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Duration: 1x30 Minutes

Date: 2020
Grade: Three
Subject: Guidance & Counselling
Topic: Socialization & Me – Acceptable Dining Behaviours

Objectives: At the end of the lesson students will be able to:

I. Listen to a story and identify at least one (1) principle taught in
the story.
II. Share from their experience at least two (2) principles that are
relevant and applicable with respect to proper social display.
III. Demonstrating by simple Role-play, at least two (2) effects of
improper public social display.
IV. Suggest at least two (2) social ills that may occur because of poor
social displays.

Strategies: Use of: Storytelling, Recitation, Oral Reporting.

Content: Values are lifelong practices, principles or rules by which we are
governed. Many of these values and principles if upheld are positive for
one’s social growth. It is the responsibility of adults especially parents to
impart to children proper social values. These if taught to children should
impact them and assist them becoming better functioning members of
society, capable of relating to others. There are some values which are
directly linked to social life. A few of these values include not talking
with food in the mouth, gracing/ blessing a meal before consuming it,
being silent when someone is speaking and among others never stretch
legs out in a passage/pathway.
Engage: Students will listen to the Louise Bennett poem entitled Diner Party.
Explain: From the Poem students will identify and discuss improper habits that
were displayed at the party – talking with food in the mouth, loud
unpleasant conversation in the public backed by loud laughter, no
blessing of food before its consumption etc.

Elaborate: Students will suggest two (2) social ills that can result from such poor
value system.
Responses: Can cause embarrassment, persons may become societal misfits,
individuals may be scuffed at by others, and they may have trouble when
attempting to make new friends at functions.
Explore: Student will listen to two (2) stories and from each briefly explain at least
three (3) principles/values that are needed for development of proper
social values.
1. Tommy’s Thoughtlessness
2. Why Rolly Wouldn’t Eat

Evaluation 1:
Class will watch as four (4) students demonstrate how at least two (2) poor
social values may influence the destruction of a relationship.


Duration: 1x30 Minutes

Date: February 2019
Grade: Four
Subject: Guidance & Counselling
Topic: Drug Abuse – Effects on Society

Objectives: At the end of the lesson students will be able to:

1. Briefly discuss at least two (2) effects of drug abuse, as it results to
communal living/ feeling.
2. Recognize that drug abuse has far reaching effects that are not only
confined to individuals or family members but society at large. Use panel
discussion to highlight their peers about at least three (3) social
implications of drug use.

Strategies: Use of Whole Group Discussion, Oral Reporting, Questioning, Panel Discussion
and Singing.
Content: Drug abuse can have far reaching effects/implications. The ills associated with
drug abuse are not confined to the individuals who use the drugs. Other
persons who may be affected include family members, friends, neighbours,
and communities and needless to say our society in general. Drug Abuse is a
‘monster’ that not only destroys persons physically but also mentally and
socially. A community that has a number of persons who are drug addicts
living there is usually one with very little social growth. Social activities are
usually planned regularly or well supported. Drug abusers may have little care
for family life for social activities tec. And overtime become uninterested in
work and other activities that foster productivity and Independence Drug
Abuse overtime also results in a general lack of acceptance and trust from
those around us. Drug Abusers themselves may become withdrawn, antisocial,
boisterous, aggressive and nonchalant among other things. What is left
unattended in families usually affect our communities and by extension our
Introduction: Students will listen to Gregory Isaacs song entitled ‘Hand Drugs’ and Shine
Head’s song entitled Crack.
 Lesson to be done in the form of a Talk Show/ Panel Discussion –
A select a student will be the Host.

Development: The talk show host will introduce panellist and the host will introduce the
panellist and the topic under the discussion – Drug Abuse and the
Implications for our Society.

Step 2: The Host will recall Drug Abuse:

1. What it is?
2. A few drugs that are used in Jamaica
3. The physical effects or signs of these drug use.

Step 3: Students who are a part of the line audience will listen to the commercial break
right before the panellist begin to speak.
Step 4: Discussion will ensue; inputs will be entertained etc. as the questions below are
put forward.
Sample Questions:
1. What are two (2) social ills associated with drug abuse?
2. How can drug abuse/ substance abuse hamper over progress in our country
and community?
3. Are there any other negative habits associated with drug abuse – if yes,
explain after naming same.
4. What are three (3) of the main hand drugs abused in Jamaica.
5. Explain in short how Jamaicans in general view the use of marijuana.

 To end the show counsellor will make a summary of the facts and
main points.
 The Host will close off by thanking the live studio audience and
viewers. To close the show ‘the song ‘CRACK’ by Shinehead will
be played.

Activities: Students will listen to Bob Marley’s song: Pimpers’ Paradise – (which
speaks of a girl who took cocaine and how she behaves).



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