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Organized by the psych gang from IBO Discord server, for May 2019 onwards exams.

Special thanks for yusra and dice for their contributions, entropy for being a veteran,
chelsie for being godly yusra BIG DOUBT I AM NOT-, and cat and eden for helping and
keeping psych channel lively <3

Recent additions (10/03): thanking Rae for being a wonderful psych helper and awesome
human being <3 (oh naurr)

Content 1

Foreword 3

Common SAQ and ERQ Structure 3

Paper 1: Core 4
Biological Approach 4
Cognitive Approach 5
Sociocultural Approach 6

Paper 2: Options 7
Abnormal Psychology 7
Health Psychology 7
Human Relationships 7
Developmental Psychology 8

Paper 3 9

Update Log 10
For more resources, check out Psychology Helper Website

These compilations of exemplars are provided to showcase appropriately high
marked exemplars. You can also check other marked exemplars ranging from
low to high marks through the IBO Psychology’s Assessed Student Work.

Since this compilation is a result of contributions of people who shared their

exemplar essays throughout the IB Discord, this compilation will be an ongoing,
voluntary process (to keep in track with what’s new, see Update Log).
Nevertheless, most SAQ and ERQs follow a similar format -- for exam guide
question formatting, resources, and notes, go check out Psychology Section of
the Helper Website or the pinned messages in #psychology channel of IBO
Discord server.

By creating this exemplar, hopefully better SAQ or ERQ responses can be made
by observing through examples. Some of these essays may not be perfectly
factually accurate as they may be a real response done during an exam (where
you can't double check facts) so please do not try and memorize these as your
exam responses. Furthermore, since we have varying teachers all across the
globe, some may judge them harsher while others are more lenient, so full mark
exemplars may not necessarily mean that it’s perfect for other examiners. Thus,
we decided to compile essays for SAQ, ERQ, and Paper 3.

If you’d like to share and contribute your own exemplar(s) so it can be added in
this document, feel free to DM either rolla#2995 or monroe#0201 on Discord.
Make sure that the essay belongs to you!

Common SAQ and ERQ Structure

Using the PEEL structure (1 for SAQ, 2 for ERQ)

These structures are similar structure patterns you can follow which can be
seen throughout these exemplars. It is not compulsory to follow them, however
it can help you maintain an organized structure in your essay. If followed
correctly, you can easily get around 5-6!

To consistently achieve 7, it is important to make sure to answer the SAQ/ERQ

correctly while keeping your points focused. Especially on ERQs, you need to
For more resources, check out Psychology Helper Website

put a lot of emphasis on the content of your arguments rather than blindly
sticking through the structure. For an example of this, you can watch the
Argument-Based Approach video created by Alexey Popov or compare how the
essays with very high marks (20-22) differ from lower essay marks (15-17).

● Point: addressing the command terms, formulate thesis, define relevant
psychological key terms, [explain, describe, or outline] the theory
● Evidence: Study (year)
● Explain: Aim, Procedure, Findings, Conclusion of study
● Link: conclude, refer back to thesis, answer the question again, link study.

● Paragraph 1
○ Introduction: address command term, introduce the topic, define
key terms, introduce the 2 studies
● Paragraph 2 + 3
○ PEEL: argument point - study 1 - explanation of study - link
○ Critical Thinking: evaluate study + link to theory
● Paragraph 4 + 5
○ PEEL: argument point - study 2 - explanation of study - link
○ Critical Thinking: evaluate study + link to theory
● (Optional) Paragraph 6, you can either:
○ Add another study (not recommended, better go with 2
study+in-depth eval than 3 shallow study+eval unless-)
■ PEEL: argument point - study 2 - explanation of study - link
■ Critical Thinking: evaluate study + link to theory
○ Discussion: talk about theory itself (specially if there is more things
you’d like to address about the theory/evaluation)
● Paragraph 6/7
○ Conclusion: summarise essay, refer back to thesis, answer the
question again
For more resources, check out Psychology Helper Website


Paper 1: Core

Biological Approach


Research Methods in Hormones and 7/9 yusra#6578


MRI Scan 8/9 rolla#2995

Agonist 7/9 OhWhale#2035

Agonist 8/9 WowSoBoring#7


Hormones (Oxytocin) 8/9 rolla#2995

Hormones (Oxytocin) 47/49 wadaw#9022*

*scores were in 47/49 because the contributor did not know the specific
breakdowns of their grades

Genetics 8/9 rolla#2995

Neuroplasticity 7/9 yusra#6578


Neurotransmission 18/22 yusra#6578

Pheromones (Sex Pheromones) 22/22 sophistry#6845

Pheromones (Sex Pheromones) 20/22 rolla#2995

Evolutionary Arguments 20/22 rolla#2995

Genetic Similarities 20/22 DIce#1751

Evolutionary Arguments 18/22 fendi#0201

HL Extension

Evaluate Animal Research Studies 18/22 eden#6028

For more resources, check out Psychology Helper Website

Value of Animal Models 19/22 rolla#2995

Cognitive Approach


Multi-Store Memory Model 47/49 wadaw#9022*

*scores were in 47/49 because the contributor did not know the specific
breakdowns of their grades

Rational and Intuitive Thinking 9/9 dsalcoda#9352

Rational and Intuitive Thinking 8/9 WowSoBoring#7


Emotion on Cognitive Processes 7/9 rolla#2995

(Flashbulb Memory)

Emotion on Cognitive Processes 7/9 OhWhale#2035

Thinking and Decision Making 8/9 yusra#6578

Model of Memory 7/9 yusra#6578

Schema Theory 9/9 thatskindagayth


Model of Memory 7/9 fendi#0201

Emotion on Cognitive Processes 7/9 fendi#0201


Contrast Two Models of Memory 47/49 wadaw#9022*

Contrast Two Models of Memory 20/22 Trash Can#1021

Evaluate schema theory 17/22 WowSoBoring#7


Emotion on Cognitive Processes 21/22 DIce#1751

(Flashbulb Memories)

Emotion on Cognitive Processes 22/22 thatskindagayth

(Flashbulb Memories) o#1024
For more resources, check out Psychology Helper Website

Thinking and Decision Making 19/22 ablue ❀#8857

Reconstructive Memory 22/22 ablue ❀#8857

HL Extension

Positive effects of Digital Technology 21/22 OhWhale#2035

Sociocultural Approach


Social Identity Theory 8/9 rolla#2995

Stereotypes 8/9 Pegaferno#0914

Cultural Norms 7-8/9 eden#6028

Research Methods in Enculturation 47/49 wadaw#9022*

*scores were in 47/49 because the contributor did not know the specific
breakdowns of their grades

Research Methods in Acculturation 8/9 OhWhale#2035

Ethical Consideration of Culture on 8/9 dsalcoda#9352


Social Cognitive Theory 8/9 yusra#6578

Social Identity Theory 8/9 fendi#0201

Social Cognitive Theory 7/9 fendi#0201


Formation and effect of stereotypes 22/22 ablue ❀#8857

HL Extension

Globalization and Behaviour 20/22 DIce#1751

For more resources, check out Psychology Helper Website

Paper 2: Options

Abnormal Psychology

Factors Influencing Diagnosis

Role of Clinical Biases in Diagnosis 18/22 ablue ❀#8857

Etiology of Abnormal Psychology

Biological Approach (MDD) 17/22 TotoroCat#6539

Biological Approach (MDD) 17/22 fendi#0201

Biological Approach (MDD) 18/22 WowSoBoring#7


Treatment of Disorders

Treatment of MDD 17/22 JC Denton#9718

Health Psychology

Determinants of Health

[no exemplars yet] - -

Health Problems

Biological Approach (Obesity) 19/22 TotoroCat#6539

Promoting Health

[no exemplars yet] - -

For more resources, check out Psychology Helper Website

Human Relationships

Personal Relationships

Why Relationships change or end 20/22 Trash Can#1021

Why Relationships change or end 18/22 fendi#0201

Ethical considerations in investigating 17/22 fendi#0201

personal relationships

Group Dynamics

[no exemplars yet] - -

Social Responsibility

[no exemplars yet] - -

Developmental Psychology

Influences on Cognitive and Social Development

[no exemplars yet] - -

Developing an Identity

[no exemplars yet] - -

Developing as a Learner

[no exemplars yet] - -

For more resources, check out Psychology Helper Website

Paper 3

Paper 3 Mock 21/24 eden#6028

For more resources, check out Psychology Helper Website

Update Log
2020/10/13: created the document, formatting, inserted SAQ and ERQs
2020/10/28: added several more SAQ and ERQs, an update log, and changed
document formatting
2020/10/29: more document template changes, added table of contents, and
chelsie simping over document formatting
2020/10/30: added Paper 3
2020/10/31: added our first two P2 on Health Problems and Etiology by
2020/11/20: added value of animal research, genetics, and evolutionary
argument by rolla#2995
2020/12/02: updated soff’s 22 exemplar marks because rolla#2995 probably
messed up links
2020/12/23: added Wadaw#9022’s (Hormones (Oxytocin), Contrast Two Models of
Memory, Research Methods in Enculturation) and Trash Can#1021’s (Contrast
Two Models of Memory, Why Relationships Change or End) exemplars
2021/01/17: added DIce#1751’s globalization and behaviour’s exemplar
2021/01/24: added dsalcoda#9352’s exemplars on Ethical consideration of
culture on behaviour and Rational and intuitive thinking
2021/02/06: added DIce#1751’s Genetic Similarity ERQ
2021/03/29: added OhWhale#2035’s Paper 1 (Agonist, Emotion on Cognitive
Processes, Research Methods Acculturation, [HL] Positive effects of Digital
Technology) and нєямσѕα ✿#5333’s Excitatory SAQ, and Pegaferno#0914’s
Stereotype SAQ
2021/04/13: added Yusra’s Model of Memory, Social Cognitive Theory, and
Neuroplasticity SAQ
2021/04/16: removed нєямσѕα ✿#5333’s Excitatory SAQ after the psych gang
concluded that the SAQ was overmarked
2021/06/17: removed John49#7275’s ERQ as it received full marks yet has no
evaluation in the content (sus) and updated the Foreword to clarify the purpose
of this document.
2021/12/16: removed yusra#6578 from the DM-able list. Thank you for your past
contributions :roolove:
2022/10/03: added JC Denton’s treatment of disorder ERQ; Zach’s (Schema SAQ &
FBM ERQ), and Rae’s (Social Identity Theory SAQ and Model of Memory SAQ)
2022/12/13: added Rae’s Human Relationships ERQ
2023/03/21: added Rae’s Cognitive and Sociocultural SAQ, as well as Human
Relationships and Abnormal Psychology ERQ
2023/03/28: added WowSoBoring’s biological and cognitive SAQ (agonist and
rational/intuitive thinking) + cognitive ERQ (schema theory)
2023/05/10: added WowSoBoring’s Abnormal Psychology ERQ (biological
etiology MDD)
2023/05/20: added ablue ❀#8857’s ERQs on Stereotype formation and effect;
Reconstructive memory; Clinical biases in diagnosis; and Thinking and Decision
For more resources, check out Psychology Helper Website

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