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Journal of Applied and Physical Sciences JAPS

2018, 4(2): 47-54


The Application of tree-based ML algorithm in steel

plates Ffaults identi􀅮ication
Jiahui Chen *
College of Materials Science and Engineering, China Northeastern University, Shenyang, China

Keywords Abstract
Steel plate This research aims to apply a series of classical machine learning algorithms based on decision trees (Decision
Fault classi􀅫ication Tree, Adaboosting, Bagging, Random Forest) to verify the ten-fold cross-validation of the steel plate fault data. The
Machine learning source of the data set was the Research Center of Sciences of Communication in Italy and has been used two times
UCI by M Buscema when it is provided [15, 16]. The data set includes 7 different types of steel plate faults: Pastry,
Decision tree Z_Scratch, K_Scatch, Stains, Dirtiness, Bumps, and Other Faults. It is found that the Bagging algorithm outperforms
Adaboostin the other methods and achieves 96.30% and 90% accuracy on the training and testing set, respectively. This will
Bagging allow us to 􀅫ind abnormalities on the surface of the steel plate timely and reduce losses. Based on these algorithms,
Random forest we can cooperate with iron and steel practitioners to design more appropriate algorithms to achieve higher recog-
nition accuracy in the future.

Received: 16 April 2018

Accepted: 15 May 2018
Published: 5 June 2018

© 2018 The Author(s). Published by TAF Publishing.

I. INTRODUCTION tection methods include visual inspection, metallographic

The faults of the steel plate refer to the bubbles, scratches, examination and scanning electron microscope [1, 2, 3, 4].
cracks and shrinkage holes, which are mainly caused by the However, these traditional methods are unstable and inac-
technology in the production process. The faults of the steel curate, since they are relied on the subjective judgement of
plate not only affect the appearance of the products, but also inspectors.
cause the stress concentration and cracking, which in􀅫lu- In recent years, machine learning has been widely applied
ences the plasticity and toughness of the steel, and reduces in all walks of life. Machine learning transforms the process
the performance and service life of the steel. The produc- of human thinking and induction into computer learning
tion of faulty products will bring serious economic losses and modeling. With the development of computational sci-
to the company. Moreover, it may lead to more serious ac- ence, machine learning algorithms and techniques can han-
cidents if the faulty steel 􀅫lows into the market. Thus, it is dle tens of thousands of data very ef􀅫iciently [5, 6], which
essential for producers to control the production of faulty increase computational ef􀅫iciency greatly in comparison to
steel strictly and choose the right method based on the pre- traditional methods. Decision tree [7, 8] is a classical and
vious heat treatment experience. However, it is impossible popular machine learning model in this 􀅫ield. There are also
to avoid the occurrence of various faults under the com- a series of model based on decision tree (for example, Ad-
plicated production environments. It is important to dis- aboosting, Bagging and Random Forest) are widely used for
cover and identify faults quickly, change the technology in their good performance and strong learning ability.
time and reduce the occurrence of faults. The traditional de- In order to use the ef􀅫iciency of machine learning to replace

* Corresponding author: Jiahui Chen

† email:

The Author(s). Published by TAF Publishing. This is an Open Access article distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-
NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
2018 J. Chen – The Application of tree-based . . . . 48

the traditional manual recognition, we use these classical al- ferent perspective. The performances of these models are
gorithms and the data of steel plate surface to solve the de- further discussed in Section4. Finally, we make a brief con-
fect classi􀅫ication problem. Previously, some scholars have clusion about our results and discuss the advantages and
tried to apply machine algorithms to more industrial ap- disadvantages of our methods.
plications, such as surface fault detection signal processing
of cold-rolled steel plate, rail bottom fault detection [1, 2]. II. DATA DESCRIPTION
We apply a series of classical machine learning algorithms The Steel Plates Faults Data Set are public available at
based on decision trees (Decision Tree, Adaboosting, Bag- the UCI (University of California Irvine) Machine Learning
ging, Random Forest) to model the steel plate fault data. It is Repository. The source of the data set was the Research
found that Bagging algorithm outperforms the other meth- Center of Sciences of Communication in Italy and has been
ods and achieves 96.30% and 90% accuracy on the training used two times by M Buscema when it is provided [15, 16].
and testing set, respectively. This will allow us to 􀅫ind abnor- The data set includes 7 different types of steel plate faults:
malities on the surface of the steel plate timely and reduce Pastry, Z_Scratch, K_Scatch, Stains, Dirtiness, Bumps and
losses. Other Faults. Six of these seven variables represent the type
A decision tree is a tool to help decision making by using a of defect on the steel surface. There are seven common de-
tree-like graph to model the decision procedure and pos- fects on the surface of steel, such as cracks, scratches, fold-
sible results. It is a way to show an algorithm that only ing, scarring, end burrs, etc. These are often caused by acci-
contains conditional control statements. A single decision dents in the production process.
tree can achieve good results for data with few conditions. The machine vision system is characterized by improving
However, the effect of a single decision tree is very limited the 􀅫lexibility and automation of production. In some dan-
and unstable for classi􀅫ication problems with complexities gerous working environments that are not suitable for peo-
and large data. Therefore, Kearns and Valiant raised the ple's work or where arti􀅫icial vision is dif􀅫icult to meet the
idea of Boosting: A set of weak learners may create a sin- requirements, machine vision is often used to replace ar-
gle strong learner [9]. The de􀅫inition of a weak learner is ti􀅫icial vision. At the same time, in high-volume indus-
a classi􀅫ier that is only slightly related to the real classi􀅫ica- trial production process, manual visual inspection is used
tion. However, a strong learner is de􀅫ined to be a classi􀅫ier to check product quality with low ef􀅫iciency and low pre-
that is closely connected with the real classi􀅫ication. Robert cision. Machine vision inspection methods can greatly im-
Schapire answered the question of Kearns and Valiant in his prove production ef􀅫iciency and automation of production.
paper [10], which had a great impact on machine learning Moreover, machine vision is easy to realize information in-
and brought great progress to boosting [11]. Adaboosting tegration, and is the basic technology to realize computer
and Bagging are two typical boosting algorithms, which are integrated manufacturing. The product can be measured,
widely applied. Adaboosting (Adaptive Boosting) was cre- guided, tested, and identi􀅫ied on the fastest production line,
ated by Yoav Freund and Robert Schapire [12]. Adaboost- and the production tasks can be completed with quality and
ing learn a set of weak classi􀅫iers or basic classi􀅫iers from quantity. We can 􀅫ix the camera on the production line and
training data. The strong classi􀅫ier is obtained by weighted analyze the images taken in real time through machine vi-
sum of weak classi􀅫iers. In 1994, Breiman [13] proposed the sion. Different defects will present different parameters.
idea of Bagging (Bootstrap aggregating) to improve classi􀅫i- The Steel Plates Faults Data Set should be parameters ex-
cation by combining classi􀅫ications of randomly generated tracted from machine vision.
training sets. It helps to reduce variance and avoid over- The 1941 instances consist of 27 variables and one steel
􀅫itting. Random Forest is a typical Bagging algorithm, but plate fault. There are 673 instances of Other Faults, which
it is different from the classic Bagging. It not only extract are not classi􀅫ied clearly. We drop out these instances, since
instance randomly, but also extracts variables randomly, the huge number of uncertain class in􀅫luence our model-
which was proposed by Tin Kam Ho [14] for the 􀅫irst time. ing signi􀅫icantly. Thus, 1268 instances from the other six
The rest of the article is organized as follows. In Section 2, classes are left in the data set. The 27 attributes and the
we introduce the steel plate fault data brie􀅫ly and the date number of each class are listed in Table 1 and Table 2 respec-
preprocessing procedure. In Section 3, we build fault detec- tively. For more information about the data and the com-
tion models with a series of aforementioned tree-based ma- plete data set, please refer to The
chine learning models, including Decision tree, Adaboost- 1268 instances are divided into training set and test set ran-
ing, Bagging and Random Forest. The cross-validation re- domly. Finally, we arrive at a training set with 918 instances
sults of the four models are compared and analyzed in dif- and a testing set with 350 instances.
ISSN: 2414-3103
DOI: 10.20474/japs-4.2.1
49 J. appl. phys. sci. 2018

Attribute 1 X_Minimum Numerical 14 Steel_Plate_Thickness Numerical
2 X_Maximum Numerical 15 Edges_Index Numerical
3 Y_Minimum Numerical 16 Empty_Index Numerical
4 Y_Maximum Numerical 17 Square_Index Numerical
5 Pixels_Areas Numerical 18 Outside_X_Index Numerical
6 X_Perimeter Numerical 19 Edges_X_Index Numerical
7 Y_Perimeter Numerical 20 Edges_Y_Index Numerical
8 Sum_of_Luminosity Numerical 21 Outside_Global_Index Numerical
9 Minimum_of_Luminosity Numerical 22 Log of Areas Numerical
10 Maximum_of_Luminosity Numerical 23 Log_X_Index Numerical
11 Length_of_Conveyer Numerical 24 Log_Y_Index Numerical
12 Type of Steel_A300 Qualitative 25 Orientation_Index Numerical
13 Type of Steel_A400 Qualitative 26 Luminosity_Index Numerical
27 Sigmoid of Areas Numerical

158 190 391 72 55 402

III. MODELS timate of model prediction performance. We use ten-fold

A. Decision Tree cross validation in this paper to select the complexity pa-
Decision Tree is a basic classi􀅫ication and regression rameter (here, the depth of tree).
method [17]. The classi􀅫ication decision tree model is a tree The cross validation error (CV Error) for trees with differ-
structure describing the classi􀅫ication of instances. A deci- ent depth is computed based on the training data and the
sion tree is composed of nodes and directed edges. Nodes results are presented in Figure 1. We also evaluate the train-
can be divided into two types: internal node and leaf node. ing error with the training data and the testing error with
An internal node represents a feature or attribute, and a leaf the testing set, respectively. The results are also shown in
node represents a class. The frequently used algorithms in Figure 1. With the increase of tree depth, the training er-
the decision tree are ID3, C4.5, and CART. ror decreases gradually and over􀅫itting will occur when the
The depth of the tree is an important parameter in the De- depth continues to increase. The testing error and training
cision Tree. It re􀅫lects the tradeoff between the ability to error are both high when the depth is small, which implies
􀅫it the underlying structure of the data and the predictive the under􀅫itting of tree model. When the depth is equal to
performance. If the depth of tree is too deep, over􀅫itting 7, we see that the cross validation error reaches the min-
can occur namely, it would 􀅫it the training data well, but imum, which conforms to the bias-variance dilemma [19].
it may perform terrible in testing data. We can prune the When training is insuf􀅫icient, the learner's ability to 􀅫it is
tree from bottom to top to make the tree simpler and have not strong enough, and the bias dominates the generalized
better generalization ability. Cross Validation (CV) [18] is error rate. As training degree deepens, the 􀅫itting ability of
commonly used to select the complexity parameter (here, the classi􀅫ier increases gradually, and the variance gradually
the depth of tree) in machine learning 􀅫ields. In K-fold cross leads to the generalized error rate. Thus, we choose the de-
validation, the original samples are randomly divided into cision tree with depth equal to 7 as our 􀅫inal classi􀅫ier. Then
subsamples of equal size K. A single subsample is reserved we 􀅫it a decision tree with a depth of 7 with the 918 train-
as the data for the validation model, and the other K-1 sam- ing data and use the remaining 350 testing data to evaluate
ples are used for training. The cross-validation is repeated K the performance. The accuracy on the training set and the
times. Each sub-sample is veri􀅫ied once and the K-averaged testing set are 93.57% and 85.43%, respectively, as shown
results or other combinations are used to get a single es- in Table 3.

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DOI: 10.20474/japs-4.2.1
2018 J. Chen – The Application of tree-based . . . . 50

Fig. 1. Error of decision tree for different depth

B. Adaboosting trees). The results are shown in Figure 2. The training error
Adaboosting (Adaptive Boosting) is a machine learning and testing error are also computed and plotted in Figure 2.
meta-algorithm formulated by Yoav Freund and Robert With the increasing number of weak classi􀅫iers, the training
Schapire. Its core idea is to train different weak classi􀅫iers set error approaches 0% quickly. The accuracy of the train-
for the same training set, then assemble these weak classi- ing set is improved signi􀅫icantly, compared with a single de-
􀅫iers to form a stronger classi􀅫ier. In each round, the weight cision tree. Cross validation error 􀅫irst decreases and then
of the samples misclassi􀅫ied by the previous weak classi􀅫ier rises, resulting from the bias-variance dilemma. The testing
is increased [20]. Adaboosting makes good use of weak clas- error of Adaboosting is lower than that of a single decision
si􀅫iers for cascading and has high accuracy. tree, which implies the improvement of the prediction accu-
We use decision trees as the weak classi􀅫iers in Adaboosting racy. However, the code runs much longer than the decision
method. In order to keep consistent with the decision tree tree model. We choose the number of weak classi􀅫iers as 15
above, the depth of each weak classi􀅫ier is set as 7. Similarly, according to the cross validation error, and the correspond-
we compute the ten-fold cross validation error of Adaboost- ing training error and setting error is 100.00% and 88.57%,
ing models with different number of classi􀅫iers (decision respectively, as shown in Table 3.

Fig. 2. Error of adaboosting for different number of trees

ISSN: 2414-3103
DOI: 10.20474/japs-4.2.1
51 J. appl. phys. sci. 2018

C. Bagging In order to make a fair comparison of the characteristics

Bagging is another machine learning meta-algorithm ap- of each model, we also use a decision tree with a depth of
plied to statistical classi􀅫ication and regression. It aims at 7 as our base classi􀅫ier. Similarly, the ten-fold cross vali-
improving the stability and accuracy of machine learning dation error, training error and testing error for different
algorithms by constructing a series of predictive functions number of base classi􀅫iers are evaluated, and the results
and combining them into a prediction function. Bagging and are presented in Figure 3. The error rate in the training
Boosting algorithm looks similar, but the training method of set also drops very rapidly. The training error of Bagging
base classi􀅫ier is totally different [7]. Given a data set con- is about 4% when the number of base classi􀅫iers is large,
taining m instances, we 􀅫irst take an instance into the data while the training error is near to 0%. This suggests that
set randomly. After m random resampling operations, we Bagging seems to be a better choice to prevent over􀅫itting
get a data set with m instances. Some instances may appear in the learning process. The cross validation error and test-
several times in the data set, while others may never appear. ing error decrease quickly and then stabilizes gradually. Ac-
The training set of Bagging algorithm is obtained from the cording to the cross validation error, we select the number
original data set with put back sampling. Each base classi- of classi􀅫ier as 18. The corresponding Bagging models are
􀅫ier is independent and parallel. Since the training method 􀅫itted, and the accuracy on the training set and the testing
of each base classi􀅫ier is independent and identical, equal- set is 96.30% and 90.00%, respectively, as shown in Table 2.
weighted strategy is used to vote by the classi􀅫ier. Compared with Adaboosting, Bagging achieves higher accu-
racy on the testing data set.

Fig. 3. Error of Bagging for different number of trees

D. Random Forest bances but also from attribute disturbances, it further im-
Random Forest is an extended variant of Bagging [21]. Ran- proves the generalization performance of Random Forest.
dom Forest is based on the decision tree to build Bagging, The Random Forest with different number of trees are 􀅫it-
and further introduces random attribute selection during ted, and the corresponding cross validation error, training
the training process. In the progress of Random Forest error and testing error are evaluated. The results are shown
training, we not only sample instances with put back sam- in Figure 4. Compared with the other three models, we see
pling, but also select variables randomly in each round. Ran- that the cross validation error and the test error of Random
dom Forest is simple, easy to implement and has low com- Forest decrease faster. As the number of trees continues to
putational complexity, which show superior performance increase, it still shows a downward trend. Different from
in many cases. Because the diversity of the base classi􀅫ier Bagging, the training error decreases to 0% when the num-
in the Random Forest not only comes from sample distur- ber of trees is large enough. When the number of classi-
􀅫ier is 18, the accuracy of the training set and the testing

ISSN: 2414-3103
DOI: 10.20474/japs-4.2.1
2018 J. Chen – The Application of tree-based . . . . 52

set is 100.00% and 90.29%, respectively, as shown in Ta- cantly. In terms of running time, it is obvious that Random
ble 2. Because Random Forest samples both instances and Forest is faster than Adaboosting and Bagging.
attributes, it reduces the amount of learning tasks signi􀅫i-

Fig. 4. Error of random forest for different number of trees

IV. MODEL COMPARISON ing time of Random Forest is signi􀅫icantly lower than Ad-
A. Results aboosting and Bagging, although it has the largest number
The train accuracy, test accuracy, training time and number of trees. Compared with Adaboosting, Bagging has a shorter
of trees of aforementioned four methods are listed in Ta- running time and higher accuracy (when the number of de-
ble 3. As we need to monitor the surface of steel plate con- cision trees is similar). In terms of test accuracy, Bagging
stantly in production process, our model needs to be both and Random Forest performs comparably and better than
accurate and ef􀅫icient. In terms of training time, a single de- Adaboosting. Generally speaking, Bagging performs better
cision tree is most time-saving. However, the accuracy of in the steel plate fault classi􀅫ication data in consideration of
a single tree is lowest among all four models. The train- both accuracy and ef􀅫iciency.

Train Accuracy Test Accuracy Time (s) N tree
Decision Tree 93.57% 85.43% 0.014 1
Adaboosting 100.00% 88.57% 0.241 15
Bagging 96.30% 90.00% 0.166 18
Random Forest 100.00% 90.29% 0.138 31

B. Advantages and Disadvantages amount. In Figure 1, we can see that as the depth increases,
Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of each the decision tree is also easy to over􀅫it. This can be solved
model can help us choose the correct algorithm when fac- by pruning. The combination algorithm of decision tree,
ing a new problem. In the following article, we will describe such as Bagging and Random Forest, can solve the over􀅫it-
the main advantages and disadvantages of the four models ting problem.
brie􀅫ly. 2) Adaboosting: Adaboosting makes a good use of weak
1) Decision tree: First, the Decision Tree is simple and classi􀅫iers for cascading, which uses different classi􀅫ication
easy to understand. It is time-saving even with large data algorithms as weak classi􀅫iers. Adaboosting can achieve
high accuracy. Compared with the Bagging algorithm

ISSN: 2414-3103
DOI: 10.20474/japs-4.2.1
53 J. appl. phys. sci. 2018

and Random Forest algorithm, Adaboosting considers the well classi􀅫ied in the data description. It is still uncertain
weight of each classi􀅫ier fully. The number of Adaboosting what kind of defects such samples are, which may cause
weak classi􀅫iers is dif􀅫icult to choose, but we can use cross some minor troubles in actual production. Some scholars
validation to determine the optimal number of weak clas- even apply more methods to defect classi􀅫ication to analyze
si􀅫iers. Adaboosting is more time-consuming, as shown in which methods have better ef􀅫iciency and accuracy [24].
Table 3. Despite there may be problems in practice, these machine
3) Bagging: It’s the same degree of complexity when learning methods must be more ef􀅫icient than manual meth-
training a Bagging integration and using the base learning ods. More suitable algorithms can be studied in the future
algorithm to train a learner [22, 23]. This shows that Bag- to improve accuracy and applicability. These ideas can also
ging is a very ef􀅫icient ensemble learning algorithm. Both be extended to other industrial production areas.
Bagging and Boosting are effective methods to improve the
accuracy of the classi􀅫ication. In most data sets, the accu- VI. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS
racy of Bagging is lower than Boosting. However, Bagging inspection methods are mainly used to identify faults. In
can save a lot of time by parallel training, and can avoid the era of machine learning, we can use computers instead
over􀅫itting effectively. These two points can be seen from of manpower to identify faults more fast and accurate, and
Table 3 and Figure 3. improve the quality and ef􀅫iciency of production. We use
4) Random forest: In order to solve the problem of limited some classical algorithms in machine learning to deal with
number of instances, Random Forest is extracted twice ran- the data of steel plate faults which are public available at the
domly, once for training instances, and the other is the ran- UCI. The accuracy, time consumption, advantages and dis-
dom extraction of variables. Being able to deal with con- advantages of each model are compared in this article. In
tinuous and discrete variables, Random Forest can prevent data analysis, we omit some samples that can not be classi-
over􀅫itting and increase stability. What's more, it is insensi- 􀅫ied. If we let machine learning samples like this, some de-
tive to noise and suitable for multi-classi􀅫ication problems, fects may not be found in actual production. However, there
which can handle high-dimensional data (a lot of features) is no design for a more appropriate algorithm. In the future,
with high accuracy and high speed. we can communicate with the steel factory technicians in
details to design a more suitable algorithm for the classi-
V. DISCUSSION 􀅫ication of the faults of the steel plate, which can certainly
Although the accuracy of each model is different, it is very improve the accuracy of classi􀅫ication. Since each model has
high for the traditional model. In Mahmoud Fakhr’s and its own advantages, we can combine the classic models with
Alaa M. Elsayad’s " Steel Plates Faults Diagnosis with Data each other, give each model a weight, and integrate the ad-
Mining Models" paper, data mining model is used to achieve vantages of each model. The combined models may achieve
98.09% accuracy. Although they have achieved high accu- better classi􀅫ication performance.
racy, we have omitted some samples which have not been

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ISSN: 2414-3103
DOI: 10.20474/japs-4.2.1

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