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Type : Pitting

Reason : Pitting corrosion occurs due to local damage to the protective oxide layer
on the steel surface. Factors such as exposure to extreme weather conditions,
uneven distribution of cover material, or presence of contaminants can lead to small
pits. Once initiated, pitting corrosion can progress rapidly, causing severe and
widespread damage to the metal.

Mechanism: Pitting corrosion is a detrimental process that occurs when the

protective oxide layer on a metal surface is compromised. This deterioration usually
begins as tiny flaws or blemishes in the oxide layer, which enable destructive
particles to infiltrate. As these particles react with the metal, they trigger localized
chemical reactions that result in the release of metal ions within a limited space,
creating small pits. These pits serve as hotspots for ongoing corrosion, ultimately
causing significant damage in these concentrated, narrow areas.

Prevention : the application of protective coatings or paints that act as a barrier

against corrosive environments. Additionally, selecting corrosion-resistant materials,
such as stainless steel or titanium, for applications in harsh conditions can inherently
reduce susceptibility to pitting corrosion. Controlling environmental factors, such as
exposure to saltwater, acids, or pollutants, is essential in maintaining proper

Type : Erosion Corrosion

Mechanism : Erosion corrosion occurs when fluid flow, carrying particles or corrosive
agents, abrades the metal surface, accelerating wear. This mechanical wear disrupts
the protective oxide layer, heightening the metal's vulnerability to chemical corrosion.
The synergy of mechanical erosion and chemical attack results in an increased rate of
material loss.

Reason : It typically occurs in environments where there is a combination of flowing

fluids and corrosive elements.

Prevention : crucial aspect in preventing erosion and corrosion is carefully selecting

materials, such as specialized alloys or coatings, that possess inherent resistance.
Another key measure is manipulating fluid conditions, like regulating flow rates, to
minimize abrasive damage. Furthermore, employing efficient filtration systems to
eliminate suspended particles in the fluid can significantly reduce the destructive
impact on metal surfaces.

Type : Uniform Corrosion

Mechanism : The electrochemical mechanism of uniform corrosion

involves oxidation and reduction reactions at the metal's surface. In an
aqueous environment, metal atoms undergo oxidation, releasing
electrons. These electrons flow through the metal, creating a flow of
electrical current. At the same time, oxygen or other oxidizing agents in
the environment gain electrons through reduction reactions. The overall
process is a series of electrochemical reactions, with metal dissolution
and the formation of metal ions in solution.

Reason : Factors influencing uniform corrosion include the chemical

composition of the environment, temperature, and the electrochemical
properties of the metal involved.

Prevention : Preventing uniform corrosion involves using corrosion-

resistant materials, applying protective coatings, controlling
environmental factors, and employing cathodic protection methods.
Regular inspections and maintenance are essential to detect and
address corrosion early on.
Type : Filiform corrosion

Mechanism : Filiform corrosion initiates when a flaw in a metal's

protective coating allows moisture to reach the surface. In the
presence of oxygen, an electrochemical reaction forms a localized
anodic region, leading to corrosion. The resulting metal ions react
with moisture, forming corrosion products.
These products create a pH gradient in the damaged coating,
prompting ion migration along the surface. This migration results in
thread-like corrosion product filaments under the intact coating,
manifesting as worm-like structures.

Accelerating factors include high humidity, salts, and contaminants.

Choosing the right coating and regular maintenance are crucial for
preventing filiform corrosion.

Reason : Improper coating or very thick coating which can easily be

wear off.

Prevention: Control the relative humidity. Use brittle coatings.

Type : Crevice corrosion

Mechanism : Crevice corrosion emerges due to disparities in ion

concentrations within an electrolyte solution and between distinct
regions of a single metal component. In the context of this concentration
cell, corrosion takes place in the specific area with a lower ion
concentration. This type of deterioration is commonly linked to the
existence of limited volumes of stagnant solution in enclosed spaces,
under deposits and seals, or within crevices, such as those found at
nuts and rivet heads.

Reason : Crevice corrosion is like when metal gets stuck in a tight spot,
and because it can't interact much with the surroundings, it becomes a
hotspot for corrosion due to trapped corrosive substances.

Prevention : To prevent crevice corrosion, use materials that resist

corrosion, design structures to avoid tight spots, ensure good drainage
to prevent stagnant areas, and conduct regular inspections with proper

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