even if she dies,
with her son, from now on After that, his status as a mother will no longer
be shaken by half.

Zhu Shi was deeply seized by such a thought, as if struck by a demon,

unable to extricate himself any longer. Over and over, she fantasized about
the destruction of Yuyang City. When the beast-like Huns rushed into the
city gate to kill and loot, at that moment, she would firmly guard the gate of
Weijiajia Temple with her own body, and let her son, Madam Xu and all Wei
The family sergeants saw that she, the Zhu family, was the mistress who
could really live and die with the Wei family.

That moment will be the most glorious moment in her life.

She no longer felt fear, but looked forward to that moment more and more
feverishly. She was all ready.

Just the day before yesterday, the news about the difficulty of defending the
city in Shanggu spread to Yuyang again. Since the Xiongnu invaded the
south, the depressing atmosphere over Yuyang has reached
unprecedented tension.
Huang Li said that she ran out of the house disheveled and ran towards the
ancestral hall. She kept shouting, "The Huns are calling," and ran to the
ancestral hall. She chased everyone out and bolted them. The door, and
shortly afterward, the fire came up from the ancestral hall.

When Xiao Qiao hurried back to Yuyang, Yuyang was already spreading
the news that the princes returned to the valley, and the Huns were
defeated and retreated.

Zhu Shi was seriously injured by the fire, almost beyond recognition, lying
there dying, his eyes empty.

Xiao Qiao brought a bowl of medicine and called her by the bed. Zhu Shi
didn't respond at first, but after a long time, as if he was awakened, he
slowly fixed his eyes on Xiao Qiao's face, stared at her for a long time, and
suddenly sat up straight from the bed, pinching his hands. Joe's neck.

"Huns! Xiongnu! I'm the mistress of the Wei family! With me here, you can't
even think of entering my Wei family's ancestral hall for half a step—"

There was a strange light in her eyes, and she muttered vaguely and
gritted her teeth.

On the side, Huang Li and others turned pale in shock, shouting "I can't
make it", and hurriedly rushed up to stop them.

Zhu Shi's strength was unusually strong, and three or four people pulled
and tugged at the side before finally breaking her hands from Xiao Qiao's
Zhu Shi grabbed his hands in the air for a moment, his eyes turned white
for a while, and then he fell back, his body curled up in pain, and his mouth
kept moaning and moaning.

The medicine bowl smashed to the ground, and Xiao Qiao lay on the
ground and coughed.

Huang Li hurried to help her.

Xiao Qiao covered her neck and waved her hand: "Go take care of her..."

Suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps outside, and then the door was
pushed open.

Xiao Qiao turned her head and saw Wei Shao appearing at the door.

The armor on his body was not removed, and the corners of his robes were
stained with blood.


Huang Li and the others were startled for a moment, then hurried up to
meet them, kneeling on both sides, bowing their heads and not daring to
make another sound.

Wei Shao's eyes fell on Zhu Shi's body on the bed, and his figure was
fixed, and he rushed in immediately, passing in front of Xiao Qiao, almost
rushing to the bed.


His voice was shaking slightly.

"Where's the doctor? Where's the doctor? What about the people?"

He raised his voice and roared sharply.

"Hey man, the doctor was by the lady's side last night, so he just went out
for a short rest. The maid is going to call him—"

Huang Li hurriedly got up from the ground and hurriedly went out to call for

"Shao'er, is that you? You're back—"

Zhu Shi slowly opened his swollen eyelids, his eyes stayed on Wei Shao's
face for a moment, and he raised his hand laboriously, wanting to touch his

"Mother, the son is not filial, he came late, and he made the mother suffer
so much!"

Wei Shao held Zhu Shi's hand wrapped around the medicine belt, and his
voice was low.

"I'm fine, Shao'er, don't worry about me..." Zhu shi's eyes showed a
gratifying light, with a satisfied smile at the corner of his mouth, he
muttered, "The Huns are calling and breaking the gate of Yuyang City, they
want to punish us If the ancestors of the Wei family are unfavorable, I will
swear to protect the family temple and never let the Huns succeed..."

Wei Shao lowered his head, his back and shoulders twitched slightly, and
his voice choked: "Son knows... I know, mother don't say it, it's important to
heal the injury first..."
"No, I'm fine! I'm fine!" Zhu Shi's eyes suddenly fell on Xiao Qiao who was
behind Wei Shao, her whole body tightened, and she pointed at Xiao Qiao,
"Tell her to go out! I don't want to see her—"

She frowned, gritted her teeth, and let out a moan in her throat.

"Relax, mother!" Wei Shao tried his best to comfort her.

"Shao'er! You still protect her—she is a Huns! Huns! My Wei family can't
tolerate Huns!"

Zhu Shi's eyes turned white, and his whole body kept shaking.

Wei Shao turned around and cast a pleading glance at Xiao Qiao.

His eyes were red, and there were faint tears.

Xiao Qiao nodded at him, slowly backed away, backed to the door, turned
around and stepped out.

She returned to the Westinghouse and sat alone for a long time by the

Chunniang was still in Fanyang with Philip, and if she didn't pick it up, she
wouldn't come back for a while.

The next day, when Wei Shao returned to the Westinghouse, the room was

The maid said that the maid had gone all night last night without end.
The female gentleman also left a sentence, asking the male gentleman to
rest assured that she will take good care of her grandmother.

No end is a good place to raise people. After Mrs. Xu was sent here, her
condition gradually improved.

When Xiao Qiao passed by, her spirit was much better than before.

Half a month later, when the news of Zhu Shi's death came, Madam Xu
was able to get up and take a walk in the courtyard with the help of Xiao

After hearing the news, she was silent for a while, and then said, "Confused
people are also pitiful people."

Chapter 155:

The long and depressing funeral is finally over.

When he came back, in addition to the mourning clothes for Philip, little Joe
gave her a bath, held her on the bed, shook the rattle, and led her to crawl
toward him.

The mother and daughter were playing, and Wei Shao came in, still
wearing mourning clothes.

When Philip saw his father, he squeaked twice, turned around and crawled
towards him.
Climbing to the side of the bed, Xiao Qiao was afraid that she would fall,
and was about to carry her back when Wei Shao walked over quickly,
caught Philip, picked her up, and lifted her up high.

Philip was getting more courageous now, and being held by his father like
this, he was not afraid at all, but instead giggled.

Wei Shao held her daughter and teased her for a while, and then handed
her over to Chunniang who came in.

Chunniang took Philip out of the house. There were only Xiao Qiao and him
in the room. He took off the mourning clothes he was wearing outside,
climbed into the bed, and hugged her in his arms.

"Manman, these days are all up to you. It's really hard for you, and I've
wronged you..."

Funerals are full of red tape. As a dutiful son, he was so busy these days
that he hardly had time to sleep. He stayed up all night last night, and even
his voice was hoarse at this moment.

He kept kissing her smooth forehead and small earlobes, whispering in her

Xiao Qiao leaned in his arms, raised his eyes, and looked at him.

His eyes were bloodshot, and in addition to the tiredness of lack of sleep,
there was gratitude and guilt in his expression.

Xiao Qiao smiled: "I didn't work hard, and I didn't feel any grievances, but I
did my best and did my duty. Fortunately, the army and the people shared
the same hatred, and the Qiang soldiers came to help in time, so I was able
to persist until my husband came back."

Wei Shao raised his hand, gently brushed away the strand of hair that fell
on her forehead, stared at her, and said in a hoarse voice with pity: "I heard
that you fainted in Shanggu that day, and you didn't have time to breathe.
Take a breath, these days are my mother's funeral. In the evening, Philip
asked Chunniang and the others to take them, so you have a good rest."

Xiao Qiao said, "Husband, you too. These days, I know you are more tired
than I am. If you have nothing to do, take a rest earlier."

"Manman, it's my luck to be able to marry you..."

He was really tired, and finally lay beside her, closing his eyes and about to
fall asleep when Xiao Qiao heard him whispering in her ear.

Wei Shao slept for a long time, and woke up, it was noon the next day.

The sunlight penetrated the low curtain from the window, and the curtain
was bright, slightly dazzling, and there was a faint sound of laughter from
the nurses and maids in the courtyard teasing Philip.

Philip's laughter was high-pitched, carefree, and with such a bright

sunshine, it made people feel happy involuntarily.

The corners of Wei Shao's lips were slightly upturned, he closed his eyes
and listened to his daughter's laughter for a moment, then touched the side
of his body, feeling cold.
He opened his eyes, rolled over to the ground, stretched his muscles and
bones long, got up and dressed, and walked out the door.

Xiao Qiao was standing beside a carved corridor in the courtyard, talking to
a few stewards and servants who had come to complain. When she heard
the door open, she turned her head and saw Wei Shao opened the door.
She sent the stewards away and greeted them. The people brought water
and towels, and after serving him, he took his clothes and helped him get

With no one else around, Wei Shao whispered, "When did you get up in the
morning? I don't even know."

Xiao Qiao said: "It's about the same time as usual. I didn't disturb you when
I saw you were fast asleep."

As she spoke, she lowered her head to help him buckle the belt.

His palm climbed onto her back, slowly stroked, gradually lowered, and
finally clasped her waist, the other hand also took off the belt she had tied
for him, and threw it aside at will, Then he hugged her, pressed her soft
chest, and pressed it against his own.


He called to her in a low voice, kissed her forehead, and rubbed his ears.

Xiao Qiao took off the hand that was clasping his waist and said, "It's time
to go to my grandmother."

Wei Shao touched his nose: "Okay."

Xiao Qiao smiled at him, leaned over and took back the belt, helped him tie
it around his waist again, and said, "I saw Mr. Gongsun yesterday, and I
said a few days ago that you are leaving again?"

Wei Shao nodded: "Now the south of the Yangtze River is in chaos. The
feudal lords build their numbers, and Chen Ying is in chaos. Although
Langya is broken, Liu Yan escaped while taking advantage of the chaos of
the Huns, and is still lingering. I will return to the army this time, while the
hearts of the Xiongnu army are scattered, and I will not give it to the
Xiongnu army. Taking a breather, chased it across the Sanggan River for
hundreds of miles, not only to destroy its elite, but also to take the
opportunity to completely destroy its ambition. In this battle, the Xiongnu
lost nearly 100,000 horses, and the loss is not insignificant. After this
defeat, I expect that within a year or two at least, the Xiongnu will not dare
to go south again, I must seize this opportunity to pacify the south as soon
as possible, wait for the Dao and the Central Plains to be unified, the world
will be settled, and then I will meet the Xiongnu in the future..."

He suddenly stopped and stared at Xiao Qiao with a hint of guilt in his
eyes: "I can't accompany you at home anymore, do you blame me?"

With a slight "click", Xiao Qiao buckled his belt, looked at it, then raised his
eyes and smiled: "Men have men's affairs, and I have my own affairs, so
why would I blame you for this? You eat something first, Let's go to

A few days ago, Mrs. Xu returned to Yuyang from nowhere.

After this period of recuperation, her physical condition gradually
recovered, and her spirit was also very good. When she saw the two
coming, she sat down and asked Wei Shao about the chaos in the south.

Knowing that General Green Eyes was blocking Chen Tianwang in the
north of the Yangtze River, this stopped the aggressive trend of this
cannibal army that made the people panic, and said to Xiao Qiao: "Beijing
has your brother leading the Qiang army to help our army and people. To
defend against the Huns, the green-eyed general in the south fought the
cannibal army to soothe the hearts of the people. Your Qiao family has
such a twin-star hero, everyone is praised."

Xiao Qiao said, "My grandmother praised me wrongly. Born in troubled

times, Li Shu was devastated. The so-called poor and alone are good at
themselves, and they can help the world. They don't dare to be called
heroes. Brother and brother-in-law, they are just doing their best."

Mrs. Xu stared at her for a moment and sighed: "You are fine with
everything, but you are too forbearing. Of course it is good to be sensible,
but you child, being sensible makes me distressed." She turned to Wei
Shao, "This time around the valley, If it wasn't for your daughter-in-law who
thought of a way to bring in the help of the Qiang soldiers, and if it wasn't
for your daughter-in-law's life and death in Shanggu to inspire the army and
the people, by the time your soldiers arrived, Yuyang might have been
poisoned by the Xiongnu! What should you do, no need Shall I say more?"

Wei Shao glanced at Xiao Qiao, bowed to Mrs. Xu, and said, "Grandma's
teachings, grandson's words will be remembered in my heart."
Mrs. Xu nodded and said to Xiao Qiao, "It's not an exaggeration to say that
you are the first hero to make a rescue this time. If you have any wishes or
thoughts, you can only let them go. If your grandmother can make the
decision, she will definitely agree."

Xiao Qiao also knelt down in front of her, kowtowed respectfully to her,
straightened her back, and said, "Inheriting grandmother Jinkou, so I will
speak boldly."

Mrs. Xu smiled: "Speak! Don't worry!"

Xiao Qiao said: "I corresponded with my father a few months ago. Although
he was optimistic, I couldn't let him go. If my grandmother and husband
agree, I would like to take Philip back to East County to live for a few days.
I know that my grandmother always likes it. Philip, she shouldn't have left
her grandmother, and after her grandmother's serious illness, she also
needs me to do my filial piety. So I also know that this is an unkind

Wei Shao was startled, and immediately turned to look at Xiao Qiao, seeing
her eyes fixed on Mrs. Xu, her expression condensed.

He subconsciously wanted to say something was wrong, but Mrs. Xu, who
was on the opposite side, nodded: "That's right."

Wei Shao froze for a moment, opened his mouth slightly, and paused.

Mrs. Xu said: "Qingzhou Langya has been destroyed one after another, and
now the whole of Shandong can be said to be safe and able to walk. Your
father is alone and unfortunately blind in both eyes. If you don't say it, you
must be thinking of you in your heart, not to mention that Philippe has been
born since his birth. , he has not met once, I am now well, and there is
nothing to do with me, you can rest assured to go back and live for a while,
and spend more time with your father, this is also filial piety as a child."

Xiao Qiao bowed to Mrs. Xu to thank him.

Mrs. Xu smiled, motioned her to get up, and said to Wei Shao, who was still
stunned, "Can you do it? If you do, you can put other things aside for a
while, and send your daughter-in-law back to Dongjun first!"

"Okay, why do you want to go back to Dongjun all of a sudden?"

As soon as he returned to the room, Wei Shao immediately stepped back

and asked, looking a little anxious.

"After the last visit to Yanzhou, my father's eyes were poisoned. I only took
care of him for three or four days and then returned to Yuyang in a hurry. I
couldn't let it go. Now this matter should be over. You will be leaving soon,
grandmother is kind. , I don't care if I don't keep her in front of me to do my
filial piety, so I will go back to Dong County to live for a few days."

Xiao Qiao sat on the edge of the bed, bowed her head and folded Philip's
little clothes, and explained.

Wei Shao looked at her for a moment, then suddenly stepped forward, sat
beside her, and hugged her.
"Are you mad at me? When I returned to the army that day, I was really
negligent. I only wanted to beat the Huns, and I didn't have time to see you
right away. Later, when my mother had an accident, I didn't pay much
attention to your feelings. I'm angry?"

Xiao Qiao shook his head: "I'm really not angry..."

"Then don't go back to Dongjun, I don't want you to go back—"

Wei Shao hugged her tightly, like a child whose beloved toy was taken

He suddenly pushed her down on the bed, kissed her eagerly, and started
to untie her belt with his hands.

After a while, he stopped, buried his face on her shoulder, and said in a
muffled, hurtful tone: "You're still mad at me..."

"What do you want me to do before you stay? Manman, tell me!"

He suddenly raised his head, "I'm not leaving? I'll stay at home and spend
more time with you, okay?"

He gently shook her shoulders, as if to coquettish her.

Xiao Qiao slowly opened her eyes and smiled slightly at him.

"Husband, I'm really not mad at you. We have been married for several
years, and we have been stumbling along the way. I know your difficulties
are not easy, but to tell you the truth, it is not easy for me either."

Wei Shao was stunned.

Xiao Qiao closed her eyes, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and
sighed softly.

"I feel really relaxed now, but I don't know why, and I'm a little tired. Since
my grandmother allows me to be arrogant, I will go with my own heart."

"That's why I want to go back to Dongjun. Besides seeing my father, my

elder sister is also at home. I want to go back and live for a few days. I
hope you can make it happen, husband."

Xiao Qiao looked at him and said slowly.

Chapter 156:

At the end of the month, Wei Shao sent Xiao Qiao across the Yellow River
and finally entered Yanzhou. In less than two days, there would only be
dozens of miles left in Dongjun, and it would take half a day to arrive.

At noon, Wei Shao ordered the convoy to stop in a shady place by the
roadside for a short break. The accompanying guards relaxed, and
Chunniang and the wet nurse took Feifei out of the car to feed water and

Wei Shao turned his head, glanced at the carriage that Xiao Qiao was
sitting in, got off his horse and walked over, knocked on the carriage, then
opened the car door, and said to the inside: "Sitting for a long time, come
down and relax! Dongjun will be here tonight. If you can, take a break for a
while, you won’t be able to delay your work.”
Xiao Qiao bent down from the carriage, Wei Shao took her arm and helped
her down.

Xiao Qiao stood on the side of the road and looked into the distance, Wei
Shao followed and handed a bag of clear water.

Xiao Qiao took it, took two sips, and smiled at him.

Under the noon sun, her eyes were sparkling, a thin layer of sweat
appeared on her forehead and the tip of her nose, her jade-white texture
revealed a touch of rosy, her face was like a hibiscus, and her complexion
was beautiful.

Wei Shao could actually see that the closer she was to Dongjun, the more
relaxed she seemed to feel these days.

It was in stark contrast to the loss in his own heart.

He looked at Xixi's cool breeze blowing her hair on the temples, and
twitched the corners of his mouth slightly as a response to her.

The Adam's apple rolled up and down as he swallowed.

About to drink in a hurry, he suddenly choked, coughed, and a wisp of

water flowed down the mouth of the bag, wetting his neck and front of his

Xiao Qiao Tuppa was wiping the sweat from his forehead when he heard
him cough, turned his head and patted him on the back.

Wei Shao bent down and coughed twice, stopped, waved his hand, and
slowly straightened up.
Xiao Qiao wiped the water stains on his neck and front of his clothes for
him, and said softly, "No one is robbing you, so what are you doing in such
a hurry to drink."

Wei Shao didn't say a word, stood still, just looked down at her.

Xiao Qiao glanced at him, looked at the direction of Xiadongjun city again,
thought for a moment, then turned to him and said: "Dongjun is not far
ahead. There is Mr. Lau escorting all the way. If you have any
inconvenience, you can stop here. , I can go into the city by myself."

Wei Shao said, "I've already come here. I'll take you and Philip home.
You're here, I'll leave."

Xiao Qiao was startled, her eyes moved slightly, and she looked up at him.
Seeing that he turned his face slightly, his expression seemed a little
unnatural, avoiding his attention.

Staring at him for a moment, the corners of his lips curved upwards, and he
said softly, "This is better. Thank you husband."

Wei Shao nodded casually, turned around, and walked away quickly.

After resting for a while, Xiao Qiao hugged Philip and got into the carriage,
and the group resumed their journey.

Wei Shao rode a horse and was always with Xiao Qiao's carriage. After half
a day, the sky will be dark, and finally arrived outside the Dongjun city gate.
The city gate is now locked. Chengmen Wei saw a train arriving, and after
shouting, he realized that it was the female monarch Guining. He hurriedly
opened the city gate to greet him, and hurriedly sent people to the
Governor's Mansion for information.

Wei Shao left Lei Yan and the others to wait outside the city gate for a
while. He rode his own horse and walked under the arched city gate in the
city of Dongjun with the sound of his horse's feet falling on the ground. go.

After the last incident, in order to ensure safety, Dong County imposed a
curfew. The curfew has not yet been lifted. After dark, people will close their
doors and houses. At this time, the streets are empty, only the night patrol
sergeant patrolling by the far corner.

The Qiao family was brightly lit at the moment.

Qiao Ping suddenly learned that Wei Shao actually sent his daughter back
to Dongjun, and brought his granddaughter with him. He was overjoyed,
but he was also surprised, but he didn't have time to think about it. He
immediately ordered the steward to go out to meet Mrs. Ding. And Da Qiao,
who is also at home now, was hurriedly led out of the door and waited.

Soon, Mrs. Ding and Da Qiao also rushed to the door, waiting for Wei Shao
and Xiao Qiao with Qiao Ping.

Before waiting for a moment, at the end of the street outside the gate, a few
swaying lanterns gradually appeared, accompanied by the clearer and
clearer sound of the carriage and horses moving forward, the steward who
was sent out just now carried the lantern. He ran back like the wind on the
soles of his feet, running out of breath, but with a smile on his face, he
shouted: "Eunuch Jun, it's the uncle! The uncle personally sent the lady
back! The lady wants to come back, uncle. Take her back!"

A stone in Qiao Ping's heart fell completely, and Mrs. Ding and Da Qiao
were also overjoyed.

Wei Shao's hatred for the Qiao family has a long history, and now he
actually sends Xiao Qiao home to the city in person, which is really

Seeing that Qiao Ping couldn't wait to go down the steps, Da Qiao hurried
up to support him.

Before the carriage stopped, Xiao Qiao got out of the carriage.

Wei Shao had dismounted, and half-supported and held her down, let go,
and silently watched her sprint towards a middle-aged man who was
ushering in under the steps of the gate.

He stood still and didn't follow.


Xiao Qiao ran up the last few steps and held Qiao Ping's hands. By the
light of the lantern at the door, I saw that my father looked good, and my
heart was full of joy.

"Bang Man is back!"

Mrs. Ding came up with a smile on her face.

"Auntie! Sister!"

Xiao Qiao let go of Qiao Ping and talked to Mrs. Ding Da Qiao, and they
were all happy.

Chunniang came up carrying Philip, who had fallen asleep on the road.

Mrs. Ding knew that Philip had slept, and was very fond of her. She was
reluctant to lift her cloak to look at her outside.

After a commotion at the door, Qiao Ping stretched out his hand and
groped in the air, and Xiao Qiao hurriedly caught his hand.

"I heard that my son-in-law is also here, what about others?" Qiao Ping
asked with a smile.

Xiao Qiao raised her eyes and looked at the figure who had been standing
not far away. When he hesitated, Qiao Ping said, "Manman, take me there."

Xiao Qiao paused for a while, and finally took his father and walked slowly
to Wei Shao.

"My father."

Xiao Qiao whispered to Wei Shao.

Wei Shao looked at the middle-aged man who stood side by side with Xiao
Qiao, with a clear face and a charm similar to her. Still hesitating, Qiao Ping
had already taken a step forward, holding his hands tightly without any
mistake. , said with a loud laugh: "I have been looking forward to meeting
my son-in-law for a long time, and I finally see it today, I am very relieved!
Come with me, I will set up a drink in the evening, you and my son-in-law
will never stop getting drunk. !"

Wei Shao didn't plan to stay overnight, so he just entered the city and left
Lei Yan and others outside the city. Suddenly being so warmly invited by
Qiao Ping, he was stunned for a moment, his mouth opened slightly, and
he glanced at Xiao Qiao subconsciously.

Seeing her looking at her with a smile on her face, she couldn't say the
word "no" anyway.

"Manman, the son-in-law should not come alone, where is his entourage?"

Qiaoping asked.

"They are still outside the city." Xiao Qiao said.

Qiao Ping frowned and said displeasedly: "After a long journey and hard
work on the road, all of them have arrived home. How can you keep people
outside the city like this?"

Wei Shao hurriedly said, "Father-in-law, don't blame the savage..."

These words blurted out inadvertently, and Wei Shao was startled to realize
that he had actually called the man from the Qiao family in front of him as
his "father-in-law".

He stopped for a while, then looked at Xiao Qiao again subconsciously.

Seeing her widened eyes looking at her, her heart suddenly trembled, and
she couldn't think about it any more, she continued, "I left people outside
the city. Luoyang is still waiting for something, I wanted to send Mother
Manman. When the two women got home, I turned back overnight..."

Qiao Ping immediately said: "If there is a real emergency, I won't force you
to stay. If you don't have to leave tonight, since you've already arrived at
the house, why shouldn't you enter? Take a night's rest, and it's not too late
to leave tomorrow. "

Wei Shao glanced at Xiao Qiao again.

Xiao Qiao said softly, "If your husband doesn't rush, let's take a night's rest.
General Lei and the others should be exhausted."

Wei Shao finally nodded: "Alright."

Qiao Ping was overjoyed, and hurriedly turned around and summoned
someone to welcome Wei Shao into the city with him, placed him in a post
house, and led him in by himself.

Wei Shao raised his foot and followed Qiao Ping in. Walking to the door
steps, he supported Qiao Ping's arm with his backhand, whispered "be
careful", and then led him up the steps with him.

Lei Yan waited outside the city for a long time. When he saw someone
coming out of the city gate, he thought it was Junhou, but he didn't want to
be the one from the Qiao family. Enter the city and rest at the post house.

Lei Yan and the others were busy all the way, and they were thirsty and
sleepy. It was just the order of the lord, and they had to obey. They were
also ready to go on the road overnight. Suddenly hearing the news, they
were all overjoyed, and the group rushed into the city. I went to the post
house and settled down not to mention.

That night, Qiao Ping set up a banquet and invited Wei Shao to have a
drink. Wei Shao shied away at first, but after all, he couldn't resign his
father's enthusiasm, and gradually let go, drinking glass of water and wine.

Xiao Qiao settled her sleeping daughter, went to see Li'er, who is now three
years old, and said goodbye to Mrs. Ding Da Qiao. At Xu Shi, she returned
to her boudoir, but Wei Shao hadn't returned.

Thinking that he and his father had been drinking together for more than an
hour, my father had an eye problem, and it was not suitable for him to drink
too much, so he was worried, so he went to the cool house where the two
were drinking. all drunk.

I heard my father say there: "...My family is pretty, I'm not proud of myself,
I'm beautiful and smart, few people can match it, I'm only in my early ten
years, and those who come to my house to ask relatives will step on the

Wei Shao put down the wine cup in his hand with a bang: "Who dares to
rob me?!"

Xiao Qiao quickly went up to interrupt, and said to Qiao Ping: "Father, you
are drunk, go and rest." Call someone to send him back to the room.

Qiao Ping finally met Wei Shao today. Seeing him personally sending his
daughter back to Qiao's house, he called himself "father-in-law". It can be
seen that the two previous grudges should be eliminated. By this time, he
was indeed a little drunk. Hearing the voice of his daughter, he laughed and
stopped insisting. He was helped up and sent away.

Wei Shao also seemed to be very drunk. Seeing Xiao Qiao coming over, he
stood up and shook for a while. Xiao Qiao hugged him, feeling that his
body was heavy. He was afraid that he would be overwhelmed by him, so
he hurriedly called a servant to help him.

When he finally got to the door of the room, he stumbled to the bed with
him, and when he let go, Wei Shao fell on the bed with a "coo dong".

Chapter 157:

Wei Shao didn't know how he fell drunk so quickly.

Before tonight, he had no way of knowing that the threshold of the Qiao
family in Dongjun was not as impossible to cross in this life as he had
thought before, and once the "father-in-law" was called out, it was not So

Everything that happens is so natural.

When he was helped by Xiao Qiao into the house and fell on the soft bed
under him, he vaguely knew that the house he was in was the boudoir
where Xiao Qiao had been living before marrying him. It was in this room
that exuded a faint fragrance, and he felt deeply intoxicated.
He closed his eyes, hazy, as if he heard her and Chunniang whispering in
his ears, and felt that she was sitting beside him, wiping his face and palms
with a warm wet towel.

This feeling gave him extra peace of mind.

It was like a traveler who had been carrying a heavy burden and walked
alone on the road. Just tonight, he finally reached the end. Although he was
covered in dust and tired, at the end, he had her waiting and company.

Ever since that day, when he suddenly learned that she was going back to
Dongjun, he had been haunted by the uneasy feeling that he was about to
be abandoned by her, which made him feel sleepless. At this moment, he
suddenly completely left him went.

He felt incomparably stable and full in his heart, his limbs and limbs, inside
and outside, completely relaxed, and immediately fell asleep.

The next day, Wei Shao slept until the end of the day before finally sobering

When he opened his eyes, a silver-red soft Luojin tent came into view, the
curtain was half-draped, and a pair of purple fish-shaped sachets hung
under the golden hooks. A bunch of purple chrysanthemums echoed in the

He sat up slowly, looked around, looked at the elegant furnishings in her

boudoir, then got up to open the door, and Chunniang, who was waiting
outside, brought her maid in to serve him and got up.

"Where's the lady?" Wei Shao asked.

"The weather is fine today, and the little lady can't be locked in the house.
The lady takes her to play in the garden. Will the maid call for the lady?"

Wei Shao told her not to, so he slowly looked for it, turned around the
veranda, and faintly heard a burst of laughter coming in the wind.

He stopped in front of a flower window hole, and through the hollow flower
window, he saw Xiao Qiao sitting side by side under the shade of flowers
with the young woman who was slightly older than her who had come to
greet him outside the door last night. A floor mat was spread out, Philip
climbed on top, a boy who looked three or two years old sat opposite,
surrounded by four or five servant girls.

Wei Shao knew that the young woman should be her elder sister, Da Qiao.
He saw that Xiao Qiao and her were very close, and they were very close.
The two seemed to be whispering, and he didn't know what to say. She
smiled softly and fell on top of Da Qiao, and the younger daughter's mood
jumped into view.

The sunlight filtered through the gaps in the shadow of flowers, and the
stars fell on Xiao Qiao's face and body. Her eyes were shining, her laughter
was like a silver bell, and her face was like flowers. For a moment, Wei
Shao seemed to capture a trace of the carefree feeling in her smile that
only Philip could have when he laughed.

She had stayed with him for several years. He had tasted her tenderness
and understanding, which made him like it very much, but it was only now
that he knew for the first time that she could laugh so lively, with a small
smile on her face. Daughter's romantic mood.
Wei Shao stopped behind the window and looked at her silently, never
getting closer.

After dinner, Lei Yan and others came and waited outside Qiao's house.

Wei Shao was also ready to leave.

Xiao Qiao sent him out, and finally stopped at the side of the screen. Wei
Shao hugged Philip and kissed her on the cheek several times, reluctantly.

Xiao Qiao smiled and said, "Husband doesn't have to worry too much, I will
take good care of Philip."

Wei Shao stared at his daughter with infinitely gentle eyes. Finally, he
gently rubbed her soft hair and handed her over to Chunniang. Then his
eyes fell on Xiao Qiao's face, and he hesitated.

"Husband, do you still have any instructions?" Xiao Qiao smiled.

Wei Shao paused for a moment: "Since you are back, you can stay at
ease, but you can stay longer. If I have time, I will come here to see you
and Philip. If you want to go back, wait for me, I I'll take you back myself."

Xiao Qiao pursed her lips and smiled: "Okay, thank you husband."

"You are in a dangerous war, and you should take care of yourself outside."
She stared at him and said softly.
Wei Shao nodded, his fingers moved slightly, and his arm was about to rise
when he heard Xiao Qiao say again: "Thank you very much last night. I
know my father has not been so happy like this for a long time."

Wei Shao was silent for a moment, then said, "Father-in-law is blind,
maybe Baishisou can be cured in this world. I will send someone to look for
him as soon as possible."

Xiao Qiao said: "Thank you husband for your trouble."

All along, whenever he did something for her, no matter how small it was,
she would never forget to thank him.

Wei Shaoben was used to the way she talked to himself, and he never felt
anything wrong before.

For some reason, at this moment, he suddenly felt that her "Thank you
husband" sounded so harsh.

In his mind, she couldn't help but see her bright smile under the shade of
flowers in the morning, hesitantly, he moved a little closer to her, and
lowered his voice: "Manman, we are husband and wife... From now on, you
will be in front of me, think You don't have to talk to me, and you don't have
to thank me for everything..."

He felt that he was a bit clumsy, as if he couldn't express what he was

thinking at all, so he stopped a little hastily and looked at her.

Xiao Qiao seemed startled, then smiled, raised her eyes and said softly,
"Okay. I remember it."

Mrs. Qiao Pingding and Da Qiao sent Wei Shao out of the gate together.

Wei Shao asked Qiao Ping to stay.

Qiao Ping drank too much last night, and he just got up this morning, but he
seemed in good spirits and in high spirits, and said with a smile: "It's rare
for you to come, and I wanted to stay with you for more time no matter
what, but I heard from my daughter. You are in a tight situation in Luoyang,
so I can't force you to stay any longer. I can only hope that you will stay
longer next time. No matter what, I will send you out of the city today."

Wei Shao hurriedly declined. Qiao Ping insisted.

Mrs. Ding said with a smile: "Jun Hou left in a hurry after a night, so don't
let the Duke's thoughts leave. He is inconvenient to ride a horse, but he
does not get in the way of riding in a car. The car is ready and it is outside."

Wei Shao looked at Xiao Qiao, saw her smiling, nodded slightly, and had
no choice but to say, "I have father-in-law."

Xiao Qiao helped his father onto the carriage, and told the accompanying
stewards. He stood at the door to see him off, and watched Wei Shao turn
back several times on the horse's back. Together, they disappeared from

Qiao Ping sent Wei Shao all the way out of the West City Gate, and went to
the ground for more than ten miles. Wei Shao dismounted and asked him
to return to the city again and again. Qiao Pingping stopped and ordered
someone to help him out of the carriage. He smiled and said, "I have
something to say. I wanted to tell you in person, but I couldn't find an
opportunity before. I finally saw it yesterday. If you don’t want to go on the
road again today. Can you take this opportunity to talk about it?”

Wei Shao said: "Father-in-law is welcome, please come here." He held

Qiao Ping's hand and led him to the side of the road.

Lei Yan saw that Qiao Ping was going to have a private conversation with
Junhou, so he ordered his entourage to return to the team, leading him to
wait by the side.

Wei Shao said, "What is your father-in-law's order, but it doesn't matter."

Qiao Ping turned his face and let Wei Shao lead him to face north.

Wei Shao was puzzled, but he did what he said.

Facing the wind blowing from the north to the wild, Qiao Ping knelt down on
his knees, knocked on his forehead, respectfully and deeply.

Wei Shao was taken aback and said, "What does father-in-law mean?"

After Qiao Ping finished his kowtow, Fang got up from the ground and said
solemnly: "I, on behalf of my Qiao family, kowtowed to the heroic spirits of
General Xianhuya and Brother Shiling as a salute, and did not dare to ask
for forgiveness. My gratitude is for the old lady and for the tolerance of the
Wei Shao turned his head and looked at the vast wilderness in the north.
He closed his lips and said nothing, and his expression became solemn.

Qiao Ping said slowly: "It was the fault of my Qiao family that killed General
Xian Huya and his son. The old pain has not gone away, but now because
of my oversight, I almost caused General Wei Liang to suffer again. The
guilt in my heart is beyond words. The magnanimity of the lord makes me
even more embarrassed, first of all to return my brother's head, so that he
can be buried in the whole body..."

"Father-in-law doesn't have to worry about it," Wei Shaohu said lightly, "I'm
not a tolerant person. The reason why you and I are able to talk about this
today is all because of the barbarians."

Qiao Ping let out a long breath in his chest and said, "This is what I want to
say to Junhou. Back then, when my elder brother was the master, he
wanted to be better than the Wei family by marriage, not only because of
the idea of ​eliminating the grievances of the past, but also I wanted to take
advantage of the power of a monarch to keep Yanzhou surrounded by
strong enemies. My eldest brother was wise, but at the beginning, I was
reluctant to marry my daughter in such a hurry. She is the only one under
my knees. After her mother died , I have nothing else to ask for. I only hope
that she will have a good marriage in the future, be cherished by her
husband, and have a smooth life. This is my greatest wish. The situation is
beyond my control. Marry her to the prince..."

Wei Shao slowly turned his head and looked at Qiao Ping.
Qiao Ping didn't notice either, and continued: "I don't hide it either. The Wei
Qiao family has such a deep grudge, if I put myself in the shoes of each
other, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to treat the other's daughter kindly.
Marry, for a while, I was very concerned about..."

"What do you know, Junhou, she has been spoiled by me and her mother
since she was a child. After her mother unfortunately passed away early, I
regarded her as a jewel in my palm, and in the upbringing department, I
would have neglected my duty. I am afraid that after she gets married, I
can't do my best to be a woman, let alone get married to my husband's
family. What I didn't expect was that Mrs. Xu was so kind and caring, and
she took care of her so much. Now, because of her words, Junhou will put
aside the matter and send her home in person. All these things make me
happy, but also ashamed. , save people's belly!"

Wei Shao was silent.

Qiao Ping sighed: "I used to be a useless person, but now I have only a
crippled body, life and death honors and disgrace, to me, the only thing I
can't let go of is my daughter. Troubled matters, I never confided half a
word in front of me, for fear of making me worry. That is why I cherish it
even more. Today, the prince is in front of me, although I am blind and
cannot see the face of the prince, but I understand the graceful demeanor
and magnanimity of the prince. Therefore, I take this opportunity to
solemnly entrust the rest of my daughter's life to you. I know that the prince
is not a thing in the pool. If one day golden scales turn into dragons, I hope
that Jun and Hou can take care of the feelings of the knot and protect
Manman's happiness for me, and I am grateful for this!"
After Qiao Ping finished speaking, he gave Wei Shao a long bow.

Wei Shao was startled and hurriedly supported him.

Qiao Ping stood up straight and said with a smile, "So I will send you here. I
hope that Junhou will pacify the world as soon as possible, and return
Limin to a peaceful and prosperous world."

Wei Shao was sitting on the back of a horse, watching the carriage that
Qiao Ping was riding in gradually disappearing from sight.

In the evening, there are still dozens of miles away from the front post
house. If you hurry up, you can almost arrive before dark.

Wei Shao walked slower and slower, seemingly absent-minded.

Lei Yan had already noticed his abnormality, and although he had doubts in
his heart, he didn't ask any questions, he just slowed down.

There were still ten or so miles away from the post house, Wei Shao
suddenly stopped his horse on the side of the road and said to Lei Yan,
"You take someone to the front post house to settle down and wait for me
to come back!"

After all, without explaining much, the horse turned around, clamped the
horse's belly, and gave a low drink, he crotched, got off the BMW and
received a message from the owner, and was limited by the speed for half
a day, and now he can finally let go of the horse's hooves. With a cheerful
neigh, he immediately threw his hoofs and galloped forward.
Under the astonished gazes of Lei Yan and the rest of his entourage, Wei
Shao was alone and on a horse, and his back quickly disappeared into the
thick twilight in the distance.

Wei Shao returned to the Dongjun city gate. It was already dark. The city
gate officer heard the call and climbed to the top of the city. By the light of
the fire stick, he recognized Wei Shao who had just been sent out by the
county guard during the day. He was surprised. No, busy people open the

Wei Shao passed through the slowly opening city gate, along the empty
street under the moonlight, and galloped towards Qiao's house.

After dinner, Mrs. Ding and Da Qiao came to Xiao Qiao's room with Li'er.

Mrs. Ding and Chunniang were doing needlework. The two sisters, Da Qiao
and Xiao Qiao, played with Li'er and Philip while talking.

There was continuous laughter in the room, and while it was in a good
mood, suddenly, there was footsteps outside the door, and a servant girl
pushed the door and probed in: "Madam! Lady! The prince is back—"

The sound in the room became quiet, and Mrs. Ding and Da Qiao turned
their heads.

Xiao Qiao was surprised and raised her eyes.

The door opened and Wei Shao was standing at the door.
Mrs. Ding was very surprised, she hurriedly put down the needle and
thread in her hand, stood up to meet her and said, "Come in quickly! I
shouldn't have eaten yet? Wait a moment, Auntie will go and prepare it for
you." After that, she hurried out to prepare dinner.

Wei Shao stepped in, bowed his head to Mrs. Ding and Da Qiao as a
salute, and then smiled, "Thank you Aunt. I'm not hungry. When I come
back, I want to talk to Manman."

He looked at Joey.

Madam Ding was stunned for a moment, then nodded and smiled: "Okay,
okay, then you talk first, aunt won't bother, if you have anything, just call."

Da Qiao hugged her son, and Chunniang hurriedly hugged Philip, who was
babbling excitedly when she saw her father.

The people in the room quickly retreated, leaving only Wei Shao and Xiao
Qiao face to face.

Xiao Qiao's heart beat faster and stood up slowly.


She hesitated for a while, and just wanted to ask him what he wanted to
say when he came back to him, when Wei Shao suddenly walked towards
her, and when he got closer, he opened his arms and hugged her in his

"Man Man, I was the one who wronged you in the past!"

Wei Shao hugged her tightly and said in her ear.

Chapter 158:

Xiao Qiao slowly raised her eyes and met his gaze.

He looked at her with both eyes, without blinking, under the dark eyebrows,
the bottom of his eyes seemed to gradually gather dark waves, surging

The room was silent except for the sound of their breathing.

Perhaps it was because he hugged her too tightly, and Xiao Qiao gradually
felt short of breath.

Seeing that he never let go of herself or opened her mouth, she finally
moved slightly and struggled: "Husband, you?"

"Manman, I have always wanted to ask my grandmother one thing. Why did
she decide to marry the daughter of the Qiao family."

Wei Shao finally spoke slowly, a little abruptly.

"But later, I gradually stopped wanting to ask. It doesn't matter what my

grandmother thinks. Now, I want to thank my grandmother. If it wasn't for
her persistence, I would have been able to marry you in this life. Wife, treat
me like this?"

Wei Shao let go of her arms, walked to the window, pushed open the
window, and took a long breath towards the influx of Ye Feng.

The candle flame was blown on and off by the night wind, and the
projection on his face became flickering.
Xiao Qiao was a little surprised, but didn't say anything, just watched

Wei Shao turned his face. stared at her.

"I told you a long time ago that I am happy with you. I didn't lie to you. Just
the same, no matter what concessions you made for me and how hard you
worked, in my case, it has become a matter of course. ."

"Everything is because your Qiao family once owed my Wei family, and
when you married me, it was the Qiao family who begged for my Wei
family, so all along, even if I marry you, I love you, but I never think about it.
Your feelings. Just as I treat you well, that is my gift to you, you are grateful
to me and repay my Wei family, it is a matter of course..."

He paused for a moment.

"Think about it now, what a **** I am, Wei Shao!"

Xiao Qiao did not move, his eyes fixed on his face.

"Your tolerance and seeking perfection are taken for granted by me. I also
know that because of your debt to the Qiao family, no matter what I do to
you, you will not leave me. Besides, I have always believed that I have
done what I have done to you. The greatest is good, so time and time
again, I always ignore your feelings and take it for granted."

"After the Shanggu War, before I could catch my breath, my mother died in
such an unexpected way. She was confused all her life and was not a
competent mistress of the Wei family, but to me, she was a loving mother,
and I felt unacceptable at the time. At the last moment before she died, her
heart was still filled with selfishness and hatred. Thinking about it carefully,
how similar I am to my mother, although my eyes were not blind, my heart
was always filled with hatred and selfishness. During that time, the Xiongnu
Stressed, grandmother fell ill, how difficult it was for you to endure alone,
but I only immersed in my own grief, I ignored you again, even if I felt guilty
in my heart, I always thought, you can understand me, You will also support
me... Until that day, you asked me to go back to Qiao's house in front of my
grandmother without saying a word to me in advance."

Wei Shao walked towards her again and stopped in front of her.

"Manman, at that time, I suddenly had a feeling, I felt that you were
alienating me, and you seemed to want to leave me. I knew clearly that you
would still come back, but I couldn't get rid of this feeling, even It got to the
point where I couldn't sleep or eat. Then I took you to Qiao's house. I saw
with my own eyes how you looked in front of your family yesterday, and I
felt even more uneasy..."

He paused, frowning.

"Although my Wei family is not a fan cage, for you, it may be the same as a
fan cage. You have been in my house for several years, how have I ever
seen you feel so comfortable?"

"I didn't want to leave today. I think I still have things to do. It's just that if
you don't leave me, I can't say anything. When I left, your father took me
out of the city. In the end, I solemnly entrust you with the rest of your life. I.
After I set out on the road, I asked myself over and over again, if Shanggu
City was destroyed, Yuyang City was destroyed, and I lost my grandmother
and you, then even if I was told to destroy all my enemies and gain the
world, the beauty would be in my arms, and the world would be But there is
no second you, and no one can call my husband like you, so what will be
the joy for the rest of my life from now on?"

Xiao Qiao's eyes slowly overflowed with twinkling tears, and the tears
gathered more and more, and finally, a crystal teardrop suddenly came out
of her eye socket and rolled down her cheek.

Wei Shao stared at her, raised his hand, and gently wiped her tears with his

"I knew then. I had to let you know what I was thinking these days. If I don't
take this opportunity to speak out, no matter where I go, I will feel uneasy in
my heart. So I am back."

"Manman, I always felt wronged for myself in the past, and I mentioned it to
you more than once, because of you, I made concessions against my will,
but I never thought that you would be because of me. What kind of
pressure and grievance you are under such a thought. You were not born
to come to my Wei family to atone for your dead grandfather. Even if that
was the case at the beginning, now, you don’t owe anything. Instead, it’s
me who ignores you. too much…"

The more he wiped, the more tears fell from Xiao Qiao's tears, which
wetted the front of her clothes and the back of his hands.

"I, Wei Shao, being captured by you is a blessing in my life. It's just that in
the past, I kept saying that I loved you, that I was happy with you, and that I
wanted you to fully entrust me with my sincerity, but I used family feud as
an excuse and never refused to accept it. , and I never thought to consider
your situation at all, and when it comes to arrogance and selfishness, who
else in this world can compare with me..."

Xiao Qiao kept shaking her head and burst into tears.

Wei Shao stared at her with tears falling and shaking her head desperately,
her eyes slightly flushed.

"I'm a bastard, I only know how to make fun of you, but I don't know how to
love you and cherish you. I promised you before, if I offend you, you can
just hit me and vent your anger. It's the same now, I hurt your heart. , if you
hit me, just don't be apart from me, let alone have a relationship with me..."

Xiao Qiao clenched her pink fist, thumped his shoulders and chest
randomly, and whimpered: "You're a bastard... I'm fine, who wants to hear
you suddenly come back and say this..."

Before he finished speaking, he jumped into his arms again, hugged his
waist, buried a tear-stained face in his chest, and refused to lift it up again.

The soft body in his arms trembled uncontrollably, and tears seemed to flow
out, soaking his shirt for a moment.

He put her on the bed and hugged her tightly.

After a long time, I finally felt that the body of the person in his arms
stopped shaking, but his face was still buried in his arms, refusing to face

Wei Shao moved his body slightly.

A small hand immediately grabbed the placket of his shirt and clenched it

"I want you to stay...don't go..."

Xiao Qiao sobbed in a heavily nasal tone, speaking vaguely.

Wei Shao straightened her face gently.

Her eyelids had turned pink from crying, slightly swollen, her nose was red,
and a strand of hair wet with tears was tightly stuck on her cheeks, looking
very embarrassed.

A pair of eyes were tightly closed, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and
there was a teardrop on her head.

He bent down and kissed her eyelids lovingly, licking away the tears from
her eyelashes and cheeks.

Xiao Qiao finally opened his eyes slowly.

The four eyes are facing each other, their eyes are intertwined.

"I'm not leaving. I've made up my mind on the way here. Even if you want
to chase me away, I won't leave."

Wei Shao murmured, and lay down with her neck crossed, covering her red

Chapter 159: Wei Yan

Under the natural barrier of Yanran Mountain, on the south bank of the
upper Kureen River and the upper Tula River, there is a vast land with lush
water plants and picturesque scenery. This is the Shanyu Royal Court
known as Dragon City.

Every autumn, the royal court holds the Zhulin Conference. Shanyu nobles
with the same surname, prominent families with different surnames of the
Xiongnu, and twenty-four vassal states including King Kunye, King Loufan,
King Xiutu, etc., all led their tribes to gather here. During the conference, in
addition to reporting to Shanyu to count the population and to pay tribute to
livestock, a celebration party was also held. During this month, there were
tens of thousands of yurts inside and outside the royal court, singing and
dancing, and the bonfires stayed on all night.

This year's Zinlin Conference was at the time when Zuo Xian Wang Wuwei
led 300,000 cavalry to raid southward. According to the previous prediction,
Yuyang should be destroyed within half a month at most.

If the wish comes true, then this news will be the most uplifting victory for
the Xiongnu since the loss of the Hetao in the past two decades.

Therefore, everyone, including Shan Yu, are waiting for the arrival of the
battle report.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for more than half a month, the bad news came
that the attack on Shanggu was blocked, Wei Shao returned his troops,
Uwei was defeated, and finally, together with the descendants, a total of
nearly 100,000 troops were lost.

One out of every three people is not allowed to return.

Shan Yu was furious and stopped the banquet that had been held in the
king's tent every day.

The herdsmen who heard the news were anxious and uneasy, and they
went around asking about the whereabouts of the men who participated in
the war in their homes.

Although the Zhanlin Conference was still going on, the atmosphere
dropped from the high point of celebration to the freezing point in an

At night, Wei Yan was still pouring and drinking in the tent.

Several wine jugs in front of him were gradually empty, and when he was
half drunk, the tent door was suddenly opened, and a wobbly figure broke

It is the Zuo Xian Wang Wuwei.

Wu Wei seemed to have drank a lot of wine, his face flushed, and he
stopped in front of Wei Yan, staring at him with bloodshot eyes, gasping for

Wei Yan seemed unaware and poured another glass of wine.

"Wei Yan! I have sent someone to investigate. You were not in the royal
court during the days when I led the army south to attack the valley! Shan
Yu didn't send you out to do errands. Where did you go during those
Wei Yan remained motionless, as if there was no such person in front of

Wu Wei sneered: "I knew you wouldn't admit it! My plan to go south this
time is well-planned and full speed ahead, and I will cross the Sanggan
River in two days! If someone hadn't informed the Han people in advance,
how could the border city be able to travel in a short period of time? To
make such a comprehensive response! After thinking about it, the more I
think about it, the more suspicious you are! You are originally a Han
Chinese. You came to my royal court and voted for me as the Huns on the
surface, but in fact, you were a spy sent by the Wei family! If you didn't tell
me first, I lost the opportunity. Why can't I attack a mere Shang Valley with
300,000 iron cavalry? Do you think I don't know? You came to the royal
court, and you have been disobedient to me, inciting the people of the
Lan's Huyan's to not only oppose me, but even To deal with Shanyu's
conspiracy! I'll kill you..."

He pulled out his waist knife and stabbed it towards Wei Yan. It's just that
he was so drunk that he slashed sideways, and the blade was deeply
embedded in the case and could not be pulled out for a while.

In Wei Yan's hand, suddenly there was a gold-wrapped dagger. Between

the electric light and flint, before he could see clearly, a snow blade flashed
past, and the dagger pierced into Wu Wei's heart. A dagger hilt juts out.

Wu Wei's pupils shrank suddenly, but his eyes were open like copper rings,
his eyes emitting an unbelievable light, he fixedly looked at Wei Yan's
gray-black indifferent eyes that seemed to have no emotion at all, his
mouth opened weakly for a few seconds. He went down, and finally his
body "popped" and fell to Wei Yan's feet.

Several Uwei's guards rushed in when they heard the sound, were startled,
and drew their knives one after another.

After Wei Yan returned to the wine case, he looked indifferently at the
convulsing U Wei on the ground until he gradually stopped struggling.

He withdrew his gaze, raised his neck, and drank the wine in his glass, as if
nothing had happened.

The guards looked at each other with a look of fear on their faces, slowly
backed away, reached the entrance of the tent, and quickly backed out.

Outside the tent, the autumn wind from Yanran Mountain was bleak and
bleak, blowing over the tops of the tents one after another. I don't know
where in the distance, there is a faint sound of a nocturnal flute being
played by someone unknown, whimpering in a distant, low-pitched melody,
as if full of thoughts and nowhere to send.

A gust of wind suddenly rolled open the tent door, the night wind rushed in,
and in the light and shadow of the candle flickering in the tent, a beautiful
girl dressed as a noble lady rushed in.

She was wearing a bright green, red and purple waistcoat with fine
embroidered patterns and gold threads, an eight-petal silver chisel hat with
a huge ruby ​inlaid on the forehead, and pointed boots. of luxury.

It was Wei Yan's former concubine Lan Yun.

The Lan clan was originally a Hun aristocrat of the opposite sex, and was
one of the twenty-four divisions. In the past, this division was convicted and
exiled by Shanyu. In the past few years, the Lan clan has risen again due
to military exploits. Yun was also named Juci (Princess), because of her
beauty, she won the reputation of the Pearl of the Prairie. There were
countless suitors in the twenty-four chapters, but she rejected them all.

Lan Yunju's love for Yu Jian's general Wang Hutu Kun has long been
known in the royal court.

Lan Yun rushed in and saw Wu Wei, who was lying dead on the ground
with a dagger stuck in his chest, his expression changed greatly, and he
threw himself in front of Wei Yan, trembling: "You really killed him? You
actually killed him like that. ?"

Wei Yan, as if he had never heard of it, poured another glass of wine on his

Lan Yun grabbed his wrist holding the wine glass and said in an anxious
tone, "My brother came after him when he learned that Wu Wei was looking
for you drunk. Guard! Before Chanyu knows, go away!"

Wei Yan withdrew the wrist that was caught by her, still not looking at her,
and said indifferently: "It's better to return to the Lan clan as soon as
possible. I don't need your concern here."

Lan Yun stared at him in a daze, with a look of sorrow in his eyes, and knelt
down beside him slowly: "I know your heart is in pain. Back then, King
Rizhu always wanted you to return, so he sent me to your side. Serving you
is also waiting for an opportunity. My use of Qiao Nv made you unable to
face the Wei family, and finally made you return to the Xiongnu. Now in the
royal court, although everyone calls you Hutu Kun, I know that you have
always been unable to get rid of it in your heart. Go away from the mark of
the Han people... I'm sorry for you. I'm just a lowly person. I got the grace
of you not to kill, I know I'm not qualified to stay by your side and serve you,
and I don't have the face to bother you again, but now, Uweiben Right in
front of Shanyu, he slandered, saying that it was you who reported the
news to the Han people, and that the Han people had to be on guard
before making his southward defeat. I am afraid that Chanyu has already
become suspicious of you, not to mention that you killed Uwei like this! I
beg you! Come on, let's go..."


Wei Yan's eyes were red with bloodshot eyes, and the smell of alcohol was
suffocating, and a word was squeezed out of the gap between his teeth.

"I beg you... That Qiao girl is your inner demon, please stop torturing
yourself because of her! Don't you know that even if you weren't forced
back to the Xiongnu, you wouldn't be able to get her in your life? —”

"Get out of here!"

Wei Yan's rage suddenly slammed open Lan Yun, and the table in front of
him was also kicked over by him, and the golden cup and silver cup fell to
the ground.

His strength was so great that Lan Yun's wrist was broken.
Lan Yun's face was pale and fell into the corner of the tent. He slowly got
up, gritted his teeth, and said in a trembling voice with tears in his eyes, "If
you killed me, I have to say it! You are no longer Wei Yan from Han! You
are Hutu Kun from the Huns! Hutu Kun's name is now in the royal court,
and its prestige is increasing day by day. I beg you, from now on, make a
clean break with your past and be a Xiongnu..."

Wei Yan suddenly pulled out a gold-wrapped dagger from his waist, hurried
forward, bent over and grabbed Lan Yun's collar, gritted his teeth and said,
"If you say one more word, I will kill you!"

Lan Yun stared blankly at his red eyes, with a grim look on his face, and
smiled sadly: "The years I was by your side in the past are now my happy
time. If you want to kill, do it. This life of mine, It was you who left it back

She closed her eyes.

Wei Yan stared at her, panting violently, her eyelids twitching.

Suddenly there were swift footsteps outside the tent, and a valet voice
came in: "Master, someone from the king's tent, Shan Yuchuan, go quickly,

Lan Yun suddenly opened his eyes: "Don't go! Although the news of Wu
Wei's death at your hands has been temporarily intercepted, but Chanyu
suddenly spread to you so late at night, it will definitely put you at a
disadvantage! My brother, Hu Yan, and others The Qiu Lin clan supports
your father! No one wants to fight the Han people endlessly! You go and
discuss with them..."
Wei Yan stood up straight, his angry expression gradually recovered,
pushed Lan Yun away, turned around, opened the tent door, and bent out.

Several of his guards wanted to follow, but they were stopped by someone
from the king's tent.

"Master!" The guard looked at him.

Wei Yan said: "You stay, you don't have to follow me."

Lan Yun got up from the ground, chased after him and called out, but Wei
Yan didn't turn his head. Under the **** of a line of guards, he quickly
walked towards the huge king's tent that looked like a mountain in the

The figure soon disappeared into the dark night.

Lan Yun knelt on the ground weakly, and muttered: "...he's crazy...doesn't
he want to live..."

She was frightened by the thought that popped out of her mind, like a
needle prick, she jumped up from the ground, pushed away the maid who
was chasing after, got on the horse's back, and ran away quickly.

In the center of the king's tent, there was a huge fire pond with blazing
flames, reflecting the splendor of the four walls.

In the middle of the night, Shan Yu had not rested yet, sitting in a golden
chair inlaid with gems and covered with white tiger skin, his eyes narrowed
slightly, staring at Wei Yan.
Shan Yu is already dying. This former prairie hero who ascended to the
throne of Shan Yu by killing his father when he was young, can't escape the
baptism of the years now, and has become old-fashioned, especially after
the news of the defeat in the Shanggu Battle. Mental state is even worse.

The twenty-four kings who came to participate in the conference have not
seen him for several days, and are secretly suspicious.

But even so, at this moment, Shan Yu's gaze towards Wei Yan still carried
an incomparably impressive power.

"Where did you go during the days when Uwei led the army south?"

Shan Yu asked coldly.

Wei Yan stared at Shan Yu on the seat, and slowly knelt down toward him:
"I'm going up the valley."

The light in Shan Yu's eyes flashed, and the palm that grabbed the throne
ring slammed back, and said in a loud voice, "Wu Wei said it was you who
tipped off the Han people, and this made him frustrated when he went

"Indeed." Wei Yan said calmly.

"Not only that, but just now, Wu Wei came to my tent to kill me, but I killed
him. His corpse should still be in my tent at the moment."

Shan Yu stood up abruptly from the throne, his eyes were wide open, his
fingers pointed at Wei Yan, his breathing was short, and suddenly, with a
clang, he pulled out the treasured saber around his waist and walked down
the stairs towards Wei Yan.

"You have since returned to the Xiongnu. I asked myself whether I treated
you badly. I didn't distinguish you because you were superior to the Wei
family! I also know that Wu Wei is incompetent. Thought about abolishing
his crown prince position, but why did you avenge your kindness and
revenge, you first passed the Han people, and today you kill my son

Shan Yu asked sharply, the knife was heavily placed on the side of his neck
and pressed down sharply.

The sharp blades cut open the skin immediately, drawing a stream of bright
red blood, rustling down the neck, instantly dyeing the front of the shirt red.

Wei Yan seemed to be unaware, his eyes were fixed on a cluster of flames
jumping in the fire pond, and he was lost for a moment, and said, "I was
born in this world, and I am superfluous. Thanks to the kindness of
Chanyu's knowledge, it is neither human nor ghost, not as good as a pig or
a dog, it is only natural and righteous for Chanyu to kill me."

After he finished speaking, he bent his knees, knelt down slowly, closed his
eyes, and looked calm.

Chanyu glared at him, his eyes gradually became hideous, and at this
moment, Wu Zhuqu, who was disheveled, rushed in from outside the king's
tent. With a panicked expression, he hurried to Chanyu, knelt down with a
thud, and kowtowed: "Brother Wang! Everything! It's all my envoy! It's
because I don't want to sit back and watch Uwei do the work, so I ordered
him to report the news! It's also because I can't bear Uwei's always
provocation to me, that's why he finds an opportunity to get rid of Uwei!
Wang If brother wants to kill, kill me, it has nothing to do with him!"

Shan Yu stared at Wu Zhuqu and sneered: "He committed such crimes, he

should have been divided into five horses, but you agreed to take it all in
order to exonerate him, even if he is also a descendant of my Tugong clan,
I will forgive him. He was sentenced to five horses, and he was left with a
whole body."

He yelled for the samurai to enter.

Amidst the sound of chaotic footsteps, the door of the king's tent was
suddenly opened, and a roaring dysprosium came towards Shanyu's
lightning-like breaking wind. One broke out.

Shan Yu's eyes widened, his body stiffened, and after a while, the
treasured saber in his palm fell to the ground and fell straight backwards.

Huyan Lie and Lan Ti had already killed all of Shan Yu's cronies outside the
king's tent, and led the guards from outside to swarm in, killing all the
guards in the king's tent, and then stepped forward and helped Wu Zhuqu

Wu Zhu Qu glanced at his brother who was dead but still had his eyes wide
open. He closed his eyes and looked at Wei Yan, whose clothes were
covered in blood. He took a step forward and said in a trembling voice, "My
son, are you all right?"
Wei Yan opened his eyes, stared at Shan Yu's corpse nearby for a
moment, got up, and left the crowd.

That night, Wu Wei was afraid of being blamed by Shanyu for his defeat, so
he killed him, and the news that he was counterattacked by the guards
quickly spread in the royal court.

The twenty-four noble vassal kings in their sleep were shocked to hear the
accident, and they came one after another from their respective tents. After
a period of chaos and discussion, at the suggestion of King Huyan, King
Qiulin and others, everyone unanimously recommended Wuzhu Qu Deng
Yu. position, no one objected.

Dawn is light in the east, and the autumn dew is still heavy, drop by drop,
like rhinestones condensed on the tip of the blade of grass. In the distance,
the morning mist is dense and blurred, like a white floating yarn, floating on
the boundless wilderness.

Wei Yan rode his horse, crossed a pile of bonfires that had not been
extinguished last night, and galloped forward alone.

Horseshoes swept white ashes, fluttering in all directions, and blown away
by the wind in an unknown direction.

He also didn't know where he was heading, and where he was going, he
was at a loss, like a lost person.

Once upon a time, the desire for power also made his soul burn and sleep
at night.
Now, he is only one step away from the top of the peak he once had blood
boiled with.

This vast and beautiful land can be stepped on by him as much as

possible, and even the land to the south, if he desires, may not be without
the possibility of a fight.

But he was not in the mood, and there seemed to be a missing corner that
couldn't be filled.

No matter where, this life may not be his stop.

He was just a deserter, he knew in his heart.

In the morning mist behind him, a line of fast horses caught up, getting
closer and closer. With the sound of eager calls, Wei Yan in front finally
stopped his horse and stopped.

Wu Zhuqu drove the horse to his side, Hu Yanlie and the Lan brothers and
sisters stopped their horses and waited quietly.

"Yan'er! Why do you have to leave? Father wants you to stay!"

Wei Yan smiled lightly: "I have helped you get your wish and ascend to the
position of Chanyu. What's the use of asking me to stay?" Wuzhu Qu Ding
looked at him: "When the royal court is settled, the father and the king want
to repair the Han people. Stop fighting. If you are going to leave, your father
cannot force you to stay. It’s just that the throne of Zuo Xian will definitely
be reserved for you. When you think about it, you will come back, okay?”
Wei Yan didn't say a word, turned his horse's head and galloped forward,
his figure dissipating a cloud of mist.

Lan Yun shouted at the torn fog, "Wei Yan! I was your woman one day, and
I have been your woman all my life..."

Before the words were finished, as if in the blink of an eye, one person and
one horse in the fog in front disappeared from sight.

"He will come back, won't he?" Lan Yun covered his face and cried bitterly.

"Give him some time and he will slowly understand."

Randy looked ahead and said.

Chapter 160:

Wei Shao stayed in Dongjun for several days.

Until Lei Yan came over, he said that the military advisor could not wait for
the Junhou to return as scheduled in Luoyang, and that the Junhou
personally sent the female Jun back to Dongjun, so he sent someone to
inquire about the return date.

When it got dark, Xiao Qiao went back to the room and saw Wei Shao lying
on his back on the bed, Philip quietly lying on his father's chest, his little
head pressed tightly against his father's chin, and his little hands and feet
hanging on his father's chest and abdomen.

Wei Shao also closed his eyes, and put his palm on Feifei's back, as if he
had also fallen asleep.
During the day, the family of three went out to play in casual clothes. Philip
was laughing and making trouble. After the day, he must have been tired,
so he took a bath for Philip and left his father and daughter in the room.
She went out to prepare Wei Shao with Mrs. Ding Chunniang. The group
packed up the dry food, clothing and other items that they were going to
bring on the road tomorrow. When they returned to the room, they saw that
the father and daughter fell asleep like this.

Xiao Qiao approached lightly, only then did he see that Philip opened his
mouth slightly in his sleep, and a trace of saliva hung from the corner of his
mouth. The saliva had dripped onto Wei Shao's clothes, which made his
clothes wet and made a mess. Wet marks.

Xiao Qiao wanted to take Feifei away, but Wei Shao suddenly opened his
eyes, straightened his neck and raised his head slightly, looked at Feifei
who was sleeping on his chest, and made a silent motion towards her.

Xiao Qiao was stunned for a moment, only to realize that he was not
asleep, just because he was afraid of waking up his daughter, so he just
kept lying still. Shaking his head, he bent down and gently picked up Philip,
and put it into the arms of Chunniang who had followed him.

Chunniang took Philip and went out to rest. She turned her head and saw
that Wei Shao was still lying there, looking at herself, she walked over and
sat beside him, took a handkerchief, wiped the drool marks on his clothes,
and said softly, "What will be on the road tomorrow will Dry food has been
prepared for you. You have to leave early in the morning, so rest early."

Wei Shao snorted and took her hand.

Late at night.

Outside I do not know when, the night rain started to fall.

It is late autumn, and the climate is a little unusual this year. At this
moment, there is still the faint sound of thunder.

The candle was lit in the room, and it was her husband's solid arm that was
wrapping her arms around her.

Amidst the faint sound of thunder, Xiao Qiao drilled into her husband's arms
again, found a comfortable position, put her face against his hot chest and
closed her eyes, when she suddenly heard him say in her ear: Man, there's
something I've always wanted to know. It's just that you never told me
everything before. I'm leaving tomorrow, and I want you to tell me."


Xiao Qiao was already a little sleepy, closed his eyes, and answered

"I've heard you mention your nightmares in front of me twice. I want to

know, what exactly is your nightmare?"

Joe opened his eyes.

Wei Shao didn't seem to have fallen asleep, he was bowing his head
slightly, staring at her with dark eyes.

"The first time I learned about your nightmare was when I sent troops to
Yanzhou. When you came, you told me that you were guarding against me
because of a nightmare. You said that in your nightmare, I was Hatred
destroyed your Qiao family. The second time, I saw with my own eyes that
you were stunned by nightmares and cried so that you couldn't wake up.
After I woke you up, you said that a man in a dragon robe killed you with a
sword. "

He paused for a moment, as if recalling the scene at that time.

"Manman, this shouldn't be the whole of your nightmare. I want to know it

all. You tell me, don't hide any more, okay?"

"Who is the man in the dragon robe who is going to kill you?"

"Is it me?"

He asked three times in a row.

Xiao Qiao stared at him, at first not saying a word, and finally, slowly
shaking his head.

"Not you."

"Who then?"

Xiao Qiao bit her lip and fell silent.

"What's the matter? I want you to tell me!"

Joe closed his eyes.

His lips suddenly heavy, he pressed them up, kissed her for a moment,
released her, and moved his lips to her ear.
"Manman, I always have a feeling that you are too deep in that nightmare
to extricate yourself. Otherwise, you would never have been so defensive
about me before. Tell me, don't hide anything, let alone any concerns.”

"I want you to say it all! Who is that person?"

Xiao Qiao's eyelids trembled slightly, then slowly opened his eyes to meet
his two eyes.

After hesitating for a while, he finally summoned up his courage and said
softly, "It's Liu Yan."

Wei Shao's eyes narrowed slightly, and a shadow passed by, wrapping her
arms around her, pressing her closer to him.

"Tell me everything."

Xiao Qiao took a long breath: "Husband, do you really want to listen? Don't
you regret it?"

"Speak!" Only one word.

Xiao Qiao stared at him and finally said slowly: "A long time ago, for some
unknown reason, I had a dream repeatedly. The dream is clear and
coherent. Every time I wake up, I have a feeling that everything is not It's
illusory, but I'm in a dream, repeating the experience of my previous life
over and over again... As you said, I was deeply troubled and couldn't
extricate myself..."

"In the previous life I dreamed of, the Wei Qiao family also got married, but
it wasn't me who married you, it was my elder sister. After my elder sister
married you, she never liked you, and you hated being left out. In her whole
life, only her grandmother was kind to her, but unfortunately, her
grandmother passed away the year she married into the Wei family..."

Wei Shao was surprised, his brows moved, as if he wanted to say

something, but he held back.

"Since then, my elder sister is helpless and lonely. In my dream, you

accepted Su Nu and later became the emperor. During those years, my
Qiao family died at your hands one after another, and in the end, only Adi
was left. Shortly after you became emperor, my elder sister died of illness
and loneliness, and then you made Su Nu as your queen..."

When Xiao Qiao spoke, her tone was calm.

But Wei Shao's expression became extremely ugly, looking at her fixedly,
his eyes were full of deep disbelief and incomparable disgust.

"Tell me about yourself. What about you, you married Liu Yan?"

After a long while, he seemed to have finally suppressed his emotions with
difficulty, and asked, his voice was tense, like a string that was about to
break when pulled.


Joe nodded.

"I married Liu Yan according to the marriage contract. Later, when the Han
Dynasty broke down, he was also supported by a group of relics as the
empress of the small court, and I followed him, but it didn't take long for him
to be chased and besieged by you. My brother died in order to protect me.
At the last moment when you were about to break through the city, Liu Yan
killed his harem in desperation. I swore to live and die with him, and he
killed me, piercing my heart with a sword. …”

Xiao Qiao closed his eyes and opened them again.

"This is the last scene of the dream I had in the past life. It is also this
scene. Since then, it has appeared repeatedly in my dreams, and I can't get
rid of it at all."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Wei Shao.

Wei Shao's hand unconsciously squeezed her arm tightly, the tighter it got,
the tighter she felt pain.

The blue veins crawling on both sides of his forehead also bulged slightly
like a worm, and he stared at her for a long time.

"That's why you have trouble sleeping and eating, and you see me as a
poisonous snake from now on?"

He seemed to finally realize that he was pinching her in pain, so he let go a

little hastily, but he asked slowly.

Xiao Qiao sighed softly.

"I didn't see your face at that time. Even in my dreams, I never saw you
face to face..."

She raised her hand, and her warm fingertips ran softly along his face,
which had stiffened with lines, as if to soothe his emotions.
Wei Shao finally relaxed.

"It's just that this dream is too real, I can't be affected by it, but I can't tell
anyone, I can only bury it in my heart and hope that it's just a dream. Until
that year, Ren Cheng and Zhou Qun raised troops. When I came to attack
Yanzhou, when my uncle decided to marry my sister to you, in an attempt
to be better than you in this way, I really realized that my dream might be

"Because of something similar to the situation in my dream, it looks like it's

about to happen."

"I was afraid, I knew I had to stop things from continuing as I dreamed. So I
went through a lot of trouble and finally encouraged my sister and Bi She to
leave home. At that time, I thought that without my sister, we would not be
able to get married. , my uncle was able to accept my father's strategy and
asked for allied troops to fight against Zhou Qun, but I didn't expect that my
uncle was cowardly and hopeless, and he came up with a way to break my
marriage contract with Liu Yan and let me marry you instead of my sister. At
that time, it was difficult to ride a tiger, and it was such a coincidence that I
entered your Wei family's door and became a husband and wife with you

"Husband, you should still remember that in the first year I married you, my
grandmother fell ill after the Luli Conference, and you just went to Bingzhou
to fight. Before you left, I kept you in every possible way. In fact, I was
afraid that my grandmother would be like me. It happened as I knew in my
dream. Fortunately, my grandmother turned a bad luck into good luck. It
was also after this incident that I saw the hope of reversing the dream.
However, the shadow that the dream brought to me was too deep, and I
still did not Dare to relax, that's why I persuaded my father to strengthen
the army later, which aroused your great anger..."

Xiao Qiao's voice fell softly.

"What happened later, husband, you also know..."

Wei Shao's eyes were always fixed on her face.

The light in the tent suddenly dimmed. The torches were exhausted, and
the candles fluttered a few times, and the room was plunged into darkness.


After a long silence, she called him.

"You told me that night that you are lucky to marry me. But you don't know
that I can marry you in this life, so why isn't it also a blessing for me?"

In the darkness, Wei Shao remained silent. He suddenly hugged her tightly,
with great strength, as if to smash her into his flesh, Xiao Qiao felt his heart
beating violently.

She closed her eyes and didn't move.

The night was deep, I don't know what time it was.


A thunderous sound rolled from the sky in the distance.

Xiao Qiao subconsciously shrank to the side, but the tentacles were empty,
and the tidal night wind seemed to pour in from the window, and the
curtains were moved in waves.

She opened her eyes suddenly, and through the blue lightning flashed by in
the night sky, she saw a figure standing in front of the window facing the
night wind and rain, with an extremely dignified back.

Xiao Qiao sat up slowly, lifted the curtain that was being swayed by the
night wind, and walked behind Wei Shao.

A gust of night rain was swept into the window by the wind, and with a
rustling sound, it soaked the window sill and sprinkled it in front of Wei

His clothes were half wet and pressed tightly against his body, and the skin
at the tentacles was cold, as if it had been soaked in water.

I don't know how long it has been standing here like this.

Xiao Qiao hugged him from behind and pressed her cheek against his
broad back.

"Manman, in the previous life in your dream, your grandmother is now

gone? Or was she killed by Su Nu? But I was not only deceived by her,
accepted her, and made her the queen?"

he said suddenly. The voice was a little erratic, like a person in


Joe was silent.

"You're not my wife either. You married Liu Yan, and you're just a stranger
to me. Your only relationship with me is that you were forced to die by his
sword in the end?"

Wei Shao turned around slowly. His face was hidden in the darkness of the
night, and he could not see his expression at the moment.

Only a hoarse voice was heard, revealing a strong astringency.

Xiao Qiao sighed softly, a pair of jade arms wrapped around his neck, his
warm and dry body was pressed against his cold and wet chest, he stood
on tiptoe and pressed his lips to his cold and rainy body. A deep kiss was
placed on his lips.

"Husband, I didn't say anything before because I didn't want to cause you
unnecessary annoyance. Even if it really was a previous life, it's all over, it's
just an illusion. Everything now is the truth..."

Another flash of lightning flashed past the window, revealing the faces of
the two of them.

Wei Shao's face was soaked with rain, his face was white and scary, and
his eyes were faint, like a blue light.

He stared at Xiao Qiao's face with the sudden short-lived light and lightning
behind him, and suddenly he held her head with both hands and kissed her
back forcefully.

The blue light of the lightning quickly receded, and the room fell into
darkness again.
With the sound of thunder coming from above his head, he unbuttoned her
shirt with impetuous, almost rude movements, kissed greedily, and
hurriedly touched every inch of her warm skin that belonged only to his Wei
Shao with his palm.

Soon his cold, wet skin warmed and his blood boiled.

He couldn't imagine how blind he would be to make Su Nu as his queen.

He couldn't even imagine that she had married Liu Yan and was a stranger
to him until she was dying. In her mind, she was just a horrible avenger
with a vague face.

Even if it was just a so-called past life that existed in her dream, he felt

Simply unacceptable.

He was tightly grasped by unwillingness, humiliation, and a deep fear, his

breathing was rapid and rough, and he slammed her down on a desk by
the window, ripping off the fetters on his body, as if A hungry glutton
pressed down on her.

He hasn't shown his mother's hundred days of filial piety, but at this
moment, there is nothing that can't be thrown away.

There was only one thought left in his mind, that he must possess her, right
at this moment.
Only by possessing her and feeling the true feeling of her body imprisoning
him can he convince himself that the things he finally asked tonight are just
a nightmare for her!


Xiao Qiao's throat overflowed with a trembling voice, and before it stopped,
it was covered up by a burst of thunder rolling over her head.

It was raining in the night, the wind slapped the open window, slapped
against the damp window sills, lightning flashed across the dark night sky
from time to time, and in the incessant thunder, Wei Shao was almost
frenzied, taking every inch of her body from top to bottom. Wanton
repeated possession makes her swallow herself, destroy her heart and
liver, eat her blood and marrow, and enter her heart and soul.

It was a long night, until dawn, when the thunder dissipated, the rain
ceased, and the sky cleared.

Xiao Qiao's cheeks were flushed, and her whole body was covered with
pitiful marks after being abused and loved by her husband last night. She
was exhausted and lay on the pillow.

She opened her eyes slightly in a daze, and through the morning light in
the room, she saw that Wei Shao had gotten up at some point, neatly
dressed, with a long sword hanging from his waist, in high spirits, looking at

After thinking about it, he was busy trying to get up, but he gently pressed it
back on the pillow.
"Manman, I'm leaving now, you don't have to send it away, feel at home at
home. When I come back to pick you up next time, the world will return to
the land of Dayan. You are my Queen of Wei Shao, the real Queen of the

He leaned over, kissed her forehead lightly with affection, and said to her

Although the voice was low, each word contained strength.

Chapter 161:

In February of the following year, the spring cold is still expected to be

steep. On this day, amid the faint sound of the waves, at the entrance of an
unnamed small fishing village on the coast of the Yellow Sea, dozens of
people fled in a hurry.

Years of war have made it rare to see young people in such a desolate
fishing village, but there are only a dozen or so households left. , There are
people who wear stiletto hats and don't care about righting, and there are
those who have unkempt hair and a boot on their feet. Just looking at the
color of the clothes, they appear to be high-class and noble people, and
there is also a gorgeous gold mask in the middle. The woman who fell into
the eyes of the villagers was a strange shape.

The villagers were terrified, calling for their sons and daughters, and fled in
all directions.

The chasing soldiers behind him were getting closer and closer, as if he
could hear the sound of horseshoes landing and fighting. A man who
looked like an official suddenly fell from the back of a running horse, Liang
Guangulu rolled to the side of the road, he broke his leg, Zhang Huang
called for help, but no one paid attention. He rolled over, and left him
behind, as well as the terrified cry for help he made.

On the opposite side came an old fisherman who had just returned from the
sea with a rope on his back. Seeing the group of people on the opposite
side, the old fisherman turned around and wanted to flee, but was
immediately arrested. The soldiers threatened the old fisherman with a
knife and forced the old fisherman to take him to the mooring place.

The sound of the waves was bursting, and the salty sea breeze with a chill
also rushed towards him.

The horseshoe got stuck in the tidal flat, making it difficult to move forward.
Liu Yan and his party dismounted and stepped into the mud smear, one
foot deep and one foot shallow, stumbling to the seaside where the fishing
boat was moored, and finally escaped to the side of the boat. All the boots
were stuck in the muddy tidal flat behind him, as if each black mouth was
opening towards the sky, moaning and screaming in vain.

When the tide was low, the fishing boat was quickly pushed into the sea,
and the old fishermen were also forced to get on the boat together.

It's just that the fishing boat is not big enough to hold all the group.

After Liu Yan, Su Ehuang, Liu Fan, Liang Ji, the prefect of Yuanyang, who
was named a general, and his daughter who was made queen by Liu Yan,
and the last dozen or so soldiers boarded the ship, they had nowhere to
stay. .
Wang Ba, Dou Wu, Deng Xun, and others have long since lost their usual
prudent appearance. They have stomped their feet and abandoned their
crowns. Weeping loudly, there are also those who kowtow to see off
regardless of the mud on their faces, making a mess.

At this moment, Dong Cheng shoved away Dou Wu, who was blocking him
in front of him, and chased the fishing boat with the sea water. I will protect
you faithfully and help you ascend to the throne, how could you abandon
me like this today..."

The fishing boat just went into the sea with the receding tide, and it was

Liu Shan was lying on the bow of the boat covered with greasy and greasy
stains, and stomped on the back of Dong Cheng's hand with his feet.
chopped down.

In the screams, Dong Cheng's fingers on one hand were broken, and the
moment he fell, out of survival instinct, he grabbed the other hand
randomly, grabbing Liu Shan's ankle, Liu Shan could not stand steady, and
was dragged by Dong Cheng. Then, the two fell into the sea together.

The tide was bursting, and the two of them were quickly pulled away from
the fishing boat. Liu Fan didn't know the water and fell into the sea. help

Before he finished speaking, a wave came and covered him, and in a blink
of an eye, the two heads disappeared above the sea.
Liu Yan stood in the middle of the boat, his robes rattled in the sea breeze,
his eyes were fixed on the direction in which the chasing soldiers were
gradually coming up in the distance, and his expression was blank.

With the receding tide, the fishing boats gradually disappeared from sight
amid the cries of the remnants of the remnants at the seaside.

In the evening of the second day, Liu Yan and his party, without any
supplies, finally landed on a small island under the helm of the old

There are traces of people living on this small island. Some tattered fishing
nets are dried on the beach, and the shadows of a few low huts can be
faintly seen in the distance.

Liang Ji asked Liu Yan to rest for a while, and brought his soldiers to find
the islanders.

As soon as Su Ehuang came ashore, she lay on the reef and vomited
continuously. The butterfly cover on her face accidentally fell off and was
swept away by a wave of waves.

Su Ehuang screamed, ignoring the surging waves, chased after him, and
finally grabbed the mask from the beach.

She was wet and pale, like a dead person, clutching the already deformed
mask tightly, and immediately put it back on her face. It's just that both
hands trembled so badly that after wearing it a few times, the mask fell off.
In the end, she was forced to put it back on, she almost crawled on her
limbs and landed on the shore, and finally slumped near a reef, gasping for

Liu Yan was right next to her, his face was haggard, his lips were chapped
and bleeding, and he was motionless, like a clay sculpture.

Soon, Liang Ji came back, holding a pot of clear water in his hand, and
presented it to Liu Yan, saying that there were dozens of households on the
island, all of them fishermen who had escaped from the nearby seaside
fishing village to live on the island in order to escape the war. The soldiers
are all under control, please Liu Yan to rest for the night, wait for the
supplies to be ready, change to a bigger and safer boat, and try to escape
further in the morning.

Su Ehuang struggled, stood up from the ground, and said: "Your Majesty,
the sea is wide and wide, and Wei Ni's hands and eyes are open to the sky
again, and when he is far away from the offshore waters, he is expected to
be helpless! We can go south, wait until the south, and nourish our
essence. Xu Rui, with your identity as the orthodox emperor of the Han
Dynasty, why is there no loyal ministers in the world! In the future, you will
be punished, and then you will go back to Luoyang, smash Wei Ni's body
into ten thousand pieces, and take revenge!"

The sea breeze was strong, and her voice was blown with an unreal
humming sound, but it was extremely sonorous, and even Liang Ji seemed
to feel the hope in her words.

The already depressed spirit was actually lifted, and he looked at Liu Yan.
Liu Yan was supported by Liang Hou, slowly stood up from the stone, and
walked towards the highest settlement in the middle of the island, one foot
deep and one foot shallow.

On a flat ground in the settlement, there were dozens of ragged fishermen

kneeling on their knees, men and women, young and old, looking at Liu
Yan and Su Ehuang and his group as they approached with frightened and
confused eyes.

Liu Yan got into the largest hut, and as soon as he entered, he lay down on
the tattered mat that was barely a bed on the ground, with his eyes closed
and motionless.

The sky gradually got dark.

Outside the hut, the wind whistled, and there were strange noises, as if
only a ghost was parading in the sky above the island.

Liu Yan finally felt tired.

He fell asleep, lying on the ground beside his feet behind the beam.

The moonlight shone through a hole in the roof of the thatched hut,
sprinkled on Liang Hou's young and beautiful face, and also revealed the
residual tears in the corner of her eyes.

Suddenly, Liu Yan, who was sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes and sat

After Liang Hou was awakened by him, she got up and rushed to his side,
saying, "What's the matter with you, Your Majesty?"
Liu Yan opened his eyes wide and stared at the face behind the beam
under the moonlight without blinking, gradually showing a blurred look.

Empress Liang tentatively called him again, seeing that he should not,
staring at himself with more and more strange eyes, trembling in his heart,
and slowly backing away.

Liu Yan suddenly knocked her down.

"...You are my Liu Yan's wife... Said, you want to live with me and die with

Although Concubine Liang was a queen, she was not very close to him on
weekdays. Falling into such a field at this moment, I felt that he was
hugging him tightly, accompanied by a trembling muffled voice, his icy lips
kept falling on his cheeks, his heart could not help thumping, and he slowly
closed his eyes, With a trembling voice: "Your Majesty, I am already your
wife, and I must live in the same school as Your Majesty, and die in the
same cave..."

Liu Yan kissed her even more frantically.

"I know you were forced! You were forcibly married to Wei Ni by your
family... They all deserve to die, and they deserve to die! But as long as you
change your mind, I will let go of the past, and I will seal you up!"

Liu Yan's voice became extremely excited.

Concubine Liang opened her eyes in surprise and said, "Your Majesty, Your
Majesty, what did you say?"
Liu Yan suddenly froze, and finally slowly opened his eyes, staring at
Concubine Liu below him under the white moonlight in the hut.

Concubine Liang was frightened again, she shrank back, and said softly,
"Your Majesty... just now you said that I was forcibly married to Wei Ni by
my family... You also said that they deserved death for their crimes... My
father has always been loyal to you... I beg Your Majesty's lesson... "

Liu Yan's eyes flashed, her facial muscles twitched, her breathing became
more and more turbid, she raised her hand suddenly and pinched her neck.

Concubine Liang couldn't breathe, her slender neck was deformed under
Liu Yan's pinching as if she had exhausted all her strength, her legs were
kicking, but her struggle was futile.

Liu Yan's hand finally let go of the thin neck. He got up from the ground and
sat down, staring at Concubine Liang's face with rolled eyes, smoothing her
eyelids, and murmured, "Manman, go ahead with peace of mind... I will
follow you in the future..."

His expression was like crying and laughing, like pain, but also full of
comfort, wheezing, gasping for breath.

Suddenly, along with the sea breeze outside the hut, there seemed to be a
faint roar of killing.

Liu Yan seemed to have been pricked by a needle, jumped up from the
ground, rushed out of the broken door, saw Liang Ji rushing towards him,
and shouted in a panic, "Your Majesty, it's not good! Here, people have
come ashore!"
Liu Yan looked up and saw the direction of the seaside where he landed
during the day. At this moment, there was a leaping light of a fire stick,
almost turning the entire beach into a bright red color. Surrounded by the
stars, under the moonlight, countless figures are rushing towards the high
ground in the middle.

The sound of killing sounded everywhere, and even overwhelmed the

sound of the sea wind whistling across the island.

Liu Yan should have felt the same fear, just like Liang Ji and the dozen or
so dead guards around him.

But at this moment, there was only a daze in his heart, and a sense of utter

In fact, after the Xiongnu attacked Yuyang to no avail at the end of last
year, it was already clear in his heart that sooner or later, he would face
such a situation.

I just didn't expect that this day would come so quickly.

"Go! Bring all the islanders!"

Su Ehuang's mournful voice came from behind. Liang Ji was stunned, then
reacted immediately and ordered loudly.

In order to prevent the islanders from rioting at night, before dark, those
people were **** with ropes. Soon, these people were driven over by the
soldiers, and they all knelt on the ground and cried.
Tonight, the moonlight was bright, and the whole island was like a snowy
night. Liu Yan saw a man of the same age as himself, surrounded by
several generals by his side, in the intertwined light of the white moonlight
and the red fire, moving towards him. Come in your own direction.

In this life, his biggest and most hated enemy is Wei Shao.

Wei Shao not only took away his fiancée, but also his world.

The funny thing is that he never had the chance to meet the enemy.

Until this moment, he finally knew that the man who was walking towards
him with the attitude of a winner in the moonlight and firelight was the curse
that Liu Yan could never get rid of in his life.

He stared at the man who was getting closer and closer, his battle armor
flashing red light, his whole body was cold and hot, and the body under the
suit also trembled slightly uncontrollably.



From all directions, the high-pitched killing sound mixed with the low sea
waves and the humming night wind rushed towards the highland in the
center of the island.

The sergeants who drove the battle boat to cross the sea with the Marquis
of Yan and chased here were all enthusiastic.

General Li Dian has joined forces with General Lvmou, attacked from the
north and the south, and completely wiped out King Chen Tianwang. The
disaster lasted almost a year in the south, and the cannibal army, which
made the people feel terrified, was wiped out. At the same time, last
December, Wei Shao personally led the army, He calmed Yuzhou and
ordered Gai Zhao to surrender. After that, the momentum was unstoppable
and unstoppable. Song Ling of Lujiang, Liu Quan of Jiangxia also
surrendered one after another.

In addition to the barbarians in the south, the only two regimes left in the
Central Plains were the Hanzhong Lezheng and Liu Yan's small court.

The Lezheng brothers are fighting infighting, and the big beam can be
broken, and Liu Yan is even closer now, like a turtle in a urn.

Destroy Liu Yan, destroy the big beam, from now on, the world will be
unified, horses will release Nanshan, a brand new empire will rise from the
ruins, no longer have to struggle to fight with blood, why not make people
full of expectations and blood boiling?

"Wei Ni, listen! These islanders are innocent people. Your Majesty doesn't
want to be embarrassed, but you are so aggressive! If your sergeant is one
step closer, I will kill all the islanders and fight you to the death!"

With all his strength, Liang Ji shouted at Wei Shao, who was dozens of feet
away, mixed with the cries of the islanders behind him, and sent out with
the wind.

Wei Shao stopped.

The commander gave orders one by one, and soon, the noise around him
became quiet.
"Get out of the way immediately and send Your Majesty to the ship—"

Liang Ji was emotional, waved the long knife in his hand, and continued to

Lei Yan took Zhang Tiegong from a nearby archer, pulled the bow full of
rage, and penetrated the back of the bow. After taking aim, he suddenly
shot an arrow crossbow.

With a whimper that pierced through the air, Yu Jian shot towards the figure
on the high ground in the distance. Liang Ji was struck by an arrow in his
heart and fell to the ground with a mad scream.

"Sgt. Liu Yan obeyed orders. My lord knows that you and others obey
orders. You can't help yourself. At this moment, you will surrender. Pardon
Er is not guilty! If you resist stubbornly again, you will be executed

Lei Yan's voice full of qi came, and he was not angry and arrogant.



The sergeants from all directions also echoed neatly, and their voices were
like thunder, shocking people's ears.

At the end of the road, surrounded on all sides, the main general died
violently in front of him, and the last dozen or so guards who persisted until
this moment completely collapsed. Wei Shao knelt on the ground in the
direction and raised the weapon in his hand, and the rest followed suit.
Sergeant Wei Shao cheered and continued to move towards the high
ground, slowly surrounding him.

With a distorted face and wild eyes, Su Ehuang suddenly grabbed a crying
baby in the arms of a fisherwoman, raised it high, and shouted in a hoarse
voice, "Wei Shao, listen, if you don't let me go, I will fall to death the baby!
Aren't you afraid that this unjust death will be reported to your child?"

Lei Yan was furious and said to Wei Shao, "This vicious woman is really
vicious. The last commander will shoot her to death first!"

Wei Shao looked at Su Ehuang who looked crazy and shook his head

Suddenly, the stiff and upright Liu Yan standing beside him seemed to have
come back alive, and said sternly: "Wei Shao! I am not only unwilling to be
defeated by you, but also dissatisfied! You are just relying on the
inheritance of your father and grandfather. What do I have? Although I was
born in the royal family, I didn't rely on it at all. Heaven is not fair! If I, like
you, have a great foundation to rely on, how could I have been so defeated
as I am today? These islanders, I don’t want to embarrass them any more!
I can let them go, but you dare to fight me alone? If I am no longer against
you, I will die without resentment!"

Su Ehuang was startled and turned around and scolded: "Liu Yan, you
useless person! Are you crazy? If you want to die, don't drag me down!"

Liu Yan seemed to have not heard it before, and shouted again, "Wei Shao,
how dare you answer my words?"
Wei Shao stared at Liu Yan's figure under the moonlight for a moment, and
suddenly laughed: "Why can't you respond?"

Beside him, Lei Yan and the Naval Commander were all surprised and
dissuaded: "Liu Yan is nothing but a dying man! What is the use of
slaughtering a chicken with a ox-slaughtering knife, the lord has a body of
ten thousand gold, so he doesn't have to fight!"

Wei Shao waved his hand and said loudly: "All the officers and men obey
the order, I will fight with Liu Yan, and I will live and die. If I lose to him, he
can leave on his own, and you can't stop me!"

After he finished speaking, he held a long sword in his hand, and strode
away towards an open space under the moonlight.

Liu Yan also held the sword, and walked towards the open space under the
curse of Su Ehuang's evil voice behind him.

The moonlight is like water, and the waves crash on the shore. Qing Feng
unsheathed and drew a cold sword light.

With a loud roar, Liu Yan rushed towards Wei Shao who was on the
opposite side.

In the past few years, he has not only worked hard to plan great things, but
also worked hard to learn swordsmanship and fight with samurai.

Countless late nights, when he closed his eyes, he would remember that
day when he was crushed by Chen Rui's halberd into the snow, unable to
move, he could only watch the scene where he took Xiao Qiao away with a
mad laugh.

If the self back then could have what it is today, such a shameful scene
would never happen again.

And the humiliation and hatred brought to him by the man in front of him
was far better than that of Chen Rui back then.

His eyes were red, his teeth were gritted, and he used all his strength to
fight against his life.

Killing him, even if he perishes with him, is at all cost.

However, God always seemed to ridicule him, even at the last moment.

Liu Yan's last crazy fantasy was cut off by Wei Shao's sword.

With a piercing sound of metal breaking, the long sword in Liu Yan's hand
was twisted, and the sword body was split into three pieces and splashed
out, one of which was impartial and inserted into Liu Yan's left knee.

Liu Yan closed his eyes, opened them, and saw Wei Shao standing in front
of him with a long sword in his hand.

Under the moonlight, his eyes glowed with a faint cold light, which suddenly
reminded Liu Yan of the impermanence of life.

Liu Yan's teeth began to tremble slightly.

Just a moment ago, all the generosity, sadness, anger and courage that
had supported his duel with Wei Shao seemed to be leaving him quickly.
He didn't want to show fear, but at this moment, he was real, and suddenly
regretted it again.

Perhaps Emperor Su E was right, threatening the lives of the islanders,

maybe he could escape, and there would be a chance to make a
comeback in the future...

In his mind, such a thought flashed vaguely.

But before the thought could take shape, there was a tingling pain in his
chest, and the long sword in Wei Shao's hand had already pierced into his

He could clearly feel that the sharp blade exuding the breath of death
pierced through his clothes and into his flesh.

"Manman is my Liu Yan's fiancee... The world belongs to my Liu family..."

He stood upright, his face pale, and he squeezed out a trembling voice
word by word from the gap between his teeth.

Wei Shao looked at his distorted face with indifference, the blade of the
sword inserted between the two ribs accurately, and slowly pierced the
beating heart that was protected, inch by inch, just as the tip of the sword
was about to touch suddenly. When the lump of flesh and blood was
shrinking faster, it stopped for a while.

"Liu Yan."

Wei Shao's icy voice drifted into Liu Yan's ears.

"I don't dare to say that I am Wei Shao, who is virtuous and how can I be. I
am more worthy than you, and I am more qualified to be the emperor of this
world than you. But there is one thing I will never do, and that is for myself.
For the sake of profit, dare to take the risk of the world, collude with the
Huns, and use the land of the Han people to make good friends with

"Although you call yourself the emperor of the Han family, in my eyes, it's
nothing at all. The reason why I personally cross the sea to chase you here
is that I won't kill you with my own hands. I can't help it!"

Before he finished speaking, he exerted his strength, the blade pierced

deeply and came out through his back.

Liu Yan tightly covered his chest, which was bleeding continuously, with
one hand, his eyes were wide open, his lips moved slightly, and his body
trembled violently.

Wei Shao drew his sword, and with hot blood spraying out from the tip of
the sword, Liu Yan let out a loud cry and fell to the ground on his back.

Wei Shao lowered his head slightly, expressionless, looking at Liu Yan's
body spasming on the ground.

Until the body gradually stopped moving, he closed his eyes, let out a long
sigh of relief, opened his eyes, and turned his eyes to Emperor Su E, who
was slumped on the ground.

Su Ehuang's hair was unkempt, and the skirt was full of mud. She was still
holding the crying baby tightly in her hands. Under Wei Shao's extremely
cold gaze, she placed it on the ground in horror, and crawled back
subconsciously. After a few steps, he struggled to get up from the ground,
turned around and ran, but was blocked by the sergeant behind him.

She burst into tears, kneeling and crawling towards Wei Shao, tremblingly
stretched out her mud-stained hand and grabbed his ankle.

"Erlang! I know I was wrong! I used to blame me for being blinded and
doing things that are inferior to pigs and dogs... But what I do is all out of
my admiration for you... Erlang, you have done me a favor before. Severe
punishment, please look at the relationship in the past, please spare me-"

She looked up at Wei Shao, tears rolling down her cheeks from the
distorted golden mask.

Wei Shao slowly leaned over, put his hand towards her cheek, and
suddenly took off her mask, pinched it with five fingers, and the butterfly
mask quickly deformed in his palm, forming a ball.

Su Ehuang screamed and hurriedly covered her face with her sleeves.

Wei Shao stared at her expressionlessly, spread out his five fingers, and
Jin Tuan fell to the ground with a puff.

Wei Shao turned around and strode away.

"Listen to all the villagers, the Central Plains have been settled, the world
will be united, and there will be no more wars in the future! If you wish to
return to your hometown, you can go ashore together on your master's
Lei Yan ordered the sergeant to untie the ropes that bound the islanders
and said.

The islanders were in disbelief at first, but they soon became excited and
whispered for a while. They knelt down at Wei Shao's back, thanked each
other loudly, supported each other, and rushed home to pack up their
belongings and boarded the boat to leave the island and return to their

Xiao Qiao slept until the middle of the night and woke up suddenly, feeling
a little uneasy, as if something had happened.

The tentacle touched the sleeping Philip.

She leaned towards her daughter's warm, soft body and pressed her face
against her daughter's small head.

Her breath was filled with the familiar scent of frankincense that her
daughter was familiar with, and she felt her mood gradually calm down

I closed my eyes again.

Wei Shao should be back soon...

Before falling asleep, she felt such a feeling in her heart.

Chapter 162:
It was a moonlit night, and the sea was calm. The battle boat left the island
that night. Under the guidance of an experienced guide, dozens of sailors
rowed the oars and drove the boat toward the land at a constant speed.

The islanders who boarded the ship with them have settled down. With
awe, they carefully looked at the back of the young man's heroic figure in
the distance. The woman also coaxed the child, trying not to make any

However, on the faces that had become charred and haggard due to
difficulties and difficulties, there was a look of hope that had not been seen
in a long time.

From yesterday to this moment, in just one day and night, their fate has
experienced ups and downs that they have never experienced in their
entire lives. They know that the man who brought them back to their
hometown will be the new king of the world.

These people have been living on the isolated island for several years, and
have never heard the name of Yanhou Wei Shao before. And the young
new monarch who stopped the steps of the encirclement will surely bring
them the long-awaited stable life.

How could they not be rejoiced and encouraged by this?

It's all right. Wei Shao told Lei Yan and the others to leave, and returned to
the cabin himself.
He stood in front of the porthole, looking up at the starry sky, and was
fascinated for a long time.

Yongdu was finally broken, and the emperor fled into Shu, but how could he
stop Wei Shao's army, who was bound to clear obstacles and rule the

The last city was finally called to break him.

When his soldiers occupied the city head and cheered loudly to celebrate
the victory, he was told that the emperor committed suicide in the palace.

The corpses were littered all over the place, the stench of blood floated in
the air, the house was burning with lingering flames, thick smoke billowed,
and the ears were filled with the suppressed fear and crying of the captive

He had long been accustomed to all of this, and surrounded by heavily

armored soldiers, he entered the palace that smelled of blood.

In the pool of blood on the ground, there were several dead women in
colorful clothes lying down. On the couch, there were a pair of men and
women who had been exhausted.

The trembling old **** knelt in a pool of blood and said in a trembling voice
that this pair of men and women were the Empress Liu Yan and his
Empress Qiao Shi.
After Liu Yan ordered his trusted eunuchs to kill all the concubines, he killed
the queen with his own hands, and then committed suicide by taking

Liu Yan's eyes were tightly closed, his face was a dead blue-white color,
and the muscles on his face were slightly twisted.

He stared at the dead Liu Yan for a moment, then swept to the woman lying
on his back beside him.

The sister of his deceased wife.

It also came from the Qiao family he hated.

The palace dress on her body is neat, and there is a wound on the left
chest that was broken by a sharp blade. The blood is dripping and solidified
into a purple-black color.

It can be seen that the sword she received in her heart before she died was
extremely precise, and it came out with force.

But compared to her husband's distorted look that was almost painful, the
expression of this dead woman Qiao was unusually calm.

She just closed her eyes and lowered her eyelashes, as if she had fallen

Even after she died for a while, her body was already cold and stiff, but she
still looked amazingly beautiful. Added a bit of sadness.

Enough to touch the hearts of the most hard-hearted people in the world.
But his gaze stopped for a while on her beautiful face, which was
somewhat similar to his wife, Da Qiao, and then retracted.

His expression was full of indifference, without the slightest sympathy.

Under the suppressed fearful gaze of the old **** behind him, he turned
and left the palace.

He is only thirty years old, and he has already ruled the world, and today he
has cleared the last obstacle on the road to the great cause of Qianqiu.

At this point, all his enemies have been eliminated, and the people he
wants to kill have all died under his hands, no one in this world can
compete with him, and every inch of the king's land in this beautiful country
is for him. Palm has.

He should have been excited at this moment, and the cries of his soldiers
celebrating the victory a moment ago seemed to still fill his ears, but for
some reason, he could not feel the slightest excitement.

Perhaps it was such a broken city and victory. He had experienced too
much before, and now he is numb, and it is only one of his goals to clear
the empress who has been stubbornly resisting for several years. Now that
the goal has finally been achieved, he seems to feel a little dazed, even

A feeling of loneliness of reaching the top alone and looking around.

He strode down the streets of the city where the smoke was billowing,
indifferently allowing his soldiers to vent their emotions after the city was
broken by murder, arson and even rape. He didn't seem to hear the painful
cries, groans, and groans of the city people, because the people in this city
had helped the emperor resist his arrival, so this was the punishment they
deserved, until the next day, when they heard the news in a hurry. After
arriving, his prime minister Gongsun Yang came to dissuade him, and he
finally ordered to stop the massacre of the city.

From the first day after he ascended the throne, Dayan has not stopped
fighting. After he returned to Luoyang, he appointed able ministers, opened
up tax sources, filled the national treasury, used it to fill the military salaries,
and supported him in fighting against the Huns. A few years later, the
Dayan Iron Cavalry finally occupied the Xiongnu's royal court Longcheng,
and the Huns living here It rushed to the north far away and completely
disappeared in the area of ​Longcheng. In his harem, beauties also entered
one by one, but no one was able to win him a long-term love. Even if he
favored him for a while on the dragon bed, he would soon be neglected by
him. As for Su, who was made queen by him Female, in the past few years,
he has not summoned her for a long time. He just looked coldly, watching
her and the women in the harem vying for favor with each other, feeling
doubly bored and despised. It has disappeared, but occasionally, when the
night is quiet, he climbs the high-rise building of the deep palace alone, and
when he recalls his grandmother who passed away many years ago, his
cold and hard heart seems to have become a stone, and he will slowly
reopen. Soft and down.

It was only at that moment that he felt a momentary loneliness, a loneliness

that had nowhere to hide.
He also knew that if his grandmother was still alive, he would definitely not
want to see him become what he is today.

But he has long been unable to control himself, his grandmother has gone,
his mother only needs to be respected and supported, the women in the
harem can't stop him, and there is no one in this world who can soften him
from the age of twelve. With the heart that had planted the seeds of hatred,
he needed a steady stream of excitement and pleasure of conquest. In the
second year after pacifying the Xiongnu, he ignored the opposition of
Gongsun Yang and courtiers and continued to launch the war to conquer
the Western Regions. After several years of battles, he finally achieved his
wish, and included a large area of ​the Western Regions that he had
surrendered to him and incorporated it into Dayan's territory.

In less than ten years, he achieved a great feat that no monarch before him
could do, and made the Dayan Empire show its might to the world. On the
case, before I could read it, in this year, the Yellow River broke from
Huaxian River, flooded northeastern Henan and southwestern Shandong,
merged into Sishui, and finally seized Si and entered Huaihe, and
countless fertile farms and houses were flooded by torrential floods.
Ruined, people and animals killed and injured, countless.

Since the founding of Dayan, the people who had been suffering from
heavy rationing and servitude were finally unbearable to be squeezed.
Violence and chaos broke out in various places. He was forced to suppress
it, and finally put down the violence and chaos. At this time, the bad news
came again. Gongsun Yang died of illness in a foreign country in order to
control the water and soothe the people. Before his death, he wrote a letter
of advice to him, saying that because of the years of use of troops, the
treasury was empty, the people's resentment was boiling, and the country
was plagued by disasters. The people are lenient.

Those old generals who followed him and conquered the world in the past
have now fallen into pieces, or died in battle, or retired, or intimidated by his
always arbitrary, no longer speaking.

There is only Gongsun Yang left by his side, and he is still not afraid of
being angered by his experience of being demoted several times, and he
still speaks bitterly.

Now, even the last Gongsun Yang has died of illness.

In his heart, a bleak feeling of complete loneliness suddenly developed.

He was finally touched, stopped court for three days, and finally wrote an
edict of his own sin.

However, just when he decided to issue the decree for recuperation, and
then, in the land of Baling, a rebellion broke out again. In just a few months,
the number reached hundreds of thousands. It is said that the leader of the
thief was the former The empress asked for comfort, forcibly blocking his
green eyes from destroying the empress for nearly two years.

He was furious, and the evil beast in his heart escaped from the cage
again. He did not listen to Wei Quan and others' persuasion, and decided
to go on a personal expedition. Before the expedition, he sacrificed to the
sky at Huanqiu and vowed to put an end to the chaos. After killing the
green eyes, Will shepherd the people of the world, and no longer start wars

The wrath of the emperor, the blood drifts. With the thought of revenge, he
led the army to the south and strangled the rebel army of Baling.

He was victorious and triumphant.

A few months later, the last battle with the refugee rebels took place in a
remote wilderness called Wangxiang.

In the legend of the local Baling people, this is the place where the undead
cut off all the fetters of the previous life after death and look back at their
hometown for the last time.

The wilderness of Wangxiang has become a place for the Shura massacre.
The chaotic army was smashed into pieces, his armor was stained with
blood, his eyes were red, and he was sweating profusely. Every pore was
screaming for dripping pleasure. In the end, he killed him. The rise of the
man, he got rid of the guards of the guards, and when he rode the horse in
front, a flowing arrow, like a silent poisonous snake, suddenly tore the air
from nowhere, and shot towards him. .

When his blood-filled eyes saw it, the arrow had already rushed to his

He didn't even have time to react. As soon as his throat was cold, he felt
the cold hard metal penetrate his soft, unprotected flesh and stab it straight
His figure froze, and the blood that had just boiled to the extreme was also
condensed in an instant.

After a while, he clearly felt the indescribable pain of the metal piercing his

The wind is rising, the clouds are rolling, and the battle flag is hunting.

The sweaty horse beneath him that had accompanied him to the north and
south for many years, seemed to sense an ominous aura, and suddenly
neighed uncomfortably, throwing him off the horse in a frenzy.

He turned his back and fell to the ground, vaguely as if he saw countless
people running in his direction, and his ears were filled with the panicked
shouts of his personal guards.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty—"

Gradually, the swaying figures and various noisy voices gathered around
him became blurred.

The last scene in his bloodshot eyes was a blue sky with white clouds
above his head.

The sky is as blue as clear gems, and the clouds are as clean as white

Very beautiful.

Why didn't he realize this before...

He struggled to exhale his last breath through the foreign body's trachea,
he thought vaguely in his mind.

"My lord! My lord—"

There seemed to be a sound in the ear.

Wei Shao shouted, covered his throat, sat up suddenly, opened his eyes,
and what caught his eyes was Gongsun Yang's stunned expression.

Wei Shao was dripping with sweat, as if he had just come out of the water,
his heart was beating so violently that he almost jumped out of his throat.

Gongsun Yang was quite surprised, and hurriedly took a step back and
said, "Just now, did I startle your lord? Your lord forgives me! The battle
boat has docked, and the lord has not left the cabin for a long time, so I
dared to board the ship and call my lord. Is it? Could it be a nightmare?"

Wei Shao slowly put down the hand covering his throat, looked around a
little blankly, and found that he was still in the cabin last night.

The sky was already bright, as if it was noon the next day, the sun was
shining brightly outside the porthole, and the sound of footsteps, both high
and low, was heard from the deck...

Nanke a dream?

Fortunately, a dream!

He suddenly looked at Gongsun Yang, staring at him, motionless.

Wei Shao personally chased Liu Yan on the battle boat the day before, and
Gongsun Yang waited at the port. Finally, when Zhanzhou returned to Hong
Kong, he heard Lei Yan say that he seemed to be still asleep, thinking that
he was too tired. Gongsun Yang felt a little abnormal and couldn't be
relieved, so he boarded the ship and came over. Seeing him waking up
with a strange expression, and suddenly looking at him with such a strange
look, even though he had been with him for many years, he felt inexplicable
at this moment.

The cold hairs on the back that were gradually being watched by the lord,
he subconsciously touched his face, and laughed dryly: "Why does the lord
look at me like this?"

Wei Shao jumped up from the bed, almost pounced on him, grabbed his
shoulder tightly, and shook it vigorously.

"Sir, you're not dead! That's great!"

Junhou's hand was extremely strong, Gongsun Yang's two shoulders were
grasped by him, his bones seemed to be split, and he was shaking his
head and dizzy.

Wei Shao was startled to lose his composure. He quickly let go of his hand,
rubbed it, cast an apologetic glance at Gongsun Yang, turned around, and
quickly opened the porthole.

A gust of sea breeze with a salty smell rushed in.

Wei Shao closed his eyes, took a long breath, wiped the sweat from his
forehead, turned his head and said, "Liu Yan has been executed, I'll go to
Dongjun to pick up the mother and daughter."

Gongsun Yang suppressed the surprise in his heart and hurriedly said: "My
lord, please stay here for the time being, I have something to say. If today's
unification trend is established, it has already taken shape. The people
cannot be without a king, and the elders elected by various places have
also arrived in Luoyang. Please The lord obeyed the mandate of heaven
and ruled the world, hoping to benefit the people of Li. The people of
Luoyang also cheered and cheered. The matter of the lord's enthronement
should be put on the agenda."

Wei Shao nodded slightly: "I will send a letter to my grandmother, and leave
the rest to my husband in advance. After I pick up the mother and daughter
to Luoyang, I will discuss the details."

Chapter 163:

After Wei Shao left Dongjun early that morning, several months passed in a
blink of an eye.

Winter comes and spring comes, and the season enters March.

Ji Chun, "Tong Shihua, Ping Shisheng, Ming dove fluttering its feathers, Dai
Sheng surrenders to mulberry", everything is so vibrant, on the third day of
the third lunar month, the Shangsi Festival also comes again with the
spring letter.
Shangsi is the day of the spring bath. As early as the pre-Qin era, on this
day, the southern countries had the custom of slaughtering, men and
women, young and old, came out of the city, came to the riverside in the
suburbs, and dipped orchids in their hands and sprinkled the whole body
with water, and washed their hair and skin with bare feet. The old year is
ominous, I hope to eliminate disasters and diseases, and have a new
beginning in the year.

It's Doll's Day again. In the past, when Xiao Qiao was still at home and her
mother was still alive, in March every year, her mother and Mrs. Ding would
bring their daughters to the Flower Temple in the south of the city to
participate in the Spring Festival of the Flower God with the people, to
serve their daughters. Pray for peace.

Since the death of Xiao Qiao's mother, the Qiao family has been busy for
so many years, and the Spring Festival has stopped.

This year is different. Although the Qiao family has just experienced a huge
change, it seems like a new life. The two sisters, big and small, together
with a pair of children, gathered at home. Just two days ago, Bi She also
came back from the south and passed by Dongjun to visit his wife. Son, still
at home today, Mrs. Ding's mood was out of the haze early, and she was
ready to take sisters Shuangqiao to celebrate this long-lost Girls' Day.

Early in the morning, outside the gate of Qiao's house, the carriage
decorated with last night's newly picked orchids was parked. Jia Xi and his
guards lined up neatly to the side, patiently waiting for the Qiao family's
daughters to go out.
After a while, I heard a burst of cheerful laughter from a woman from afar.
Looking up, I saw Mrs. Ding, Da Qiao and the lady being surrounded by a
group of maids and maids, the little son Li'er being held by the nurse, and
Bi She holding Philip. Philip, a group of people appeared from behind the
screen wall.

The lady is wearing a light green and tender willow-colored spring shirt
today, with a thin sash of primrose on her shoulders, a slender waist, a
large-sleeved skirt with delicate orchid flowers embroidered on the hem,
and long black hair in a bun behind her head. Down, bound with a ribbon of
the same color as the clothes to prevent being disturbed by the wind. This
dress is like a girl, which is both seasonal and elegant, with bright eyes
shining like a jewel, and Da Qiao, who is walking with her. The goose
yellow spring shirt and the azurite shoulders are also very bright.

The two came side by side talking and laughing, their skirts swaying. Jia Xi
didn't dare to take a closer look, so he ordered the guards to retreat to both
sides of the gate with him, holding his breath, waiting for the female
relatives to go out and board the carriage.

Philip will soon be one year old, and now not only is he more and more
loving and loving, but he can also stand by himself, and if he is led, he can
even walk a few steps staggeringly. She opened her mouth last month and
vaguely called Xiao Qiao Aniang, but now it's very smooth.

Philip's hair has been very thick from the beginning. After the full moon
shaved the fetal hair, it is now long before her ears. Today is her first Doll's
Day, and she got up early in the morning, and was also carefully dressed
by Xiao Qiao: in her hair Divide them into two sides, tie them into small
braids, and each has a small silk bow. The bow was made by Chunniang
herself, which is vivid and delicate. She was wearing a tender
willow-colored skirt of the same texture and color as Xiao Qiao's coat today,
with sock-like shoes on her feet. When Chunniang was carried out at first,
she was like her brother Li'er, holding a colorful ribbon in one hand. the
bluegrass, while holding a piece of plum cake in the other hand.

She has been locked up at home by her mother for several days. She
knows that she can go out to play today, and she is still with her favorite
brother Li'er. She feels very happy. As soon as she leaves the room, she is
always laughing. Tian's uncle Bi She, who was not afraid of life at all, threw
himself into his arms. At this moment, Bi She was carried to the gate. When
he turned his head, he suddenly saw the familiar Jia Xi standing beside

Every time her mother took her out, this uncle would show his face.

So as soon as he saw him, Philip knew that he could go out to play, so he

showed him a sweet smile, waved at him, and said something in his mouth.

Bi She stopped. Seeing her cute appearance, Mrs. Ding teased her, "Is
Philip going to talk to General Jia?"

Jia Xi also liked Philip very much, so he glanced at the lady quietly, saw
that she had stopped, turned his head and looked at with a smile, so he
boldly leaned towards Philip.

Philip stretched out her chubby little hand with a few shallow pear dimples
on the back, and handed him the plum cake first.
Jia Xi was stunned for a moment, but before he could react, Philip had
withdrawn the little hand holding the plum blossom cake, and instead
handed the little hand holding the orchid to him.

Passed half, then retracted.

Looking down at the plum cake for a while, and the bluegrass for a while,
as if hesitating.

Mrs. Ding and the accompanying nurses and servants also stopped and
turned around, looking at Philip in trouble with interest.

Mrs. Ding smiled and said: "Is Philip reluctant?"

Before he finished speaking, he saw that Feifei seemed to have made up

his mind, "Ah woo", took a bite of the plum blossom cake, and then handed
the plum blossom cake with a corner missing and the bluegrass to Jia Xi.

Mrs. Ding and the nurses and servants were stunned for a moment, and
then they couldn't hold back and laughed.

Even Bi She, who has always been steady, also had a smile in his eyes.

Jia Xi was overjoyed in her heart, but she quickly waved her hands and
said to Philippe earnestly, "I dare not accept the reward of a little lady in a
humble position.

This time, even Xiao Qiao couldn't help it, she burst out laughing and said:
"She thinks she is getting close to General Jia. She has just eaten a bite of
the plum blossom cake, so forget it, the blue grass General Jia takes it, Jia
If the general doesn't pick up, she will keep shouting, and no one will want
to go out today."

Jia Xi actually didn't mind eating the plum blossom cake that the little girl
had eaten, but she knew that she was not so lucky, so she took the orchid
in her other small hand with both hands, and said respectfully, "Thank you,
little girl, and thank you girl. ."

When Philip saw that he took the bluegrass, he laughed wildly, and
responded to Jia Xi with a few babbles.

Li'er on the side saw that there was no bluegrass in her sister's hand, so
she hurriedly handed over her own and said, "Sister, here it is for you."

Li'er is very smart, but she speaks very late. Da Qiao was a little worried
before. I didn't expect that after playing with Philip at the end of last year,
he was probably passive and liked to babble. He started talking, and once
he spoke, he learned a lot of words in just a few months.

It was as if he would have said it before, but he was stuffy in his stomach
and refused to say it.

This sentence, "Sister, here it is", said it so clearly that Da Qiao couldn't
help laughing and touched his son's head.

Philip was delighted, took the bluegrass with a beautiful purple ribbon from
his younger brother, and smiled sweetly at him.

It was a sunny day, and several carriages from the Qiao Mansion filed out
of the South Gate and headed for the Flower Temple.

The people of Dongjun have not seen the sight of Shuangshu appearing in
the Flower Temple together for many years. I can see it again today,
Shuang Shu is stunning and charming. One is the general's wife with green
eyes, whom everyone in Dongjun admires, and the other is even more
incredible. It has been rumored for a long time that the Marquis of Yan and
Wei Shao will dominate the world in the near future. The news spread that
Qiao's family Shuangshu was going to attend the Spring Festival at the
Shangsi Flower Temple today. The whole city was dispatched today, and
everyone flocked here.

Bi She rode in front to clear the way, and Jia Xi was behind, and finally
escorted the carriage to the Flower Temple surrounded by Chunxi. The
temple Zhu who had been waiting for a long time brought a deacon and
hurriedly came to greet him.

Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao helped Mrs. Ding to get off the carriage, and the
group walked in with a smile on their faces, cheering on both sides of the

After worshiping the Flower God, the sisters brought Li'er and Philip to the
bank of the Spring Stream behind the Flower Temple.

There are too many people today.

The stream is swirling and coiled for several miles. Peach blossoms are
planted on both sides of the stream. Apart from this stream, there are many
other streams that can be used to wash and celebrate the festival. For the
sake of prudence, Jia Xian sealed this place in advance and only put a
small amount of it. The women and girls who had undergone medical
examinations came in, so it was much quieter than the crowd outside just

Xiao Qiao came to the stream, dipped the stream water with bluegrass, and
lightly sprinkled a few drops on Feifei's hair to obtain auspicious signs.

Da Qiao did the same, and sprinkled the stream for Li'er. When the siblings
were taken by the nurse to play in the nearby pavilion, Xiao Qiao saw Bi
She coming here from a distance, standing by the pavilion, turned to look at
it, and smiled secretly. Going down, he gently pushed Da Qiao and said,

Da Qiao saw her husband coming, but she didn't want to leave Xiao Qiao,
so she just pretended not to see it. Seeing Xiao Qiao urging him, his
cheeks warmed slightly and said, "I'd better stay here with Amei..."

Xiao Qiao whispered: "Brother-in-law will be leaving again in a few days.

It's rare that the weather is good today, and it's not that I have no one to
accompany me. Who cares that you are here with me?"

Saying that, he pushed her to Bi She's side.

Bi She said to Da Qiao, "There is a peach blossom forest in front of you.

The peach blossoms are blooming very well. Let's go for a walk?"

Da Qiao glanced at Xiao Qiao, saw Xiao Qiao looking at him with a smile,
as if urging, and finally nodded.
Bi She smiled slightly, picked up Li'er, nodded respectfully to Xiao Qiao,
took his beloved wife, and the three slowly walked towards the Peach
Blossom Forest.

Xiao Qiao smiled and watched his family of three gradually disappear. He
and Chunniang hugged Feifei, facing the stream and sitting on a stone
bench with a handkerchief on the bank.

There was a spring rain just yesterday, and the spring creek swelled and
flowed from west to east without haste or slow. There are clusters of water
plants, peach blossoms on both sides of the river are in full bloom, a gust of
wind blows, the peach blossoms rustled, the petals floated into the stream,
and slowly drifted away with the flowing water. On the water, it is very

With a smile on his face, Xiao Qiao looked at Chunniang and the wet nurse
with Philip, pointing her to the group of playful fish, and gradually moved
forward along the river bank. She was the only one left, and she became

I don't know where he is now, or what's going on.

Another gust of wind passed, and a rain of peach blossoms floated


Half fell into the stream, and half fell on Xiao Qiao's skirt.

She picked up a peach blossom that fell on the hem of her skirt, held it in
the palm of her hand, put it under her nose, lowered her head, and took a
slight sniff.
When he raised his head, his eyes were fixed.

Just on the other side, on the bank of the stream more than ten feet away,
the spring breeze is blowing, the fallen flowers are colorful, and there is a
person standing there.

She is at one end of the Peach Blossom Stream, and he is at the other end
of the Peach Blossom Stream, looking at each other across the Peach
Blossom Stream.

He was dressed in a traveler's clothes, from head to toe, dusty, but his eyes
were bright.

He seemed to have just arrived here not long ago.

It was as if she had been standing on the other side like this, looking at her
for a long time, but she had never noticed it.

When she finally raised her eyes and cast her gaze towards him, his
footsteps suddenly fell into the stream, wading towards her.

The stream gurgled, wetting the corners of his robes, and he walked faster
and faster, and his steps became bigger and bigger. Wherever he passed,
bursts of white foam appeared on the water.

Not far away, a few girls who were playing under the peach tree with peach
branches in their hands also stopped chasing, and looked at this handsome
man who seemed to have fallen from the sky and was about to wade
towards him. Bo Bo" jumped up.

Xiao Qiao slowly stood up from the stone bench.

The peach blossoms in the skirt fell and scattered with the wind.

She stood under the peach blossom tree on the shore, watching the man
step by step wading towards her without blinking, and finally came ashore
and stopped for a while.

"I am back."

He stared at her and said.

Xiao Qiao suddenly ran towards him.

He opened his arms, took her without hesitation, and hugged her tightly.

Xiao Qiao's arms also hugged his waist tightly. He pressed his face against
his broad chest, closed his eyes, and felt his fast and powerful heartbeat.

Neither of the two said a word, they just hugged each other like this.

The peach blossom rain was like a burst of urgency, fluttering in the wind,
and the petals fell on his shoulders and her hair.

a long time.


Xiao Qiao finally raised her face from his arms, and called him softly with a
slightly crying and coquettish tone.

Wei Shao lowered her head and gently wiped her peach-colored eyelids
with her fingers.
"Manman, the battle is over. I'm here to pick you up and Philip, and we'll go
to Luoyang together. From now on, I will never be separated from you

He stared at her and said word by word.

There were thin tears in Xiao Qiao's eyes, she nodded, and slowly took one
of his hands.

Wei Shao shook hands. The **** clasped tightly together.

"I'll take you to Philip. She can call her mother. Would you like to hear her
call your father?"

She turned back and smiled at him, with a bright smile, Jiaosheng's head
was covered with peach blossoms.

Chapter 164:

In June, Wei Shao ascended the throne in Luoyang and proclaimed himself

Although the world is unified, the Central Plains have suffered from war for
many years, and people's livelihood has been withered.

The emperor followed the lenient government he accepted when he ruled

the north, abolished the tyranny of the previous dynasty, reduced or
exempted taxes and corvee, so that the people could recuperate. He also
encouraged mulberry farming, built water conservancy projects, and paid
special attention to the management of the Yellow River. In response to the
long-term siltation of the riverbed in the middle and lower reaches of the
river, the riverbed was higher than the houses on both sides of the river,
and it looked like a hanging river. Talents in river management were

The old man Baishi, the mentor of the prime minister Gongsunyang, is now
reclusive in this mountain. Last year, Qiao Ping visited this place for the
treatment of his eye disease. It is seclusion and half healing.

The emperor and the queen brought each other into the mountain, not only
to visit Qiao Ping, but also to ask the old man for advice on water

The reason why the emperor thought of asking old man Baishi for advice
was because when he and the old man first met in Huainan, the dam was
in danger. The old man made a plan in time to help repair the dam and
eliminate the danger.

Although it has been many years, it left a deep impression on the emperor,
and he will never Don't forget it, so he came to visit now.

Baishi is a descendant of the Mo family. He has traveled all over the world
for half his life. In addition to being proficient in medicine, he is also deeply
involved in engineering matters. He knows that water conservancy is more
related to people's livelihood, especially the Yellow River. He broke down
and changed the route several times, leaving many troubles. In his early
years, he took the opportunity of his travels to investigate the Hehuai
waterway. However, the court did not have the intention to control the
water. The heart of saving the world, but it is difficult to sing a single palm.
Now that the new king is on the throne, he pays so much attention to the
hidden dangers of the Yellow River. The old man is also very pleased.
Although he can no longer go out to the mountains and rivers himself
because of his old age, he spared no effort to pass on his half-life
experience to the new emperor. He also recommended a local river official
named Xu Mian whom he had met when he traveled to Caoyang. He said
that although this person was not just a small official, he was concerned
with people's livelihood and had a good idea of ​water control, and the
emperor could be promoted and reused.

The emperor was overjoyed, and had a long talk with the old man holding
candles for a long night. After dawn, he would rest. After returning to the
court, he immediately summoned Xu Mian to Luoyang.

In the previous dynasty, there were two ways to become an official, namely,
levy and recommendation. These two methods played a positive role in
recruiting talents at first, but in the later stage, they have become mere
formalities. Court officials employ cronyism, and it is even more common to
sell officials and vassals. Those who are truly talented and do practical
things will rarely succeed in their lives. day.

Xu Mian came from a poor family, but he was only a small official in charge
of river work by Cao Yangyi, and he spent half his life doing it. Although he
is talented, he also has the heart of the people. He has presented the water
control strategy to the court several times before, requesting to repair the
canals and rivers, but the court has always ignored it. Xu Mian was
disheartened and did not want to change the dynasty now. Before long, he
did not know how he found out about him, and he ordered him to enter the
court as an official.
The Son of Heaven conquered the commoners, known as "Jingjun", which
was a great honor for those who were called.

Xu Mian rushed to Luoyang with surprise and anxiety, and was summoned
by the emperor to the Nangong. After a chat between the emperor and the
minister, the emperor issued an edict to promote him to be the chief
minister of agriculture, in charge of the Hehuai water affairs, and took office

Xu Mian's half-life ambition was finally realized. He knelt down and shouted
long live. He was so grateful. After that, he arrived at the place and showed
his talents. He devoted himself to water control. The hidden danger of
flooding and breaching in the middle and lower reaches was eliminated. At
the same time, the diversion of water from dikes and weirs also irrigated
dozens of counties in eastern Henan and southwestern Shandong, with as
many as millions of acres of fields. From then on, people live and work in
peace and contentment. Respected as Duke Xu, he has also received
many awards from the court.

In the imperial court, at this time, the prime minister of Wen You, Gongsun
Yang, the imperial censor Wei Quan, the minister of the Shao Fu Qing Zhu
Zeng and other virtuous assistants, the military commander Li Dian Zhen
Youzhou, Wei Liang, the general Wei Liang, guarded Xiliang, Fuqiang
Commander Qiao Ci guarded Bingzhou, green eyes General Bi She,
because of his great achievements in pacifying the chaos in the south, was
named the Marquis of Jiujiang and guarded the southern border.

The emperor did not accept the concubines, and set up the Qiao family as
the queen, and they stayed with each other.
Everyone knows that Empress Qiao is not only beautiful, but also the
emperor's virtuous wife. When the emperor went south to fight, Yuyang was
attacked by the Huns and was in danger. Empress Qiao was not afraid of
life and death. She personally climbed the city wall to inspire the army and
the people to fight bravely, and finally saved Yuyang.

In the first month of the year following the emperor's accession to the
throne, the imperial court promulgated a new policy, announcing that the
imperial examination system would be added on the basis of the original
official selection mechanism. People in the world, as long as they are
talented and willing to serve the imperial court, can participate in the
selection by themselves in the imperial examinations, and the imperial
court will select the best and entrust them with official positions. First, the
examinations will be held to see the results. If this method is effective, the
recruitment and recommendation will be completely abolished in the future,
and the talent selection system of the imperial examination will be

The unfamiliar resignation of "Imperial Examination" has quickly become a

hot topic in the streets and alleys since the first day the decree was
promulgated. Countless men in white from poor families were so excited
after hearing the news that they couldn't sleep all night. Because it means
that from now on, they no longer have to wait for a slim chance of being
recommended by a local official, so as to get a half-official position. How
many people with true talents may not be able to wait for the recruitment
and recommendation of their dreams throughout their lives. Now, with this
pioneering talent selection method, it is not impossible to say that the
dream will be realized, but at least, it is a big step closer to the realization
of the dream.

Soon after the decree was promulgated, that year, the court held the first
Enke test. The total number of self-recommendations is said to exceed
10,000. After the first-level selection, and finally the Qianqiu Palace tried
the strategy, Dayan went out to found the country, and was also the first
batch of scholars in history.

This group of people who are in the middle are all talented and active in
thinking. After being appointed to official positions, most of them performed
well during their term of office. Among them, a group of outstanding people
later became important officials of the court.

A few years later, the imperial examination system completely replaced the
previous inspection system, which had been used for thousands of years,
and became the only way for the dynasty to select talents.

It is said that Empress Qiao was the first to propose the imperial
examination system and persuade the emperor and ministers to accept it.

Therefore, for a long period of time after that, Queen Qiao became a
legend like a goddess in the minds of scholars all over the world. In order to
spread, to be able to be named on the gold list, and finally to be given wine
by Qiao at the banquet in the palace, it has become the dream of many

Empress Qiao's reputation is known to everyone inside and outside

Luoyang. However, it was passed on. Soon after, it was not known where
the gossip came from. In the end, the most talked about in Luoyang was
not how virtuous Empress Qiao was, but how virtuous Empress Qiao was.
The emperor is afraid.

It is said that before Jin ascended the throne, he was still the Marquis of
Yan in Youzhou, and he already had the name of being afraid of the inside.
Because of the prohibition of Qiao, he did not dare to accept beauty. Now
the harem is empty and only the queen is left, and there is no prince under
his knees. However, he still does not accept the harem. Nine times out of
ten, I am afraid that not only is he afraid, but he is not only afraid of it.

If this rumor is true, then the founding emperor of Dayan is not only the
number one person in the world, but also the number one person in the
world who is afraid of the inside.

The people relished this kind of gossip about the emperor and empress.
Naturally, they did not dare, nor did they deliberately harbor malicious
intentions. It was just out of surprise and a little good intentions that
everyone has. Which one is not interested in the matter of the couple
behind closed doors? It was too powerful to spread the word, and then
gradually returned to the palace, even to the point where even the courtiers
knew about it.

Those old generals and ministers who followed the emperor and conquered
the world in those days actually divided into two factions about the matter
between the emperor and the queen. For example, Gongsun Yang felt that
the reason why the emperor did not accept the harem was because he
liked the queen most of the time, but like Wei Quan, he felt secretly that the
emperor was really afraid of the inside. I know, it would be a loss of the
dignity of the emperor, but although these people have inconsistent ideas,
they all know the secrets, and no one would be stupid enough to go to the
emperor to talk about it to seek bad luck.

There are a few former officials of the former dynasty, who do not know that
the tiger's **** cannot be touched, and out of the slightest desire to send
their daughter to the harem, they even deliberately co-signed a eloquent
memorial, Shuli. On the grounds that "the emperor marries twelve
daughters once, like December, there are nine concubines for three days"
and the reason that the emperor has only one princess so far, he invites the
emperor to establish a concubine and fill the harem.

The next day, the book was returned, and only Yubi Zhu wrote a sentence
on it: "Will you curse me, can't give birth to a son?"

The minister was frightened, and in a hurry, he filed an indictment and

begged for the crime.

Since then, no one in the Manchu Dynasty dared to mention the harem.

According to gossip, the emperor actually used his process of dealing with
this matter to flatter and ask for credit in front of Qiao Hou. Qiao Hou
learned that, but he laughed it off.

The emperor and the empress had deep feelings for Xindu, so the land was
a place of special significance for the emperor. The emperor ordered
people to repair the sandalwood of the Xin Palace and renamed it "Jiaxin
Palace". It was where the palace was located. After that, he went out to
Luoyang to visit Kyushu several times, and the emperors and empresses
all passed by Xindu and stayed there.
The Dayan Dynasty, from the first day of its establishment, has entered the
Qingming era, which is politically compatible with people and people.

For people in the market, the founding emperor was young and brave, and
according to people who were fortunate enough to have had an audience
with Qiao Hou, he was beautiful and charming, and at first glance, it was
like seeing a heavenly man. Such a pair of immortal family members is
deeply legendary. In addition to the widely circulated saying that "the
emperor fears the inside", the emperor of the Tian family under the crown
of Huanghuang, what kind of time is it for the couple to get along with the
door behind closed doors? The height of the palace wall is unknown, and it
is even more mysterious.

In order to satisfy the public's desire to spy on private affairs, the unofficial
barnyard officials and folk storytellers who have good deeds make up their
imaginations out of thin air, but just let them imagine how they can know
the truth?

The following records are all from the notes on the daily life of emperors
and empresses. The author has never added or deleted them at all. In the
order of chronology, I choose to transcribe them truthfully for the sake of

This first thing started from the first Enke of the Taihe year.

Chapter 165:
Dayan was the first to implement the imperial examination system, and
when the news was released, all the poor scholars all over the world ran to
tell them, and they rejoiced.

Some people are happy, and naturally some people are against it. The
voices of opposition naturally come from the old gentry families whose
vested interests have suffered damage. It’s a pity that his arms can’t twist
his thighs. Although the current emperor has the reputation of being fearful
and has broad governance, his methods are vigorous and resolute. When
he has an iron hand, he will never be soft-handed. , So after a period of
riotous opposition, it will be nothing, not to mention, not all the gentry have
jumped out to oppose the imperial examination system, there are also
enlightened people who agree, the most famous representative is Gao
Heng of Bohai County.

Gao Heng came from a famous family. Although he has never been an
official, Gao Heng is a prominent family in Bohai. While criticizing this new
policy, he was the first to stand up and publicly express his support. Not
only that, he was also the first scholar in Bohai County to take part in the
first scientific examination.

When the news came out, the whole Bohai County was hotly debated.

In accordance with the promulgated detailed examination system, the

county examination, state examination and general examination, all
implement strict title scoring, because it is the first subject after the
founding of the dynasty, the emperor attaches great importance to it, in
order to truly select talents and prevent fraud, the thirteenth national In the
first part of the prefecture, all the academic officials were sent by the
imperial court to inspect the whole process. Once the frauds were
investigated, the officials and scholars involved in the case would have their
heads in danger.

That is to say, this will be a selection test that relies entirely on strength.
With Gao Bohai's reputation, if he really wants to be an official, he doesn't
have to use this risky way to become an official at all, and even, in the eyes
of others, this move is just as shocking to the world.

Not to mention that he was willing to surrender his status and participate in
the imperial examinations with ordinary scholars. Even if he came out on
top in the end, it would be the icing on the cake for him, but if he was
eliminated, it would be a stain on his reputation.

Gao Bohai's relatives and friends came to persuade them one after
another, but he didn't listen. Instead, he was smug and said with a smile:
The new dynasty eradicates the old malpractices, and Vientiane is
renewed. The imperial examination system is more like a breeze blowing
on my face, Lan Xinxiang my nose, it can be seen that the court is not
sticking to one pattern in employing people, my generation is not only in the
ranks of scholars, but also fortunate to meet the Qing Dynasty. Cherish the
past few reputations and hold back?

When the word spread, everyone in and outside the Bohai Sea was
unwilling to worship him.

Under the effect of Gao Bohai's "star", some other nobles also sent their
children to refer to in order to show their loyalty to the new emperor. In a
short period of time, it became a common practice.
Gao Bohai's remarks are not only very popular, but also full of

He really has such self-confidence capital, not only is he talented and

proficient in archery and riding, but also has a lot of insights into game
theory. The county test and state test went smoothly all the way. The final
ranking came out, and he was in the top three along with the two scholars.

The master of the examination, Fang Xi, a doctor of Taixue, did not dare to
decide by himself. He listed the three papers separately, and presented
them together with all the other papers on the list to the imperial front, and
asked the emperor to rank them in person.

In the afternoon, the bright sun shone on the layers of dark green glazed
tiles in the imperial palace, the owl kissed and the eaves were raised.

In the Huaguang Hall of the North Palace, which was used by the emperor
for daily living, there is a mountain-shaped cover of a staggered gold
bronze Boshan furnace, slowly spitting out a curl of incense and light
smoke, scattered around, immortal birds carved on the waist of the furnace
, then fluttering about to fly, looking at the sea like Penglai Xianshan.

The inner hall is layered with smoke and silk tents, and the bright light is
filtered layer by layer, gradually reaching the inner hall and turning into

Several palace maids in colorful clothes stood quietly in the corner of the
hall, holding their breaths waiting for the queen to wake up from her nap.

Emperor Fang Xide gave him a seat and sat upright on an embroidered
couch, commenting on the results of the meeting.

After the emperor was in the case, while listening to his comments, he
looked at the other three exam papers.

The paper-based test paper flipped between his fingers, making a slight
rustling sound.

Half a year ago, after trial and error, the craftsmen of the Industrial and
Manufacturing Department finally produced a paper that can completely
replace silk and bamboo slips for smooth writing.

The newly-made paper has changed from the rough texture that was
difficult to reach in the past. Not only is it white and flexible, it is easy to
write on, but it is also much cheaper than silk. It was quickly popularized. In
this imperial examination, the scrolls used by scholars to answer are all
written on paper at the order of the imperial court.

"Your Majesty, these three test papers were reviewed by the old minister
and others, after repeated deliberation, and they were jointly
recommended, and they were among the top three, especially Bohai

Fang Xizheng was talking, and suddenly there was a sound of light
footsteps landing behind him, as if someone was running and jumping in
the Xuan room.

This is extremely unethical, especially since this is still the imperial study.
Who is so unbridled, dare to run and jump like this in front of the emperor?

As soon as Fang Xi stopped, he heard a delicate child's voice from behind

Qing Lingling: "Father!" Turning his head, a little girl had entered the door.

The girl is only two years old, but she was born with pink and jade carvings.
The color of the small skirt, if no one was around, ran towards the emperor,
came to him, grabbed the emperor's arm, and said in a milky voice:
"Father, what are you looking at?"

When Emperor Fang Cai listened to his grading, he didn't know what was
going on. Fang Xi felt that he seemed absent-minded, and even seemed a
little unhappy.

This made Fang Xi feel uneasy, and suspected that the top three articles
selected were not in accordance with the Holy Spirit, so he has been
vigorously explaining it.

But at this moment, he saw the emperor smile, and hugged the little girl
with a big radish on his lap and let her sit in his arms before continuing to
flip through the test paper.

Fang Xi secretly wondered.

He naturally recognized that the little girl who suddenly ran into the Xuan
room was Princess Changning, the beloved daughter of Jinshang and
Queen Qiao.

He had also heard that the emperor was very fond of the princess, not only
allowed her to enter and leave the Xuan room freely, but also when
discussing with the ministers, if the princess happened to be there and did
not want to leave, the emperor would simply hug her and sit on him.

I didn't expect that I would actually see this scene today.

Seeing the little princess sitting in the emperor's arms, lying on the imperial
desk, tilting her head slightly with her chin up, and looking at herself with
round eyes, Fang Xi couldn't help coughing dryly, her expression serious,
and her back was even more straight. After receiving Fangcai's words, he
continued: "Your Majesty, especially Bohai Gao Heng, his articles are very
beautiful, the secrets are brocade, and the answer is to the point, and his
writing is brilliant. The position of Yuan is also well-deserved..."

The emperor had already put down the file and looked at Fang Xi for a
moment. He was silent at first, but suddenly he tapped his finger **** the
case and made a loud "click".

Fang Xi was stunned and stopped.

The emperor said expressionlessly: "I know. You go down first!"

Fang Xi was unwilling, stood up hurriedly, and explained again: "The top
three volumes of the test will be jointly evaluated, and the title column will
be opened. Only then did the old minister know that this volume was written
by Gao Bohai, and there is no favoritism at all. It wasn't that the old minister
was moved by his article, the Prime Minister was full of praise for Gao
Heng's volume after reading it—"

"Go back."

The emperor repeated it again, his tone even colder.

The little princess quickly turned her head and glanced at her father.
Seeing his sullen face, she jumped off his lap, ran to Fang Xi, looked up at
him and whispered, "My father, he is not happy! Go! There is a person, my
father won't let him say, he still wants to say, to make my father unhappy,
and he was scolded by him in the end, so pitiful..."

Fang Xi wanted to break his head, but he couldn't think of how he had
touched the emperor's scales. His face was red and white, and he looked
down to see the little princess looking at him with sympathy. He was
moved, forced a smile, and bowed respectfully to her. I thanked myself and
had to retreat.

Xiao Qiao accompanies Wei Shao to review the memorials until late last
night. After returning to the palace, he didn't sleep well. He felt a little
sleepy at noon, so he went to make up for a sleep. After a long sleep, he
woke up lazily, and saw that Philip was not around. He asked the palace
maid where she was going.

The palace maid bundled up layers of light gauze curtains that blocked the
sun, and the inner hall was filled with light immediately.

One of them smiled and said, "Just now, the little princess woke up and
ordered the maid to wait for the queen to wake up. She quietly got out of
bed and said she was going to look for your majesty. Chunyi sent her

Philip is now more than two years old, and she is so spoiled by her father
that she is about to go to the house. The emperor and his ministers were
discussing matters in the Xuan room. If it was not a major matter, the little
princess suddenly came out from behind the imperial case, and shocked
Gongsun Yang and others who were unprepared. This is also a common

Not only did the emperor not take it personally, but whenever this
happened, he would hold her on his lap instead.

Then, the ministers could only continue to speak with their crooked heads
lying on the edge of the table, staring at their trance-like little princess who
opened her mouth.

Such a scene, it is estimated that the ministers have gradually become

accustomed to it.

Xiao Qiao combed her hair, saw that Philip hadn't come back, she evened
her face a little, and left Huaguang Hall.

After Wei Shao was enthroned, he had been working hard in the early days
of Yan, and he was always diligent in his administration.

At this o'clock, the court meeting should have dispersed, and he must be in
the Xuan room.

Fang Xi was depressed and puzzled. When he came out of the Xuan room
and walked on the palace road, he saw Empress Qiao coming in this
direction under the company of the palace people. Huarong Yunshang,
Zhuhui Yuli, like a fairy concubine, Busy stopped by the side of the road far
away, and when she was close, he greeted her.
Xiao Qiao smiled and said, "The doctor came to see His Majesty for the

Fang Xi also knew that the imperial examinations were first proposed by
Qiao Hou, not to mention that the emperor has always obeyed the
empress, the court has long been no secret, and in front of her, there is
nothing to hide, and said: "Exactly. The top three files are presented to Your
Majesty. It is up to His Majesty to decide who will be the Ding Yuan."

Xiao Qiao asked, "Who are these top three?"

Fang Xi reported the names of the other two and said, "The other of the
three is the youngest, and the queen thinks she has heard of his name, that
is Bohai Gaoheng."

Thinking of the emperor's reaction when he heard his own comment on

Gao Heng's article, he was still puzzled, and he couldn't help but complain
again: "Excuse me for taking courage, and then say something in front of
the empress, Your Majesty is the first to open an imperial examination and
become an official, this is related to the society. This is a major event, since
the old minister has been entrusted with an important responsibility, the old
minister must do his best, and dare not be slack. From what the old
minister sees, Gao Bohai's writing is splendid, he has a vision, and he
deserves the position of Dingyuan. It is just that the old minister is under
His Majesty. When the Bohai Sea was pushed up in front of him, His
Majesty seemed to have doubts. It would be a pity to bury this article in
order to avoid suspicion because of his long-standing name, and it would
also be contrary to His Majesty's original intention of opening the imperial
examination to attract talents from all over the world."
Xiao Qiao naturally knew that Gao Heng also participated in the first
imperial examination. When he heard the news, he was very surprised, and
he didn't expect that he had passed the examination all the way and finally
entered Luoyang.

In the emperor's heart, what was going around in his mind, others didn't
know, but Xiao Qiao could always guess. As soon as you hear it, you know
what's going on.

He glanced at Fang Xi, a doctor of Tai Xue who looked puzzled, and
smiled: "Even if Your Majesty doesn't take it, he must have considered it,
not to mention that it has not been decided yet? The doctor will go back
with peace of mind and wait for the news."

When Fang Xi left, Xiao Qiao entered the Xuan room.

Chunniang and a few palace servants were standing outside the Xuan
room. Seeing her coming, they hurriedly greeted her.

"The princess is inside. She just woke up and is about to come to find your
majesty." Chunniang whispered.

Xiao Qiao nodded, and as soon as he entered, he saw Philip sitting on Wei
Shao's lap, Wei Shao holding his daughter in one hand and a paper in the
other, reading to Philip and asking, "Philip What do you think of this one?
Why don't you choose it as the top one?"

"But people don't know it! It's too difficult!" Philip wriggled on his father's
legs, frowning, "The white-bearded old man who was driven away by the
royal father just now seems to be very learned. I really don't know, so I'll go
and call the old man back..."

Wei Shao raised his head, saw Xiao Qiao coming, and paused.


Philip had always been used to calling Xiao Qiao Niangqin by her original
name. Seeing her coming, her eyes lit up and she was relieved. She
hurriedly climbed off Wei Shao and ran towards her.

"Mother! Father has to read to me those words that I don't understand! He

wants me to help him choose! It's so difficult! Mother, please help Father!"

After leaving the emperor, he ran out in a flash.

Xiao Qiao watched her daughter disappear behind the door, turned to look
at Wei Shao, and walked towards him.

Wei Shao, as if nothing had happened, pressed a file at the bottom as if he

was doing it smoothly.

Xiao Qiao came to him and said, "What are you doing just now? The
ready-made doctor of Taixue did not ask for advice, but asked Philip to help
you decide the ranking? There is no end to the nonsense."

Wei Shao put his arms around her, pressed her to sit on his lap, hugged
her as if he had just hugged Philip, lowered his head and leaned into her
fragrant neck, took a deep breath, He said vaguely: "I'm impatient to listen
to those old pedants teach me a lesson. Why don't you help me decide."
Xiao Qiao glanced at him and said with a smile, "Okay, if you are bold, then
you will be arrogant."

Reaching out his hand, he pulled out the file that he had just pressed at the

Chapter 166:

Wei Shao was stunned, but fortunately, he responded very quickly. Before
Xiao Qiao could unfold it, he took the file from her hand.

Xiao Qiao glanced at him, stretched out a small hand towards him.

Wei Shao put the hand holding the file behind his back and laughed dryly:
"This is not well written, look at the other..."

"I want to see."

Little Joe smiled at him.

Wei Shao didn't move.

Xiao Qiao stretched out his hand behind him and took out the file in his

Wei Shao held it tight.

The smile on Xiao Qiao's face disappeared.

"let go!"

As soon as Wei Shao's hand was released, the file was taken away by her.
Seeing her opening the dossier, looking down at the article, her eyes finally
fell on the column of names, her concentration was thoughtful, she
suppressed the sourness that was bubbling in her heart, and said, "Gao
Heng is just emptying words in this article. No words. What does Manman

Xiao Qiao put down the file.

"On the way I came here, I happened to meet Dr. Fang, and I asked about
the test paper. The doctor's opinion is completely opposite to yours.
According to the doctor, Gao Bohai's answer is Dingyuan, which is

Wei Shao was embarrassed, and coughed dryly: "It's not me who
slandered the previous dynasty! How did people like Fang Xi get into
Taixue Doctors? It's clearly a hodgepodge, and it has to be described as a
Dingyuan article! Not so much! Because of Gao Heng's reputation, writing it
is shit, and they smell like..."

He had a look of righteous indignation on his face, but when he saw Xiao
Qiao looking at him, his voice gradually softened and finally stopped.

"keep going!"

Xiao Qiao also sat sideways on his lap, and when he saw that he had
stopped, he urged him and raised a delicate brow.

Wei Shao and her gazed at each other for a moment, then suddenly said,
"You also deliberately went against me, didn't you? Let me tell you the
truth! I just can't stand this Gao Heng! Not to mention..."
He squinted at her: "What's more, he came to take the test, obviously
because he has no plans! How dare you say you don't know?"

Xiao Qiao stared at him for a moment, with a sullen face at first, but
suddenly he couldn't hold it any longer, and laughed out loud.

"Why don't you have any plans? You make it clear!" she said with a smile.

Wei Shao said angrily and slipped his lips, originally a little worried that
Xiao Qiao would be annoyed, but suddenly seeing her smile, looking like a
hibiscus, he took the opportunity to hug her: "But you want me to say, I said
you don't blame me! I knew from a long time ago that this Gao Heng has no
plans for you! It is clear that you have married me as his wife, but he said
that you are his confidant. Don't have any plans? Originally, I thought, after
so many years, I don't care about him anymore! I didn't expect him to come
again now..."

He paused.

"What's coming again?"

"I'm here to draw your attention again!"

The more Wei Shao thought about it, the more annoyed he became, "In the
name of the Bohai Gao clan, he wants to be an official, and he did it a long
time ago! But he didn't come out early, and he didn't come out late. If he
didn't appear at this time to participate in the imperial examination, he
obviously heard about it. This imperial examination system was advocated
by you, so I deliberately voted to your liking to draw your attention!"
"You are not ashamed! How many years ago the old imperial calendar,
Philip was also three years old, but you still remembered such a small
matter and made a big fuss! When the imperial examination system first
came out, there was a lot of opposition from the world's gentry. I know Your
Majesty, you are wise and talented, and you disdain relying on the old local
nobility to stabilize the country, but if they really form a group and oppose it
fiercely, and the place is not stable, Your Majesty, you can't cut their heads
because of this, you have to find a way to settle it. , right? Gao Bohai not
only publicly supported His Majesty, but also resisted the pressure to take
the exam, which sealed the mouth of the nobility. What is the purpose of
Dayan opening the imperial examination? You will try, and instead of
rewarding you, you are making trouble!"

Xiao Qiao stretched out a finger and poked his heart: "I see you, the heart
is not much bigger than the nose of a needle!"

"I'm like this, and it's not the first day you know about it!" Wei Shao sullenly
said, "Those gentry will make trouble again and annoy me. There are some
ways to kill them, without his Gao Heng coming out to be a good person for

Xiao Qiao frowned slightly: "Why do I think you have the potential to be a
dizzy prince?"

"Hunjun is stupid!" Wei Shao didn't blink, "No matter what you say, I don't
think Gao Heng is pleasing to the eye! No matter how well he writes, no
matter how capable he is, I don't want me to record him! "
Xiao Qiao stared at him, took away his two hands that were holding his
waist, stood up and said with a smile instead of a smile: "It's good that your
majesty is happy. The concubine will retire first."

Turn around and go outside.

When the emperor and the queen were in the same room, there was an
unwritten rule in the palace. If they were not summoned, the palace staff
would take the initiative to retreat outside.

So at this moment, there are only two emperors and queens in the huge
Xuan room.



"and many more-"

Xiao Qiao walked to the door, there were footsteps behind her, Wei Shao
chased after her, and grabbed her hand from behind.

"I recorded him as the second place! Is this the head office?"

Joe turned back.

"I can't give him the top spot on this list! Although it is not to shut out the
children of the nobility, the purpose of this first game is to show the
determination of the court to use talents in an unconventional manner. It’s
up to you to tell me! Gao Bohai’s article is good, but to take him as the top
spot in the first game is against the original intention of the New Deal! I took
him as the second place, and if it’s a big deal, I will give him some extra
awards as compensation for taking his top spot. !"

"So, are you satisfied?"

He had a stinky face.

Xiao Qiao smiled slowly, she stretched her arms around his waist, stood on
tiptoe, kissed him, put her lips to his ear, and said in a low voice, "My
husband is obviously as wise as Yao and Shun, but just now he wants to
Eating jealousy, not afraid of people laughing..."

Wei Shao's face softened.

"In Manman's eyes, there is only His Majesty, and the rest of the men in the
world, not to mention that there is no one who is better than His Majesty, it
is true, and Manman will never take a second look..."

After finally waiting for the sweet words like Meiren'er, Wei Shao's body
froze, and all the sullenness that had just disappeared immediately
disappeared. I know you've always wanted to see that cliff in the clouds,
and I said before that I'm going to take you to see it, but I can't get out of it,
and it hasn't happened until now. Why don't you put things aside and I'll
take you and Philip out palace!"

Xiao Qiao was startled, smiled and shook his head: "You can see the cliffs
or not, husband doesn't have to go to great lengths for me to go on a
pointless tour."

Wei Shao answered vaguely at the time, but he was holding back about it.
The next day, he summoned Gongsun Yang to show him the top three in
the imperial examination. Then, he focused on revealing to him that he
wanted to leave the palace for a period of time. idea.

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, Gongsun Yang stopped him

with a bunch of reasons that sounded reasonable.

The emperor was depressed and had to suppress his thoughts.

Half a month later, Dayan's first imperial examinations released the imperial

The most eye-catching Bohai Gaoheng won the second place.

In the first scientific examination, among the top three, there were two poor
scholars and one nobility. This kind of result can be regarded as a great joy.

Although Gao Heng failed to occupy Kui Yuan, he had achieved his original
intention and had no regrets.

That day, the palace gave a banquet, and the emperor and the queen
came together. After many years, Gao Heng was finally able to meet the
woman who had painted and inscribed together in the temple of the Queen
Mother of the West. This made Gao Heng very excited.

In his mind, Queen Qiao had already become a goddess-like existence,

and she had no blasphemy at all. Besides, with her status, how could she
be disrespectful?

He had no intention of entering an official position, not to mention

nowadays, a talented scholar like Gao Heng who came from a noble family,
is a noble and romantic in his bones, and the emperor may not really take it
seriously, but the Mrs. Yanhou who made him unforgettable at first sight,
but Different. She is now a queen. He also heard that the new imperial
examination system promulgated by the imperial court was first advocated
by Empress Qiao. When he learned that the gentry were opposed to it, he
immediately became enthusiastic and did not think much about it.

Gao Heng is honored to be able to contribute to Qiao's aftereffects.

So today the imperial palace gave him a banquet. He knelt down and
accepted the wine from Queen Qiao, and when he saw Qiao, he nodded to
himself with a smile, and asked questions cordially. There are rubbings of
the top ten cliffs in the world at Weichen, especially the rubbings of the cliffs
in the cloud, which are made by me, and they are almost the same as the
original. If the queen does not abandon it, Weichen is willing to present the
queen to show her loyalty."

The emperor's face sank slightly. The queen declined with a smile, saying
that she did not dare to take love. Gao Heng's face showed regret, but the
emperor's complexion was only slightly better.

Half a month later, the emperor sealed the office and sent Gao Heng to
Luoyang far away, which finally made him feel much more comfortable.

But he still had one thing on his mind.

One day two months later, finally, a huge behemoth was packed in a large
closed box with a height of three feet and a length of four or five feet. The
front was driven by six horses. The soldiers of the team escorted them to
the south gate of Luoyang.
This huge box, which looks very heavy, swaggered through the city and
passed through half of the imperial city. It was so ostentatious that it
attracted almost half of the city's residents and watched it finally be sent to
the gate of the palace.

What's in the box?

Passersby talked a lot, and in the end, everyone agreed with a statement.
From the perspective of weight and the level of guards, the box should be
full of gold, silver and treasures.

When the hot discussion of passersby drifted into Jia Xi's ears, his tightly
tensed face was about to collapse.

He was quite worried, if the people of Luoyang knew that the box was
actually a large stone that had been chiseled from the top of the mountain
by dozens of masons day and night, with the eyes of the locals in the cloud
who dared not speak out. , In order to transport this big stone into Luoyang
smoothly, it took a lot of manpower and material resources to travel by
water and land. In fact, it was just something that the emperor did to please
the queen, even in his opinion, it was a bit absurd. , will the people arrange
behind the scenes that the emperor is a foolish monarch who is very likely
to die in one lifetime?

The author has something to say: I calculated it again. At the time of the
last chapter, the little princess should have been three years old, so I will
change it.

The following is the cat fairy.

The writing is very loose, and I am actually not very good at writing this kind
of daily life. If you don't like it, you don't have to read it.

Chapter 167:

"Close your eyes, don't peek..."

Xiao Qiao was caught by Wei Shao, and he closed his eyes according to
his repeated instructions. With a group of palace servants watching from a
distance, he led him slowly around the Ganquan Pond in the Imperial
Garden, and finally stopped.

"Here. Open your eyes!"

He heard a smug voice coming from his ear. Joey opened his eyes.

As soon as she raised her gaze, her eyes straightened immediately.

This is clearly a cliff in the cloud!

She stared at the giant cliff in front of her: nearly three feet high and four or
five feet long, standing in front of her like a small mountain...

To be precise, this is a part of a mountain wall, but it was artificially chiseled

from its original position. Although it has been carefully repaired, the cracks
on the surface of the rock mass eroded by wind and rain still remain. There
are traces of residual moss.

She turned her head slowly and met the emperor's praise-seeking eyes.

"Is this the surprise you said you were going to give me?"

Wei Shao's reaction just now caught her eye.

She didn't even jump up in surprise? !

Don't you recognize what this is?

Wei Shao poked his finger at the huge behemoth standing beside Ganquan
Pond and emphasized: "The real body of the cliff in the cloud!"

Are you happy? Impressed?

In fact, nothing, just a little care.

The emperor endured it, and finally pressed back the two words that finally
jumped to his throat, watching his queen beside him, expecting more
reactions from her.

Xiao Qiao walked to the front of the cliff, reached out and slowly touched
the words above it, which seemed to carry the breath of wind and rain for
hundreds of years.

"I'm afraid I won't have time to take you out of Luoyang in the short term. I
know you've been thinking about it, so I simply moved it here. You can
watch it anytime you want in the future..."

No matter how good Gao Heng's rubbing works, how can it be compared to
a living cliff? Dump him to nowhere!

"How, do you like it?"

After a long time, Wei Shao couldn't help but walk up to her and asked after
seeing her with her back to him and not making a sound.

Xiao Qiao finally turned around.

"Your Majesty is really thoughtful, I really..."

"I didn't expect it!" She thought about it and smiled.

Xiao Qiao's reaction made Wei Shao feel a little disappointed. Out of a
need to make up for it, he reached out and put his arms around her waist.

Xiao Qiao looked back and saw that a group of palace servants were by
the Ganquan Pool, their eyes seemed to be on this side, they struggled
slightly, and pushed his arm, "Someone is here, in broad daylight..."

"Why not?"

Wei Shao didn't care, only seeing her dodging, without turning his head, he
brushed his hands towards the group of palace servants behind him. The
palace people are busy leaving. So he lowered his head, licked and bit her
tender ears gently, and whispered in her ear with a sincere, hoarse tone full
of temptation: "As long as you really like it, tell your husband, no matter
what in this world, my husband will help her. you get it..."

His ears were a little itchy after being blown and bitten by him, Xiao Qiao
shrank his neck, pushed his face away, and smiled sweetly: "Husband
treats me so well, it's just..."
She paused, "This cliff has been in Yunmen for hundreds of years. His
Majesty said that he cut it down, and then moved all the way to Luoyang.
Fortunately, it was not damaged. sinner?"

Wei Shao hesitated: "Are you unhappy?"

Xiao Qiao shook her head: "I know that His Majesty is for me, so why would
you be unhappy? It's just that I am a little worried for His Majesty..."

"What are you worried about?" Wei Shao was startled.

"If Weiquan and the others knew that His Majesty had moved Yunzhong
Moya into the palace in order to satisfy my eyes, they would definitely
impeach. Weiquan's temperament, your Majesty, you are not ignorant..."

Wei Shao's heart skipped a beat.

No one knows better than him what Wei Quan is like. The scene of being
chased by him to the toilet back then is still vivid in my mind.

"Don't worry about him!" He frowned, his tone hard, "I just asked someone
to give you a rock, and he even cares about that?"

Xiao Qiao sighed: "Forget about Wei Quan and the others. When the
Empress Dowager returns to the palace, she will definitely know. If you ask
me, what should I say then?"

Mrs. Xu is now the Empress Dowager and lives in the Jiade Palace. When
she was in the palace, Philip went to the great grandmother every day to
meet Huan's knees, and the two had a very good relationship. A few days
ago, Mrs. Xu took Feifei out of the palace to the Royal Daming Temple, and
she hasn't come back today.

According to the original plan, it will be back in two days.

Xiao Qiao grabbed the sleeves of Wei Shao's dragon robe with both hands,
and shook it gently: "If the Empress Dowager asks how the cliff escaped
from the clouds to the imperial garden, how should I deal with her old man,
Your Majesty?"

Wei Shao was speechless for a while.

He actually forgot about this! At the beginning, I called Jia Xilai when my
brain was hot, and I just waited for Moya to arrive in Luoyang after
explaining the matter, and I didn't think much about it.

Now that the things were delivered, Wei Shao suddenly realized that he
seemed to have brought a hot potato into the palace.

Not to mention Xiao Qiao's reaction, it was far less ecstatic than he had
expected. He brought such a famous historic site as the Cloud Gate Cliff
into the palace, and it is impossible to hide it from the sky. Like Xiao Qiao
said, sooner or later, it will reach Wei Quan's ears. Soon, the official system
was clear and bright, and the officials had nothing to look for. He had
nothing to do when he was full.

Wei Shao himself doesn't care, the left ear goes in and the right ear goes
out, so annoyed, just drive him away.
But in this way, Xiao Qiao will suffer the disaster of Chiyu. Maybe it will
make people misunderstood, thinking that the queen wants the emperor to
do this.

What's more, there is also the grandmother. If you ask, it's really a bit
awkward to explain.

"Or... When my grandmother came back, I said to myself, I want to

appreciate the cliff! That's why I ordered someone to get it!"

Xiao Qiao shook her head: "Your Majesty, you said it yourself, will grandma
believe it? She must know that you did it for me, so she naturally won't
blame me verbally, but she will definitely think in her heart that she is quite
ignorant to let His Majesty the Emperor Doing such a thing, I don't know
how to persuade him..."

The weather must be too hot and the sun above his head is too big. After
standing like this for a while, Wei Shao felt his back start to heat up.

"Then what?"

Wei Shao glanced at the big stone, "I got it all, is it possible to send it

His tone was full of depression.

Being an emperor, in fact, there are still many fetters in the body!

Shun Jun... Wei Shao suddenly envied the Shun Jun who were able to do
whatever they wanted in previous dynasties. He also wanted to be a
faint-hearted prince who pampered his queen, but why was it so easy!
Xiao Qiao shook his head: "Such a big cliff is inconvenient for long-distance
transportation. It is not easy to go down the mountain, and it is even more
difficult to send it up. Even if it is sent up, the chisel has already been
chiseled, and I am afraid it will be difficult to restore its original

She smiled and said: "It's better than this, Your Majesty asked someone to
send it to Daming Temple to be placed. The ancient temples of famous
temples, reflecting each other, not only enhances the style, but also does
not prevent people from continuing to appreciate the calligraphy of
predecessors, and... Your Majesty, look, She pointed to the eroded surface
of the cliff. "It has been in the mountains for hundreds of years, and some
stone carvings have been damaged by weathering. Now they have been
transported to Luoyang and placed there, which can also be regarded as a
proper protection for the predecessors' calligraphy. The imperial palace It's
not far from Daming Temple, if I want to see it, I can see it anytime, what
does Your Majesty think of my suggestion?"

Wei Shao let out a long sigh, stared at Xiao Qiao, suddenly hugged her
tightly, kissed her hard, pressed his lips to her ear, and said in a low voice,
"However you love me, I love you. Not enough for you..."

Jia Xi was out on a business trip for two months, and with great effort, he
finally cut half of the mountain and brought the large stone that the emperor
wanted into the palace. It's simply incomprehensible to get things into
Daming Temple. How dare you have the slightest doubt that the order
came from the highest boss? He hurriedly brought people, put Moya back
in the box, and sent it to Daming Temple overnight.

In the early morning of the next day, the sky was not yet clear, the emperor
was on the throne early in the morning, and his **** was not hot. The
imperial censor, Wei Quan, couldn't wait to get out of the queue, holding a
wat board full of speech summaries, and went down. Kneeling and salute,
getting flat behind him, with a dignified face, he began to persuade the
emperor, to the effect that he learned a piece of news overnight last night,
Your Majesty, you actually sent someone to go to Yunzhong to **** the cliff
and bring it to the palace. This is very wrong behavior. Although everything
in the world belongs to the emperor, it does not mean that the emperor can
take all the things you fancy into the palace. The local people in Yunzhong
are also very dissatisfied with this. This kind of behavior also damages the
glorious image of the emperor and the queen. I only speak to protect your
reputation, the emperor. Please correct the error in time, Balabala, etc...

Dr. Wei finished speaking in one breath, his mouth was dry.

The emperor cast a pair of dragon eyes at him coldly, raised his dragon
face arrogantly, and responded, "I really did this, but I wasn't robbing the
people like you said!" I am heartbroken that the local people in Yunzhong
did not know how to protect the ancient calligraphy, and let it weather and
damage on the cliff. For the purpose of protection, I chiseled the cliff and
transported it to Luoyang. It was delivered to Daming Temple last night, and
it was properly protected. After the repairs are completed, it will be open to
the world. You don't know the details. Listening to the wind is the rain. What
is the purpose of slandering the integrity of this emperor?

Wei Quan was stunned, and hurriedly fell to the ground, asking the
emperor for forgiveness.

So Gongsun Yang and others also pleaded for him.

The emperor naturally accepted it as soon as he saw it, and said

generously that there was no harm, saying that this was the duty of Doctor
Wei. Although you had wronged the emperor, the emperor would not care
about you.

So the early morning of the day ended in a piece of praise for the virtues of
the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty.

After the emperor went to court, he recalled Wei Quan's stunned and
convincing face in the golden palace, and he was in a very happy mood.
After returning to the harem, he did not go to the Xuan chamber, but went
directly to the palace to find the queen, intending to come to prostitution in
the daytime.

The world says that the emperor is good, and the three palaces and six
courtyards let him run. Wei Shao didn't want the three palaces and six
courtyards. He deeply felt that since he became the emperor, he was tired
like a donkey. people.

Every day I can completely relax and get along with Xiao Qiao privately,
and there are only a few hours left in the middle of the night, after the
"normal" sleep is removed, and the little princess often falls asleep in the
middle of the night and wakes up to fight him. Xiao Qiao's time, the "sleep"
time he can sleep with the Queen of Beauty in his arms, will never be

If you don't hurry up on the last moment, and wait for the Queen Mother to
bring Philip back to the palace in two days, you will not be able to do things
conveniently anytime, anywhere.

Chapter 168:

Layers of splendid silk tents blocked the light of the day from the Guanghua

The bedroom was dark, Boshan spit out wisps of fragrance, and the pearls
held by the phoenix-shaped gilt candlesticks were like clouds and smoke.
In the tassel acacia treasure tent, the brocade quilt is rotten, and the two
emerald phoenix hairpins on the beauty's head have fallen one by one on
the cloud pillow, the low temples are scattered, and the jade muscles are

"...Man Man should be faster or slower for her husband..."

The emperor endured the burning fire, slowed down a little, kissed her
closed eyelids, and asked her with a humming.

The beauty below her had pink cheeks, and her eyelashes trembled


"Is that still the case?"

"I want you to say..."

"Hey huh... husband is fine no matter what..."

The beauty finally spoke, the emperor Long Xin was delighted, and the
tongue wrapped around the small mouth of the sandalwood, the dragon
was angry, and there was a slight collision of gold and jade from the
trembling of the golden hook and jade, and the jade man cried
intermittently. Crispy bones.

As the saying goes, "Happy and glory is so hard, but the bitter day is
galloping southwest." Our wise and martial emperor rolled on the dragon
bed with his beautiful queen, and the rolling was hearty and dripping, and
the pores were dilated, refreshing and sweet. Suddenly, the voice of the
palace servants came from outside the palace.

The cat in the Jiade Palace, for some unknown reason, ran out and fell into
the Ganquan Pond in the Imperial Garden.

The cat is getting older and less active during the day, mostly sleeping in
the sun. Today, the palace officials didn't pay much attention to it. When it
was found and fished out of the pond, it looked like it was about to drown.

The Empress Dowager has kept this cat for many years. She is seven or
eight years old. She has a fat head and a fat brain. She is as white as a
hydrangea. She has always been by her side. It played for a while,
because it was inconvenient to carry it when I went to the temple this time,
so I left it in the palace.

Unexpectedly, there was an accident.

The palace servants were extremely frightened. Seeing that the cat was
dying, they did not dare to hide it. They hurriedly rushed to the Queen's
place to report the crime, but they were naturally stopped by the palace
servants who were guarding outside the Guanghua Palace.

The palace was already quiet, and the afternoon time was even more
silent. As soon as the outside of the hall spoke, the voice faintly passed in.

Xiao Qiao was entangled like an octopus by Wei Shao, and he didn't
understand what was being said outside, but only vaguely heard the voice
of the palace servant with a cry of panic, as if something had happened, he
was puzzled and opened his eyes. , pushed him.

Wei Shaoxing was disturbed, naturally unhappy, and vaguely said "don't
worry about it", but she pushed herself and kept on, so she stopped
helplessly, did not get off the dragon bed, and lifted the tent with one hand ,
the probe turned out, and he roared angrily: "What's the rash thing?"

The palace servants who were guarding outside didn't dare to disturb the
Empress with this matter. They were whispering to the palace servants to
wait. Suddenly, they heard the emperor's roar. Go down and speak loudly.

Xiao Qiao heard it clearly and was taken aback.

That cat has not only been with the Empress Dowager for many years, her
daughter likes it, and Xiao Qiao herself likes it very much, and has been
raising it for many years, and her relationship is not shallow, just because
Wei Shao has always been allergic to cats, so the Guanghua Palace never
let it be Come in half a step.
Unexpectedly, it fell into the pool and drowned!

Xiao Qiao screamed, anxious, and immediately pushed Wei Shao away,
sat up, and hurried to get dressed, Wei Shao frowned and forced her back
to the pillow.

"Something happened to the cat!" Xiao Qiao pushed him.

"I'll finish it first and then..."

Wei Shao's expression was tense, pressing her to grit her teeth for a while
to work harder, and finally, with a heavy sigh, Fang Chang let out a long
breath, lying on top of her and completely relaxed.

"...I'll go back earlier in the evening, you wait for me...I still need..."

When everything was over, he was still holding her, with a disappointing
expression on his face that he was interrupted by a good deed.

He had always had a bad impression of the cat, and he probably wouldn't
care if it died.

Xiao Qiao rolled his eyes at him, complained that he was cold-blooded,
pushed him away, and got out of bed to get dressed in a hurry.

Wei Shao jumped up from the bed, got up with her, and smiled at her: "I'll
take a look with you!"

Xiao Qiao hurriedly sorted them out, and the palace servants were already
kneeling outside the hall.
When several palace servants of the Jiade Palace saw the Empress
appear, they were frightened and pleaded guilty and begged for mercy.

When the door closed at noon, the weather was still fine, but when I came
out, the sky had turned overcast, the sky was densely cloudy, and there
were faint lightning flashes in the clouds in the distance.

It looked as if a thunderstorm was about to fall.

Xiao Qiao looked up at the sky and hurried to Ganquan Pond.

Wei Shao followed suit and followed her down the hall steps.

A drop of rain hit his face, feeling a little wet.

In a waterside pavilion by the pool, the cat was wrapped in cloth, and the
surrounding palace servants knelt down when they saw the emperor came.

Xiao Qiao ran to the cat's side, held it in her arms and called it a few times,
and pressed its stomach again, seeing its ears drooping weakly, and its
four fleshy claws also motionless, it looked really dead. Now, feeling
distressed and anxious, he turned to Wei Shao and said, "What should I
do? What should I do?"

Wei Shao felt distressed when she saw that she was about to cry, and
scolded the palace servant for not being optimistic about the cat.

The palace servants were already trembling when they knelt there, but
when they saw the emperor's anger, they were even more frightened.
"Where's the imperial physician! Don't call the imperial physician!" The
emperor issued an order.

A few imperial physicians ran out of breath, hurried over, and said in
embarrassment: "Your Majesty... Wei Chen et al can only heal people...
This... this beast, how can Wei Chen et al do it..."

Wei Shao said, "However a person can be treated, let him be treated as
well! Hurry up!"

The imperial physician knew that this cat's status was more valuable than a
human being, so he didn't dare to disobey any more, so he took it over and
gathered around and got busy for a while.

I don't know if the cat didn't die at all, or if it was really rescued by the
imperial physicians. After a while, it let out a faint meow.

"Alive and alive!"

The imperial physician was overjoyed, the palace servant was overjoyed,
and Xiao Qiao was also very happy, and hurried up, and sure enough,
seeing the cat's fleshy paws moving, she almost jumped up with joy,
grabbed Wei Shao's arm and said, "It's alive, it's alive! Too! All right!"

Wei Shao glanced at it and said, "It's good to live." He turned to several
imperial physicians and said, "Yes, I have a reward!"

The imperial physicians wiped their sweat and hurriedly thanked the
Little Joe was overjoyed. Seeing that the cat was rescued, she was only
wet, Xu Shi was cold, she couldn't stop shaking, she looked very weak, and
she was very distressed. She hurriedly wrapped it with a cloth and wanted
to pick it up and take it back, but Wei Shao had already grabbed it. Said: "I
will help you take it back!"

Xiao Qiao hurriedly said, "No need. Don't touch it."

Wei Shao said: "It doesn't matter if it's wrapped in cloth! The cat is a little
heavy, you can't hold it..."

He was fighting with Xiao Qiao, and the moment his hand touched the cat,
at this moment, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed across his head, and
then a Jiao Lei from Kerala smashed his head down, causing a stinging
pain like a ruptured eardrum. The palace servants nearby, timid and
exclaimed, covered their ears one after another.

Xiao Qiao's heart trembled with the thunder, and subconsciously hid in Wei
Shao's arms, hugged him tightly, and closed her eyes.

Thunder passed.

Xiao Qiao opened her eyes and unexpectedly found that the cat that was
dying just now seemed to have regained some strength suddenly, and
pulled it out from the cloth that wrapped it, stood up tremblingly and opened
her eyes wide. A pair of cat eyes like glazed **** stared at him, very happy.
He didn't notice that the emperor was staring at him with stunned eyes. He
was only worried that the cat would be cold. He only covered his head,
picked it up, turned to the emperor and said, "It's going to rain! We're going
Some palace servants have opened their umbrellas long ago.

Xiao Qiao hugged the struggling cat tightly in her arms to stop it from
jumping out of the water, and walked out of the water pavilion. : "Your
Majesty, it's going to rain, what are you doing standing there?"

The emperor seemed to have settled down, still standing still, his eyes
were cast on Xiao Qiao's face for a long time, his expression was extremely


Xiao Qiao finally realized that there seemed to be something wrong with
him, and looked at him suspiciously.

The emperor seemed to have suddenly regained his senses, and he didn't
dare to look at her again, he closed his eyes a little hastily, and said
vaguely: "I suddenly remembered that I still have unsettled government
affairs, I will deal with it first, Empress. at your own convenience."

It was already raining on the top of his head, and he walked in a hurry, and
he didn't even want the palace servant to hold an umbrella for him.

The palace man hurriedly opened his umbrella and chased after him.

Xiao Qiao was a little surprised and stared blankly at his back disappearing
at the end of the palace road, feeling that Wei Shao was suddenly
estranged from himself.

Originally, in front of her, he would never refer to himself as "Zhen", and in

private, he rarely referred to her as "Queen".
what happened to him?

The cat in his arms seemed restless, meowing and wriggling.

Xiao Qiao returned to her senses, shook her head, and turned back to
Guanghua Palace.

In Wei Shao's heart, a 10,000-headed grass-mud horse roared.

Today, everything was satisfactory to him, until the **** cat came out to
disrupt the situation, and then a thunder came down, and inexplicably, he
found that he had become a cat!

No, no, to be precise, it was his soul that entered the cat's body, and his
own body was taken away by another soul at the same moment!

He didn't know what was going on, but between the collision of lightning
and flint at the moment when he was taken away, he clearly captured an
idea from the other side.

The one who robbed him of his body was none other than himself, himself
in the previous life!

Wei Shao was forcibly trapped in Brie by Xiao Qiao and brought back. He
was mad, and tried every means to make her understand that the emperor
was no longer himself, and reminded her not to take that person as herself,
so as not to suffer losses, but no matter how hard he tried, the voice he
could make was " Meow meow meow-"

Hold! Hold! Hold!

The **** cat! I really had a fight with him. I usually ate, slept, slept, and ate.
The fat head and fat brain were covered in flesh. After he fluttered a few
times, he felt that the cat's body was too soft to jump. In the end, he could
only lean on his back. Stomach, slumped on Xiao Qiao's lap, gasping for
breath, sticking out his tongue.

"Queen, this cat is also pitiful. After being so frightened today, the servant
girl doesn't look much the same as usual."

A palace servant said.

Xiao Qiao sighed: "Yeah, the little guy should be frightened."

She picked up the emperor cat and patted its head lovingly.

"I'm your man-"

Wei Shao cried with a sad face, and let out a meow.

The author has something to say: Chen Gonggong's extravaganza has

been cancelled. Let’s just write the last one, about the embarrassing things
that happened after Wei Shao accidentally turned into a cat and his body
was shot to death by an arrow in a previous life…

In the end, it will be replaced, and Wei Shao from the previous life will also
go back.

Again, it's very important, this is a nasty extravaganza, don't watch it if you
don't like it~

Chapter 169:
When it got dark, the long and bright palace lanterns on both sides of the
vertical and horizontal aisles running through the palace were lit by the
palace people one after another. The continuous lights dispelled the dark
night that shrouded the palace.

The emperor sat beside the imperial office of Xuan Shi, his eyes staring at
the candle in front of him for a long time, his figure seemed to freeze.

Until now, he still couldn't believe what had happened: after being shot to
death by the arrow crossbow that pierced his throat, he actually came back
to life and became who he is now.

The current "self" is indeed himself, but it is another specious "self".

Apart from the similarity of being the founding emperor of Dayan, the
current "self" not only ruled the world and became the emperor of Dayan
earlier than before, but also all the other things that happened to this "self" ,
are also very different from his previous experience.

From the moment when the thunderbolt seized the house in the chaos,
many impressions about this life were reflected intermittently in his mind:
now is the second year of Taihe, and those who have followed him to
conquer the world are all He is still there, doing his good work as a general;
his grandmother Mrs. Xu is still alive, she has gone to Daming Temple
these days, and will be able to return to the palace soon; and Mrs. Su, the
woman he established as the queen in his original world , actually put a
poisonous hand on his grandmother!

It's messed up, it's all messed up. Everything in this world, including the
Xuan room he is in at the moment, is both familiar and unfamiliar to him!

He has been sitting alone for a long time, from the shadow of the sun to the
west, the Xuan room is gradually shrouded in the thick twilight, until the
night is completely engulfed, and it is deeper and deeper, but he is still
tightly grasped by the feeling of terror in his heart like a turbulent wave.
Outside the Xuan room, there was a sound of footsteps coming from far to
near. Then, a woman and a palace servant spoke softly. The voice was soft
and clear, very pleasant to the ear. The queen I saw was another daughter
from the Qiao family.

In his original world, the only impression the Qiao family's daughter left on
him was a dead, cold and beautiful corpse, but here, she is another queen
of his own, not only that, but also the only one he loves. woman.

As the woman's footsteps got closer and closer, the memory of getting
along with this woman in the body that he had snatched up rushed towards
him like a tide in an instant.

During the day, the "self" and her quilted pillows, the charming pictures
clearly emerged in his mind frame by frame...

If it is said that this is only from the memory of the original "self", then at the
moment when he took the house, when she subconsciously leaned into his
arms for fear of thunder, it was a real feeling, even if At this moment, he still
seems to have the touch of nephrite in his arms.
It is impossible for him to feel any strange feeling about a woman because
of such a brief hug. But for some reason, at this moment, as the woman's
footsteps got closer, he suddenly felt nervous.

He hadn't felt nervous for a long time. Suddenly, his heartbeat accelerated
uncontrollably, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

She is the person who has the closest relationship with "self". If someone
finds something wrong with him, then that person should also be her. This
is the reason why he will be nervous when facing her, the emperor said to
himself in his heart.

Out of a subtle mind that even he doesn't know why, he doesn't want others
to know what's happening to him. Anyone, including his sleeper.

The emperor took a deep breath, trying his best to relax his body that had
just suddenly tensed up.

The cat was like a demon. After tossing around in front of Xiao Qiao all
night, and sending it back to the Jiade Palace, it came back on its own, and
the palace staff couldn't stop it, let alone catch it. The last time, he rushed
towards Xiao Qiao and stuck to her, rubbed against her feet, looked up at
her, and kept meowing softly.

The cat has always been aloof. After raising it for so many years, this is the
first time Xiao Qiao has encountered a situation like tonight. I kept it, for
fear that Wei Shao would be allergic to it, so I would forcefully send it away.
I don’t know why, I looked at the beautiful eyes of the cat eagerly, and
listened to it making a pitiful cry like a begging at my feet, my heart
softened. He got down, picked it up and sent it to an ear hall next to the
sleeping hall, and asked the palace servant to move its nest, put it in and
squat down to caress it, coaxing: "The empress dowager didn't come back,
do you think that The Guardian Palace is deserted, isn't it? It's fine if you
don't come back, just sleep here tonight, just don't run around any more! If
you mess around again, I'll be really angry, you know?"

Wei Shao was so depressed that he wanted to go crazy and wanted to hit
the wall, so that he could knock himself out. But after struggling for half a
day and a night, he finally understood that it seemed that he could not get
rid of the predicament of being trapped by a cat's molestation for the time

No one knew what happened to him, and neither did Xiao Qiao. He has to
toss again, if he is caught and locked up and can't get close to her, it will be
really miserable.

That short-lived ghost took his home by himself in his last life, and
everything else is easy to say. What he fears most is that his little Joe will
be taken advantage of by that guy.

Although it is also his own body, strictly speaking, the emperor who took the
house and he are not outsiders, but his beautiful queen can only belong to
him, not even his previous life!

Wei Shao knew that he could only accept this reality first.

The most important thing at the moment, he must first win the pity of the
beautiful queen, and find a way to stay in this palace, so that he can seize
the opportunity at any time to prevent the unfortunate emperor from any
conspiracy against the queen.


He let out an aggrieved cry, stuck out his tongue and licked her palm.

The cat's tongue was wet and hot, and there were soft barbs, and when it
licked the palm of his hand, it felt numb and itchy.

Xiao Qiao smiled and hurriedly shrank back, rubbed its head instead, and
then stood up.

Xiao Qiao asked the palace people to wait outside and entered the Xuan

The emperor bowed his head and sat behind the imperial case, turning
over the memorial in his hand.

Xiao Qiao walked towards him and said with a smile, "Isn't it over yet? I see
you haven't come back. It's getting late, and your husband should be
exhausted. If there is nothing important, go back and rest first. It's not too
late to see tomorrow."

She came to his side, took off the booklet in his hand, sorted it together
with the book on the imperial case, put it away, and looked at him with a

The emperor was surprised and felt a little uncomfortable.

In his last life, no woman had dared to take something from him like this, let
alone a memorial.

Not a single woman called him "Husband", and made such a slightly
naughty and wanton move in front of him, but showed a natural sense of

Even the first big Qiao he married called him as a respectful "lord".

As she got closer, the emperor's breath suddenly smelled a pleasant faint

His breathing involuntarily took a breath, and he calmed down, and said
vaguely: "I'm about to go back..." He stood up, raised his feet, and walked

In the dormitory, Lan Candle shone brightly. The palace servants went to
bed after serving the emperor.

Xiao Qiao was lying on the cloud pillow, the cloud on the temples had been
untied, and the blue silk was scattered, half covering the fragrant shoulders
and jade arms.

From the time he entered the sleeping hall until he ascended to the dragon
bed, the emperor's eyes almost never stopped on the queen, and it
seemed that he deliberately avoided her, not to look at her.


She called him softly.

"I'm tired." The emperor closed his eyes and said, but in his mind came the
scene of the "self" who had an unfulfilled appointment with her tonight. His
throat tightened, and he couldn't help but secretly tense up again.

She seemed to be silent.

After a while, the emperor finally couldn't bear it anymore, opened his eyes,
saw her long eyelashes drooping slightly, her eyes stayed on his face,
seemed to be thoughtful, and his heartbeat couldn't help speeding up

"The queen is still asleep?"

His voice was a little dry.

Little Joe smiled.

"Husband misunderstood," she said softly, "I just wanted to say, you seem
to have something on your mind. No matter what, if your husband wants,
you can tell me."

The emperor let out a slow sigh and said, "I have nothing on my mind. Go
to bed earlier."

"Okay. I'll listen to my husband."

Xiao Qiao smiled at him, and she fell asleep, closing her eyes obediently.

The emperor looked at the shadows cast by the lamp shadow on her long
eyelashes, and when she was a little dazed, she suddenly opened her eyes
"Husband, you usually call me savage. What's the matter today?" She
asked him softly, with a slight grievance in her expression.

The emperor hesitated, and when she didn't know how to respond, she
smiled again and said, "Forget it, whatever your husband calls me, I like it."

With this smile, her beautiful eyes were bright, her face was like a spring
flower blooming, and she was so charming and charming.

"Husband will have to go to the morning tomorrow, take a rest."

Xiao Qiao smiled and closed her eyes again.

After a long time, the emperor finally withdrew his gaze from her, and
slowly closed his eyes.

Manman, Manman, the birds that compare wings in the Classic of

Mountains and Seas, if they lack one, they cannot fly.

He chewed her baby name several times in his heart, and suddenly felt it
was very cute.

At the darkest moment of the night, Wei Shao was still squatting far away in
a corner of the dormitory, using the curtain to cover his body, pricked up his
ears, and stared at the direction of the dragon bed with wide cat eyes.

Since becoming a cat, Wei Shao feels that his hearing is more intelligent
than before, and so is his night vision. Any movement in the dragon bed
could not escape his eyes and ears.
Whenever anything went wrong, he was ready to rush out and wreak

His little Joe was foolishly kept in the dark and didn't know it. Fortunately,
the guy was a little self-aware and didn't seem to be ready to attack the

As the emperor, he was inexplicably robbed of his house by himself from

the previous life, and turned into a cat listening to the wall...

How angry! How sad!

Wei Shao stared at nearly dawn. After a good night, he finally fell asleep in
a daze. Suddenly, a golden-armored **** stepped on the clouds and came
in front of him, calling: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, wake up, wake up!"

Wei Shao opened his eyes and saw that the other party was nine feet tall,
wearing a helmet with phoenix wings, walking on cloud shoes, wearing gold
armor, and a lion nose around his eyes. He looked familiar, as if he had
seen him before, so he asked: " Who are you?"

The visitor received the auspicious clouds and said respectfully, "I am the
golden armored **** under the throne of the King of the West Golden
Mother's Temple. In the name of the Queen Mother, I have come to see
your majesty."

Wei Shao was stunned for a moment, looked at the other party, and finally
vaguely remembered that in the main hall of the Queen Mother Temple in
Yuyang, there seemed to be such a golden armored god, and he hurriedly
said: "You came just in time! I was taken away, Trapped in the cat body,
you help me get out! When I recover my original body, when I go back, I will
definitely reshape the golden body for the Queen Mother... No, no, I will
build another golden temple and worship it every day..."

The Golden Armor God smiled and said, "Your Majesty, to be honest, your
fate is determined by the Queen Mother."

Wei Shao was stunned, jumped up suddenly, ten feet three feet high: "Zhen
is the real son of heaven! The queen mother dares to defy the sky, and she
treats me like this? How can I be sorry for her?"

Jinjia Shen hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, calm down. Your Majesty does not
know something, you have indeed offended the Queen Mother before."

Wei Shao said angrily, "How could I offend her? Her incense hall was built
only by my grandmother's support! She was exposed to the world's
fireworks every day, and if she didn't do good deeds, she harmed me like

Jinjia Shendao: "Your Majesty, have you forgotten? Who destroyed the
mural painted with the golden statue of the Queen Mother in the main hall?"

Wei Shao finally remembered an old incident.

Back then, the wall portrait of the Queen Mother painted by Gao Bohai
attracted countless worshippers from all over the world. Whenever people
mentioned it, they always juxtaposed calligraphy and painting. Speaking of
Gao Bohai, it was inevitable to talk about Xiao Qiao. The words of love and
sympathy for each other were passed on to Wei Shao's ears, and he was
so jealous that he finally couldn't help it. In a dark and windy night for a
month, he sent someone to quietly peel off Xiao Qiao's inscription. , he
simply did not do the second, Wei Shao used the excuse of repairing the
temple, and finally pulled off the entire fresco wall, and then he let out a
sullen breath.

It has been several years since this happened, and he has long forgotten
where it is.

Could not help but stay.

"Your Majesty doesn't know anything, and the Queen Mother is very fond of
this mural. One day in the sky, one year on the ground, she traveled around
the world and traveled to Penglai Xianshan for three days. Only when she
came back did she realize that the statue was destroyed by His Majesty.
Lord Yin of the Underworld, and knowing that Your Majesty killed too much
in the past life, although Heaven is destined to be your King, there should
be a calamity in this life, so this is the reason why His Majesty will be
punished lightly."

Wei Shao grimaced and grabbed the Golden Armor God: "The karma
created by that guy in the previous life has nothing to do with me! How can
it be counted on my head?"

"He is you, and you are him, how can you leave the relationship behind?"

"Isn't it enough for me to reshape the golden body of the Queen Mother...
You can give me a happy word, how can I solve my predicament?"

"Your Majesty's spirit in the past life has been eliminated, and today's
predicament will be freed..."
The sky is getting brighter, and the golden body of the Golden Armor is
gradually disappearing.

The author has something to say: I seem to have dug a hole for myself... a
little depressed

Chapter 170:

Wei Shao opened his eyes and found that he was still curled up in that
corner of the bedroom.

He is still a cat.

The scene just now seemed to be real.

His heart was pounding, and his whole body was soaked with sweat—no, it
should be said, the pads of his four paws were soaked with sweat, wet and
hot, very uncomfortable, and instinctively raised one paw to lick, As soon
as he stuck out his tongue, he realized that he was a human being, an
emperor, how could he do such a thing as licking his paws?

Trying to resist the urge to lick, instead, he washed his face and closed his

It's nearly five watch, candles have been held in the bedroom, and there
are shadows behind the curtains in the shadow of the lamp.

The emperor is going to the morning.

Wei Shao peeped through the gap in the curtain, watching Xiao Qiao finally
**** the emperor out of the palace.
He had no interest in how he could become the emperor after he came
here, who was monitoring the previous life.

That guy is an avid emperor professional lover, he loves war very much,
and he doesn't have much interest in women, and his diligence in politics
makes Wei Shaogan, who always wants to steal the air and go to bed with
the beautiful queen, to the disadvantage.

He wasn't at all worried about that guy thinking about fighting after he got
here, even if Gongsunyang and the others couldn't give him a brick, his
grandmother was still there.

The only thing he wants to do now is to follow his beauty queen.

After the emperor left, Xiao Qiao came back, sat alone in front of the mirror,
and raised her cheeks, as if she had something on her mind.

Wei Shao watched the video of her back silently, and couldn't help but
come out of the corner, came behind her, and gently arched her feet.

Xiao Qiao bowed her head with a slightly happy expression on her face:
"You woke up so early too?"

Wei Shao let out a meow and jumped onto her legs.

Xiao Qiao hugged it and stroked him gently.

Wei Shao is very useful.

Although he wished that everything would be restored to its original state

immediately, it still felt quite wonderful to be held by her in his arms and
enjoy her caress like this.
Although the cat food is cooked meat, it allows the bird to fade out of his
mouth-because the queen once said that no salt can be added to cat food,
let alone any seasoning, so the palace keeper in charge of feeding it has
been strictly enforced. When he took the first sip, he almost spit it out.

The only consolation after becoming a cat is probably being able to get
close to his beautiful queen like this.

Wei Shao didn't go anywhere in the morning, just sticking to Xiao Qiao's

In the palace in the afternoon, it was quiet and silent.

It's summer, and the days are getting longer. Xiao Qiao has the habit of
taking naps. When she was sleeping, Wei Shao squatted on the ground at
the corner of the dragon bed and looked at her.

Before he became the emperor, he was always in the army, and he was
always with her. Even when Philip was born, he was not able to accompany

After becoming the emperor, he was busy with government affairs, leaving
early and returning late, and the time he could spend with her was
extremely limited.

She never complained at all. Serving the Empress Dowager, raising Philip,
neither arrogant nor extravagant, he led Fu Chun to persuade silkworms,
and when autumn arrived, he offered sacrifices to the **** of agriculture.
Come out and turn around...

She really did everything a queen can do.

Across the thin shackles, Wei Shao stared at Xiao Qiao who was sleeping
on the dragon bed, watching, watching, gradually becoming dazed, a
thought suddenly popped up in his heart, agitated, he looked back, Seeing
that the palace people were all outside the hall, he jumped on the dragon
bed, separated the tent, stepped on the cat's footsteps, and came to Xiao
Qiao's feet silently.

Wei Shao held his breath, raised his paws and quietly lifted the quilt,
revealing Xiao Qiao's snow-white foot with her socks removed.

Wei Shao leaned over and took a sip. It was fragrant. He couldn't help
sticking out his tongue and licking her tender toes lightly. Seeing that she
didn't respond, he licked again boldly, and finished licking each one. Toes,
go to lick the back again, after licking the instep, lick the soles of her feet

The more he licked, the more joyful he became, and the more courageous
he became. After licking, he was still not satisfied, so he simply got under
the quilt, hugged her other foot and licked it, and it was a lot of fun.

Xiao Qiao felt heavy and dazed in the afternoon, feeling itchy on the soles
of her feet, she couldn't help shrinking her feet.

Wei Shao was startled and stopped quickly, lying still under the quilt, not
daring to take a breath.

Fortunately, she hadn't woken up yet, turned over, and fell asleep again.

Wei Shao lay on the ground under the quilt for a while, and finally sneaked
out a head, staring at her sleeping face as charming as Begonia. , stuck out
her tongue, and licked her crisp **** exposed outside the quilt through the
thin layer of Luo Yi.

Fragrant and soft, Wei Shao was intoxicated. He shuddered excitedly, and
leaned in to savor it again, when suddenly there was a sound of footsteps
outside the hall.

"Queen, queen—"

Across the layers of curtains, the lowered voice of the palace servants
came in.

There was a sigh-like low hum in Xiao Qiao's throat, her eyelashes
trembled slightly, and she finally woke up after struggling from the spring

Wei Shao slipped, quickly jumped off the dragon bed, and hid under the

"What's the matter?" Xiao Qiao's voice still carried a hint of tenderness that
she had just woken up from.

"Report to the Empress, General Jia sent someone to send a letter saying
that the Empress Dowager and the little princess will return to the palace
one day earlier. They are already on their way now, and they should be
arriving soon."

Xiao Qiao snorted: "Have you informed Your Majesty?"

"It's been communicated."

Xiao Qiao sat up slowly, still a little confused.

I fell asleep just now and felt itchy feet, as if a brush was brushing on them.
I woke up now and felt my feet were wet, and my chest...

She lowered her head and saw that her bra was also wet.

She thought about it for a while, and asked the palace servant, "Can
someone come in just now?"

The palace servant rolled up the beaded curtain, "Reporting to the Queen,
there is no one."

Xiao Qiao was puzzled and puzzled, and suddenly remembered the cat,
looked around, and asked again.

The palace servant was busy searching, looked around and said, "It
seemed that I was in the bedroom before, and I don't know where I went

Xiao Qiao thought about it for a while, but thought it was caused by
sweating while sleeping. Instead, she was worried that the cat would run
around and something would happen again.

The emperor went out of the palace in person and welcomed the empress
dowager outside the Suzaku gate of the palace. After entering the Jiade
Palace, the emperor opened his eyes wide and stared at the empress
dowager's kind face without blinking. His expression was full of forbearance
and excitement. As if he couldn't hold back, he actually made a "pop" and
knelt down in front of the Empress Dowager without saying a word.
Grabbed the hand of the Empress Dowager.
That's all, the most surprising thing is that when the emperor held the hand
of the empress dowager, tears flowed from his eyes, and finally buried his
face in her lap and refused to lift it up for a long time.

Madam Xu was very surprised. She had only been out of the palace for half
a month, and when she came back to the emperor to see her, she was so
excited, as if she hadn't seen each other in years, and she had reunited
after a long absence. She suppressed her doubts and patted him on the
shoulder lightly as a sign of comfort.

Seeing this, Zhong Li hurriedly led the palace servants out.

Xiao Qiao thought for a while, took Philip's hand, and took her out first.

Philip kept looking back, looking at the father who was lying on the lap of
the emperor's grandmother. After being taken out by Xiao Qiao, he asked
softly, "Mother, what happened to the father?"

Xiao Qiao suppressed her doubts and said with a smile, "Your father, the
emperor, thinks he has something to say to the grandmother of the

Inside, Mrs. Xu whispered, "What's wrong with you, Shao'er? But

something happened?"

Hearing the long-lost voice of "Shao'er" from grandmother, the emperor

couldn't bear it any longer and choked:
"'re still's really's
Shaoer's fault...wrong. …”

Mrs. Xu was surprised: "Shao'er, what did you do wrong?"

But the emperor stopped talking, just kept shaking his head, still holding
her hand tightly, buried his face in her lap, motionless, like a wanderer who
has been lost for a long time and finally returned home today.

Mrs. Xu still didn't know why. But seeing the grandson suddenly like this, it
seems that the emotions burst out and it is difficult to restrain. From
childhood to adulthood, even when he suffered the pain of losing his father,
he never saw him show such strong feelings in front of him, so he didn't ask
any more questions, just leaned over slightly and hugged his grandson's
generous shoulders, The palms patted his back, silently comforting him.

Wei Shao squatted on the window, seeing the emperor from a distance
holding on to his grandmother, shrugging his shoulders slightly, as if he was
out of control and choked up, he was stunned, and then secretly snorted:
"Fortunately, I have been wise and wise in my life, if I am like you, how can
I have any face in this world? Well, I’m cheap, you idiot, and let you get
close to my grandmother again, I will coax my daughter first.”

He cast a contemptuous glance at the emperor's back, and jumped off the

After a long time, the emperor's mood finally calmed down and raised his

Mrs. Xu looked at his slightly red eyes, with a loving smile on the corners of
her lips, and did not ask any further questions.

The emperor knew he had lost his way.

In his life, starting from the loss of his father and brother at the age of
twelve, his grandmother was not only a beacon that illuminated his
direction, but in his mind, a loving family that no one could replace.

At the age of twenty-two, unprepared, others were still fighting outside, and
lost their grandmother.

By the time he came back, it was more than a month later, and his
grandmother had already been buried.

Since then, no one has been able to suppress the evil beast of hatred in his
heart. He was driven to infinitely magnify his desires and ambitions, using
the conquests brought by war to gain the constant pleasure of walking with
him until the end of his life.

The moment the arrow penetrated into his throat and he fell on his back, he
realized that he was actually tired.

What he once wanted may not really be what he wanted, but later, it was
just a matter of habit.

He couldn't stop his steps, and in that world, no one could stop him.

He is lonely.

Now, the grandmother, who has been separated for many years, actually
appeared in front of him like this again, with a loving smile on the corners of
his lips, calling him "Shao'er" in his familiar tone, and the affection of Ruo is
here In an instant, it burst out from his heart that was already hard as a
stone, and the shell that imprisoned it shattered and peeled off. How could
he not cry for it?
He is familiar with the taste of blood, but for many years, many years, he
has not tasted the taste of his own tears.

Finally tasted it again today. It turns out that all the delicacies of the
mountains and seas in the world are not as sweet as the taste of tears.

The emperor suddenly felt relieved, and for a moment, he even had an
illusory feeling, as if all the things he had experienced in his previous life
were just a dream.

Now that I woke up from that nightmare, all this now is the real world.


He tried his best to calm down, pondered, and explained, "In the past few
days when you were away, my grandson had a nightmare, dreaming that
my grandmother left me, and I couldn't see each other for many years, and
my grandson also did a lot of wrong things, I regret it... Nightmare When I
woke up, I just saw my grandmother's kind face, and I couldn't help it, so I
lost my temper in front of my grandmother."

Mrs. Xu stared at him and smiled: "That's good. Grandma is fine,

everything is fine."

Wei Shao is playing with Philip.

In order to make his daughter happy, he supported his fat body, jumped up
and down hard, and rolled on the ground. While making Philip laugh, he
suddenly heard her call "Father".
Wei Shao snorted subconsciously, but when he heard that he made a
"meow", he turned his head and saw that his daughter had left him, and
turned around and ran away.

Not far away, the figure of the emperor came out of the Garter Palace.

Wei Shao stopped where he was, gasping for breath with his mouth open,
staring at Philip with jealous eyes, calling him "Royal Father" happily, and
running towards him.


Philip ran to the emperor and stopped.

After running for a while, she was slightly panting, but her eyes were bright
and her cute little face had a sweet smile on her face. She looked up at the
emperor, "Father! When I was in Daming Temple, I thought about my
mother every day. Thinking of the father!" The tender and soft voice

The emperor looked at the pink and jade-carved beanie girl in front of him,
hesitating for a moment, squatted down, and opened his arms to her.


Philip jumped into his arms, and after being picked up by the emperor, two
soft little arms wrapped around his neck, leaned over, and kissed his

The emperor was stunned by this kiss from the sweet and soft little man.

Philip didn't notice the emperor's abnormality at all.

The mother kissed her on the cheek, saying it was an expression of
affection. She often sees the faces of her father and mother. That's
because the father loves his mother.

She also likes her mother and her father.

"Father, I saw you cry just now..."

She kept her father's appearance in her heart all the time. She couldn't be
relieved. She looked up at him, and her big beautiful eyes showed worry,
"Why are you sad, father?"

The emperor was speechless for a moment.

"Father, Philip doesn't want you to be sad..."

She stretched out a small hand and gently touched his cheek in a soothing
way, her eyes suddenly lit up, "Mother said that the name Taihuang's
grandmother gave me, which means to forget about my sorrows. Mother
also often said that I was a no-brainer. Princess You. If you are unhappy,
Father, tell Philip, and Philip will help you."

The emperor fixedly looked at the little man who was comforting him with a
solemn hug around his neck, and his heart was gradually filled with an
unfamiliar feeling of softness and grief.

This is his daughter, the daughter of his Wei Shao life, Princess Wuyou.

He blinked his eyes and tried his best to force back the hot and sour feeling
that had gradually overflowed into his eyes. He smiled at her, slowly folded
his arms, and hugged the little man in his arms tightly.

At night, the emperor returned to the bedroom. Xiao Qiao helped him
undress himself as usual.

"Where's Philip?"

The emperor lowered his head slightly, stared at her face in the shadow of
the lamp, and heard the slight rustling of the fabric when she was removing
her clothes. Suddenly, he felt the quietness around him made his mind
restless. openly asked her.

"Philip has slept." Xiao Qiao replied.

During the day, Feifei and the cat played crazy in the imperial garden.
When Chunniang brought him back in the evening, he was sweating all

The emperor snorted and wanted to say something, but he didn't know
what to talk about for a while.

Xiao Qiao helped him take off his coat, raised his eyes and smiled: "Can
your majesty go take a bath?"

The emperor didn't move, just stared at her, suddenly raised his hand
slowly, and stretched it out towards her cheek. When his fingers were about
to touch her skin, a white shadow flickered behind him, and the cat didn't
know where it came from. He rushed out from the corner, jumped, and
knocked over a beauty goblet standing on the cabinet.
The beauty's goblet was knocked over to the ground, and with a bang, the
emperor stopped his hand, turned his head, and saw the fat cat squatting
between himself and the queen, blocking in front of the queen, his eyes
were round like copper bells, and his whole body was covered in hair. He
stood upright, staring at him intently, as if he was ready to rush over to
scratch his paw at any time. stunned for a moment.

The Empress Dowager has returned to the palace. Originally, the cat
should have slept back in the Garter Palace, but today it stuck to Philip and
refused to leave. Philip also yelled for it to sleep with him. Sent its cat litter
to Philip's bedchamber.

I thought it was already asleep. Unexpectedly, it popped up again at this

moment, and knocked over something, which was startling.

Compared with before, this cat seems to be spiritual, but his behavior is
also strange. It's like he wants to express something to himself.

Too bad it doesn't speak human language.

Xiao Qiao was stunned.

The emperor sneezed suddenly, and then shrugged his shoulders slightly,
with a strange expression.

Xiao Qiao immediately understood, knowing that the cat was too close to
him, and he was allergic to it, so he hurriedly leaned over to pick up the cat,
called the palace servants in a loud voice, handed the struggling cat over,
and ordered the palace door to be closed. Now, don't let it slip in again.

The cat kept meowing and was forcibly taken out.

Xiao Qiao hurriedly washed her hands, fetched an anti-itch ointment, and
asked the emperor to sit down and take off his clothes.

Sure enough, after a while, small red bumps appeared on his neck and

He seemed to be itchy, hissing softly in his mouth, and he couldn't help

reaching out and scratching.

"Don't catch."

Xiao Qiao stopped him, dipped some plaster, rubbed it on his red rash skin,
and then helped him to spread it evenly.

"Okay, bear with it, it won't itch soon."

She said, took the small jade bottle containing the ointment, and when she
got up, the other hand was suddenly held by the emperor from behind.

Xiao Qiao stopped and turned to look at him.

The emperor was silent, only looking up at her, holding her hand in his
palm, kneading slowly and gently.

Xiao Qiao was slightly startled, then tried to pull her hand away and
snorted, "I'll go put the medicine bottle..." She laughed.

The emperor suddenly exerted a little force, and when he pulled, Xiao Qiao
threw himself into his arms and fell onto his lap.

The faces of the two were close, his breathing was a little hurried, and the
hot air rushed to her face.
"What's wrong with you?"

Xiao Qiao was startled, the smile slowly faded from her face. she asked.

The emperor stared at her without speaking. Suddenly, he gently pressed

her onto the dragon bed, his lips touched her forehead, and then moved to
her eyelids.

"You are so beautiful... so beautiful..."

With a tentative and cautious kiss, his murmured voice rang in her ear.

Xiao Qiao's eyelashes trembled slightly.

His lips gradually went down, and he finally kissed her lips, as if he had
been drawn out by the slightest desire and desire, his strength gradually
increased, and when he finally tried to pry her lips apart, Xiao Qiao
suddenly opened her eyes and lifted her up. A hand covered his mouth.

The emperor took advantage of the situation and kissed her soft weed
gently, raised his face, and looked at her with a hint of joy in his eyes.

"Empress," he paused, "Manman..." He called out her name softly, with a

little bit of seriousness as if he was chewing words, "What's wrong?"

"You are not my husband." Xiao Qiao stared into his eyes, "Who are you?"

The emperor was stunned, and the joy in his eyes slowly disappeared.

He let go of her and sat up. fell silent.

"I am me." The emperor finally said, his voice a little rough.
"But you are not my husband's you."

The emperor raised his eyes, looked at her for a moment, and finally
nodded: "Yes. I am me, but I am not the me in this life." "I was already
dead, and a sharp arrow pierced my throat. I woke up again, and at first
glance, I saw you." He said slowly.

Joey opened his eyes.

After the thunder that almost shattered people's hearts, Xiao Qiao was
keenly aware of the strangeness of the person beside her.

She felt like her husband had changed. He was still Wei Shao, but not the
Wei Shao she was familiar with.

Doubts slowly settled in her heart, and finally she couldn't help it, she

Hearing his answer like this, all the previous suspicions were finally

She sat up slowly.

"What about my husband?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly.

The emperor watched her.

"I don't know what happened to him. When I woke up, I was who I was in
this world. Grandma is alive and well, I have you, and we have Philip.
Thinking back on my previous life is like a nightmare. For the rest of my life,
I know how I'm going to live."
"It's pretty..."

He called her name and held her hand again. But Xiao Qiao quickly pulled
out his hand.

"You're not my husband." She shook her head. "Where's my husband?

Where did he go?" she repeated.

The emperor's eyes were fixed on her face, and his expression gradually
became stiff.

"Are you afraid of me?" he asked her, his voice extremely soft, "don't be
afraid of me, I won't hurt you in the slightest."

"No. I'm not afraid of you." Xiao Qiao shook her head.

"Then, do you blame me for not letting go of my hatred and killing your
Qiao family? Don't worry, I will never do it again in this life. In my last life, I
killed all the people I wanted to kill, but I didn't get any real happiness, let
alone. I know what it feels like to be relieved. Until now, I seem to
understand a little bit. I regret it, I also envy, and even envy me in this life.
It's the same me, why are these two me, the fate is like this Completely

His tone gradually became excited, he closed his eyes, and took a long

Xiao Qiao looked at the familiar handsome face in front of her that could be
depicted with her eyes closed, and said softly, "It's good if you understand.
Now that you understand, where you came from, you should go back to
where you are..."
He was deaf. "I know I like you," he said. "I had this feeling the first time I
saw you. I wanted to be close to you, and to be there with you would make
my heart happy and fulfilled, It's a feeling I've never felt before...he may
never come back, maybe he's become one with me. Because I'm him and
he's me!"

When he said this sentence, the emperor's tone suddenly increased.

"You may be him, and he has brought your shadow in his life. But you are
not the husband I love. All this is just an illusion of you. When the illusion
disappears, everything will return to its original state."

Joe said.

The emperor stared at her with fixed eyes, suddenly took her into his arms,
and kissed her lips again.

"I am him and he is me. You have to believe..."

He repeated in her ear, over and over, with irresistible force.

He hugged her tightly, as if to embed her in his body.

Xiao Qiao's body trembled slightly in the familiar atmosphere that

surrounded him, but he couldn't resist.

Wei Shao struggled and managed to climb up to the south-facing

windowsill of the dormitory tremblingly and with great difficulty, he pierced a
hole and let him see the scene on the dragon bed. .
Just rob his grandmother, and then rob his little princess.

Although he was very unhappy, he finally managed to endure it.

At this moment, he has to rob him of his beautiful queen!

Fuck it!

Wei Shao screamed loudly and exerted force, and one end made him
smash through the window lattice. Following the flying sawdust, he jumped
and jumped several feet away. After landing, he rolled. , like a fierce tiger,
he jumped again and slammed into the emperor who was still hugging Xiao
Qiao tightly.

"Husband! Husband!"

When he heard Xiao Qiao's voice, the voices were calling to him, his blood
boiled even more, his teeth were dancing, his throat was ho-ho, and when
he was desperate to fight to the death, he suddenly felt as if someone had
slapped his cheek a few times, oh oh Twice.

"Let go of Man Man!"

He roared angrily, opened his eyes abruptly, and sat up immediately.

Xiao Qiao was lying beside the bed, and was startled by him, shivered, and
almost fell off the dragon bed.
She patted her heart, crawled over and knelt beside him, snorted, Liu Mei
frowned: "What's wrong with you? Why let me go? I fell asleep and
gnashed my teeth, and kicked me a few times!"

Wei Shao's heart almost jumped out of his throat, gasping for breath, he
slowly regained his senses, met Xiao Qiao's eyes, stared at her for a
moment, suddenly lowered his head, looked at his hands and feet, the
voice was still there Trembling: "Man Man! Am I a human, or a cat? Am I
still there? You touch me, am I me?"

Just now, Xiao Qiao was so tired that he fell down and fell asleep. He was
sleeping sweetly, but he was kicked and woke up by him. He almost flew to
the bed, opened his eyes, and saw him lying on the bed. There, he closed
his eyes and danced, his expression was hideous, his throat was ho-ho, his
teeth were gnashing, his appearance was very scary, and he was woken

Originally, I was a little annoyed, but when I saw him wake up, his face was
pale and his forehead was covered with sweat, he couldn't help feeling
distressed again, and hurriedly took the handkerchief to wipe his sweat,
and asked, "What did you dream about? Scared like this?"

"What day is it today?" he asked, his eyes still a little straight.

"The eighth day."

"Just sent Moya to Daming Temple last night?"

Joe nodded.

"Grandma is still in Daming Temple?"

"I'll be back tomorrow."

"We just... have been sleeping?"

Xiao Qiao rolled his eyes at him angrily, "It's not that you came back in the
daytime, you insisted on being with me..."

She stopped and saw that he suddenly raised his hand, pinched her
repeatedly, and finally closed her eyes, suddenly opened them, and jumped
out of the bed, regardless of whether she was still naked, laughing wildly.

Xiao Qiao was taken aback by him again, and said angrily, "Wei Shao! I'm
annoyed if you are so crazy again!"

"Man Man! Man Man! Great! I'm still me! Scared me to death!"

Wei Shao rushed towards her and threw her back on the dragon bed.

Xiao Qiao slapped him, but he didn't care, hugged her hard, sucked her
face non-stop, and rolled her on the dragon bed.

"Manman, you hit me, hit me hard! The harder the hit, the better! You hit me

Xiao Qiao snorted twice, and his mouth was blocked by him.

Since the afternoon, the emperor has been locked in the bedroom and has
not come out.

Until it was dark, even dinner was ordered by the emperor to be sent in.
The prime minister and several other ministers searched for him to discuss
something, and they waited for the emperor in the Xuan room for a long

"Tell me what I said, I was frightened a lot today, and I have to rest all night
before I can make up for it! The big thing, I will talk about it tomorrow!"

The emperor was interrupted by his good deeds, he opened the tent and
roared out.

The palace servant was startled, hurriedly bowed in response, and was
about to withdraw when the emperor suddenly thought of it.

"Also, the cat of the Empress Dowager, show me the prison! It is not
allowed to appear in the Guanghua Palace! If it is a step closer, I will only
ask you!"

The emperor's roar echoed in the Guanghua Hall, buzzing for a long time.

Chapter 171:

The next day, the Empress Dowager brought Philip back to the palace.

Wei Shao got the news and immediately interrupted the discussions with
the ministers, and greeted the Empress Dowager outside the Suzaku gate
in person. When he saw the Empress Dowager, he was very excited. After
sending her back to the Jiade Palace, he was still reluctant to leave, and
was reluctant to leave. Talked to her for a long time.
Mrs. Xu thought at first that he had something to discuss with her, but at the
end, she smiled and said, "Does the emperor have something to say to
grandmother? But it doesn't matter."

Wei Shao was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that a
group of ministers were still waiting for him in the Xuan room.

Xiao Qiao was by his side, and he felt a little strange when he saw him.
Seeing him like this, it seemed that he had not seen Mrs. Xu for a long
time. In the evening, he returned to the bedroom, the two bathed together,
and made fun of him by the way.

The speaker was inadvertent, but Wei Shao's heart suddenly shuddered,
remembering what happened last night.

Last night he tried to please Xiao Qiao in every possible way on the dragon
bed, and Xiao Qiao also flattered him. The two of them lingered for most of
the night, in a state of ecstasy, incomparable, and finally exhausted. Before
he embraced his beloved woman and fell asleep, he suddenly felt a long
sigh full of satisfaction in his heart.

At that time, he didn't think much about it. He hugged Xiao Qiao who was
already tired and fell asleep. He closed his eyes and fell asleep himself.

At this moment, being reminded by her, thinking of last night's sound that
seemed to be a subconscious sigh of satisfaction, and thinking of the
extremely realistic daydream that he had experienced yesterday, Wei Shao
suddenly felt uneasy in his heart.
Zhuang Zhou dreams of a butterfly, a butterfly dreams of Zhuang Zhou, is it
that he is still in a dream and has not woken up at the moment?

"Manman... You hit me again! Hit me hard!"

Xiao Qiao just made fun of him casually. Seeing that he suddenly looked
solemn, he chuckled softly, put his hands in water, and splashed him coldly:
"What's wrong with your majesty?"

Wei Shao was splashed with water on her face, splashing everywhere,
closed her eyes, opened them, and saw that she was right across from her,
in the dense fog, she tilted her head slightly and looked at him, her eyes
shining brightly, and she smiled. Yingying, he stretched out his arms and
hugged her, his forehead touching her warm forehead, his heart suddenly
calmed down, and all the trance feeling just now disappeared.

"I'm fine..." He murmured and lowered his head to kiss her lips.

"Manman, it's great that I, Wei Shao, have you in my life..."

Two months later, the queen was diagnosed with pregnancy.

Mrs. Xu was overjoyed, and all the officials were overjoyed, and they all
looked up and waited for the queen to give birth to a dragon heir.

In the early summer of the third year of Taihe, there were more than four
days on this day. Xiao Qiao was awakened by a faint pain in her lower
abdomen in her sleep.
Wei Shao woke up and saw her curled up into a ball with her stomach
covered. She was startled. She sat up and rolled off the dragon bed. She
didn't even wear shoes. She ran out barefoot and shouted, "The queen is
going to give birth!"

A loud cry shook the entire palace.

The Queen's birth date was approaching, and all the preparations in the
palace had already been made early. The emperor roared, and the entire
Guanghua Palace immediately woke up, the lights were bright, and the
palace staff went to the Jiade Palace to report the news.

Mrs. Xu quickly rushed over. At this time, several midwives had entered the
room, and the door was closed. The emperor was standing in front of the
delivery room, with a nervous and excited expression on his face.

The last time little Joe gave birth to Philip. He was fighting in the south.
When he came back, Philip was several months old. When she gave birth
to her first child, he could not accompany her to welcome the child. Always
regret it.

This time he was finally able to accompany her, and he felt extremely
happy. Seeing that Mrs. Xu also came, she hurried up to help herself:
"Grandmother, Manman is about to give birth!"

Madam Xu glanced at him, saw him smiling happily, and nodded with a

Wei Shao was like this, with excitement and anticipation, together with Mrs.
Xu, waiting for Xiao Qiao to give birth to their second child.
As the hours passed, he began to sit still, and the smile on his face
gradually disappeared.

Wei Shao had also heard about the pain of childbirth for women.

He just didn't expect Manman to endure such pain. He listened to the voice
of the midwife speaking from time to time in the delivery room, interspersed
with her suppressed intermittent moans and groans, and the whole person
was tense.

Several times, if it wasn't for Zhong Ni and Chunniang to stop him, he

almost broke in.

Another scream of pain.

"Will you deliver the baby? It hurts me so badly!"

He jumped up suddenly, with cold sweat on his forehead, rushed to the

door, and shouted inwardly.

The voice in the door suddenly subsided, and it is estimated that the
midwife and the mother were startled.

Zhong Ni and Chunniang went up together, and whispered to persuade him

to avoid it first.

Wei Shao, who was willing to listen, kept walking around the door.

"The emperor should go and rest for a while! Come back after the child is

In the end, even Mrs. Xu couldn't stand it anymore and said aloud.
Wei Shao seemed to have never heard of it.

Seeing this, Mrs. Xu smiled bitterly and shook her head.


Finally, at dawn when it was almost dawn, he heard Xiao Qiao let out a
long, painful cry from the door, the last bit of blood on his lips also faded,
and his heart beat like a drum, and he rushed to the door.

"Man Man!" He raised his hand to open the door.

"Ai! Ai! Your Majesty!"

Zhong Ni and Chunniang were startled, they rushed up and grabbed him
left and right.

Suddenly, there was a loud cry of a baby crying from the door.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty! Congrats to the Empress Dowager! The

Queen gave birth to a dragon child, and both mother and child are safe!"
Then, the midwife raised her beaming voice.

Wei Shao stopped, and after a long while, he let out a long sigh of relief,
and while Zhong Er and Chunniang only cared about Huanxi to let go of his
free time, they pushed the door and stepped in.

The midwife had wrapped the newly born prince in a swaddle and sent it to
Xiao Qiao. Seeing that the emperor broke in suddenly, he was startled,
hurriedly knelt down, and congratulated him with a smile on his face.
Wei Shao went straight to Xiao Qiao's side, stared down at her pale face
covered in sweat, didn't say anything, just stretched out his hand and gently
held one of hers.

Xiao Qiao had been hearing the movement he made outside, and he was
not surprised when he saw him breaking in.

At this moment, although people feel tired and powerless, their hearts are
warm. Turning his face to meet his gaze, he smiled slightly at him, and said
softly, "Look, Your Majesty, our son, Philip's brother. He looks really good."

Wei Shao's eyes turned to their son who had just been born in her arms.

Although he was just born, he already had a high nose bridge, long dark
eyelashes, and smacking his mouth gently in his mother's arms, looking
very cute.

"Man Man, thank you for your hard work."

In front of the midwives, he lowered his head and placed a kiss on his
queen's forehead, filled with a sense of happiness.

The queen celebrates the birthday of the prince, named Hun, and the
whole world celebrates it. Three days after the birth, the emperor
personally made a sacrifice to the Fengtian Hall in the Taimiao Temple, the
court officials sacrificed to the Taisheji, and the civil and military officials
also served for ten days.
In September of this year, the envoy of Wuzhu Qu Chanyu arrived in
Luoyang, and the imperial court signed a treaty with the Xiongnu. The
Xiongnu paid tribute to the horses, and Dayan sent back tens of thousands
of prisoners from the Battle of Shanggu a few years ago.

On the day when the captives were sent back, apart from the war, the
Sanggan River, which had been lonely for a hundred years, was full of calls
for mothers and fathers. In his own name, Wu Zhuqu also presented a
generous gift to the Empress Dowager, including a waistcoat called "Hamo"
sewn from sixteen pieces of lambskin.

In the custom of the Huns, after a man and a woman are engaged, the
mother of the woman's family will receive such a waistcoat from the man's
family to express her gratitude to her daughter for raising her daughter for
16 years and then marrying.

After the messenger conveyed the gift, he was initially apprehensive, lest
the Empress Dowager would not accept Hamo. It was not until half a month
later that he left and he didn't receive a return gift, and he finally breathed a
sigh of relief.

In the fourth year of Taihe, after the crown prince turned one year old, one
day, Mrs. Xu called the emperor to her face and told them with a smile that
she had decided to go back to Youzhou and settle down in Wuji City to
This year, the Empress Dowager is about to be seventy years old. Although
she is very old, she eats a light diet every day. She still insists on planting
flowers and weeds herself, and she is in good spirits.

The empress was very surprised, and both knelt down, blaming themselves
for being unfilial, and begging her grandmother to take back her life.

Mrs. Xu said that she wanted to go back not because they did not do well,
but she was glad that everything was fine with them, and she could rest

Wei Shao still kowtowed and worked hard to keep her, Xiao Qiao looked at
Madam Xu's face with a kind smile, but gradually she became thoughtful.

The small border town called Wuji was the place where she and Wei
Shao's grandfather got married, and it was also the place where she sent
Wei Shao's grandfather away.

Besides her husband, there are also memories of her sons, daughters,

Her half-life past, or some unfulfilled wish, are closely related to it and
cannot be given up.

Now that she is nearly seventy years old, Xiao Qiao may still find it difficult
to fully understand her feelings when she suddenly makes such a decision,
but she will respect her choice.

She kowtowed to Mrs. Xu and said that the granddaughter-in-law

understood that when she sent her grandmother back to her hometown to
take care of her life, she would bring a pair of children to visit her
grandmother every year in the future, hoping that her grandmother would
be healthy and live a long life.

Mrs. Xu smiled at the emperor: "Shao'er, grandmother always thinks that

you don't have your daughter-in-law Linghui, and she still does. She can
understand me, so don't stop me."

Although Wei Shao was extremely reluctant, Madam Xu made up her mind
and finally reluctantly agreed.

In September of this year, the sweltering summer heat passed, and when
the golden autumn came, the emperor and the empress went out of
Luoyang together to send Mrs. Xu back north.

The night before leaving, Xiao Qiao accompanied Mrs. Xu in the Garter
Palace with Philip and Hong.

In the middle of the night, the sister and brother fell asleep. After Xiao Qiao
sent Mrs. Xu to the bed, she knelt in front of her knees, reluctant to get up
for a long time.

Mrs. Xu stared at her for a moment, then suddenly said: "Manman,

grandma will go back tomorrow. I know you have always wanted to know,
why did grandma decide to let Shao'er marry your Qiao's daughter, and the
Wei Qiao family became married. in law."

"If it wasn't for my grandmother's original success, how could I have been
able to marry my husband and become husband and wife? My
grandmother has a big heart and Tzu Chi is in her arms, which is even
more of a blessing to me."
Mrs. Xu smiled and sighed: "You are so smart, you don't need me to say
more, you must know what I think. Shao'er used to be full of revenge and
could not listen to persuasion. I always worried that he would be trapped by
his inner demons and obsessed. I don't understand, this may not be a
blessing in his life. The deepest obsession in his heart all stems from the
pain of his father when he was young. That's why he learned that your Qiao
family had spread the word and wanted to resolve the two families through
marriage. The resentment, I heard Qiao Nushu's reputation, and then I
thought of the old things..."

She stopped.

Xiao Qiao straightened up from her lap and looked up at her.

Mrs. Xu seemed to be caught in the memory of the past, and after a long
while, she sighed: "Manman, before your grandfather died, you sent me a
letter, repenting what he did in the past, and begging him to be willing to fall
into the curse of hell. After the death, the Wei family can let the Qiao family
go. Grandmother also hates your grandfather for betrayal of faith, which
made grandmother lose their children and grandmother. Just born in
troubled times, what is justice? Prince and general, who has no life in his
hands? Which one has not caused other wives to lose their husbands, The
son lost his father? It is not fair to know that a person is born and alive.
People can't be resurrected even if they die. Even if you destroy your Qiao
family, how can you reduce the pain you have caused? However, if you can
borrow this The opportunity to resolve the hatred, let Shao'er get rid of the
demons, resolve the obsession, and the rest of my life will not be spent in
mourning, what can I not let go?"
She seemed to be touched by sentimentality, and there were faint tears in
the corners of her eyes.

Xiao Qiao took her hand, and slowly pressed one side of her face to the
back of her warm hand.

Mrs. Xu lowered her head and touched her hair lovingly.

"Manman, grandmother is not as good as you think. Grandmother had such

selfishness in the beginning, and she made the decision to let you marry. At
that time, grandmother thought, if Qiao Nv can use intelligence to remove
my grandson's ill-will and knot If I can't, I'll just sacrifice a daughter of the
Qiao family. Just now you said that I am grateful to my grandmother, but it
is my grandmother who wants to be grateful to you. Because of your
arrival, my Wei family is prosperous today. I have seen my
great-grandchildren alive. I will return to the north tomorrow, and my
grandmother will entrust all of Shao'er to you in the future, and my
grandmother is very relieved."

A gratified smile flashed in Mrs. Xu's single eye.

"Grandmother! Manman is reluctant to part with you!" Xiao Qiao choked up,
and couldn't help throwing herself into Mrs. Xu's arms.

Mrs. Xu smiled and hugged her, patted her on the back to coax her, as if
she was just a child.

Not far away, at the corner of the palace gate, Wei Shao, who had just
come over, stood there, quietly watching her back being hugged and
comforted by her grandmother, silently.

The next morning, the Empress left Luoyang and escorted the Empress
Dowager all the way to No End City. After three days, Madam Xu urged
them to leave.

Wei Shao was always puzzled by his grandmother's decision. After leaving
the Endless City, he turned back frequently, depressed and unhappy.

Xiao Qiao said that there may be an unfinished concern in grandmother's

heart. Here is closer to her concern.

Wei Shao was silent, finally nodded and said, he understood.

After leaving Wuji, the Empress passed by Yuyang first, and spent the night
in the old Qianlong house in Yuyang.

Early the next morning, Xiao Qiao discovered strangely that Wei Shao, who
had never worshipped ghosts and gods, went to the Queen Mother's Hall in
the east of the city on purpose. Even the few messengers in front of her
statue did not fall, followed by a dazzling light.

At the end, he circled several times in front of one of the statues of the
golden-armored god, staring at the **** for a long time, his expression a bit

After they came out, the two of them rode together in the car. She
remembered the old story of how he ripped off the mural wall many years
ago, and couldn't help teasing him: "When the wall was ripped off, but now
the temple is being repaired, why did the emperor suddenly change his
temper? Could it be that the immortal asked you to go in a dream? Excuse

That strange dream that made Wei Shao feel terrified when he woke up in
the middle of the night and had to touch the queen immediately, and felt
that she would fall asleep beside him in order to feel at ease, naturally he
couldn't tell her even if he was killed.

Being teased by her, Wei Shao was embarrassed at first, and then thinking
of the absurdity in the dream, he couldn't help laughing, hugged her in his
arms, bit her ear, and said that the secret must not be revealed.

This trip out of the palace, in addition to sending Mrs. Xu back north,
another important part is to inspect the river workers. At the end of October,
the emperor and empress went to Wuchaodu, where the journey was
blocked due to the freezing of the Yellow River.

Wuchaodu is no longer the grand occasion of the year. Because there is a

large boat in a new ferry dozens of miles upstream, it is convenient and
safer to travel. But the guest house where the two stayed at the time was
still standing by the ferry, the dusty guise swayed in the wind, the summer
came and the cold, the sunrise and sunset, as if it had been forever since
ancient times. In the vicissitudes of life, it will still be there in the future.

That evening, the sunset over the Yellow River dyed the mountains, rivers
and wilderness into a golden color, and the yellow mud road outside the
guest house was filled with dust.
During the day, the last traveler in the guest house also left, and no one
came in for the day.

The hostess leaned against the dilapidated counter and dozed off.
Suddenly, she heard the sound of a carriage coming from far and near. She
knew that the carriage would not stay here, so she continued to doze

The screeching sound stopped at the door. The hostess opened her eyes
and saw a pair of men and women who looked like a husband and wife
came in at the door. The man was in his thirties, with a dignified
appearance, his eyes were bright, and the woman looked much smaller
than him. She was beautiful and beautiful. , both of them entered, she
stood by the man, and the two of them were like beautiful people, and
Rongguang actually brightened the originally dim and dilapidated store.

There are post houses dozens of miles away, but all the dignitaries and
nobles who need to stay overnight will stay in the post houses. These old
guest houses at the dilapidated ferry are just ordinary travelers passing by
and staying overnight.

The hostess looked at it for a while, then came back to her senses, and
hurriedly went to entertain. Hearing that the two of them and their
companions were going to stay here tonight, they were cramped, and
nodded hastily, and took the two of them to the most comfortable room. In a
clean guest room, he wiped the tables and chairs again and again, and
received hospitality. When he finally exited, he couldn't help but look at the
beautiful little woman again.
When Xiao Qiao saw the hostess looking at her frequently, she smiled
slightly at her.

The hostess froze for a while, then suddenly slapped her thigh and said, "I
remember it! Many years ago, Madam and Lang Jun lived here because
the ferry was frozen!"

This little woman is so beautiful that it is unforgettable, and at first glance,

she felt as if she had seen it before. Now, seeing her smiling at herself, she
finally remembered it.

Seeing that she still remembered herself, Xiao Qiao nodded and smiled:
"Old woman has a good memory. Many years ago, my husband and I did
live in an expensive place. I passed by today and come to stay again."

The hostess remembered that the couple had a very valuable status, and
they gave a lot of rewards before they left. Unexpectedly, after many years,
the couple would come here to stay here again. They were overjoyed and
thanked them again and again. Joyfully, he babbled on the side: "Thanks to
the generous rewards of Langjun and his wife back then. Now the ferry has
been defeated, and the old body has few residents here, making it difficult
to continue, so the son and daughter-in-law went to the city and settled
down with the money from the reward. Starting a small business is difficult,
but fortunately now the world is at peace, there is no need to fight any
more, and the day is slowly settled. My son often says that he will take the
old man to live there, but the old man has been guarding the ferry for most
of his life, and he is reluctant to leave. , I also thought that although few
people came to the door, but after half my life, I also met a few old guests.
If the old body also leaves, if the security is not good, in case the guests
who want to stay cannot find a place to stay, it is a good relationship. , and I
kept guarding it day by day. I never thought that I would welcome a
distinguished guest again today, it is really a blessing for my old man!"

Wei Shao and Xiao Qiao looked at each other and smiled.

The Yellow River parade came to an end, and they were about to go back
to Luodu. They suddenly learned that Wuchaodu was in front of them. They
remembered that when Xiao Qiao went back to her mother's home Wei
Shao to pick up her Pukong, on the way back, the two were in the guest
house at the ferry. Looking back at the old things I met, I couldn't help but
look for it.

Before they came, they also heard from the local officials that Wuchao
Ferry was now in ruins, and they didn't expect that guest house to still exist.
Unexpectedly, not only was there, but the hostess still remembered the
events of the year, and I couldn't help but have a lot of thoughts.

That night, Wei Shao and Xiao Qiao spent an extremely beautiful night in
this dilapidated but clean guest house. In the middle of the night, the two of
them were still reluctant to fall asleep. Wei Shao hugged Xiao Qiao, and the
two sat side by side by the window, whispering, recalling the scene at that
time, and even the mutual defense and suspicion of the two at that time.
Extraordinarily sweet.

The moonlight was like water outside the window. Wei Shao suddenly
remembered the nameless hill that the two of them had climbed together in
the snow, and became interested, pulled Xiao Qiao up, dressed her one by
one, and went out of the house to carry her on it. On the back of a horse,
he drove the horse and followed the old way to find the past.

Under the moonlight, the horses raised their hooves and squeaked, and not
far behind, a group of dark guards accompanied them silently.

Wei Shao finally found the hill that used to be, holding Xiao Qiao's hand,
and the two climbed to the top of the hill together again.

At that time, the bright moon above his head was in the sky, the mountains
in the distance were rolling, the plains were lying in the fields, the Yellow
River under his feet was flowing, the mountain wind was blowing his
clothes, his sleeves were fluttering, and under the shadow of the moon,
Wei Shao tightly embraced Xiao Qiao who was leaning against him. , his
heart was surging, and he suddenly shouted in the distance: "Shang Xie! I
want to grow old with Qing! Life after life, shape and shadow will follow!
Even if the river dries up, my heart will not be taken away!"

Xiao Qiao was startled by him at first, then laughed, afraid that his roar
would be heard by the guards in the dark, so he covered his mouth.

The moment she covered it, her hand stopped, and she looked up at the
excited eyes he looked at in the moonlight, and suddenly slapped him,
scolded him in a low voice, "idiot", her arms clenched tightly. Hooked his
neck and kissed his lips.

Man Man, if I hadn't met you, what would I be like now? the man said.

But you have already met me! Wei Shao. woman laughs.
The shadow of the moon is silent, and the stars are like water, silently
looking at the pair of lovers on the top of the hill by the river.

The author has something to say:

Finally finished typing the last word. Not afraid of the jokes of the little
masters, I was moved haha, for the beautiful love of the male and female

Thank you for your companionship along the way. Although the story is
here, their happy life will continue.

Penglai looks forward to meeting the little masters in the next story. ^_^

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