English Corrections Monthend Test

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a ‘SECTION A (30 MARKS) SAMPLE ANSWER, The essay below has been Well written in that: 1. The writer expresses the kind of fear that causes paralysis, 2, The story is full of drama that unfolds at a pace set by the writer. 3. The plot of the story is simple but the writer manages to fell it in a manner that mekes one almost visualize the happenings. 4. There is suspense in the story as the details of the interview are never revealed. The ‘reader is left wondering whether the character ever got the job. 5, Interest value is sustained throughout the essay, Q, (2b) Write a story based on the following statement: As he Stepped into the office, fear gripped him. ‘As he stepped into the office, fear gripped him. ‘Ths Suh crept slowiy over the horizon, casting golden beams on the dark silhouette of the city. At last, the sun emerged, splashing vivid reds and golden yellows on the ‘streets, Not for a moment did he feel the warmth of the sun creeping over him, bathing him in its gentle rays and dispelling the harsh cold of the previous night. He was just indifferent to everything, including the streets around him that were coming alive. Liam stood despondently by the weather-beaten letterbox. Wave after wave of shock ‘swept his body as he looked at the piece! of paper in his hands. Tears rolled down uncontrollably on his cheeks at what had finally happened to nim. After ail his efforts, the chickens had come to roost or had they? People continued to pass in the street and most of them looked at hi as if he was @ madman. After what seemed eternity, an unbelievable chance had finally come his way. Liam had come from the rural area after finally finishing his Advanced Level and on sesing his results, the flying colours which he had obtained, he had been shocked beyond comprehension. However, he was at the same time elated. He knew his grandmother had toiled to pay for his tuition, sailing her crops and even her emaciated livestock so that he could have an education. He had consistently played a part in trying ‘to make the load lighter on her by helping in the fields and herding cattle and goats when he had had time. He had vowed that after his schooling, he would go to the city, earn a living and completely transform his grandmother's Ife. Honestly, she deserved a just reward after all her tireless efforts. foittally, Ils aunt had reluctantly ullowad him to stay with hor attar a lot of passionate pleading from both him and his grandmother, At firet he had managed 10 Cope with the hustle and buste of cily life, without realizing any of its proverbial nardships, He has had only one set of good, preventable clothes and ae we had passed, he had begun to four that his clothos would became rags batore he gol a job. After about two weeka of ataying with his benevolent aunt, she began to ceaselessly complain. According to his aunt, Liam did nothing other than hungrily gobble her food, ‘waste her money and grow. {twas impossible to Imagine thal his only hope could entertain such ideas, let alone think so bad of him. Surely, iife is not a bed of roses He learnt this when he eventually saw her true colours. Did sho not eee the efforts he was putting In trying to pay her back? Of late, he had Started saling trulls and oils and pieces of everything 20 that he could earn some money while he waited for replies to business enquiries he had made. After all, patience was supposed to be the name of the game or was It not? Liam got to a point where he could not take his aunt's ceaseless abuse any jonger Reprieve came in the form of a letter that he received from the biue. When the day of er hterviow arrived, he was astounded to see that his aunt had bought him af elegant suit ot the most exquisite type. He held his envelope firmly as he walked 10 the office, Straid that his golden opportunity would slip through his unsteady fingers, When he got to the office, he was offered a cup of tea which he absent-mindedly fonsumed as he Waited. At thal time, terrible thoughts began to bombard nim. What if he failed the interview? Would his aunt find an excuse to jettison hi 2 What would his grandmother think of him? Jetson en fem er aoe suddenly, @ voice interrupted his tain of thoughts. A man was beckoni i ce inte eckoning. It was his ‘a s eter the itepoat room, As he stepped inia the room, fear gripped him so muck et monte int a him to say a short silent prayer. It was left to fate to decide his performance int interview which was the gateway te the future. Liam looked arouné hay awed by the oitestion that surrounded Pi, He sighed and fingered the result slip h nisi r jown and answer a bi fions rom the interview panellists who, for that moment, controlled is Seats eee SECTION B (20 MARKS) : Arte The repert below is very well written. The writer manages to expand on the given points . n'a manner that is persuasive in as far as marketing the -school-is concomed: Fhe —poltits that are raised aré logical and almost make the reader visualize what goes on in a school. The impression created is that a solid answer has been given. To: The Editor From: Victoria Chisango Topic: ‘Why my school is the best A casual visit to Hilltop High Schoo! is a rewarding experience of a life time. It is bound to.feave an Indelibte mark on your mind, especially Ifyou have the eye to catch true yeauty, As you walk through the enormous gates of the schcol, you are beneath a canopy of fir trees, The road leads to the schoo! hall which stands ready to welcome you to this great Institution. ‘This is our venue for formal functions and it rises ominously above the rest of the buildings in the vicinity. Lush green lawns that are experily manicured extend in every direction, giving Hilltop School an exquisite beauly. At first site, the view is breath taking and for a while, time stops perfectly still for you to marvel at ‘everything around you. It is truly a paradise that can never be imagined. Adjacent to the hall is the students’ favourite place, the dining hall. At meal times majestic glasses tink as pupils make @ show of opulence and try to quench their thirst after a long day cn the sports field, They consume their hearty meals before rushing back tc thair classrooms for mare academic work or to the hostels perfectly hidden somewhere behind the classrooms. lean say, without a shadow of doubt, that my school is the best. In addition to this. our teachers are the best qualified and knowledgeable people in their different areas of speciality. While it is not proper to blow one’s own trumpet, | can be forgiven for saying that the men and women we have as teachers are the epitome of efficiency. Apart from being punctual for each and every lesson, they teach with an unbelievable passion which sees many of us scale the heights of academic success. They enfoy excellent rapport with their diligent and focused siudents. Being the loving teachers they are, they make an effort thai avery student understands all the concepts that are taught. If by chance any student lags behind, they go out of their way to help. Sometimes. cur teachers are willing to instruct outside the curriculum so as to educate us about tife and adequately prepare us for the constantly, changing workd we live in. Over and ebove this, my school boasts of the best curriculum. Activities range from the academic through to the cultural and sporting. We appreciate the significance of gender equality and in fine with this, boys and girls are Granted the same opportunities. 1. “OW No Tace; Colour Or creed. It is andatory for ‘every child to particioale inet le One sport and a@ ciub, choosing from the diverse activities that the school nas to offer. Disciptine is pivotal to any school’s success and my school does not take it lightly. student wenders off, away from the school rules and reguiations, thay ara punish accoveincly. My school does 119! believe in corporal punishment or manual labour 2s ‘only means to discipline @ chi. We believe in effective communication betwe individuais and amicably ironing out differences. Ghiig-an, get vie best education there isto offer. riltop High School sets the pose @"< tone for every other school.

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