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DAKSH SAINI (653092)

FNDN 101 A

Liberal arts university is an educational institution that primarily focuses on developing theoretical and
practical knowledge as well as intellectual skills to improve overall personality of an individual. These
institutes focus on evolving academic skills, improving communication, building self confidence, and
helps the students to become worldly wise. Unlike any other university, trinity western university which is
a Christian liberal arts university offers diversified courses providing students with variety of options to
choose from among the available courses like business, psychology, nursing, computer science and many
more. They focus on enhancing the creative skills of a person and helping him to implement those skills
in real life situations. Unlike any other university which mainly focuses on theoretical knowledge which
has little to no relevance to the future, trinity western university prepares the student to face any kind of
situation that may occur in his life and realise his full potential with an understanding of the surroundings.
A Christian liberal arts university is far more different than any other university as it offers the students a
chance to gain biblical knowledge and wisdom as well as improve their mindset in accordance with the
god’s perspective; it provides the students with an opportunity to know the true meaning of life and
making it worth living rather than just wasting the time in chasing the materialistic and worldly pleasures.
Such universities are mainly concerned with improving the practical knowledge of students which will be
helpful for them in the coming years, rather than wasting time on teaching theories it focuses on the
overall growth on an individual and helps them to become a great person; it also preaches the biblical
thoughts which are responsible for spiritual awakening of a person and connects him to God which is
considered as an essential element in the development process.
My main reason for choosing trinity western university is heavily inspired by the above-mentioned facts.
Academic excellence is what everyone looks for but, gaining practical skills and knowledge regarding the
surroundings was my reason for choosing this university as that is the thing which makes a person truly
wise. In a hope of getting good quality education and knowing the implementation of the skills I joined
this institute; and I am very confident that the qualification I am going to achieve will be very useful for
to in the upcoming future. Keeping in mind the current working environment people mostly look for
educational qualifications as well as the practical skills like communication, critical thinking, problem
solving etc., and trinity western university offers both. In order to achieve success in today’s world one
must posses both the traits and the students of TWU are privileged as they are getting to learn both under
one roof.
Apart from the knowledge and skills which I will gain during my studies I think the moral ethics and
values are something which I will prioritise throughout my life as being a good human is a tough call for
today’s generation. I think becoming a wise person with having practical knowledge is what everyone
wants and studying in a Christian liberal arts university is the best way one can step towards becoming
worldly wise. One of my major goals in life is to improve the way of living just by enhancing my
emotional side and this university conducts such classes which preaches biblical thoughts and ideas which
is the best way to become emotionally stable and spiritually awake. I realised that having liberal arts
education can help me achieve my personal goals as it considers both theoretical as well as intellectual
skills which are the major key factors in today’s world to achieve success.
I think studying in trinity western University is one of my best life decisions and is a privilege for me as I
am getting to learn about my field of interest i.e. business as well as about the real world situations and
skills related to that. And in business you should have knowledge about the terminology and must posses
certain skills which will help you to reach greater heights.

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