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Struggling to craft a thesis on research paper topics concerning police brutality? You're not alone.

Writing a thesis on such a complex and sensitive issue can be incredibly challenging. From
navigating through extensive research to ensuring your arguments are well-supported and coherent,
the process can feel overwhelming.

One of the biggest hurdles students face is gathering reliable data and evidence to support their
claims. With the vast amount of information available, sifting through it all and determining what's
credible can be a daunting task. Additionally, articulating your thoughts and findings in a concise
and impactful manner requires a high level of skill and precision.

Moreover, the subject matter itself adds another layer of difficulty. Police brutality is a deeply
contentious issue with complex social, political, and ethical dimensions. Crafting a thesis that
effectively addresses these complexities while maintaining objectivity and critical analysis is no easy

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No matter what type of activities police officers are involved in, they are often required to use force
to rectify certain situations, and at the same time they need to know when to draw the line. Most law
enforcement agencies have a policy that guides them in their use of force. Many people are losing
their lives for absolutely no reason and the saga continues. The targets of police abuse are almost
always lower class males, and the most common factor associated with abuse is disrespect shown to
the police by these suspects. The participants were chosen without any discrimination against age,
gender, height, looks and status. Illinois governor, Otto Kerner, did an investigation of racial violence
in the late 1960s. Lack of ideas for writing a good thesis statement for police brutality essay.
Members of this movement have been involved in protests against police shootings of unarmed black
citizens. Wilson exaggerated that Brown was demon like and a dead-eyed giant that could kill him in
one punch, yet he was shot 150 feet from Wilson’s vehicle. Possibly the federal authorities can
provide the extra work force, and therefore the extra cost, of implementing an probe and
rehabilitation squad. In one year, how many incidents of police brutality or misconduct do you think
have occurred. Then with the offender often being arrested and incarcerated they have the 8th
amendment that protects them from cruel and unusual punishment. Why? He was in front of the
building, and he matched the clothing description of someone who was assaulted hours earlier in the
day. Numerous reports have surfaced regarding the improper use of force by law enforcement,
which directly violates both departmental rules and legal laws. The studies about police brutality
have alternately focused on their understanding as deviant practice or as a normal and immanent
process to police activity. Many young promising people who had unluckily associated themselves
with street gangs have lost their lives as a result of police brutality. This paper will discourse the
types of constabulary maltreatment prevalent today, including the usage of pieces and reception of
private information. Three black activists established a social movement called Black Lives Matter.
They don’t want to subject their families to all the scrutiny, news reporters and people in the
community who don’t agree with them. The public should also vote out leaders who are condoning
police brutality. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is
cheating. Also you. Abuse, Constable, Human rights 1781 Words 5 Pages Composition 1
Argumentative Research Essay Final Draft. I translate cultural slurs for Cuban refugees, I write
award-winning operas, I manage clip expeditiously. The CCRB found that the investigators had used
inordinate force, but when its study was sent to the constabulary commissioner, he ignored the
CCRB’s confirmation of the charges. However, empirical evidences showed otherwise as emerging
abuses and police brutality are mounted by civilian communities. In uncharacteristic manner, Mayor
Rudolph Giuliani and Police Commissioner Howard Safir condemned the officers implicated in the
incident every bit good as those who reportedly did nil to halt it or describe it. The Black Lives
Matter movement will spread awareness until the number of casualties decrease. For illustration,
there should be alterations in constabularies officer preparation. This incident is just one of the many
cases were people have lost their lives due to a police officer being trigger happy. For illustration,
there were 126 constabularies officers with four or more ailments lodged against them from July 1,
1995 to June 30, 1997.
A 2nd solution to commanding illegal entree to information is to implement an independent civilian
hearer who must reexamine all constabulary mandates to roll up restricted I nformation and hold
entree to all other constabulary files. Stick to our recommendations, and you will not have problems
with essay writing at all. To further provide evidence to that answer I will show proven statistics on
the increase of police brutality among minorities as well as notable cases that pertain to excessive
force by law enforcement. Investigation is launched into how this dastard attitude could be halted.
Other officers who are accused of these cases are either charged with minor offences or charged
with nothing at all. However, it is not difficult to refrain from using excessive force in times when
situations can do without. However, if you are suspected of bibulous drive and decline a blood, piss
or breath trial, your driving licence can be suspended. Some may argue that several people working in
law enforcement may gradually develop an attitude or sence of authority over society, and in some
cases the police believe that they are above the law. He was unarmed and made no threat to the
police officer only so that he was about to get away. Mr. Brown had a graze wound on his right
thumb, consistent with a close range shot.” (Cassandra Davis Chaney and Dannielle Joy) This
situation sparked protests and acts of vandalism in Ferguson, Missouri and as well as widespread
calls for an investigation into the situation that had happened. Law enforcement officers have the
right to use weapons if the suspect poses a threat to him or US citizens, and even if the suspect tries
to escape, the policeman has the right to stop him in any accessible way. Second is that the court has
been addressed of the situation that happened the night that the incident happened. Just talk to our
smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best. But should someone be accustomed to
being assaulted by a police officer just because? No. Law enforcement attempts to protect their own
lives from danger and will use illegal excessive force as a defense mechanism. In many cases of
police death and injury officers have. One more case that stirred up the American public occurred in
2012 when 8 policemen fired a total of 46 bullets on mentally ill African-Americans, motivating their
actions by threat. I watch every day as the prosecution builds its case against Chauvin. If a
condemnable probe has begun, the CCRB defers to the relevant territory or U.S. lawyer. In the wake
of this tragic killing, the Minnesota Timberwolves decided to postpone their game against the
Brooklyn Nets. There are many forms of police brutality such as, false arrest, verbal abuse,
psychological intimidation, sexual abuse, racial profiling, political repression and improper use of
pepper spray. In a subsequent case, King and his two other companies were arrested by police
officers due to over speeding at a highway and driving his car with alcohol’s influence (Cannon,
1999). Considering the Literature Review above, the questions below are selected to target the
ability of participants in explaining their traumatic experiences of seeing police doing the dastard act
of civilian bashing. It has become the commonest news on TV and radio these days. US Department
of Justice, National Institute of Justice (1998). The constitutional Framers had spent hours on end,
editing and revising a living and breathing document that to this day has been shifted and molded to
fit society’s current needs. The other 25% start out with great intentions in mind but allow power to
take over. For example in America, driving while black (DWB) is one of the existing form of racial
profile. Police officers are under immense stress when in dangerous situations and have to use their
discretion to the best of their ability. They are viewed as those who take an oath, put their lives on
the line and do what need to be done to save lives and keep criminals off the street.
A bystander shot video showing Garner’s final moments, and it quickly fueled major protests and
demands that the officers involved face criminal charges,” a man held in an illegal chokehold, the
reason for his death: non-compliance. It just happens. The use of force in making an arrest, now that
can be justified on some instances though. If you want a unique paper, order it from our professional
writers. In July 1993, the CCRB was reorganized and made independent from the constabulary
section. Is placing opprobrious officers a signifier of bias. For example the black African American
drivers are always pulled over because it is assumed that they are more likely to be drug users and
traffickers. It. Garner, 471 U.S. 1 (1985). This was a case in which the Supreme Court of the United
States held that under the Fourth Amendment, when a law enforcement officer is pursuing a fleeing
suspect, he or she may use deadly force only to prevent escape, if the officer has probable cause to
believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious physical injury to the officer or
others. Wilson exaggerated that Brown was demon like and a dead-eyed giant that could kill him in
one punch, yet he was shot 150 feet from Wilson’s vehicle. I’ve seen friends of mines harassed by
officers for no apparent reason, or because of the type of car they drive. In, “Police Brutality-
Opposing viewpoint: it states that community policing turns participating civilians and institutions
into paramilitary forces that are used to oppress the very people who most need protection.” This just
confirms how those who participate in community policing can often be turned on by the police and
the fellow community for their efforts in keeping the community safe. The legal observers are from
the National Lawyers Guild, an organization of lawyers and legal workers that provides support for
social justice movements. Or have long-held prejudices played a significant role in this kind of
deadly act. Regardless of how it is revealed, it brings closure to the victim’s families and brings an
end to corrupt policing. As citizens, everyone trusts and gives the police the power to enforce the
law in order to protect the rights and liberties of the people; the implications of these powers are
taking away somebody's liberties that has broken or believed to have broken the law. There. The
other 25% start out with great intentions in mind but allow power to take over. Nyc Police Brutality
Essay, Research PaperCivil rights advocators in the metropolis note, nevertheless, that there has been
a cost to the new scheme, revealed by steady citizen ailments against more aggressive NYPD officers
during the past several old ages and go oning impunity for many officers who commit human rights
misdemeanors despite the recent reorganisation. Fifty (50) participants are used for the purpose of
this study. Once once more, a reappraisal board comprised purely of civilians is the lone manner to
comprehensively and rightly address abuse concerns of the private citizen, short, of class, of fall
backing to the formal measure of judicial proceedings. They have data on how many pigs and hogs
are in the United States. The recruits should also be highly trained on to facilitate their duties
impartially. We guarantee that by hiring Benjamin, you will get a perfectly written paper
accompanied by friendly and easy communication. There is always a very real possibility that your
paper will aggravate the situation instead of defusing the tension. It is the most iconic landmark in
New York City and the most famous office building in the country. These kinds of groups are often
perceived as dangerous by majority of the police officers in these communities. Injustice, violence,
hate, anger, rage, racism, unlawful, innocence, murder, and color are a just a few things that invokes
police brutality and the terror that takes place within this world. Give us your email address and
we’ll send this sample there. The law enforcement is constantly attempting to improve their
departments, prevent situations of excessive force, and better their bond with the communities. If
you read news from time to time, you probably have a lot of questions, which you would like to ask.
A thesis statement is the main idea of your research work accommodated into one sentence. The
police administration should also set up citizen review boards.

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