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How to Telnet to GTMailPlus IP address & port


This article assumes the GTMailPlus software is fully installed and the user has sufficient
privileges to make settings changes.

After installing GTMailPlus onto a client you have problems with connecting to the GTMaritime
servers. You can check the connectivity by using telnet to connect to the GTMailPlus IP address
and port

Enabling Telnet Client

In order to use Telnet, you will first need to enable it

Click the Start bar and start to type in Control Panel

From the list select Control Panel

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From Control panel select Programs and Feature

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On the left-hand select "Turn Window feature on or off"

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On the Windows Features screen scroll down and locate Telnet Client

Tick the checkbox next to Telnet Client

Click on OK

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Windows Features will search for required files

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Once completed click on Close

Telnet has been enabled on this work station

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Telnet to an IP address or Port

To use Telnet to check the Port assigned to GTMailPlus follow the below steps:

Click on the Start Menu and start to type CMD

From the list select Command Prompt

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In the Command Prompt type in one of the IP address of the GTMaritime servers followed by
the Port number 27641

A full list of IP addresses and port numbers can be found here (What are the IP addresses and
Port numbers for GTMailPlus/GTSeaMail for Firewalls)

E.g. Telnet 27641

Press enter

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If the connection to the GTMaritime server is successful then you will receive the response
"Encore Protocol"

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If the response "Connecting to not open a connection to the host,
on port 27641: Connect failed" is returned

You will need to check your firewall setting and with your Air Time provider to ensure that your
firewall rules are open to allow connections on port 27641

Contact Support

If this issue persists you should contact our support team at or +44
(0) 1925 818 940

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