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Struggling with writing a thesis on childhood obesity? You're not alone.

Crafting a well-researched
and coherent thesis on such a complex and pressing issue can be immensely challenging. From
gathering and analyzing data to forming a compelling argument, the process requires time,
dedication, and expertise.

Childhood obesity is a multifaceted problem with various contributing factors, including diet,
lifestyle, genetics, and socio-economic status. To effectively address this issue in a research paper,
one must delve deep into each aspect, examining its implications and exploring potential solutions.

Navigating through the vast amount of literature on childhood obesity can be overwhelming. Sorting
through conflicting studies, deciphering statistical analyses, and synthesizing information into a
cohesive narrative demand both skill and patience. Moreover, ensuring the accuracy and credibility
of sources is paramount in producing a high-quality thesis.

Beyond the research phase, structuring and writing the paper itself pose their own set of challenges.
Organizing thoughts, formulating a clear thesis statement, and maintaining coherence throughout the
document require meticulous attention to detail and strong writing skills.

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These types of foods can lead to weight gain and obesity if consumed in excess. Modern life has
seen the trend change significantly and today childhood obesity has reached pandemic levels not
only in Australia but globally. Data suggested the importance of school nurses, administrators, and
parents in supporting school-based, LSN-led obesity prevention efforts. This includes encouraging
children to be physically active, eating a balanced diet, and limiting screen time. The BMI is
calculated by dividing an individual’s weight (kg). Taking the campaign in the community, schools,
and healthcare facilities would spread the health information to a considerable population. The main
causes of childhood obesity known so far through research include lack of physical exercises and
lack of balanced diet. It is such a serious condition that some countries have declared it an epidemic
that needs to be dealt with. As stated earlier, childhood obesity is an ongoing problem that persists in
our society. Additionally, Wang and Lim (176), note that in North. Fifth, the last sentence should
summarize the points in the paragraph and present the transition to the next idea. Many children
today spend hours in front of screens, whether it be television, computer, or phone screens, and do
not get enough exercise. This research paper is going to be very important for parents and
nutritionists as they will not only get to know the impact of childhood obesity on young children but
also the ways they can use to deal with this health problem. Doctors have recently found that nearly
thirteen percent of all children suffer from this problem and that statistic seems to go up each year.
Order now Obesity is a diet-related chronic disease involving excessive body fat that increases the
risk of health problems. Obesity was one the key areas highlighted in the governments white paper
that needed reform and the plan to meet this target was that each primary trust should have a
specialist obesity service with the clients have able to access to a dietician and able to receive advice
and support on changing behaviour DoH 2004 Possible causes of Obesity. All of this can create
serious problems for the child and for our health care system. Further, obesity will increase cases of
illnesses in individuals and contribute to poor socio-. Obesity is associated with many illnesses and is
directly related to increased mortality and lower life expectancy. Cameron, Noe?l, N. G. Norgan, and
G. T. H. Ellison. Childhood obesity: contemporary issues. Children are using their leisure activities
on the computer and watching television. One of the main causes of childhood obesity is a lack of
physical activity. Increasing taxation on production of junks foods and promoting healthy habits are
some activities the government can be involved in. Psychiatry 24.3 (2012): 176-188. Academic
Search Premier. She is our managing editor and is in charge of the writing operations at Grade Bees.
Televisions, computers, and video games, which are considered to be technological necessities, have
begun to cloud the importance of exercise. Obesity not only generates internal health issues, but also
external ones that can easily be identified just by looking. Lim (176), approximately 20% of school
age-children in the European countries are overweight. The case involving the utility of the resources
available for the sake of intervening in the very early years as a way of preventing the obesity from
taking shape and allowing the society to move from a rational way. The nurses are ideally placed to
adopt a public health role and can identify health needs as they are in regular and close contact with
individual, families, communities and other health and social bodies Jack and Holt 2008. The
researcher will also meet such children who have already fallen victims to childhood obesity.
Obesity is a serious medical condition because it is a risk factor to many other conditions that were
once only found in adults, For instance, increased blood pressure, high levels of cholesterol and
diabetes. Surveys, studies, and reports that came out in the 1990s began to show shocking results of
how “socially disfranchised” children were becoming from being obese (Critser 73-74). The
document provides background information on the rising rates of childhood obesity globally and
associated health risks. The high cost of health food impinges on the ability of the low class to buy
such foods. From this attention, new research and developments are achieved. In addition, the
government should petition the food manufacturing companies to indicate the consumption patterns
on the food rich in calorie. The CDC pe rformed a study in 1994 that was described in the book Fat
Land; it showed that children who watched over four hours of television a day had higher body
mass index (body fatness) numbers than those who watched less than one hour a day. It also helps
children develop good eating habits that will help them in the future when they become older. It
affects both the low and high income earners especially in urban settings. If the fetus is exposed to
some hormones in the womb, then it becomes predisposed to obesity. Future Research Needs for
Childhood Obesity Prevention Programs 2019-02-10. Lack of Physical Activity and Exercise People
with office jobs that require them to sit in front of the computer screen all day are more likely to
become obese. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 18, 70-79. A significant
number of these children (about 35 million) live in the developing countries (Holecko, 2011). Today
children are suffering from health conditions that were once identified as adult diseases, such as type
2 diabetes, increased the level of blood cholesterol, Child Obesity and sometimes increased blood
pressure. This paper will look at the analysis of diabetes in young children, obesity, health education
strategies and communication strategies used in nursing care and control of diabetes Benjamin, 2011,
108. Water should be taken in plenty throughout the day and during meals. Retrieved from htm (This
article is a great source of information regarding childhood obesity. The changes of social practices
especially eating pattern and lifestyle within the community level describe the extent to which the
society considers the program as instrumental to their lives. Additionally, Wang and Lim (176), note
that in North. Nevertheless, childhood obesity can bring about health complications which are life-
threatening. Some schools have an official day of the week that is set aside for sporting activities.
The. Parental genes are one risk factor that seems to be a consistent. Get a custom essay written
according to your requirements. Barrow Motor Ability Test - TEST, MEASUREMENT AND
EVALUATION IN PHYSICAL EDUC. This can help change a customers decision when buying
sugared drinks or junk food at a grocery store or supermarket. The study concluded that there was a
small but consistent protective effect of breastfeeding against obesity risk in later childhood. By
addressing childhood obesity, we can help create a healthier and more successful future for our
children. American Medical Association termed it as a chronic disease.
The changes of social practices especially eating pattern and lifestyle within the community level
describe the extent to which the society considers the program as instrumental to their lives.
Childhood obesity can lead to many health and social issues which are the reasons why parents
should take the initiative to prevent their children from becoming obese. The study concluded that
there was a small but consistent protective effect of breastfeeding against obesity risk in later
childhood. Barrow Motor Ability Test - TEST, MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION IN
PHYSICAL EDUC. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Keep on browsing if you
are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. They have more trouble finding jobs, friends,
and mates. The paper 'Genetic, Social and Environmental Factors Affecting Child obesity ' looks at
the environmental and genetic risk factors that increase the chances of a child becoming obese. The
prevalence of obesity is steady and increasing at a rate that has stunned health officials. We use
cookies to create the best experience for you. Obesity is a serious medical condition because it is a
risk factor to many other conditions that were once only found in adults, For instance, increased
blood pressure, high levels of cholesterol and diabetes. Some of the options that could be utilized to
reduce the issue of childhood obesity are adding warning labels to sugared beverages and foods,
improving early education facilities, and providing education programs to children to help control
obesity. The case involving the utility of the resources available for the sake of intervening in the very
early years as a way of preventing the obesity from taking shape and allowing the society to move
from a rational way. Report this Document Download now Save Save Childhood Obesity Poster
Presentation For Later 67% (3) 67% found this document useful (3 votes) 1K views 1 page
Childhood Obesity Poster Presentation Uploaded by Abul Khayer This is a sample poster
presentation. A common risk factor is the presence of parental obese genes. Obesity increases the
skin area subject to folds, which, in turn, increases problems like heat rash and dermatitis which is
the inflammation of the skin. It is the medical condition which puts adverse impact on the health of
such children who are very fat as compared to other children of their age group. An estimated two-
thirds of school-aged children with obese are likely. Global statistics by the World Health
Organization indicate that in 2010 over 42 million children below the age of five are overweight. The
main causes of childhood obesity known so far through research include lack of physical exercises
and lack of balanced diet. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage
cookies. In addition, communities have become generally more sedentary (-ee, ?666. West Sussex:
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. (This book will provide the researcher with an understanding of latest
evidence based research on interventions to improve children’s well-being)Methodology Personal
interviews and questionnaires with parents and children will be conducted. We use cookies to create
the best experience for you. The consumption of large quantities of junk food may likewise
contribute to the development of obesity because most of the junk food always contains a large
scope of calories and cholesterol Scherer, 2011. Every day more children are getting diagnosed with
obesity, and some as young as 4 years old. This includes encouraging children to be physically active,
eating a balanced diet, and limiting screen time. Each of these topics is wide enough to write a long
paper, either an essay or a research paper. A study done by the Centers of Disease Control showed
that since 1980, one third of our adult population has become overweight. Surveys, studies, and
reports that came out in the 1990s began to show shocking results of how “socially disfranchised”
children were becoming from being obese (Critser 73-74).

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