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Version: 2020 R2

Keeping your organization’s decision-makers informed

✓ Fleet-wide reporting and monitoring DASHBOARD

✓ Trend charting of vessel data
✓ Automatic collation of vessel data
✓ No internet access required from vessel
✓ Email alerting including for consecutive day violation
✓ NC Activity analysis

ISF Watchkeeper Online Users Guide

ISF Watchkeeper is a computer software program, for use on board ships. The software is designed for
maintaining records of seafarers’ hours of work and rest, allowing ships and their crews to demonstrate
compliance with complex international work and rest hour rules.

Watchkeeper Online is a website that can receive vessel-generated data electronically and display it in a
convenient dashboard. The site also offers alerting, to identify vessels and ranks that experience high
non-conformity events, as well as access to all current and historical reports per vessel.

This document is a guide to how to use Watchkeeper Online

Note: If this document does not contain information that you need, please contact us on

What versions of Watchkeeper (WK) are available?

Watchkeeper is available by subscription in the following formats:

1. Watchkeeper 3 (Single User). For use on stand-alone computers. Ideal for vessels with small
crews where access can be shared on one PC or where work hour management is performed by
a single individual. Guideline: <10 crew
2. Watchkeeper 3 (Network Version). For multi-user operation on board ship, this version can be
installed on several computers that link together. Guideline: >10 crew.
3. Watchkeeper Online. Add-on service for WK3 Network Version. Fleet-wide reporting and
monitoring for shore-based personnel

The instructions that follow apply to Watchkeeper Online

How does data reach Watchkeeper Online?
Vessels running ISF Watchkeeper 3 Network Version ‘push’ their data to Watchkeeper Online once a
week (or at a frequency that you determine). The Master or other ISF Watchkeeper admin user on each
vessel can use the OPTIONS->SYNC WITH OFFICE feature within the on-board software to upload their
data. Uploads are permitted either over the internet (this happens by clicking one button) or via email,
where the data is saved out of ISF Watchkeeper and is then emailed to an automatic processing mailbox
called in this way, internet it not required on board for data submission

For technical details or a useful guide that vessel personnel can use for submitting data, please contact
us on

Data submitted to Watchkeeper Online goes into a processing queue for security validation. Once this
has passed, the data is integrated into the main Watchkeeper Online database and all the submitted
hours are tested for any alert triggers

Data submitted to Watchkeeper Online takes 2 hours to pass through the validation and calculation
phases to be visible on the main site

Vessels can submit data automatically if you are running ISF WK version 3.52 or later

What does this guide cover?

The topics covered in this guide are shown above, and these correspond to the main menu headings in
the WKO web page:


Watchkeeper Online can be accessed from the at web address

The site can be accessed using the following browsers:

• Google Chrome
• Mozilla Firefox
• Safari
• Microsoft Edge
• Internet Explorer 11 or later

The site is fully encrypted, much like accessing bank account websites, so each login session is totally
private and secure. For more details about our security policy please contact us at

To access the site it is necessary to have a login name and password. This needs to be set up for your
company, showing your fleet and associated data. If you do not have a login, please contact to request one. If you do have a login name and password, please enter it as
shown below

After login, the system will start you on the DASHBOARD page. This page contains a range of useful
information about your fleet’s work and rest hour compliance

The dashboard is divided into the following sections (please see diagram below for the relevant sections:

SECTION A – Latest Sync Information
This section lists the latest data submissions made by vessels. Results are listed in terms of vessels that
have submitted data within the last 1 day; the last 1 week or more than the last 30 days

Click the GREEN, ORANGE or RED text to see a full list

SECTION B – Non-conformity alerts

Vessels and ranks with percentage breach averaging over 0% are listed in descending order. These are
colour coded according to the threshold set in the SETTINGS section described further in this document.
It is possible to click any of the vessels or ranks to immediately see the detailed report that the figures
are based on. This is a powerful drill-down feature!

Click any of the coloured bars to DRILL DOWN to the report for that rank or vessel

SECTION C – Trend Charts

You can analyse your fleet data by vessel, by rank or by fleet (vessel group).

Some charts have filters as shown above, which you can select to change the chart content
Note: The Chart Filters will determine the range of records that get exported to Excel. Please use the
filters to refine the selection that you require

Use the “hamburger” icons to export to graphics file or source data (CSV) to Excel.


Use the REPORTING tab to pull off detailed reports from any of your vessels. These reports are the same
that are available on board ship using WK3, but by accessing them from Watchkeeper Online you can
have the convenience of retrieving reports for any vessel in your fleet.

Use the filters to choose the vessel and date range for the report and press RUN REPORT

On-screen reports can be viewed, printed or saved to disk. You can save to PDF or to Excel formats using
the icons provided:

Reports that are available:

Report Name Purpose

Hours Record This is the official timesheet report, approximately one page per crew
member per calendar month. The report format conforms with the
regulatory requirements. Please see below for further information about

this report
NC Timesheet Like all non-conformity reports, these are for internal use only and are
not required to be provided to inspectors. This report is similar to the
Hours Record, but non-conforming hours are marked with a letter “N”
Non-Conformities Detailed A listing of non-conformity instances, per crew member, per day, per
Non-Conformities Summary A summary of percentage breach per vessel. Approximately one page per
vessel per calendar month is used, showing ranks and the percentage
breach they experienced that month. Use the “Group by Crew” to see
ranks split per crew member. This report is invaluable for identifying
ranks with high non-conformance
Overtime Summary Should overtime be enabled for the particular vessel, you can use this
report to view a summary of overtime totals and calculations for all
active crew
Overtime Record For crew members that have overtime enabled, you can see a detailed
report showing 1 month per page, of overtime per day and the
calculations made
Plan – Working Schedule For ships running ISF Watchkeeper 3.5 or later, it is possible to make use
of the Planner. This tool allows creating a port plan to allocate work
hours to teams and determine the optimal allocation to minimise non-
conformance. The results are displayed in a “Working Schedule” report,
which can be viewed here for any vessel
Rank Schedule The Table of Shipboard Working Arrangements report, which is required
to be displayed on a public noticeboard on board each vessel. The report
lists each rank and the times that the rank is required to work each day

The “Hours Record” report is the standard timesheet report format required by the regulations. This
report includes 4 calculation columns to total hours or work and rest, and also “hours of rest in any 24h
period” and “hours of rest in any 7 day period”. Please see the schematic below for an explanation of
how each column is calculated:

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(NOTE: Some flag states permit the use of the IMO STCW 2010 Manila Exceptions. These exceptions
allow slight relaxations of the 10h daily rest requirement and the 7 day rest requirement. When the
Manila Exceptions are turned on in Watchkeeper, the column "Hours of rest in any 24h period" is
calculated using the THREE largest rest periods.

If you are using the Manila Exceptions please ensure in case of inspection by port state control that you
have evidence on board that this is permitted by your flag state)

The key non-conformity report is the “NC Summary”, which summarizes the conformance situation for
all ranks on a single page per month:

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Other non-conformance reports can be generated as per the description table above

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The Watchkeeper Online FLEET tab is used to manage notifications and groupings for the vessels in your

1. Use the search box to search for ships by name

2. Use EXPORT FLEETS link to export a list of vessels to CSV format. This includes a field showing
the last synchornisation date for each vessel and many other useful fields, like ACTIVE REGIME;
3. Use the CREATE FLEET button to group vessels, then tick each vessel in the list that you would
like to have appear in the new fleet:

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Each FLEET that you create appears as a separate line on the FLEET NC chart on the
DASHBAORD, and also as an additional option in the FLEET filter for relevant charts. This is very
useful for comparing results from groups of vessels, for example, by class or by trade

Use the EXPORT FLEETS button to see additional information about each ship, including:
• Software version
• Active regime and settings (eg Manila Exceptions)
• Time Zone
• Report language
• Email address and vessel particulars
• Etc.

You can also see these details by clicking on a vessel:

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Note the “Last Update” date and time for each vessel and also the version of Watchkeeper running on
the ship:

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Vessel synchronisation auto reminders
The Watchkeeper Online system is capable of sending automatic reminder emails to your vessels if they
fail to submit data on a regular basis. You can set the notification EMAIL ADDRESS to use for each vessel
as shown below

Double-click the “Email Address” field to change the email address, and tick the “Auto Reminder?”
tickbox to turn on reminders for that vessel:

The reminder frequency can be set to the number of days that you require. Please make this setting in
the Settings section (below)
NOTE: you can also edit the vessel email address by clicking on the line then entering the email address
in the dialogue that appears. You can have multiple email addresses by separating the with a semi colon

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Use this section to specify your notification email address, to change your login password and to set the

Site Settings
Dashboard NC Tolerance Level: This is the percentage breach that is acceptable according to your
internal company policy. For example, setting this value to 8% will make all vessels (or ranks) appearing
in the ALERT section of the dashboard appear RED if their percentage breach is above 8% or GREEN if
their percentage breach is below 8%:

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Auto Reminder Frequency

This is the value that determines how

often the system will email your ships
to remind them to submit data to
Watchkeeper Online. Reminders are
only sent to vessels where the “Auto
Reminder?” flag is ticked on the FLEET
tab, and also where an email address
has been specified for the vessel, also
on the FLEET tab

The reminder is also only sent if the

vessel fails to submit data within the
number of days shown in the “Auto
Reminder Frequency” field

NOTE: Vessels running ISF Watchkeepeer 3 Network Version 3.52 or later can enable AUTO
SYNCHRONISATION so that data is sent automatically every day


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Data Retention
Reports can be run on your fleet for submitted data that is up to 3 years old. While the DASHBAORD
charts will show trend information for 12 months only, you can use the REPORTING tab to generate
detailed reports (or to export data from those reports) for up to 3 years.

Submitted data that ages over 3 years is automatically deleted from the platform.

Is support offered?

Watchkeeper Online is a subscription service, which includes unlimited support. We would be pleased to
assist you with any technical or operational queries relating to using Watchkeeper Online. Please
contact us on

Or contact us on:
(IT Energy) Tel: +44 (0)20 7264 0594

Please send feedback! We are better able to meet your requirements if you share
them with us in the form of new feature requests! Please contact us on

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Watchkeeper Online: Email alerts for non-
Version: 2020 R1

Watchkeeper Online (WKO) has powerful email alert functionality that allows you to be informed via
email, when pre-defined non-conformity thresholds are breached by one or more vessels. This is
extremely useful if you want the system to tell you when there is a significant breach, rather than
requiring to log in each day to check vessel statuses. Once enabling the alerts feature for your login, you
will automatically receive email notifications each time a vessel crosses the non-compliance thresholds
that you set. These thresholds can be chosen to suite your operational needs

In addition to alerts, you can also choose to receive a weekly summary of activity in the fleet, where
useful statistics are summarized to give you a quick overview of the compliance status over the previous
seven days

Email alerts are assessed each time a vessel synchronizes their data to WKO

Step by Step Guide – Setting up Email Alerts

Step 1: Finding the settings
Settings for user alerts and notifications can be found in the SETTINGS->ALERT SETTINGS tab of the
header menu:

the alert SETTINGS page with appear:

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Step 2: Enabling alerts and weekly summaries
In the AUDIENCE section, please use the tckboxes to select whether you would like to enable email
alerts and/or weekly summary reports:

• In order to receive NC alerts, ensure the “NC Alerts” checkbox is ticked

• To receive weekly summary reports, ensure the “Weekly report” checkbox is ticked.

• If you want to receive the weekly summary report, you will also need to specify which day of the
week to receive the report on. This is selected in the ALERT SETTINGS section:

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Step 3: Setting your own tolerance levels
It is possible to define your own tolerance thresholds, which when breached, trigger an alert. These
settings are made in the ALERT SETTINGS section

Option 1: Percentage based tolerance levels:

Click the PERCENTAGE BASED radio button as shown below, then, use the sliders. The sliders will allow
you to choose the vessel and rank percentage thresholds. For example, as shown below, a vessel that
synchronises with Watchkeeper Online and reports an 8% or more percentage breach in the preceding
30 day period, will cause the system to generate an email alert.

Option 2: Time based tolerance levels:

As an alternative to percentage-based tolerance levels, you can choose to be alerted based on the
number of days in a specified period that had at least one non-conformance. To enable this feature,
click the “NCs/TIME BASED” radio button

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NC Based alerts trigger based on the number of non-conformities that you have set for the chosen time
period. For example, in the screen print above, a level 1 alert occurs if 1 day of non-conformance has
occurred during the last 30 days for a particular seafarer. This means for each seafarer that has 1 non-
conforming day in the last 30 days, the system will send an email alert to you.

The formatting of up to 3 alert levels allows you to set severity, and to choose which severity level
would generate a notification. You can turn notifications on or off for each level using the “Notify”

The NC based alerts can have different periods per alert and each level of alert can be turned off.

It is also possible to alert for any 7 day violation. So in the example above, a level 3 alert would be
triggered if there are more than 3 NC’s in the current calendar month OR if one or more 7 day NC’s

Consecutive day violations

In addition, you can choose to be alerted in the event that a seafarer has violations on consecutive days.
In the example below, any seafarer that has two days in a row with non-conformance will be included in
a trigged alert

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Step 5: Adding email addresses to be notified when alerts are
Aside from the option to receive notifications yourself, you can add additional email recipients of alerts.
This is helpful if you wish to pass alerts on to personnel who do not necessarily log in to WKO.

These settings are made in the AUDIENCE section:

Each recipient can receive either NC Alerts AND/OR Weekly reports

Sometimes a person receiving alerts may wish to only see alerts for vessels that they are interested in
and to not receive alerts for other vessels. In order to do this, you can tick the fleets that are of interest
and untick others.

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That’s it! We hope that you find the Email Alerts and Weekly Summary feature valuable! Please let us
know if you would like to enhanced further!

Feedback and bug reporting:

Please send feedback and report bugs by emailing:

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