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1. Constance reflecting herself on the mirror

a. shows how lost as a person she is
b. brings light to her inner conflict
2. Charles trying to convince everyone he’s there for them
a. not a specific part but the whole dynamic of him being “kind” but losing trust
3. The town apologizing and accepting the Blackwoods
a. they are the villains
b. got away with murder twice

1. Constance being too passive and not acknowledging just about anything that happens.
2. How fast everything happens at the end.
3. No background at all but it could be argued otherwise.

1. The two ladies talking about the history of the family before leaving
2. The scene where merricat drops the glass the color the tone of the scene makes it feel
more alive
3. The pastel feel of the movie in general makes it seem like it was created way back then
but it was made in 2018.
4. Merricats witchcraft
5. Uncle Julians memoir

The movie’s production was phenomenal and made me really feel like the atmosphere was
created perfectly with the genre. It didn’t focus too hard on the Gothic making it more Addams
Family like, but it did just enough for it to keep and drive the tension throughout the film. The
actors are spectacular and do a great job portraying a broken family. I think the film falls short
because of the way the pacing contradicts the book. Things seem to happen for no reason and
are constantly left with no explanation. It’s rather slow at the beginning but jumps the gun quite a
bit toward the latter half, big plot points and revealing things that had very little to no build up
throughout the movie. It made following along sort of a headache which doesn’t do the
production justice unfortunately.

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