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CAMBRIDGE LANGUAGE TEACHING LIBRARY Teacher Learning in Language Teaching” A sets covering cnt! issues in Innguae teaching end lering, by authors ‘Communicative Methodology in Language Teaching by Christopher mm guage 8 tophe ‘The Content of Languige Teaching, by Jck C: Richards . Edited by Donald Freeman and Jack C. Richards Tearing by James Deon ‘Video in Language Teaching by Jack Lonergan , Semantics, and Language Education by Evel Hatch and ‘he Language Clasroom eed by Kathleen M. Bley and CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS sung ouuy pst statuioq Suryboas oF eympe Supen wory cuyeBe s940 qe BMS 2 oso UIE soypeas ystuedg © Suymoaag Jo soqsong :,7e144a 10% thy, 9 Burysee, 40 sonowid ayy uj Buywsae7 :suonssuey) |i uoRDaS Pe Wg Gury 46 Sopp ig qpen on atoy Sucre] noqes Kuoyy pup aynazeuy puny patio wea 01 Suryseay. sonpaBich year on SuTUCaT maapuay 2242) POTD ‘paios8 aSpaymouy s,oqppen aBenfire, wrazoy uaprag osuyol “g wos7y, 0€ | wtonzed “TOSALL a Jo suorsuan ayy, nyoas tp SMxOA WORTA a cum, saeco toneazesgo Jo drysaonuaidde,, a Suquprexg ydedongenne sscihen senda yt 2 Bujyovey e6enBue] uj ino Bupreg :sBujuujGeq | uoRoeS mee een ee 1 eames yomnomn oot yoo xp seg stomnguu09 squsqsg coreg 0c page Sue ei SE, nc neneangna Sado esi Jo Gary eau josie poe 2 wp 960 Paes 9 Ng asa SEPA wn Naoto Pron FRETS OF a 9 Teacher decision making in the adult ESL classroom - 197 Deborah Binnie Smith Sectioudll Learning to teach: The role of language teacher education. 217 - 10. Renaming experenceteconstructing practice: Developing new understandings of teaching 221 Donald Freeman 11 Learning how to teach ini the RSA Cert 242 Jack C. Richards, Belinda Ho, and Karen Giblin 12. The role of collaborative dialogue in teacher education 260 ‘Francis Bailey 13. Structured reflection: The sole of the professional project in training ESL teachers 281 ‘Michael Wallace 14 Learning to teach English in Hong Kong classrooms: Patterns of reflections 295 Ora Kwo 15. When input becomes intake: Tracing the sources of teachers’ attinudé chanige 320 ‘Martha C. Pennington Section IV Epilogue 349 16 “The “unstudied problem”: Research on teacher learning in language teaching 351 Donald Freeman ‘Author index 379 Subject index 381 Research index 387 Contributors Francis Iniversiry of Massachusetts at Amherst Massachusers ey, Monterey Insitute of International Sraies, ‘Monterey, California Bret Bergthold, Monterey Insitute of international Studies, Monterey, Jn, Monterey Instirute of International Seudies, “Monterey, California + ie University, Sydney, Australia terey Institute of International al Training, Brattleboro, , The British Council, Hong Kong ‘of Salamanca, Avila, Spain ‘Kong, Hong Kong | * * eof International Stidies, ate University, Pennsylvania ional Training, Brattleboro, Vermont ‘ong, Hong Kong ternational Training, Brattleboro, | ‘Vermont : Martha C. Pennington, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealiad femational Training, Brattleboro, Vermont British Columbia, Canada Monterey, Michael Wallace, Heriot-Watt University, Riccarton, Edinburgh, ‘Scotland ae . Laie J. Zambo, Montésey Insite of Internatignal Seiies, Monterey, California A “Wp £2661) .aonDesd pKp moge Supyuns seypen ur uoysuan yer w ayaa FeyUNey er IeTA op o2 jind arp pur afuey> o1 aim amp, seyp soxoU soya ueUTORIy “(e 2661) «Woorssep oxp ut op Aoyp set YBOsdde Kays Se sxayPe=I 205 sepmd osoey ap se wonsumy ,roneazasqo jo dryssoruardde, samp ysnomp patted uoronnsat mH 2m, exp Sopn|auaD af] “sanuarTedKa fe god 9 : iba Ajenin soresiowd wonezedand 10a ae operated pus a Sy “SIOAET}Oq .sreypea1 uso 30 Jo AueU! poze sy Srmq ‘Toots ‘aoumud ou suey a sanoy Jo spuesnoys ‘Goer mp 5 sTyL, ,uoneazasqo jo. diysaon saaidde mm04-0 [ouroar sey (261) p07 ponte sTepou adr tt np 02 aouatiadxa -d mmo Sigag 01 st uiBoq 03 Lous 2u0 f2]249 eR BuPfEaIq oge OF aun sory Sumpes; uato smo ur paureo] aAey 9m sjapou tp axensadiod 01 punog aze om 1eyp svadde prnoss 3 uotp “yeas 03 pauren U20q 24ey 3A se Wetp romper , ayes w9q |MU aad Se PHD A, IHR 9049 $f 3 FT voponposuy oquing, “[ asa] pun IX ‘uo, sofreuol yoougionT “a moqnoyy “uouqasiapy rySUEpoBo{ DysrDN “wassunvig opusjog ‘ploqiiag Jag ‘Kopog “W uoaqiny UOHEAICSGO 30 dyyseonuesdde,, ey Supurmexg shydeshorqomne s.sowee! eBenBuel oy, Kathleen M. Bailey &t a. , Context of the study "This chapters a collaborative effort on the part of one teacher educator and seven teacher eames examine the “apprenticeship of obser: 3; we, wil velopment. The chay i ‘we derived from analyzing our own autdbiographies collaboratively. Autobiographies and journal entries: Our database ‘The Iearner’s autobiography assignment in our seminar was not origi- nally. meant to develop into a collaborative research project. Instead, the intent was to get us to investigate critically the role of our ‘in shaping our teaching philosophies and practices. signment Was to-write a prose summary of our lan- ory, answering the following questions: 1. What language learning experiences have you had and how success- fal have they been? What are your for judging s 2, If-you were clearly representative ‘would we have leatned about language learning from reading autobiography? What can be learned about effective (and ineffective) teaching by reading your autobiography? 2 . open’ ‘The language learner's autobiography. a 3, How has your experience as a language learner influenced you as 2 language teacher? sutobiographies, including timelines of our learning and ‘we identified trends, critical incidents, and salient cour development 2s teachers. 0 included journal entries written by the professor and the teacher-learners. When the seminar participants submitted their pa- pers, some expressed a desire to discuss with their peers what they had learned from the process. The resulting two-hour discussion revealed the powerful reactions these teachers. 1g had to the autobiography ‘a;jaurnal entry dbout what spheré. Several students re- experience. From this exchange, journal entries and the professor regardi sphies by the seven M.A. candidates who opted to co-author ‘were read by everyone on the team and then analyzed for ring theme i Process we followed has been described by lowing analysis, both th ints of view will be di the fstperson plural cher educator's and under investigation. Througho: interchangeably as “teachers-in-training” and “‘teacher- Product outcomes of the autobiography assignment Before embarking upon this assignment, most of us hadnt given-a {eet deal of thoeghr to the partealar charaitisics and behaviors of 13 diosa da aunesud span Be sey peur fog fen acts op oF PT Sr-tmod mo suena ye Su ap Jo sen 350q atp Jo wonDap9s Tyoroding eq pooungu njona pnd sopias Suryua: uso mmo ‘ynsox'¥ sy “pavejnm aq plno> Zorseyaq ‘Hop osieaaq sroypeat ased ano jo sonsuerserey> eantsod ayn Sununu “xo oxy paigonaq 2 “sorydesforgane mo Supeas ysnonp 2opIs> sureseq Ssoustadxo Suqurea] aanefou pur sanisod ypoq Jo anjea aU, ‘pooiszepamn sjsu] 08 st “ops 10 “Aayeuoszad spqpeat jo ansst ap 2emp pue “uonwonpa oye afensuy] wy parseydura fae soemno> ABojopoyraur reyp uaa Sumesur ysenuo> sup Puy ah, Soyureayaendre pryssnons w Suymyneuos se wexBos] YOSEL aw! paUze>| ‘ton Sururen-uy-soypeat 2u0 “nox m0 ‘uy ‘soursuy Jog “porpaur amp pumyoq uosiad arp Jo 0aey ur posn spots eur so/pue porpeur ap jo aoweurodun op Sununoosp Afjeasn ‘srm029e aammedsonax mo or apeur seam uonsunsp sm dpyuanbayy soy 2200 02 ursudins sa 36d ojoponaus soy geod arom se sss or ‘ydésforgoane snopivo9 mo of (Ze dene moqe oats Aydesdorqorno 5, 5s ue S290F89] $e Kp ITP woUTSSE og “ssousreme wr 0g, agp ayfinorg wep se wraep SaHsn wom pur samydexBorqoane mo Say 314 "Stoney mmo ws auapras oxo. sjopour SunypeR ,.PeG,, PUE POS, nog 2eMp Suzmfos0s sea AydesHoiqoane amp jo aied setzodtN, 2uQ ‘syo}1eq puke siojAeyeg Buyyoues (ey aud an 0 waar Tp 298) -wesfoxd voneonpo zoypeos mo wo pare “SuNjoen fgssoone so Aaa 01 auoo per am soya 01 ZunoD uae s2ouotadx Imo asaya soe oxy arn ota ‘rkamoyysootatadks Serarear neds o3 Sas 1x9 38re,¥ 0b “pap uretord “yyy amo uy Suwa] u20q/Pey om dog 3 Surmea| Beau] ano Aq poprons wag per yt ‘syd Sanfess (oqdkonr so oozor wt) caso mo pe ApeasTe da 27 0 Suen-ursinyoeas se sn 30s fgoon Aueyasnzed sem ap “Ssouandea Suruea, aed uaxo sow ofo2® podeyd pey fa tp pad -aoonp 2m pas #05 ~ agar ax0ur qusepepe te ur sonssr asay jo aoureuI0d4 JO “Somydeiforqome mo sous am se pajeanar arm day 2emp 3205 yp ang ‘soajaseuoyp souavp asaxp asnf you st azay AtpIOMaION st EAN, uonemboe snsqesaeu snsraa sun “$8 eeoponnaemsny a soyoun Sen so NORTE) ‘9 -tagiom gauopnas op Supzoddns soy sopmyqsodsox srqpea sopue voneAnou arom SumTerUEUT OF saRqHsUOMso: .syu=pMs °s sroqpean 10j radsou ,sroure3] pus ssaurvay 30} 1oedsax SIWDO]. “y ‘apmame aanroddns “éqpuotyy _stotpea1 soypue ‘Ssonons apm soy suonernoda Yay SIDE], “¢ Suypeat 108, mnoge sidaou09 m0 “7 sqeriaieur soypue sporpaur stisiaa aps put Aaqeuossad s9q9e9], “T ssisfqeue mo yo souronino zonpoud se paSrouo yoy somip Sunsenuos atp saviors asq Scop} ay, sxaydsoune pue mayye pure “wonesnour SumesUTECE Sgadsor peooudia: ‘suonenadxa ‘éqeogpads - sioueyaq pur sjoreq _syorpwo1 Moo} paar arom pognuop! a4 sroIey USK a, THES ‘ons se aouatsedxs Surureay afendiue] © paatzored ask zatpoqp P2oUsNUt seqp s10108j pofeasas souratn asayp Jo sis{jeuv mg “somydesZorqome amp ‘yBnomp Sur souoyp oxy Ur SoArejrUNs [es9A28 punos ans ‘SuOHSSTD Sap mo oy Teyssazonsun 10 pyssaoONs se HuyETea] aBensay] sno Suzipnl 30} wpaipo mo paouangur pey saouatadxe Suuzeoy ano sip Pa7Teat 2m Ofsea Aydexsoiqoine ap jo yusex & se ‘Tanamoyy “staypeat ased sno 09 hoped “y womygiey, i= od 2 | | { | | Kathleen M. Bailey et al. {fessional preparation a8 teachers will not necessarily be immediately accessible to us during the difficult moments. As Kennedy (1991: 16) ‘Although it may seem that history is destined to repeat itself and that ‘we do, in fact, teach as we hiave been taught, we believe that conscious Jmnowledge of our histories may help us to overcome the tendency to ‘unwittingly, the behavior of others. sutobiography assignment, we 3d” teaching in our learning his in the future. By coming aware of our ‘we have wimessed, we can begin sed on choice: We realize that we ind beliefs. We may model our cause we have miade con- scious, informed decisions to do so. Our “apprenticeship of observa fion,2like our childhood, will affect us to the degree and in the manner that we allow. Emphasizing expectations One thing that our “good” teachers seemed to have in conimon is that they cared about us, that chey were genuinely committed to us as students and to their profession. These impressions were con- ‘veyed to us by way of clear expectations that we would work hard and learn a great deal. “We were surprised to find in our data that the teachers we valued were not always humanistic, warm, and friendly ~ qualities that many ‘The language learner's autol the following remarks about a teacher that appeared in one autobiog- raphy: She does not tolerate mistakes or those who do not work to the level she ets. She is strc, she is terrifying, she is unyielding and she isthe that ever happened to me in a language class. She pushed me to work to my fall potential In our autobiogray jes, the perceptions of “good” teaching vary somewhat: A teacher that one student finds strict and overbearing, an~ other may see as ‘education that may ‘or even inspiring. Despite trend: rage a demanding teaching st rill have positive learning jur retrospective accounts, some Very than successful. Depending on the sible for the t0 fail by being too nice: [Nealess to say, his ‘good cultural question "This sort of example made us ~ “good teachers. Apparently, for te sportive was not enough fo ted several cases of “nit ‘who did not haracteris ‘work much berter in an atmosphere where c) a consis Crookes and Schmidt (1991).also tions with regard to motivation. The notion of tea {in our autobiographies, we isin teacher ‘our data as ypical igh school stadents, we took full advantage of ‘we didn’ want co seady, we convinced him to plan @ spend an hour discussing. After ‘Russian, I knew almost as mach as most fist year students at ~rnsider our assumptions abst ‘0 be sympathetic, frigadly, Our autobiographies docu: Ww Jo 2tos “somdexforqonne aap uy, azoydsoune uny © wy ueWLIeE) pate] Sepnys soy azaqs asoydsoune siepp pqeéolua ue Supplacid seat 1oqoead snp jo wp8tans ayy, ausunuos Sumoyjoy amp uy paiordap se “str ‘Supe ayes [say pu Buureay wo atezim2oue> (JouueD 10) eo In9pRS ‘YpIyas Ul axamo9 ays saugop at req sf axoydsomne jo soueuodust ay, exeydsoune pue joopy Suqureok w ypiat ou ayy souapadsa ys “reo4 11 YBNOTELE 105 ‘SsasoMs & Udaq VARY 02 SSPID ‘sauede[ apex8 pan Aur zapisuo 1,2 : Toouss Bi © smoge usu snp use ‘o8enuey yikes op treat Aqjeraoe ou pr sau 27 aso ste tayo “ouotadx Suiza] sBenduy]rgseamns e Suey “9p 30j wou e se posou ure] 03 doreaniom pomtnaes 96) Uf re tung w ayy aA axa dn suey" arog ss Spoqotdos sea aut of stz9qq/3 Jo 2poa Ye se ay, ssooond Suqureoy ofenduyy ayn aquosap os posn tayo aloe poo v Banjeorq 20 ajzmnd v dxsjos 30-90 a 0 up 40 werfordan » majo yn au x ge a8vadaey v Sumuzeoy, lou 40 deur on poqeodde endive 30 sone a 5 Bates doses aeasouy, sem 39 88ns (97 1.661) sPNAS PUP #005 “Bure mo ut sr>e Sueanows yuerod Use padiasfasorng ‘efenuy] axp wiv; 02 amsep ea) Wi stones ads “9p selene] useoy o: pateariowt arais aa ‘suapeas se Set JOEY Oy e¢2IgesouoUn uexp ssay seas pasn Porpour Suysear ayy, “aks s.soypear ur audsap pareanow Aqpeurosut Sea J, auouTure> BubAorOs amp Aq paremsny st ¥opt sty “siOlATyaq ue sopteuoszed saypeat mo (uetp zuezodu a10t setoUos pur) se quruodur se sions sxousesy aBendiy arom am uatss UoKeanour pus s7e08 mawo mo ‘fenuangur Aso4 se ssaqpea mo pasidolsd aaa YsNOKRTY uoneanow Buu UlEWy pst pur scormdo wo dar yaa ‘roureay aBenBue] e se aur passodéar ose oui aos azo sour ayn porsadsas | s>e21 3, 38 seams Suimoqos tp ur se “Asejnox pouortonr sean 3308 'smapmss 205 120dsor raypen jo soueyzoduat PPuoneanou ays soxensnyy Sursoqjoy ayy, “sro:onsur soup Bunzedso2 ‘ami uw ‘simopras uf sysor Apuaredde wed sayseai amp wo apnyrre Posrezeqare Sug zo sen Supe mgs own 3.8 | 02 Pea ox se Oo GNLLSTT Afomaoe pu ajqeteas wayO sean eanooye srourea] adenar] ap o1 sys Suruaiey pure Aas $9008 szeqpeos ofp stsauaoo AqexBorgoine auo twos; yuonTINOD B1580] 1} ap “ojdurexo Joy “woosssea a~p uy uaeTUORAL. FuTU aamnsod seveano stuapmas 205 woadser sioqpesa aeyp wane wiep ME “snydey Horgorne asox ur Aqpaseodox poreadde aetp ansst pasepar v $1 sodsay yedsas jeooudooy “pe 38 Koyog “W_ wanyyzoy Kathleen M. Bailey et al. us commented on the role of our classmates as well as our teachers in setting a positive tone: eared ata great rate because I learn ‘guages naturalistially outside of formal instructional setngs. In our autobiographies, there were several explicit comparisons between these ge learning, such as the followin language outs nother culture that we may not be “typical” language learners, and therefore what we have discovered in our autobiographies may not per tain to others. Howeves, we assume that we are representative of the leamers who choose to become language teachers. We have not been consistently good language learners, nor have we succeeded in master- ‘in our perceptions of what makes a learning seems to be an interplay between the vari= icher beliefs and behavior, and motivation, respect, This suggests'that the two parties in the teacher- mnship have their own responsibilities, their own contri- . Teachers contribute their their profession. Students cor by being curious and interested in ‘and the students contribute to 2 specting each other and by being ‘and Bailey 1991: 23-28, ‘co-produce” language le leboratively analyzing our autobiographies, we fel we will be more 20 ‘The language learner’s autobiography aware of our students" needs, wants, and expectations and that we will respect and respond to them, thereby creating a positive atmosphere for languagelearaing. ‘The apprenticeship examined By reading the autobiographies of our peers, we have been alerted to she importance of respecting our students as individuals as a central nt. We also-saw that cour “apprenticeship of ration.” One teacher-in-training recast Loste’s apprenticeship metaphor: have seen brilliant te any way. Asa teaches land to become a bet felt as a group that this assignment others when, in the furure, we Process outcornes of the autobiography assignment While we clearly benefited from discovering the product outcomes of our autobiographies, we were more intsigued by the proce ing, these autobiographies, ‘we documented our exy ‘and the proces »wing comment did not re ‘When writing our auto jes wwe had almost forgotten, and-developed from them a new perspective on teaching. That is, the process of reexamining our past helped many 24, & ‘xp auiea| se soypean wpa pampey>s 6 Suroduo ‘soxnyua jeumo! una wy psKEB "7 sox prp ssanoad ayn ‘sossayoad axp pue Sururesi-ut rp w22aaq, afteypxe feumof Suyofuo ue ayoxord 0} papuaiuy ou sem suoUTUIS “Sse Aqdesdorgomne ayp apmig\ “andoep » para8un 3 ze sea s1s07e3] “roqpea: se st 03 astodsas jeumol s,rossayoad arp yo soueuzodust 24 foes yaa ep foes ome put ao pg 1 "soured (Suyyqery igozte siuepeas ayp SupeDy -songdesfoiqome so ur pasonoastp pey ‘9a rey possnasip ax sage aross ays emp nua jeumol v woxy Uae re susuimos Sumoyoy ayy, ‘Bune jo A10aqp Wao oy Wo 3agar Dae rorweyeq mato 204 atqurexa 03 Joy parduroud af zoweonp rayse=s © Taq Se [ou se “oyDEDS ¥ Sv 19879 WAL JOY] UO YOORMO Ys w .e8 sTaquiaut ssepp atp tpi soxydexorgome ssoureay amp Bess jam se sossayoxd axp Joy auexrodurt 2q 01 paaord yuourusisse ST, anfiojeip ou, :siousee] sv sieyoee AydosSorgoynn ssousvoy aBonSury 24.7 w pepe ‘ereypea mo) opm aerp Looomp sm IAM se feuos wad v pooput ‘Bumypeot Jo saToatp UNO IO atenoHTe 03 wea dus Ssaquatiadxe wiko mo smoqe Aqjuyane> Suprunp Aq “(Og6T WEUIDIL “ugsiey) Sunpea jo Aroaya ¥ moge ye=ds Wopyes aa Inq “(RET snsSpoy pure spzeqany) Suqures] jo pue adlenSup] jo souoatp wy wad “yosap snopustian u20s sey pyy mo ‘Sopeap aap ysed ary Summ, “siotseyq pur Saxjaq UNO mmo mogE AjeouLTD BUMP 8 s19_H0,J0 ‘srowetfaq amp Inoqe Ajjeani= SupruMA WOH} nou Ou SMUT ay :PrEOG 3 aarp SuaUTUSse IY, , BUyPeED InOge sAKatA JEIOS ‘Buaqpeqp 03 ~ szaqpen aenSue] puoves yenprarpur se saaypemo 01 2pn 5 ‘anzogar AuIM030q,, ‘sales (217 :9661) BepEG ‘uamdo|ssap JoypeR SuwsADsTp UY “F=TPES “oanooger,, Sumuozaq uy das asiy e siuesaidaz ose sso00xd sm, juewoduy asa s| wonadsonu spanou soure3] -toypeat avo sy “suzsou09 uoumtuOD jo ssouorese Sin@roUa THO PUT “nfisuy poreys wos} ayauaq 01 radeyp stp uo Tuneioqeyfo> sxoPNE 09 amt axp paaojfe sIsAfeUE pue uOWsMosIp Jo sassan0zd JeuONIPPE StU, -urypess ty axeUT FTAA aM SsoIoNP amp Ur suoneay dur stoys anoqe Sapparya udoq o3 pur sanyea mo Agzepp 02 Se ‘T2AaMOF, or Muousenty seaplapul amp sf suSUURISsE Aydexorgome ap pure 30 Sty o1 aueniodunr as0ur Sea TENS poad sigs ynomy, “TusuidojaAp g0r ¥ oyu wSIp UNG pure seated Ladesfo.aome $sousver aSvnBurt 9 . [aSaeye 3 suoge sigan jo suowsnosip x05 (Z66t) weunorg pur (z667) ‘foqreq 396) “98ueyp oy suondo smo pu ‘sn padeys axe Yep S16390j ap “op Afpuormo ox sey ssedwOouD AvUE SSOUGTEAE YoRG “SSOURTEAE sr sogoeud Sumppeas mo Butieyp promos das 335 =p “(€g61) pavou sey uewaag-Ustie] sy “‘ssoaztodso mo 0} amaer=I yeonaeaM 3p oud 295 soukap ryan © st Aye yne’agn yey andre axey 23h “aomatk 89] soypean © ur 30 w Ab ‘wep squapms ssoy yeuof s.tossajoxd mo wos; pauresy ayy “Bun |fonu Surfemosu9 0; pue woReaguTE sonyea Joy sfoos a|genyes a7e uonsedsonm pe wonsayr rex jion ur yuesiodumt aq Thus ssadsar ywooxdoar Stravax9 pus ‘suoneisada yeur ge Yons SIONDES ETP “EE 0 JO sey » 203 emp pazteax am “ism “uoREINps Soypeas paw Somyocan 205 ‘ezoua ur ‘ypseasax sanesoqeyjo> pue “reyon “red wy Guaumafisse dqydesSorqome ayp jo suoneondar Ateut are oxay, suojsnjquog “aouapyuos wat apeur 2q pmneo swe peosg yons azojaq,papaou 9q plow srxoMnOd soto wy But ‘Syrom pue suommpen roy10 wt pareanpe sraqear Aq yoze2ses [CUORIPPE {ypnur “Tos2MOH] “9plapLOm UoReoNpa soyDe uF MMELOduN oq POS {pms ‘sojdpoutd yexourepuny se sid2ouos asays tzoddns suonsodstp and [euoneanpe pur femajms mo samy reIBO ut prea are Sutjapour pur drysioumo Jo sojdiound ays auorxo wey 0} so0D] 200 OP 2p “savaphas mmo aouanpu (ia (98p2 jou; saneur -pofgns' mo puodog pue a4oge) sjaraq pUE SIOLAEYEG, smo stor] Jo ares A194 sn apeur 2xey soumonino ssinord ayy, “saps puE unis 301 ja 24 ojésuud © se Buypour Suadope Aq “peas pn kopog we woqyoey Kathleen M. Bailey et al. ‘Was, whys and how teachers change. a. Bowerdew, M. Beck ad TES‘ Povpeie on Lange aco Bastion. Hoss Reng cir hat eg Rg pera” 99 Tscee tone fought een a J. ‘RihardeandD, Mona eds) Second Lantuae Teacher Bcaion Ca: ire posia oo Easton Peon Reopening he earth ge ion Reopening a ing in Second Languages. Apple Rive, TL: 2. Language Tivo. Oxford: Oxford preparation. ELT Joural and decision ‘on Language Teacher Education, Hong Kong: City Pol Kong, pp. 1-21, ‘Good, T. Ie, B, Biddle, and J. Brophy. 1975, Teachers Make a Difference. hin nvr re of Ami 4 Issues in Teacher Education, Bast Lansing, Michs arch on Teacher Learning, lings on how teachers lear to teach. Educational lution of effective teachers. Teacher Ed- Naural Approach: Language Acquis om. Oxford: Pergsmon Press. mae ee Sarvving yout Bt year Somethings to think about. n ‘A Job Search Handbook for Eduestors. Branston, Uh oo, Collage and Univerty Stafing, pp. 26-28. lucatng a teacher. Ii J. E, Georgette Universi Rand ‘The language learner’ autobiography ‘Murray, D. 1992. Collakoratve writing as a literary event: Implications for "ESL instruction, In D, Nunan borative Language Learning and n, and S. Conzad, 1990. An ongoing eparation, In J.-C. Richards and D. Peacher Education. Cambridge: Cam- ps Pat Poland V. Unpublished man- “introduction to Supervision and "The Experiment in International Se cs rat Ee dds Laas oh pee se depen ae a ato re Dome Now Yate Fate Ui hep EE Ameren ge ose. ahr e Ee par ag Tharp, Ry and 3 Rousing Minds to Ped Schooling in Socal Context. New York: Cambri

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