Connectors List

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Sentence Connectors

 So/ Therefore/ As a result/ Consequently/ Thus/ In this way/ Hence/ Then

 myZivs/AZGe/d‡j/Kv‡RB/GBfv‡e/GBiæ‡c/ZvB/Zvici
 As/ Because/ Because of/ Since/ When/ For/ On account of
 KviY, †h‡nZz, wnmv‡e,hZ,gZ, b¨vq/Kvib/Kvi‡Y/n‡Z,‡_‡K/hLb/Rb¨,Kvi‡Y/Kvi‡Y
 While/ at the same time/ When- hLb, mg‡q/GKB mg‡q/hLb
 So that/ in order that- hv‡Z
 At present/ Nowadays- eZ©gv‡b/AvRKvj
 Because of/ Due to/ Owing to/ For- Kvi‡Y/Rb¨
 And/ As well as/ and so/ along with/ Together with- Ges/mn, mv‡_
 Moreover/ Besides / In addition to/ Furthermore/ Again- AwaKš‘/ZvQvov, GQvov/ AveviI
 But/ Nevertheless/ Still/ However/ Otherwise/ Except/ In other words/ In the another way/ After all/ Anyway/
Anyhow/ By all means
 wKš‘/ZeyI/GLbI/hv‡nvK/Ab¨_vq/e¨ZxZ/Ab¨K_vq/Ab¨fv‡e/m‡ev©cwi/hvB‡nvK/‡h‡Kv‡bvfv‡e/meDcv‡q
 On the other hand/ On the contrary/ Whereas/ Instead of that
 Aciw`‡K/Ab¨w`‡K/wecixZfv‡e/‡hw`‡K/‡hUvi cwie‡Z©
 Although/ Though/ Despite/ In spite of- hw`I/m‡Ë¡I
 In fact/ Actually/ Above all/ That is why/ For this reason/ Indeed/ Really
 Avm‡j/cÖK…Zc‡ÿ/m‡ev©cwi/GB Kvi‡Y/GRb¨/cÖK…Zc‡ÿ/Avm‡j
 For example/ For instance/ Such as/ Like- D`vniY¯^iƒc/‡hgb/h_v
 At first/ Firstly/ At the beginning of time/ First of all/ Finally/ at the end of the time/ Last of all/ At last etc-
 Who/ Which/ That/ What/ Whom/ Whose- whwb/‡hUv/‡h/‡mUv/hv‡K/hvi
 Truly/ Undoubtedly/ Mainly/ Probably/ Specially/ Coincidentally/ After that/ Subsequently/ Eventually/
Unfortunately/ Unluckily/ Certainly/ Suddenly/ Similarly/ Primarily
 mwZ¨fv‡e/wbtm‡›`‡n/cÖavbZ/m¤¢eZ/we‡klfv‡e/AvKw¯§Kfv‡e/Zvic‡i/cieZx©Kv‡j/NUbvµ‡g/`yfv©M¨µ‡g/
`yf©vM¨ekZ/wbwðZfv‡e/nVvrK‡i/ GKBfv‡e/ cÖv_wgKfv‡e
 With a view to/ Look forward to + Verb+ ing- GB D‡Ï‡k¨/ GB m¤§yLcv‡b
 According to/ Accordingly/ In accordance with/ Even/ If/ Than/ Till/ Until/ Unless/ Lest/ In case-
 In short/ In brief/ In a few words/ In a word/ In a nutshell/In fine/ To sum up/ In conclusion/ To summarize/ On the
 ms‡ÿ‡c/AíK_vq/GKK_vq/ms‡ÿ‡c/Dcmsnv‡i/mvims‡ÿ‡c/mgMÖfv‡e


 Not only...... but also/ Either......or/ Neither......nor/ Both......and/ rather....than
Collected and Prepared By
MN Pappu
Contact: 01645-739626

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