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Duration: 2x30 Minutes

Date: January 2019

Grade: Five & Six
Subject: Guidance & Counselling
Topic: Managing One’s Resources and Handling Information Important to

Objectives: At the end of the lesson students will be able to:

1. Better understand their personal needs and what they have
available for them.
2. Demonstrate at least one (1) way of effect utilization or resources.
3. Recognize that limitation doesn’t mean impossibilities.
4. Identify and briefly discuss the importance of being able to handle
personal information.
5. Recognize and appreciate the fact that personal information goes
beyond one’s name, age etc. and is a corner stone to self-

Strategies: Use of Questioning, Songs, Oral Reporting, Introspection.

Content: In order to manage ourselves well we need to know who we are and
what we have going for us. For some there may be little but if used
efficiently very much can be achieved. For others there is much but is
under-utilized. Our resources are all those things and persons we have
access to that will help us to experience holistic growth. The more we
utilize our resources, the more we find ourselves, know ourselves and
understand how to be successful. We will have clear well defined,
understanding of who we are and what will be equipped to personal
information in the case of self-enhancement.
By extension, self-enhancement may mean extending a hand to our
friends, thus helping them to realize their goal, dream etc. also just
imagine a community with persons who know what they are about,
what they have at their disposal, equipped to use same. Self-
empowered and willing to share the formula of self-empowerment
what a well-functioning community that will be! Let’s remember that
the man who moves the mountain begins by removing/lifting small
Lesson 1: Self-Management- Personal Information and Me.
Engage: Students will watch a you tube clip on super ways of sharing
personal information

Explain: Counsellor will ask students the following question:

1) Anyone has ever asked you- who you are?
2) Were you truly able to accurately state who you are- not stating the
obvious. i.e. - I am a boy/girl (other obvious facts).

Counsellor will ask students to use introspection or reflective thinking
to examine themselves personally and truly account for those things
such as:
1. Talents
2. Strengths
3. Self- Application/Attitude to school activities, goals setting etc.

ELABORATE: Counsellor will have established with the help of students their
inputs etc.
 The fact that:

1. Knowing personal information and being ‘In touch’ with one’s self is a
powerful tool for proper self-management.
2. Appreciate that fact that knowing one’s self goes beyond being able to
give basic personal information.
 Students will make inputs and share relevant examples with
regards to the points being made.
3. Understand that proper self-management, success and self-
empowerment results when one can identify personal attributes which
is really personal information.

: Students will listen to two (2) songs which speaks to self and what it
means to know one’s self and that success comes primary from self-focus.

Songs: I have a dream – by West Life

The Climb
Evaluation 1: Students will individually write down their personal information in
their own style

Evaluation 2:


Lesson 2: Utilizing my Resources – Managing Myself.

Engage: Students will be asked to look up the meaning of the word resources, same to
be shared with class.

Explain: Students will be asked to share off-hand some readily available resources they

Responses: Access to schooling, computers and other modern amenities.

Explore: The following questions will be asked:

1) How can available resources are used to better manage one’s self.
2) Is there anyone with no resource(s) available to him/her?
3) Can you identify someone who has defied the odds by being successes
with very limited resources – if yes share an individual for us to see how
proper self-management, limited resources and success go together?

Elaborate: Students will listen to three (3) quotations re: proper self-management and the
use of resources they will be expected to share their understanding of each.
For each quotation counsellor will randomly select three (3) students their
view(s) on same
 God provides the wind but man must raise the sail – Thomas Jefferson
 Man is so made that when anything fires his soul impossibilities Vanish – Jean
Dela Fontaine
 Teachers open doors but students must step forward and enter in themselves –
Chinese Proverbs



Lesson Plan for Week Beginning February 2019

Duration: 1x30 Minutes

Date: February 2019
Grade: One
Subject: Guidance & Counselling
Topic: Safety on the Road

Objectives: At the end of the lesson students will be able to:

1) Demonstrate under instruction the correct way to go from one side to the
next of the street.
2) Suggest at least one (1) reason each why it is best to walk in single file.
3) Face the oncoming vehicle(s).

Strategies: Use of: Practical Activity/ Field Trip, Questioning, Singing and Drawing.
Content: Safety is everybody’s business. We all need to learn the correct way of using
the road. A large percentage our children are sent on the road daily for one
reason or another. Many students will walk to school. This makes it very
important for them to know that when going from one side to the next, one
should look left then right then left again before attempting to go across. A
number of signs are displayed on our roads. Some of these include: STOP,

Introduction: Counsellor will ask at least five (5) students if they are knowledgeable of any
safety signs displayed on the road- if so give a few examples of such.
Responses: Students may say yes- examples: stop signs, school slow, one way, detour etc.

Development: Counsellor will ask students- to quickly explain why these signs are

Responses: To provide road users with information/help for road users who may be using
unfamiliar road ways to warn of danger that can occur if we disobey etc.
counsellor to probe, process, make input etc.

Step 2: Students will be given paper and crayons; they will attempt to make drawings
each of one safety sign they know.
Step 3: Students to be organized with the help of class teacher and another person
available to be taken down by the gate to practice getting across the road
Step 4: One reaching down by the gate, students will be organized into groups of 3’s.
they will then be guided as how to go across the street before they actually
practice to.
Step 5: Counsellor will ask them if anyone knows:
1) Why we should walk in a single file?
2) How to correctly get from one side to the next?
3) Why should we face the oncoming vehicle?

1) We should walk in single files to prevent body protrusion and possible hit
2) We should face the oncoming vehicle so that we have a clear view of how
close we are to it and the one coming from the opposite direction ( our
back tuned to that one) will be on the side from us thus making us fairly
safe from that.
3) We should look left then right, then left again before attempting to go from
one side of the street to the next.

Activity: Students will sing the jingle below:
be careful, be careful how you cross the street, look left, look right, the look
left before you move your feet! (reptx1).



Duration: 1x30 Minutes

Date: February 2019
Grade: Two
Subject: Guidance & Counselling
Topic: Communication – Practical Lesson

Objectives: At the end of the lesson students will be able to:

Exposed practically to the use of technological instruments.

1. Work co-operatively as our resources are limited to achieve an

expected end.
2. Realize the importance of the use of technology and its use for:
I. Further Developments

Strategies: Use of: Resource person, Computers, Group Work.

Content: Please see lesson dated February 2019

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