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Title: The Challenge of Crafting a Thesis: Unraveling the Complexity of Abnormal Psychology

Research Papers

Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis, particularly in the realm of abnormal psychology, is no
small feat. This academic undertaking demands an intricate blend of critical thinking, extensive
research, and the ability to articulate complex concepts cohesively. The process can be daunting, with
numerous challenges awaiting those who venture into the realm of exploring abnormal psychology
through a research paper.

Abnormal psychology, being a multifaceted discipline that delves into the intricacies of human
behavior, mental health disorders, and societal implications, requires a meticulous approach. Crafting
a research paper in this field entails navigating through a vast landscape of theories, empirical
studies, and evolving perspectives. The sheer volume of information, coupled with the need for
precise analysis, often overwhelms students and researchers alike.

One of the primary challenges lies in selecting a suitable topic that aligns with the researcher's
interests while addressing the academic requirements. The intricacies of abnormal psychology
demand a thoughtful choice of subject matter, and narrowing down a research focus can be a time-
consuming process.

The extensive literature review required for an abnormal psychology thesis adds another layer of
complexity. It necessitates an in-depth exploration of existing theories, methodologies, and empirical
studies. Sifting through this vast body of knowledge to identify gaps, controversies, or areas
requiring further exploration is a task that demands both time and expertise.

The formulation of a thesis statement that encapsulates the essence of the research and aligns with
the chosen topic is a critical aspect. Crafting a clear, concise, and academically sound thesis
statement requires a deep understanding of the subject matter and the ability to articulate the
research's significance.

The process of data collection and analysis poses its own set of challenges. Depending on the nature
of the research, this may involve conducting experiments, surveys, or analyzing existing datasets. The
meticulous attention to detail required in this phase is paramount for drawing valid conclusions and
contributing meaningfully to the field.

For those grappling with the complexities of abnormal psychology research papers, seeking expert
assistance can be a wise decision. ⇒ ⇔ offers a reliable solution for individuals
navigating the intricate landscape of thesis writing. With a team of experienced writers well-versed
in the nuances of abnormal psychology, the platform provides tailored support to streamline the
thesis writing process.

In conclusion, the path to completing a thesis in abnormal psychology is laden with challenges. From
selecting a suitable topic to conducting a thorough literature review and navigating the intricacies of
data analysis, the journey demands dedication and expertise. ⇒ ⇔ stands as a
valuable resource for those seeking guidance, offering a helping hand to navigate the complexities of
crafting a compelling abnormal psychology research paper.
Did you know there are many different subdivisions of psychology. Whereas using dysfunction
includes elements of interpersonal functioning as already mentioned, using distress could be thought
of as a way of determining intrapersonal functioning. The terms have a huge range of definitions
related to taking a psychoactive drug or performance enhancing drug for a non-therapeutic or non-
medical effect. Harari (2013) explains that besides an increased extent of obesity, the recent past has
experienced increased alarms on eating disorders symptomatology. A behavior can be considered
abnormal to the extent that it deviates from the mean, lasts for a long time, and is severe. Scheibel,
Arnold, 1997 Embryological Development of the Human Brain, New Horizons, Retrieved from The
International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, Volume 7, Issue 01, March 2004, pp 1-8 doi:10.
Sensate focus method of therapy is usually utilized. The article’s proof of the role of security and
safety to going to sleep in that less threats promote reduced vigilance in children hence sleep.
Similarly, the attacks do not seem to be the result of any substance abuse, since there is no evidence
that Isabella is suffering from a substance abuse problem. Abnormal psychology Jack the Ripper The
fact that Jack the Ripper was never identified and in the absence of prior clinical assessment records
that provide a detailed explanation of his past personal history and family history, it proves difficult
to provide an accurate diagnosis of his mental state. The condition is sometimes classified as a
psychiatric disorder. However, the nature of abnormal psychology differs, because it focuses on
dealing with aggravated cases, which do not respond to traditional methods and techniques of
treatment, therefore to assist them in recovering, psychologists resort on contemporary methods. For
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Page You are on page 1 of 8 Search inside document. Although all of the characters have significant
issues, I have chosen to take a closer look at Lester Burnham. The major concern is on youths who
report obsessive occupation with diet, food, and appearance. Behavior problems do not increase or
decrease steadily with age. For example, some forms of chronic drug or alcohol dependence can
cause organic brain syndrome due to their long-lasting or permanent toxic effects on brain function.
An Interdisciplinary Journal 15(3),pp. 359-384.Widiger, T. (2011). Integrating Normal and Abnormal
Personality Structure: A Proposal for DSM-V. Panophobia: I think we should all spare a thought for
the people with a fear of everything. Abuse of hallucinogens can trigger delusional and other
psychotic phenomena long after cessation of use and cannabis may trigger panic attacks during
intoxication and with use it may cause a state similar o dysthymia. By continuing we’ll assume
you’re on board with our. FACTITIOUS DISORDERS These psychological disorders are those in
which an individual acts as if he or she has an illness, often be deliberately faking or exaggerating
symptoms or even self-inflicting damage to the body. Moreover, a wide variety of mental disorders
has provided by an effective Human Abnormal Psychology Abnormal Psychology is considered to
be a study that is related to examining, explaining, and investigating and treating of inadequate
behavior concerning cases only in a clinical context (PGS, 2012). Scientists cite his condition could
have descended from lead poisoning that characterized his immediate settings. Analysts word may
contemplate a gathering of individuals in a specific setting or take a gander at a whole network of
individuals. A protracted withdrawal syndrome can also occur with symptoms persisting for months
after cessation of use. A society's recognition of what they classified as abnormal behavior, can be
dated back to primitive societies. There is a high rate of suicide in alcoholics and other drug abusers.
This would explain her increased anxiety and bouts of depression. The 1950s in particular saw
dramatic advances with the discovery of new medications, most notably antipsychotics also known
as neuroleptics or major tranquilizers such as Thorazine.
However, it notes that all of these definitions are limited by cultural relativism, as what may be
normal in one culture can be seen as abnormal in another due to differences in social norms, ideals of
functioning and health between cultures. The article recognizes that, exposure to such trauma,
community violence, physical and sexual abuse, maltreatment and parental conflict in children is
linked to sleep disturbances. They may be unable to perform the behaviors necessary for day-to-day
living e. Research has shown that social therapy for schizophrenia is associated with which of the
following. SUBSTANCE ABUSE Also known as drug abuse, is a patterned use of a substance
(drug) in which the user consumes the substance in amounts or with methods neither approved nor
supervised by medical professionals. Now why in the world would anyone be fearful of that, beats
me. Overall, there is no single agreed upon definition of normality and abnormality due to cultural
variations in perspectives. ReferencesGeyer, P. (2011). Personality Types Based on the Big Five
Model. In recent work, some authors take a different path, accepting that the concepts of disease and
mental disorder are value?laden but maintaining that this does not prevent objective truths regarding
mental disorder attribution. Sexual Sadism: “Recurrent, intense, sexually arousing fantasies, sexual
urges, or behaviors involving acts (real, not simulated) in which the psychological or physical
suffering (including humiliation) of the victim is sexually exciting to the person” The sadistic
fantasies usually involve having complete control over the victim, who is terrified by anticipation of
the impending sadistic act. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice and Policy, 6(3), 290-
298. Kleptolagnia is the state of being sexually aroused by theft. This article contributes immensely
to the social perception of eating disorders during early adolescence from stigma to advocacy subject
to the media. Today abnormal behavior is viewed much differently. A longitudinal examination of
the moderating and mediating role of body dissatisfaction. You can download the paper by clicking
the button above. This may lead to confusion about actual identity and the assumption of a new
identity. It is a rare disorder that causes the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain, which control
speech and personality, to slowly atrophy. Conclusion This paper focused on analyzing the
differences between normal and abnormal practices of psychology. The information is relevant for
the study given that it is up to date therefore reliable. Shonda has attempted to hide from audio
hallucinations as well without success. He developed holistic treatments for disturbances of the
mental kind. It is the greatest the greatest upset that effects adolescents. Hence, they worry about
their worrying intensifying their anxiety causing panic. At the same time, psychologists scrutinize the
impact of individual’s irrational behavior on society. The approaches are: psychodynamic, biological,
cognitive and behavioural approaches. This article offers crucial information in understanding the
origin of eating disorders as evident in adolescent females with traumatic events being the major
cause. The causes vary considerably, but include a possible decrease in the production of normal
estrogen in women or testosterone in both men and women. Prostitution, sexual intercourse with sex
workers or people who were not wives or husbands. Specifically, such children had difficulties
initiating sleep, were sleepy during the day, wet the bed, and nightmares.
Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice and Policy, 6(3), 290-298. I thought the best
approach was to start broad and look through articles and see if something stuck out to me as
interesting or unique. On the other hand, he defends the possibility of describing with sufficient
precision and generality what goes awry in pathological cases. Others act on the masochistic sexual
urges themselves (e. g. binding themselves, sticking themselves with pins, shocking themselves
electrically, or self-mutilation) or with a partner. Gruber, R. (2013). Making room for Sleep: The
relevance of Sleep to Psychology and the Rationale for Developmento f Preventative Sleep
Education programs for Children and adolescents in the community. Abnormal psychology Jack the
Ripper The fact that Jack the Ripper was never identified and in the absence of prior clinical
assessment records that provide a detailed explanation of his past personal history and family history,
it proves difficult to provide an accurate diagnosis of his mental state. Dissociative disorders are
thought to primarily be caused by psychological trauma. A deeper look reveals a more accurate
diagnosis of General Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is more relevant to Isabella’s symptoms. This practice
is sometimes called a Roman shower, after the commonly-supposed (but mistaken) belief in the
frequent induction of vomiting at Roman feasts. A term we cite in epidemiology when speaking of
measuring the number of mental disorders is prevalence. Your educator may expect you to look over
a specific hypothetical approach or request that you sample outline at least two potential treatment
draws near. The current version is the DSM-IV-TR (fourth edition, text revision). Keep on browsing
if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Prostitution, sexual intercourse with sex
workers or people who were not wives or husbands. Gruber, R. (2013). Making room for Sleep: The
relevance of Sleep to Psychology and the Rationale for Developmento f Preventative Sleep
Education programs for Children and adolescents in the community. ReferencesGeyer, P. (2011).
Personality Types Based on the Big Five Model. Schizophrenia Symptoms, 2009 The complexity of
schizophrenia is further exacerbated by the complications exhibited by individuals suffering from the
disorder. Pteronophobia: This is for all those people who are morbidly fearful of being tickled by a
feather. Some of the drugs most often associated with this term include alcohol, amphetamines,
barbiturates, benzodiazepines (particularly temazepam, nimetazepam, and flunitrazepam), cocaine,
methaqualone, and opioids. The attraction may include a desire for actual sexual contact with the
object, a fantasy of having sexual (or non-sexual) encounters with an animate or inanimate instance
of the preferred object, the act of watching encounters between such objects, or exual pleasure
gained from thoughts of being transformed or transforming another into the preferred object. It is
important to note that another area of psychology developed with the passage of time, which is
concerned with treating unconventional psychological diseases, in which patients are often unaware
of their true condition therefore, the application of big five model becomes inappropriate. Upload
Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel
Next What is Scribd. Our sample content comes in different methods and formats like APA for
example. DISSOCIATIVE DISORDERS Conditions that involve disruptions or breakdowns of
memory, awareness, identity or perception. The remaining axes cover medical, psychosocial,
environmental, and childhood factors functionally necessary to provide diagnostic criteria for health
care assessments. ADJUSTMENT DISORDERS This classification of mental disorders is related to
an identifiable source of stress that causes significant emotional and behavioral symptoms. The
DSM-IV diagnostic criteria include: (1) Distress that is marked and excessive for what would be
expected from the stressor and (2) Creates significant impairment in school, work or social
environments. It is a rare disorder that causes the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain, which
control speech and personality, to slowly atrophy. Incest: Incest (sexual relations with family
members) most often involves a father and his daughter. This would explain her increased anxiety
and bouts of depression. Analysts word may contemplate a gathering of individuals in a specific
setting or take a gander at a whole network of individuals.
Clinical psychology is the applied field of psychology that seeks to assess, understand and treat
psychological conditions in clinical practice. Download Free PDF View PDF Neither healthy nor
sick Psychiatric standards of deviance and conformity philippe le moigne The article examines the
tensions involved in the development of treatment for mental disorders during the period 1950-1980
in the United States. Classification Systems in Abnormal PsychologyClassification systems are
valuable first in determining whether certain behaviors are abnormal and second in ascertaining what
type of abnormal behavior a certain behavioral disorder is. Sexual dysfunction is especially common
among people who have anxiety disorders. Since adaptive behaviors are for the most part
developmental, it is possible to describe a person's adaptive behavior as an age-equivalent score. For
a situation, a case study of almost every part of the subject’s life and history is examined to look for
examples and reasons for conduct. On the other hand, latter one concerns with those who are highly
irrational and do not realize their disease. Defining who is normal or abnormal is a contentious issue
in abnormal psychology. Since the article is peer reviewed, the information is also valid. They
become so excessive to the extent that they dominate the lives of the affected. To be sure, his model
of personality and abnormal behavior was inadequate and grossly oversimplified, but he was a keen
observer who paid special attention to patterns and similarities occurring among his patients. Some of
these are often thought of as being abused. According to the case presentation on depression the
main factor involved in situational depression for women is. Traditionally, some behaviors such as
homosexuality were regarded as abnormal sexual behaviors and attributed to various medical
conditions. Name: Title: Course: Tutor: Date: Approaches to the Study of psychology psychology
refers to the science of mental processes and behaviour that aims at describing, explaining, predicting
and controlling the feelings, thoughts, perceptions and actions of humans. Gender Identity Disorder:
“A strong and persistent cross-gender identification, which is the desire to be, or insistence that one
is, of the other sex,” along with “persistent discomfort about one’s assigned sex or a sense of the
inappropriateness in the gender rule of that sex”. What are the contributions of individual as well as
science in the conversion of the anomalous to the pathological. The causes of sexual deviation are
thought to include a combination of sociocultural, physical, and psychological factors, for example,
an overly intimate relationship with parents, or rejection, hostile treatment, and social deprivation
during childhood, all of which diminish self-esteem. Clarify why the treatment was effective or
fruitless. Some of the effects are linked to psychological, emotional, and behavioral functions. The
paper attempts to not only look at the construction of the of the abnormal but to explore the
transition of the deviant or the anomalous to abnormal and finally becoming pathological. As such,
analysts are keen on taking a gander at factors that may have made certain things happen. The idea
of understanding first what is the difference in the psychological thinking of an individual who
suffers from a mental illness or disorder tends to be in the comprehension of what is normal and what
abnormal behavior is. This study uses a triangulated research approach to demonstrate that true
psychology can be done only by Christians since only Christians have the resources that are needed
to understand and transform the soul in healing ways. Thus, as an extension, theories attempting to
explain Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) are also being changed with the emergence of many
different theories to try and explain the disorder. Conclusion This paper focused on analyzing the
differences between normal and abnormal practices of psychology. Although all of the characters
have significant issues, I have chosen to take a closer look at Lester Burnham. Well, what can I say,
phanophobes seem to fear everything, from fearing the fear to the fear of managing the phobia.
Criminal behavior is very multidimensional and several factors contribute to the behaviors. Wilhelm
Wundt was really the first person to actually call himself a psychologist.
We explore these questions in the following sections. Nonreversible means the changes in the brain
that are causing the dementia cannot be stopped or turned back. —Dementia usually occurs in older
age. Mood disorders are when a particular mood is strong and long lasting, and interferes with daily
activities, some examples are, depression, bipolar disorder and mania Racusin 2. Frequently, they are
socially isolated and unable to form warm, loving relationships. The most common one is big five
model, which analyzes five attributes of human personality for categorization (Geyer, 2011), and thus
helps in devising a treatment plan for each personality type. Eack University of Pittsburgh Nicholas
Eaton State University of New York, Stony Brook Ulrich Ebner-Priemer Karlsruher Institut for
Technology Jonas Everaert Ghent University Sarah Fischer George Mason University Erika Forbes
University of Pittsburgh Miriam K. Musings, emotions, and observations identified with the side
effects ought to likewise be a sample note. Well, for all those people getting ideas, the phobia does
not really seem to affect single, young, athletic women. Report this Document Download now Save
Save Abnormal Essay For Later 0 ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes) 108 views 2
pages Abnormal Essay Uploaded by Bam AI-enhanced description The document discusses different
ways to define normality and abnormality in human behavior. It then seeks to show how the set of
nosographic standards that were established at the end of the period—the famous DSM-III—offered
a means of negotiating and reconciling the different visions of mental disorder, by separating both
health and pathology out from questions of social normality. Personally, I find it interesting to
differentiate notions of normal or abnormal behavior that takes into account the social Why is it
important to understand the history of Abnormal Psychology. This realization is crucial in facilitating
predicting diagnosable disorders later. An Interdisciplinary Journal 15(3),pp. 359-384.Widiger, T.
(2011). Integrating Normal and Abnormal Personality Structure: A Proposal for DSM-V. At the
dawn of experimental psychology, Wundt (1879 in Seidmann 2000) overcame the resistance to
consider psychology a science by making it possible, it seemed, to measure and quantify the contents
of consciousness. This may involve sexual contact or veneration as phallic symbols or both. The
occurrences and distributions of diseases are recognized in epidemiology. ORGANIC BRAIN
SYNDROME (OBS), also known as organic brain disease (OBD),Organic mental disorders, organic
brain disorder, is an older and nearly obsolete general term from psychiatry, referring to many
physical disorders that cause impaired mental function. I am assuming these people took the words
'Ignorance is bliss', quite seriously. However, it focused not only on clinical practice, but also on the
evolutionary processes of human development such as birth, adolescence, old age, sexuality, pain,
and death. There is a high rate of suicide in alcoholics and other drug abusers. Novercaphobia: Also
known as the fear of stepmother, Novercaphobia, is an unusual phobia that may have originated
from fairy tales. However, it notes that all of these definitions are limited by cultural relativism, as
what may be normal in one culture can be seen as abnormal in another due to differences in social
norms, ideals of functioning and health between cultures. The information is relevant for the study
given that it is up to date therefore reliable. CLASSIFYING ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR: The
standard abnormal psychology and psychiatry reference book in North America is the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association. The challenges raised in this paper are
meant to contribute to the further development of this stimulating work. Any screening or analytic
appraisals that are utilized ought to likewise be depicted in detail and all scores announced.
Erotophonophilia is sexual arousal or gratification contingent on the death of a human being. Our
sample content comes in different methods and formats like APA for example. For this paper, this
article plays a crucial role in the description of the differences in age of onset and diagnostic criteria
in terms of gender. A term we cite in epidemiology when speaking of measuring the number of
mental disorders is prevalence.
Download Free PDF View PDF Abnormal Psychology - Changing the Way of Thinking Zohaib
Bashir DESCRIPTION There are a number of theories in the history of Psychology that explained
normal and abnormal behaviours. I am assuming these people took the words 'Ignorance is bliss',
quite seriously. Most of these drugs also alter systems other than the CNS. Further, the article
proceeds to reveal the need for sleep regulation and its impact on daytime functioning. Keep on
browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. This is 100% legal. You may
not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. The psychotic phase must
persist for at least one month. It becomes necessary to rule out what a patient is not suffering from
as a wrong diagnosis can have detrimental effects on the wellbeing of a patient. Organic brain
syndrome (OBS) is a general term used to describe decreased mental function due to a medical
disease, other than a psychiatric illness. In recent work, some authors take a different path, accepting
that the concepts of disease and mental disorder are value?laden but maintaining that this does not
prevent objective truths regarding mental disorder attribution. Some rapists seem to be psychopaths
who seek pleasure, regardless of how it affects their victims; others rape to satisfy a need for power.
Give data on the sort of treatment you picked, the customer’s response to the treatment, and the
final product of this methodology. Vestiphobia: Commonly known as the fear of clothing. It is
important to note that another area of psychology developed with the passage of time, which is
concerned with treating unconventional psychological diseases, in which patients are often unaware
of their true condition therefore, the application of big five model becomes inappropriate. Others act
on the sadistic sexual urges with a consenting partner (who may have Sexual masochism) who
willingly suffers pain or humiliation. This theory of abnormality gives a complete different
understanding about normality and abnormality. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language
(EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. What may seem
absolutely normal to one individual can sometimes be considered certainly abnormal by another.
Schizophrenia is a upset that can consequence anyone. Isabella reports going through periods in her
life where she feels intense sadness and questions the meaningfulness of her life, this suggests a
depressed mood with early onset yet no atypical features. Maladaptive behaviors are often referred
to types of behaviors that inhibit a person’s ability to adjust to situations. The risk for dementia
increases as a person gets older. The major cause of sleep disorders is identified trauma exposure
especially IPV. The DSM-IV for GAD requires at least three of six criteria be met for a successful
diagnosis of GAD. Behavior problems are much more difficult to quantify than adaptive behaviors
are, because they are not very developmental and because their expression varies more from day-to-
day and from setting-to-setting. Wells (1999), warns that this is one of the worst forms of worry.
Continuously counsel your educator for a point-by-point framework of your task. Its applications
clinically mainly centralise on definitions, classification, explanations and provision of clinically
logical treatment for the different illnesses that categorise within the abnormal behaviour groups
Damour and Hansell 2008. One major subdivision is abnormal psychology, which is concerned with
understanding the nature, causes, and treatment of mental disorders. The article first considers the
antagonism between these representations as suggested by the effects they had on professionalization
and the division of labor in the psychiatric field.

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