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Renewable Energy Focus 42 (2022) 79–96

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Energy storage for large scale/utility renewable energy system - An

enhanced safety model and risk assessment
Boon Leong Choo, Yun Ii Go ⇑
School of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Heriot-Watt University Malaysia, 1, Jalan Venna P5/2, Precinct 5, 62200 Putrajaya, Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya, Malaysia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Renewables recorded 26.2% of global electricity generation in 2018 and expected to rise to 45% by 2040
Received 15 February 2022 attributed to nations commitment to reduce greenhouse gases since the signing of Paris agreement 2015.
Revised 4 May 2022 Policies friendly towards the development of renewable energy sources are developed, but the risk and
Accepted 10 May 2022
safety assessment are still based on the traditional analytic and probabilistic risk-based assessment prac-
Available online 27 May 2022
tices such as Event Tree Analysis (ETA), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA),
Hazards Identification (HAZID), Hazards and Operability (HAZOP). These practices are viewed as own
envelop of methodology whilst sharing a lot of common parameters and working principles. Analytic
approach is becoming ineffective with increasingly complex energy system integrating renewables.
System thinking There are on-going research proposing systemic based risk assessment approach but without incorporat-
Reliability ing advantages from analytic approach. The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive analysis of
risk and safety assessment methodology for large scale energy storage currently practices in safety engi-
neering today and comparing Causal Analysis based on System-Theoretic Accident Model and Process
(STAMP) and Systems-Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA) with fault tree analysis, FMEA, HAZID, HAZOP.
This paper demonstrated that systemic based risk assessment such Systems Theoretic Process Analysis
(STPA) is suitable for complicated energy storage system but argues that element of probabilistic risk-
based assessment needs to be incorporated. This is to ensure holistic risk assessment is performed to
energy storage system and provide a new viewpoint for underlying safety model in integrated manner
based on performance requirements, human factor, environmental, management, safety, and legislation.
The results describe the improvement of risk assessment technique via Systems Theoretic Process
Analysis-Hybrid (STPA-H) using a case study of grid connected Photovoltaic (PV) system with Li-ion bat-
tery storage. The hazards and mitigation measures identified from STPA-H are presented and compared
with existing approach. STPA-H technique proposed is applicable for different types of energy storage for
large scale and utility safety and risk assessment. This paper is expected to benefit Malaysian government
with the progression of Large-Scale Solar 3 (LSS3) and serve as reference to future energy system risk
Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction system and this allowed the component to be assessed indepen-

dently from each other [1].
Traditional safety engineering risk assessment method such as Despite traditional safety engineering risk assessment tech-
Event Tree Analysis (ETA), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), Failure Mode niques still being the most applied techniques, the increasing inte-
Effect Analysis (FMEA), Hazards Identification (HAZID), Hazards gration of renewable energy generation source introduces
and Operability (HAZOP) are the most popular probabilistic based additional complexity to existing energy grid and storage system
risk assessment method to energy and storage system. These risk has caused difficulties for designer to consider all abnormal and
assessment techniques have long histories of successful applica- normal situation to accustom for safety design into system effec-
tion in conventional energy system whereby addition of compo- tively, pushed the limit of traditional safety engineering risk
nents to system traditionally has limited impact to overall assessment techniques. First, renewable energy sources are intro-
ducing large numbers of dispersed microgrid with individual
energy storage system that eventually needs to be integrated into
⇑ Corresponding author. main energy distribution network to reach the consumer. Second,
E-mail address: (Y.I. Go).
1755-0084/Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Boon Leong Choo and Yun Ii Go Renewable Energy Focus 42 (2022) 79–96


ETA Event Tree Analysis Li-Ion Lithium ion

FTA Fault Tree Analysis LSS3 Large scale solar 3 project in Malaysia
FMEA Failure Mode Effect Analysis STAMP System-Theoretic Accident Model and Process
HAZID Hazards Identification RAW Risk Achievement Worth
HAZOP Hazards and Operability LCC Lifecycle cost
STPA Systems Theoretic Process Analysis SEDA Sustainable Energy Development Authorities of Malay-
STPA-H Systems Theoretic Process Analysis – Hybrid sia
PV Photovoltaic

the intermittent nature of solar and wind energy required more transformer (as required), and battery packs in delivery of its func-
sophisticated microgrid design for operating in both grids con- tion as illustrated in Figure 1. The component view serves as the
nected mode and islanded mode to compensate for the fluctuation basis for analytic and probabilistic based risk assessment.
in energy supply from renewable energy sources [2,3]. Surplus Energy Commission of Malaysia [4] has clearly specified the
energy from microgrid will be stored in local energy storage sys- boundaries of responsibilities and ownership by large scale solar
tem or delivered to the main energy distribution network when developer in ‘‘Guidelines On large scale solar photovoltaic plant
there is demand. Energy commission of Malaysia requires indepen- for connection to electricity networks” under Electricity Supply
dent power provider to verify that the Power Park Module and aux- Act (Amendment) 2015 (Act A1501) as shown in Figure 2. This will
iliary system can operate continuously over frequency of 52 Hz to serve as the boundaries for safety analysis being discussed in this
47 Hz as part of the grid frequency variation test. Third, the intro- paper. The same grid connected photovoltaic energy system with
duction of new technology such as IoT and new software controls Li-Ion battery storage can also be organised into Battery Manage-
to manage increasingly complex energy system inadvertently ment System, Energy Management System, Photovoltaic, controller
introduce additional unknown and new hazard path. Fourth, the and contactor that made up the feedback control loops and consist
shorten innovation cycle of renewable energy component in pur- of part of the hierarchical control structure as illustrated in
sue of more efficient system does not provide sufficient duration Figure 3. Various research on energy storage design and sizing
for carefully planning and testing the systems design to under- [5–7] had been carried out for both on-grid and off grid system
stand all potential hazards and risk. at transmission and distribution sides to satisfy peak demand. This
There are researches ongoing currently on systemic based risk serves as the basis for systemic based risk assessment approach.
assessment technique such as STPA. This technique can cope with
the complexity in energy system by applying a systemic focus per-
Traditional safety engineering assessment
spective in the assessment but disregard the importance of compo-
nent centric risk assessment and failure identification, running into
Traditional Safety Engineering Assessment techniques such as
chances of missing out component failure factors in assessment. As
Event Tree Analysis (ETA), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), Failure Mode
such, it is important that existing available risk assessment tech-
Effect Analysis (FMEA), Hazards Identification (HAZID) and
niques need to be improved for applicability to storage and energy
Hazards and Operability (HAZOP) is analytic by nature and compo-
system of the future, especially in large scale and utility.
nent centric. Risk is described as the effect of deviating system
This paper evaluates methodology and consideration parame-
parameters or components failed to perform intended function,
ters in risk assessment by FTA, ETA, FMEA, HAZID, HAZOP and
resulted in uncertainties. Careful management is required to avoid
STPA. Comparative study of the strength and weaknesses of risk
accident and hazards. In traditional safety engineering, risk is
assessment techniques are performed. Using the example of grid
viewed as predictable by analysing historical data and system
connected PV system with Li-ion battery storage and focusing on
design. Risk is assumed quantifiable as consequences vs likelihood
inherent risk, this paper supports the perspective that systemic
of occurrences. Risk is express in mathematical probabilities for
based risk assessment technique is suitable for risk assessment of
comparison and analysed on numerical basis to balance between
complexity in energy system but argues that element of probabilis-
risk mitigation and cost. Mitigation measures or design change will
tic risk-based assessment needs to be incorporated and described
be put in place to reduce the safety risk to as low as reasonably
improvement made to the systemic based risk assessment tech-
nique in Systems Theoretic Process Analysis – Hybrid (STPA-H)
technique. This paper described STPA-H for performing risk assess-
ment to energy storage for large scale and utilities for future Event Tree Analysis (ETA)
energy system. Event tree analysis (ETA) is a logical top-down inductive tech-
nique evaluating success and failure responses of single initiating
event or sometimes known as top event. Boolean logic is applied
Grid connected PV system with Battery Storage for charting event path to assess probabilities of outcomes, follow
by frequency and risk evaluation for each event path to determine
Grid connected PV system with Li-Ion Battery Storage has whether the event is acceptable. Overall system will be analysed
become one of the most popular choices for power generation in for identification of mitigating measures to top event [9]. Design
regions with abundance of sunshine and consist of more than 90 change needs to be implemented if risk frequency is not accept-
% of global grid energy battery storage market [1]. The system con- able. The risk of the outcome by calculating the overall event path
tributed to the energy grid system stability with ability to store the probability, follow by risk evaluation for each event path and
generated electricity from PV and supply to the grid for fulfilling determine whether the event is acceptable. Take k as the initiating
energy demand. A standard grid connected photovoltaic energy event frequency for ‘‘Short circuit in battery”, Pr(Bi) as the event
system with Li-Ion battery storage can be viewed as consists of probability B(i). The probabilities of each occurrence for fire hazard
components such as PV module, inverter units, isolators, fuse unit, are then calculated based on Pr(Outcome 1 |fire) = =
Boon Leong Choo and Yun Ii Go Renewable Energy Focus 42 (2022) 79–96

Figure 1. Simple schematic diagram of photovoltaic system with battery storage.

Figure 2. Asset demarcation of large-scale solar developer [4].

PrðB1Þ  PrðB2jB1Þ  PrðB3jB1 \ B2Þ. The frequency of fire event are of failures or safety accidents and propose best approach to reduce
therefore calculated as k  PrðB1 \ B2 \ B3Þ: Extrapolate the infor- risk. Both ETA and FTA techniques involve the building of tree dia-
mation to the event tree diagram, the frequency of the risk is gram by applying Boolean logic but are working on the opposite
deemed acceptable, and no additional corrective actions is pro- spectrum of top event. Fault tree analysis utilized Boolean logic
posed. However, if the frequency of risk is not acceptable, step for identified lower-level basic events combinations that leads to
number 9 is to recommend the corrective action such as change the top event (system level failure). Safety design elements, faults
in design. Event Tree Analysis (ETA) apply similar mathematical and subsystems is systematically map in the overall system logic
techniques and logic as Fault Tree Analysis (FTA). The key differ- diagram. Conventional logic gate symbols consist of key elements
ence is Event Tree Analysis is inductive whereas Fault Tree Analysis of ‘‘logic gates” and ‘‘events” are used for fault tree development
is deductive. The advantages of Event Tree Analysis are that it can [12,13]. Minimal cut set that are mutually exclusive is then identi-
assess multiple co-exist fault and failures, single point of failure fied for calculation of probability of failure that led to top event.
and ineffective countermeasures can be easily identified. It also Mitigation measures including change in design are pursued to
supports analysis on various level of details [10,11]. reduce the probably of occurrence of failure towards top event.
ETA and FTA are usually applied together and known as ‘‘bow-
Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) tie” analysis.
Fault tree analysis (FTA) is top-down deductive tool identifying Fault tree dictates how thoroughly on the scope of study. The
causes of system level failures from top event, estimate event rates fault tree developed is prioritized accordingly to High, Medium,

Boon Leong Choo and Yun Ii Go Renewable Energy Focus 42 (2022) 79–96

Energy Management System

Sensors Baery Module Baery Management System

Strings Cells

Figure 3. Partial control structure [8] of photovoltaic energy system with lithium-ion battery storage.

and Low based on the safety implication towards renewable revealed that occurrence of cell internal short circuit triggered fire
energy storage system. An example of high priority fault is external was not acceptable and need to be prevented. Example mitigation
short circuit caused by battery internal conductors being forced step to prevent fire is by making design change, eliminating the
together in a crush event by mechanical forces on a pack. Based ignition source via encapsulation of PCBs with a high temperature
on the minimal cut set from thermal branch, in which the minimal resistant silicone to prevent the carbonization and electrical sparks
cuts that are mutually exclusive, we can compute the probability of [19]. Safety assessment for battery needs systematic approach such
as FMEA, however FMEA bottom-up approach face limitation in
top event by P 0 ðtÞ ¼ 1  kj¼1 1  P j ðtÞ where Pj is the probability
of failure of minimal cut set. After identified the probability of fail- identifying direct link in combination of failure mode and effects,
ure that contributed to top event (hazard), all possible methods are and sometimes need to be supplemented with experiment. FMEA
pursued to decrease the probability of occurrence. Response vari- is very dependent on subjective analysis and rely on experience
able such as orientation of battery pack, protection against cell dis- of analyst. However, FMEA can indicate predominant failures that
placement and vehicle velocity can be explored in design should be focus on design [20]
improvement to reduce the probably of occurrence of failure
towards top event. Advantages of Fault Tree Analysis is it is suit- Hazards Identification (HAZID)
able to analyse hazards arise from various circumstances and it HAZID is a qualitative technique that identify potential hazards
can identify common causes that are not apparent when consider- and threats including causes and consequences at the earliest prac-
ing sub-system in isolation [14]. Fault Tree Analysis does have its ticable stage. HAZID started with identification of the nodes to dic-
own disadvantages, for instance it is very dependent on the com- tate the scope of study. The causes and consequences including are
petency of analyst. Failure modes may be overlooked, or common then identified for each of the nodes. Frequency and severity of
failures cause may be missed out unless analyst have high level of each hazardous event in the HAZID node is then evaluated by rank-
expertise knowledge and have input from operator. One big gap is ing in a risk matrix based on the combination of consequence and
that fault tree analysis assumes all events are independent, how- likelihood of an event which eventually classified as low, medium,
ever with more sophisticated system in the market, especially in and high risk. Preventive and mitigation measures identified are
the energy storage industry, computer software may cater for com- identified. If high risk cannot be justified, design change is required
bination of events and not mutually exclusive anymore. [15,16] for managing risk associated with the hazards to as low as reason-
ably applicable [21]. Different from FMEA, HAZID is not the
Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) bottom-up approach and take input from other technique such
FMEA is a structured bottom-up approach to discover potential as Event tree analysis, Fault tree analysis, ‘‘What if” analysis, and
failures of product or process design. FMEA study consist of two- Hazard checklist. Hazards and Effects register will be built as part
parts. First is identify the system failure mode. Second is identifica- of HAZID process to systematically record the hazard, hazard
tion of the failure consequence(effect) and classification. Failure sources, threats, top events, the risk potential and effect of the haz-
classification is performed based on likelihood and severity. They ards, and consequences [22].
are ranked by high, medium, and low to establish the need for cor- Risk ranking is typically built in 5 by 5 matrix with one axis
rective and mitigation action [9]. There is no fix guidance or rules again the likelihood and the other axis against severity rating.
for the ranking matrix and risk priority number but there is a lot of Any high-risk ranking events needs to be evaluated and additional
example and guidance described in the oil and gas industry. FMEA mitigation measures needs to be applied to reduce the risk to as
establishes severity, probability occurrence and detection rating is low as reasonably possible (ALARP) [23]. In the rechargeable bat-
ranked accordingly to high, medium, and low to establish the need tery storage system for a ship example, explosion and toxicity risk
for mitigation or corrective action. There is not fix rule to as how need to be mitigated. This will require the secure of battery system
the ranking matrix and risk priority number should be but there from mechanical damage and shield it from external heating.
is a lot of example and guidance described in the industry. Proba- Installing redundant battery management system and emergency
bility of cell internal short circuit cannot be established without shutdown system, that kick in mitigation measures such as discon-
sufficient test data. However, It is estimated that out of 18650 Li nection of the battery due to overcharging, undercharging, over-
ion cells produced for computers and other electronics encounter current or a thermal event, the possibilities of multiple modules
internal short failure rate of 1 in 5–10 million [17,18]. Investigation failing simultaneously is reduced. In addition, ensure that it does
Boon Leong Choo and Yun Ii Go Renewable Energy Focus 42 (2022) 79–96

not spread to the rest of the system if fire occurs in one cell/mod- resulted from system components interactions and there is no
ule. The ventilation in the battery room must be able to handle off- specific single causal factors or variables. Systems Theoretic Process
gassing of one cell or module, assuming that other safety barriers Analysis (STPA) is one of the most prominent systemic risk assess-
in place are working. Hazards and effects register is important ment techniques is Systems Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA).
because it presented the finding from HAZID structurally. The STPA is applied to identify accidents or hazards caused by nonlinear
advantages of HAZID are that it is suitable as cross-checking review system interactions with its environment. There are 4 main steps in
tools and relatively quick and avoids repetitive analysis. However, STPA risk assessment technique. First is to identify the purpose of
the disadvantages of HAZID are potentially limited to only already the analysis, that is what are the hazards and losses STPA analysis
known hazards and the effects of interactions between hazards are aimed to prevent and decide the system boundaries for study. Sec-
not easily identified, usually HAZID is not able to satisfy regulatory ond, system in scope of study is modelled into control structure
requirements if used alone. which captured the system as multiple sets of feedback control
loops. Third, the control actions in the control structure are then
Hazards and Operability (HAZOP) examined for unsafe control actions and safety constraints. Finally,
HAZOP is used to identify abnormalities in the working environ- reasons for unsafe control actions are identified via causal scenario
ment and discovery of the root causes. HAZOP start with defining to drive mitigations and design change recommendation to miti-
study boundaries of analysis for items of equipment or system. gate the hazards. STPA bear some similarity to HAZOP. Both tech-
Operation mode to be examined is identified. Remit of the poten- niques are based on system modelling and apply guidewords in
tial problem should be clear. Guidewords and system parameters performing analysis. However, STPA model is based on functional
are used for stage-by-stage study of process or operation design control diagram whereas HAZOP is based on physical diagram.
to identify deviation from intended design and explore all possibil- The nature of guidewords used in STPA is about lack of control
ities of deviation causes and consequences. Evaluation is then done and not focusing on deviation of physical parameters [30,31].
to decide where design change is required for identified hazard or
operability problem. HAZOP register in the form of table is built as Problem Statement, Research Gap and Novelty
outcome of the study. HAZOP study should be done only when full
design and detailed process description is frozen. Any design Traditional risk assessment methods have their histories rooted
changes triggered by HAZOP study findings shall be made under long way back and found a lot of successful application in conven-
strict management of change procedure [24,25]. tional energy such as oil and gas. While the traditional safety engi-
Example deviations in the Li-Ion battery storage system include neering risk assessment method are still applicable to new energy
uneducated third-party tempering cause reaction rate more than storage system, the fast pace of technological change is introducing
design envelop causing arc flash and explosion leading to burns unknown into systems and creates new paths to hazards and losses
or electrocution or hot surrounding and poor ventilation causes (e.g., software control). In addition, the lifecycle for component of
overheating of battery leading to fire explosion leading to death new energy is greatly reduced, innovation to the components has
or loss of property etc. The safeguards against the deviation are reduce to two or three years and does not warrant enough time
then evaluated and decide if they are adequate or further change for carefully running the systems testing and design to understand
or study is needed. Action required is recorded accordingly. HAZOP all potential hazards and risk. Application of new technologies in
register in the form of table is built as outcome of the study. This the way that energy storage system is managed also increase the
table is important for HAZOP because it summarize all the finding complexity especially when it needs to operate in both grids con-
in the HAZOP study process. Table 5 below summarize the partial nected mode and islanded mode. The complexity has made it dif-
HAZOP register for example quoted in this paper. It can be further ficult for system designer to consider all normal and abnormal
enhanced with column addition such as HAZOP sections, com- situation and design the safety into system effectively, stretching
ments, action allocation and status to form a complete HAZOP reg- the limit of traditional safety engineering risk assessment.
ister. Although HAZOP is advantages in analysing system design Traditional Safety Engineering Assessment methods such as
capability to meet safety standards, user specifications or systems Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), Event Tree Analysis (ETA), Failure Mode
weakness, particularly able to identify hard to quantity hazards Effect Analysis (FMEA), Hazard Identification (HAZID) and Hazard
such as those attributed to human performance and behaviours, and Operability (HAZOP) is component centric by nature and often
hard to detect, analyse, isolate, count and predict; HAZOP still describe risk as the effect of deviation in system parameters or sys-
has its own disadvantages. HAZOP is unable to assess hazards arise tem components not performing the intended function, which give
from interactions between different parts of process or system. In rise to uncertainties and need to be managed to avoid hazards and
addition, there is no risk ranking by default following HAZOP accident. Risk management in the context traditional safety engi-
methodology although the team may optionally build in prioritisa- neering often means ensure that sufficient measures are in place
tion capability. HAZOP is unable to assess the effectiveness of safe- to protect people, asset, and environment from the risk. Analytic
guards unless the HAZOP team opted to apply HAZOP together methods are often employed to find a balance between risk mitiga-
with other risk management method [26,27,28]. tion and cost. Traditional safety engineering assume that risk can
be predicted through historical data and system design analysis
Systemic risk assessment and quantifiable as likelihood of occurrences (probability) versus
consequences, which are the subject of mathematical probabilities
Systemic risk assessment technique is built based on System- expression in attempting to compare alternatives on numerical
Theoretic Accident Model and Process (STAMP). Safety is described basis. Technique such as Event Tree Analysis and Fault Tree Analy-
as emergent system properties attributed to design constraints on a sis are regularly adopted to break down the system, so that the sys-
system enforced by control actions. Losses arise from interactions tem components are quantifiable. This is followed by applying
flaws between organizational structures, engineering activities, mathematical function to calculate the total risk. Measures is then
social factors, operational goal, and physical components [8,29]. put in to reduce the risk to as low as reasonably practical or com-
These non-electrical and mechanical components causal factors is plete design change is required to remove hazards in the higher
identifiable by Systems Theoretic Accident Model and Process risk category [32].
(STAMP) model but sometimes missed by traditional safety engi- Although historically oil and gas energy sector rely heavily on
neering assessment techniques. STAMP model assumes accidents traditional safety engineering risk assessment methods that are
Boon Leong Choo and Yun Ii Go Renewable Energy Focus 42 (2022) 79–96

analytic in nature, there are few fundamental flaws in the underly- easily misjudged the information and resources available at hand
ing principle of traditional safety engineering risk assessment for the people at time of incident. The hindsight bias always trig-
methods in orchestrating the risk assessment especially energy gered to analyse what people have done wrong, but no people
systems are becoming more complex today in transition towards come to work with intend to do something wrong. There need to
different sources of renewable energy technology. First, traditional be a change in the way human roles is viewed in accident. Fifth,
safety engineering risk assessment methods assume that accident traditional safety engineering give rise to viewpoint that reliable
will not occur if reliability of system or component is ensured, software is equivalent to safe. This hold the challenge in today’s
i.e., Safety is an attribute that increase with increasing reliability complicated energy system where more automation via software
[33]. However, reliability is ability of system or component per- is involved and introduction of next generation technology such
form satisfactory against designated requirements over a period as Artificial intelligences that works to crunch the data for
whereas safety is the absences of event that resulted in unaccept- improvement in operation. Artificial intelligences enabled opera-
able loss. Safety and reliability are different properties which may tion software may be deployed to distributed microgrid with bat-
be supporting or conflicting. A system can be reliable yet unsafe tery storage system, the software may operate reliably and may
[34]. For example, a bus transporting passenger never put into ser- crunch the power demands data reliably for improvement in oper-
vices may be a system that is relatively safe, but it is not reliable ation pattern. However, if there is a flaw in the requirements of the
because it never performs the intended function. There will also software, this may lead to catastrophic result. For instance, switch-
be a scenario whereby a system needs to be retreated to fail-safe ing between islanded mode and grid connected mode of microgrid
state versus attempting to continue perform the system function with wrong software requirements may give rise to interruption in
at the risk of accident. Secondly, the accident model in traditional services and put additional strain to charge discharge cycle of the
safety engineering risk assessment assuming accidents are caused batteries, therefore shorten the lifespan of the battery cell, but this
by chains of events and the risk is assessable by looking at event may be missed out in traditional safety engineering risk assess-
chains that lead to loss. The fundamental in such model is that ment methods [8].
events will create a condition that led to new events that create In this project, traditional Safety Engineering risk assessment
new conditions and so on, that together they formed dominos method such Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), Event Tree Analysis (ETA),
effect that led to catastrophic loss. However, event is an occurrence Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA), Hazard Identification
in limited time, but conditions is persisting until event occurs that (HAZID), Hazard and Operability (HAZOP), and new risk assess-
resulted in a new condition. Taking the example of explosion acci- ment method such as Causal Analysis based on System Theory
dent in Li-Ion Battery Storage System, flammable gas vapour (CAST) and System-Theoretic-Process-Analysis (STPA) are
released from Li-Ion battery system and air may be conditions that reviewed as individual technique serving different stages and pur-
is existed for a period because a new event, i.e., spark that has cre- pose in safety and risk assessment. Although some of the tradi-
ated the ignition source and lead to explosion. Explosion then cre- tional safety engineering are applied together, often they are
ated new conditions which is uncontrolled energy being released described and executed in the envelop of own remit. The novelty
to surrounding. The causal relationship between the event chain of this project is to improve the safety and risk assessment meth-
models is limited to be direct, linear, and subjected to bias in ods for large scale energy storage and utilities by combining theory
selecting the root cause event. The same event may result in differ- and techniques underlying risk assessment methods and describ-
ent types of links accordingly to mental representation of analyst ing the new ‘‘holistic safety and risk assessment (STPA-H)” method
towards the event. For example, the source of spark in the Li Ion which combined the strength and addressed weaknesses in respec-
battery is very subjected to analyst consideration and perspective. tive methods.
It can be due to carbonisation of PCB board in thermal runaway cell
and continuous voltage from adjacent cell triggered the spark as
explained in FMEA section of this paper, or it can be due to external
source such as electrostatic charges when technician or operator Methodology
did not follow the proper guidelines in operating, inspecting, or
servicing the system. The reality is it is hard for analyst to accus- With the challenges and weaknesses of purist traditional safety
tom for all possible sources by focusing on system factors only, engineering risk assessment technique and systemic risk assess-
too often non-technical aspects are ignored in analysis. Thirdly, ment technique highlighted in the introduction section, it is immi-
traditional safety engineering risk assessment methods assumed nent to explore a new risk assessment technique for energy storage
that initiating events in the chain are mutually exclusive in for large scale and utility in future energy system. (e.g., grid con-
attempt to perform probabilistic risk assessment towards it, while nected Solar PV system with battery storage). Research on energy
too often the initiating events may be not as exclusive. In the storage sizing had taken safety requirement into consideration
example of Li-Ion battery storage system, thermal runaway of bat- [35,36]. However, systematic risk assessment schemes had not
tery cells and failure of battery thermal management system to been extensity studied and proposed. This paper proposes STPA –
response due to no power supplied to sensor viewed as two initi- H (Systems Theoretic Process Analysis - Hybrid) technique which
ating events, however there is possibility that both may be attrib- is an improved risk assessment technique that adopts and incorpo-
uted to unexpected mechanical impact battery module causing rates fundamental principle of traditional safety engineering ana-
mechanical deformation of battery cell that result to thermal run- lytic and probabilistic risk assessment techniques into systemic
away and damaged sensor. Probabilistic risk assessment also often risk assessment. STPA-H is not a purist adaptation of systemic
omits design errors and often come into calculation indirectly based risk assessment despite the name of this technique but
through the probabilistic calculation of failure event [34]. In this aimed to combine the strength and addressed the weaknesses in
example, the battery module design and temperature sensors analytic and systemic risk assessment techniques. Figure 4 illus-
placement may need improvement. Fourth, traditional safety engi- trates the risk assessment workflow with STPA-H technique. There
neering risk assessment method are subjected to hindsight bias. are 14 steps in this technique in total. The workflow is branched
Often people tend to oversimplify the causality when start from midway into two routes depending on nature of system interac-
outcome and work out the cause backwards and overestimate tions with hazards. The findings are then combined at the end.
the likelihood of outcome since we already knew it, this effect is Improvement made to the risk assessment workflow are high-
especially prominent in event chain model. In addition, it is very lighted in blue.
Boon Leong Choo and Yun Ii Go Renewable Energy Focus 42 (2022) 79–96

Define System Boundary

Define system hazardous properes and parameters

Define system level unacceptable loss

Idenfy System Hazards

Evaluate default
system reliability
Is system hazards aributed
to controllable factors?

Yes No

Scenario based and probabilisc based Create hierarchy control structure

analysis oazard

Evaluate component vulnerability to hazard Idenfy system level safety requirements

scenario and component importance index and constraints to prevent hazard from
Idenfy targeted hardening measure
Idenfy unsafe control acons
Perform Cost Analysis

Strategy cost effecve and No

necessary in addressing the


Propose hardening migaon measures

Apply migaon measures and design improvement change


Improvement to technique
Adaptaon of exisng technique

Figure 4. Workflow for ‘‘STPA-H (Systems Theoretic Process Analysis-Hybrid)” technique.

The first improvement made in STPA-H technique is ‘‘the hazard is conducted. Controllable interaction factors are hazards
branching”, that is the classification of the system interactions event can be prevented by implementing control actions/mecha-
with environment and hazards to controllable and uncontrollable nism whereas uncontrollable factors are not. Second improvement
interactions factor. Controllable interaction factors will be evalu- made is the application of linear failure model to evaluate cumula-
ated in similar manner as STPA technique, but for uncontrollable tive system fragility of the system and derive the default system
interaction factors the analytic and probabilistic based analysis of reliability. Finally, the concept of life cycle cost analysis is per-
Boon Leong Choo and Yun Ii Go Renewable Energy Focus 42 (2022) 79–96

formed for cost effectiveness evaluation on the ‘‘targeted harden- Table 1

ing mitigation measures” to decide whether measures need Inherent hazard properties of PV systems with Li-Ion battery storage

applied. The outcome is then combined with the finding from con- Inherent hazard Causal factor
trollable interaction factors study route to get the overall finding properties parameter
on hazards and mitigation measures. Grid fault current Ground fault, short circuit of component
Voltage fault Inverter fault
Fire Hazard Electrical, thermal, mechanical abuse, protection
STPA – H methodology explanation: Safety analysis of grid connected circuitry design or internal cell fault
PV energy system with battery storage Arc Flash in Li-ion Accidental contact, underrated equipment for
available short circuit current or deterioration in
insulated surfaces and equipment
Foundational information Combustion from Increase of cell internal temperature, increase of
Similar with all risk assessment techniques, ‘‘Systems Theoretic vented gas in Li-ion cell internal pressure, venting of Cell, Ignition of
Process Analysis - Hybrid (STPA-H)” starts with identification of vented gases, Ejection of cell content
system boundaries for study to provide focus to risk assessment Toxic gas emission in Release of ethyl methyl carbonate, diethyl
Li-ion carbonate, ethylene carbonate, benzene, toluene,
and analyse system’s interaction with its environment. The bound-
styrene, biphenyl, acrolein, carbon monoxide,
aries of risk assessment are illustrated in Figure 5. carbonyl sulphide and hydrogen fluoride
This is followed with analysis of the inherent hazard properties
of the system. Inherent hazard is associated within the system
boundaries as a whole and its component designated to perform Table 2
the intended function. The inherent hazardous properties parame- Grid connected PV-system with Li-Ion battery storage system unacceptable loss
ters of PV system with Li-Ion battery storage are illustrated in
L-1 Fire/ Explosion/ Poisoning/ Electrical– Loss of life
Table 1 Inherent hazard properties of PV systems with Li-Ion bat- L-2 Fire/ Explosion/ Poisoning – Loss of asset
tery storage Table 1 below. L-3 Loss of operator performance
For practicality reason, system unacceptable loss was identified L-4 Loss of producer revenue
for grid connected PV system with Li-Ion battery storage to per-
form the function of supplying energy to the grid and storing the
excess generation capacity in battery storage. Establishing system Analyse Controllable Interactions
level unacceptable loss is crucial in establish system level safety Similar with STPA assessment approach, analysis for control-
hazard. System unacceptable loss are illustrated in Table 2 below. lable interactions and start with setting up of hierarchy control
structures. Hierarchical control structures help visualize the entire
socio-technical system and understand safety constraints to avoid
Improvement 1: Classification of system hazards into controllable and
unsafe states. The connections in the control structures represent
uncontrollable category
information transmission and interaction of functional component.
The inherent hazardous properties of system are analysed by
The control structure [8] shows how constraints and command are
considering system’s interaction with its environment to derive
communicated from top-down and feedback channels and illus-
the list of system level safety hazards and classified into ‘‘Control-
trated in Figure 6 for grid connected PV system with battery stor-
lable interaction category” and ‘‘Non controllable interaction cate-
age in study
gory”. Table 3 illustrated the classification of system hazards
Complete study of the whole system is required for all control-
associated with the grid connected PV system with Li-Ion battery
lable interaction factors, however for the purpose of this paper,
storage. Analysis branched out to two routes from this step. For
analysis of a representative loop as illustrated by Figure 6 is suffi-
controllable interaction factors, the analysis follows the STPA
cient to demonstrate the application of the methods. Hierarchy
routes for risk assessment [30] and mitigation measures identifica-
control structures consists of multiple control loops. The key goal
tion. However, for uncontrollable interaction factors, analytic cen-
is to go through the control loops in a systematic manner for the
tric probability-based analysis route is applied to analyse the
whole control hierarchy structure and identify the safety control
hazard scenario.

Figure 5. Safety risk assessment system boundaries for grid connected PV system with battery storage

Boon Leong Choo and Yun Ii Go Renewable Energy Focus 42 (2022) 79–96

Table 3
System hazards associated with PV system with Li-Ion battery storage.

Existing requirements in STPA analysis Improvement Proposed

Hazard System level safety hazard System Inherent hazardous Controllable interaction factor Non-Controllable
unacceptable properties interaction factor
H1 Thermal runaway or fire hazards developing L1, L2, L3, L4 Fire Hazard, Grid fault operational, management, Flood, earthquake,
condition current, Voltage, organizational, social and design blizzard, intrusion
H2 Build-up of combustible vented gas between L1, L2, L3, L4 Combustion from vented error
lower and higher ignition limit gas, Fire Hazard
H3 Human exposure to toxic vented gases L2, L3, L4 Toxic gas emission
H4 Human exposure to lethal voltage potential L1, L3 Grid fault current, voltage
H5 Human exposure to arc-flash / explosion L1, L2, L3, L4 Arc-Flash, Grid Fault
Current, Voltage, Fire

Figure 6. Control structure [8] for grid connected PV system with Li-Ion Battery Storage.

trol required for safety is not provided, b) Unsafe control action

provided, c) Safe control action provided too early or too late and
d) Safe control action required stopped too soon or applied too
long. Causal scenario is then determined for each of the unsafe con-
trol actions and listed. Understanding of all unsafe control actions
and causal scenario is vital to ensure a good analysis. Combination
of these will cause the system to develop into hazardous state. This
step is crucial to understand what could go wrong in the system of
study. Mitigation measures to unsafe control actions is then
applied to design improvement. Each of the known Potential Cau-
sal scenarios can be ‘‘inverted” to produce a list of design
Figure 7. Photovoltaic string line model.

Validation: Analyse Uncontrollable Interactions

actions to enforce safe constraint. Unsafe system control actions Fundamental principles from analytics-based risk assessment
are then derived by analysing ways the control actions violated. are adopted in analysis of uncontrollable interactions. This is
There are 4 ways of control actions violation [34] including a) Con- where STPA-H technique fundamentally differs from existing pur-
Boon Leong Choo and Yun Ii Go Renewable Energy Focus 42 (2022) 79–96

ist systemic risk based STPA assessment in including component Scenario based and probabilistic based analysis of hazard. Hazards
centric view and apply analytic and probabilistic based underlying from uncontrollable interactions (e.g., flash flood) is to be calcu-
principles. lated from probabilistic analysis where Monte Carlo simulation is
applied to simulate future flash flood occurrence and derive the
Improvement 2: Evaluate default system reliability. Component- probability density functions [39]. The annual probability of sys-
based analytic view is foundation for analysis of uncontrollable tem failure due to uncontrollable interaction, Pf is given by:
interaction factors. Grid connected PV-Energy system with battery Z 1
storage for instance, is viewed as relying on components in the Pf ¼ F R ðv Þf v ðv Þdv ð5Þ
generation, energy storage, and transmission to deliver electricity
locally or to the grid. Therefore, the risk analysis of system requires Whereby FR(V) is the cumulative system fragility derived from
consideration of the interaction among its components by applying Equation (4) and fv(V) is the probability density function of the
linear failure model in analysis to find out cumulative system fra- Hazards from uncontrollable interactions (e.g., flash flood) from
gility for quantification of default probability of system damage Monte Carlo simulation. Historical records are used as based line
and default system reliability. for fit for purpose Monte Carlo simulation.
Failure of the system is defined as inability of PV strings to deli-
ver power from solar energy or inability of battery string in storing Evaluate component importance index and identify targeted harden-
and providing power. In the language of reliability, it is inability for ing measures. Risk achievement worth (RAW) is being applied to
the system component to perform its intended function. The linear evaluate the relative importance of component or subassemblies
failure model is adaptation of failure model by Taras et. al [37]. A whose reliability needs to be improved to reduce the risk of whole
string is defined as switchable section with isolator/ connector at system and this is crucial for identifying targeted hardening miti-
its end. Consider Photovoltaic string line model shown in Figure 7. gation measures. RAW is a measure of worthiness of component,
In this model, the PV string consist of 3 PV Cell, in a module there I in achieving overall system reliability [40,41] The equation of
are multiple strings. The failure of PV cell i+1, will resulted the fail- RAW is given as:
ure of adjacent cells (i and i-1).
½1  Rs ðQ i  1Þ
Probability of failure for PV string is defined as PI1 RAW ðiÞ ¼ ð6Þ
½1  Rs 
Probability of failure of PV cell ði þ 1Þ is defined as P ðF i Þ ¼ Pi
Probability of failure of PV Cell ði  1; iÞ conditioned on the fail- For I = 1,2,3,. . .,n
ure of PV Cell ði þ 1Þ is defined by P ðF i1 jF iþ1 Þ ¼ PðF i jF iþ1 Þ ¼ Pa Where Rs is the default system reliability and Rs(Q-1) is the sys-
Probability of failure of the PV string is therefore: tem reliability when component i has failed.
The equation of Rs is given as
PI1 ¼ PðF i Þ  P½ðF i1 UF i ÞjF iþ1  ð1Þ
Probability of failure of the whole PV module due to failure of Rs ¼ 100  ðPf  100Þ ð7Þ
all the PV strings is therefore
Where Pf is the annual probability of system failure due to
Pm ¼ PI1  PI2  PI3 ¼ ðPðF i Þ  P½F i1 UF i jF iþ1 Þn ð2Þ
uncontrollable interaction derived from Equation (5). The equation
Where by n = number of strings in the PV module of Rs (Qi-1) is given as
Similar iterations of probability calculation can be applied to
battery strings, subsystem, and whole system to obtain cumulative Rs ðQ i  1Þ ¼ 100  ðPs  100Þ ð8Þ
system fragility FR(V) based on number of subassemblies/compo-
nents of the PV system, the equation is given as Where Ps is the probability of failure of the subassemblies
n derived from Equation (3)
Ps ¼ Pm1  Pm2  Pm3 ¼ ðPðF m1 Þ  P½F m1 UF m2 jF m3 Þ ð3Þ
Application of additional targeted hardening mitigation mea-
whereby PS = probability of failure of the subassemblies sures from the hazard is evaluated and based on the RAW, several
n = number of modules in subassemblies strategies for hardening mitigation measures can be applied, such
as a) Hardening all system component/subassemblies with RAW >
F R ðV Þ ¼ Ps1  Ps2  P s3 ¼ ðPðF s1 Þ  P½F s1 UF s2 jF s3 Þn ð4Þ
2.5, b) Hardening the PV system and c) Hardening the sub system
whereby FR(V) = cumulative system fragility = default probabil- of the PV. This paper is adopting strategies 1 in analysis whereby
ity of failure of the system targeted hardening mitigation measures is to be applied if RAW >
n = number of subassemblies in PV system 2.5.
Standard numbers of subassemblies by PV system power rating
proposed by Ahadi et. al [38] is taken as baseline for cumulative Improvement 3: Applying Lifecycle cost analysis. Life cycle cost (LCC)
system fragility calculation by applying Equation (4) in this paper analysis is applied to evaluate cost effectiveness of implementing
and illustrated in Table 4. targeted hardening measures [40,41]. Standard assumption such

Table 4
Number of subassemblies in PV system by power rating [38]

Number of subassemblies
Power (KW) 100 500 1500 2500
Photovoltaic modules 437 2166 6517 10868
Inverter 1 5 14 24
Isolator/ AC switches 1 1 1 1
Isolator/ DC switches 3 15 42 72
PV Fuses (AC Circuit breaker) 1 5 14 24
Battery Unit Fuses (Differential Circuit breaker) 1 1 1 1
Battery Pack/ Battery system 16 76 224 372

Boon Leong Choo and Yun Ii Go Renewable Energy Focus 42 (2022) 79–96

Table 5
(a) & (b) Causes and mitigation measures for Fire hazards risk assessment of grid connected PV system with Li-Ion Battery Storage

Fire Hazard Risk Assessment for gridconnected PV system with Li-Ion Battery Storage Photovoltaic Short Circuit - electrical arcing
Module Insulation failure
Overheating - defective junction box
Defective sensor
Inverter Faulty inverter
Inverter ventilation failed
Exposure to surrounding heat exceeding design
PV Fuses Fuse with high rating current than specification
Battery Storage unexpected Immersion
Mechanical Shock
Excessive Vibration
Fire Exposure
Cycle without Thermal Control
Thermal Shock
Humidity Exposure
Short Circuit
High voltage exposure
Separator malfunction
Cell Puncture
Cell Crush
insulation failure
Cell balancing circuit fault
Voltage sensing circuit fault
Conductive fluid reaction
Conductive solid reaction
Battery management system failure
Cell temperature sensor fault
State of charge algorithm fault
Contactor control fault
Signal communication fault
Fuse fault
External heat source exceeded design tolerance
Active heating exceeding design tolerance
Conduction exceeding design tolerance
Inductive heating exceeding design tolerance
Ventilation failure
Causes Mitigation measures
Short Circuit - electrical arcing Install arc detection system, insulation and gap between parallel circuit, Install Residual Current Detector (RCD) on Positive
and Negative Array Wiring and Connect to Alarm
Insulation failure ensure adequate insulation between electricity-conducting components and module’s frame, use supplier that comply to
IEC 61215 standard
Overheating - defective junction box Install junction box accordingly to specification, use junction box with proper rating for cooling, volume, IP ratings.
Defective sensor sensor fault detection system
Faulty inverter Install Residual Current Detector (RCD) on +ve and -ve wire array and connect to Inverter Emergency Stop
Inverter ventilation failed Install Cooling system monitoring system
Exposure to surrounding heat exceeding install proper ventilation system, properly sized housing and distance between component and wirings
design tolerance
Fuse with high rating current than Reduce the Size of the Ground Fault Fuse, ensure Fuses use are rated accordingly to specification
unexpected Immersion IP68 rated Battery Cell insulation
Mechanical Shock install battery protection housing,
Excessive Vibration install battery protection housing, vibration damper
Fire Exposure adequate distance between adjacent cell, Flame retardant ABS insulation materials covering cell block, protection housing,
encapsulate battery PCB with temperature resistance silicone
Cycle without Thermal Control Fault detection algorithm in BMS
Thermal Shock install battery protection housing, adequate distance between adjacent cell, insulation materials, protection housing, Heat
sink enclosure
Humidity Exposure IP68 rated Battery Cell insulation
Short Circuit insulation materials, protection housing, adequate distance between adjacent cell, separators, operator intervention,
battery management system
High voltage exposure Voltage sensing circuit, voltage sensing fault detection algorithm
Separator malfunction install battery protection housing
Cell Puncture install battery protection housing, impact insulation materials, adequate distance between adjacent cell
Cell Crush install battery protection housing, impact insulation materials, adequate distance between adjacent cell
insulation failure Periodic maintenance and inspection
Cell balancing circuit fault Cell Balancing fault detection algorithm, BMS fault algorithm
Voltage sensing circuit fault voltage sensing fault detection algorithm
Conductive fluid reaction Protection housing, insulation materials, ventilation
Conductive solid reaction Protection housing, insulation materials, ventilation
Battery management system failure BMS fault detection system and algorithm

(continued on next page)

Boon Leong Choo and Yun Ii Go Renewable Energy Focus 42 (2022) 79–96

Table 5 (continued)

Causes Mitigation measures
Cell temperature sensor fault sensor fault detection system
State of charge algorithm fault Periodic validation of SOC algorithm, Alarm if SoC below recommended value
Contactor control fault Contactor control algorithm check
Signal communication fault BMS fault detection system, EMS fault detection
Fuse fault Current sensing algorithm and measurement, period maintenance, fault detection system
External heat source exceeded design Follow manufacturer a guideline on location and storage recommendation
Active heating exceeding design Cooling and ventilation system, designed immersion cooling, Heat sink enclosure
Conduction exceeding design tolerance Cooling and ventilation system, designed immersion cooling, Heat sink enclosure
Inductive heating exceeding design Cooling and ventilation system, designed immersion cooling, Heat sink enclosure
Ventilation failure Ventilation monitoring system

Table 6 Results and discussion

Probability of failure for PV System Component [42]

System Component Probability of failure

This result is summarised from focus assessment on fire hazards
(10^-6 Failures yr-1) in the grid connected PV systems with battery storage. The results
are used for comparison of STPA-H advantages with traditional
Photovoltaic modules 0.015
Inverter 40 safety engineering risk assessment technique and STPA.
Isolator/ AC switches 0.034
Isolator/ DC switches 0.2
PV Fuses (AC Circuit breaker) 5.7 Results for controllable interactions
Battery Unit Fuses (Differential Circuit breaker) 5.7
Battery Pack/ Battery system 13 In analysis of controllable interaction, assessment is performed
similarly to STPA technique. The hierarchy control structure is con-
structed for components interaction within system boundaries as
shown in Figure 6, unsafe control actions for representative control
as cost of electricity per unit, maintenance cost, cost for materials/- loops within the hierarchy control structure is study for unsafe
component and energy demand remaining constant applied. The control actions. Causal scenario for the unsafe control action is
life cycle cost (LCC) is given as then identified and mitigation measures is proposed. The causes
and mitigation measures identified are summarized in Table 5.
LCC ¼ C Mi þ C m þ C r þ C R þ C c ð9Þ
Where Results for uncontrollable interactions
CMi = cost of implementing targeted hardening measures
CM = cost of maintenance for lifespan of PV system In analysis of uncontrollable interaction, the calculation starts
Cr = repair cost to PV system arises from hazards by uncontrol- with referencing probability of failure for each component of grid
lable interaction factor connected PV system with battery storage from Nemes et. al [42]
CR = lost of revenue resulted from hazards by uncontrollable and listed in Table 6. By referring to the number of subassemblies
interaction factor in Table 4 by Ahadi et. al [38] with probability of component fail-
Cc = Cost of economic loss due to interruption of power supply ure in Table 6 and apply Equation (4), the probabilities of failure
to community nearby for subassemblies, cumulative system fragility and default relia-
Take CMi = 0 if there is no component or subassemblies with bility of PV system are calculated and summarized in Table 7
RAW > 2.5. for different PV system power rating. Probability of failure
LCC calculation is valuable for economic justification where excluded repair rate and linear model calculation is then applied
the value of Cr and CM is variable depending on whether CMi is to the system.
included in calculation. The intend of LCC calculation is to find The uncontrollable interaction being studied in this paper are
out the cost of maintenance and repair with or without targeted flash flood in Marang, Terengganu. Historical records of flash flood
hardening measures and compare with cost of implementing tar- in Marang are being studied to fine tune for closer to reality Monte
geted hardening measures to decide cost effectiveness of the Carlo simulation. Based on the history from 2017 to 2020 gathered
strategy. from news articles, it was observed that flash flood only happens in
the month of January, November and December due to monsoon
rainy season. The information is used to fine tune Monte Carlo sim-
Application: Mitigation measures and design improvement change ulations. The Monte Carlo simulations are presented in Table 8 and
The targeted hardening mitigation measures from the uncon- Probability density function derived from the simulation are pre-
trollable interaction analysis are compared and combined with sented in Table 9.
the mitigation measures from controllable interaction analysis. It Annual probability of failure of PV system and reliability of sys-
is normal to find overlaps in the mitigation measures proposed. tem due to flood in Marang is then calculated and listed in Table 10
The value in doing both route of analysis is to realize the mitigation by applying Equation (5) to cumulative system fragility from
measures that are not discoverable by analysis of unsafe control Table 7 and probability density function from Table 9.
actions. Effectively addressing the potential gap from STPA purist The value for Rs is calculated using Equation (7) whereas the
view of systemic based risk assessment. value of Rs (Qi-1) is calculated using Equation (8). RAW for PV sys-
Boon Leong Choo and Yun Ii Go Renewable Energy Focus 42 (2022) 79–96

Table 7
Probabilities of failure per year for subassemblies and system for different PV system power rating

Power (KW) 100 200 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

Photovoltaic modules 0.000006555 0.00001311 0.00003249 0.000065265 0.000097755 0.00013053 0.00016302
Inverter 0.00004 0.00008 0.0002 0.00036 0.00056 0.00076 0.00096
Isolator/AC switches 0.000000102 0.000000204 0.00000051 0.000000918 0.000001428 0.000001938 0.000002448
Isolator/DC switches 0.0000006 0.0000012 0.000003 0.0000054 0.0000084 0.0000114 0.0000144
PV Fuses (AC Circuit breaker) 0.0000057 0.0000114 0.0000285 0.0000513 0.0000798 0.0001083 0.0001368
Battery Unit Fuses (Differential Circuit breaker) 0.0000057 0.0000057 0.0000057 0.0000057 0.0000057 0.0000057 0.0000057
Battery Pack/ Battery system 0.000208 0.00039 0.000988 0.00195 0.002912 0.003874 0.004836
Probability of failure for PV system 0.000266657 0.000501614 0.0012582 0.002438583 0.003665083 0.004891868 0.006118368
(cumulative system fragility)
Default reliability of PV system 99.9733343 99.9498386 99.87418 99.7561417 99.6334917 99.5108132 99.3881632

Table 8
Monte Carlo Simulation of Flash flood in Marang, Terengganu with probability by months.

Probability of flood based on Monte Carlo Simulation

Year Jan Feb Mar April May Jun July August Sept Oct Nov Dec
2021 0.583525 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.026306 0.23283
2022 0.099732 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.441037 0.794127
2023 0.017177 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.677568 0.260257
2024 0.135958 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.277992 0.605452
2025 0.103878 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.20644 0.732218
2026 0.898982 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.272246 0.168522
2027 0.313283 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.12272 0.542493
2028 0.310851 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.827649 0.695768
2029 0.147876 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.723196 0.156475
2030 0.867037 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.913633 0.194789
2031 0.873713 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.841132 0.060855

Table 9
Probability density function of flash flood in Marang, Terengganu.

Probability Density Function calculation of flood in Marang

Year Mean for Nov, Dec, Jan Standard Deviation for Nov, Dec, Jan Value for evaluation Probability density function
2021 0.280887162 0.281700544 0.5 1.046518275
2022 0.444965437 0.347214139 0.5 1.134637712
2023 0.318334019 0.334003806 0.5 1.030195528
2024 0.339800645 0.240772624 0.5 1.327921386
2025 0.347512253 0.337088512 0.5 1.068390398
2026 0.44658322 0.395206276 0.5 1.000274586
2027 0.326165326 0.21018276 0.5 1.348269023
2028 0.611422655 0.268525145 0.5 1.363129691
2029 0.342515726 0.329707173 0.5 1.079542776
2030 0.658486578 0.402248933 0.5 0.917710887
2031 0.591899843 0.460187058 0.5 0.849798034

Table 10
Annual probability of Failure of PV system due to flood in Marang.

Cumulative System Fragility 0.000266657 0.000501614 0.0012582 0.002438583 0.003665083 0.004891868 0.006118368
Year Power (KW) 100 200 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
2021 0.849798034 1.60043E-05 3.0106E-05 7.5515E-05 0.000146 0.00022 0.000294
2022 0.917710887 2.11134E-05 3.9717E-05 9.9622E-05 0.000193 0.00029 0.000387
2023 1.000274586 8.10018E-06 1.5237E-05 3.822E-05 7.41E-05 0.000111 0.000149 0.00042
2024 1.030195528 4.51953E-06 8.5018E-06 2.1325E-05 4.13E-05 6.21E-05 8.29E-05 0.00052
2025 1.046518275 6.16745E-06 1.1602E-05 2.9101E-05 5.64E-05 8.48E-05 0.000113 0.00019
2026 1.068390398 3.19383E-06 6.008E-06 1.507E-05 2.92E-05 4.39E-05 5.86E-05 0.00011
2027 1.079542776 1.62648E-05 3.0596E-05 7.6744E-05 0.000149 0.000224 0.000298 0.00015
2028 1.134637712 6.34607E-05 0.00011938 0.00029943 0.00058 0.000872 0.001164 8.4E-05
2029 1.327921386 7.26029E-06 1.3657E-05 3.4257E-05 6.64E-05 9.98E-05 0.000133 0.00045
2030 1.348269023 5.37223E-06 1.0106E-05 2.5348E-05 4.91E-05 7.38E-05 9.86E-05 0.0016
2031 1.363129691 8.5E-05
Annual Probability of Failure 0.000151457 0.00028491 0.00071464 0.001385 0.002082 0.002778 0.00362
of PV system due to flood
Reliability of system in flood Rs 99.98485434 99.9715092 99.9285364 99.86149 99.79183 99.72215 99.6381

Boon Leong Choo and Yun Ii Go
Table 11
RAW calculation for PV system subassemblies with different power rating.

Power (KW) 100 200 500

PoF Rs(Q-1) Rs RAW PoF Rs(Q-1) Rs RAW PoF Rs(Q-1) Rs RAW
subassemblies subassemblies subassemblies
Photovoltaic modules 0.000006555 99.9993445 99.98485434 1.000146388 0.00001311 99.998689 99.97150918 1.000274623 0.00003249 99.996751 99.9285364 1.00068953
Inverter 0.00004 99.996 99.98485434 1.0001126 0.00008 99.992 99.97150918 1.000207038 0.0002 99.98 99.9285364 1.00052021
Isolator/ AC switches 0.000000102 99.9999898 99.98485434 1.000152907 0.000000204 99.9999796 99.97150918 1.000287663 0.00000051 99.999949 99.9285364 1.00072186
Isolator/ DC switches 0.0000006 99.99994 99.98485434 1.000152404 0.0000012 99.99988 99.97150918 1.000286656 0.000003 99.9997 99.9285364 1.00071934
PV Fuses (AC Circuit breaker) 0.0000057 99.99943 99.98485434 1.000147251 0.0000114 99.99886 99.97150918 1.00027635 0.0000285 99.99715 99.9285364 1.00069357
Battery Unit Fuses(Differential 0.0000057 99.99943 99.98485434 1.000147251 0.0000057 99.99943 99.97150918 1.00028211 0.0000057 99.99943 99.9285364 1.00071661
Circuit breaker)
Battery Pack/ Battery system 0.000208 99.9792 99.98485434 0.999942877 0.00039 99.961 99.97150918 0.999893816 0.000988 99.9012 99.9285364 0.99972368

Power (KW) 1000 1500 2000

PoF Rs(Q-1) Rs RAW PoF Rs(Q-1) Rs RAW PoF Rs(Q-1) Rs RAW
subassemblies subassemblies subassemblies
Photovoltaic modules 0.000065265 99.9934735 99.86149265 1.001335008 0.000097755 99.9902245 99.79182954 1.002008212 0.00013053 99.986947 99.72215025 1.002682243

Inverter 0.00036 99.964 99.86149265 1.001036878 0.00056 99.944 99.79182954 1.001540314 0.00076 99.924 99.72215025 1.002044625
Isolator/ AC switches 0.000000918 99.9999082 99.86149265 1.001400096 0.000001428 99.9998572 99.79182954 1.002105717 0.000001938 99.9998062 99.72215025 1.002812499
Isolator/ DC switches 0.0000054 99.99946 99.86149265 1.001395562 0.0000084 99.99916 99.79182954 1.00209866 0.0000114 99.99886 99.72215025 1.002802915
PV Fuses (AC Circuit 0.0000513 99.99487 99.86149265 1.001349133 0.0000798 99.99202 99.79182954 1.002026387 0.0001083 99.98917 99.72215025 1.00270476
Battery Unit Fuses 0.0000057 99.99943 99.86149265 1.001395259 0.0000057 99.99943 99.79182954 1.002101393 0.0000057 99.99943 99.72215025 1.002808688
(Differential Circuit
Battery Pack/ Battery system 0.00195 99.805 99.86149265 0.999428568 0.002912 99.7088 99.79182954 0.999159551 0.003874 99.6126 99.72215025 0.998890317
Power (KW) 2500
PoF subassemblies Rs(Q-1) Rs RAW
Photovoltaic modules 0.00016302 99.9837 99.63815 1.003503
Inverter 0.00096 99.904 99.63815 1.002695
Isolator/ AC switches 0.000002448 99.99976 99.63815 1.003666
Isolator/ DC switches 0.0000144 99.99856 99.63815 1.003654

Renewable Energy Focus 42 (2022) 79–96

PV Fuses (AC Circuit breaker) 0.0001368 99.98632 99.63815 1.00353
Battery Unit Fuses(Differential Circuit breaker) 0.0000057 99.99943 99.63815 1.003663
Battery Pack/ Battery system 0.004836 99.5164 99.63815 0.998766
Boon Leong Choo and Yun Ii Go Renewable Energy Focus 42 (2022) 79–96

Table 12
Comparison of risk assessment methodology on fire hazard cause identification.

Causes Successful Identification with Risk Assessment

Fire Hazard Risk Photovoltaic Module Short Circuit - electrical arcing Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Assessment for Insulation failure Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
gridconnected Overheating - defective junction box Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PV system with Defective sensor Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Li-Ion Battery Inverter Faulty inverter Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Storage Inverter ventilation failed Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Exposure to surrounding heat exceeding design tolerance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PV Fuses Fuse with high rating current than specification Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Battery Storage Immersion Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mechanical Shock Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Excessive Vibration Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Fire Exposure Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cycle without Thermal Control Yes Yes Yes
Thermal Shock Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Humidity Exposure Yes Yes Yes Yes
Short Circuit Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
High voltage exposure Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Separator malfunction Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cell Puncture Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cell Crush Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Insulation failure Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cell balancing circuit fault Yes Yes Yes Yes
Voltage sensing circuit fault Yes Yes Yes Yes
Conductive fluid reaction Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Conductive solid reaction Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Battery management system failure Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cell temperature sensor fault Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
State of charge algorithm fault Yes Yes
Contactor control fault Yes Yes Yes
Signal communication fault Yes Yes
Fuse fault Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
External heat source exceeded design tolerance Yes Yes Yes Yes
Active heating exceeding design tolerance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Conduction exceeding design tolerance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inductive heating exceeding design tolerance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ventilation failure Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

*YES – Root cause assessed/detected with methodology.

tem subassemblies is then calculated by applying Equation (6) and ferent in their objectives, however the underlying principle are
listed in Table 11. the same and comparable. All techniques need boundaries defini-
From the calculation, it is observed that there is no subassembly tion to limit scope of study, hazards identification [43] to provide
with RAW greater than 2.5 hence no targeted hardening preventive focus of study, a structured approach to build relationship between
measures is required for mitigating hazards due to with flood in hazards and causes, systematic evaluation workflow and deliver
Marang. Mitigation measures identified in controllable interaction measures to address hazards. The consideration parameters in tra-
analysis is sufficient to reduce the risk to as low as reasonably ditional engineering, STPA and STPA-H risk assessment techniques
practicable. In other words, it is expected that safe control actions are summarized in Table 13 and shows that STPA-H use all learn-
such as shutting down the system is sufficient to mitigate fire haz- ings from existing techniques in risk assessment.
ards due to short circuit caused by flood or humidity.
Limitation with traditional safety engineering assessment
Comparing risk assessment
Traditional safety engineering assessment assume that safety
Comparison is performed on the outcome of STPA-H with tradi- increase with increasing reliability. Although ability of system or
tional safety engineering assessment (FTA, ETA, FMEA, HAZID, component to perform against designated function provide some
HAZOP) and systemic risk assessment (STPA) with focus on fire indication that the system is working as intended and increasing
hazard indicated. The result is summarized in Table 12 and indi- the reliability of safety function can make the system safer, but it
cated that adaptation of underlying principle in both analytic view is not necessary guarantee that accident will not occur. For exam-
and systemic view in STPA-H risk assessment is the most compre- ple, consider arc fault in solar PV system. Inverter with built-in arc
hensive in coverage. detection identify a DC arc fault using the noise on cable produced
The strength of STPA-H in comprehensive coverage shows that by arc and isolate the inverter upon detection. The arc detection
the most suitable framework in performing safety and risk assess- may reliably extinguish series arc but will not be able to isolate
ment for future energy system with storage requires consideration parallel arc or ground fault arc. Similarly, rapid shutdown devices
of both systemic and component centric analytic view. STPA-H in solar system are installed and may perform reliably to isolate
consideration parameter and workflow proved to be the systematic the DC circuit when DC arc fault is detected, however they are
way in gathering insight from both perspective in hazards manage- unable to isolate faults that occur on many connections in the solar
ment. Although the techniques compared are fundamentally dif- array, and limited protection is offered for ground fault.
Boon Leong Choo and Yun Ii Go Renewable Energy Focus 42 (2022) 79–96

Table 13
Overview of safety/risk assessment method vs fundamental consideration parameters.

Safety/Risk Assessment Fundamental Parameters Safety Risk Assessment Method

Traditional Systematic Hybrid
Nodes/System Boundaries FTA ETA FMEA HAZID STPA STPA-H
Control Structure STPA STPA-H
Design Parameter/Elements FTA ETA FMEA HAZID HAZOP STPA-H
Guidewords HAZOP STPA-H
Probabilities Ranking/Risk Ranking FTA ETA FMEA HAZID STPA-H
Action Required HAZOP STPA STPA-H
Responsibilities STPA STPA-H
Constraints STPA STPA-H
Control Actions STPA STPA-H

FTA - Fault Tree Analysis

ETA - Event Tree Analysis
FMEA - Failure Mode Effect Analysis
HAZID - Hazard Identification
HAZOP - Hazard and Operation Ability
STPA - System Theoretical Process Analysis
TPA-H - System Theoretical Process Analysis Hybrid

Traditional safety engineering risk assessment accident model within the measurement circuit hence sensor has no power to per-
assumes that chains of events lead to accidents and the risk is form its function or battery management system is incorrectly con-
assessable by evaluating loss contributing event chains. The funda- figured, hence leading to unsafe control action. Disconnection may
mental view in such model is that events resulted in new condition occur during manufacturing such as terminal not tightened
that led to new events that further create new conditions, together properly.
they cause dominos effect resulted in catastrophic loss. However, The causal scenarios developed by STPA are qualitative but treat
event is timebound occurrences, but conditions is persisting until non-probabilistic components as part of a controlled process which
new condition resulted by additional event occurs that takes place. potentially missed by traditional safety assessment method. For
For example, flammable gas vapour released from Li-Ion battery example, STPA analysis will consider the implication of state of
system and air mixtures are conditions that is existed for a period charge algorithm fault in causing fire hazards that may be missed
before another event, i.e., spark that has created the ignition source out with traditional safety engineering techniques. It is acknowl-
and lead to explosion. Explosion will create new conditions edged that purist systemic risk assessment has some advantages
whereby uncontrolled energy is released to surrounding. The cau- over traditional safety assessment techniques when it comes to
sal relationship between the event chain models is limited to be causes that can be mitigated with safe control actions consistently
direct, linear, and subjected to bias in selecting the root cause implementing safety constraints. However, purist systemic tech-
event. nique such as STPA analysis exclude flow and signal exchange
The same event may result in different causal link subjected to not directly connected to the control of the process. STPA may face
interpretation of analyst towards the event. For example, the limitation if the control hierarchy is not built properly. Incomplete
source of spark in the Li Ion battery can be due to carbonisation or improperly built control hierarchy affecting the coverage of
of PCB board in thermal runaway cell and continuous voltage from STPA analysis fundamentally and crucial information exchange or
adjacent cell triggered the spark, or due to external source such as interactions may be missed out.
electrostatic charges when technician or operator did not follow STPA risk missing in addressing ‘‘uncontrollable system interac-
the proper guidelines in operating, inspecting, or servicing the sys- tions” whereby execution of process control in implementing
tem. It is hard for analyst to accustom for all possible sources of safety constraint may mitigate hazard to certain extent, but acci-
accidents, too often non-technical aspects are ignored in analysis. dent may still occur if component reliability of equipment failure
Traditional safety engineering risk assessment methods assumed is ignored. For example, fire hazards due to uncontrollable system
that initiating events in the chain are mutually exclusive in interactions such as earthquake, flash flood, hailstorm, unintended
attempt to perform probabilistic risk assessment towards it, while animal crossing or unauthorized modification of critical sensory
too often the initiating events may be not as exclusive. devices. Ignoring component centric view may also result in miss-
ing out indirect causality factors such as cable insulation degrada-
tion over time due to UV exposure and aging, insulation cracking
Limitation with purist systemic assessment
due to changes in temperature, damage to component due to
future building works in the assessment. Any of these may cause
Technique such as STPA works by taking purist system perspec-
DC arc and fire hazards.
tive on safety. STPA assumes that accident happen due to unsafe
control actions and the key towards safety is controlling the pro-
cesses in avoiding propagation of accidents. In the fire hazard Systems Theoretic Process Analysis – Hybrid (STPA- H)
example, STPA view fire event is attributed to untimely and inaccu-
rate safety related data supplied to energy management system. Adapting both underlying principles of systemic view and com-
Example of potential causal scenario including disconnection ponent centric analytic view in STPA-H technique has advantages
Boon Leong Choo and Yun Ii Go Renewable Energy Focus 42 (2022) 79–96

over purist traditional safety engineering technique and systemic tion of IoT devices. This paper proposed Systems Theoretic Process
technique. The kind of causal scenarios developed out for ‘‘control- Analysis - Hybrid (STPA-H), consist of hybrid and improved adap-
lable system interactions” are similar with purist STPA technique. tation of underlying principles from both traditional safety engi-
The fundamental differences are STPA-H technique applies compo- neering risk assessment and systemic risk assessment technique,
nent centric views in analysing ‘‘uncontrollable system interac- as risk assessment technique for future energy system. This paper
tions” whereby probability-based analysis is applied to find concludes important improvement from existing techniques in
many probabilities factors contributing to a hazard event. Accident providing comprehensive risk assessment coverage with STPA-H
scenarios is studied to identify where component may fail, and the technique. Illustration with STPA-H technique is performed with
interactions of the components is analysed. The component impor- grid connected PV system with battery storages as example how-
tance index is then calculated to evaluate the relative importance ever this technique is applicable for large-scale storage and
of the component towards the complete system reliability and utilities.
safety performance. Targeted ‘‘hardening preventive and mitiga- The respective strength of both routes is visible when the out-
tion measures” is then identified. Lifecycle cost analysis is then come is linked to system attributes under analysis. Controllable
performed to evaluate whether it is feasible to implement the tar- system interaction routes which adopting the component centric
geted hardening measures. view are powerful in identify hazards related to components that
The two-branching route of controllable and uncontrollable serve one purpose and focus analysis on linear interactions
system interactions analysis may render overlapping hazard between sub-system or components. Uncontrollable system inter-
causes and proposed preventive or mitigation measures. One with action routes adopting the systemic centric view are powerful in
focus on component failures while the others on design and safety identify hazards related to interactions between components and
constraint failures. Fire hazards arises from DC arc related to break- non-linear interactions between sub-systems. In analysis of uncon-
ing down of insulation and short circuit due to water ingress or trollable interaction for grid connected PV system with battery
flood is a good example. In the event of unexpected water retention storage, the probability of failure for PV system (cumulative sys-
in the vicinity of PV system with battery storage, resulted in water tem fragility) ranging from 0.000266657 to 0.006118368 for power
ingress to cables, conduits, DC isolators, inverter, solar module, or rating 100 kW to 2500 kW. The uncontrollable interaction being
junction box and degraded insulation or poor installation, fire haz- studied in this paper are flash flood in Marang, Terengganu. It
ard may be started. The outcome from controllable system interac- was observed that flash flood only happens in the month of Jan-
tions route proposed mitigation measures such as rapid system uary, November and December due to monsoon rainy season.
shutdown, improvement in circuit design (e.g., distance between The probability of flood ranging from 0.583525 (2021) to
parallel strings) and improve the water flow to prevent accident 0.873713 (2031) in January, 0.026306 (2021) to 0.841132 (2031)
from propagate. The outcome from uncontrollable system interac- in November and 0.23283 (2021) to 0.060855 (2031) in December.
tion route proposed mitigation measures such as change of insula- Annual probability of failure of PV system and reliability of system
tion materials and improvement in circuit safety design. due to flood in Marang had been estimated as well. Risk achieve-
The result from comparative study between risk assessment ment worth (RAW) had been computed for PV system subassem-
techniques confirms that traditional safety engineering safety blies with different power rating. Comparison of risk assessment
assessment reliance on hazard and component inventory has made methodology on fire hazard cause identification had been made.
it difficult for assessor to consider all abnormal and normal situa- Overview of safety/risk assessment method versus fundamental
tion and design effectively in performing comprehensive study consideration parameters had been presented as well.
with increasingly complex energy system where interactions are This paper has two significant implications for safety engineer-
becoming non-linear. This paper has similar finding with Rosewa- ing developments for energy system. First, it highlighted safety and
ter et al. [8] and Ben Riemersma et al. [32] in stating that systemic reliability although are different attributes of the system, but they
assessment provides a structured approach to analyse system haz- remain closely related in leading to accident events. Sustained use
ards in complex system by focusing on interactions between differ- of only purist systemic or analytics view may lead to underestima-
ent system components. However, this paper also finds that tion of system hazards. Analysis of unsafe control actions leading
adapting both component centric view and systemic view in risk to accident is important to safety from systemic view, but compo-
assessment technique give the best result and comprehensive cov- nent failures are still relevant and continuous attention must be
erage in application to PV system with battery storage. The provided. Second, it highlighted the techniques developed from
assumption of the study boundary in this journal is based on the hybrid of systemic and traditional safety engineering analytic
weather information found on around proposed solar plant of LSS underlying principle, provided a new perspective in performing
project in Marang, Terengganu and reference on the earlier study safety and risk assessment in energy system. This paper serves as
of reliability analysis of PV system by Nemes et. al [42] for proba- encouragement for both academicians and practitioners in the
bility of failure data. Assumption is made to subassemblies of grid energy sector to explore beyond existing risk assessment method-
connected PV system with battery storage in reference to study ologies and challenging the status quo for energy system of the
perform by Ahadi et. al [38]. future. This paper is expected to contribute to Malaysian govern-
ment with the progression of LSS3. The awarded project vendor
Conclusions and Sustainable Energy Development Authorities (SEDA) will be
benefited from this paper. The analysis of STPA-H is performed in
This paper finds that traditional safety engineering risk assess- the context of Malaysia’s Renewable Energy development and
ment technique (FTA, ETA, FMEA, HAZID HAZOP) is powerful and can serve as reference for further adoption as fit.
sharp in analysis of system components failures with linear inter-
actions whereas systemic risk assessment technique (STPA) is Declaration of Competing Interest
more suitable for analysis of complex system and components
interactions. STPA can identify accidents that arises even compo- The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
nents are working accordingly to design, and this is very important cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
with increasing automation in future energy system with introduc- to influence the work reported in this paper.

Boon Leong Choo and Yun Ii Go Renewable Energy Focus 42 (2022) 79–96

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