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Regra geral: usamos o verbo no infinitivo sem TO e acrescentamos a letra S no final.

To work (trabalhar) To play (jogar, tocar, brincar) To sleep (dormir)

He works in a bank. He plays the piano. He sleeps late.

Paul works in a shop. Gerard plays football. Frank sleeps after lunch.

She works on Sundays. She plays the guitar. She sleeps in the sofa.

Anne works alone. Melanie plays basketball. Sophie sleeps with a doll.

It works in the afternoon. It plays with the ball. It sleeps all day long.

The shop works in the morning. The dog plays alone. My cat sleeps a lot.

O verbo TO HAVE (ter) muda a forma para HAS:

She has a cat - He has a job - Anne has five dogs - Peter has two bikes - The dog has a house

A) Se o verbo terminar em X, SS, SH, CH, Z ou O, nós utilizamos ES no final.

To go (ir) To fish (pescar) To watch (assistir)

He goes to school by bus He fishes on the weekends. He watches TV at night.

. . .
Joseph goes to the park by Paul fishes in the morning. Joe watches a lot of videos.
She fishes professionally. She watches horror movies.
She goes to Osasco everyday.
Pam never fishes. Mary rarely watches TV.
Anne always goes to the beach.
It fishes salmons. It watches the aquarium.
It goes out every night.
That bear fishes very well. The cat watches the fish.
The cat goes out frequently.

B ) Se o verbo terminar em consoante + Y, tiramos o Y e usamos IES no final.

To study (estudar) To tidy (arrumar) To cry (chorar)

He studies in my school. He tidies his bed everyday. He cries a lot.

. . .
Tom studies French. Mike rarely tidies his bedroom.. Michael cries for nothing.
She. studies Geography. She tidies her house on Fridays She never cries.

Anne studies at USP. Liz never tidies the office. Emily always cries.


Sujeito + DOES NOT + Verbo sem alteração ou Sujeito + DOESN`T + Verbo sem alteração

He does not work in a bank. Samuel doesn´t play football.


DOES + Sujeito + Verbo sem alteração

Does she study French?

Does Emma work in a hospital?


Write these sentences in the Simple Present Tense

She (wake up) at 7. He (get up) at 9.

Aff Aff
Neg Neg
Int Int
She (take) a shower) He (have) breakfast

Aff Aff
Neg Neg
Int Int
Mary (go) to school. Peter (walk) to school.

Aff Aff
Neg Neg
Int Int
It (run). Justin (dance) well.

Aff Aff
Neg Neg
Int Int
Lisa (sing) well. Jimmy (take) selfies with fans.

Aff Aff
Neg Neg
Int Int
It (work) fast. Tom (like) Brazil.

Aff Aff
Neg Neg
Int Int

Carry: Carregar Buy: Comprar

Give:Dar Stay: Ficar

Fly: Voar Sleep:Dormir

Hug:Abraçar Pay: Pagar

Cry: Chorar Enjoy: Apreciar

Tidy: Arrumar Have:ter

Go:Ir Kiss:beijar

Serve: Servir Touch:Tocar

Brush:Escovar Swim:Nadar

Choose one of the verbs above for each Escolha um dos verbos acima para cada
sentence and complete in the simple frase e complete-as no presente simples
a) She never --------------- her luggage. a) Ela nunca ------------a bagagem dela.

b) Mell ------------to the gym in the b) Mell ---------- vai para ginástica de
morning. manhã.

c) Chang ----------- three motorbikes. c) Chang ----------- três motocicletas

d) He always ------------ me flowers. d) Ele sempre------------ flores

e) Sam ---------and ----------- all his fans. e) Sam --------e ----------- todos seus fãs.

f) My grandmother never --------- alone. f) Minha avó nunca--------- sozinha

g) It ----------------over the mountains. g) Ele ----------------acima das montanhas

h) The boy ----------when he goes to school. h) O menino----------quando ele vai para a


i) Mathew never ------------- his bedroom.

i) Mathew nunca ------------- seu quarto

j) Sometimes Paul ------------- soda to me.

j) Às vezes Paul ------------- refrigerante
pra mim.

k) Liza ----------- my heart with her song.

k) Liza ----------- meu coração com a música

l) Anne ------------- classical music.

l) Anne ------------- música classica

m) Chris rarely ------------ the bills.

m) Chris raramente------------ as contas

n) He usually ------------at Cabana´s Hotel.

n) Ele usualmente------------no Hotel

o) This lasagna ----------4 people.

o) Essa lasanha ----------4 pessoas

p) The baby ----------- his teeth alone!

p) O bebê----------- os dentes dele sozinho

q) He -------------- twice a week in the club.

q) Ele -------------- duas vezes por semana
no clube

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