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Are you struggling with the daunting task of writing a thesis on teenage drug abuse?

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The participants were about almost 4,000 students from 16 high schools from different races and
ethnicity but about half of them identified themselves as white. This peer pressure leads to more
addicts and more drug abuse, but peers are not the only thing influencing teens. Now, I’m not saying
it is not okay to party once and awhile, but if a person is to party on a regular basis this could turn
into an addiction to alcohol, illegal drugs, tobacco, and even caffeine. The financial effect will be
transferred to the family, and they will have difficulties in paying essential bills such as food,
housing and education. Lysergic acid diethylamide LSDwhich commonly abused hallucinogen, has a
low addiction potential because it does not have withdrawal effects. Numerous young people are
now dependent on drugs in their everyday routine. Secondly, drug addicts are not allowed to vote in
most countries because they are considered to be insane mind hence cannot make informed
decisions. They also have a higher probability of engaging in illicit sexual activities compared to non-
addicts. How did we get here the evolving epidemic of addictive disease in the united. The different
sociological frameworks see drug abuse in different ways. A list of the symptoms is listed which
indicate that the treatment has been effective. In the beginning, addicts may not notice the dangers
of drugs as they are too focused on the feeling of pleasure that a drug provides. How did we get here
the evolving epidemic of addictive disease in the united. Drugs can have bad outcomes on the teens
overall health, affecting the body and the brain of the teen because they are not fully grown
physically or mentally. Martin, 2000 These brain changes can be long-lasting and can lead to the
harmful behaviors seen in people who abuse drugs. Others parents have a habit of drinking and
smoking inside the house with their children around. They may also drugs to make themselves feel
better because drugs may be a way for them to make stress go away(Why do adolescents take drugs).
It has long-term effects such as seizures, drug abuse essays, heart attacks and stroke. The Willmar
team argued that patients would greatly benefit from a recovery process built on mutual respect
rather than degradation, which was a radical idea during this period. Such conditions are often
accompanied by poor physical health and poor mental health. Taking Drugs can be overwhelming
and indecisive, but it is a work of sheer will to overcome that disastrous addiction. 11.8 million
deaths are the result of drug abuse each year. The detoxification stage of treatment is always the first
stage of all kinds of acute addictions and drug abuse (U.S. Department of Justice National Drug
Intelligence Center). Also stress, pressure from friends, and parents not being involved in their
children’s lives can be other causes for a teen to turn to drugs. This is 100% legal. You may not
submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. There are cultures that encourage
drug use in communal festivals like good harvests, initiations and circumcisions. During adolescence,
the brains of the teenagers develop mostly on the frontal lobe and the outer mantle. There are several
actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command
or malformed data. However, in recent years, the rate is on the rise with more students participating
in binge drinking. The paper will also research on the effects of the drugs to the non-abusers.
Marijuana and alcohol use during early adolescence: Gender differences.
Help me spread the word on how not to become a drug user. In some cases, drug addicts may be too
high on drugs to get out of bed. Every individual needs to be aware of the consequences of drug
abuse and to help spread the word starting at young ages. Courts have accepted alternative forms of
due process, including public notice, notice by mail, and other forms of notification that do not
require personal contact. When a person becomes addicted to drugs, their body goes into overdrive.
In the past decade, there has been an escalating awareness by the scientific community that
substance abuse disorders are medical disorders with biologic, chemical, and environmental causes.
This poor social relationship costs teenage good social health because they always avoid conversation
with people who can help them get out of drugs. Very few of these advertising agencies put an effort
to inform teenagers and other drug abusers on the negative side of drugs. Answer: Drug use includes
a change in behavior, unnecessary anger, withdrawal from family and friends, suspicious activities,
and deterioration in health. Question 3. How can Drugs be avoided. Keep on browsing if you are
OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Answer: Teenagers are experimenting with drugs
like marijuana, amphetamines, barbiturates and hallucinogenic drugs. Question 3. What are the
effects of drug abuse. This withdrawal can lead to a psychological addiction in which the drug
addict will have a compulsive need to use the drug. In many countries, cigarette smoking has been
stated to be a main cause for premature deaths. This area, which experts argue to be primitive, is
affected by various drug substances, drug abuse essays it gives a higher priority to other things.
Table of Contents. Introduction Physiology and Psychology of Addiction Prescription Drug Abuse
Stimulants Depressants Narcotics Hallucinogens References. Learn More. We will write a custom
Essay on Drug and Substance Abuse specifically for you. This is because the victim is under self-
deception that survival without the substance in question is almost if not impossible. Some of the
health problems caused by drug addiction among teenagers include: convulsions, mental
deterioration, and lack of alertness, which exposes one to accidents, damage of body organs and
liver, retardation of the developing fetus for pregnant drug users, severe psychological dependence,
and death in extreme cases (Kandel, 1982). What effects could such a thing have on the average
Canadian family? The bundle of pent-up emotions can take an extreme emotional toll and can even
lead to symptoms of mental illness. The severity of the symptoms of withdrawal may increase up to
cardiac irregularities with the health of the patient. Many of the psychotropic effects enjoyed by
recreational drug users today were sought by ancient civilizations as a means of increasing their
chances of survival Saah 2005. Some groups can contribute to teenagers staying in drug addiction. In
the majority of cases, this crimes spring from substance addiction. In addition to increasing the
visibility of the problem, prevention and intervention policies do a number of other things. Drugs
completely change the way they think and behave. Insomnia, lack of appetite, migraines, restlessness
and irritability characterize withdrawal symptoms of cannabis. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on
board with our. The article successfully brings out the danger that is facing the nation due to the
continued misuse and abuse of the drug. One common thing about stimulants is that they affect the
central nervous system in their mechanism. In the process, they fall in the hands of their peers
already in drugs and they get involved.
The specialty treatments included a huge population undergoing detoxification, residential, outpatient
whose primary abused substance is an illicit drug. This statement defines the meaning of drugs
accurately in one single line. Optimistic essay Optimism also describes how optimists are always
looking for the best in every situation and hoping and expecting and seein. This roughly means that
for the six months allocated for this research, three months will be spent in the field collecting data,
and three other months will be used to code, analyze, and preparing the report and disseminating the
findings. Not having every much self- confidence is seen as one of the essential reasons why teens
do drugs in the first place. What is the cost? Drug abuse can lead to death and drug dependency. The
government through NCSSLE provides training, technical assistance and substance abuse resources
to students of higher learning in order to minimize Drug Abuse. It sets in as drug abuse essays form a
habit of taking a certain drug. Studies reveal that alcohol is addictive as well as other drugs in the
market. Drugs use often leads to a breakdown in family relationships. It is really amazing how
teenagers lack the concern about the dangers and risk that is involved with the use of illegal and
prescribed drugs. Compare the number of overeaters in America to those who are addicted to drugs.
One major social factor is the social background whereby adolescents from higher economic
backgrounds and social status have a higher probability of indulging into drug abuse compared to
those from poor backgrounds (Yaz?c? et al., 2004). The prevalence of drug use among teenagers is
higher among those whose mothers possess higher educational status and their fathers are drunkards
(Simons and Robertson, 1999). In the world today, abusing of drugs have come to b something that's
very common among youth in the society. Although early attempts at the treatment of alcohol
addiction were not successfully sustained, they conceptualized addiction as a disease rather than a
personality disorder, revolutionized treatment of addiction, and provided the foundation for the
continued development of future methods of substance abuse treatment White 1998. Dangers
Associated with Drugs Drug abuse is widespread among teenagers all across the world. Alcohol had
become easily accessible to, and affordable for, the general population, resulting in deleterious effects
on society especially the family due to increased alcohol abuse Katcher 1993; White 1998; Stolberg
2006. Cocaine, which has a tremendously high addictive potential, drug abuse essays, was in the past
used as anesthetic and in treatment of depression before its profound effects were later discovered.
They spend all their money on drugs and cannot provide for their families, sometimes resulting in
losing their house and family. Gaudio cites a Justice Policy institute report that states, that by
incarcerating youth they are being set back and inhibited from getting and remaining employed, as
well ad inhibiting their educational progress p. Many students continue to loose their lives,
discontinue their education, and become social misfits in our society. Various web pages, which have
been cited in the report, were used to collect the information and you can have a look at them to
build on your curiosity and to expand your knowledge about drug abuse. Drug addiction affects the
quality of education and they can reduce the number of educated people. Most people use drugs
illegally due to different reasons. Drug abuse, in a way, is a facet of human culture that has been
present for a great deal of human history in general. Secondly, drug addicts are not allowed to vote in
most countries because they are considered to be insane mind hence cannot make informed
decisions. It is also important for teenagers to be educated about the dangers of substance abuse and
to be given the tools and resources they need to make healthy decisions. Many of the psychotropic
effects enjoyed by recreational drug users today were sought by ancient civilizations as a means of
increasing their chances of survival Saah 2005. For instance, teenagers who are addicted to drug
cannot develop the country economically. The article successfully brings out the danger that is facing
the nation due to the continued misuse and abuse of the drug.
She has become very skilled in the art of manipulation, a behavior that can often be associated with
drug abuse. Early Institutional Care For Addiction In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth
centuries, individuals suffering from an addiction to alcohol were grudgingly housed in a variety of
locations. In the year 2011, 7.2% of the 8th graders, 17.6% of 10th graders, 22% of 12th graders
used marijuana in the past month. Studies show that one out of every nine teenagers abuses
prescription medications (Brisher, 2012) while a staggering 25% have used illicit drugs in the past
year (Brisher). Bars are also readily available where teenagers on campus can access alcohol.
Moreover, drug abuse essays an individual becomes completely dependent on a substance, any slight
withdrawal is bound to be accompanied by symptoms such as pain, which is purely psychological.
Financial situations take a rough blow under the influence of drugs as they are not found easily and
are expensive. We can also request institutions to pass laws against drug and alcohol consumption
while in school. Glenna Beitelspacher Use Of Drugs In School Essay Example Use Of Drugs In
School Essay Example Help Me Write A Paper Singapore Similar to Sample essay on social work and
substance abuse ( 20 ) Substance Abuse Trauma Substance Abuse Trauma Drug Abuse Essays Drug
Abuse Essays Critical Analysis of Substance Abuse Critical Analysis of Substance Abuse Essay On
Drug Abuse Essay On Drug Abuse How did we get here the evolving epidemic of addictive disease
in the united. Causes of Substance Abuse There are many reasons why teens abuse legal and illegal
substances. The person’s brain’s receptors become less perceptive to the drug, and they need more of
it to feel the same high. Many students continue to loose their lives, discontinue their education, and
become social misfits in our society. Neglect of responsibilities: The neglect of responsibilities among
teen addicts is common. The number of newer drug abuse cases is also found to have increased by
“100% in the Western area, which includes Galway, Mayo and Roscommon” (Long, cited in Markey,
2008). It focuses on this particular age group because according to statistical data, people from
thirteen to nineteen are the most susceptible to this disease. In the first phase of drug addiction his
brain cells become irritated and his faculties of rationality, i. Others include; running nose, stomach
cramps, drug abuse essays, muscle pains and a strong craving for the drugs. Addiction and drug
abuse is an extremely popular phenomenon in several societies and communities nowadays. Drugs
and Society Both prescription and illegal drugs have had a profound influence on society, and there
has been plenty of articles written on the subject. When teen addicts are exposed to these situations,
they feel rejected and decide to go into drug abuse in full swing as a way of hitting back the society.
This threatens the society because such criminal activities involve murder and sometimes rape. The
first is the detoxification- stabilization treatment and the second is the rehabilitation- relapse
treatment. He would also need money for the CCTV cameras, if he would have chosen to use them.
Not having every much self- confidence is seen as one of the essential reasons why teens do drugs in
the first place. Cocaine, marijuana and heroin are illegal because most people think that these
controlled substances are simply to dangerous for anyone to use. Although it is hard to accept that
our loved one is under the influence of these drugs, family and friends should not just overlook this
problem. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. State-of-the-art papers might be
published, containing accurate but readable technical material on the nature and effects of drugs. It
also made drug laws tougher than they were in the past. Please include what you were doing when
this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page.
This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you.
Conclusion Drug abuse is a global problem which affects everyone in an environment. It was also
noted that most of the people who were the patients of drug abuse were found out to be affected by
diseases such as HIV, hepatitis C, hepatitis B, tuberculosis, poisoning and the likes. Share to Twitter
Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. With the opioid crisis taking over, many students are struggling
to make it to class each day. During these difficult times, young adults experience feelings of pain,
loneliness, Morgalo 2 and confusion. There are many different factors in our society that have
contributed to the support of drugs. Using the three major sociological theories, this paper attempts
to understand how drug abuse is viewed from different perspectives. This research paper will analyze
and examine the health effects it has on the user. It also shatters the codes of normal values which
create value shock. In addition, it is important for parents to be involved in their children's lives and
to provide a supportive and nurturing environment. Drug abuse is the most problematic cause of
death in the world. According to data that was collected by the CDC, and graphs showing trends
found on the National Institute on Drug Abuse () showed that the number is 70, Out of the 70, drug
overdoses 47, were caused by opioids of any kind. Signs of Drug Abuse in Teenagers Drug addiction
is becoming a widespread problem in teenagers. Research shows that the most affected population is
the youth and this leads into wastage of their most important age in their lives which could have
been used in career development. The detoxification stage of treatment is always the first stage of all
kinds of acute addictions and drug abuse (U.S. Department of Justice National Drug Intelligence
Center). Some groups can contribute to teenagers staying in drug addiction. The remaining 95% of
teen addicts did not find it easy to share their problems with their relatives, or other friends who did
not use drugs because they feared being intimidated, punished or secluded. Although early attempts
at the treatment of alcohol addiction were not successfully sustained, they conceptualized addiction
as a disease rather than a personality disorder, revolutionized treatment of addiction, and provided
the foundation for the continued development of future methods of substance abuse treatment White
1998. In the year 2011, 7.2% of the 8th graders, 17.6% of 10th graders, 22% of 12th graders used
marijuana in the past month. The professional implications of drug addiction among teenagers in the
society are; a society with teenagers addicted to drugs will never have its teenagers in any profession
because most drug addicts are of insane minds and do not pursue education. It is important for
parents, schools, and the community to work together to prevent drug abuse and to help teenagers
make healthy and positive choices. Narcotics act as painkillers once they enter the body. Answer:
Drug abuse among teenagers does not occur on its own. Although many homeless addicts do fall
through the cracks in regards to other disorders that do cause those to become homeless, such as
mental illness and abuse. From a medical perspective, cannabis is used as an analgesic, to stimulate
hunger in patients, nausea ameliorator, and intraocular eye pressure reducer. We believe that an
effective attack on drug abuse can be launched only in a climate of reason and tolerance, allowing us
to discern the real evils of drug abuse while rejecting policies based on confusion, misinformation,
and emotion. A drug abuser has a high probability of influencing the people around them to start
abusing drugs. Throughout my life, I have had many bad experiences with drugs and it has taught
me to stay away from them. For example, individuals who have experienced abuse are more likely to
have a shorter life span than those who were not abused.
This it can be concluded that the people who follow drug abuse actually not only are addicts which
is nothing but a brain disease, but they are also affected by other diseases due to their habit of illicit
drug abuse. If someone consumes alcohol on an empty stomach, he or she will feel the effects far
quicker than someone drinking after a large meal. This problem becomes more prevalent as the
addiction progresses and becomes deeply rooted. Introduction: The press has always played a very
important part in the political, social and cultural life of the country, along with other media such as
television, and radio; and the present day internet. This does not take the fact away that there are
some elites and average class fellas who as well indulge in the act. ALTERNATIVES Alternative
methods of information gathering included; observation, carrying out interviews, administering
questionnaires, experimental analysis, general survey and sample survey OBSERVATION This is a
primary method of data collection that would involve the author going to the field, meeting drug
users and drug addicts, then drawing information from what would see. If teens become addicted o
drugs, they will do almost anything; sometimes even commit crimes, to get drugs. Narcotics are
highly addictive resulting to their strict regulation by a majority of governments. This means that
their lives end up being wasted in jail instead of doing constructive things that will lead to the
creation of a bright future. Drug overuse is a sickness, this caused from loads of things like violence
in their records or having at home stress. Using the three major sociological theories, this paper
attempts to understand how drug abuse is viewed from different perspectives. There are cultures that
encourage drug use in communal festivals like good harvests, initiations and circumcisions. It can
have harmful physical, psychological, and social consequences for adolescents who engage in
substance abuse. Many times, taking drugs becomes out of control and this ruins the complete life.
Some teenagers start being involved in producing and trafficking drugs between the ages of 13 and
15. The withdrawal symptoms are the symptoms which the patients experience once they try to leave
the drugs. There is not a lot of proof on the way drugs work in the non fully developed teen brain.
Forty five percent of drug overdose deaths, in teens are attributed to the abuse of prescription drugs.
This is because the patient can anytime relapse into drug abuse due to loss of mental resolution.
Trauma and disease in childhood can also affect an individual’s life span. The article narrates another
disturbing source of opioid abuse whereby most of the abusers of the opioid get them from their
family members due to the leftovers stored in the cabinets. There are many treatment options around
oklahoma for teens that are hooked on a drug or multiple drugs. Addiction is a chronic, often
relapsing brain disease that causes compulsive drug seeking and use despite harmful consequences to
the individual that is addicted and to those around them. Such drugs include substance range from
prescribed medications to alcohol to solvents. In the past decade, there has been an escalating
awareness by the scientific community that substance abuse disorders are medical disorders with
biologic, chemical, and environmental causes. Medical education has a crucial role to play in
reducing the availability of prescribed substances for abuse. Parents and teachers need to take action
against this issue, as well as develop preventative education programs that can help improve
awareness about drugs and healthy living. Many students start drinking at an early age in the house
and when in elementary schools from the pocket money given. Credibility Statement: Not only do I
religiously practice reducing, reusing, and recycling, but I have done a great deal of research for this
speech, also research for a recycling project. United Nations International Drug Control Programme
During the exploration of new experiences due to developmental changes, most of the teens end up
in substance abuse and addiction. Studies reveal that alcohol is addictive as well as other drugs in the
market. Why are drugs like cocaine,marijuana and heroin illegal. On joining college, students already
in the habit find a conducive environment where they can freely drink and abuse drugs. Who
benefits? The only people who benefit in drug abuse are drug dealers and traffickers. They may even
do drugs “because others are doing it”, and are scared they wont fit in the social circle that use drugs
(Why do adolescents take drugs). Action Plan There are different forms of social action and ways
people can work together to create change. Most drug addicts do not complete their studies since
they do not have time for schoolwork. They are of great therapeutically value especially as
tranquilizers or drug abuse essays in reducing anxiety. Most teenagers who abuse heroine are often
seen selling the drugs to other people. Read on about how drug addiction could change the course of
your life and what risks you might face if you’re addicted to drugs. Arguably, students who use
drugs and alcohol in high school use them twice as often-on joining colleges unless they get proper
guidance. It has both social and economic consequences, which affect directly and indirectly our
everyday live. Jenifer has always been a self-absorbed and difficult child; all her classmates new that
she had some problems with her parents. One of the goals of substance abuse treatment is to help get
people back on track, and make sure they get the education they deserve. Many people with
conditions requiring painkillers, especially the elderly, have a higher risk of getting addicted as their
bodies become tolerant to the drugs. They also have a higher probability of engaging in illicit sexual
activities compared to non-addicts. In the fall of 2002, Hooton mentioned to Billy Ajello, his best
friend in high school, that he might begin to use steroids. This exposes them to malnourishment and
low immunity systems, which expose them to high risk of contracting diseases of all kinds. Drug
abuse has personal, professional and even ethical implications, which contribute to challenges that
teenagers face while in drugs. Bardo, Michael T, Diana H Fishbein, and Richard Milich. In fact 78
percent of the teenagers who abused drugs were aware that drug abuse is a social evil and preferred
being left alone with their problems. Majority of teenager agreed that they only feel confident when
around their fellow drug addicts. Unfortunately, substance abuse is often glamorized in the media
and in popular culture, which can make it seem like a normal or even desirable behavior for
teenagers. Receive a tailored piece that meets your specific needs and requirements. Not only must
this, a concentrated drive against smugglers, who smuggle various drugs and narcotics into the
country be made by all means. The detoxification stage of treatment is always the first stage of all
kinds of acute addictions and drug abuse (U.S. Department of Justice National Drug Intelligence
Center). People who are addicted to drugs often neglect themselves or others in order to get their
next fix which is very dangerous for the addict and those around them. These happen mostly with
the opiate drugs (Wilson and Kolander). Most of the addictive drugs are not found legally, and under
a drug offense, it becomes hard to gain a job or even a minor loan. More than 60% of teenagers said
that drugs were sold, used or kept at their school.

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