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Electricity on construction sites

Do you and your employees know the dangers of handling
electricity on construction sites?
You can significantly reduce the risk of accidents if you
ensure that electrical equipment is intact (site power
distributors, cable reels, site saws, drills, etc.) and instruct
your employees well.

The main dangers are:

• missing covers, damaged cables, bare wires • torn out protective conductors,
sawn off protective conductor pins on plugs • missing residual current protective device (FI
protection /RCD), especially in renovations
and extension buildings
• Equipment and tools that are not suitable for construction sites (moisture, moisture, rain)

This checklist will help you get such dangers under control.
It was developed in cooperation with Electrosuisse.
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1. Complete the checklist.

If you answer a question with "no" or "in part", a measure must be taken.
Write down the measures on the last one
Side. If a question does not apply to your company, simply cross it out.

2. Implement the measures.


1 Will be considered when purchasing the power hand tools Yes

aware that these are heavily used on construction sites ? partially

1 drill of protection class II with appropriate marking.

2 Are the electric hand tools specially insulated

(protection class II, marking ÿ, 2-pin, welded plug)? yes partly
(Image 1) no

3 Are machines for three-phase connection with Yes

equipped with international sockets ? partially

(Picture 2)
Since July 1, 2008, Swiss industrial plugs and sockets may no longer be
manufactured or sold. Previously installed connectors can continue to be used.

2 three-phase plugs (CEE) are red, round and 5-pin.


4 Are the electric hand tools and machines

intact? (Picture 3) yes partly
• No torn out cable entries (strain relief) • No sawn off or broken protective no
Contact Pins •
No damaged or altered plugs or sockets
• No bypassed safety devices (e.g. locking a two-hand control)

• properly functioning switches

5 Is the direction of rotation of the motor correct? Yes

If not, an expert should be consulted. no

6 Are all live parts covered? Yes

Connection terminals of machines, covers, housings of sockets, switches, etc.


Cable 3 hand drill, clean and in good condition.

7 Are the cables used intact, ie without

Damage and not "patched" with insulating tape? yes partly
• no cables lying around openly in the traffic area • no cables jammed in no
doors or windows • no objects lying around on the cables (e.g. machines,
scaffolding, pallets, bags of cement)

8 Are only suitable cables used? Yes

• As an extension, cable reels and extension cords no

use (picture 4). • H07RN-
F, H07BQ-F, CH-N07V3V3-F type flexible cables
or at least use equivalent. • Completely unroll the cable
from the cable reels for large outputs, observe the manufacturer's instructions!

9 Are there regular checks to ensure that there are no torn cables
and that the strain relief on the plugs and machine connections yes partly
are effective ?
no 4 Operate the cable reel using the mobile residual current
device (FI protection/RCD).
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site equipment

10 If the construction site equipment by a

connected to a licensed installer, has the yes partly
installation been checked and is there proof of no
safety ? (pic 5)
The proof of safety is provided by the electrical inspector
created and kept by the owner.

11 Are there enough socket distributors and are they fixed if Yes

necessary? (pic 6) partially 5 Site power distributors may only be connected

no by licensed installers.

12 Are there sufficient functioning protective devices for the

sockets used? yes partly
The protective devices include: • no
Residual current protective device (FI protection /RCD)
• Fuses (miniature circuit breaker) • Covers This also
applies in particular to refurbishments, renovations
and conversions.

13 Is it ensured that there are no bypassed protection Yes

systems ? partially 6 socket distributors with residual current

protective device (FI protection /RCD).
Eg residual current protection device, patched fuses no Check the functionality of thethe
FI work
protection (against,
dangers from environment
according to the manufacturer's instructions).
14 Is the distance to overhead lines maintained? (picture 7)
Information on distances and protective measures can be found in: yes partly
«Caution, electric shock! Use of work equipment in the vicinity of no
overhead lines»,

5.00 m


5.00 m
Organization, training, human behavior

15 Are the employees periodically briefed on the dangers of Yes

electricity and is compliance with the safety rules checked partially
by the supervisors? no

16 Are clarifications made so that the 7 The distance to overhead lines must be maintained.
Existing lines in walls and floors are not damaged yes partly
when drilling and milling ? no
Consult plans, use search devices.

17 Are all wires and cables protruding from walls and

ceilings insulated? (Picture 8) Yes No
• Insulate cut cables with shrink tubing. • Generally provide
individual wires with clamps.

18 Are licensed electricians or works electricians used for Yes 8 Insulated wires protruding from the wall.
installation and maintenance work on electrical partially
systems and machines? no It is possible that there are other hazards
related to this checklist in your company.
19 Is there a person responsible for maintenance and is this
person known to everyone? If this is the case, take the necessary additional
yes partly measures. Write them down on the last page.
Work equipment and devices must be properly maintained. no

additional Information
• Small poster “Take action before something happens”,
55178.d • Small poster “Electric shock has nothing to do with bad luck”,
55202.d • Checklist “Electric hand tools”, www.suva. ch/67092.d • “Circular
construction site saw ” checklist, • “Caution, electric shock!
Use of work equipment in the vicinity of overhead lines»,
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action planning Checklist completed by:

Electricity on construction sites Date: Signature:

No. Action to take meeting commissioned completed Remarks checked

date visa date visa

Repeat check on:

ÿ Do you have any questions? Give us a call. Electrosuisse: Tel. 044 956 11 11. Suva: Tel. 041 419 58 51,
Edition: February 2019
Suva, Health Protection, P.O. Box, 6002 Lucerne Publication number: 67081.d

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