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Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems [ICISS 2020]

IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP20M19-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-7089-3

Security Challenges and Future Aspects of Fifth

Generation Vehicular Adhoc Networking (5G-
VANET) in Connected Vehicles
Sachin Sharma Piyush Agarwal Seshadri Mohan
2020 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems (ICISS) | 978-1-7281-7089-3/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICISS49785.2020.9315987

Department of Computer Science and Department of Computer Science and Department of Systems Engineering
Engineeirng Engineeirng University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Graphic Era Deemed to be University Graphic Era Deemed to be University Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
Dehradun, India Dehradun, India Email:
Email: Email: m

connectivity among them using licensed/unlicensed

Abstract— Vehicle ad hoc networking of the 5th generation spectrum. It is unfortunate that till 4G, device to device
(5G-VANET) in connected vehicles uses new revolutionary communicat ion was not considered for wireless
concepts to fulfill network access, user and system mobility
communicat ion due to cost effective driven po licy maker’s
requirements and connectivity requirements in an extremely
convenient manner. Virtualization of 5G-mobile-field vision. Now teleco m service providers are considering the
VAN ET's computing and spectrum sharing technology device to device communication as an important aspect as
network and network features. However, the new issue is to the number of devices are increasing in the global market.
provide protection for 5G-VAN ET in connected vehicles in The user friendly applications which are deployed on the
these technologies and in future. Thus this study offers a brief devices are playing major contribution in the
overview of security issues in connected vehicles and possible communicat ion such as social med ia applications
aspects of 5G VAN ET. From now on, this study shows WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram and snapchat. The telecom
solutions to these problems and aspects for healthy 5G-VAN ET consumers are shifted to data based technologies fro m
systems in connected vehicles. The rapid increase in services,
voice. The market statistics also supports the data driven
the curiosity of users in autonomous cars have stimulated
demand for a high data rate, live data and video sharing, and social media co mmun ication or application to application
for services with a lowest level of proximity to call drops. The communicat ion or device to device co mmunicat ion. Dev ice
new 5G-VAN ET systems seek to improve current technology to device co mmunication may help to teleco m operators to
and meet potential consumer needs with effective and efficient identify the location of the device and understand the
solutions. Finally, a new dimensions of connected vehicles with communicat ion requirement as per the end user basis which
respect to safety issues of 5G-VANET has been added and also can help to operators to increase their QoS index and reduce
defined aspects that requires more research study. the operation cost as well. An autonomous cooperative
driving environ ment has their own security and privacy
Keywords— 5G, VANET, security, privacy.
issues for the new generation revolutionary world. It is
required for teleco m operators and government agencies to
handle the security and privacy issues and get the enough
users confidence to use the 5G services in VANET. It is
With the introduction of 5G-VA NET in connected vehicles required the Cyber Security Proof System (CSPS) that will
devices and number of users are undergoing the drastic
help to develop and design the new services and
growth of spectrum demand applicat ions such as data applications and their secured and automated
sharing, video streaming and large mu ltimed ia files sharing communicat ions among them. As more nu mber o f physical
that limits of current resources and technologies of availab le
new devices such as smartphones and sensors and
cellu lar systems. In the future, 5G-VA NET envisioned applications via heterogeneous networks are used, it may
advanced media and mobile applications such as augmented develop the multiple security threats to the users. 5G-
reality or 3D holography may need higher data rates among
VA NET co mmun ication may facilitate the CSPS over
the mult iple devices. 5G-VANET co mmunicat ion in device to device communicat ion in future autonomous
connected vehicles has such solution for above mentioned driving environment. This paper discusses about the priority
challenge. 5G-VANET co mmunication in connected
security challenges that telecom operators may face in the
vehicles presents a new class of wireless technique in which future wh ile imp lementation of 5G co mmunication
driving network nodes help each other in exchange and techniques in connected vehicles. Before 5G, there was
transfer the informat ion to realize the mult iple advantages.
device to device communicat ion was not active but in 5G,
This new technique helps to improve the performance gains device to device directly co mmunication on licensed or free
in terms of quality of services (QoS), lin k reliability, available spectrum through base station became possible via
spectrum availability, spectral efficiency, system capacity,
and communication range. An autonomous cooperative When data is routed through mult iple devices then privacy
driving refers to the any fixed or mobile portable wired or and security must be supervised with minimu m interference
wireless devices communication cooperation where devices
and cost effective manner. In 4G technology, high data
are relaying the messages in 5G-VA NET to function as cost rates and secure communicat ion protocols were provided.
effective and high speed transmission of messages for each The data traffic which increased about 800% in 2020
other and realize a massive communicat ion in connected
compared to 2015 with the nu mber of devices would impact
vehicles. It may be effect ive with device to device the 4G technology and generate the requirement of device to

978-1-7281-7089-3/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 1376

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA. Downloaded on February 20,2023 at 06:31:23 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems [ICISS 2020]
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP20M19-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-7089-3

devoice communication in 5G on cooperative basis. 5G- the 5G-VA NET security standardization framework in new
VA NET technology facilitates high data rates with secured techniques of mobile co mputing, cloud computing and
peer to peer heterogeneous network among billions of software defined networking [9]. The telecom operators can
devices. The standards development of 5G-VA NET is more take advantages of an autonomous cooperative environment
futuristic and flexib le to heterogeneous networks. The one in effective sharing of spectrum bands for high speed data
of the objectives of the 5G-VA NET technology is to rates communications and utilizat ion of computational
facilitate advanced commun ication services and applications power resources in local areas [10]. The load off
for devices in heterogeneous networks. The dynamic transmission functionality is going to be very effective in
spectrum management may help to increase the utilization connected vehicles. For examp le, in disaster situation, the
of the unused spectrum bands in 5G-VA NET with less primary co mmunication can be set up using autonomous
interference. However, the spectrum band allocation and cooperative driving functionality. In current, Wi-Fi,
power adjustment can be done based on the network Bluetooth and ZigBee facilitate communication in
throughput and QoS improvement in 5G-VA NET networks. connected vehicles. However, these communicat ions can be
The reliable solution for mu ltip le devices connectivity can done in licensed or unlicensed spectrum bands. 5G-VANET
impact system performance in case of increased network is first categorized into connected vehicles then the majo r
throughput. The need of mathemat ical analytical modelling challenges associated with it will be explained. More than 8
and channel measurement may impact the performance o f trillion wireless devices or sensors are connected through
5G-VA NET network in device to device co mmunicat ions. communicat ion network system. So, the fo llo wing
This paper addresses the issues related to 5G-VANET challenges may occur in the given networks.
network challenges in connected vehicles. The remaining of Flash traffic security: There will be number of device may
this paper is organized as follo ws. Section II presents an responsible to create this traffic.
overview o f 5G in connected vehicles. In section III, Spectrum bands interfaces security: Heterogeneous devices
security challenges of 5G-VA NET in connected vehicles are encryption keys can be shared over unsecured spectrum
discussed. Section IV discusses new research aspects and bands.
future challenges of 5G-VA NET in connected vehicles User Integrity security: Cryptographic techniques
followed by a conclusion given in Section V. implementation is needed at user level to fix the
accountability of each user.
II. OVERVIEW OF 5G-VANET IN CONNECT ED VEHICLES Heterogeneous network security: Service d riven
applications drive the additional security measures in the
As 5G technology will be connecting more than 8 trillion network architecture design.
wireless devices with user controlled privacy mechanis m Adaptive Cooperative security: Users of one operator uses
may impact on the billions of people lifestyle [1]. 5G- the other operator service may compro mise the personal
VA NET focuses on the 100% availability of the services security.
and security by heterogeneous service operators. This allows Denial of service security on end user Devices:
the new upcoming technologies of cloud co mputing, Heterogeneous network of mult iple devices may cause the
mach ine learning, artificial intelligence, Internet of things, loose of personal data, system configuration and network
Internet of vehicles, virtual reality, augmented reality, and control due to unencrypted control network channels. The
software defined networking to meet the new era user’s 5G network design for autonomous cooperative driving is
requirements with the telecom operator’s expenditure beyond the utilization of free spectrum bands includes the
constraints [2], [3]. Cloud co mputing is a technology that user friendly operations and network management of the
provides the service providers to manage their services as new technologies.
pay basis with mo re flexib ility and availability of their Service pricing model in autonomous cooperative driv ing:
services. Software defined network is a technology that How the operators control the network policy and charge
facilitates users to more control on the network elasticity their services? is one of the majo r challenge. Teleco m
and efficient network management via software program operators may charge the offered services and develop the
[4]. Recent research reveals more security challenges in 5G- selling and buying policy among them based on the
VA NET services such as mult iple users access on cloud cooperative scheme.
infrastructure among heterogeneous network service The challenge for teleco m operators to provide incentives to
operators [5]. 5G-VA NET in connected vehicles connect their users based on their utilizations of the services such as
every aspect of life to the network, while driving on the spectrum band and power source [11]. The incentives can be
road. 5G-VA NET netwo rks stores user’s informat ion and decided based on the resources that has been share with
maintain privacy of every single user while sharing the other users on the cooperative services basis. The price of
informat ion on the network [6]. In previous communication the services can be considered spectrum band sharing model
technologies such as 2G, 3G and 4G, security threats such as on the cooperative basis where every operator focuses on
illegal cloning, spam messaging, unwanted market calls the maximize of their profit and utilization of owned
injection, and false messages broadcasting were observed. resources. However, an optimal ut ilization of resources
In 5G-VA NET, the privacy concern is bigger than the would impact on the maximization of the profit for
previous one. Sometimes, it is difficu lt to identify security operators and mo re incentives to users. As bidding of the
challenges in 5G-VANET due to heterogeneous networks services exp lores an efficient mathemat ical model to choose
and devices availability [7]. The main focus will be given to the appropriate pricing of the offered services. It also h elps
the key security challenges of 5G-VANET network security to telecom operators to offer the cost effective services to
[8]. The connected vehicles play a key ro le in h ighlighting their users.

978-1-7281-7089-3/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 1377

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA. Downloaded on February 20,2023 at 06:31:23 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems [ICISS 2020]
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP20M19-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-7089-3

The benefit of the 5G-VA NET service pricing model in III. SECURIT Y CHALLENGES OF 5G-VANET IN CONNECT ED
connected vehicles is to provide multip le options of bidding VEHICLES
the services at operator level as well as user level [12]. The
users may also bid the services that they have paid for it. The security issues of 5G-VA NET in connected vehicles
This flexib ility may also help users to use the incentives to facilitate new challenges and security issues with new
pay their services bills. The teleco m operators are also innovations in the network management. 5G-VANET has
flexib le to allocate a single resource to multiple users as per capabilit ies to update and modify data commun ications flo w
their declared priority timings of using the services. This rules as per the user’s convenience and their choice of
model can be easily understand using the Nash equilibriu m service selection [13]. If any malicious application gets
method where the objective is to maximize the utilization o f access of the network, then crit ical API’s will be exposed to
the resources and the profit without affecting the policy. The security risk across global network. The tradit ional network
self-centred user may raise the conflict in the cooperative is prone to security attacks due to store the data traffic flo w
pricing model due to their behaviour. When this type of user requests. If any attacker attacks on the traditional network
would like to use any resource of others then may consider system, then it may flood the data traffic flow and get the
the request of other user and compro mise in the service saturation in the network system and increase the delay in
price under cooperative policy but self-centered user may user requests or flow of the communication. It is very
deny the sharing of the resources at any time to other users important to address the 5G-VA NET v irtualization
or increase the biding cost of the services in mid of the capabilities simplify the deployment of the network which
process. However, in the era where billions of devices are helps in ease access of the services oriented user applications
connected to each other and sharing the pool of resources with the flexibility and scalability properties [14], [15]. 5G-
would be d ifficu lt to avoid the cooperative pricing policy VA NET virtualization facilitates the customized network
model by telecom operators and users. architecture for multip le user applications which identifies
There are many services that telecom operators provide the physical components utilizations via virtual networks
such as global connectivity, global coverage, network [16]. Real-time accessibility with optimized speed and broad
security, services pricing policy and maintenance services to coverage demand in dynamic environment meet by 5G-
their global users. The traditional process where any mobile VA NET. The following security issues may impact on 5G-
or fixed device connect with base stations for spectrum band VA NET users such as identity, authentication, authorization,
allocation for their commun ications. By following this primary key management, secondary key management, and
process, the traditional system cannot support the large cryptography (Fig. 1).
volume of the devices traffic in the network and leads to the
failure of co mmunicat ion links, packet scheduling and
availability of network. Ho wever, many of these problems
can be easily handled by 5G-VANET. As there are many
challenges on the higher data rates and high speed of the
communicat ion in connected vehicles environment and
management of handling the data traffic of b illions of
devices, the 5G-VA NET would be able to provide the better
solution for it. 5G-VA NET supports the efficient energy
harvesting during available spectrum band searching and
allocation to users in connected vehicles environment and
helps in massive device to device communication
offloading. 5G-VANET is more cost effective co mpared to Fig. 1. 5G VANET security challenges.
traditional networks in terms of allocating the availab le
channels to many devices at once and imp rove the network One of the major concern in 5G-VA NET is interference
throughput of cellu lar networks. The devices may face high among cellular resources. The multiple nodes in 5G-VANET
outage probability and high interference situated at the may suffer fro m intercellu lar or intracellular interference
boundary of network coverage in the tradit ional network but which can impact on successful transmission of voice and
5G-VA NET has less interference and very less chance of data. So, apart from security interference is also one of the
network outage due to location based cooperative strategy in major concerns. Network discovery is an embedded part of
connected vehicles. 5G-VA NET facilitates the tight and 5G-VANET wh ich permits network users to locate similar or
close interactions among number of devices in connected heterogeneous nodes in their network and establish the
vehicles and permits the device to device communication communication among them. The partial network coverage
bypassing the base stations which will help to reduce the issue or out of network coverage in 5G-VA NET can be
number of base station installation and maintenance cost in expanded into the network discovery process. 5G-VANET
the telecom service areas. 5G-VA NET enables high speed exp lores in driver safety ability by introducing fast network
connectivity, efficient spectrum utilization, reduce spectrum discovery resource channel for network sustainability
congestion, supports number of devices signalling, reduce without any power constraints [17], [18]. The introduced
power consumption and secured point to point network security protocols help to establish secure
communicat ion. The limitations of 5G-VANET are limited communication without compromising the network
computational capabilities to confidentiality, data throughput among mobile nodes with full network capacity
authentication and cryptographic solutions. in 5G-VA NET. The main issue in providing secure 5G-

978-1-7281-7089-3/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 1378

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA. Downloaded on February 20,2023 at 06:31:23 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems [ICISS 2020]
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP20M19-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-7089-3

VA NET is the mobility of all nodes which establish the deployed in connected vehicles in 5G VA NET. The
communication among the heterogeneous nodes and the information sharing over optimal co mmunication network
security protocols help to avoid the data theft threat. The and interferences in cluster environment are one of challenge
security protocols also help to block the spam users in the to face in 5G VANET. The co mprehensive pricing, various
network and decrease their approachability to the network mu ltimedia applications services, incentive operations in 5G
during data transmission in 5G-VANET. VA NET will lead to the need of new business commercial
models where the amount of data flow and communication
IV. NEW RESEARCH ASPECT S AND FUT URE CHALLENGES OF link duration will be deciding factors for those incentive
The connectivity among mult iple heterogeneous sensors
embedded vehicles emerge the mu ltip le opportunities in This paper presents an overview on security challenges and
driver safety and real time traffic management. The explained the future aspects of 5G VA NET in connected
connected vehicles approach using 5G-VA NET may provide vehicles. A literature survey includes the mult iple security
the good network coverage to the drivers on the road challenges in different perspectives of using advance
especially in the blind spot regions where cellular network technologies such as machine learn ing, artificial
availability is very poor. IEEE 802.11p standard protocol intelligence, IoT, cloud co mputing in 5G VA NET. The
helps in secure communication among established cellular advanced techniques are explored in 5G VA NET which lead
infrastructures and heterogeneous nodes in 5G-VA NET. The in fast network search, less interfere and noise and better
utilization of existing resources for the context aware future commun ication networks. The emerging advance
communication is one of need to explore new concepts in techniques facilitate the reliability and efficient resource
5G-VANET. The idea of sensor to sensor network with QoS allocation in 5G VA NET for connected vehicles. The
constraint has significant attention as a key approach within invectives and pricing opereation and bidding process of
5G-VANET. This idea can transform the use of V2V spectrum management have discussed in future directions
communication in 5G-VANET due to high mobility of and challenges in the context of 5G VA NET in connected
vehicles for quick movements in channel allocation. The vehicles.
reliability and latency of established network can be explored
for critical performance metrics in 5G-VANET. The REFERENCES
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