Restaurant Check Averages (FINAL)

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CHECK AVERAGES Volume 1, Issue 3

Successful restaurant operators are able to juggle

numerous financial and operational demands on
an ongoing basis. One of the most overlooked
yet critical for boosting the bottom line is check
average. The fact of the matter is, determining
when you are losing valuable income from
existing guests and taking proactive measures to
recoup that revenue is essential to surviving in
today’s challenging marketplace.

At what point does a _____ cost so much that

The Importance of you wouldn’t even consider buying it at...?
Check Average Appetizer

Small plates
We all know that running a restaurant is $8.85
demanding, but just how challenging is being an $5.10
operator in the current foodservice climate? Dessert

Here are some eye-opening facts: Snack

Although overall foodservice industry growth
remains positive, total sales have seen a trend Nonalcohol $4.10
of gradual growth deceleration, spanning back beverage $5.00 FSR
to 2015, per Technomic.
Base: Approx. 750
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there Source: Technomic’s Value and Pricing Consumer Trend Report
are more than 1 million restaurants in the
U.S. right now, and more pop up every day:
Here are a few additional takeaways for operators:
The industry adds about 10,000 units a year,
from a combination of 60,000 openings and Consumers are willing to pay more
50,000 closures. for desserts than appetizers; therefore,
physical menus, marketing materials and
According to Technomic Principal Wade Hanson, service staff should focus more attention
“The foodservice industry is in the midst of a five- on pushing sweets over apps.
year run of flat traffic, so growth is dependent on Consider adding a few more cents to
finding ways to better market your different menu apps, small plates, desserts, snacks and
parts and add $1, $2, $5 to your check average.” beverages if you come under the average;
Thus, regardless of what type of foodservice those additional pennies will significantly
operation you run, boosting check averages can boost check averages over time.
help you succeed where others fail. Let’s delve into
the five areas of focus for upping those dollar signs Because consumers are more likely to
on guests’ receipts. spend a premium on small plates over
appetizers, think about repositioning your

menu as such.
Beyond the traditional mealparts, there are a
Menu Categories to Consider number of other menu categories to consider
when boosting check averages. Here are a few:

The first operator step of the menu approach is

Upgraded sides,
to determine what food and drink categories to Add-ons, such as Pairing menus,
such as sweet
50 cents extra for such as three
spotlight. There’s a dollar limit as to how much guacamole at a mini desserts potato fries with a
premium sauce over
consumers would likely be willing to pay for build-your-own paired with three
traditional fries
burrito restaurant different drinks
various mealparts. Thus, operators need to find with ketchup
the sweet spot of achieving the maximum profit
without turning off the guest.
Source: Technomic
© 2018 Custom Culinary, Inc. 2

2 It’s clear that the Napa Chicken & Portobellos
dish is promoted in a more colorful light.
Menu Bu words Specificity is key; for instance, mushrooms
become portobellos and creamy wine sauce
and Descriptors becomes Napa Valley wine sauce with Parmesan
cheese. Further, words that connote bland
flavor, such as low-fat, are replaced with
After determining which menu categories to craveable descriptors that imply the same
consider and which menu items to feature, the next health connotations but with a more
step in the menu approach concerns the specific flavorful twist.
words used to title and describe your menu items.
It’s evident that consumers agree. When asked
Buzzwords: More Bang for Your Buck to rank both descriptions separately regarding
There are a number of buzzwords that—if featured
purchase intent, uniqueness, craveability and
on the menu—prompt diners to pay a premium.
draw, consumers give higher marks to the
For example, about a third of consumers would be
Napa Chicken than the Low Fat Chicken on
willing to pay more for a creme anglaise sauce that’s
all counts.
described as homemade and featuring real dairy.

“I am willing to pay more for food or Low Fat Chicken Napa Chicken
beverage described as ______.” & Mushrooms & Portobellos
Fresh 53%
Clean 40
intent 43% 46%
Grass-fed 35 %

Homemade 34% Uniqueness 47% 60%

Real 31%
Local 30%
Source: Technomic’s Healthy Eating Consumer Trend Report
Craveability 54% 59%
Descriptors Draw 63% 68%
Vivid descriptions of menu items will also entice
guests to order particular dishes or beverages. As a Source: Technomic’s MenuSurf
case study, below are two separate descriptors for
the exact same menu item.

Bland Description:
Low Fat Chicken & Mushrooms
vs. Exciting Description:
Napa Chicken & Portobellos
A low-fat twist on a traditional classic. Our A grilled chicken breast topped with
broiled chicken breast is seasoned with portobello mushrooms, smothered in a rich
our unique blend of herbs, smothered with Napa Valley wine sauce and Parmesan
flavorful mushrooms and creamy wine sauce, cheese. Served over sauteed farmers market
and served over a bed of rice with a side of zucchini, roasted red peppers, red onions and
our vegetable medley. organic wild rice pilaf.
Source: Technomic
© 2018 Custom Culinary, Inc. 3

3 Technique
Menu Design Hacks In-Store Promotions
Beyond properly describing menu items, the third There are a number of beyond-menu check-
step is the physical menu layout. The most obvious boosting tactics to heed within the four walls of
menu design hack to boost check averages is to your restaurant. Decor selections to encourage
spotlight the highest-priced items on the menu so folks to buy more should be researched. For
your guests are heavily encouraged to order them. example, having food (namely desserts) in glass
These items tend to feature upscale proteins, such display cases or on carts in view of customers,
as steak or seafood, or other premium ingredients, or providing food and beverage samples are two
such as truffle. Therefore, to ensure that the effortless ways to entice guests to indulge.
most profitable items are highlighted and easy for
customers to find, you should use one or more of More traditionally, placing in-store marketing
these eight menu psychology strategies. materials in various locations around the
restaurant can encourage add-on purchases,
according to 98% of operators polled by
Techniques operators agree to using to Technomic.
highlight the most profitable menu items

Best places to display in-store

marketing to boost check averages
Write the
List the item at menu item in a
Restaurants that appeal to
the top of the different color,
a mostly older demographic At the restaurant entrance 49%
should consider using large
menu page font or size font with a light background.
13% 17% On the table 44%

Mark the item

Bold the TRICK:
On the menu/menu board/kiosk/tablet 41%
“sig n a tu re ”
menu item Avoid bolding the price so it
using words Place the doesn’t stand out.
or icons item in the
26% On the exterior of the restaurant 17%
34 % center of the
menu page At the cash register 15%
11% Photos are especially

useful for urban On the walls 7%
Accompany restaurants with
menu items the menu item international guests.
thoroughly, with a photo Marketing Manager On restaurant TVs 7%
including calling Mandy Groff of Auntie
out premium 28% Anne’s (with locations in
ingredients and more than 30 countries), At the bar or host stand 7%
preparations Place the menu
for example, says the
x chain’s pretzel photos
42% item inside a bo “can transcend any of In the bathroom 5%
17% our guests’ languages
around the world.”
None of the above 2%
Base: 59 operators
Although some operators in the past have relied on eye-tracking tools for their
menu designs, the idea of typical menu scanpath and “sweet spots” has largely Source: Technomic’s Operator Community Panel
been debunked by researchers. Instead, you should consider the eight techniques
underscored above.

Source: Technomic’s Operator Community Panel

© 2018 Custom Culinary, Inc. 4

5 Midservice Initiatives
During service hours, it’s imperative that your
Training Service Staff front-of-house service staff be freed up to cater
to guests’ needs and focus on upselling. That

to Sell can be accomplished by having designated roles,

such as expeditors who deal with back-of-house
interactions to keep waitstaff interacting with
The final key to boosting check averages are tables and out of the weeds.
well-trained employees who know what and how
to upsell.Your staff has the most influence over Once directly in front of the customer, a server is
customer orders in your restaurant and must know the key salesperson in the restaurant. Some 86% of
how to guide diners not only toward the expensive operators admit to training their servers on staff-
menu items but also to ordering more items. selling techniques to increase checks.

Preservice Initiatives Offering incentives for Thirty-nine percent of restaurant

The first step is training your staff staff with the largest daily operators train staff to ask diners if
to recognize and read the diner to check averages (or other they want any additional add-ons or
know when upselling is appropriate competitive features) is customization. For example, asking
and which upselling techniques will one way to diners if they want to add guacamole
work best for their patrons. encourage to their burrito for $2 is an easy
upselling. and quick technique. More than a
Heavy importance should also be third of operators encourage staff
placed on daily preservice staff to give vivid verbal descriptions
meetings, during which front-of-house and back-of- or compelling narratives for
house employees communicate to build stronger menu items (36%) and suggest
work relationships and management can train front- a shareable appetizer or dessert
of-house staff on upselling techniques. Potential (34%). Each of these techniques require
preservice meeting initiatives could include: the staff member to have a solid understanding
The chef talking through specials of items from every part of the menu, as well as a
top-of-mind personal favorite.
Role-playing activities to practice check-
boosting techniques
Sommelier wine tasting and training

Techniques taught to staff to help boost check averages

36% 34%
25% 24%
20% 20% 19%

Ask if they want Give vivid verbal Suggest a Offer personal Hide a command Highlight the Suggest alcohol Suggest free Offer additional
any additional descriptions or shareable staff suggestions within a question urgency of trying pairings samples food as a
add-ons/ compelling menu appetizer or (e.g., “I can add a a limited-time takeaway option
customization narratives dessert side for $4”) special

Base: 58 operators
© 2018 Custom Culinary, Inc. Source: Technomic’s Operator Community Panel

It’s clear that many operators aren’t utilizing a To gain more insight into techniques for boosting
number of these strategies to their advantage. check average, contact Custom Culinary®—the
For example, only a fifth of operators train their leading provider of culinary flavor systems and
staff to suggest alcohol pairings or offer additional solutions to the foodservice and food processing
food as a takeaway option, such as a to-go dessert industries.
if the guest is too full after the entree. This
encouragement at the very least puts the idea in
guests’ minds that additional items are available,
and thus may entice more item orders, which
boosts check averages.

Contact info:

The Bottom Line Bo Chhay
Every operator wants to increase sales. From 2505 S. Finley Rd., Ste. 100
adding 50 cents to an order by encouraging extra
toppings to guiding diners to purchase the $150 Lombard, IL 60148
seafood tower over the $45 lobster, any extra 630.928.4878
money is good for your business. When it comes
to boosting check averages, this five-pronged
approach will give operators the greatest odds
of success.

Source: Technomic
© 2018 Custom Culinary, Inc. 6

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