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Module 6

Nalani Rathbone
Please list the name of each of your group members that contributed to this assignment and write/type
your answers in RED throughout this document. Please embed copies of your SPSS analysis where
1. (2 points) Research demonstrates a significant correlation between absences and final grades, r =
-.79, n = 200, p< .05. Describe what information can be derived from a Correlation Coefficient
of -.79 It is a strong positive correlation

2. (2 points) Please describe the difference between a positive and a negative correlation.

A positive correlation is when two variables move in the same direction. Negative correlation is when
two variables move in the opposite direction.

3. (2 points) Describe the pattern in this scatter plot in terms of the type and estimated strength of
the correlation represented:

A strong positive correlation

4. (2 points) Describe the pattern in this scatter plot in terms of the type and estimated strength of
the correlation represented:

Negative correlation because the points move down

5. (2 points) Describe the pattern in this scatter plot in terms of the type and estimated strength of
the correlation represented:
No relationship between the variables there is no correlation

6. (10 Points) The following data is from families who completed survey responses whereby they
reported their income in thousands (x) and what percentage of their income (y) they donated to

(Income in (% of Income
Thousands) Donated to
42 9
48 10
50 8
59 5
65 6
72 3

Using SPSS, please run a correlational analysis to determine if there is a significant correlation
between income and charitable donations. Please include the SPSS output in your answer sheet.
Furthermore, please write a results section including the following:
a. Statement of Significance
i. Statistical Evidence of Significance
b. Statement of Interpretation
i. Type (Positive or Negative) negative
ii. Strength (Strong, Moderate, or Weak) moderate
iii. Descriptive Statistics There is no huge gap of significance between points to
determine weak or strong.

7. (2 Points) What is a Chi Square Analysis and when do you use it?

A chi square test is a test used to compare observed results with the results that are expected. You use
it when you need to find the different between observed and expected data.
8. (2 points) What is the difference between a Chi Square Goodness of Fit and a Chi Square Test
for Independence?
A Chi Square Goodness of Fit is used when you have a categorical variable that you are testing the
hypothesis for. The Chi square test is used when there are not one but two categorical variables that you
test for the hypothesis.

9. (2 points) What is the difference between Observed Frequencies and Expected Frequencies?
How are they used to calculate a Chi Square?
Observed frequency is the numbers in which an even occurs in an experiment or realistically. Expected
Frequencies are the number of times an event is expected to happen but just based off of probability. You
use them to calcuate a chi square by subtracting expected frequency and observed frequency.

10. (5 points) Elon Musk is testing whether there is a preference for social media platform after his
acquisition of Twitter. The following data was gathered from a sample of 500 Social Media
Users representing the frequency of individuals who indicated a preference for that specific
media platform.
Type of Social Media Platform

Tik Tok Facebook Instagram Twitter Threads

250 50 100 50 50

Which Chi Square would be used to analyze this data and why?

A chi square goodness of fit because it is one category (social media platforms) being tested.

11. (10 Points) Please indicate which Chi Square is used for each of the following research
c. A survey included 100 students who actively played Pokeman Go. The survey wanted to
determine there were differences in the rates of Pokeman being caught in the game, or if
there was no preference between the following four characters:
i. Pikachu
ii. Charmander
iii. Squirtle
iv. Bulbusaur
d. Researchers wanted to see whether there were gender differences in the preference of
Pokeman Gyms in the local area next to the college: Chi square test for independence

Blue Red Yellow


12. (2 Points) Based on the information for Question 11a from above, what would be the expected
frequencies for the null hypothesis assuming 100 students were surveyed. Please include a
matrix filled in with the appropriate frequencies.

13. (2 Points) Based on the information for Questions 11b from above, what would be the expected
frequencies for the null hypothesis assuming 150 students were surveyed. Please include a
matrix filled in with the appropriate frequencies.
14. (5 Points) 200 students were surveyed. The survey indicated that the students would receive a
free phone for participating. The researchers were investigating phone preference among young
adults. Of the 200 students surveyed, the following phone preferences were observed:

I Phone Droid
103 97

Use the following SPSS output to write a results section for the results of the study for the Chi
Square Goodness of Fit analysis:

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