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1. Write the correct pronoun in english:

a)_________ is your name? Qual é o seu nome?
b)__________ are you? Quem é você?
c)__________ are the keys? Onde estão as chaves?
d)__________ do you want? O que você quer?
e)_________ is your favorite color? Qual é a sua cor favorita?
f)__________will you do that? Quando você vai fazer isso?

2. Math each sentence with its appropriate translation:

(Relacione cada frase com a tradução adequada)
(a). What time is it? ( ) Qual é a sua cor favorita?
(b). How do you do? ( ) Que horas são?
(c). Where are ) you? ( ) Qual seu nome?
(d). What is your name? ( ) Como você está?
(e). What is your favorite color? ( ) Onde está você?


a. ... my favorite food is lasagna.
( ) who is your favorite food?
( ) what is your favorite food?
( ) why is your favorite food?

b. ... I like apples and pears.

( ) what do you like? ( ) how
do you like? ( ) why do you like?
c. ... we are going to the theatre.
( ) when do we go? ( ) what do we
( ) where are you going?
d. ... he is Mr Hall.
( ) what is that man? ( ) who is that
( ) where is that man?
e. ... I want to eat fish.
( ) when do you want to eat? ( ) how do you want to
eat? ( ) what do you want to eat?
f.... I am from Australia
( ) where are you from? ( ) when are you
from? ( ) what are you from?
g. ... I like Peter because he is very nice.
( ) what do you like Peter?
( ) when do you like Peter? ( ) why do you like
h. ... I live in São Paulo. ( ) where do you live? ( ) when do you live? ( ) what
do you live?
i. ... He watches TV every night.
( ) where does he watch TV? ( ) when does he watch
TV? ( ) how does he watch TV?
j. ... I feel really well today.
( ) what do you feel today?
( ) How do you feel today?
( ) why do you feel today??

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