6.0 Getting Started

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Chapter 6

Integer Operations
Created by Mr. Bonavota
What do you remember?

What is an integer?

Integers consist of all positive and negative whole

numbers including zero.

Therefore, 4, 6, 24, 99, -9, -22, -128 are all integers

but 2.6, and -2.9 are not.
What are opposite Integers?

Opposite Integers are the same distance away from

zero on a number line.

For example -5 and 5 are opposite integers. -112 and

112 are opposite integers.

What is the opposite integers of 26?

What is the opposite integer of -47?

The Zero Principle

What is the zero principle?

The zero principle shows that the sum of any two

opposite integers will always equal zero.

For example, the sum of (+1) + (-1) is 0.

Let's see the zero principle

(+5) + (-5)

Adding using the zero
+ (-

Answer = +4

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