5 Pillars of Islam

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The 5 Pillars of Islam

Muslims believe nothing is accidental since everything is controlled by Allah: people

who seem unimportant (the poor, needy, orphans, etc) are most important to Him.
Therefore, in the Qur’an Muslims are reminded to be good to everyone and believe in
Allah because those two actions are intertwined. Muhammad said, “Islam is founded on
five pillars: faith; regular prayer; almsgiving; fasting in Ramadan and going on pilgrimage.”

Pillar 1: The Shahadah - faith in Allah

As the first one, this is the pillar most of the faith of Islam is based on. A statement of
faith, the Shahadah contains two beliefs: (a), that there is only one God, Allah; and (b), that
Muhammad is the greatest of the prophets. “I witness there is no God but Allah and that
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”. To reaffirm their faith, most Muslims repeat the
Shahadah multiple times a day.

Pillar 2: Salah - prayer

Muslims are required to keep Allah in the front of their minds. To help they pray five
times (at set hours) a day. To make it easier to fit that in, they can do it anywhere: at the
mosque, at home, at work or outside.

Pilar 3: Sawm - fasting

Fasting is where you go without food or water during the time the sun is out every day
for a set time. Muslims fast during the month of Ramadan (although you can opt out in
specific cases, like if you’re pregnant or sick). It is supposed to free up your time and let
you think more about Allah, pray and read their holy text, the Qur'an. It also reminds you
to care for people who don’t have luxuries like food daily.

Pillar 4: Zakah - almsgiving

Muslims are supposed to give 2.5% of their earnings to the poor every year – all wealth
comes from Allah and so belongs to him. Therefore, He expects you to give to the less
fortunate because as mentioned before, everyone is important to Allah so he’d give the
wealth to them anyway, but it’s a test for you to do so.

Pillar 5: Hajj - Pilgrimage

The final pillar is a pilgrimage to the holy city of Makkah. However, Hajj doesn’t mean
pilgrimage: it is the process you should go through on the pilgrimage. The Hajj is about
getting closer to Allah, and your family and friends by visiting holy places which are for
all Muslims. Hajj is the process of searching for community and Allah.

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