Tutorial - Power Up Your PC

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Tutorial - Power up your PC

First things first: if you have Microsoft Office physical memory (see Power Up: Setting physical
installed, then chances are you have a shortcut in memory cache). This is a tricky one to explain, but
your Start Up folder called Find Fast. This causes suffice to say, it's harmless and it makes a difference to
problems with music applications as it periodically your system speed.
runs performing indexing operations on your files.
So, get rid of it from the Start Up folder, you can
Now you've sorted your swap file and cache settings, the
always run it by hand should you need it. Also
next thing to do is to set up your file system. Open up
remove any other programs from your Start Up
Device Manager by right-clicking on My Computer and
folder that aren't required, as this will stop them
selecting Properties. Next, select the Performance tab
taking up residency in memory when the computer
and hit File System. Check that the drop-down option for
'Typical role of machine' is set to Network server. The
default is Desktop system, but this doesn't allow
The other setting that can improve the performance of Windows to access a large number of files
applications under Windows is that of the virtual simultaneously, which music apps in particular need to
memory. Windows automatically manages virtual do.
memory for you, but performance can be improved If the machine isn't set up as a network server, then
(especially in memory intensive applications like Cubase change its typical role, hit OK and reboot. Next, we'll look
VST or Logic) by creating a permanent swap file (see at defragging the hard disc. This is an activity that should
Power Up: Setting up a fixed swapfile, below). If you be done at least one a month - maybe more if you
don't feel comfortable with doing this, however, you can regularly install and remove a lot of software...
instead set up the amount of cache that's stored in

Power Up: Setting up a fixed swapfile

Right click on My Computer and Select Manage my own Settings Your computer will needed to be

select Properties to bring up the and put in values of 150Mb and rebooted for the changes to take
System Properties window. Select the 200Mb for minimum and maximum effect. Get used to seeing that
Performance tab, then File System, size respectively. Is this more than Windows splash screen, because it's
then Virtual Memory. adequate for any application. Hit OK going to be burnt indelibly into your
and close all the Windows. retina by the time we're done...

Power Up: Setting physical memory cache

First we need to open Sysedit. Normally, this particular area of windows

should be left well alone, since messing with it can cause major
problems. However, what we're doing here is simple enough, so click Start,
Select Run, type 'sysedit' in the run box and hit OK.

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Tutorial - Power up your PC

Et voila! Sysedit appears. Select the System.ini window and find the
entry with the header [VCache]. If you have 64Mb of memory or less,
set the MinFileCache to 8192 and the MaxFileCache size to 8192. If you have
128Mb of memory, set the MinFileCache to 12288 and MaxFileCache to
16384. Having done that, find the entry saying [386Enh]. Add (or edit) the
value LocalLoadHigh=1. Save the changes (File then Save) and close
Sysedit. Restart the system for the changes to take effect.

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Tutorial - Power up your PC

If you need to perform a fresh install of your system, one way of

increasing hard disc performance is to make sure that your primary
partition is using the FAT16 (File Allocation Table) disc system.
Although this is not as efficient in terms of disc space, it is
considerably faster in terms of file access. A lot of pre-built
computers come with the C Drive as a 2Gb FAT16 partition and the
rest of the physical drive formatted as FAT32. However, FAT16 also
doesn't support partitions any bigger than 2Gb due to the 16-bit
limitation. This article isn't going to cover the use of FDISK, as it's a
fairly advanced topic. Those of you who want to change to a primary
FAT16 partition, please consult the appropriate documentation.
Standard disclaimer: anyone using FDISK does so entirely at their
own risk!

Hard Disc Optimisation

On the flip side, if disc space is a concern, any FAT16 partitions can
Why defrag the hard drive?
be converted to a FAT 32 partition at any time within Windows 98.
Well, as you install software, the machine
The reason FAT32 takes up less space than FAT16 is because it uses
uses the next set of free continuous data
a smaller cluster size. (A cluster is the smallest common denominator
blocks on your hard drive (where possible),
in terms of the amount of disc space a file can take up.)
therefore grouping files together and making
them more efficient for your system to seek
and read. Over time, as old software gets The other way of greatly increasing disc throughput is by making sure
removed and new software gets installed, that in Device Manager>Hard Drive>Properties, DMA is enabled. All
this will lead to the file locations on your modern systems should have DMA capable drives. If you're unsure
hard disc becoming fragmented; ie, not all in then either check your system manuals or get in contact with the
contiguous locations. Running defrag on your system vendor to check if your drive supports this capability. Most
hard disc resolves this problem and makes vendors provide product information on their website, including
sure that all files are stored in logical blocks, system specifications.
thereby reducing the amount of time spent
seeking. To defrag your hard drive (or,
The other essential Windows utility for checking that your system
indeed, any drive), perform the following
files and hard disc are in good shape is ScanDisk. ScanDisk can be
scheduled to periodically to check that your hard drive and files are in
good shape, both physically and in terms of system integrity. To run
1. Turn off your screen saver. Screen ScanDisk, go through the following steps:
savers cause a read of the hard disc,
which restarts the defrag process.
1. From the Start Menu, Select Programs>Accessories>System
Virus software is best disabled too,
since some makes also have the
2. Select the drive you wish to scan and make sure the Thorough
occasional read without warning.
checkbox is ticked.
2. From the Start Menu, Select
3. If you want ScanDisk to automatically fix any errors that it
finds, check the Automatically fix errors check box.
Tools>Disc Defragmenter.
4. Hit Start.
3. Select the drive you wish to defrag.
4. Let it run to the end. Never stop
defrag half way through as your drive The ScanDisk process, as with defragging the hard disc, can take a
may well end up in a worse state long time, so it may be best to run it overnight. Having done all these
than it was when you started the things, your system should now be good shape to maximise
operation! throughput for that all-important track being mixed down to Hard

Power Up: Replacing system files

If at any point you find applications start to crash abnormally, or there are occasional problems with booting into
Windows, then there is a little known utility in the Windows/System directory called SFC.exe. This handy little
undocumented utility scans your Windows system and checks the integrity of your system files. If it find files that
are out of date or corrupt, it prompts for the Windows disc and then replaces them. It can often save a reinstallation
of Windows since many problems come from dodgy system files. Run it like this...

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Tutorial - Power up your PC

Open Explorer and go into C:/Windows/System. In there, This window appears. If you want to check
you'll find a file called Sfc.EXE (System File Checker); double- for changed files, then go to Settings and
click that sucker to get it running... click the checkbox saying, unsurprisingly, 'Check
for changed files'. Hit OK to run SFC.

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Tutorial - Power up your PC

If you're still having problems, try this:

1. Reboot and then depress the Delete, F1 or appropriate key

(check your motherboard's manual) to enter your BIOS set-up
2. Find a section called 'PNP, PCI & Onboard I/O' (or similar).
This is usually found in the chipset features option of the BIOS
3. Find 'Resources controlled by' (or similar) and change the
value from Auto to Manual.
4. Change the setting of the IRQ(s) the soundcard is conflicting
with or using.
5. Boot into Windows and make sure that the soundcard conflict
has been removed.

When you're having audio trouble in applications, one way in which to

troubleshoot the soundcard (and the drivers) is to try the following
five-step solution:

1. Go to the Start menu, select Settings and open the Control

Defragging is a monthly must. And you'll Panel.
be surprised by the difference it makes 2. Double-click the Multimedia icon, and under Playback, click
to speed and storage space... the Advanced Properties button.
3. Select the Performance tab and find the Hardware
Acceleration slider control.
Resolving Soundcard problems 4. It will probably be all the way to the right. Try sliding it to the
left one notch.
Over the years, Windows has become far 5. Now run the application with which you're having problems
better at managing the installation of new and see if there's any improvement.
hardware. 99 percent of the time it sets up
new devices correctly, assigns the right IRQs
and Resources, and everything works fine. Try this repeatedly at different hardware acceleration levels. While
However, the one percent of the time it certain applications may run just fine with the hardware acceleration
doesn't can have a detrimental impact on up full, a few may perform better with it taken back a notch or two.
performance. This is quite common in
If you're still having problems, then remove the card and re-install.
systems that are trying to run two
To do this, go through the following steps:
soundcards or video cards under the same
Windows installation.
1. Right click My Computer on the desktop.
2. Choose Properties.
First of all, make sure that you have the
3. Choose Device Manager.
latest drivers for your hardware. Most
4. Scroll down to Sound, Video, and Game Controllers and
manufacturers make regular driver updates
expand the tree.
to their products, so be sure to check their
5. Click on each of the items pertaining to your soundcard (one
websites frequently. Secondly, make sure
at a time).
the soundcard is not conflicting with
6. Choose Remove, then OK.
anything (see Power Up - Finding resource
7. Reboot once everything has been removed.
conflicts, below). If you see an IRQ conflict,
8. Reinstall hardware as per the instructions in your soundcard's
try unchecking the Use Automatic Settings
button. Then re-map the IRQ to resources
that are not in use. Reboot and see if the
changes were effective. If not, give it If you ever experience freezes from applications then try disabling
another try. the assignment of IRQ to USB (unless you're using USB, of course).
This can usually be done in the BIOS. Then set your soundcard to use
Half Duplex, unless you need Full Duplex (record/play at the same
time). Consult your soundcard's manual for information on how to do

Tech Talk

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Tutorial - Power up your PC

A library of routines (code) that allows itself to be used Splitting a single physical drive into logical drives creates
by other DLL calling-capable languages. For example, all partitions. This is done with the DOS utility FDISK. Be
the core functions for Windows are in a file called warned, however, that using FDISK is not for the faint
Kernel32.DLL. The DLL 'publishes' the routines which can hearted! It can only be used on a freshly formatted drive
then be called from other programs. In a nutshell (arf as it deletes and creates partitions, thereby wiping out
arf), a way of splitting essential code up into smaller any data on said drive.
components that can be shared by applications.
Virtual memory Interrupt Request. Every hardware device in your system
Virtual memory (also called the swap file) is space has an IRQ. When that device needs to communicate
allocated on the hard disc that Windows uses when it with the CPU, it 'interrupts' whatever data is passing
runs out of available physical memory. With some through the assigned port to get its data through. IRQ
application processes you may notice a lot of hard disc conflicts prevent hardware from transferring information,
activity. This is due to Windows reading and writing data consequently stopping them in their tracks.
to your virtual memory.
FAT The much maligned Windows Registry is an object
File Allocation Table. A disc filing system used by database of all the information required for the OS to
Windows to establish the 'layout' of your hard drive. function and communicate with hardware. Each of the
There are two different types of FAT: FAT16 and FAT32, registry keys refers to certain files on the computer - OS
differentiated by the fact that FAT16 is 16-bit and FAT32 configuration, installed software, hardware driver
is 32-bit. In essence, FAT16 gives faster disc access, configuration etc. The problem with it is that it's an 'in
while FAT32 delivers more space due to the smaller memory' database, and thus quickly bloats the memory
minimum data cluster size. unless kept in check.

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Tutorial - Power up your PC

Right-click My Computer,
choose Properties, then Device
Manager. Scroll down to the Sound,
Video and Game Controllers tree
and expand it (by clicking on the +
next to it).

Double-click each item in the

list pertaining to your
soundcard (one at a time). Choose
the Resources tab and look in the
Conflicting device list. If you have a
conflict, it will tell you here. Head
for the section Resolving Soundcard
Problems (previous page) for

Power Up: Adjusting Hardware acceleration

From the Start menu, select
Settings and open the Control
Panel. Double-click the Multimedia
icon. Under Playback in the
Multimedia options screen, click the
Advanced Properties button.

Select the Performance tab

and find the Hardware
acceleration slider control. It's
probably all the way to the right, so
try sliding it to the left one notch.
Now run the application you're
having trouble with and see if
there's any improvement. If not,
move the slider another notch the
left etc.

Cleaning up Windows Now install Easy Cleaner and run it from the Start Menu.
If it's been a few months or longer since you last made a There are several parts to this program, but for the
clean reinstall of the OS, you'll generally find that the purposes of this article we're only interested in the Clean
overall performance of your PC is beginning to suffer. Registry section. Click on the Clean Registry button and
This is usually due to a combination of unused DLLs then Find. After the program has completed its scanning,
cluttering up your Windows/System folder, and a large delete all the entries shown and run it again. Carry on
Registry database which Windows tends to manage very running the program until no entries come up when the
badly. So, at some point you have to bite the bullet and scan is finished.
go through the excruciatingly-painful process of
reinstalling Windows. However, it CAN be averted if you
And finally, run Microsoft's CleanReg using Windows
follow a few simple guidelines...
Explorer, as this program doesn't create an icon on the
start menu. Uncheck the Update After Delete box, select
There are several programs which allow you to perform a a key from the top window and click on the Delete Key
scan of system files and find out which ones are being button. Repeat this ten or so times, go up and select the
used and which ones are not. You can download all of the Update After Delete box and delete one more key. Then
programs covered from the list below). To install the uncheck the Update box and continue this process until
programs you'll need WinZip (check out our cover CD). all of the entries are gone. Now reboot the computer.

First up is Clean System Directory. This scans the System The last task that needs carrying out is compressing the
folder and finds any seemingly unused DLL files and Registry. If you have Windows 95 Service Pack 1 or
moves them into a separate folder. It is strongly older, do not do this as there is a serious bug with the
recommended that you don't delete these files for a process. We suggest you upgrade Windows 95 to OSR
couple of months to ensure that they aren't still required Release 2.1 or, indeed, Windows 98. OSR 2.1 is available
by your system. for free from Microsoft's Web site at www.microsoft.com.
Install the Clean System Directory program and begin by Also, download FixReg from here. Having done that,
starting up the program from the Start Menu. A box will follow the simple instructions below to compress the
appear with lots of checkboxes and three buttons at the Registry.
bottom. Check the boxes with correspond with your Hard
Drives and disc partitions (for example, C and D), then
1. Restart the computer in MS-DOS mode.
click on the Start Scanning button. When the program

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Tutorial - Power up your PC

has gone through the entire system, a dialog box will 2. Go to your Windows directory by typing C:/ at the
appear; click Select All and then Move Selected Files. command line and then cd/windows. Then type
Make sure you restart your computer before moving on smartdrv at the prompt and hit return. This will
to the next step. speed up the processes which we are about to
3. Type regedit /e all.reg. This will export the
Next, run the RegClean program. Click on the Start
registry to the all.reg file.
button and the program will scan the registry and work 4. Type regedit /c all.reg. This will compress and
out which keys should be removed. After the scanning is import the all.reg file, replacing the old registry
complete, click on the Fix Errors button to apply the with a compressed copy of it.
changes. After this, you should reboot your system. If 5. Now type win, hit return and wait while Windows
the computer has an error during the reboot (unlikely but boots up.
possible), simply double click on the undo*.reg file to 6. Open the FixReg program, point it at the all.reg
reset the computer to how it was before running
file in the Windows directory and open the file.
This will automatically make sure that all of the
necessary registry keys have been imported.
7. Delete the all.reg file and reboot.

All that software...

Hit pictures to goto the website!

Clean System isolates of all those pesky DLLs that

are clogging up your system. Best not to remove 'em RegClean scans your registry and removes any
though... redundant keys. Like most system software, it
requires a restart to kick in.

Easy Cleaner's Clean Registry option needs to be

used over and over again until there's nothing left. CleanReg (these names are getting confusing) is the
Then restart... again. final stage in registry cleaning before compression.

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Tutorial - Power up your PC

Please note: The version of CleanReg listed and described above is now unfortunately obsolete. The new version of
CleanReg avalilable from www.armstrongsystems.bizland.com is slightly different from the one in the article. To achieve
the same thing, just do this:
1. After the registry scan, 5 windows open. The one you need is called CleanReg.
2. Highlight 10 items in this window and hit the delete key from registry button. Everything in this window can go.
3. The 'update after delete' checkbox is now redundant.
4. The new version seems slightly unstable and we experienced a few crashes if trying to delete more than 10 obsolete
registry entries so use with caution.
5. You dont need to register to use it effectively, but the instablility is a problem and the registration activates a write-to-
disc undo.

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Tutorial - Power up your PC

Using TweakUI OK, so you now have an optimised system, and you
you can get TweakUI from here. Its one of those fabulous should see decreased boot-up times, more efficient use of
utilities where once you've installed it, you never know memory and a quicker hard disc. It's certainly worth
how you managed without it. Anyway, without further making sure that you carry on using ScanDisk and Disk
ado, lets see how we can use TweakUI to speed up Defragmenter regularly. The cleaning up Windows section
Windows load times and graphics performance... shouldn't be required more than once every three to six
months, though, unless you install and remove a lot of
software on a regular basis.,/p>
First of all, install TweakUI. It should put an Icon named
TweakUI in the Control Panel. Start it up and follow the
Power Up walkthrough below. And there you have it. A cleaner, faster PC system,
This should speed up boot times and also free up some courtesy of Computer Music. No, its OK, you don't
memory due to the disabling of certain standard Windows need to thank us. Well, maybe just a little thanks
items that chew up valuable memory and graphics then - the forum is a good place to start... :)

Power Up: Using TweakUI

Under the General tab, uncheck Under the the Explorer tab, Under the Boot tab, disable the
the following items (you'll barely disable the following items: Tip 'Show Splash Screen' item. This
notice they're gone): Window of the day, Animated 'Click here to speeds up your boot time a little.
Animation, Smooth Scrolling, Menu begin'. Obviously, if you're really attached to
Animation, Combo Box Animation, List the Windows startup screen, then
Box Animation. leave this one alone.

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