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NSL- 1° SEGUNDO CUATRIMESTRE 2023 3 Read the text about Luca and his family and

1 Complete the sentences and questions with the answer the questions.
correct form of have got.
1 A: ____Have_______ you ___got______ a sister in
this school?
B: Yes, I ___________.
2 We always go by bus because we ____________ a
Hi! My name is Luca and I’m 12 years old. This is a
3 A: ___________Julia and Erika ___________
photo of some people in my family.
tickets for the concert?
My mum’s name is Valeria and she’s 39. My
B: No, they ___________.
stepfather’s name is Maxi and he’s 38. He’s got a cat,
4 Dolores _______________ a new guitar. It’s
I’ve got a little sister, Lara. She’s 12. Lara and I have
5 Bart and Lisa ___________ a little sister called
got very nice grandparents. My grandfather’s name is
Clive and he’s 68. He’s got grey hair. My
6 A: ___________ you ___________a big family?
grandmother’s name is Judy and she’s got brown
B: Yes, we ___________.
hair. She’s also 68. We’ve also got two aunts and two
7 You _____________ a lovely garden. Look at the
uncles and they are all in this photo. I haven’t got any
cousins but I want to!
2. Choose the correct options to complete the
Where are we now? At my grandparents’ house. It’s
sentences with the affirmative and negative
my grandpa´s birthday today.
present simple form of the verbs.
1 Who’s Maxi?
1 We lives / live / don’t live in Argentina. Our home
is in Buenos Aires.
2 Who hasn´t got cousins?
2 School holidays finish / finishes / don’t finish in
3 How old is Lara?
3 I love / loves / don’t love the summer. It’s my
favourite time of year.
4 Has Luca got four aunts?
4 Fede and Sebastian always go / goes / don’t go
skiing in winter.
5 Where are Luca and his family?
5 You comes / don’t come / come to my chess club
every Wednesday. It’s nice to see you here.
6 Are Luca and his family in winter in the photo?
6 They walk / walks / don’t walk to school. They
take the bus.
7 I get up / gets up / don’t get up every day at 6.00
am. It’s very early but it’s no problem!

Photo credits: 123RF

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