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Unveiling the Challenges of Crafting a Thesis

on Mental Illness
Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis can be a daunting task, especially when delving into
complex and sensitive topics such as mental illness. The intricate nature of mental health issues
demands a nuanced approach, extensive research, and a deep understanding of the subject matter.
Here, we explore the challenges that students often face when tackling a thesis on mental illness.

1. Navigating the Complexity

Mental illness is a multifaceted subject with a spectrum of disorders, each requiring in-depth
exploration. The sheer complexity can overwhelm even the most dedicated students, making it
challenging to organize thoughts coherently and present a comprehensive analysis.

2. Researching the Unseen

Accessing credible and up-to-date information on mental health can be a formidable task. The ever-
evolving nature of psychological research means that students must navigate a vast sea of literature,
ensuring their work remains relevant and reflects the latest advancements in the field.

3. Addressing Stigma
Discussing mental health often involves confronting societal stigmas and misconceptions. Crafting a
thesis requires careful consideration of language, tone, and approach to minimize the perpetuation of
stereotypes while presenting a balanced and unbiased perspective.

4. Ethical Considerations
Respecting the privacy and dignity of individuals with mental health conditions is paramount.
Writers must navigate ethical considerations, ensuring that their research is conducted responsibly and
that the voices of those affected are heard without compromise.

5. Balancing Empathy and Objectivity

Maintaining a delicate balance between empathy and objectivity is crucial. Writers need to approach
the topic with sensitivity, yet remain objective in their analysis. Striking this balance is challenging
but essential to produce a well-rounded and unbiased thesis.

Seeking Assistance on ⇒ ⇔

Acknowledging the complexities of crafting a thesis on mental illness, we recommend considering
professional assistance. ⇔">⇒ ⇔ stands as a reliable platform
where experienced writers can provide guidance and support. Their team understands the intricacies
of mental health research, ensuring that your thesis is well-researched, eloquently written, and meets
the highest academic standards.
In conclusion, the journey of writing a thesis on mental illness is undoubtedly challenging. By
recognizing the difficulties and seeking support from reputable platforms like
⇔">⇒ ⇔, students can navigate this intricate path with confidence, ensuring their
work contributes meaningfully to the understanding and destigmatization of mental health issues.
Depending on the level of the mental illness, the condition may either be reversible or irreversible.
Physical Illnesses can be short or long term, depending on the type of illness you have and how
severe it is. Baldwin, D.S. et al. (2005) Evidence-based Guidelines for the Pharmacological
Treatment of Anxiety Disorders: Recommendations from the British Association for
Psychopharmacology. Scholars can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for
their writing assignments. When there is comorbidity of anxiety and depression, the drug treatment
for depression is most effective in improving anxiety (Baldwin 2005). Apart from medical
management, there is a range of different effective interventions is available such as psychological
therapy and self help (Anxiety amended, 2007). These two articles approach the causes of mental
health issues in very different ways. Approximately 80 percent of the worlds 350 million mentally
disabled people live in developing nations. These shortcomings affect an audience far beyond
mentally ill patients and their families. He needs to be properly taught how to assess himself and the
situations around him, so that he can determine wether his feelings are appropriate and wether his
emotions are affecting his behaviour detrimentally. Hence, it is imperative for professionals in the
nursing field to have a strong grasp of the mental health and mental illness concepts and disorders in
order to be able to render quality nursing care to all the individuals that are encountered in the health
care setting. In 1963, Hildeguard Peplau, one of the early nursing theorists who helped shape
psychiatric nursing, identified four levels in the continuum of anxiety and illustrated their effects to
a person's response to stress (Stuart and Laraia 2005; Videbeck 2004). When you hear the phrase
mental hospital what comes to mind. He refused to eat proper meals, and mainly ate chips and junk
food. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel
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Reflection Paper For Later 60% 60% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful
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Download now Jump to Page You are on page 1 of 4 Search inside document. During the early
Christian times, as superstitions were very strong, mental illnesses were again believed to be caused
by demons and they were deemed as possessed (Videbeck, 2004). Various factors in people’s lives
such as intrapersonal relations, physical factors, childhood trauma and many other conditions can
disrupt mental health conditions. This leads some to believe that mental illness has gone down in the
years. Both of these outcomes seem to be not only plausible, but imminent in the next decade due to
both increasing technological and medical advancements and increased unhealthy living. If the
violent behavior is criminal—well, the public will happily lap up stories of individuals with
Schizophrenia assaulting ordinary people or resisting arrest. People who have panic disorder may
also experience severe depression. They are seeking funding from the World Health Organization,
who shares their goal of improving community healthcare. For society as a whole, their illness
presents a range of social problems: stress in family life, heavy demands on health-care institutions,
moral and ethical problems, the cost of treatment to society, etc (Kornblum, 2001). Positive mental
health is a cornerstone of our overall well-being. Even the very term “ mental illness ” has a negative
connotation to it as opposed to “physical illnesses”. The first is there may be an increase in mental
illness due to such factors as increase of drug and alcohol abuse, violence, and suppression of
symptoms due to medication. As nurses have the responsibility of providing care to patients, it is
important to understand the individual characteristics of a patient that contributes to their health
behaviors. Maximization of one's own potential or self-actualization enables a person to recognize his
own talents, skills, potential, and strive for growth and progress in life (What is Mental Health,
2006). Trainees develop an awareness of the difficulties facing social work staff in difficult cases.
Diagnosing anxiety disorders is a very taxing and tedious task.
In: Buss, D. ed. The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology. There are different types of mental
illnesses that are suffered by human beings, and in each mental illness there are number of
complexities involved like social problems, defect in any part of the brain etc. These problems exact a
significant toll on individuals, their families, and society at large. It is a mental illness that has
affected the lives of thousands of people across the globe. Since then, William has been hesitant to
go out with other women, and would sometimes exclaim that he may never marry. To be able to
understand better the concepts of mental health and mental illness, and how people become
vulnerable to it, many different factors must be considered. The rest of the total costs were
morbidity and mortality costs, that is, the costs associated with loss of productivity due to illness
(43.2 %) and with premature death (8.1 %) (SAMHSA, 2001). Stigma results in fear, mistrust, and
violence against people living with mental illness, and can result in families and friends turning their
backs on people with mental illness. These techniques, which assess the brain structure and some
aspects of brain functions include computed tomography, positron emission tomography, magnetic
resonance imaging, and single photon emission computerized tomography DSM-IV Text Revision
(2000) Historically, the DSM IV has been useful as a teaching tool particularly concerning diagnostic
criteria sets for mental disorders. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in
Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. The need for knowledge and
expertise in biological and psychological sciences continues to be essential because of new
psychopharmacologic agents and comprehensive psychotherapeutic interventions. The expansion of
technological advances such as brain imaging has provided direct examination of the living brain.
They were engaged for five months, when he found out that she had been cheating on him with a co-
worker. Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make
your writing easier are also offered here. Mental health is something that is as serious as a physical
illness but it is still feared and misunderstood by many people including those who are diagnosed
with mental illness Stuart, 2012. The community suffers in many ways: increased homelessness,
increased number of individuals on welfare or other state benefit systems, increased number of
mortality including homicide and suicide, along with the overall declination of citizen attitudes in
neighborhoods and communities. The Mental Health Promotion Unit (MHPU) was created in 1995
as the focal point of Health Canada's efforts to maintain and improve positive mental health and
well being for the Canadian population. Hence, it must be realised that other conditions may also be
present, such as depression (Anxiety amended, 2007). We think that with today's technological
advancements and medical achievements such means of treating the mentally ill have been
exhausted. This leads some to believe that mental illness has gone down in the years. It is a problem
that requires a multifaceted approach to finding solutions. She doesn't do generic rooms that could
belong to anyone. All our actions and responses to the environment are the function of the brain.
Funding is requested to cover construction costs, equipment, staffing and ongoing operation of the
center to benefit the mental health and well-being of the community. Accurate diagnosis is key to
effective management and treatment. In addition to this, more than a million children were found to
have mental health problems, based on a study done sometime in 2006 (The Disturbed Generation,
2007). Journal of Psychopharmacology, 19 (6), pp. 567-596. Health Canada publications deal with
issues such as helping children live with separation and divorce, coping with the stress of terrorism,
and promoting mental health in First Nations and Inuit communities. Prevalent types of mental
disorders include stress depression anxiety panic attacks anger bipolar disorder schizophrenia eating
and sleep problems various personality disorders and phobias self harm suicidal feelings to name just
a few. 45 Mental Health Nursing Dissertation Topics Here are a few more recommendations on
choosing mental health research ideas.
Certain dietary restrictions are followed as part of the mourning process. Stigma is a barrier and
discourages individuals and their families from getting the help they need due to the fear of being
discriminated against. In recent times, people have started taking mental health seriously and taking
proper steps in dealing with any mental health issues. Mental health includes an individual’s
psychological, emotional and social well-being. Mortality Costs are discounted (at 6%) lifetime
productivity losses for people who died as a result of a mental disorder. Panic Disorder: Lifetime
occurrence - about 1% of males, 2% of females. Mental illness is one the most misconstrued illness
for a very long time mental illness was a disease people would not dare speak about. This article in
particular Daniel Nettle categorises the element. This is 100% legal. You may not submit
downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Apart from this, another appalling
number to consider is that in the year 2005 to 2006, there were 765 homicides and 52 murders
recorded by the police that were committed by someone suffering from mental illnesses (Brindley,
2007). Also original were the small dark rooms, walls that obstructed views and a lot of dark wood
paneling. They can be, as suggested by World Health Organization (WHO). Most of the disorders
that humans have today were around since the very beginning. He would in fact sometimes come
home in the middle of the day from work to sleep. We think that with today's technological
advancements and medical achievements such means of treating the mentally ill have been
exhausted. Her interface with trades people was professional, patient and courteous. Stigma results
in fear, mistrust, and violence against people living with mental illness, and can result in families and
friends turning their backs on people with mental illness. With continous treatment, people are able
to get better, and they actually remain better (Anxiety amended, 2007). Health Canada publications
deal with issues such as helping children live with separation and divorce, coping with the stress of
terrorism, and promoting mental health in First Nations and Inuit communities. This disease may be
fatal if the person becomes suicidal. Throughout the Middle Ages, many mentally ill people were
assumed to be witches or possessed by demons. Funding is requested to cover construction costs,
equipment, staffing and ongoing operation of the center to benefit the mental health and well-being
of the community. He fears that he may never feel the same way he used to, when he was still with
his fiancee. William may have been devastated because of the disappointments in his life in the recent
months. Alcoholism is also classified as a mental illness, and has been diagnosed in approximately 14
million people. The Disturbed Generation: A Million Children Now Suffer from Mental Health
Problems (2007) The Daily Mail, June. Depressive symptoms are commonly present in patients with
severe anxiety. Meanwhile, 16% of jail and prison inmates are estimated to have severe mental and
substance abuse disorders. As previously discussed, maltreatment and mental health are linked, thus
their program has the ability to prevent mental health problems for younger children as well as
diminish the exacerbation of mental health issues among those in foster care. Such disorders like
Schizophrenia, anxiety and mood disorders, etc.
A problematic group of mentally ill individuals are substance abusers with a mental illness like
schizophrenia that live in urban areas. These associations, however, are problematic in the sense that
these abstract concepts manifest differently with each individual. As there are a variety of different
disorders under the umbrella of anxiety, the age and sex distribution of individual disorder varies as
well (Baldwin et. al. 2005). For instance, some phobias are remarkably more prevalent in women
than in men, and vise versa while some panic disorders are just as frequent in men and women
between the ages 51 and 65 years old (Baldwin et. al. 2005). However, the overall ratio of anxiety
disorders is 2 females: 1male across all age ranges. The evaluation should include a comprehensive
family history along with an assessment of alcohol and drug use. Tell the reader what you are going
to say statement of purpose 2. It explorers a variety of sociological approaches to mental health
work. This legislation authorizes federal grants to government agencies and community and faith-
based organizations to provide employment assistance, substance abuse treatment, housing, family
programming, mentoring, victim support, and other services that can help reduce reoffending and
violations of probation and parole. The abbreviation DSM-IV refers to the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental. When these three key aspects were used to analyse the global population, it was
realized that almost half of the population suffered from one form of mental disorder or the other.
Phobias include severe fears such as fear of going outside, fear of heights, or enclosed spaces. Most
of the disorders that humans have today were around since the very beginning. Among these
important factors are self-esteem, self-concept, familial background, biologic make-up, emotional
resilience, feelings of security and safety, and so forth (Videbeck, 2004). Panic is a common
condition that is both debilitating and life threatening. Jana transformed my home, worked with my
budget, and made the process fun. Generally, behavior is the determinant of a person's mental well-
being, but since behavior is greatly influenced by culture, tradition, and personal beliefs, it is very
difficult to determine what acceptable behavior is and what is not. The end result reflects who we
are and how we enjoy living. Mental health should be a priority to combat the cyclical nature of
poverty, drug addiction, and mental illness. In this decision, the court concluded that there were
many treatment options for individuals with mental illness that did not involve warehousing in large
state institutions. Nesse, R.M. (2005) Evolutionary Psychology and Mental Health. Mention the
words “ mental illness ” and it sends shivers down the spines of many people. Despite the fact that
anxiety is a frightening facet a person can experience in his lifetime, it can be surpassed, and a person
can even grow from it by confronting the threats, moving on, and overcoming the experience from
where the anxious emotion rooted from. These four physical elements, according to Aristotle,
corresponded with happiness, calmness, anger, and sadness respectively. The professionals she
worked with were all excellent, and we always felt we could contact her directly when additional
help was needed. Socio economic inequalities lead to high psychiatric morbidity, disability,
depression, Schizophrenia. I always get compliments, even from other designers. Brady, E. (2006)
Midland: Mental Health a Problem in UK, say City Experts, The Birmingham Post, April. William is
a 34-year-old male, who broke up with his fiancee more than 6 months ago. Researchers estimate that
about 24 percent of people over eighteen in the United States suffer from some sort of common
mental illness, such as depression and phobias. Videbeck, S.L. (2004) Psychiatric Mental Health
Nursing. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott. It is said that the mentally ill suffer twice: They suffer
from the illness itself, and also from rejection or the stigma that comes with being diagnosed from
illness, as if their illness was their own fault.
Due to remoteness, family members gave up seeing their family members. But it was not until the
twentieth century that effective biomedical therapies were developed to treat the symptoms of
mental disorders. Patients resisted attempts to return to their community. Other Related Costs
included those associated with crime and incarceration, social welfare administration, and family
care giving. Positive mental health allows people to realize their full potential, cope with stress in
life, work productively and make meaningful contributions to the community. This disease may be
fatal if the person becomes suicidal. Both of these outcomes seem to be not only plausible, but
imminent in the next decade due to both increasing technological and medical advancements and
increased unhealthy living. I could not have designed my guest house without her. She was creative,
and remarkably attentive to our needs. The fourth and last level pertains to panic, which is marked by
awe, dread, terror, and the inability of a person to do chores or tasks even with ample direction and
guidance (Stuart and Laraia, 2005). The need for knowledge and expertise in biological and
psychological sciences continues to be essential because of new psychopharmacologic agents and
comprehensive psychotherapeutic interventions. Various factors in people’s lives such as
intrapersonal relations, physical factors, childhood trauma and many other conditions can disrupt
mental health conditions. These techniques, which assess the brain structure and some aspects of
brain functions include computed tomography, positron emission tomography, magnetic resonance
imaging, and single photon emission computerized tomography DSM-IV Text Revision (2000)
Historically, the DSM IV has been useful as a teaching tool particularly concerning diagnostic criteria
sets for mental disorders. Often, people associate mental health with happiness, contentment,
satisfaction, achievement, optimism, or hope (Videbeck, 2004). These factors may include poverty,
level of education, poor housing, and poor income that may all affect a person's emotional
experiences and general outlook in life. There are also different types of anxiety disorders. As Show
others Partial preview of the text Download essay on mental health and more Essays (university)
Health sciences in PDF only on Docsity. Prevalent types of mental disorders include stress
depression anxiety panic attacks anger bipolar disorder schizophrenia eating and sleep problems
various personality disorders and phobias self harm suicidal feelings to name just a few. 45 Mental
Health Nursing Dissertation Topics Here are a few more recommendations on choosing mental
health research ideas. Because of the deficit thousands are unable to get the necessary help and
improve mental conditions. She infuses the space with your personality, taste and artifacts in a
completely unique, individualized way. It was started as an annual activity by the world federation
by the deputy secretary-general of UNO (United Nations Organisation) at that time for mental
health. According to William's roommate, he has stopped eating well ever since failing to close that
deal the previous week, and has not taken a bath since. Mental Illness Mental illness is one the most
misconstrued illness, for a very long time, mental illness was a disease people would not dare speak
about. The community suffers in many ways: increased homelessness, increased number of
individuals on welfare or other state benefit systems, increased number of mortality including
homicide and suicide, along with the overall declination of citizen attitudes in neighborhoods and
communities. It has also been proposed that infections cause a wide range of mental illnesses
especially that of mood or affective disorders like schizophrenia (Nesse, 2005). This refers to how a
person can differentiate between what is fact and fantasy in order to be able to act acceptably
(Videbeck, 2004). One study, for example, found 81.5 percent of the population of Manhattan, New
York, to have had signs and symptoms of mental distress (Satcher, 2001). For society as a whole,
their illness presents a range of social problems: stress in family life, heavy demands on health-care
institutions, moral and ethical problems, the cost of treatment to society, etc (Kornblum, 2001). The
end result reflects who we are and how we enjoy living. This lack of knowledge of a single subject
or a single person can cause devastating repercussions within the area of mental health, mental health
funding, mental health communities, services, activities, advancement, etc.
Depressive symptoms are commonly present in patients with severe anxiety. You know why your
there the staff doesn t touch you or harass you they re just around you observing. In the early 1950s,
the rates of mental illness estimated by epidemiologists were much higher than those of today. Often
times when mental illness is thought about it is thought of as being a horrible thing or occurring in a
horrible person. Her tile design was unique and fanciful for several locations in our home. Another
18 million Americans suffer from other mental illnesses, such as depression, including manic, major,
or minor depression. Help is available out there; people with mental health problems can get better by
seeking help. Characters are usually portrayed as aggressive, dangerous and unpredictable -- 70% of
the television characters with a mental illness are violent. This refers to how a person can
differentiate between what is fact and fantasy in order to be able to act acceptably (Videbeck, 2004).
It means thousands of people with mental health problems are at risk of not getting the urgent care in
emergencies because of a lack in staff and supplies. Upload Read for free FAQ and support
Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Mention the
words “ mental illness ” and it sends shivers down the spines of many people. Speaking specifically,
its ability to greatly control the manner in which a specific topic is discussed can ultimately be
harmful to a select group of individuals. Depending on the level of the mental illness, the condition
may either be reversible or irreversible. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs health care
system, 25% of returning veterans from Iraq reported problems such as posttraumatic stress disorder,
anxiety, and depression. Give us your email address and we’ll send this sample there. By continuing,
you agree to our Terms and Conditions. Mental health should be a priority to combat the cyclical
nature of poverty, drug addiction, and mental illness. A list of nursing dissertation writing ideas
about mental health if you are a nursing student in search of ideas on what to write about mental
health then this resource will prove helpful to you. Other people may have also experienced the same
situation he is in right now. The cost associated with mental illness is high--the government cuts
budgets for mental illness--the community and mentally ill suffer, and need to be helped--money
needs to be put back into services and medications for mentally ill--donations, sponsors, subsidies,
etc. Today researchers are learning about the biological origins of many mental illnesses such as
schizophrenia, autism and alcoholism. Stigma is a barrier and discourages individuals and their
families from getting the help they need due to the fear of being discriminated against. By
continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. Upload Read for free FAQ and support
Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. He needs to
be properly taught how to assess himself and the situations around him, so that he can determine
wether his feelings are appropriate and wether his emotions are affecting his behaviour detrimentally.
Health Canada publications deal with issues such as helping children live with separation and
divorce, coping with the stress of terrorism, and promoting mental health in First Nations and Inuit
communities. These associations, however, are problematic in the sense that these abstract concepts
manifest differently with each individual. It is because of the stigma associated with mental illness
that has prompted insurance companies not to provide adequate coverage for mental health services.
Stigma results in fear, mistrust, and violence against people living with mental illness, and can result
in families and friends turning their backs on people with mental illness.
Diagnosing anxiety disorders is a very taxing and tedious task. The expansion of technological
advances such as brain imaging has provided direct examination of the living brain. There are other
physiologic, anvironmental, spiritual, and social factors that may affect a person's mental health.
Road rage was never considered to be a disorder until motor vehicles were invented and later
classified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM IV). They were ostracized and treated as
outcasts of society by their own family, friends, neighbors and community. Most of the disorders that
humans have today were around since the very beginning. Briefing paper: Law enforcement and
people with severe mental illnesses. Baldwin, D.S. et al. (2005) Evidence-based Guidelines for the
Pharmacological Treatment of Anxiety Disorders: Recommendations from the British Association
for Psychopharmacology. A person who has self-actualization does not get contented with the status
quo, but strives to realize his own potentials (videbeck, 2004). Mental Illness Mental illness is one
the most misconstrued illness, for a very long time, mental illness was a disease people would not
dare speak about. Central to the concept of anxiety is self-preservation as anxiety stems from a
threat to an individual's self-esteem or identity, or a threat to something that is vital to one's
personality, existence, and security (videbeck, 2004). They can lead to strains of mental illness on a
marriage life may also be very devastating. Basically, the inferiority complex is a basic root and cause
of this severe problem. Some examples of phobias are fear of flight, cats, heights, enclosed spaces,
reptiles, and the most severe is agoraphobia the. Those who were viewed as divine were worshipped,
whereas those who were seen as demonic were ostracized, condemned, or burned at the stake
(Videbeck, 2004). In this level, a person becomes more attuned to his or her surroundings, and is able
to see, hear, and grasp more than before (Stuart and Laraia, 2005). Such disorders like Schizophrenia,
anxiety and mood disorders, etc. What measures might employing organisations take to reduce the
effects of stress on staff and improve their job satisfaction. William is a 34-year-old male, who broke
up with his fiancee more than 6 months ago. Full description Save Save Mental Health Awareness
Reflection Paper For Later 60% 60% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful
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Download now Jump to Page You are on page 1 of 4 Search inside document. Effective coping
mechanisms and techniques may be learned from the reflective cycle, and he may also be helped
using medical management, psychotherapy, and emotional support from his family and friends. An
estimated 50 percent of homeless adults with serious mental illnesses have a co-occurring substance
abuse disorder. Report this Document Download now Save Save mental illness research paper final
For Later 0 ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes) 229 views 10 pages Mental Illness
Research Paper Final Uploaded by api-311591180 AI-enhanced title and description Narcissistic
Personality Disorder (or NPD) cannot be defined as a negative quality. A list of nursing dissertation
writing ideas about mental health if you are a nursing student in search of ideas on what to write
about mental health then this resource will prove helpful to you. Most patients do recover, but some
are affected by the social stigma. Among them mostly surround child abuse and neglect. Due to his
current break-up, William has been absenting himself from work. It is the balance between all aspects
of our lives. These people are referred to as mentally ill chemical abusers (MICA) (Kornblum). The
cost associated with mental illness is high--the government cuts budgets for mental illness--the
community and mentally ill suffer, and need to be helped--money needs to be put back into services
and medications for mentally ill--donations, sponsors, subsidies, etc.

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