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Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI 2018)

IEEE Conference Record: # 42666; IEEE Xplore ISBN:978-1-5386-3570-4

Security Issues in Vehicular Ad-hoc

Rajdeep Kaur ( Scholar) Tejinder Pal Singh ( Scholar) Vinayak Khajuria ( Scholar)
Department of Computer Science and Department of Computer Science and Department of Computer Science and
Engineering Engineering Engineering
Chandigarh University Chandigarh University Chandigarh University
Mohali, India Mohali, India Mohali, India

Abstract— Over the years, area of Vehicular Ad-hoc dispensation capacity. VANET is normally targeted at offering
Network(VANET) attained vast interest and research initiatives security related details and visitor’s administration. The
is also increased due to the range of solutions it can provide. various types of conversation in VANET are of following:
Information safety is considered as most critical issue in any
network system and it also the case in VANET. In VANETs
wireless conversation between automobiles thus attackers breach
confidentiality, privacy, and authenticity properties which impact
further protection. This paper presents the safety challenges and
existing threads in the VANET system. This paper focus on basic
security requirements which must be fulfilled for securing
VANETs. Different classes of VANET attacks are also discussed
in this paper.

Keywords—VANET; Security; ITS; Issues; etc.


VANET is described as modern genre of network, that is

conceived from Movability Ad hoc Network. VANETs are the
most effective technology which enables communication
among the motors or infrastructure units [1]. It is used in
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) that provide strong
techie helps for automobiles using the Wi-Fi to deliver visitors
safety information’s, street position details good sized level
network, fast moving nodes, the changing topological
frequently framework, node change Active regularity
improvement, and divided networks easily [2]. It also a
universal term in Inter Automobile System (ITS). Because of Fig.. Communication in VANET
the characteristics and needs to VANET network, some brand-
new routing process arises in the historic instant. VANET Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V): It grants connections among
evolved as important and trendy in progressively various the vehicles in network. In V2V, a vehicle can accept
countries as component of the ITS, while it all is envisioned transmission and exchange helpful traffic information i.e.,
and foreseen to alleviate many of the current transport visitor’s conditions and road mishaps in particular region or
complications and can allow a wide spectrum of encouraging with additional automobiles [5].
ITS applications [3, 4]. Such applications include life-critical
tasks (e.g. lane blending, blockage prevention, detour notice, Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I): In this transmission type,
road circumstances, emergency occasions), and value-added the details will become transmitted between the nodes (i.e
providers that enhances traveling encounter (e.g. path finding, automobile) and the infrastructure (proclaimed as ITS), to talk
toll services, etc.). Never the less, with the advancement of about beneficial information such as street safety and
technology program, some potential security complications conditions events which possess been used into accounts. In
appeared in the same period. VANET is described as a model this V2I, an automobile (node) launches a connection between
of MANET. VANET is definitely a blend of sensor networks RSU and get in touch with exterior systems which is usually
and ad hoc sites. They use wireless funnel, Satellite channel internet [6]. Fig 1 shows the communications techniques used
and additional mediums for transmission to communication. In in these networks for conversation between motors and other
VANET, vehicles act as nodes which exchange data among infrastructure units. It includes vehicles running on roads and
others.Here the transportation unit may be an automobile, infrastructure situated along side the roads.
Road Side Device (RSD). It contains better storage space and

978-1-5386-3570-4/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 884

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA. Downloaded on February 20,2023 at 06:06:52 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI 2018)
IEEE Conference Record: # 42666; IEEE Xplore ISBN:978-1-5386-3570-4

II LITERATURE REVIEW J.P Habaux (2010) described a model that identifies
the most applicable conversation components. they also
Vehicular ad-hoc networks are the most effective proposed protection structure at the side of the associated
technology which enables communication among the motors protocols. digital Signatures showed to be the maximum
or infrastructure units. Now a days these networks suffer from appropriate method regardless of their apparently excessive
various security issues. overhead. however those network solutions can't be
Akhilesh Singh (2016) describe the various security implemented within the reward state of interaction [15].
issues in VANETs. He researched that VANET offers increase
in methodologies and technologies which identifies with III SECURITY IN VANET
additional safety and satisfaction during driving. In this paper
he covered the various attacks such as denial of service and Rapid growth in the development of vehicular networks
replay attack by using cryptography, hash functions and digital leads to increase in security requirements. Like as other
signatures [7]. networks, users of Vehicular network also demand security in
Arturo Ribagorda (2010) states that VANETs has the terms of integrity of data, confidentiality, availability and
various characteristics. Due to these advanced characteristics, so on. Every vehicular user needs privacy i.e; the information
traditional methods of security are not enough for providing regarding the vehicle and driver must be distributed safely to
security services. He addressed the problems related to DoS the other legitimate users [16]. Security of VANETs greatly
attacks, evasdropping attack etc [8]. depends up on communication medium. The delivery of
Ahmed Shoeb Al Hasan (2015) proposed the messages should be secure. Delay in the transmission leads to
transportation scheme which use V2V and V2I various security issues. Due to the delay, attackers gets more
communication for providing reliable and secure time to attack on vehicles [17].
communication. He had tried to solve the problem of traffic
jam with the help of V2V and V2I communication schemes. A. Entities concerned with VANETs security
This paper defines that the security of vehicular networks There are various terms or entities involved in the security
greatly depends on the transmission medium. He had studied of vehicular netwoks. Table 1 shows various entities and their
on DoS and fabrication attacks [9]. description. The basic entities are:
Jason J. (2016) presented a novel simulator for
VANET. This simulator can handle more vehicles as compare x The vehicles
to NS-2 . he compared the outcomes of both and showed that x The infrastructure
this simulator provide same results with NS2 [10]. x The drivers
Asif Ali Wagan (2009) studied about attacks related x Third parties
to time synchronization. He researched that there is a need to x The attacker
pay attention on time synchronisation attacks. Delay caused in
delivery of messages at the destination nodes cause many Table 1: Entities in VANETs
serious problems. This paper discuss about various issues
related to timing attacks [11].
Xuan Zha (2017) Presented a 3-D Markov approach Entity name Description
for providing security in VANETs. In this paper two
encryption keys are used i.e; keys generated by AES algorithm
and keys generated by Eliptic Curve Cryptography. In this The vehicle Vehicle include all types of
paper problem of mismatching of keys and packet collision vehicles i.e; cars, buses etc.
has been discussed. Results of proposed approach were
validated by simulation. The author has discussed about the
various collision attacks in VANETs. In this paper parameters The infrastructure It includes road-side infra-
like throughput and transmission success rate [12]. structure.
Victor Sucasas (2015) studied about various
authentication and validation problems exist in VANETs. In
this paper, the author has implemented a protocol to maintain The driver Responsible for movement
the user privacy and to solve the authentication problem. The of vehicles
proposed approach authenticates and verifies the users,
generate pseudonyms. It also verifies the data or message send
by users. The output parameters are performance overhead Third parties It includes traffic police,
[13]. transport regulator etc.
Sebastian Bittl (2015) investigated that the various
strong mechanisms designed for security in VANETs increase
the security of network but also increase the performance The attacker It includes both types of
overhead. Some security mechanisms increase the attackers i.e; internal
transmission delay. In this paper approach of message attacker and external
assembling coordination by cross layer has been used to attackers
overcome this problem [14].

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Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA. Downloaded on February 20,2023 at 06:06:52 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI 2018)
IEEE Conference Record: # 42666; IEEE Xplore ISBN:978-1-5386-3570-4

B. Security requirements in VANETs x Non-Repudiation: It demonstrates a vehicle can't reject

that client does no longer transmit the message. It might
Earlier than the VANET deployed, it must fulfill some be a incredulous on presume those accurate succession
necessities. Like as other systems, vehicular network also from claiming crash reproduction.
require security. A VANET security device satisfies the
subsequent requirements. Fig 2 describes the basic security x Tamper evidence hardware: To make information safer
requirements [18]. tempor evidence hardware is the most prominent
requirement. It protects the information from leakage.
x Authentication: It makes certain that the real client made
the message. On VANET, a vehicle react as stated by x Electronic license plates: These are like as normal
those data gained from the opposite vehicles, which fulfill number plates. These are issued by government. These
those Confirmation. plates contain unique verification IDs.

x Accessibility: It affirms that data should only be x Information Correlation: information correlation schemes
accessible to the real client. The attacks made on system receive the information with the improved level of
should close down the system, in order to protect the data. noteworthiness, essentialness and consistency of data.
It works for the goal that the data can't be shared.
x Reliability: Reliability is the basic requirement of users
x Information verification: should kill those false which ensures the reliable transmission of messages. The
messaging, An standard confirmation from claiming delivery of messages to destination should be on time.
information is necessary. The message also includes their
consistency for comparative ones Since the sender x Scalability: Here scalability refers to scalable networks
camwood a chance to be real same time the message i.e; any increase in the size of network or nodes should
holds those false information. not degrade the performance of network to much extent. It
should be easy to increase the network size in terms of
x Privacy: There have to be a guarantee of maintaining users, traffic etc. without any change in its functionality
privacy of users messages against unautorised users. It and services.
works on eliminating message postpone attack.
x Event information recording: The information regarding
the vehicles must be recorded in accidental cases. Attacks are made to break the security of attacks. The
number of attacks are perfornmed to diminish the security of
VANETs. Attacks cannot be done without the involvement of
attackers. Attacker is the person who tries to lauch the attack.
The fig 3 describes the various types of attackers involved to
Authentication perform attacks.

Non Tamper
repudiation evidence Insider
Active Outsider
atackers attackers
Information Electronic
correlation license plates

Passive Local
atackers Attackers attackers
verification Privacy

Malicious Extended
Accessibility atackers atackers

Fig. 2. security requirements

Fig. 3. types of attackers

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Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA. Downloaded on February 20,2023 at 06:06:52 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI 2018)
IEEE Conference Record: # 42666; IEEE Xplore ISBN:978-1-5386-3570-4

V ATTACKS IN VANETS A. Network attacks

These are high priority attacks which affect the whole
Attacks refers to any malicious activity done on system network ( communication, vehicles, RSUs). In this class of
which is very harmful. The main ideas behind performing the networks attackers can affect the all users connected to the
attack are to steal the information or corrupt the system and so network. It includes:
on. They vanish the integrity and confidentiality of system.
Like as other system vehicular network also undergo through x Denial of service attack: This attack is done to jam the
various attacks. These attacks are categorized into various network by sending the large number of unusable
categories [19, 20, 21]. message. The main aim of performing this kind of attack
is to stop the users to get the nrtwork services [22].
Table 2 five categories of attacks

Attack Description Attacks involved


Class 1 Network attack x Denial of service Attack

x Node Impersonation
x Black hole attack
x Sybil attack
x Masquerading attack
x Brute force attack
x Distributed Denial of
service Attack
x GPS spoofing attack
x Worm hole attack

Fig. 4. DoS attack

Class 2 Application attack x Bogus x Distributed denial of service attack: This kind of attack
information attack works same as DoS attack. But in this attack, attack is
x safety application atack done through number of mediums.
x non safety application
x broadcast tampering
x Illusion attack
x Message alteration

Class 3 Timing attack x Peer to peer timing

x Timing attack for
x Extended level timing

Class 4 Social attack x Social engineering

attack Fig. 5. DDoS attack

x Sybil attack: In the peer to peer networks, Sybil attacks

Class 5 Monitoring atack x Man in the middle are performed where the single malicious adversary has a
attack control on multiple nodes. In this attack single attacker
x Traffic analysis attack claims number of identities [23]. To perform this attack
number of fake identities are created.

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Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA. Downloaded on February 20,2023 at 06:06:52 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI 2018)
IEEE Conference Record: # 42666; IEEE Xplore ISBN:978-1-5386-3570-4

C. Timing attack

These attacks are done to create the delay in the

communication between the sender and receiver. In the Fig. 8
node B sends the warning message to node C which is
received by the attacker. The main motive of attacker to create
delay and increase the transmission time of message.

Fig. 6. sybil attack

x Node impersonation attack: All of the automobiles in

VANETs have specific recognition. It turns into important
while an mishappening or accident occurs. In this attack,
malicious attacker can trade his identification . Attacker
act as real user and shows that message is originated by it.
Attacker is able to alter the message.
Fig. 8. timing attacks
B. Application attack
D. Social attack
These types of attacks are performed on applications and
services provided by the system. In this attack attacker alters Social attacks are initiated in order to disturb the users. In
the content of messages send by the user to other user. this type of attack, attacker try to misbehave with legitimate
Receiver has no idea about that the message is altered by the user by sending ugly messages

Fig. 7. application attack Fig. 9 social attacks

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Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA. Downloaded on February 20,2023 at 06:06:52 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI 2018)
IEEE Conference Record: # 42666; IEEE Xplore ISBN:978-1-5386-3570-4

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