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Duration: 1x30 Minutes

Date: February 2019

Grade: Five & Six
Subject: Guidance & Counselling
Topic: Self - Management – Time Management

Objectives: At the end of the lesson students will be able to:

I. Implement at least two (2) strategies to better manage their time.
II. Appreciate the fact that one should not procrastinate.
III. Identify and briefly discuss two (2) benefits of managing time properly.
IV. Use Role-play to highlight two (2) negative effects of poor time
V. Recognize that proper time management is a life skill.

Strategies: Use of: Questioning, Group Work, Recitation, Oral Reporting.

Content: There is a popular saying that holds true it is ‘Time waits on no man’ and this
is so the onus is on us to make sure that our time is not wasted but instead
spent wisely. Time is an important factor in business, meeting deadlines and
among other things hosting/ attending functions. For many individuals being
late or not prepared to meet a deadline is not a great problem. Scant regard is
paid to time management.
Feeling of frustration, low self-worth/ confidence as well as stress are common
experiences which from poor time management can lead to lower rates of
production, loss of opportunities, loss of business, and loss of job and among
other things loss of friendship/ interpersonal relationship may suffer. Our
children are the future leaders thus it is important to foster in them a sense of
responsibility and proper time management. They should be encouraged to
undertake the most important or time consuming task first. Learning to
multitask is also good regarding the management and among other things
having a plan of work which organizes one time is good to have before task
commencement. When time is properly managed or used we feel competent,
confident, accomplished and relaxed. It is said that the highest measure with
respect to competence is how much time a person uses to get a job properly
Engage: Students will orally share a few qualities an employer usually admires in an
Responses: Honestly, Punctuality, Competence, Good General Deportment, Positive Work
Attitude (s).

Explore: To set foundation for discussion re: Time – Management students will discuss
among themselves the answers to the questions written below:
I. Is it important to properly utilize or manage time?
II. What are the benefits (if any) to be gained from proper time
III. In which areas of our lives is time management critical, use examples/
experiences to substantiate answers.

Elaborate & Explain:

Students will be placed into five (5) small groups, each group will plan a
demonstration to show how poor time management can result;
Loss of an opportunity.

I. Loss of business.
II. Loss of friendship/ put a strain interpersonal relationships.
III. Lower production rate.
IV. Loss of a job.

 Counsellor to visit groups probe and process student’s responses/ input.

 Counsellor to have a student per group shares their group findings.
 Class and counsellor to add information and to correct misconceptions as

Students will recite the words of the poem recorded below:

Words: Tick Tock, Tick Tock goes the clock, time to do what matters, What’s important,
what makes our world go on – What time is it? Time to study, time to play, time to reflect
and time to rest.
Tick Tock, Tick Tock goes the clock and around and around our world goes,
when will we have to stop – no one knows except that the time is here and
now that which we have today to use wisely, productively without delay!
Evaluation 1: Students will be asked to explain the three (3) proverbs below:
I. Time waits on no man.
II. Time lost can never be regained.
III. Procrastination is the ‘thief of time’.


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