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GenCon Adventures
n the Dunkirk Mixed Zone that stretches over the
English Channel, the GodNet is failing as Holy
Exchanges fall to Ayslish forces or transform
from reality storms. As access to the GodNet

grows more difficult there have been sightings of
the image of a heavenly figure claiming this has
been the result of Sin, calling for the Cyberpope’s
judgment on the demon town of Folkestone.
Unaware of the extent of the corruption of
Folkestone the Delphi Council has sent a team of
Alpha Clearance agents to investigate, first sending
them to meet with some locals that may have more
• Scene One: The Storm Knights enter
Folkestone and meet the welcoming
committee and learn that the town is ruled
over by Demon Queen Lucindra.
• Scene Two: Rescuing captured Elven
Consortium operatives from a partying
technodemon the heroes learn more about the
figure and where to find answers.
• Scene Three: An audience with the Demon
Queen brings the Storm Knights to a cutthroat
diplomatic session where they learn where all
the demons have come from.
• Scene Four: Entering the GodNet the Storm
Knights either defend Eanswythe to restore
the GodNet or let her fall to allow further
access to the demon armies.

Synthesized Elven harp music plays over the elevator
speakers as your group ascends to the top floor of the
white marble elven tower. The doors open with a ding,
and you are greeted by a pair of Elven Consortium
security guards equipped with Reflec armor and
power swords who lead you through a well-appointed
reception area to a set of double doors.
Your handlers at the Delphi Council sent you to
investigate strange signals coming from the town
of Folkestone along the coast of Kent in the chaotic
Aysle-Cyberpapacy Mixed Zone. Your first stop is in
the neighboring village of Hythe where the so-called
Elven Consortium has set up a new headquarters
since moving out of Folkestone, they should have some
clues as to what is going on.

The doors swing open, and you are led to a large strange hologram of an angelic woman has
white marble desk with a holographic placard reading appeared across the county with increasing
‘Vice President of Operations, Yeleth’. A blonde elf in frequency.
a designer suit motions for you all to take a seat and • This hologram appears as Saint Eanswythe,
nods at the guards who leave the room. She sits back patron Saint of Folkestone. She has been seen
down and smiles, “It’s not often we have visitors from asking forgiveness for the people of her town,
the Delphi Council. Please, I will try to be as helpful claiming it has become a bastion of sin, a town
as I can.” of demons and in need of God’s judgment.
Vice President Yeleth is genuinely helpful and • Yeleth sent a security team in to investigate a
doing everything she can to distance her operations day ago, but she lost communication shortly
from what is going on across the Channel in Calais. after they entered the town. She would like
While the majority of the Consortium moved to the Storm Knights to discover their fates and
CyberFrance for more lucrative opportunities and rescue them if possible.
became corrupted her team has remained in Aysle, Once the Storm Knights have enough information,
even after catastrophe in Folkestone. they may requisition equipment as normal
She can share the following with the Storm (the Delphi Council will reimburse the Elven
Knights: Consortium) and Yeleth is happy to provide a
• The Channel Tunnel between Folkestone car and driver to get them to Folkestone (only a
and Calais transformed into a Hellmouth, 20-minute drive away).
allowing demons to escape into Aysle and the
Cyberpapacy. Wherever the tunnel leads to
is extremely dangerous and none who have SCENE ONE
entered the Hellmouth to explore it have Standard Scene. Aysle/Cyberpapacy Mixed
returned. Zone. The town of Folkestone has radically
• The Elven Consortium was contracted to transformed since the beginning of the Possibility
seal the Hellmouth on both sides. In both the Wars. The combination of Ayslish walled town
countryside outside Calais and in Folkestone and Cyberpapal industrial sprawl is an assault on
the Hellmouth was sealed with great the senses. Wattle and daub cottages stand beside
enchanted doors and fortresses built around clusters of futuristic buildings cloaked in neon
them manned by elven security. holograms. People are rarely seen on the street, but
• Consortium wizards in Folkestone performing the Storm Knights presence is noted immediately,
tests on the magic emanating from the and they are watched from the shadows.
Hellmouth caused a dimensional breach. Gaining access to the town is not difficult,
Explosive demonic energy was released, unmanned security checkpoints at the entrances
destroying the fortress, and collapsing the allow the Storm Knights to simply drive or
tunnel once and for all. walk right in. Any heroes with abilities to detect
• Yeleth’s forces were ordered out of town as Supernatural Evil will feel surrounded by it at all
the Director deemed the Folkestone operation times and evidence of horrible events can be seen
“not within acceptable profit margins.” The all throughout the town. Everything is quiet and
majority of her troops were recalled to Calais. the air is filled with a sense of anticipation.
• The entire Mixed Zone in Kent has been
abandoned by the Cyberpope. Each week The horrible truth is that the entire population
there are less functioning Holy Exchanges this of Folkestone has been possessed or killed and
side of the Channel, the one in Folkestone is replaced by demons. It was a gradual process that
one of the last operational data cathedrals but took months but now Folkestone is truly a demon
even that has been seeming to glitch out more town. Demon Queen Lucindra now rules the town
frequently. Though even as access lessens a and as word reaches her that more mortals have
entered her domain, she will send a brute squad

to collect them. The demons approach the Storm THE DOCKS
Knights disguised as classic English street toughs,
Uthorion’s vikings have made a few expeditions
led by a weaselly looking man with a cane. He
into Folkestone, trying to seize the mixed zone for
will introduce himself as Laxius and informs the
the High Lord. They were little trouble for a town of
heroes that they are now prisoners of the Queen
demons, some armed with cyberpapal weaponry.
of Folkestone. He will demand they come quietly
Masts and sail from their scuttled longboats still
in chains though the demon toughs will use any
just from the waters of the cocks.
pretext from the Storm Knights to start a fight,
turning off their hologram clasps as they do. If
(when) combat breaks out Laxius will cower and
refuse to fight.
Standard Scene. Aysle/Cyberpapacy Mixed
After combat Laxius will beg for his life and
Zone. The small stone fortress built to contain the
offer to serve the Storm Knights. He claims he is
entrance to the Hellmouth lies in ruins. Damaged
a library demon and knows many things that
by a magical explosion, the collapse of the Euro
could help them. Turning off his hologram clasp
Tunnel and the subsequent attack by a horde of
he appears mostly as human though with goat
demons it rests abandoned at the end of a series of
legs and a barbed tail and an annoying nasal voice.
untransformed railway tracks in the north end of
He is knowledgeable about everything that has
the town.
gone on in the town except for the appearance of
Eanswythe. He will however, not volunteer any Storm Knights hear the sounds of heavy industrial
information, only answer direct questions as part music coming from the ruins long before they
of his demonic nature. see anyone. As they approach, they will find the
missing Elven Consortium squad, captured by
If the Storm Knights go along with the demons
demons, and being forced to dance until they drop
willingly, they will be chained up (and the bruisers
will look disappointed) and marched to the Parish
Church and Scene Three to meet the Queen. Following sets of railway tracks you approach the
ruins of a stone fortress where heavy industrial music
• Demon (Cyberpapal; 1 per Storm Knight):
can be heard emanating from with a rhythmic unce
see page 42.
unce unce. It seems a bomb must have gone off in the
• Demon (Laxius, Ayslish Knowledge middle of the fort as entire walls are blown out and
Demon): see page 42. guard towers have collapsed into themselves.
Exploring the town further highlights some Inside the walls a large audience of people are
additional locations which can be populated as the cheering and clapping for a small group of surrounded
Game Master sees fit, around one major feature in figures frantically dancing for their lives under the
each sector: flashing lights of a disco ball. A technodemon stands
on a podium dancing to the beat and yells into a
Three city blocks of building organized along the “Sixteen hours! How much longer can these elves
lines of the Cyberpapal manufacturing monasteries. last!?”
The guild makes clasps with mini holo-projectors. One of the figures which you now recognize as the
The clasps project short morality plays based on missing Elven Consortium team suddenly falls to
the Malraux Bible. The demons think these are the ground in exhaustion, their unconscious body
ridiculous, but they sell, and money spends. twitching to the music. The crowd roars as the
technodemon screams “Only two left! Who will win
and become the Queens new plaything!?”

Invitations to the dance battle are most persuasive
The elven security team made it as far as their old DEMON DANCE BATTLE
fortress before being captured by demons. Now
The dance off is handled as a modified Dramatic
this gang led by the technodemon Mordrok is
Skill Resolution. Each round a Drama card will be
forcing them to dance for their lives quite literally.
flipped as usual and the letters will represent the
Elves who pass out become possessed by demons
beats of the music and what kind of dance moves
while the survivor is meant to be presented as a gift
may be attempted. Like most DSRs only one hero
to Queen Lucindra, improving Mordroks standing
and Mordrok can attempt these moves each turn,
in the town.
though multiple dance moves can be attempted
As such, the technodemon is loath to let his with regular Multi-Action penalties.
prisoners go. There are dozens of possessed in the
Each success counts as 1 point, with a Good result
crowd plus Mordrok himself, so combat is liable to
worth 2 points and an Outstanding worth 3. At
be very messy and any attempts at diplomacy will
the end of five rounds the dancer with the most
be Near Impossible (DN 20).
points wins the dance off. Intimidation and taunt
One possible route to securing the prisoners is interaction attacks by bystanders are allowed but
exploiting the technodemons pride and challenging any physical violence or other interaction attacks
him to a dance off in front of the other demons. If will start combat.
the Storm Knights fail at other negotiations other
• A (Footwork): Keeping in beat with the
demons in the crowd will begin chanting “Dance
rhythm and basic dance moves requires a
off! Dance off!” while Mordrok tries to hush them.
maneuver/Dexterity test.

• B (Twerk): Put some life into the dance and The Law of the One True Way ensures that if the
win over the crowd with personality requiring technodemon loses he must abide by the results
a Challenging (DN 12) intimidation/Charisma and fulfil his end of the contract releasing the elves
or persuasion/Charisma test. to the Storm Knights’ custody. He then turns off the
• C (Mosh): Moves that involve the other music, takes his disco ball and flies away in a sulk.
competitor or members in the crowd that The remaining demons retreat into the darkness
look more dangerous than they actually are leaving the exhausted elves and the heroes alone.
requiring a Hard (DN 14) trick/Mind test. The leader of the team, an elf named Felandis
• D (Thrash): Kicks, flips, and cartwheels with shares that they were captured soon after entering
hard chops requiring a Challenging (DN 12) the town by innocent looking townsfolk. It is clear
unarmed combat/Dexterity test. that everyone in the town is either possessed by a
demon or a demon disguised as Folk. He will be
• Possible Setback: Jeers from the audience thankful for the rescue, but the surviving elves are
shake your confidence, succeed at a willpower/ in no condition to help the Storm Knights in any
Spirit test, or lose a success. fights.
• Complication: Pass a persuasion/Charisma or He will be able to share however that they were
intimidation/Charisma test or have the audience visited by a hologram of a woman who begged
throw garbage at your team for the remainder them to save her at the parish church, telling them
of the contest subtracting 2 from all further “The connection must be reset” before they were
tests. captured by the demons.
• Critical Problem: A piece of rubble from • Mordrok, the People’s Dance Champion: see
the fortress walls conveniently falls right below
over the current dancer who must success
a Challenging (DN 12) dodge/Dexterity test • Demon (Ayslish; 2 for each Storm Knight):
or be hit for 15 damage and lose all accrued see page 42.
successes. • Demon (Cyberpapal; 2 for each Storm
If Mordrok wins the dance off he will claim one Knight): see page 42.
of the Storm Knights as a thrall with the intention • Possessed (2 for each Storm Knight): see
of presenting them to the Queen instead of the page 42.
dancing elf. The elves will be carried away by • Consortium Security (2): see page 41.
demons and never seen again if the heroes do not
Attributes: Charisma 8, Dexterity 8, Mind 10,
Spirit 12, Strength 16
Skills: Conjuration 14, dodge 12, energy
“THE TOWNSFOLK HAVE TAKEN weapons 15, find 11, intimidation 16, maneuver 11,
TO STRANGE MOVEMENT, melee weapons 15, reality 14, trick 12, unarmed
combat 12
ENGAGING IN SALACIOUS Move: 8; Tough: 19 (3); Shock: 14; Wounds: 5
BLASPHEMY, EVEN UPON THE Equipment: Chain whip (Strength +3/19, Reach 5
Perks: Occultech (Digan Darksight Eyes MKIII,
—SISTER AUBERNAY Mim Vocalizer, Vav Sensation Suppressor),
Possibilities: 3

Special Abilities: She will formally greet any Storm Knights that
• Armor: Cybernetic plating +3. are brought before her and demand they pledge
• Chains: A technodemon may use conjuration their souls to her to serve as slaves for eternity.
to summon chains and attack a target within Assuming the heroes balk at this offer she has an
50 meters (Damage 15). This attack may alternative to pitch to them:
use the standard Grappling rules (see Torg “As you have no doubt discerned by now, we have
Eternity). claimed this entire demon town. There is no going back
• Dread: While a technodemon is present, a – all these souls now belong to us. But we need not be
Standard Scene becomes a Dramatic Scene your enemy. I have no love for The Dark One or the fool
instead. who calls himself Cyberpope. I am willing to join our
• Fear: Technodemons inspire instinctive forces with the Delphi Council and monitor this zone for
horror in creatures who see them. When first your enemies… if you do a favor for me.
encountering one heroes must test willpower
or Spirit or become Very Stymied. “When the elven fools destroyed the tunnel, it did far
• Flight: Move 10 in the air. more than seal the Hellmouth. The magical backlash tore
• Large: Most technodemons stand three or a hole between the demon plane of Aysle and the local
more meters tall. Attacks against them gain a Holy Exchange. Located here, in this dour building. Still
+2 bonus. protected by Cyberpapal programs only a fraction of our
• Minions: The technodemon may transfer strength has been able to pass through to the material
any hit to a lackey within a few meters if he realm.
succeeds at a reality test. “If you were the enter the GodNet and ‘deal with’ the
last Cyberpapal protectors it would give use free reign
SCENE THREE to bring in enough reinforcements to ensure Uthorion
and the CyberPope could never invade the Mixed Zone.
Standard Scene. Aysle/Cyberpapacy Mixed Zone. What do you say? Do you wish to make new allies, or
The Parish Church of of St Mary & St Eanswythe would you rather fight each other to the death to become
has transformed multiple times since the initial my favored thrall?”
axiom wash of the invasion between Aysle and Lucindra is open to negotiation but as a demon
Cyberpapacy due to the turbulent Mixed Zone. A of pride getting her to compromise is difficult, any
side effect of these constant transformations has persuasion/Charisma tests to that end are Heroic
been the loss of its status as hallowed ground, which (DN 18). She also has no intention on keeping her
has emboldened the demons of the Folkestone to word and plans to turn Kent into a new Hell on
use it for themselves. Earth. The Storm Knights will have little choice but
The parish has been redecorated to demonic to at least explore her offer.
tastes and now includes upside down neon For an Alpha Clearance team starting a fight in
red Cyberpapal crosses, smoke, and repeating the heart of the demon’s power would be suicidal,
holograms of unspeakable acts. Dozens of but if the heroes insist Lucindra will be joined
cavorting demons can be found inside the nave of by 6 Cyberpapal demons and then gain 1BD
the church at any time all presided over by a large reinforcements of Ayslish demons, Cyberpapal
golden throne in which sits the Queen. demons and possessed each at the end of every
The self-proclaimed Queen of Folkestone is an round. If she is Defeated reinforcements will stop.
Ayslish demon of pride who has transformed to If a Storm Knight is Defeated, she will pause and
the Cyberpapacy known as Lucindra. She appears give them a chance to rethink her offer before
as a human woman eight feet tall with blood red resuming the fight as demons are unable to re-
skin, white horns and wearing expensive tailored enter the GodNet in the manner of mortals.

• Lucindra, Demon Queen of Folkestone: see a cliff overlooking the sea where Viking longships
below can be seen approaching the beach below.
• Demons (Ayslish; 1BD/round): see page 42. Inside the priory the Storm Knights find
• Demons (Cyberpapal; 6+): see page 42. Eanswythe herself, a Host who has been further
empowered by the Law of Legends. She defends
• Possessed (1BD/round): see page 42. the priory from invading Vikings, who are in fact
the demons spilling out of the Hellmouth modified
LUCINDRA, DEMON QUEEN in her realm to fit the story of the priory. Any time
not intercepting the Vikings trying to sneak past is
Attributes: Charisma 11, Dexterity 10, Mind 9, spent in prayer.
Spirit 12, Strength 12
Skills: Alteration 13, apportation 14, conjuration 14, The Host is in prayer when the Storm Knights
divination 14, dodge 12, find 11, intimidation 16, arrive and looks up when they approach her:
maneuver 12, melee weapons 15, persuasion 14, “I have prayed to my Lord for the strength to stand
reality 14, streetwise 14, taunt 13, trick 11, against the pagan invaders and lo do you approach me as
unarmed combat 12 His instrument. Aid me in the defense of this nunnery
Move: 10; Tough: 14 (2); Shock: 12; Wounds: 3 and thus all of Kent!”
Equipment: Longsword (Strength +3/15) Eanswythe is caught in a loop of constantly fighting
Perks: Bolster, Spellcaster (alarm, charm, detect off the invading “Vikings” in a twisted recreation of
magic, lightning, invisibility, true darkness*), the final fate of the priory that she founded (some
Whirlwind say it was sacked by the Danes, others that it was
Possibilities: 5 swallowed by the sea). If the Storm Knights aid her
Special Abilities: fighting the Vikings, they discover their numbers
• Armor: Infernal Suit +2. are endless, but they are coming in through three
• Dread: While a demon is present, a Standard tears in the GodNet. Those who reach the priory
scene becomes a Dramatic Scene instead. are able to use the kneelers to exit the GodNet.
• Fear: Demons inspire instinctive horror in
creatures who see them. Test willpower or Two tears are on the beach below the cliff each
Spirit or become Very Stymied. guarded by 3 Viking raiders per Storm Knight led
• Insidious: Discard a Destiny card from each by a Viking Berserker, the third is further out in
target’s pool when the demon successfully the water and every hour an entire Viking longship
performs an Approved Action. appears from it (with a full 40 Viking raiders on
• Pride: Heroes double all Multi-Action and board led by a Viking War Chieftain).
Multi-Target penalties in the presence of A tear can be closed by an adjacent hero making
Lucindra. a Hard (DN 14) computers or faith test, Very Hard
(DN 16) science or alteration test or Heroic (DN 18)
SCENE FOUR Mind or Spirit test. Once all three tears are sealed
the connection to the Hellmouth will be closed and
Dramatic Scene. Aysle/Cyberpapacy Mixed Zone. no more demons will be able to enter Folkestone.
Using the kneelers in the parish church bring the If the Storm Knights decide to attack the Host,
heroes directly to Saint Eanswythe’s construct in she will defend herself to the best of her ability. If
the Land of Nod. This construct is a byproducts of Eanswathe falls the priory will crumble, collapsing
the interactions of the Law of Legends and Law of off of the side of the cliff and falling to the sea
The One True Way as the Saints legend was made below. Heroes remaining in the crumbling priory
into an actual section of the GodNet. to use the kneelers must make a dodge/Dexterity test
The construct appears as the Folkestone Priory each round or take 14 damage from falling rubble.
that was founded by Eanswythe in 630 AD as one of Once the priory is destroyed the Storm Knights
the first nunneries in England. It sits on the edge of must have their own way to exit the GodNet.

• Saint Eanswythe, Host: see below Perks: Vengeful
• Viking Berserker (2): see below Possibilities: Rare (2)
Special Abilities:
• Viking Raiders (3 per Storm Knight): see • Berserker: These warriors ignore Shock.
below. • Smasher: The berserker ignores the Unwieldy
• Viking War Chieftain (1): see below property on weapons. If used two-handed,
any Unwieldy weapon that doesn’t already
SAINT EANSWYTHE, HOST have the Stagger property gains it.
The host appears as a young nun bearing a VIKING RAIDER
glowing golden crook and wearing a golden crown
indicating her status as a princess of Kent. The Attributes: Charisma 6, Dexterity 8, Mind 6,
Ayslish Law of Legends has used the Core Earth Spirit 8, Strength 9
legends about Enswathe to alter this Cyberpapal Skills: Dodge 10, faith 9, find 8, intimidation 10,
entities outlook. She is currently confused and maneuver 10, melee weapons 11, missile
cut off from the CyberPope, making it possible weapons 10, stealth 9, survival 8, unarmed
to change her allegiance as she actually believes combat 10, water vehicles 11
herself to be Eanswythe. Move: 8; Tough: 11 (2); Shock: 10; Wounds: —
Equipment: Chainmail armor (+2, Torso),
Attributes: Charisma 12, Dexterity 12, Mind 15, longsword (Strength +3/12), medium shield
Spirit 15, Strength 15 (defense +2)
Skills: Dodge 14, energy weapons 15, faith 18, Perks: Endurance
find 16, intimidation 16, maneuver 13, melee Possibilities: Rare (2)
weapons 15, reality 16, taunt 13, willpower 16 Special Abilities: —
Move: 6; Tough: 20 (5); Shock: 15; Wounds: 3
Perks: —
Possibilities: 5 Attributes: Charisma 8, Dexterity 10, Mind 8,
Special Abilities: Spirit 12, Strength 12
• Armor: Protected core +5. Skills: Beast riding 12, dodge 15, intimidation 17,
• Energy Crook: The Host’s projected weaponry maneuver 13, melee weapons 18, missile
can reach up to five meters away, and deals weapons 15, stealth 12, taunt 13, trick 13, unarmed
Strength +3 (18) damage. On an Outstanding combat 13, water vehicles 13
hit the Host may choose to either grapple the Move: 10; Tough: 16 (2); Shock: 14; Wounds: 3
target or apply the damage as fire. Equipment: Chainmail armor (+2, Fatigues),
• Energy Shield: If the Host uses an Active longsword (Strength +3/15), medium shield (+2 to
Defense, she projects layers of force fields. defenses)
Her Toughness increases +4 until its next turn. Perks: Endurance, Relentless, Shield Mastery,
• Flight: Move 12 in the air. Vengeful
Possibilities: Common (3)
VIKING BERSERKER Special Abilities:
• Battle Leader: Vikings within 10 meters of a
Attributes: Charisma 6, Dexterity 9, Mind 7, war chief are spurred to extra exertion, and
Spirit 8, Strength 10 deal +1 damage with any Strength based
Skills: Dodge 10, intimidation 13, maneuver 10, weapon, and any tests based on Spirit are
melee weapons 12, stealth 10, survival 8, Favored.
taunt (11), unarmed combat 10, water vehicles 11 • Minions: The chief may transfer any hit to a
Move: 9; Tough: 11 (1); Shock: —; Wounds: 1 lackey within a few meters if he succeeds at a
Equipment: Animal hide (+1), great axe (Strength reality test.
+4/14, Stymies on a hit).

Sealing the rifts will untangle the construct from EANSWYTHE DESTROYED
the demon plane and reassert it as the proper Holy
With the destruction of the Host the Law of Legends
Exchange for Folkestone, the GodNet will be fully
can no longer maintain the priory construct and
restored within in the region and regain connectivity
the tear into the demon plane rips further directly
with The Mountain and more importantly Babel
into the material world. Demons from both Aysle
Central. The most immediate impact of this is a
and the Cyberpapacy can now physically travel to-
reset of the holo-emitters throughout the town
with an exorcism protocol that banishes all of the
demons in the town back into the GodNet – even A demonic Queendom grows in size and strength
the Ayslish ones. in Kent spreading from town to city. It eventually
becomes a third front in the reality war in England
The possessed and any technodemons are
if allowed to spread too far.
unaffected and still roam the town but now the Host
is able to appear within the town at will and will
begin a purge of the town, after first escorting the ELVEN CONSORTIUM
Storm Knights safely out of new saved Folkestone. If the survivors of her team were recovered Vice
President Yeleth will be appreciative towards the
Delphi Council and may send more missions to the
AFTERMATH Storm Knights. A relationship could cause her to
Depending on the Storm Knights’ choices and splinter her group off from the main Consortium
actions there are many different possible outcomes forces in Calais since they are so far away and have
for this scenario. become corrupted. The Director may not approve
This is a win in the short-term. Most of the demons THREATS
are forcibly relocated to the GodNet and it’s only a
matter of time before the remaining possessed are
mopped up. But in the long-term there will be an
increase in Cyberpapal presence as jackpriests and These transformed elves constitute the
Inquisitors are sent to deal with the proven demon Consortium’s elite security forces.
infestation. Soon missionaries will appear in the Attributes: Charisma 8, Dexterity 8, Mind 7,
villages and towns of Kent who suffered under the Spirit 8, Strength 8
demonic rule. Skills: Beast riding 9, dodge 8, find 7,
Eanswythe will be joined by more Hosts as intimidation 10, maneuver 8, melee weapons 11,
time passes turning Folkestone into more of an taunt 9, trick 8, unarmed combat 10, willpower 10
“angel town” and as Ebenuscrux loses control of Move: 7; Tough: 12 (4); Shock: 8; Wounds: —
Hosts across the realm it may become a haven for Equipment: Reflec armor (+2, Bonus adds to dodge
divergent Hosts. against energy weapons), medium shield (+2 to
defense), GWI Sword of David (Strength +4/12,
AP 2), GWI Godbeam Laser (Dam 14, Short Burst,
AP1, Range 100/500/1K)
Perks: Brute
Possibilities: Rare (3)
Special Abilities: —

The mixture of magic, hatred, and spiritual power Many of the residents of Folkestown became
in the Cyberpapacy produces powerful demons. possessed by demons in the night. Whether by
These creatures act almost like lightning rods, Ayslish or Cyberpapal demon they are no longer
embodying sin and appearing spontaneously when in control of their own bodies and the demons
summoned by rituals, mistakes, or the desperation use them in ways appropriate to their depraved
of the susceptible. This type is the most common appetites.
to appear when a Heretical Magic Cosm card is Possessed can be detected by careful examination,
played. signs of the demon such as pitch-black eyes,
Demons from Aysle, however, normally reside demonic sigil tattoos or the smell of sulfur give
in the Demonic Plane and appear when actively away their nature.
summoned by an outside force. These entities Attributes: Charisma 8, Dexterity 10, Mind 10,
exist as twisted echoes of the Ayslish Arcane Spirit 8, Strength 10
Knowledges of magic and act with alien purpose Skills: Alteration 12, conjuration 12, dodge 12,
as opposed to the direct corruption of Cyberpapal find 11, intimidation 12, melee weapons 13,
demons. unarmed combat 12
Attributes: Charisma 8, Dexterity 10, Mind 10, Move: 10; Tough: 12 (2); Shock: 8; Wounds: —
Spirit 12, Strength 14 Equipment: —
Skills: Alteration 14, conjuration 14, dodge 12, Perks: Spellcaster (haste, lightning (CP) / fireball
find 11, intimidation 16, melee weapons 15, (AY), mage dark)
taunt 12, trick 13, unarmed combat 12 Possibilities: Rare (2)
Move: 10; Tough: 16 (2); Shock: 12; Wounds: - Special Abilities:
Equipment: — • Armor: Infernal blessings +2.
Perks: Spellcaster (disguise, lightning (CP)/fireball • Fear: Once the demon leaves its victim
(AY), mage dark) and reveals its true form all Storm Knights
Possibilities: Common (3) must test willpower or Spirit or become Very
Special Abilities: Stymied.
• Armor: Scaly hide +2. • Insidious: Discard a Destiny card from
• Emitted: Materialized demons in Folkestone each target’s Action Pool when the demon
are still linked to the Nod Sector that spawned successfully performs an Approved Action.
them and are returned to the GodNet after • Possession: At first the demon fights from
suffering a single Wound. within the victim’s body. Once the host body
• Fear: Demons inspire instinctive horror in suffers enough Shock or Wounds to be KO’ed,
creatures who see them. Test willpower or the demon must emerge as a Minor Demon.
Spirit or become Very Stymied. This triggers the demon’s Fear ability. Demons
• Insidious: Discard a Destiny card from each can only possess Ords.
target’s pool when the demon successfully • Specialization: Those possessed by Ayslish
performs an Approved Action. demons know the fireball spell while
• Specialization: Ayslish demons know the Cyberpapal demons have lightning.
fireball spell while Cyberpapal demons have
• Futures Seen: Full knowledge demons such
as Laxius gain an Up on their next turn
whenever a Storm Knight spends a Possibility
on their turn.

The GenCon Adventures are official
adventures in which players at various
GenCons changed the course of Torg
Eternity. Now, your Storm Knights can
traverse the Living Land, the Nile Empire,
the Cyberpapacy, and Tharkold and play
out crucial milestones to shape your table’s
personal cosmverse.

Included is Demon Town, an adventure in

the Aysle/Cyperpapacy mixed zone.


• Difficult choices in the Living Land when the Storm
Knights learn they can do anything, but they can’t do
• The fate of the pulp heroes of Terra, known as the
Mystery Men, hangs in the balance.
• A meeting with the Elven Consortium, previously
encountered in Unhallowed Data.
• The outcome of the Storm Knights’ fight for the Core
Earth reality of Paris’ Hard Point.
• A deal with an enemy that
determines Tharkold’s
High Lord.

This game requires the

Torg Eternity Core Rules
and Drama Deck to play.

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