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PLACE: The Little island off the coast of Greece. It was popular with people who wanted a quiet holiday, swimming or walking.

SEASON: Summer

Eagle House: It was the biggest house on the island. It had a high electric fence and special alarm. The only place where there was no fence on
the Cliff of the garden.

Plan: David Ashken must climb Eagle’s Rock and to steal the Mr Vitalis’ paintings. Mr Vitalis would collect Insurance money and then he would
sell the paintings.


- Costas: He was studying at university, he want to be a doctor. He liked climbing the cliffs
- Eleni: she was at school and she liked swimming. On holiday, He works at Mr Papas’ shop.
- Mr Holland/David Ashken: a fair-haired man. He was a writer and he was a famous climber.
- Mr Vitalis: He owned a computer company on the island and owned the Eagle’s Rock house. He had been a rich man, but in that
moment he was broke.
- Mr Kazaku: Costas and Eleni’s father. Owned a holiday villa and some holidays flats. He was a small man with a moustache and a
happy smile.
- Mr Papas: Owner of a shop, He sold books and postcard, and some pictures. He liked walking each morning.

CHAPTER 1 – A man called Holland

One day in the summer, the man came to the island who called himself Holland. He was nervous. He was travelling alone. He needed the
Money, therefore he didn’t say no. He had a conversation with Mr vitalis, he gave him indications. He went to the villa, where Costas was
climbing and Eleni was swimming.

Eleni didn’t like that Costas climbing alone because was more dangerous.

CHAPTER 2 – Eagle’s Rock

Eagle’s Rock was steep and dangerous to climb, the cliffs were high on that part of the island. One rock was shaped like to head of a bird.
There were sings that said: “dangerous, keep away, no climbing”. Costas dreamed of climbing Eagle’s Rock.

At the top of the Cliff there was a very handsome house which belonged to a man called Mr Vitalis. But Costas wasn’t looking Eagle House, he
was thinking about to climb the Eagle’s Rock. Eleni realized what he was thinking about, she was worried because it was too dangerous, three
people had died trying to climb the Rock.

He said that he was the first person to climb it to the top, and that he will be famous. He wanted climbing alone.

They came back home, and Eleni didn’t tell father because Mr Kazakou didn’t like his son climbing rocks. Costas and his father didn’t share the
same thought.

When they arrived at home, they met Mr Holland. Costas knew his face.

CHAPTER 3 – The visit to the shop.

Eleni went to the shop were she worked. The shop belonged to Mr Papas. Mr Papas saw a new visitor in the holiday villa. Eleni spoke about
him. Later, Mr vitalis arrived at the shop, He liked buying paintings and, in his house, he had many expensive paintings. Eleni went into the
kitchen to make coffee. She saw Mr Holland through the window in the café opposite the shop. He was reading and drinking coffee. Mr Vitalis
didn’t buy any paintings. Mr Papas was Sad.

Eleni went to the kitchen again and she saw Mr holland and Mr Vitalis together. Mr Vitalis left his newspaper on the café table, and he left.
Then, Mr Holland picked up Mr vitalis’ newspaper.

Mr Vitalis was broke. He didn’t want other people to know about his problems. He had a plan.
CHAPTER 4 – The real “Mr Holland”.

Costas went to the beach again and looked again at the Eagle’s Rock. He imagined himself climbing again, and he said that his father will know
that he was brave and clever.

They came back home. Costas saw Mr Holland was looking through binoculars at Eagle’s Rock. Costas remembered where he had seen Mr
Holland. Mr Holland’s real name was David Ashken, he was a famous climber.

Costas told Eleni that Mr Ashken had had an accident in Austria five years ago. Another man died that day. Ashken was too frightened to
climb again.

Costas discovered that Mr ashken wanted to steal Mr Vitalis’ paintings.

CHAPTER 5 – Mr Vitali’s Plan.

David Ashken was looking at the Eagle House.

Ashken and Mr Vitalis met in England a month ago. In that moment, Ashken was working in the bar of the hotel where Mr Vitalis was staying.
Mr Vitalis recognized him. Ashken told him that he needed money. The next night, Mr Vitalis offered him to steal his paintings.

CHAPTER 6 – The Climb

Eleni woke up at 7 am because she heard noises, and she saw Costas. He was wearing his climbing clothes. He wanted to climb. She tried to
get Costas to come home but he didn’t want to.

Up and up he went. And then when he arrived at the part of the rock which was shaped like the beak of bird he didn’t move for a long time. He
tried but he slipped. Eleni was afraid, and Costas too.

David Ashken saw the boy on the rocks, he thought that Mr vitalis found another person to steal. He remembered his accident. David Ashken
broke both legs and a shoulder, Landberg (another climber) broke his neck and back, he died.

David ashken that the boy couldn’t move and a girl was running.

CHAPTER 7 – The call for help.

Eleni went to help her brother, she looked a phone but she realized that David Ashken could help them. He didn’t want to, and then she told
him that she knew what his plan was, and that she would tell Mr Vitalis. David Ashken laughed, and he told her Mr Vitalis had pay his to steal
his paintings.

Eleni told David Ashken that he should help his brother. Then Ashken said yes and got his climbing things. He told her the Mr vitalis’ situation
and the plan.

CHAPTER 8 – Climbing again!

Ashken began to climb very slowly. He remembered Austria. He believed that he couldn’t, but he was climbing again. Ashken told Costas that
he had to do. Costas was very frightened. Ashken held the rope as Costas down the face of the rock. Ashken was happy because in that
moment he wasn’t afraid to climb. He didn’t need to steal, he will be climber again.


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