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By Winnie, Ellis, Anthony and Julian

• A consulting firm that works with
technologists to share cyber information
dedicated to serving the national interests of
the nation’s military
• In their own words, “JSOFT is a community of
digital technologists, engineers, product
managers, UX designers, acquisition experts
What is JSOFT and leaders in and out of uniform-who are
building the tools for better national security.
We come from all services and share a passion
for professional growth and collaboration
( ).”
• Project Objective: To develop a
strategy to help JSOFT the
Wentworth Consulting Group will
also help the company with its
Our Scope of company acquisition such as what
Work For they can do to get more employees
and customers , by providing
Working With insight how they can update their
information on their website, and
The Firm… how they can promote their name
out there and what they do.
Our Observation
Website Edits Acquisition and retention

The roadblocks of
clients/ volunteers

JSOFT will need

to navigate
Value Proposition
Our suggested

• Provide an accessible forum for

new and existing members of the
• Organize resources for project
• Create a website that goes
beyond surface level
• Survey volunteers and military
personal on areas of focus for
growth internally
• Action Plans
• Rebuild a website that shows
and explains what JSOFT has
to offer
• Create a new slack group with
How to go about the active members

• Include mission statement,
current research, and goals
• Provide information about your
employees with a bio
• Have pictures of people in
Website Reform military uniforms coding
• Links to your blogs and social
media (Widgets)

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