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Lesson 08 – Unit 04

Presented by IPPEDU
Lesson Contents

01 Describe Places 02 Should for Advice

03 Reading Practice 04 Plan a Vacation

01 Describe Places
EXERCISE 01: Match the opposites.

1. cold a. expensive
2. crowded b. ugly
3. cheap c. safe
4. beautiful d. quiet
5. dangerous e. hot
The old town of Hoi An is beautiful / ugly.
Ho Chi Minh city is hot / warm / cool / cold
all year round.
Traveling in Singapore is cheap / expensive.
Bangkok, Thailand, has lots of famous
tourist attractions. It is always crowded /
New York is a very big city. Traveling here
can be a little safe / dangerous.
Complete the text with emphatic adjectives.

We had an ___________ weekend in Rome.

It’s a ___________ city! There are many things to
see, such as museums, churches, ruins. We
stayed in a ___________ hotel. It had a
___________ swimming pool and very friendly
people. However, the wifi connection was
___________ . I could not go to Instagram or
Facebook, but it was not a big problem.
Complete the text with emphatic adjectives.
We had an ___________ weekend in Rome.
It’s a ___________ city! There are many things to
see, such as museums, churches, ruins. We
stayed in a ___________ hotel. It had a
___________ swimming pool and very friendly
people. However, the wifi connection was
___________ . I could not go to Instagram or
Facebook, but it was not a big problem.
02 Should for Advice
Grammar Focus:

Should for Advice

EXERCISE 02: Read the first sentence. Then choose
should or shouldn’t in the second.
6. That neighborhood is dangerous. Tourists should / shouldn't walk there
late at night.
7. New York City is cold in the winter. He should / shouldn't pack warm
8. Alfajores are delicious Argentinian cookies. You should / shouldn't try
9. The new hotel is very expensive. We should / shouldn't stay there.
EXERCISE 02: Read the first sentence. Then choose
should or shouldn’t in the second.
10. The market is very crowded on Saturday. You should / shouldn't go on
a weekday.
11. Santiago is very beautiful. She should / shouldn't take a lot of photos.
12. The weather is sunny in Florida. We should / shouldn't pack our
13. The trains between cities are last. They should / shouldn't
rent a car.
EXERCISE 03: Ask for advice. Read the response and
write the questions.
14. Q: ____ ? → A: Yes, you should. The food at Calisto's Cafe is delicious
15. Q: ____ ? → A: No. you shouldn't. Gifts at the airport are expensive.
16. Q: ____ ? → A: Yes, you should. It is cold at night.
17. Q: ____ ? → A: No, you shouldn't visit Boston City Hall. It's ugly.
18. Q: ____ ? → A: Yes, you should go with a friend. It's dangerous alone.
19. Q: ____ ? → A: Yes. you should take a camera. The beach is beautiful.
03 Reading Practice
Which one do you prefer
when you travel?

backpack suitcase
carry-on bag check-in bag
Travel Light!
EXERCISE 04: Choose T for True or F for False.

20. You need three bags to go on a trip.

21. Your carry-on bag should be big and strong.
22. Your carry-on bag is for things you need on the airplane.
23. Your check-in bag is for clothes and things you use on your
24. You should put your home address on your check-in bag.
25. You should pack your laptop in your check-in bag.
26. You shouldn't take food in your carry-on bay.
27. You should put your clothes in plastic bags.
EXERCISE 05: Are these things you should or shouldn’t
EXERCISE 06: Read the advice. Is it for the carry-on bag
or the check-in bag? Write which bag.

36. You should pack any medicine you need in this bag.
37. You should put magazines in this bag.
38. You should pack your swimsuit in this bag.
39. You should put headphones in this bag.
04 Plan a Vacation
Grammar Focus:

Conjunctions: because, so
EXERCISE 07: Complete the sentences with because or so.
40. Some travelers check in online ________________ it saves time.
41. A lot of tourists visit Barcelona, ________________ it is crowded.
42. Paris is a beautiful city, _____________ millions of tourists visit each year.
43. Hotels are very expensive in July ________the festival is during that
44. He's going to Buenos Aires ______ its an interesting place for sightseeing.
45. You can't rent a car _____________ you don't have a driver's license.
46. The flight to Santiago is nine hours, ___________ you should pack food in
your carry-on bag.
47. Some people go camping ________________ they enjoy nature.
EXERCISE 08: Complete the sentences with your own
ideas. Use because or so in each sentence.

48. so you should bring your

There are many beautiful things to see.
49. The street food in Rio de Janeiro is delicious, ________________
50. The bus is crowded in the morning ________________
51. The flight is six hours long, ________________
52. The tickets are expensive ________________
53. You should check the website ________________
EXERCISE 09: Choose the correct word to complete the

The Alhambra in Granada, Spain, is a beautiful/ warm castle. It's a

popular place to visit, because/ so it is usually crowded/ quiet. Many
tourists visit the Alhambra, because / so you should buy your tickets in
advance online. It is important to buy tickets before you arrive because
/ so only a certain number of people can visit each day.
EXERCISE 09: Choose the correct word to complete the

You should go in the morning because/ so the sun is very hot/ cold in the
afternoon. You should wear sunblock and a hat because/ so some of the
sights are outside. You should take a camera because / so the Alhambra
is a great place for photos.
Look at Exercise 09,
what did they describe?

❏ an interesting place for sightseeing

❏ places for relaxation

❏ a festival or special event

❏ the local food and drink

❏ tips for traveling

Your foreign friend is coming to visit your city! Write a
letter to tell them what they
should or should not do.
You can start your letter with:

“Dear _______,

I am very happy to know that you are going to visit _______.

Welcome to my city!”

Try using the conjunctions “because” and “so”.

Thank you!

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