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The Warped Project, PO Box 124, Ormskirk, Lancs, L39 3YT; Online: www.warped-uk.


Welcome to Warped
This pack has been put together to provide you with some information about what we do, its benefits to
you, and some vital background about the world of licensing music (a world which many don’t
understand). The Warped Project was put together to plug a gap in the market. We offer a hybrid of
licensing services to provide a fresh stream of independent and unsigned acts. Our main aim is keep our
business simple, colourful and different from the rest.

There is little in the way of help to get you started in the music business and it’s often a hard slog to get
noticed by the right people. Today independence seems to be the best way to go in order to get your
music working for you. Some people do this until that big deal comes along, others plan to turn their
music into their own business venture without record and publishing contracts. Each of these methods
are already in use by millions of people worldwide. Self-promotion can be achieved easily and cheaply
through web-based resources, but should you leave your efforts there if you really want to move on?

Internet promotion is effective, however its really important to remember that the web is exactly as the
word suggests, an electronic maze of people, companies, services, home pages, etc. Each of these are
trying to communicate their point, they may want to sell a product or service or to provide an
informative spot on the Internet. Whatever people’s motives are it still makes the Internet a problem
area when trying to build a web site and promote it to stand out. Music promotion online can be done
through the large, popular and fully established music sites such as and These
offer a good start to your self-promotion plan, however they are limited to how much they can actually
help your career:

Firstly they are popular because they offer a mass community of acts which promises a range
of every music style under the sun. However they are often too large and hard to navigate
making it difficult to find exactly what you want (without having time to invest into searches).
These factors make it very hard to stand out above the rest without having an existing
reputation or online presence.

The Internet can only influence the people that use it, until its introduced to a mainstream
medium it can only be used by those who have the means to connect. Promoting online can
mean that some of your precious potential fan base will miss out on your efforts. So how do
you go about spreading the word outside forums, newsgroups and chat rooms?

There is no easy answer, each band or act will have exposure to different opportunities to exploit, its up
to you to identify them and use them to their maximum potential. The best advise is to just get out
there, spread the word and play as many gigs as you can. The more people that are exposed to you the
more news will spread about your act. Think of all opportunities in terms of marketing potential, who is
going to be exposed to your music at that gig or from that radio show. When you can identify who likes
your work then you should be able to begin targeting them at specific places and times.

© 2002 The Warped Project

Working With Warped

The Warped Project will help you get your music working for you. We can’t promise that your work
will be selected by our clients, but it costs nothing to try and we’ll forward it whenever appropriate.
The amount of money to be earned really depends on how much of a track our client would like to use
and for what type of production it’s for (theatre, film, television, etc.). Clients are charged a flat rate for
each bit of music they want to play, this is then combined into one bill that is payable before the
production is finished and distributed. The fee is then simply divided by our 50/50 agreement (similar
to that of a typical record contract used on most single releases, but we don't try to seize control of your
copyrights.). Each artist or band that provides music for a project will be paid according to the use of
his or her music. If one person was to license 1 minute of their track to a client then they would get
less than the person who’s full track was playing while the credits scrolled.

Each production has a different target audience. Some mainstream productions will expose music to a
wide group of people, whereas others may just hit a select few. You can use any successful soundtrack
deal in a bid to further sell your act to your potential fan base, remember the more your perceived to
have done, the more successful you’ll appear.

Joining Us

We are aiming to build a defined library of good quality music for licensing, so we need to collect all
the work you are willing to license. Please give consideration to the fact that all music is used for
different reasons and what you may considered to be off the mark, a client may treasure. Work can be
submitted at any time after you’ve joined the project. This is advisable to keep your music collection up
to date so that you stand every chance of being put forward for as many projects as possible.

Upon joining us you’ll be asked to sign an agreement, this basically allows us to reproduce your work
at any time for promotional reasons. It also provides us with the right to license your music to other
parties. This is what gives us the edge over the current competition, it allows us to move swiftly and
provide the combined service the market desires. This contract isn’t damaging to your career at all, it
doesn’t assume ownership of any copyrights. Even more importantly it’s a non-exclusive contract, this
means that you are free to sign deals with other record or publishing companies at a later date. We just
ask you keep us up to date on who owns your copyrights.

We mainly keep in contact through e-mail as its fast and responsive (so its important that you provide
us with an address that you use). An application form is provided with this pack which requests all the
information we need.

© 2002 The Warped Project

Why Flat Rate Charges?

Licensing is a dirty word to many people because they need music to finish their work, however it’s
seen as time consuming, expensive and confusing. Like anybody else their main concern is to complete
the work they set out to do and get it in circulation, however music licensing always stands in the way.
The three main methods of licensing music for productions are to either commission somebody to
custom write it, negotiating with the owners of pre-released music or to use a music library.

Commissioning provides simplicity to licensing as it allows you to pass over the responsibility
of finding and legally licensing music. Upon completion of the work the user can pay for it,
and its then theirs to use as and when they want.

Negotiations with publishing and record companies will often take a higher budget. This
option scares people as it isn’t reliable with any set rules. Negotiations can be time consuming
and expensive. Remember a production teams primary concern is to finish their work then
worry about the music later, this leaves little time to negotiate and can cause problems.

The final and most common option is to use Music Libraries, these provide a wealth of music
that's accessible quickly and easily with prices charged at industry standard flat rates. Libraries
however use the same teams of writers and producers for all their work. This means work can
sound samey as often very similar production styles are used on all compositions.

We mentioned earlier that The Warped Project is a hybrid of two services in the industry. We provide
the quality and vast range of production styles of pre-released music from record and publishing
companies. However our service is as quick and easy as that of a music library. Recent market research
carried out by ourselves indicates clearly that there is a need for our services, so with your help we
should be able to put together the quality solutions required.

If you’re interested in joining us, then please fill in the application form on the next page and send it
with a demo of your work. We’ll test your music against our criteria and let you know if we can
proceed further.

Thanks again for your time and interest, let’s hope that together we can make a big impact on the

© 2002 The Warped Project

The Warped Project, PO Box 124, Ormskirk, Lancs, L39 3YT; Online:

Personal Details

Title _________ First Name(s) ________________________________________________

Surname ________________________________________________________

Address _____________________________________________________________________




Contact Number(s)

Day Time _______________________________ Evening ________________________________

Mobile ____________________________________

Internet Details

E-mail ______________________________________________________________________

Web Domain __________________________________________________________

Please remember to enclose a demo with this application form.

Thanks for taking the time to fill in your details

© 2002 The Warped Project

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